BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Hands Off Rosa Luxemburg Ferment in the British Party gerclouds in the sky the the at its true bullet with Lenin.
ZAOR IR MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1932 by LEON that the shade of Rosa Luxemburg is irreconcilably inimical to him. But this TROTSKY does not hinder the great shade from re.
maining the banner of the International (Continued from last Issue)
Open Letter from Comrade Stewart Purkis to Harry Pollitt When Lenin, going back into the past, Reply to the Slandering of alty, he did not even take the bother proletarian revolution.
of verifying what he himself had sala LUXEMBURG AND THE RUSSIAN a Revolutionist REVOLUTION on the same subject five years before.
wrote in October 1919. Greetings to Dear Comrade Pollitt, cured Justifies the Left Opposition and the Italian, French and German ComThe new variant of the history of the Rosa Luxemburg criticized very You have asked straight question. condemns the line of the Communist Inthough the Left Opmunists. In the moment of the ideas of the Permanent Revolution was erely and fundamentally, incorrectly the you have a straight answer. You have ternational.
seizure of power and the creation of the Soviet Republie, Bolshevism remained ble against Leninism. Such is the Indicated first of all by an urge to pro policies of the Bolsheviks in 1918 from asked me how far go with The Composition has been correct. It seemed inStornet in the held, it had drawn to itself unexpected history of the origin of the vide a dish more spley that all those her prison cell. But even in this, hermunist the bulletin which contained advisable to risk expulsion from the the best of the tendencies closest to it in theory of the Permanent Revolution, in preceding. It is needless to explain that most erroneous work, her eagle winga cornrade Trotsky article Germany: the Party, even to take part in a Aght to win Socialist thought. repeat, when Lenin accordance with the latest historical re: Martor was dragged In by the hair for are to be seen Here is her general eva Key to the International Situation. and the re admission to the Communist InRosa Luxem vestigator forgot to consult his own pre etical and historical cookery. Martov thing that the party had the power to the Left Opposition. My answer to you had been the correct One Past issues mind also the tendencies vious Warned works. In 1925 this same attitude to the theory and practice of perform in the sphere of valour, of force and to my comrades in the British party were past. One turnel to the work which burg, whose closest adherents, e.
at every depot Mark hlevskey. Djerjinsky and others, Stalin had already expressed himself on the Permanent Revolution was one of ful action of revolutionary farsighted. go with it all the way. Not only clamoured to be done were working in the ranks of the Bol this question in his polemle against Ra unalterable antagonism, and in the ola ness and consequentiales all that was does this answer levitably incur expulgate and street corner.
The Cruelal Issue of Germany dek. Here is what he wrote then, It is days he stressed more than once that fully carried out by Lenin, Trotsky and slon: It also entails misunderstanding sheviks.
All the revolution disappointment and condemnation among Then hard on the heels of the disturbLenin understood Rosa Luxemburg not true that the theory of the Perman. Trotsky views on Revolution were re the party comrades.
mistakes more profoundly than stalin: ent Revolution. was put forward in sected equally by the Bolsheviks as well wrychonor and the capacity for action. st valued comrades. It is my duty to ing attitude of the Communist Interna but at was net accidentally that Lenin 1905 by Rosa Luxemburg and Trotsky. as the Mensheviks. But it is not worth which the social democracy of the West them and to the Party, that state tional towards the Spanish Revolution, so lacked, were demonstrated by the Bolo clearly why take any stand with the came the crucial Issue of Germany. Party once quoted the old couplet in relation As a matter of fact this theory was put while to pause over this.
forward by Parvus and Trotsky. This sheviks. Their October insurrection was British Croup of the Left Opposition. comrades in the know whispered that Stand One of Policy What is truly fatal is that there is not only the true salvation of the Rusthe Fascists were to take power anchalLuxemberehe eagles down swoop and assertion may be consulted fine bike e not a single major question of internasian Revolution but it also saved the First wish to say that my reasons lenged. German Industry is so impor But bathyard fowl with outspread thon goe het die sonsope that it obtains stalin has falled to express two directly this perchance be the voice of Centrism: ve years of Party membership, have plan, that nothing must distrubie the relia wings will never soar amid the in all foreign editions.
LUXEMBURG AND THE that in April 1924, he conclusively de subjects to severe criticism the policies tons nothing but good will and com Russian Socialism. The Five Year Plans Forenings very reason Stalin should pro. So, in 1925, stalin pronounced Rogaism the impossibility of building social their slogan of national self determina ile of the Party are as a whole, splen. German Industry: whatever the governPrecisely the case! Precisely the polnt: PERMANENT REVOLUTION monstrated in The Questions of Lenin of the Bolsheviks in the agrarlan sphere, radeship in my Party life: the rank and were to be completed with the help of ceed with caution before expending his Luxemburg not sulity in the commis 1sm to an one country. In autumn, in a tion, and their rejection of formal dem ala comrades and fellow workers. The ment!
when the matterson of such a cardinal sin as partici new edition of the book, he substituted scracy. In this criticism we might ada, leadership of our party has in it men But comrade Trotsky writing on vicious mediocrity Rosa pating in the creation of the theory of in its place proof (1. e. a bald pro directed equally against Lenin and Trot of outstanding gifts: a writer as acute German issue, especially Germany touch figures of such stature the Permanent Revolution. As a matclamation) that Luxemburg.
proletariat can and sky, she makes no distinction whatever as Dutt; an organizer as skilled Key to the International Situation. the In the article In relation to the Hister of fact, this theory was put forward must build socialist in one country between their views; and Rosa Luxem. as Emile Burns; a speaker, tactician and Letter to a German Comrade and Dictator by Parvus and Trotsky In 1981, we the entire remainder of the text was burg knew how to read, understand, and mass leader as able as Harry Poliitt. What Next? have vividly shown the tory of the Question of the touching are informed by the identical Stalin that left unchanged. On the question of the seize upon shadings. It did not even fall Such is the character of the rank and position in Europe. They have nade it ship Lenin (October 1920)
upon questions of the Soviet state and it was precisely, Parvus and Rosa Lux worker peasant party of the Brest Lit. Into her head, for instance, to accuse mile: such is the quality of the leadership. clear that Who wins in Germany wins the dictatorship of the proletariat, al emburg. who concocted the toplanovak negotiations, the leadership of theme of the fact that by being in solidar. This is my estimate of our party and in Europe. They have presented the ready posed by the Revolution, and schema the October Revolution, on the national ity with Lenin on the agrarian question, its leadership. state it that it may be danger of war on the not as of the revolutionary proletariat and of was innocent of creating the theory, it put forward, for a period of a few years, antry. And moreover she knew these tory personal relationships with the rank living reality.
the unfalsifted Marxism as Rosa Luxem. was only caught up by him, and at sometimes of a few months, opinions views very well sing hal developed and tile. not because underestimate the In 1930 Trotsky warned the Party that her Pollah ability and gifts of its leadership that their forecasts of the early collapse of kuce or the practical experience and ugain Stalin is caught with the goods. be incorrect to place the blame in every journal. Rosa Luxemburg ends her line up with the Left Opposition. Fascism were not justified. Twelve came forward at meetings and in the Perhaps he writes on questions of which thing on a poor memory. The matter criticism with the demand, in the policy support the left Opposition because months ago, Trotsks pointed to the Un.
press with critical analyses of it.
On he can make neither head nor tall Or reaches deeper here. Stalin complete of the Bolsheviks the essential must be believe that the policy of the British ited Front of the Communist and social the contrary, people of the type of tu. Is he consciously shuffling marked cards y lacks any method of scientifle think distinguished from the onessential, the party and of the Communist Interna democratie organizations as ture Kautskyites. evinced an utter in playing with the basic questions of ing, he has no criteria of principles. He fundamental from the accidental The tonal is at fault on those very root is policy which could ensure the defeat of face pacity to understand the significance Marxism? It is incorrect to pose this approaches every question as if that fundamental she considers to be the force sues for which comrades Trotsky, Rakor. Derscisma the break them the seconde der of this experience. In a few lines, question as an alternative. As a matter question were born only today and stood of the action of the masses, the will to sky and the many comrades of the Leftocracy, and successes in the struggle for Lenin fully pays the tribute of recognt of fact, both the one and the other ob apart from tion to the historical significance of Rosa tain here. The stalinist falsifications contributes his judgments entirely de Lenin and Trotsky with their friends expelled.
other questions. Stalin socialism. In this relation. she writes, Opposition have fought and have been proletarian power. Today erents tardily compel the Party towards Trotsky line.
Luxemburg struggle against Kautsky. are conscious in so far as they are depending upon whatever personal Interest were the first who have set an example Reviewing Past of Party But time in this struggle is the life and the struggle, which Lenin himself had tated at each given moment by entirely of his is uppermost and most urgent to the world proletariat. Bven now they The very facts have indicated the death factor. The line which Trotsky been far from immediately evaluating concrete personal interests. At the same today. The contradictions that convlet remain the only ones who can exclaim gifted leadership of the British party, pointed out two year ngo, the Party worth. It to Stalin, time they are semi conscious, in so far him are the direct vengeance for his with Huss, This, have dared! the comradely and Industrious rank and begins to shuffle towards to day. These the ally of Chiang Kai Shek, and the as his congential ignorance place no im. vulgar empiricism. Rosa Luxeburg. Yes, Stalin has sufficient cause to hate nile, the developed objective conditions delays and weaknesses of both the Com comrade in arms of Purcell, the theore pediments whatsoever to his theoretical does not appear to him in the perspec Rosa Luxemburg. But all the more in all these contrast No vividly with the munist International and the German ticlan of the worker peasant party. of propensities.
tive of the German, Polish and interna perious therefore becomes our duty to Party failure to win the leadership of leadership threaten disaster to the the democratic dictatorship of Non But facts remain facts. In his war tional workers movement of the last half shield Rosa memory from Stalin the British working class that every second to the whole working class antagonizing the bourgeoisle etc. against the Trotskyist contraband century. No, she is to him each time calumny that has been caught by the Communist has it as his plain duty to movement. In the present situation it is to him Rosa Luxemburg is the represen Stalin has fallen foul of a new personal a new, and, besides, an isolated Agure, hired functionaries of both hemispheres, ask hmselt whether the Party is on the to me a clear duty to put comrade Trot.
tative of Centrism, to Lenin she is the enemy, Rosa Luxemburg! He did not regarding whom he is compelled in every and to pass on this truly beautiful, heroic correct line. The position in Britain to sky writings in the hands of the Party representative of falsifled Marxism. pause for a moment before lying about new situation to ask himselt anew, Who and tragic image to the young genera day, after ten years of hard struggle membership, that his leadership may be What this designation meant coming as her and villifying her; and moreover becoes there Friend of foe? Unerringtions of the proletariat in all its grandeur is. 1) Parliamentary: 70, 000 votes for available to the working class in this It does from Lenin pen is clear to fore proceeding to put into circulation his instinct has this time whispered to the and inspiritional force.
the defence of the 2) In hour of need. That is why support any one who is even slightly acquainted stallion doses of vulgarity and disloy theoretician of sociale in one country Prinkipo, June 28, 1982 dustrial: no roots in factories or trade the work of the Left Opposition in isunions. 3) Political complete fallure suing circulating in the to make the revolutionary way out plain Party and to militant workers THE BANNER OF THE to the workers. This position repeats When was expelled from the RallPROLETARIAN REVOLUTION itself in the Communist parties throughway Clerks Association, the out the world. These facts have moved leadership saw and condemned my action that in the notes to Lenin works there (Continued from page 1)
is among others the following said about swept away the Reichstag, the dictator International proletariat is standing beism of the strategy of the Communist low members and my comrades in the me to accept the Left Opposition critic as a breach of rule. Many of my felRosa Luxemburg During the florescence the Central Executive Committee of the ship was instituted in Prussia all with fore a disastrous decisino, of International Party saw supported my action as of the Bersteinlan revisionism and later has condemned the Berlin Bran out a struggle, all without any resist black reaction threaten the international At the time of the Left Opposition the course which loyalty to the working of ministerialism (Millerand. Luxem. denburg united front action of June 20. ance. The Communist party has simply working class.
The whole theory of social Fascism played the role of helpless, onlooker. Make your voices beard. It is now or Trotsky. was a new member of the struggle and the expulsion of comrade clase demanded. know that may now be condemned decisive light, taking her position in the with all its disastrous appendages froneet ship, note bien pare walking thass lend: never! Together with the Loft Opposi Party. Even then it was dificult for by you and by many valued comrades for Let wings of the German party. In remain intact. The Ted untedin metront elime of her parang med bbw to fit alin ton blast the silence, the criminal un me not to oppose the contention that breaking rules by circulating this mater Isot whes participated as a delegate of under the leadership the the communist soen opas hing else og mine bourse is to have concern, the treacherous tranquility of Trotsky, who had shared the leadership on Germany. But we who do this London Congress of sup Nothing can be more fatal, nothing fensive The Fascists are primed for and cables by your units, by your selec had the immediate direction of the more important than keeping rules which porting the Bolshevik faction on. can be more tracle than this thoughtower Germany is to be handed over tions to the address of the Communist practical organization of the uprising ban vital discussion in the Party.
hasic questions of the Russian revolu less und irresponsible action of the Ger directly to the butchers of the working International, to the Central Executive and to whom the Party was first and In this short letter cannot set out tlon From 1907, Luxemburg gave her man Stalinists. At a time when Committee of the German Communist foremost indebted for the garrison the Left Opposition case on the major The Next Stop of Fascismself over entirely to work in Germany, deadly enemy is at the doorstep, the Party.
War Against the prompt going over to the Soviet could political issue: the case for the policy taking a Left radical position and carry. Stalinist bureaucrats persist in their But not only Germany. The next step national Take your fate the fate of the inter be the counter revolutionary into which of International Revolution against Na.
Ink Mom a tight against the Center and headless and sidde ultimatist sammen med in the bourgeois offensive is war the hands. Demand the adoption of the crature was sparse, the Right Wing. Her participation simply refuse to tear the mask of the international, the Imperialist extension of Leninist policy of the International Left great men the Arnots the Ernie Browns, and all the tactical issues which follow revolution into your own Party calumny slowly pictured him. Lit tional Socialism (even when it wears the The Party little guise of Socialism in one country. made her name the banner of the prole. mest propttons moment. They are throw workers state, against Soviet Russta. ership of Lenin comrades and co worke: remained unconvinced but equipped the importance of mastering these issues tarian revolution.
ing away the opportunity of uniting the The Fascists have gained their followers, the Russian Left Opposition with and so refrained from voting. by premios comprado Trotsky, at the headThe voice ocheria de worked on then the Parts and tons of eles estom With to write to me for details of the publica.
will in all probability on the mortow democratie workers in one common front ing. There is no other way for confess his sins and announce that in which the workers all want and for the capitalism than the bloody rule of Fasc road of Lenin and Trotsky!
tory of world Communism les along the continued to study the leges raised by the Left Opposition.
that my course of action is dictated by condition, and that he reached complete treacherous leaders who want to sabot ism than the adventure of impertalisting the Soviet Union and the working hand.
The literature has come slowly to political and not personal motives: and enlightenment only in the epoch of age it. The criminal, headless German war against another nation, war in which class of the world. The Bolshevik Lenin China, Russian industrial and agricul position position and support for its On the past issues Poland. that if my acceptance of the Left OnStalin. At the present moment announce Stalinists must be stopped!
it will receive unconditional support Lists are needed at their posts: at the fore tural development, the Anglo Russian works entails my expulston, shall from ments of this sort combinations of Where is the Communist Internation from the money bags abroad. That na Committee, all the evidence have se without the Party do my utmost tomade daily in the Moscow press. But control of the and of the Soviet the fatherland of the inter gether with my Left Opposition comrades they do not change the nature of things. Union to say in this hour of despera national working class, the fortress of SHEMALE ARTES:14 KAMERAS THAIMAHARUS Party for its real task: the organization within the Party to strengthen the. What once set down in black and tion? Stalin and his faction are main. the world revolution!
a silence We are at a turning point in history IEON TROTSKY of the working class for the world strugmight. Yet, Rosa Luxemburg has be which condones the criminal polley of The German working class is not yet gle for world socialism.
come the banner of the proletarian rev. the German leadership. We stigmatize crushed. The institution of Fascism is.
With Communist greetings olution. this unheard of, cowardly, silence on the however, a matter of days. The StalinSTEWART PURKIS.
How and wherefore, however, did part of Stalin as an act of treachery. ist leadership has enormously faited in Hogarth HIN London 11.
lated a time with the revision of the The Stalinist leadership has allowed its task. Without the guidance of its July 27th, 1932.
Vital Questions for the German old Bolshevik valuation of Rosa Luxem the working class of Germany to pass revolutionary Communist party, left in MARXIST CLASSICS Proletariat Through an exchange rangement preceeding theoretical abortions so with year alone, Emergency decree has fol social democracy, the working class of with a local bookseller we have got this latest one, and the most scandal lowed emergency decrec. The workers Germany will be lost and with Germany number of copies of the Communist Manifesto; Socialism, Utopian and Sclen.
struggle against the theory of Perman. unemployment has swelled to fantastic into the eyes of the Soviet Union and tific; Wage Labor and Capital; and Value ent Itevolution.
In his historical artt. proportions and unemployment insurance the working class of the world.
Yet, yet, it is not too late. But the Price and profit. In the past we have cle, Stalin once again allots the ehler has been stripped to the bone, the banks received requests for this iterature. In propaganda work the. among workers we frequently find it nec essary to begin at rock bottom. This is my book The Permament Revolution.
all the more necessary today because of From the historical viewpoint the ques LESSONS OF THE BONUS MARCH the terribly low ideological level that tion will be sufficiently clarified, trust, obtains in the party ranks under Stalin.
in the second volume of The History of (Continued from page 1) what it learned from the bonus fight.
ist leadership Unfortunately because of the terms of Revolution, not on the press. In the fallure the vets and they have paid The fight put up by the veterangan.
yet become one of the traditions of the RED STRATEGY?
DICTATORSHIP our exchange arrangement we are un present case the question of the PerThe tactic of passive resistance which revolutionary working class movement.
able to offer any discount on this literamanent Revolution concerns us only inture. The selling prices in the order sofar as Stalin links it up with Ross the vets pursued finally exhausted the The traditions of American democracy in which they are listed above are: 10 Luxemburg name. We shall presently little patience of the capitalist class and legalism have become thinner in the cents; 25 cents; 10 cents; 25 cents.
trived to set up for himself a murderous were called into play. First, the police the day when they will snap. This we proved unreliable 1200 of the 1400 cope owe in part to the fight put up by our trap.
THE MILITANT After recapitulating the controversy were themselves ex servicemen The. Bad class brothers in Washington Entered to second clan mall matter The capital which this Aght has given November 20, 1020, at the Post Orce between the Mensheviks and the Bolors who were summoned next, notified sheviks on the question of the moving their masters that they were sea tight us must become the special weapon of With Germany on the edge of the volcano that threatens to erupt at Now York, Under the act of not enlist fight on the Communists forces in the Russian revolution and ers. and any moment, Leon Trotsky penetrating analysis of what is next on March 8, 1870.
of the revolution. We must proceed by after masterfully compressing a series of the marines gave a similar answer.
the order of the day in Germany is the most timely revolutionary Published weekly by the Communist mistakes into a few lines, which am The newspapers, hungry for sensation raising the class consciousness of the document of the moment. It is priced so low for a quick sale. Order Langue of America (Opposition)
compelled to leave without an examina. al stories, spread the story far and wide vets by linking up their fight with the af 84 East 10th St.
tlon, Stalin indites, What was the at in all its gory details. No item of the fight for general class relief from the your copy now!
EDITORIAL BOARD titude of the Left German social dem. gruesome butchery was spared. The crisis at the expense of the capitalist 55 63 MAX Shachtman James Cannon ocrats, Parvus and Rosa Luxemburg to New york Evening Journal reporter sala conference its government. The national Parc Maurice Specto In Cloth utoplait and a semi Mensbevist schema of face to the ground stabbed in the back by Servicemen League for the end of PIONEER PUBLISHERS Vol. No. 33 (Whole No. 129)
the Permanent Revolution. Subsequa bayonet. No one can be mistaken September must work out a program of 84 East 10th Street, New York, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1932 ently this semi enshevist schema was aliout the job that was done in Wash accomplishing this task. We will sup Buhacription rate: 00 per your: for port it with all the means at our discaught up by Trotsky (partly by Marington by Hoover orders. ITIHIBILIHATIBHillHরম DELLUNS THIS ola 50. Te conta per capy.
The working class will not soon forget posal tov) and turned into a weapon of strug Bandla ratas, oenta per copy.
years the sycophaney, 1dlocy and buffoonery areal? What has the Stalinist faction in tion is and can be none other than front of the world revolution!
BRANDLER: HINDENBURG LEFT OPPOSITIO: place to this theory. There is not a sin. have crashed, the workers rights have fatal moment almost here. Not al kle new word in what he says. have been trampled under foot, the press (even single hour, not a minute is to be lost, LENINO the course of our SOCIAL DEMOCRACY: NATIONAL SOCIALISM?
SEYDEWITZI THAELMANN BOLSHEVISMO FASCISM: DEMOCRACY see how the haplose theoretician has con The armed forces of the government minds of the workers. We are nearer tol SOVIET UNION STALIN CENTRISM?
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL: advance the cause Martin Abern Arne Swabeck