BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniOpportunismReform PartySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE 1 AE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1932 Methods in the Campaign og mobilizing the workers to support the workers German Campaign of Czech Opp.
on German Fascist Danger The approaching election finds the Criticism of the Stalinist and campalan can only pat life into the Mink and Bureaucracy Run Rampant on the Waterfront parties of reaction, reform and revoluslogan of the defense of the Soviet Union (Continued from page 1)
tion in full swing. The stock market is and the United Red Front Against On Thursday, August 11, the Daily and from the was announced at a bolstered up the bourgeols economists fight against Fascism in Germany. The Fascism. Hunger and War! Fight Worker, in an obscure corner of an in, membership meeting of the union. This Stalinites tail in this major task.
speak of a revival, the papers talk of the Socialist leaders, the Forerunners side page, announced the expulsion of happened at o clock in the evening.
wage increase, the politicians dodge the In New York the party has issued the and Allies of Fascism! cte.
their main The ens Germany and devoted Carl Coster from the Communist Party real issues and spout demagogy The meeting itself was poorly at and the Marine Workers Industrial Un At 11 o clock, the Daily Worker appearreactionaries this in an effort to keep blows at Hoover who drove the veterans slogan, For Bread and Freedom. With Foster, Ford and Amter. As the elecout of Washington with machine gunstion date nears we find Stalinism floun the vitality that the issue requires tended and lacked the enthusiasm and ion for gangsterism and Lovestonism. ed with the expulsion statement. Coster the workers fom moving to the Left.
The name of this comrade is not infami was not even given the formality of a And to the left, the parties of pe tear gas liar to readers of The Militant. We have party trial, he received no hearius. The form: the socialist party: the socialist, portant climax of the Bonus March was dering deeper into the swamp of oppor. This is easily comprehensible for it tunism was called in all baste without any referred to the struggle against bureau expulsion took place in typical, ungurnlabor party; the farmer labor party, etc. elevated above the more important ques march, and cracy in the Marine Workers Industrial ished, bureaucratie style.
are struggling in their own way, to tion, rather than used as a springboard These activities the Bonus relief, paganda, on the spur of the moment Union Before and to the parts played the explanation of the war danger reduction of hours, immediate keep the workers from moving into the under the direct fire of the Lef: OpNevertheless, members of the Marine by such militants as Coster, Johannesen Workers Industrial Union were aroused revolutio. ury stream, toward the Com connected with threatening Fascism in Anti War activity and German struggles position campaign and under the and Jacobsen in this fight. The expul by this treacherous act of arbitrary ac munist party, to paralyze their militancy. Germany. We pointed out before that are not utilized in the election campaign pressure from the ranks It was sion of Coster is another outrageous action and the bureaucrats became measy.
The capitalists bave done all in their the demand for energency relief for the to contrast the party of revolution to the of the Stalinist bureaucracy which de power to keep the revolutionary party farmers was wrong and must be changed parties of reform and reaction. Rather meant by the burenucrats largely serves the attention of all revolutionary membership meeting fo the On Wednesday night, Anrust 17, the off the ballot. At present we have only to emergency or immediate relief for the the party way of handling these tasks offset and to side track the flow of New under the Stalinist leadership has pushed rising criticism within the party and workers.
was packed with 11 states on the ballot. In many states WORKERS and Farmers. In this the membership and the party farther to to screen their own, previous miser henchmen of Mink Carl Coster has been one of the most coster demanded to be admitted for a a struggle to get on the ballot has not York the party tried to correct able silence and lethargy.
active leading workers of the party on bearing of his case. Several stalinists yet been won. Neetings throughout the error but only created more errors. The the right, farther into opportunism. Not The Meeting Revolves Around councils satisfied with the distance to the right the party controlled unemployment country have been broken up by Max Bedacht spoke before an audit the waterfront for many months past. Immediately pounced on him an earried His organizational ability, his courage him howlily out of the hall. Workers on ence of no more than 100. Since the police. Foster, the presidential candi called a conference on August the 15th, the leaders have drugged the members date, has been arrested several times and a Relief March on September the they top the whole thing with a state manifesto of the National Committee his devotion are unchallenged facts. He the inside protested vigorously and reof the Communist League of America has been entrusted with responsible quested the floor. The bureaucrats rundiffereut parts of the country on his na. 10th. The whole program is based upon scents in the Daily Worker which has tional tour.
immediate relief for the workers. They nothing in common with Marxism. Opposition was carefully and enposts ever since he joined the Marine ning the meeting, Mink, Iudson and Co.
first separate the demand for immediate Who Was Exposed?
ergetically distributed to the partier Workers Union From the first, he car. quickly got their hends together and or.
Favorable Chances for Communism relief from the more fundamental de First they issue a blast against ants, the speakers naturally had to ried on a struggle against the bureau wanized team roller.
This third presidental clection cam mands against capitalism and second, they Haldeman Julius, the well known reform revolve their speeches around the crney within the union, all the time re.
of the Communists in America is forget entirely that capitalism which is er, a socialist. They expose him.
Speeches from the floor were immediposition of the Left Opposition. The maining at his post and fulfilling his to minutes, under the most favorable we have yet entered the cause of unemployment must be over Catch him red handed stealing Foster chairman, Alexander, as well as Bed tasks in exemplary fashion. About aately restricted The reactionary parties have exposed thrown. Nowhere in their propaganda, acceptance speech. He changes the word, acht slandered and attacked the Left year ago, the struggle against the Stalin bouts of protest from the rank and file themselves and have shown incompet articles, or speeches are these three Communist to socialist and prints Fosters Opposition very feebly before an alist bureaucracy came to a hend on the in their brief and forcibly limited ence in handling the situation. The factors coordinated. First to leave the speech for his platform. We know together unresponsive audience of New York waterfront. The bureaucracy speeches, the comrades from the rank reformist parties are weak as yet demand out of the program and then to Haldemann Julius. It is not Haldemann workers. As it in answer to the im countered hy breaking up what it termed and file nevertheless forced the bureaucannot be compared to the reformist base a campaign in New York exclusively Julius who has made a mistake. It is potent screeching of the bureaucrats; the clique of the militants Aghting, crats to eat their words and retract the parties in Europe. This leaves the Come on the demand of immediate relief that not Haldeman Julius who should be the workers in every part of the hall against it. Johannesen was exiled to charge of Lovestontem. Coster has been was omited from the platform these criticized. He recognized his reformist munist party an open field.
known far and wide as an unremitting held the Opposition icatlets in their Duluth, Coster to Boston.
tighter against the right wing oppor.
Can the party be equal to this task. are fliptops, detrimental to the party wares even when they were labeled hands, many of them reading it on the The Boston party bureaucratism it aptumnists. They purbed Mink to the wall upon the program the Com and the class.
Communism. Labels don mean much spot.
pears, sabotaged the work of Coster, and made him adimit his dastardly, antimunists This devesent in the present campaign The platform forgets the struggle for to reformers. Purcell and Hicks recog The Stalinist speeches were domin. who was sent there as port organizer. Communist and reactionary threat. But and how the Communists conduct the the shorter work day. lIowever, the nived the wares of the four class party. ated by all sorts of apologies and After several months of futile attempt the bureaucrats had the meeting nacked campaign. revious articles in The Lowes have not forgotten this struggle slan Committee. Chang Kai Shek 1000K sophistries. On the other hand, Bed to combat this sabotage, Coster returned and in spite of their damaging admisMilitant criticized the platform for and are busy trying to reorganize labor nized the wares of the four class party. acht tried to prove that the Berlin to New York to take up the case with sions, made in the presence of all workits opportunism. The program divorces power (overpopulation to production Barbusse, Rolland and Sinclair recog Brandenburg United Front action con the leadership at the center. The Staliners, they nevertheless succeeded in rail the immediate demands from the ulti accumulation. a necessary step for nize the wares of the Stalininst Worla tradicts the Opposition criticism, on ists in New York did everything possible roading the militant Coster by a fake mate demands, and presents Immediate their way out of the crisis. If they suc Antl. War Congress The name, Com the other, he queried indignantly: to put off the case, they successively as vote demands that are not satisfactory. Aceed in reorganizing and reducing munism, without the content of Marxism Can comrade Thaelmann be oxpected signed the comrade to responsible work program that does not formulate the hours at the workers expense it will frightens no one.
to sit at one table with the Yoskes? in the Workers Ex Servicemen League, Communist militant with a revolution The marine worker, Robert Kohl, a immediate needs of the class in coordin sive them a breathing spell. On the The election campaign must be based All without an attempt to reconcile the Independent Shoeworkers Union, the ation with the revolutionary goal is op other hand if, through class struggle upon the pressing immediate needs of the these two conflicting views without etc. Every task was fulary at both in Germany and in this portunist. Let us determine the party ac we force through the Six Hour Day. class, formulated concretely, but not any attempt at a Marxian explana. Alled by Coster with his customary courter protesting stroulely but to no avall country left the meetings in disgust attion since the Nominating Convention in Five Day Week, with NO REDUCTION divorced from the class struggles of the tion, displaying ignorance of even Chicago and find out if it has corrected IN PAY. our class will be able to take world that develop between the convennge and energy, in spite of the despica: against the tactic employed by the bu elementary facts. For instance, he did ble behavior of the bureaucrats, he rereaucrats against Coster.
these mistakes.
a big step forward. The Communists tion and election day. The political not even know that the Central Com mained firmly disciplined.
The latest reports have it that Kohl too has been The party must present its immediate must give the lead in this struggle. consciousness of the workers during the mittee of the German had repuOne day last week, the Stalinist water expelled from the union with no other demands as the election platform, de Fora Realistie Defense of the election campaign can only be transform diated the Berlin Brandenburg United In the election latform the defense ed into class consciousness by the correct Front action. And as a matter of front bureaucrat, George Mink, one of charge against him except his action in ands based upon class struggle and confact, Bedacht expressed approval of the yellowest and most corrupt wretches defense of Coster membership rights.
encted with the revolutionary end to be of the Soviet Union is linked with the coordination of these two factors on the in the whole bureaucratic outfit, made an The bureaucratic frenzy knows no it! But if we know our Max, he ll attained. In the campaign. local, na defense of the Chinese people Events broad basis of our International program manage to come clean again it it unheard of, unprecedented, shamefull bounds!
tional and international issues develop have proven that the danger of Fascism which must run as a red thread thrugh threat against some militant non conformisn too late.
which momentarily gain the spot light of In Germany is the determining factor in the election platform and the election ist rank and tile workers up for trial have with their own eyes witnessed a The revolutionary marine the class attention. The Communist world politics and the election platform campaign. With this party meeting, the Left Opposition has won a hent. Our before the State Supreme Court must utilize these struggles to more forcecampaign has gainel ground. The participation in the April Unemployed Spectacle that reflects the very height fully bring to the attention of the worktreacherous, bureaucratie silence of demonstration at City Hall in the pre of bureaucratie degeneracy. They have ers, a revolutionary program in opposi.
the Stalinists have been broken. The sence of Coster and others. Exasperated on the whole repulsive face of the tion to the reformist and reactionary and outraged by this unexampled plece Stalinist bureaucracy. They are just ones.
international struggle against Hitler, one may pose the problem this Months ago, the International of skunkery. Coster issued a warning to aroused. Their task is now in draw the Left the Red Trade Union Central Committee.
should be way: The election campaign ism has gathered momentum. We from the fight The Mink in unmistakable proletarian. wlitical conclusions The reasons given for calling the meeting will not stop at this point, we will used hy the Communists to bring our Opposition already declared that Germany It is the whole terms, lest the threat be carried out against bureaucracy.
INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM to the had become the key to the International abundance of work, there is at present til the whole party wakes up to its off are significant: Due to an over continue our campaign tirelessly. unThis took place in a crowded union hall reactionary, non Leninist line of Centrattention of the class through our imme situation. The Czech Left also pointed (that is, in June 1932) no man available in the full view of numerous workers in the Communist Party and in the ism that makes bureaucratism possible task, until every party member diate demands in conjunction with the to this crux of the world situation and in the Central Committee of the Unions, That is what the gangsterism amounts class struggle unions. The fight of the comes a conscious fighter for tho national and international struggles that the general tasks of the proletariat flow. who is intormed on the situation in Gerto.
German revolution, powerful agitmarine militants is the fight of the Left ator for international solidarity with The outrageous threat of the bureau Opposition. The bureaucracy this basis will we be able to put in mo ing from it, at its Spring conference, in many at the same time, has the time to con be the German working class in their crat was, therefore, not carried out. The swept away only by returning the Comtion the class and bring recruits to our its newspaper, in many discussion meet speak on it.
ranks, workers who come to our ranks ings and wherever the opportunity arose.
The leaders of the conduct Mink Funk back into the woods. But for munist movement to the path of prolestruggle against Fascist reaction, on the basis of Marxism.
But the Stalinists, elsewhere, here too ness in fateful hours like these. Even themselves with such manifest shamelessagainst the danger of imperialist war that, oa Wednesday, August 10, the ex. tarian internationalism to the path of on the Soviet Union.
pulsion of Coster from the Lenin and Trotsky.
The Opportunist Course of Stalinism did not notice the decisive struggles ap the sympathetic layers of intellectuals Several important events have happen proaching in Germany at a rapid tempo showed a better understanding of the since the Chicago Nomination Con. They subscribed for the most part to the political situation. In an open meeting vention, events showing how far into the view that the influence of Fascism would Effects of the Pruslan Coup Etat swamp of opportunism, Stalinism has he liquidated by Hitler seizing the taken the Communist party. The Bonus power himself.
The Prussian coup Etat and the August 18th, 1932 were made for the necessary sanitary groundless. Neither withdrew, except March flared across the political horizon half turn of the German in the ST. LOUIS, MO.
facilities. Cox replied he would defy the for mud to plaster their mosquito bites, and the Stalinites dashed in uncondiSabotage German Campaign untted front tactie first woke up the Father Cox is a priest who has grown injunction if it was issued, and if neces and the meeting was summarily adjourn: tionally for the bonus. They carried on a campaign in the Daily Worker that hind the lethargy of the Stalinists disThis salutary thought was always be it finally called upon the Czech and politically ambitious. He went to Europe sary would hold the convention on the ed. Harvey and his 50 White Ribbon Libertyites holding their own convention overshadowed the election campaign and inetly expressed in the following incid.
Slovak workers to come to the aid of the to talk it over with the Pope of Rome, state highway.
Thus was the situation when the Har several miles from Cox.
shifted to the background the main ent. When, upon the proposal of the crete action till German proletariat, but postponed con with the agents of Mussolini and Hitler.
The Blue Shirt Jobless Party, with August The Lett He received more support and the Jobless veyites with their White Ribbons (Libslogan for Social and Unemployment In Left Opposition comrades, the Prague Opposition immediately issued a mani. Party was organized to solve the hard erty Party delegates) came to Creve approximately 000 in attendance (500 surance On August first the calendar day set Uinton called a plenary meeting with which it demanded the acceptance of the order.
leadership of the Red Bulliding Trades resto to the members of the in ships and injustices of the present social Coeur Lake Fitteen concession stands or more curiosity seekers) ratified the were waiting for the 50, 000 customers proposals and program of their national aside by stalinism to fight against im the subject The struggle of the German proposals of the German Left Opposition The Jobless Party demagogie plat rolling about, rubbing mud on their mos presidential candidate and Doctor TisUnion Square in New York forgot the ing was called off at the last moment very favorable repercussions. When. Left the banking system and pubile utilities were curiosity seekers, and incidentally Elk city. Okla. as candidate for viceWar Danger, forgot that Fascism threat through the bureaucratic intervention of Oppositionists distributed the leaflets immediate payment of the soldiers bonus, broke. The press stated Cox was on president. Then everyone jumped in before a meeting of party functionaries conscription of wealth In case than the way from Pittsburgh with a motor their machines and immediately started AN KALLEZASTRANIERIAUSILAIKOMAS MAHATHIRUST in Greater Prague, the party leaders at emergency ity, mighty caravan of approximately 500 people. returning home tempted to provoke physical attacks by army, navy, and air forces, unemploy: The National Committee of the Liberty quito was the rest victor.
The Missouri mosIEON TROTSKY sending out uniformed and falsely in ment insurance and old age pensions, Party was exasperated. They had brought formed shock troops against the alleged day week and hour day abolition of about fifty people with them from ar mosquito bites and trials and tribulaIlowever despite all the setbacks and counter revolutionists But the party unjust injunctions and yellow. do con: Kansas, Oklahoma, Washington, Califor tions that beset Puther Cox in launching proletarians recognized in the Trotskyists tracts, rellet for the farmers, and right nia) and were beginning to see that they his Jobless Parts, the importance of the attacking them, they discussed with them was similar to Colonel Coln Harvey number he would bring. The Liberty entire affair is that this is the FIRST Vital Questions for the German the situation in Germany and the tasks Liberty Party confused program Party immediately issued statements to APING OF THE EUROPEAN FASCIST of the International. against usuey and for the free coinage the papers saying they would hold a sep MOVEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES Proletariat Last week there was an open meet of sliver, etc. and inasmuch as both arate mass meeting under their ing in a Prague suburb in which there agreed down with the communists. auspices several miles from the site of can be readily recognized by its demawas introduced, expectionally enough, agreements were made to merge both the proposed united convention. Harvey Bogic platform and all of the well known a free discussion. The Left Opposition parties and to hold u national conven said they still expected to mergo with Pascist trimmings, vehemently anti comtook advantage of the situation immedition of the fusion, the Jobless Liberty Cox but that Cox had bitterly disappoint munist, blue shirt, caesar salutes, etc. In ately and its representatives presented Party.
ed them by the smallness of his delega the words of the Reverend Cox, its memthe situation in Germany and explained The site picked out was St. Louis. tion.
hers are to be not only working people LENIN?
the tasks of the German proletariat. Cox to lead the masses from the East, The automobile arrival of Cox ear but business men who have been pushed The predominantly proletarian audi and Harves to come with the hordes from avan was to have heralded the fusion of out of their business enterprises and unence expressed its agreement with the the West. Cox issued advance press no the confusionists. Meeting in a one room employed professional men. And we proposals of the Left Opposition in vivia tices stating that one million jobless cabin, the national committees of both are not reds we are anti Communist.
fashion. Characteristic for the develop from all parts of the would be parties met, helloed, shook hands and Our Party is the only organization that ments in the International is the fact to attendance. Naturally immediate ob posed for the newspaper photographers can save the country from a Communist DICTATORSHIP refuted with arguments which have by the St. Louls police. The Chamber stead of the celebration of the birth of of course, none of the Communists in Germany already been dropped. The of Commerce visualized riots of hungry the Jobless Liberty Party a furious fight have the perspective for a Communist official party speaker stressed the view unemployed. Cox replied that no han started over who should be the political revolution this winter (U. but it is that the united front can never be made sry bums will be delegates. that only god father.
indisputable that a section of the caplwith the top and further said that business men would be elected and The Jobless Liberty Party split right talist class quiver in their boots every BRUENING?
the situation in Germany is not at all that they would spend upwards of a mil on the hyphen. The fight was not con time the workers hold protest meetings So critical, it is only a matter of chang lion dollars for hotel accomodations, food, cerning their respective platforms they or mass demonstration, and a portion ing the methods of bourgeois rule!
both agree they have practically iden of them would support a Fascist moveNo matter how threadbare and shop! But the city administration remained tical programs. The demagogues debated, ment in the United States. The only worn these phrases may sound for our adamant; the contemplated program was discussed and disagreed on who should reason all of the capitalists are not in With Germany on the edge of the volcano that threatens to erupt at German comrades in their struggle they too radical. Accordingly advance ar be the presidential candidate? Cox or favor of Fascism (except as a last reany moment, Leon Trotsky penetrating analysis of what is next on bave nevertheless a special sense in this rangements were made for the convention Harvey? Priest or Colonel. Tweedle sort) is because the Fascist system of the order of the day in Germany is the most timely country. They show that the linists to Aug. 17th an dee tweedle dum revolutionary continual, unrelenting diedocument of the moment. It is priced so low for a quick sale. Order in Czecho Slovakia are not prepared to old mosquito bitten race track. In St. Forty five minutes of verbal fighting tatorship, spies, and general thuggery is draw the necessary lessons from the Louis county, at Creve Coeur Lake. and shouts of llar. one minute the more expensive than maintaining the your copy now!
German mistakes on the one hand, and Cox now revised his figures downwards reverend priest denouncing religious in democratie illusions of freedom, justice 35c on the other hand, that the progressive and stated only 50, 000 would be at tolerance, the next moment the old Colo and equality.
63 proletarians of Czechoslovakia are com Creve Coeur. Then the St. Louis County nel repeating that he had just celebrated If Hitler comes to power in Germany, In Paper In Clothing closer to the International Left op Health Officials threatened an injunction, his Sist birthday and should be the peo it will mean the immediate strengthening PIONEER PUBLISHERS position and are partly, already showing claiming that there was not sufficient wa ple choice. Father Cox hopes that of the reactionary forces in the United 84 East 10th Street, New York, their warmest sympathies for the fight ter for such a crowd. nor laboratories, Harvey would approve him as president States, and their simultaneous growth ing German Left Opposition.
nor garbage dispensaries, and that the tal candidate and Colonel Harvey ex So all eyes and all support to the Ger ISHNANTARER Prague, August 2, 1932 FLOSS convention would be a health menace pectation that Cox would see the wis man workers. SCHMID1. unless adequate preliminary arrangements dom of him being the nominee both were MARTIN PAYER.
The Convention of Father Cox Quasi Fascist «Jobless Party»