AnarchismBolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York. Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Omce at New York, under the act of March 1870 VOLUME V, NO. 35 (WHOLE NO. 131)
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1932 PRICE CENTS Stalinists in Monstrous Frame Up Against Left Opposition EMERGENCY CALL! Bureaucrats «Answer» Our Policy by Inciting to Pogrom Left Opposition Demands an Open Slander the Opposition as Murderers of Two Workers at Street Meeting Hearing on the Stalinist Frame up speelfied Diggers Reply to Terror With Increased Militancy Party Holds First Meeting on Danger of German Fascism vicious campaign, Inciting to black, views and you who agree with our de hundred pogrom action, has been launched termination to maintain the principle of against the Left Opposition and its sup freedom of expression for working class porters. It is a desperate last resort. opinions within the labor and revolution Physical violence in place of political argumentation that is the method of the ary movement.
depraved Stalinist bureaucracy stooping You can do your part row. You must to the lowest depths. By copying the das help us banish the pogrom method from tardly frame up from the capitalist en the movement. You must help us eduemy they hope to squelch the ideas of cate the misguided workers who have The bammer blows of the Left Opposiderers of the two workers, Semen and The National Committee of the Conference for Progressive Labor the Left Opposition.
become caught in the Stalinist vise. IL Communist League (Opposition) has tion (Bolshevik Leninists) against a pol Krustuk, who lost their lives in a tragic Action But our ideas live and grow. Our mous efforts at which we do not hesitate fey of capitulation before German Fare street fight with which the Left Opposia momentous task. It requires enor addressed following self explana Communist Party (Majority Group) ism and against the pacifist masquerade tion had no connection whatever.
tory letter to each of the organizations Industrial Workers of World in the anti war conference aroused al Here are the Facts strike set deeper roots for the Marxian in the least. But it entails almost un We are prepared to submit to this wave of support in the party ranks. The views within the party and within the surmountable expenditures on our part In the Daily Worker of August 23. commitee at publle sessions complete We started a meeting on the eveexpanding movement of protest against working class. We will cut this dirty in the form of leaflets, enlarged issues of The Militant, agitation and propag.
there appears an accusation that memand indisputable proof that the mem the official policy has thrown the statin) ning of August 20th, at 7th St. and Ave.
A, as one of weries in our campaign murder frame up to pieces, and we plelge anda. You can help us make this part bers of the Communist League of Ambers of the Left Opposition had no ist bureaucrats into a panic. The at ourselves to fight for the eradiction of of the burden lighter. Dat you must erlea (the Trotskyltes. were respon part whatever, in the attack which tempt to expel the movement by expulon the situation in Germany these vile methods from the proletarian help immediately for quick action. The Immediately after we started, or sible for the killing of a worker named resulted in the killing of the two sions, which held the Communist workranks. We fight with clean hands to Michael Semen and the wounding of workers.
ors in check before, is breaking down.
ganized attempts were made to disrupt uphold the banner of our revolutionary sheet is worthy of your greatest sacrfee. We ask that much from you.
another worker named Nick Kruzluk.
We are prepared to bring before Great world events are on the agenda. our meeting ly stalinist elements.
leaders and to restore the movement of who has since also died, at a meeting such a committee at publie sessions fixt fight enten in which the and nobody can stop a discussion of Marx and Lenin to its rightful place.
will you help and do your share? last Saturday night at 7th St, and complete proof that the Left Oppoalthem. It is a question of the fate of the position held its ground and after Avenue U. of the working class of the which it once more set up the platform But we need your support you readers will you help immediately? Will you tion has always opposed any physical of the Militant, sympathizers of our send funds to The Militant without delay? Today we came into possession of attacks on the meetings of other labor entire world. The Communist workers for a brief meeting. The Lat Oposition held the plat.
leatlets in the English, Russian, and organizations, and that we have pubare awakening to this burning fact. NoUkrainian langunges, repeating and licly protested even when these atbody can stop their mouths with the form until word came of the impending with the Embattled Miners threat of expulsions. Sebastian Pappas. to wind up the meeting in order to prearrival of the police. Then it was decided amplifying the necuation against us. tacks were directed against those in the herole Communist militant who is On the night of August 23rd a mass sharpest political conflict with us.
vent the disgracefil 6pectacle of the meeting was held at 7th St. and We len ve aside here the motives for loved by every Left wing trade union Avenue capitalist police intervening and deciding where Communist Party this provocation against us. Our aim fighter, has raised his voice for the posispeakers incited the crowd against the in addressing this letter to you is to tion of the Left Opposition on Germany contlict between factions of the Communint movement. Trotskyltes as the murderers of ask if your organization will particiThey have expeled him, but behind Pappas stand others who also are deter ber of sympathizers then assembled in The Left Oppositionists and a numthe two workers. There is taking pate through a delegate to a joint mined to speak out at anycost.
place a general campaign of incite committee before which the truth behind them are others. Deeper and close formation, singing the Internationment for a pogrom against us which be brought out in publie.
also has the elements of provocation We realize quite well that the aedeeper into the Party the Left Oppostale, and returned to headquarters. That was the end of all our con to the authorities.
cusation of murder makes our memtion is penetrating.
Defy Bosses, Fakers, and Police in Tremendos Advance Confronted with this rising tide of Avenue on the evening in question nection with the events at 7th St. and In order to bring the truth of the bere liable to inquiry and prosecu sentiment for the Left Opposition, and what happened after that happened with whole affair before the working class tion before the courts of the class powerless to cope with it by political out any participation on our port.
Latest developments in the Illinois miners strike carry the clear indications public, we propose the holding of enemy. But we are not concerned means, the panie stricken bureaucrats, The Daily Worker of August 23 (elty of this being the most powerful movement yet witnessed in that state. pic public trial and hearing under the with the capitalist court. We want corrupted to the core, have resorted to edition. which contains the criminal keting army of 30, 000 miners are, at the moment of this writing, marching upon auspices of a joint committee repre to defend ourselves in public before a desperate adventure.
the southern field to strike the few small mines still at work there. Three of senting the following central organi the court of working class opinion.
the largest mines in that territory, in Franklin County, were forced to close alprovocation against us, admits that we They are trying to frame up the Left left the meeting place and that another zations: In view of the extreme serlousness most immediately after the murder of Joe Colbert. The widow of this martyred of the accusation, we request a prompt Oppositionists was murderers!
Communist Party of They are organiz meeting under Party direction began alminer single handed struck one of them, a mine of 1, 100 men. The herole work reply to this communication.
and inciting black ter our departure. We know nothing Trade Union Unity League hundred pogrom against the Bolshevik. whatever of what occurred at that second ing woman thus payed the highest tribute to the memory of her husband felled National Committee in battle by the bosses hired gunmen.
International Labor Defense Communist League of America (O. Leninlsts, whose erltleism they fear and meeting. We do know that that neighwhose arguments they cannot answer! borhood is infested with all kinds of reAmerican Civil Liberties Union SECRETARY They are directing the attention of the actionary elements white guards Rus.
Sheriff Robinson of Franklin County ball on a hot July day as 17, 000 of our police to the Trotskylsts as the mur siang, etc. There is a post of the Amer.
has boasted that 30, 000 citizens will army invade the Harlan counties of IIImeet the invading army. but the press Inols. Mine guards are disarmed and ican Legion in the same block. Communsimultaneously reported a measly 250 disciplined, gangsters are driven from ist meetings have been attacked on this mon deputized. And how could make mining camps. The minots miners corner time and time again by these regood his vain boast. This is a mining strike gains impetus, day by day.
nctionary elements with brick bats and community. The miners have already Already 45, 000 of the 50, 000 Illinois other missiles.
After months of ardent and persist forward on this most important of all living standards and rights of the The Party bureaucrats know very well shown where they stand. 15, 000 miners coal diggers have closed their ranks and ent agitation on part of the Left Op the present day issues, the German workers of the United States.
marched in the funeral procession of the production of coal in Illinois will ceasel position, the Stalinists of the official that this was the case at the meeting situation the key to the international fallen Joe Colbert. Others workers in as long as there is a breath of energy Communist Party of the final. situation, the key to the concrete war These words, which have been ringin question. They know that the Left the community are making common cause left in the leadership and rank and Ale ly yielded to the pressure our agita danger against the Soviet Union. In ing forth from these pages week after Opposition had nothing to do with the with the strikers. These are the reasons of the opposition movement. This is a tion caused within the party ranks this sense, the step of the party lead week were actually subscribed to by affair. They know that we are opposed why the operators and the degenerate newsreel glimpse of the struggle that and called the first meeting on the in principle to the breaking up of other ership is a victory for the Interna the New York District of the Comunion officials are restoring to intensifled takes place at present in the Illinois Fascist danger in Germany at the tional Left Opposition.
munist Party of the More working class meetings and that we have gunmen methods, killings and woundings coal fields.
persistently explained in THE MILICentral Opera House in New York Opposition Ideas Penetrate Party over they were supplemented by a corof striking miners increasing and riot Why the Fight TANT the reasons why such hooliganism last Friday It is significant that this rect and sharp Communist character warrants being issued wholesale. But The German meeting was strongly And why do the miners of Ilinois fight meeting was called at the very same ization of the treacherous role of the plays a reactionary role.
even this is destined to melt away in the under the influence of the Lett OpBut it does not serve their purpose time that Sebastian Pappas, the leadsocial democratic leadership in which face of the splendid mass formations of like they never have in years? Because position propaganda. For the first to tell the truth. They have lied about the minera fight for the very right to ing party comrade who raised the first the silly and absurd theory of social the embattled miners time, slogans directly borrowed from breathe and live. That is why. For us systematically and misrepresented our strong voice of alarm against the Fascism found no place. To be sure our literature appeared above the From the Front the leaflet still retained the vaguely position on every occasion. But this forty two years we have had a union Hitler threat within the party, was signature of the party. The leaflet SPRINGFIELD, ILLgame is playing out. The Communist in Ilinols. For thirty five years we have officially expelled. It is character misleading claims about the strength that was issued by the New York Disistic of the Centrist bureaucrats to of the Red United Front and some workers have begun to see through these All the forces of the coal operators been solidly organized. The fight to trict of the read in part as folto see the lies. They are beginning stitle every word of criticism coming of the ultimatist illusions attached to have been burled against us in the build the Illinois United Mine Workers lows: An open Faseist dletatorship it but all this was couched in very principle line of the Opposition through from the rank and file and simultaneno bitterer than the present bloody struggle that rages in the America was will attempt to drive the whole workthe top of official misrepresentation.
ilinols coal fields. The Federal govern: We have again been sold on the block ance of the same eriticism and by present fight to retain a miners union. ously to camouflage by a semi acceptvague and extremely reticent langu ing class of Germany to starvation That is why the desperate and furious ment with its deportation terrorism, the and slavery. Hitler dictatorship in age. The half turn toward the LeninStalinist leaders had to resort to this ist United Front tactic was especially faking. half way concessions to it behind the entire state apparatus under the thumb to the highest bidder by our Germany means immediate war on the shameful method of frame up, provocation scenes.
prominent in the closing slogans. of Governor Emmerson, the county sher: thieving leadership. They have taken Soviet Union and world war. Fasc Rally to the Mass Meeting! Sup and pogrom. The bodies of the martyred ifts, Lewis and Walker sluggers, and gang from us every liberty that we have ever Nevertheless, the convocation of the ist dictatorship in Germany means port the German Communist Party workers are to be lifted up as a banner of sters from the underworld run at largo achieved during those long years meeting shows that the Stalinist lead sharper international reaction and for a bankrupt political clique which is throughout the mining camps as open (Continued page 8)
ers have been forced to take a step more brutal capitalist attacks on the (Continued on page 2)
not worthy to touch them with one finseason is deelared on Comger. They want to coin the grief and munista rage of the Communist workers against Miners are coralled, terrorized, jailed the murder of their comrades into a weapon against the revolutionary Marxists.
file opposition are Jalled and never know Communist workers! Be on your guard against this monstrous deception. Stop when they are to be spotted. Miners wives are alled, beaten and molested. The physical attack of the Stalinites able to find a single indication of such regard the Stalinist system with grow. proletarian world revolution before the and welsh the consequences of this dasgroup of students from various unver against the Bolshevik Leninists in the an instance in the press of that time, ing alarm it not with direct disgust workers. By pouncing upon them like tardly black hundred scheme.
Do not sitles, led by their professors are pre Salle Bollier at Paris evokes, alongside although in the course of the last two But they cannot tear themselves free hooligans, the Stalinists have only paid your voice in protest against it.
vented from bringing food to our starv. with intense indignation, a feeling of the years have been studying the history from its claws. Each of the decisive tribute to thelr revolutionary energy be intimidated by the reactionary caming Industrial Army. Professor Carlson deepest shame for the present leadership of the February and October revolution links in the chain has its Semards and its Just as soon as the Bolshevik Leninistspaign of terror unleashed against those of the Chicago University and a student of the Comintern. For it is not a mat thoroughly. What the proletarian mass Yaroslavakys, as well as its Bessedov. in Moscow warned against Chiang Kali who criticize and ask questions.
Look to the herole example of the group from the Commonwealth Labor ter of rank and file Communists, not of wanted was to listen and to understand. skys and Agabekoffs. From slander and Shek, the Stalinist bureaucracy incited College and Chicago University, are workers these would never debase them. What the Bolsheviki wanted was to con falsifications these gentlemen have now against them, persecuted and smashed Bolshevik Leninists of Russia, the true beaten and jailed, later told to leave the selves with such abominations but of vince. Only in this manner can a party sone over to organized physical attack. the Bolshevik Leninists. Just as soon Inheritors and representatives of the county and never return. Gerry Allard, a centralized bureaucracy which is carry be trained and the revolutionary class The initiative comes from Stalin. The as the Parisian Bolshevik Leninists beat October revolution. They hold the banone of the leaders of the opposition move ing out the demands of its higher stafr. united about it.
command is now being transmitted to the alarm against Fascism, the Stalinister of Marxism in the face of everyment and his wife Irene, are also The aim: to provoke within the ComJalled. Allard is openly told, in the pre munist ranks such furious embitterment In the year 1923, Ordjonikidze, in the all sections of the Comintern, win clique is organizing to smash the Bol thing, just as they did in 1917, as they sence of the student group that he will that all arguments of reason would lose heat of the disputes between the Cau necessity of ever stronger means proves remain unpunished. From great facts on every front. Frame ups were devised against them also by the Stalinists (tho be murdered this is resolutely told by their force. Only in this way can the casian stalinists and Leninists, struck the ineffectiveness of the preceding strug the party learns, the class learns, Marion Hart, States Attorney Prosecut Stalinist bureaucracy yet save itself from one of his opponents in the fact. Lenin gles against the Bolshevik Leninists. We are not, naturally, making the rank were conducted against them. They were affair of the Wrangel officer. Pogroms or of Franklin County. The following the criticism of the Left Opposition. lay seriously ill in the Kremlin. The morning Joe Colbert, close personal and What frightful degeneration! news of OrdJonikidize conduct literally Germany. dorhe cominteen maintains its crimes of the Stalinist bureaucracy. The beaten, shot. But for all that their Tremendous events are taking place in and Ale Communists responsible for the slanderest, expelled, imprisoned, exiled, political associate of Allard and one of shook him up. The fact that Ordjon silence. The leaders appear Salto Bolshevik Leninists will not change their ideas remain unshaken and will prevail The history of the Russian op the leaders of the Minols miners tionary movement is particularly rich in kidze stood at he head of the party ap filled their mouths full with water. Do position toward the French Communist revoluposition, is murdered while picking musb bitter factional struggles. For three and his guilt in Lenin eyes. Lenin sent his Aiate convocation of a world congress attempt to erect walls of hatred between luck into the craven faces of the Browin paratus in the Caucasus only magnified not the German events require the immeparty nor toward the Comintern. The the banner of Communism. We hurl We stand by their banner, for it is rooms for something to eat.
a half decades have observed this strug In Taylorville deputy Sherifes shoot Ele very closely and partielpated in it secretaries Glasser and Potleva to me of the Comintern? Of course, they do.
ourselves and the millions of Communists ders. Posters, Amters, Hathaways, and down a miner wife. The coalfields in the entire world will not succeed cannot recall a single instance in which Orijonikidze. Lenin recognized and fore But at the congress an answer will have That justice is on our side is patent. functionaries of Stalinism, the answer run mad with killers driven to despera differences of opinion, not only within saw in Ordjonikidze thuggery a whole to be given. The Stalinists, however the workers are listening with ever greatall the rest of the depraved and soulless tion by the greatest offensive ever the ranks of the Marxists but also be school and an entire system: the school have nothing to say. By their mistakes. er attentiveness to our words.
of revolutionists: launched against the coal operators and tweeen Marxists, Populists and Anarch and the system of Stalin. On the same their aigzags and crimes they have com You cannot terrorize us with your the Lewis Walker combine. War Is de ists, were settled by the organized relen day Lenin wrote his last letter to Stalin Client, to go into hiding, to wait passive heads, the more perseverance the Lenin The more the Stalinists lose their black hundred pogrom!
clared as 7, 500 troopers move southward of the fist. In year You cannot break the bonds which tle from Camp Grant stationing themselves seethod with continual meetings. At 30 miles from strategie coal centers. The first as an insignificant minority. then him. whole series of great historic Bent, the whole policy of the Stalinist our criticism, under the sweep ing of all comradely relations with ty for the outcome therein lles, at pre ists will show in their activity. Under us to the Communist workers with your of our dirty frame up!
rank and Alle Toot themselves firmly. as a strong party and finally as the over causes has since led to the triumph not faction.
arguments the bureaucracy twisting picket army 14 miles long also starts whelming majority the Bolsheviki con only within the of the Soviet UnYou cannot prevent the victory of the and squirming. All the more apparent Left Opposition by any means, for it is But the Bolshevik Leninists will not be therefore is our correctness and our the veritable representative of the teachBenid, Breeze and from every nook and the Social Revolutionists and the Menon, but also in the comintern of the silenced. And they will not allow others force. Let us double, treble and deenple up of Narx and Lenin with great his corner of northern Illinois, striking every shevik cannot recall a single meeting The abomination of Bullter is its indubit number, our French comrader are givstall our offensive!
torie events are vindlenting with lightcoal mine on the road. 1, 500 deputies ning med in Christian county, uwned by the Pea where the political struggle was reable and unadulterated expression.
ing evidence of splendid perseverence in TROTSKY. NATIONAL COMMITTEE body Coal Company, melt like a snow placed by fist fights. have not been Nine tenths of the apparatus people unfolding the burning questions of the Prinkipo. August 6th, 1932.
Communist League (Opposition)
ELEON TROTSKY Let Us Reenforce Our Offensive!