AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE Miners Reply to Terror The Daily Worker and. Hoover Cities An PICNIC With Increased Militancy American Idyll of 1932 Lovestonites Play of 21. An for though the members of the the Miners Strike Sunday, September 11th at The official Communist party, due to Tibbetts Brook Park, Plot (Continued from page movement of Illinois is a broad united the criminally false policies which its Every industrial city in the United sign over the huts with this legend. Take Woodlawn Jerome bitter and bloody struggles. John front of all militant train to last stop. Street cars and progressive leadership has attempted to folst upon States today has its Hooverville. HOOVER CITY. The local bourgeoiste Lewis, in cahoots with all the forces of forces. Rank and File members of the Illinols miners over a period of time. Patriotic citizens consider them blights considered this a dangerous affront to or us to park.
reaction, was about to complete his life Communist League of America (Opposltoday finds itself practically isolated and attempt to disperse them or to cover their rule. And rightly They swoop SPECIAL: long ambition the shackling of militant tion. Socialist Labor Party. from the strike movement. To make up them up. In each city, provided you looked down on them with a threat that OPEX IIR BANQUET unionism (in care of rain we will hold But the Illinois miners have hurled independent groups have united with us sort to the vilest, insinuations and slan sou will find them under bridges, they would be driven or even this proon vacant dum, near garbage plants. perty, and they demonstratively de banqueat St EN 10th St. back in the teeth of the iron heel that for the common cause of fighting the der against such sterling militants hendIn St. Louis, for example, there are stroyed the sign.
they will take their union in their own inmediate struggle before us. The offi ing this gigantic scrap as Gerry Allard, several under the great Mississippi span.
hands and rebuild it nationally.
clal Communist party is the only organi throwing in other leaders of this splen. In Chicago, they are scattered, usually II.
The twenty nine demands that we prezation that thus far has attacked our ud movement for good measure. Exam on condemned city property: Akron and The Steel industry is shot to hell.
sented to the coat operators as a basta calership and the movement. We apple 1: the Daily Worker of August 19: Cleveland have theirs on the outskirts: Never operating at more than 85 of for a new contract were fatly turned peal to the party members to change this There aobut 8, 000 working in the Minneapolis on the river cliffs. And capacity at the peak of prosperity, it down by our officials. They answer oue false course and fall in line with this whole state, mainly in Taylorville, West so on.
now functions at 10 or less. In Youngsfrom us the meage rights that we work erators and their agents. We pread for weave orta kataster andere mense omo Linster: enerowy albe sta setmana de condensations et les house His het oma puble, con Lackies in Doll Strike ed under prior to the beginning of the their solidarity at a time when our men City are the home towns of Gerry Allard, prising that social workers and lackeyssisting of two blast and 12 open hearth strike. We demanded the hour day, are being shot down, hounded and Jalled the Trotskyite, and the Musteite leaders of bly business studiously avoid this as furnaces, closed down completely in The Doll and Tay Workers Union have our leaders sign a contract permitting Basis of the Battle Ansbury and Jack Allen. Yes, the pect of human degradation. For that April. Carnegle steel has been working called a strike. About one third of the the operators to work twelve. We de.
manded a 00e raise, our leaders cut our the coal operators on this basis: We have centered our struggle against citadel of world Imperialism, Wall St. renson serious students of American two to four days a week since 1920 and workers in New York, the center of the is located in Wall St. the home town of conditions should analyse this phenocloxed down June 24th for good. Only Industry, have answered the call. They wages 18 to 35 per cent. Lewis says We mand the six hour day and of the Fosters and Bowders and all the menon from the standpoint of a deceased the Republic Steel seems to be able to are fighting for a 35 inerease in pay as consolation to the mine waste earn five day week.
other raving Amters.
eruption on the surface of capitalist eke out one or two days a week, and a 44 hour weck recognition of the union ere: am astounded that under the Equalization of all work.
economy that only in some departments. Others and other important union demands.
present conditions the conl operators can Example the Daily Worker of Aug. No discrimination on account The Nile of On first ob ervation, they appear to be are closed down completely.
epends upon such high wages.
alker re echos: age or youth.
count of the Benld mass meet glorified jungles. spots every town in Less than of the workers in the the extension of the strike, upon mass One dollar now will buy more than any No reduction in pay.
time he the war, and besides Illinois the Musteite Ansbury and the country has them where migratory entire steel industry are now employed. Picketing. In order to close all the factorthe Trotskylte Gerry Allard were sharp workers hide improvised cooking equip These still working part time have been is now when the busy season starts. Abolition of the docking clause.
produces the best corn in the world. The More air in the mines.
best of foods are made from corn. The shy brought before the meeting Instead ly different purpose and mood. The jan on May 15 of this yeur As it that were the Intxix. To win the strike we must miners should not fear hunger.
This cynicism is almost openly telling rank and White Torders. The old licadere. Allard, an expelled Communist Party to: here, however, you find the hageard. system assuntis every day envelope. These section of the fudustry and bring these The operators are to deal with the the Rank and File Opposition program ale spirit is carefree, transient, on the not enough, the vicious deductionsrat obtain a shutdown in the decisive the miners that they ought to take a are no longer our representatives.
member then demagogically attacked despairing pwychology of men driven to are taken out of the workers wages workers into the uniou. At this stage greater wage cut than what the operators No victimization have agreed to. Walker statement is as miners that have then fined for their liars. They know only too well Hershy as a Communist. These Stalin the Inst extreme, their spirits at the without his consent. First, Life Insur of the struggle the members must see All militant ist seriveners know that they are brazen breaking point.
ance (only for period of employment, on that the union ends le time ne cotigood as telling the miner of Illinois tonion activities to be reinstated to their fighting qualities, the abilities as a leadthel build stalls. And even horses die from jobs.
What Capitalism has in store for us the group hasts) then, Community ating and running after individual bosseating too much corn. These are the we have indicated our officials on five in this as well as in previous battles really like to see a er and the actual leadership of Allard If the readers of The Militant would Chest make the workers pay their own and more time to close all the facwords of wisdom and consolation we get baste counts and repudiate them, bar which have earned for this young mill Hooverville. if they are not already in manently laid off. It is therefore not typical American damn relief. then, Unemployment Retories with mass picketing.
Lief (which means nothing to those per Kowtew to. Fakers Prevent from our official staff, while they reaping them from office forever for from 15, 000 to 25, 000 salaries Left from Speaking per Refusing to comply with the major the thousands of Illinois coal miners, in the heart of America steel industry ommon to see y envelopes of moel tant the deep respect and confidence of one let them go down to Youngstown, The annum.
ity decision of the membership Fakery of the Leaders Diserimination against foreign ing the proper answer to the Stalinist municipal incinerator plant, they The miyers of Mlinois are already giv There, on the or acres behind the and helice for the week. This will serve the officials are hugotiating with the.
thul to indicate how near to Hoover City Within the nince there are many The constitution of the United Mine born miners.
Workers of America and the convention Use gangsters and all agencies slanders in their splendid night in their see in brutal outline, the squnlor and even the employed workers aro.
It would seem as though there is ab. class conscious workers and some Love toutes such as lonen und Kavitch who decisions call for a referendum vote on of the law against members of our union sterling solidarity with Allard and the destitution resulting from the capitalist solutely no way of housing these unemothers.
mode of production. Here is a picture ſployed worekrs except in lines, hare influence on the picket crates and the part of the membership to decide the Robbing tally wheets of referendum of what capitalism has in store for us alth.
Opposition have acceptance or rejection of the tentative vote.
It would seem as when we are no longer necessary been lighting to extend the strike proposals. This has never been carried. Openly allying themselves with IN OUR NEXT ISSUE profit making.
housing problem is insoluble. still there The strike meetings are well attended are more empty houses and buildings and have leen addressed by Tresca from out by the mistaders within our union. the conl operators and violating the onth Two New Articles by Leon Trotsky: Upward of 1000 shacks, huts or shelters in Youngstown today than there have the anarchists, Thomas from the socialThe first referendum rejected the wage of obligation and the constitution of the Alllantee or Struggle Between hastily constructed from radio contain ever been in its entire history. Thoseisty, and Gitlow from the Lovestoneites cut and all the other inhuman impost United Mine Workers of America.
tions by an overwhelming majority of Miners and workers of America! We Social Democracy and Fascism?
ers, boxes, crates, ete, some just large that are occupied hardly yield rent. who was introduced as a Labor Lead15. 000 votes. The returns enough for a man to crawl into out of Large sections of the population have the second ask for your solidarity in our fight. We Bourgeoisie, Petty Bourgeoisie the weather, some buried in holes in the simple ceased paying rent. Landlords and officials of the union were in favor er. Moghers of the picket committee referendum were stolen by Ilughes, vice ask you not to do the same thing as was and Proletariat.
ground on property that has for years encourage the better class of tenants to of having Ilugo Oehler from the Compresident of the district organization at done in the Mooney case, when Tom ask Both highly actuel, denling with been the dumping ground of filth, are remain or to move in on the prospect munist League of America speak to the the lustigation of Walker and Lewis ed all progressive fighting labor organi latest development in Germany. the homes of several hundred men, who, of future rent or at least to protect the trikers, but when Ravitch and other Lewis and Walker then proclaimed a zations to close their ranks in the fight state of emergency and declared that for his release. We are fighting a strug Aly Fallen Comrade Joe Colbert, by a contract had been signed by them with gle for the entire American working Gerry Allard, tribute to a Fel in the steel mills and coal mines of Ohio Ang and fixtures. Most of the buildings Lorestoncitos found this out they obthe coal operators association. copy class. Some of our comrades have al low Fighter by one of the revolutionary leaders of the striking thrown on the garbage heap to starve, ers, who can take care of their pro Lovestoneltes betlere it is alright now literally have fallen into the hands of the bank. vent Ochter from getting the floor. The of the contract has never been given to ready fullen, more will fall. But no for the membership for their consideration.
prison hans, no terrorism, no gunman or to claw over the miserable refuse perts themselves. Only under capitalism socialists and anarchists to speak but Illinois miners.
Lessons of the Furriers Strike. collected each morning by the City Sanl is the housing problem insoluble.
Reports leak out from the circle of the bullets will stop the miners on their ontary Department. You will not believe in the poorer sections, evictions go on not for the Left Opposition fakers and operators that the new con ward march to reliabilitation to success o 000000 it till you see it to victory.
tract calls for the operators to check off Restaurant customs apace. Gas and electricity are promptlyAfter we were refused the floor. Marks make the choicest morsels. The alterna shut off. City water was cut off to and practically took charge. He in of the. of Lwpoke for affiliation With your solidarity with your coldnes and assessments and to send them REVOLUTIONARY direct to Lewis at the International with your undaunted determination we lective intelligence and understanding.
tive is the notorious oup line. The 4, 000 families in the middle of June, formel strikers that the sub contractors LESSONS men prefer to mull over garbage than to of the 50, 000 workers in the city of carry cards and are members headquarters! Pit Committeeman will inevitably march forward to the expose themselves to the miserable soup Youngstown, approximately 12. 000 are of the union. He spoke tercely against cannot be elected by the local union on final victory that will place the control By Lenin It is almost imposible to beg food in on the relief list and these have been of the Commumists. The Lovestoneltes did les his candicacy is endorsed by John Lewis! Other enslaving clauses are hands of the tollers of the world.
of production and distribution in the Youngstown because of the large num fically warned by the city fathers that not take the floor and oppose his line.
Containing Lenin famous APRIL bers of the hungry.
contained in the contract, the member THESIS with which, in comrade Trot ship is flatly refused the right to have Come to our defense and nid quickly! sky phrase, the Bolshevik party was number of these men.
The writer personally Interviewed a will these workers be cast into Hoover. They were content to serve to keep Coma copy of the contract until they return It was easy to City. Can the bankers, bloated with the knew that Narks of the was GERMINAL rearmed: the Thesis submitted by Lenin see that they are not of the hobo type, wealth, see the handwriting on the wall, on hand. For this capitulation the Loveto work!
to the First Congress of the Comintern Their calloused hands and powerful the spectre of Communismembracing stoneiter were later rewarded tog Marka These oppressive measures coupled READ THE MILITANT at Moscow. March 26, 1919, under the frames are not characteristic of the lum these destitute workers? Will they not with a curt Shut ty the reward of with the many years of unemployment, THE MILITANT will carry week by title, BOURGEOIS DEMOCRACY AND penproletariat. hey are men who have understand that this misery marks the part time work and a terrifie speed up! week asurare fighting against the LETARIAT; LESSON ON TACTICS: in the steel mills, in the coal mines, in system?
of the great struggle the THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROpen 10. 20 and 30 years or their lives decay of capitalism an the end of their lackeys.
system, have left the miners of Illinois Illinois with but one thing to do and that is terror and oppression of the coal operand other short pieces. Paper cover the rubber mills of Akron and on the The Creed to FIGHT! And they are fighting nowators and their agents.
82 pages: Limited number on hand.
Capitalism Great Lakes trattle. They are men who agaiust the greatest combine that has From the front, the Left Oppositionists Prlee 25 Cents (no discount)
have learned the industry from the bot. selfish, too stupid. Engels has magnitie think not. As a class they are too ever openly come ont against them. They will write as they fight. Besides the have turned the battle from almost com events week by week, healthy analytical Order at once from tom. They know steel, how it is made. ently described their attitude in his how coal is mined. all about rubber. Conditions of the Working Class In Eng.
Anti War Meet plete demoralization into victory that in diversion and the correct Leninist course PIONEER PUBLISHERS railroads, shipping. Step by step the land in 1841. He says: have never seen spires the miners and workers of Amer. will be brought forcefully to all mili 84 East 10th Street, ruthless Plutoeracy of Steel has crushed a class so deeply demoralized, so ineur.
ica to surge forward to militant action. tants who read our official organ.
them with the brutal club of starvation ably debased by selfishness, so corroded The present rank and file opposition SUBSCRIBE TODAY!
New York, and exposure. Recently they built within, so incapable of progress, as the On August 17, the Communist League SAS English bourgeoiste. For it nothing or America hield Anti War meeting exists in the world, except for the ske, at the Nilly veant casino where the de1 of money, Itself not excluded. It knows legates from the New York Anti War no bliss wave that of rapid cuin, no pali Congr Nike to a pucked hall of over We publish below suppressed Stalinist document, it is the resolution that was by the Stalinist henchmen to the Lenin hideous, opportunist face.
So this is the view that was opposed the latt opumsition to cover up their own that views expressed within this resoluut velit alitos ing, gostEn the presence workers. Many hurts members passed by the New York Anti War con est views of the left Oppisition.
tion and the Leutuist views of our re possible for a single human sentiment or of the left Optsition. The speakers Our The resolution printed below has never solution The Militant of August 18, opinion to remain untainted. It is presented the sition of Landuism and Temple. This is the resolution Olgin, cammaten for a Marxian struggle against appeared in print before. The Daily 1922. Decide between the petty bour utterly indifferent to the Markor, Brodsky and the other stalinist war hos struck the stalinist regime to its Worker does not dare publish: The Boots methods of the Stalinist bureau whether his workingmen starve or not, the client rezolution the Stalinite apinist resolution of the left opposition come frightened. That is why they are their views. lefore the onslaught of our Bolshevik Lewinists. Demand an account tons of life are measured by money, and Anantalyxis of the world condidelegates, which they helped to defeat.
suppressing their own wretched, pacifist Leninist criticism!
of the Daily Worker, demand an expul. what brings no money is nonsense, tions, how the commun munt Aight Communist workers! Rend this docu sion of the Centrist leadership of the of practteal, idealistie boli.
This shameful pacient document, en revolution, that is why they are initiatHence, poli against war and how the workers can tical Economy, the Science of Wealth, is defend the Moviet Union was presented.
tirely imbued with the spirit of Holland, Hg a campaign of physical terror against ment carefully. Judge between the pact ficial Communist party.
Barbe, Arthur Garfield the favorite study of these bartering It can be all with fear of conother petty bourgeoises and the Jews. The relation of the manufacturer tradition that this meaning has been of the Soviet Unton enjoyed the official support Resolution Submitted by the American Comm. for the World Congress against War: his operatives has nothing human in only Anti War meeting held in New of representatives of arty of the Congress War is no longer merely a threat. states are armed to the teeth. War bud All this will be done under some new fection in a wholly ungoverned anarchic around the World Anti War Nowhere to the Stalinist resolution to rodny war is raging in the far East. sets are mounting sky high. While 40 battlecry. ne false as the least one. To society where each might exploit the that presented the Marxian position on the capitalist class character of imper. Japanese imperialism has invaded China, 010, 000 workers are enemployed and make the world sate for democracy. other to his heart content. Sinee, howerialin Wars and Civil Wars. The ialist war stigmatized, nowhere is any has slaughtered thottsands of helpless starring in Europe and America while again we will be called upon to proever, the bourgeoisie cannot dispense with series of weing held throughout Disdistinction drawn between revolutionary women, children and old people and most other industries are at a standstil, duce, load and ship munitions, to fight in government, but must have it to hold the trut Two of the party, primarily by wars of enunciation and the capitalist forced its government on Manchuria in munition factories are increasing their defense of the profits of the rich, to be equally indispensable proletariat in check, auxiliary mixations and the wars of oppression. The approach to the order to make this a jumping off place production schedules and rapidly reach slaughtered in order that a few profit it turns the power of government against were a igree to the communist movewar question is thoroughly petty bour for a war against the a war which ing their full capacity. World Imperial cers and bankers may increase their in the proletariat and keeps out of its way ment. All of these Stalinite meetings, geois humanitarian, has nothing whatever cannot be confined to the Far East, that ism, thru its statesmen, profiteers and gotten gains, as far as possible.
decented with liberal presented the line to do with the Marxist class struggle in. will inevitably lead to a world war. politicians, is offering another war as a Answering the call of Romain Rolland are identical the world over, and this document published in this line of The The class interests of the bourgeoiste ax ontlined in the suppresud Stalinite terpretation of war.
In the last World War workers and way ont of the present economic crisis. and the American Committee for Nowhere is the approach to the war farmers were sent to the battlefields to in the next year the wholesale slaugh. World Congress against war, be it description is particularly applicable to militant. In contrast to this pacifist line danger made from the angle of the class slaughter and be slaughtered. They ter will not be contined to the men at the American ruling class. One can find our nweting bold to the line of the BolRESOLVED, that this Anti War Con no better characterization of the Capl shevik Leninist resolution.
struggle from the point of view of the were told they must fight to make the the front. Entire civilian populations ference, representing meeting in sesston talist atitude towards relle and charity. period of questions followed the meetrevolutionary working class.
the approach is to all sincere anti war took twelve million lives and left will be wiped out by poison gases andd nt Lalor Temple, on August 8th, than the following remarks of Engels in Inx, enabling the senkers to elaborate Instead, world see for democracy. This war 22 disease germs spread over whole cities 1932, declares its whole hearted support the same book: force the approach of the impotent million wounded on the Marxist pasition on War. One and permanently by death dealing planes.
of the World Congress Against War. Bel Philanthropie institutions, forsooth: worker who was a delegate to the AntiMeitlsts, of The Nation of the New maimed.
it further The Leagne of Nations and the Kel As though you rendered the proletarians War Conference was allowed the floor Nowhere does it take up the burning logo Pact, which are supposed to peace THE MILITANT RESOLVED, that we urge the World a servlee, first sucking out their very life to defend the Stalinite position. It is ably settle disputes between the Nations, Batered 10 second clan mall matter Congress to adopt a program of action blood and then practising your self con unfortunate that the meeting did not have WAT danger of the moment the threatyrored in practice to be the smokescreen November 28. 1928, at the Post Once that will unite all sincere anti war placent, Pharisaie philanthropy upon more such workers to defend of Fascism in Germany.
Under the act of forces in the struggle against the grow them, placing yourselves before the world stalinite line, because this worker ag Nowhere is there a bold enunciation of tack on the Chinese behind which Japanese imperialist at Now York, Margb 3, 1870.
ing war threat on Soviet Russia. it as mighty benefactors of humanity when well as the andience left the meeting our own concrete task the fight against being carried on. This same eople was further peace Published weekly by the Communsdat you give back to the plundered victims with a new understanding of the position American Imperialism.
body turned down the proposal of the Langao of America (Opposition) RESOLNED, that we call on the the hundredth part of what belongs to of the Left opposition.
Nowhere is the proletarian anti war Soviet Goverument for complete disarm at 84 East 10th St. entire working class to halt the manu them!
slogan of Lenin. Turn Imperialist Warament of nations, the only sincere peace EDITORIAL BOARD cacture and transport of war munitions. CARL COWL.
ATTENTION. into Civil en given mention! proposal to be offered by any govern. Martin Abern James Cannen against the Chinese pwople and the soInstead, the Maurice Specto resolution. Cansent. Not only this, but practically an Mux Shachtman viet Union. Be it further READ THE DECLARATION OF THE Entertainment and Dance wering the call of Romain Rolland to the member nations of the League of Arne Swabeck RESOLVED, that we call upon BOLSHEVIK LENINISTS (LEFT OP Given by the all peoples (sle) and all classes. Nations, as well as the are today Saturday, AUGUST 27, 1932 organizations to intensify their auti war SI ARTACIN YOUTH CLUB declares its whole hearted support of shipping munitions, gas bombs, and Vol. No. 35 (Whole No. 131) activities, to give full publicity to the POSITION OF THE COMINTERN) TO Saturday, September 3rd, at the Rolland Barbusse congress with all chemicals to arm Japan in its war on Suhacription rate: 12. 00 per year: for work of the World Congress, and send THE WORLD ANTI WAR CONGRESS their vagueness, with all their pacifist China.
eln 00. Pre conta per copy. resolutions of support Past 10th Street.
and greetings illusions, with all their confusionist aims. The great powers and their bunda ten, ta rar con thereto.
AT AMSTERDAM ON PAGE FOUR. Refreshments. Admission 25e Our Successful In New York SUPPRESSED STALINIST DOCUMENT EXPOSED at the the Republic the Vassal