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Bolshevik Leninists of reya new war.
as PASE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1932 Declaration of the (Left Opposition of the Comintern)
mature des day. The colors thon danger have to the World Anti War Congress at Amsterdam the participantes of the civil war, the intexible rex: been bared in irrefutable fashion by Marxism.
For a long time now, the productive forces of huthe dictatorship of the proletariat and the world revmanity have grown beyond the limits of private pro paratus, it will always be able to drive the people to can program is also dictated therein by the particular olution, against imperialist war, they want to fight States. The salvation of humanity lies in a socialist sessing classes never cede power without a struggle. all. War is not a game yhich is conducted according and they will fight with an energy incomparably greateconomy based on an international division of labor. Look at Germany. When the fundamental interests to conventional rules. War demands and creates all numerous Stalinist bureaucrats.
proletariat has not fulfilled its revolutionary task. cedes its place to open violence. The overthrow of greatest amount of success. Petty bourgeois pacifism The years of the furious campaigns of slander, of The world war of 1914 1918 was its retribution. The the bourgeoisie is possible only with guns in hand. That which sees in the project for ten percent, thirty three the most cruel persecution and violence against the democratic champions of peaceful development. the is to say: to imperialist war there can only be opposed percent, or fifty percent disarmament the first step Russian Bolshevik Leninists have been and will remain opponents of the revolutionary methods bear the di. civil war.
rect responsibility for the dozens of millions of dead We Bolshevik Leninists absolutely reject and de all the explosives and all the asphyxiating gases, be confirmation of the criticism exercised by them, of the and wounded incurred by the imperialist slaughter.
nounce the deceptive differentiation between a defen cause Melinite and Yperite can only do their work perspectives outlined by them and of the policies Through the action of Stalin, that the imperialist world has learned nothing and the capitalist states such a differentiation represents by the pacifist fumes.
The fifteen years that have passed since, have proved sive and an offensive war. In the armed struggle of because the broad masses are poisoned in peace time proposed by them.
with the blessings of humanists a la. Barbusse, Lenin most trusted companion in arms of the Red forgotten nothing. Its internal contradictions have only a diplomatic screen with which to deceive the Who Has the Weapons?
October is confined to Fascist Turkey, laid open to the been further sharpened. The present crisis has remasses. In reality it to happens that the capitalist vealed a frightful picture of the social disintegration brigands always conduct a defensive war, even when Without the slightest confidence in the capitalist Stalinist bureaucracy maintains in the face of the murderous plans of the White Guards. While the of capitalist civilization, with its clear symptoms of Japan marches against Shanghai and France against programs for disarmament or for the limitations of fateful events and the gigantic tasks, an embarrassed developing gangrene. The salvation of humanity is Syria or Morocco. The revolutionary proletariat only armaments, the revolutionary proletariat poses one silence. there is ringing forth from Prinkipo and possible only through the surgical action of the pro distinguishes between wars of oppression and wars of single question: In whose hands are the weapons! All Barnoul the voice of the genuine champion letarian revolution.
fined not by diplomatic falsifications but by the class identically directed against the working classes, voice of Ch. Rakovsky. In this hour of approachCapitalism in Blind Alley which conducts the war and by the objective aims for against the weak nations, against socialism, against The ruling classes are turning and twisting about which it proceeds with it. The wars of the imperial humanity. On the other hand, weapons in the hands ing decisions, this alone must be demand. Return to in the straits of this hopeless situation. Their finan ist states are independently of the external pretextes of the proletariat and of the oppressed nations are the ary leadership. Bring back Trotsky to the Soviet cial difficulties and their fear of the masses of the and of political rhetoric of an oppressive character, only means of sweeping our planet clean of oppres Union! Bring back Rakovsky from the Siberian people prevent them from seeking a solution in the reactionary and hostile to the people. The character sion and of war.
exile! Put them and the thousands of Bolsheviklimitation of armaments. On the other hand, by of a war of emancipation cannot be anything else but The struggle for the self determination of nations, Leninists at their revolutionary battle posts!
raising the tariff walls ever higher, by restricting im that of the wars of the proletariat and of the op for all peoples, that is to say, for all parts of humanThe policy of the united front in the struggle ket, deepening the crisis, making more acute the na ed after its victory into a revolutionary war of the gle against war. Whoever supports directly or ports, the rulers are further strangling the world mar. Letariat against its oppressors is inevitably transform ence is one of the most important parts of the strug ugainst war demands special attention and revoluformist parties who are today, just as yesterday, op proletariat state for the reinforcement and the exten: directly the régime of colonization and of protector must propose openly, without these doubtful interposed to the revolutionary solution along the road osion of its victory. The policy of socialism is not ates, the domination of British capital in India, the mediaries, to all the working class organizations to socialism, are once more taking upon themselves the and cannot be of a purely defensive character. It domination of Japan in Korea or in Manchuria, of coordinate their efforts in the struggle against war.
For their part the Bolshevik Leninists propose the whole weight of the responsibinty for the misery of is the task of socialism to conquer the entire world. France in Indo China or in Africa, whoever does not following points on the basis of which struggle agree the crisis as well as for the approaching horrors of fight against colonial enslavement, whoever does not Pacifism. Poison for Masses support the uprisings of the oppressed nations and ments are possible, at the same time maintaining a Only in Czarist Russia power was wrested away Therefrom we deduce our position with regard to their independence, whoever defends or idealizes complete guarantee of the independence of the organifrom the hands of the bourgeoisie. Due to its revolu all forms of pacifism, purely imperialist pacifism Ghandism, that is to say, the policy of passive rezations and of their banners.
well as petty sistance in questions which cannot be solved except by was able, for the first time in world history, to show bourgeois pacifism (Rolland Barbusse and their par force of arms is, no matter what his intentions may concretely what inexhaustible possibilities are con tisans in all parts of the world. The essence of paci be, a lackey and an apologist or agent of the imper We Propose: tained in the régime of the proletarian dictatorshipfism lies in this, that in a hypocritical or in a sincere inlists, of the slave holders, of the militarists, and aids Renunciation of all hopes in the League of Naand of planned economy. The gigantie economic and manner, it condemns the use of force in general. By themes, preparing new wars in the name of the old tions as well as other pacifist illusione cultural achievements of a backward country trans weakening the will power of the oppressed, it serves at chains or the new.
formed into the country of the workers and the pea the same time the cause of the oppressors. Idealist The principal force against war is the proletariat. Denunciation of the capitalist disarmament sants show where the real road to salvation leads for pacifism opposes its moral indignation against war as It is only through its example and under its leader programs, which serve to dupe the peoples.
the lamb opposes its plaintive bleating before the ship that the peasants and the other plebeian layers of Refusal of all votes for military budgets and We are now awaiting from the Soviet government butcher knife. But the task consists of this: of the nation can rise up against war. Within the pro drafts to the capitalist governments not a man, not the completion of the second five year plan by a plan opposing the knife of the bourgeoisic with the knife letariat two parties are struggling for influence the cent.
of a broad economic collaboration with the advanced of the proletariat.
Communist Party and the social democracy. The incapitalist countries and the development of the gigtermediate groups (The in Germany, the Exposure of the humbug of national defense. The most influential pacifist force antic perspectives of human power before the masses democracy. In a period of peace it is not niggardly expect to rise an inded pendent historical role. In pressing and dividing the more feeble nations.
the social in France, the in England, etc. cannot because the capitalist nation defends itself by op languishing under the yoke of the crisis and of un with cheap tirades against war. But it remains on the question of war, which is the other side of the employment. No matter what practical, immediate the ground of national defense. This decides the question of the proletarian revolution, the irreconcil u. on the basis of a broadly laid out program 5: campaign for economic collaboration with the results such a plan would have, its power of attracting question. Every war no matter in what manner itable opposition between Communism and social pain the elaboration and realization of which mass orto socialism would be immense for millions and millions may begin, menaces each of the warfaring nations, triotism will reach its extreme acuteness.
of proletarian minds.
The imperialists know in advance that the pacifism of ganizations of the working class are to be drawn into Soviet Union in Danger the social democracy will at the first roar of cannon Capitulates to Pacifists participation.
be transformed into a most servile war patriotism and Whoever attempts to put all the programs, all the perialist intrigues against the first and only work6. Continual and systemaite exposure of the imThe present social régime in the land of Soviets is, become the most important reserve of militarism.
to be sure, still a long ways off from socialism. But That is why the most intransigeant struggle against parties, all the flags into one bag in the name of ers state.
its incommensurable significance lies in the fact that pacifism, the unmasking of its treacherous character, pacifism, that is, of the superficial struggle against it is started on the road toward socialism. It will all is the very first step on the road toward a revolution war, in words, renders the best service to imperial Agitation against war in the war factories, the more surely and quickly go over to socialism the ary struggle against war.
ism. In the question of war, no less than in all the among the soldiers and sailors. Preparation of revsooner the proletariats of the advanced countries The League of Nations is the citadel of imperialist other questions, the Communist Party must seek to olutionary points of support in the war industries, in seize the power from the hands of the bourgeoisie and pacifism. It represents a transitory historical groupfree the working masses from the disintegrating and the army and in the navy.
create the definitive premises of a new society, one that ing of capitalist states in which the stronger ones demoralizing influence or reformism. The training of the Red Army not only in the can only be achieved on an international basis. command and buy out the weaker, crawl on their bellMonde, the organ of Barbusse, Gorky and the other spirit of a courageous defense of the socialist fatherThe danger of world war is a danger to the very ies before America or attempt to resist her; in which organizers of the Anti War Congress, is pursuing a land but also in the spirit of constant readiness to existence of the first workers and peasants state. all are equally enemies of the Soviet Union and pre systematic agitation for the fusion of the Communist come to the aid of the proletarian revolution in the No matter what the causes will be, no matter in what pared at the same time to cover up any and every and the Second Internationals. For a struggle against other countries and of the uprisings of the oppressed states the war will break out, in its ulterior develop crime of the most powerful and the most rapacious war, Barbusse addresses himself in the same manner peoples.
ment it will inevitably turn against the among them. To consider the League of Nations to Lenin as to Vandervelde. That is merely falsifyThe world and the European bourgeoisie will not leave directly or indirectly, today or in the future, as an in ing Lenin and rehabilitating Vandervelde. We reject the entire world in the spirit of the greatest devotion Systematic education of the laboring masses of the scene without attempting a transfusion of blood strument of peace this only the politically blind are the policy of Barbusse and his followers and we con to the first proletarian state. Despite the indubitable from the arteries of the young workers state into capable of, only those who are altogether helpless or demn it as the most dangerous political poisoning. We mistakes in the policy of the present ruling faction, those of agonizing imperialism.
the avowed poisoners of the conscience of the people. consider as a serious mistake of the Communist Inter; the remains the genuine fatherland of national and of the Red Trade Union International the international proletariat. Its defense is the unThe past year alone has showed precisely how the flames of war lunge at the frontiers of the Soviet Un Disarmament. a Lever for War their leaving the initiative for the call of the con Alinching duty of every honest worker.
ion simultaneously from the Far East and from the ference to the unprincipled and impotent pacifists.
closer West. At the same time strangling the indeThe question of this pretended disarmament has We consider the non entrance of the into 10. Indefatigable explanation to the workers of the pendence of China, Japan constructs in Manchuria nothing and can have nothing in common with the the League of Nations as altogether correct, prac entire world that a socialist society can be established antagonism between Japan and the United States can armament only signifies an attempt up to the pre more, therefore, the fact that the Soviet Union has port of the lies in the extension of the pronot hold back the militarists of Tokio, for in a future sent only on paper to diminish in peace time the ex covered with its authority the Kellogg pact, which is letarian world revolution.
war against the Soviets they will consider themselves pense of this or that sort of disarmament. It is above complete humbug and whose role it is to justify in advance, as the very vanguard of world imperialism alla question of military technique and of the im only such wars as correspond to the American interOn the other hand, the coup Etat carried out by the laboratories and finally, what is more important, we also consider as erroneous the tendency of soForeign Representation of the Russian Left Opposition (Bolshevik Leninists)
road for the Fascist régime in Germany hut also opena capitalist industry as a whole preserve their force Left Opposition of the (B. up the perspective of a struggle for life or death be in all the disarmament programs. But men do not yiet diplomacy to embellish the policy of American On the contrary they imperialism and particularly its initiative in the quesLeft Opposition (B. of Greece tween Fascist Germany and the Soviet Union. Big fight because they have arms.
events are approaching for Europe and for the entire forge to fight. In case of war all the peace limitation of disarmament. We recognize fully the importtions will fall aside like so much chall. Already inance for the of normal economic and dip Communist Left of Spain world.
But this aim The struggle against war significs under these con 1914 1918 the states did not fight any more with the lomatic relations with the Communist League (Opp. France ditions the struggle to save the lives of dozens of mil armaments which they had provided for themselves in cannot be achieved by verbal capitulations before the Communist League of America (Opp. lions of workers and peasants belonging to the new peace time, but with those which they manufactured maneuvers of American imperialism, the strongest generation which has grown up since the great slaugh during the war. It is not the existing arsenals but and most rapacious of all. We are awaiting from Communist Left Opposition of Belgium thought, to save the first workers state and the whole decisive. For the United States a limitation of arme question of the war danger and the struggle against it.
Left Opp. of Czechoslovakia future of humanity.
Left Opp. Group of the because it allows it to manifest all the more decisively The less Soviet diplomacy adapts itself to the maneuClarity on War Donger its industrial domination in time of war. The Gervers of the imperialists in this burning question, the Left Opp. of the Swiss man bourgeoisie tends toward a reduction of armaments closely they will allign themselves with the more courageously it raises its own voice, the more All the greater, therefore, is the task and all the so as to equalize the handicap in case of a new bloody the more surely they will defend it against the rising Bulgarian Left Opposition Left Opp. of Italy (N. danger.
tion. To condemn war is very easy, to conquer it is the same meaning as naval parity with France has for difficult. The struggle against war is struggle Italy. Of what value all these plans will really be Free the Bolshevik Leninists!
against the classes which rule society and which com depends upon the combination of imperialist forces, bine in their hands all its productive forces and all the state of the budgets, the international financial set At the same time we consider it our task to declare its destructive weapons. By meetings, by resolutions, tlements, etc. The question of disarmament is one of here openly: Now, in the face of the terrible danger Rush Funds by moral indignation, by newspaper articles and by the levers on the arena of imperialism in which the that is drawing close, it is necessary to finally repair congresses it is not possible to prevent war. As long new wars are being prepared. It is pure charlatanism the crimes of the Stalinist bureaucracy against the Help Publish the Declaration a Pamphlet as the bourgeoisie will have at its disposal the banks, to attempt to distinguish between defensive and of revolution and Communism; it is necessary to free the the enterprises, the land, the press and the state ap fensive machine guns, tanks, airplanes. The Ameri thousands of Bolshevik Leninists, the organizers of more nec