Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE Revolt of Illinois Miners Who Is Leading the Barbusse Congress war Hillman «Leads» the New York Amalgamated in a Stoppage her owever, as once more a situation exists of the miners battling separately in several territories with their several or ganizations struggling alone for their Miners on Strike against Lewis Machine and Wage Cuts life preservation, the creation of a united front is more pressing than The window front of the World Con. cases have in no way stood the test.
carrying out the plain implications of ever. Continued from page 1)
success of which the Left Opposition. There is now an opportunity for the Seas Against War organized by thel The Communist International of Lenin this war aim? Or are we to any extent Communist International, is composed of and Trotsky alone embodies the tradi modeling about with it in such a way tendance of 10, 000 revolting miners, sim supporters in the Illinois coal fields wind linols revolt movement to perform a number of shining lights from the littions of the revolutionary anti war strugas to confuse and disorganize our allies, real duty by leaving no stone unturned ilar big meetings have been held in bend all their efforts.
erary and scientide world. The initia gle. The pacifists of all shades embody weaken our Internal will and strengthen Springtield and elsewhere. At the time To make the present strike state wide to endeavor to unite thelt immediate tive for organizing an international gathe miserable tradition of treachery dur. the enemy?
of this writing miners are marching up is, of course, imperative. That is the aims and their immediate struggle with thering to mobilize the working classing the last war and oplum peddling Now the pain meaning of this supthose of the National Miners Union, with on Taylorville where the Peabody Coal direction of the present movement. In the Miners Union of West Virginia with for a struggle against imperialist war to the people in between wars. glance reme declared war aim is that we are Company is making desperate efforts to this the Illinois miners are now carry the battling miners in Indiana and Ohio bas been handed by the Stalinists at the records and standpoints of some asking Germany to alter her ways. We reopen its four mines. Though the mining the brunt of the burden of leading ers march without arms this company the working class 15e whole forward Culfllment of which can be conceived of its opportunistie line of policy. The open the struggle against war will indicate. Le utterly smashed up and destroyed or But these are objectives the complete toroup of pacifists Behind them to the leading figures chosen by the are asking Germany to become a dimer has already succeeded in making a virin resistance upon the attacks on their alone on the basis of creating a strong Leninist fight against the war danger first, what reliance can be placed by the else Germany lats to cuase to be an agtual armed camp out of their little com standards of Wine Closely bound left wing, conscious of its task within is replaced by a melange of pacifism and proletariat in such leadership, and gressive military imperialism.
nessmen and members of the American long overdue task of cleaning out the hour for all revolutionary miners.
This is the duty of the confusion directed by individuals largely second, what a sinister masquerade of But do we as a nation stick closely Legion were recruited into a hustily form treacherous officials and asving the union disconnected from the live stream of opportunism the Stalinists themselves to this clear and necessary, this only ed hotne cuard to repeluny Invasion. from destruction. AS the class struggle who, moreover, in most are engaged in.
possible meaning of our declared This town was also the scene of mill The Case of Wells uit? That great, clour minded leader tary forces moving in rapidly during the Among the members of the Interna among the Allies, that Englishman who 11l fated strike of the Nationn! Miners tional Committee of the Burbusse Stalin more than any other single man speaks Union in 1920.
Rolland Committee, we find the name of for the whole English speaking and westThe rebel movement is feverishly or Wells. Wells is a notorious pettyern thinking community, resident Wilganizing Its forces knowing that quick (Continued from page 1) when it is working harmoniously, for We greeted this new step of the Rank bourgeois philistine who has covered son, has suid definitely that this is his and decisive action is imperative.
It a straw.
all the partners in question. They all and File Committee in the direction of a himself with a thin socialistic veneer meaning America, with him as has entrusted the leadership to an elected Hillman and his assistants, the local live at the expense of the workers, tail. true Leninist course. We regret, how. throughout his literary career. During spokesman, is under no delusion; she is policy committee. etitions have been officials of the New York organization, ors, who are gripped in their vise. The ever, that this step was taken at the the last World War, Wells was to be fighting consciously for a German revplaced in circulation among the local have been utilizing the situation created tailors can liberate themselves only by last minute. This made it impossible to found on the side of British imperial olution as the essential war alm. New unions calling for a special state con by the economic crisis to justify the pol breaking this combination, smashing the prepare the necessary organization forism, adding his voice to the howl of the Republic, February 5, 1018. vention to abrogate the put over agree ticies of betrayal they have been pursu. Hillman bureaucratie machine and thus the struggle to create the possibility for Jingoist mob that drove the proletariat Isn it quite clear that Welly is a ment, and, as inevitably must follow, ing in all these years. They have been releasing their own organized forces in decisive success and for real resistance into the trenches for the greater glory logical choice for the leadership today in to clean out the traitorous officials. throwing sand in the eyes of the members the struggle for better conditions.
to wage cuts. The developments of the of the ruling class. An inkling of his the struggle against war? Doesn his Meanwhile John Lewis is doing his bit and the general public, corering up the In the present hour, the tactics of the coming days will find the Left wing in position during those crucial days, an whole record spruk in luis favor?
for the operators sending proclamations fact that their present concessions to Left wing must be turned in this directhe above mentioned position unless insight into the political and social outto the miners locals that picketing and the employers are only a link in the long tion.
speedy preparations are made.
Ay, to speak in favor of peace during look of this latter day assistant of Stal times of peace that costs nothing. No mass meetings must cease. and that op chain of betrayals which they began to The Left wing in the Amalgamated, As we go to press, the stoppage still inism, may be gained from the following body is in favor of war during peace position leaders are to be penalived. In practise several years before the crisis under the control of the Communist continues on the lines drawn by the excerpt from his article. The Question times. Even the most rabid militarist this he is complete accord with the had set in. They want the tailors to Party (the Rank and File Committee) Hillman machine. But the militancy of At Sasue. written at the height of the is usually to be found expressing his agencies of the capitalist forces, Includ forget all the crimes up till now and to has up to now not made clear its tasks the tailors and the active participation war: horror at war, his opposition to it. At ing the government.
the young militant leader Gerry Allard new swindle which the present stoppage swing between the tactic of isolation of front ranks and were the only ones to on which, according to Wells, the gist the ground for imperialist war. The It is reported that allow themselves to be caught by the in the Amalgamated. It continues to of the Left wingers who march in the First let us deal with that postcard the same time he systematically prepares was quickly cut off the air by radio constitutes.
the Third Period and the recently al receive blows at the hands of the police of the war dispute could be written. softest pacifist is always opposed to war station WEBQ. when he launched into what do the above mentioned demands tered new tactie which is far from being have already had a certain effect upon xd. and say what is the essential aim in peace times. When it breaks out, his vehement attack on union officers who in the present stoppage. signity?
clear and comprehensible to the broad the bureaucrats and their assistants of the war, the aim to which all other love for peace is so strong that he urges supported the 00 agreement.
Hillman Points masses.
Thus, they have been compelled to make aims are subsidiary. It is, we have his fellow countrymen to support the This was under date line of Aug. 12th.
The reports are that Gerry Allard and highly deceptive. Hillman has not made and File Committee has adhered to the cuts. Coming from Hillman, this is to statesman of importance in every allied mus. you understand, be brought to a The point about stopping wage cuts is Up to the present stoppage, the Ranka number of settlements without ware heard repeated again and again by every war of the fatherland in order that it his wife, Irene, have been arrested in it clear that this means the return of policy that there should be no participa good to be true. The previous wage country, to defeat and destroy militury speedy conclusion at the end of which, Wesct Frankfort. Such, of course, are the last wage cuts which he granted the tou in strikes and stoppages of the Am cuts conceded by him cannot but press imperialism, to make the world safe for isn it logical. peace may prevail again.
strike the heavy blows at the mallitant lust decision of the union to that effect. son. Although the old policy has been rendering them temporary and ineffeceler against any such deliberate agere Wolls is one of these pac itists in Relnleaders. There need be no doubt that the tailors slon as Germany prepared for fortykultur as the Germans say in a chemare deluding themselves changed, the Left wing has stood on tive without the vigilance of the ranks.
years and brought to a climax when she Ically pure state. He is the man to whom a powerful aruwer will be given by the that this to what the point means. They the sidelines, ridiculing and disparaging Possibilities for Left wing crossed the Belgian frontier in 1914. We Stalin is sending the class conscious rebel movement.
will be bitterly disappointed. any real activity in the This The present stoppage contains tremen want to make anything of that kind on workers for leadership in. the strugIllinois, Scene of Many Borette The other two points on stopping the attitude gained them the result that the dous possibilites for the Loft wing, pro the part of Germany, or of any other Ble agalust war.
The history of the Illinota coal folds exodus of bundles to sweat shops and the tallors regard them as light minded vided it develops into a serious strike power, henceforth impossible in thia revolta re establishment of union control over babblers. Their influence among the will the party come to the atd of the world. That is our great alm. WhatThe Case of Romain Rolland is replete with rank and tile dating back to the days of the Verdin labor conditions in the shops, do not tatlors has considerably diminished 10 Rank and File Committee with the super other objects may be sought in this ferent from that of most of the pacifist The ease of Rolland is somewhat difbattle and even farther. Here was often have the same significance to Hillman as recent years.
port so essential at the moment?
found the backbone of the Aght to they have for the general public.
Tol The Rank and File Committee The situation in the men clothing to them as anything but subeidary to that: witch doctors who seek to exercise war break the stranglehold of John Lewis him, union control means an agreement In the present stoppage, the Rank and dustry is highly serious. The struggle one can say in fact this is our sole by mystle incantations Rolland sincerity upon the unton. But this is yet an unwith the bosses to collect dues and as Vile Committee has adopted a different there is no less important than it is else aim, our other alms being but parts of and devotion to the cause of the under finished task because of the varlous ways sessments from the workers and not un position. It has made the decision to where. Until now it has been the weak it. Better that millions should dle now ance to the Soviet Union is not of that iu which the miners were time and again ion conditions in the shops. Such agree participate in the picket lines together est point of the Left wing. The party, we declare, than that hundreds of mil base metal whose counterfeit ring clanks switched on the path by their resistance ments have been made by him with manu. with the other tailors and to seek to con with its false tactics, bears a large mea: Lions still unborn should go on living from the speech of the bought and paid being insufficiently organized, by leader facturers and employers in numerous vert the stoppage into a genuine strike sure of responsibility for the present generation after generation, under the for intellectual henchmen of Stalinism.
ship which faltered in the decisive mo towns around New York. The cond This is the best means of unmasking he situation. Will it apply the prope tac black tyranny of this imperialist threat. During the World War, he opposed the ments or by other groups of corrupt ele there are just as rotten as in the non Hillman bureaucracy and smashing its ties to the very end, and help to build There is our common agreement. So hideous slaughter and led chauvinistic ments capitalizing on the situation leuv union shops. But for the taflors, he plans in the stoppage, to strengthen the up a genuine Left wing movement in the far at any rate we are united. The brance to take refuge in Switzerland.
ing the miners to suffer new disillusion seeks to create the impression that he influence of the Left wing in the Amal It now has the opportunity to question would put the reader is this: ment alms to keep the work inside genulne gamated.
act. ALBERT ORLAND. are we all logically, sincerely, and fully Rolland, one of the really great intelWe have no reason to believe that In the above is contained a serious union shops. This is how he practises Howatt combination, ostensibly in op swindle with success lectual spirits of our time, will over be position to Lewis, proved disastrous found fighting on the side of Imperial deception and illusion. The revolt led the present stoppage is the strengthening ism, or sink to the level of Wells by the Edmonddson Musteite combination of the considerably weakened union machand Upton Sinclair, his fellow member which lacked backbone and a clear pro ine. The financial situation is close to! The conference called by the Unem. tioned only by way of obeisance to aſ the movement were whit difter on the International Committee.
gressive program, failed utterly. But the bankruptcy. For weeks and months, ployed Council of New York under the discarded but still living god. Reliet, any ent from most those which the move But Rolland is a pacifist, the results in both of these instances is to be the officials have received no salaries. direction of the Communist party at the kind of rellet, was the note of the con ment has been struggling to carry honest and sincere amongst them, but a accounted for in large measure by the The bosses are seeking to evade the pay Manhattan Lyceum, August 15 to work ference. This is not a new development out. these are contained in pacifist nevertheless. His profound dfailure of the left wing under the official ment of unemployment. insurance. out a plan to further advance the fight of the party efforts to build a move their entirety in the Draft Program of miration for Lenina and the Bolshevik party leadership to penetrate these The work sent out of New York slips for immediate relief and unemployment ment or relief from the crisis.
movements and its subsequent complete into new shops, out of town, not under insurance was a pure brew of opportun the latest phase of the opportunist turn with them next week. Here it is neces dent admiration for Sun Yat Sen.
Hillman control. that is, from which ism. From beginning to end it was sat initiated a little more than a year ago Nary to remark only that they did not Chandi. Among these three contempor Now the Illinois miners are marching Hillman draws no dues. By the preurated with the spirit of reform by Browder in the Dally Worker of advance is one step toward uniting the ary figures Rolland gets himself hopagain. The deepseated discontent 18 went stoppage Hillman hopes to tighten ism. Every speech was devoted to the March and 12.
again faring into a mighty flame. Ten up the machine, oll it and put it into fakery of the relief agencies, the colunemployed and employed, toward maklessly lost. He has a fatal inability to acious struggles against the lowering of faster operation, in order to squeeze out lusion of the city government with the conference the The difference lies in the fact that this ing a serious approach to the socialist distinguish the yawning gap that divides the standard of living are in progress a little more sustenance for the impov. real estate sharks and landlords, etc. showed, had a programmatie character. unions. In short Winter left us stand ian revolutionary distribuish betwee woorde reporter speech workers and the workers in the of the latter two from the great proletaralso in the Indiana coal fields and the erished bureaucrats. This is the aim of etc.
Mahoning Valley, Ohio. are in The National Committee of the Uneming exactly where we were, marking time he is unable to distinguish between the which the treacherous morass of Ghandism and the In the above is conatined a serious man is concerned. The near future wou orderprovided they are linked upcora bloyed Councils of the has is furlously in a circle from lesson of what the revolutionary forces clearly reveal this aim and the cause rectly with the revolutionary goal of the Fighting Methods and Organization a Proposed Draft Program of Winters, big and little, cannot lead us eminance of Marxism. One cannot be a Ghandhist or Sun Yat Senist for Asia must not do. It is the polley pursued which led to the sudden stoppage after working class and the Communists. This Forms of the Unemployed Councils.
When Winter was through the floor and a Leninist for Europe. That imposby the official party which led to isola Hillman declaration not so long ago was nowhere apparent. In fact its ab Whereas before the party pursued its was thrown open for discussion. The sible combination was attempted by tion and impotence of the left wing. Its that a strike or stoppage is impractice the ideological approach of the confer the party press it is now definitely com chairman announced that the floor was The result is commonly known: the Chl ence made it impossible to distinguish opportunistic way by twists and turns in procedure was awaxingly simple.
The Stalin and Bucharin all during the revmistakes in this respect began with the able olutionary usurge in China in 1925 1927.
stupid boycott of the revolt movement As for the tailors, they have been ence from a Left wing socialist meet mitted to a which found its expression in the Walker drawn into this stoppage, first of all, ing.
program opportunistic first nese revolution was not only inundated Fishwick Howatt combination, and re as mentioned before, because of their Winters, the reporter by appointment, this program in the next issue. Time to speaker would be comrade so and so from in its own blood but the war danger, through and through. We will return to open for discussion and that pealed toward the Edmondson Musteite deplorable conditions, and second because worked himself into a minor boat over needed to plough through the swamp and the Gold Dust Lodge. When the comrade particularly against the Soviet Union, led revolt. The serious consequences ofl of deceptive slogans. Were there a well the insult the city offered the unemploy reduce it to its opportunist elements.
was through the chairman informed us was greatly accentuated. This dreadful these stupid tactics are not to be meas organized wing in the Amalgamated, ed by allowing Board of nato that the way to get the floor was to experiment is a warning against itself.
The conference was a model of bur hand a slip of paper bearing the name say to the of Lenin. ured alone by the shortcomings and fail it would be possible to convert the stop to take a four month vacation. He caucratis machine control. It ran of the delegate and his organization. writes Rolland, and say to the Asia but more so by the isolation and final ainst wage cuts and for the smashing unemployed movement to build organiza smoothly on all six cylinders of mech: the next speaker will bo. It of Sun Yat Sen and Ghandi: Brothers, and. The disappearance of an organized Left wing of Hillman plans.
Lenin is a name which tionally, to build a stronger movement conference was opened by Winter who in was beautifully simple. How these peo count on ine!
movement. Vicious Combination from which he deduced the necessity of the name of the arrangement committeeple fear and hate the Lett Opposition. means the unrelenting revolutionary Duties of the Revolt Movement Hillman machine supports itself upon building a movement strong enough to nominated Wiseman, organizer of the UnIt is yet time, however, to make good the Clothiers Exchange, the contractors wring from them tens and hundreds of employed Council. Attempts to make other bureaucratic stultification can come nothIt will help them nothing. From such struggle of the exploited of the earth against the imperialist slavedrivers.
in a measure on the mistakes made and Association and certain trucking express millions of dollars for reller.
nominations were ignored and Wiseman ing but confusion. No serious worker bartering of the Interests of the oppresGhandi is a name which stands for the to regain the time and opportunities companies which carry the cut work and Insurance Relegated rode into the chairmanship on a wave can learn anything more about his pro sed masses to the imperialist overlord lout. The present revolt movement has a piece goods into the clothing shops. This Even unemployment insurance was re ot ayes. Wiseman introduced the main blems from such spectacles, then he can of the native colonial bourgeoisie. No very serious duty to perform for the combination brings in enormous profits, legated to the background. It was men reporter, Winter, who will speak for from the Corpus Christi processions of man can stand for both Lenin and GanM consumed an the Roman Catholic Church. What the Whour and a halt of one of the hottest Stalinists must be made to realize is that Lenin means active, organized, militant nights in memory.
the ideas of Marxlan Leninism cannot a whole bourgeoisie. Chandi non resistagencies, the collusion of the city gor the Stalinist era any more than they ance is the highest development of the (Continued from page 1) the Bolsheviks made a united front with American proletariat to their interna ernment with the landlords in evicting were by the corrupt and degenerate so: practise of disarming the armies of the of restraining their followers from strug the Miensheviks and Social Revolution tional duties just as we awakened them werkers emberespokea mucho en content four days when the Leninist tactics of the people to face the han perdalitate carcere against the advances of the Brown crushed, the Mensheviks and wereolution. The party comrades here must failed to explain it causes in the lo Comintern under Lenin and Trotsky do theach. The preachment of cancel each other; the latter acludes Tate itself has proved the best test of strengthened, and the door was opened son of the burning problems of the Gero Calth, that the line is correct, benedictum seperates se from the party rank and the presentation of the leadership of weakened and the Bolsheviks enormously raise the demand: an immediate discus correct policy of the party. He also smashed their way through all obstacles. Leninism and Ghandism do not simply We will yet throw the tinued to gain strength throughout Ger October. The same problem confronto trade unione. Civil war has broken out sit, but the execution poor.
Ale. We will, together with them, work struggle against imperialist war to a many. From an insignificant group it German Bolshevism today. The party and we must act before it is too late! Winter reached the pinnacle of Stalin out a genuine Leninist program for re man like Rolland, however eminent, 18 to has grown to the largest party in the there must make a radical and frank Remember, comrades: ist theory and logic in explaining that lief from the crisis. It will be a res build a movement on a slope at the end country. The Communist party has also turn in its policy. It must make an open The victory of Fascism in Germany the arrangement committee some time olutionary program trim which every of which lies defeat.
grown, but due to its mistakes, only demand for a united front to the Social means a crushing defeat of the working prior to the convening of the conference vestige of opportunism will be rootou very little in comparison with the pos Democratie party, the socialist trade class of the world and a direct thrent had changed the name of the demonstra. out.
sibilities offered by the situation.
unions and the Reichsbanner a It united to the life of the Soviet Union. THE MILITANT tion on September 10 which the conferhas not been able to break the hold of front to crush the Fascist monster, to The victory of the proletariat of Gerence was called to organize, from Bread Datered us second claw mall matter the social democratic politicians over stamp it out before it reaches power. many over Fascism means opening of a Parade to Relief March. The reason?
November 2, 1024, at the Post Once millions of socialist workers. And at the unified proletariat can accomplish this new era of revolutionary struggles and Shades of Marx and Lenin! Sald Winter: Due to extreme technical difficult. Now York, Under the act of present moment of neute danger, our aim without great difficulty. The Inter triumphs throughout the entire world! This is not to be just another demonstrates Young Spartacus, the youth organ of March 1879.
party offers no clear program of strugests to and sym the Left Opposition, was compelled to Published weekly by the Communist le that can unite the German masses, fate of the Communist International, decision lles in the hands of our German pathizers shouting the same slogan for omit its August issue. The next issue Langue of America (Opposition)
to sweep out of existence the Fascist hang upon the achievement in the speed brother party! We must help it make relief and unemployent Insurance. It is will of course appear in September. This 84 Last 10th st.
gangs of petty bourgeois agents of Geriest possible time of this objective. the correct decision. We must show our to be a march of workers already strug will be the first issue of the page Young EDITORIAL BOARD man and world imperialism.
The defense of the Soviet Union de genuine solidarity with it in its hour of gling for relief. We are going indic Spartacus, and will appear with a new Martin Abern James. Canzen pends directly upon the extermination need right now.
ate that we are going to carry on con and more attractive mast head. Because MRI Bachtman Maurice Specto For a United Front of the Fascist lordes.
crete struggles in every flop house.
of the doubling of the number of pages Arne Swabeck The situation cries aloud for action Comrades. Days count now where (Signed) SEBASTIAN PAPPAS The words and music ae only too fam new features and richer content, more SATURDAY AUGUST 20, 1932 What is Imperative is that our German months counted before. We Communista 690 Allerton Ave. illar to our readers. Winter little and better articles are promised by its Vol. No. 34 (Whole No. 130)
Apt 35 brother party adopt the policy of Lenin. in America have our part to play. We quirk did not make this sort of Stalin editorial committee. Bundle orders and Subscription rate: 00 Mer year; for the policy of the united front. Against must help our German comrades tread Bronx, ist pap any more palatable.
subscriptions should be sent in immedi in 50. Mive conta per copy.
the danger of Kornilov putsch in 1917. the correct road. We must awaken the August 1, 1932.
The tasks which Winter imposed on ately.
Bundin rates, cents per copy.
che non era commerce et les compete for The Opposition and United Front» Unemployment Confab no di.
tion membu