AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxismOpportunismSocial DemocracySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

dir some to you The New York Anti War Confence SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE to participate and defend its viewpoint in the conferences organized under the auspices of your national committee that We seek to clear up.
On Stalinist Pacifist Relations at the Anti War Conference participation of sincere pacifists in the communistiengue of America advanced tal tells us in terms none too mild that is about as effective as the ultra Lettist The Left Opposition is not against the In the first period of. The editor the stagger plan. The above argument August 9, 1932 Stalinists, then you ought to make anti:war conferences. It is against the a series of slogans for the fight against the Hoover Green, and we Mr. Roger Baldwin, Director frank public explanation of your change pacifist program and the pacifist leader unemployment. Among these, and as an Hearst Five Day week proposal is a man the parliament and the communists parAmerican Civil Liberties Union of position and the reason for it.
New York City Frankness and clarity are of special of the Stalinist bureaucrats. To that we vanced the slogan, For the six Hour opposed to the Hoover Hearst Green because the capitalist» adroente social in My dear Baldwin importance in every aspect of the strug will always counterpose the Lenin pro. Day, the Five Day week WITH NO RE shorter week proposal is not a gram and the revolutionary leadership.
surance and the Communist advocate Communist You left the anti war conference at the gle against war which incorporates at this aim motivated our appearance at DUCTION IN PAY. Today. Hoover, theult thing for a pa social and unemployment insurance the Labor Temple last night after your open the present moment all the interests of why Communists are no better than the caping speech as the representative of the the and the world proletar the conference last night and our request Green and Hearst are making capital out per but to present class reasons the shorter work. italists. Every immediate demand has American Committee for the World lat. In the struggle against war both from the floor there. It will be the same of the six hour day, five day week pro take up. To pass posal. It is advisable to review the pre day proposal of the capitalists as an two sides to it. Its exploiter and exCongress against War. Allow me to in ing is more dangerous and disarming in the future.
The specific question to which we de vent struggle and find out why the capl. other stagger plan is to miss the very ploited side. Its reformist and revoluform you of what transpired after your than ambiguity and deception. Let the talists have stolen a march on the work center of the contradiction, the relation tionary side. In the struggle for imme.
departure and to put questions position of every group be made clear sire an answer now stands: Do you and ers, who is responsible, and FIND OUT of production and the commodity labor diate demands the capitalists and reformTwo resolutions were presented for belong the Bolshevik Leninist faction Congress against War of which you are slogan for the six hour day has been ad C of Marxism economy, makes im tionists for the other. Such is the case consideration the official pacifist) re. devotes itself especially to this work of a prominent member. recognize our vanced in one form or the other by un possible an adoption of Marxian tactics with unemployment Insurance, with elecsolution presented in the name of your clarification, not only of its own post right to participate in the conferences and tons for over a decade, but not untii and strategy for the class.
tions, with strikes, with civil war and meetings under its direction and to de the present crisis and the establishment committee, and different resolution, tion but also of others.
tend our views there, or have you come of a permanent army of unemployed bas Stalinist Muddle likewise with the demand for the sixoutlining the Leninist program for the In putting these questions to you to a tacit agreement with the Stalinists the slogan attracted wide spread atten ignorance or lles, confuses the stagger duction of pay.
The editorial further, either through hour day the five day week, and no refight against war, presented by the de legation of the Communist Left Opposimeant Invidiously in a personal sense popularize the Lenin program in any ends. This must be explained.
trust you will understand that they are to exclude us? We will find the way to tion by different classes, for different plan with the struggle for, The six hour tion (Bolshevik Leninists. do not doubt the sincerity of your in case. We ask no favors. The sole object The Stalinists present the seven bour The floor war then given to a number tentions in the anti war movement. It of this inquiry is clarification of your forces, the rationalization since the last cialists, the Musteites, the Trotskyites are its argument upon, the full time work of speakers who defended the official re is your program that we oppose. It is position.
The tremendous increase in productive in pay. The editorial says. The so day slogan as correct, and the six hour day slogan an false The editorial bases solution and attacked the resolution of the ambiguity as to your attitude toYours, war, has laid the economic base for a putting forward the slogan of 30 hour week being around 60 hours, the demand the Lett Opposition. Pacists, Left ward the right of the Left Opposition JAMES CANNON. corresponding change in the use of labor week without reduction of pay.
Socialists, official Communists and others power. Around the value form of the reality they are helping put into effect of pay would be not to take the strug itor the 30 hour week without reduction spoke. The leader of the attack on the product the capitalists attempt to reor.
Leninist resolution, appropriately enough, ganize the American labor power, on the ungle of the workers seriously and to was Olgin; the same Olgin whom you will pave the way for the stagger plan. The basis of the reorganized industrial struc MILITANT BUILDERS remember as the ardent patriot who at bourgeois average of 50 hours a week ture of American imperialism. From tacked the Lenin program in 1917 18 this Hows increased class struggles.
for full time workers (how many at full from the standpoint of Wilson 14 (Continued from page 2) Further indications that this was the Around the attempted reorganization of THE MIRACLE ISSUE time work in the crisis. does not de points. Our request for the floor to do accepted because they were tested in the original plan is seen in the fact that the labor power, will first develop strugtermine the slogan for the class, as Stal.
As our readers know from our frontinism contends feed our resolution and answer the at. very crucible of war and revolution, wil officially the u. L, the red trade sles o immediate demands that can page appeal for financial help we are the six hour stay, fire day week, withtacks made against it was refused by the also make their way. Of that we have unton central organization, sent not a lead in short order into deeper channels. facing extraordinary difficulties in get out reduction in pay is based upon the chairman.
always been confident, and our convic single delegate. The Young Communist if we allow the capitalists to reorgan ting the Militant out each week. Last needs of the workers at the present stage Was it a pre arranged plan on your tions were strengthened manifold by the League, which has as one of its highest ize the labor power to their own liking week they seemed so insuperable that of American capitalism. The editorial part to leave meeting and thus give feeble, cowardly, apologetic defense the tasks the struggle against war and mill the workers will have less space neces. after the paper was sent off to the post says, Through speed up the capitalists tacit support to the steam rolling of the Stalinists made against our criticisms attarism, was not represented by single sary for the running Jump to overthrow office we still could not believe it. And hope to get out of the workers the same Bolshevik Leninists, or did you have the Labor Temple.
delegate! And even the party did not capitalism. If we allow the capitalists when the happy realization was borne in production in the six hours as they now other engagements, more important and The Conference, we said, centered send any of its prominent leaders. To to reorganize the labor power without on us we felt that we had performed a set ont of an eight hour day. The more pressing at the moment, than the upon our standpoint, much to the chas represent oficial Communism, it sent a presenting a Marxian analysis, the class miracle. Last week issue will go down capitalists have already accomplished question of the fight against war and the rin of the Stalinists. They had origin successful dentist, an equally successful must again condemn the vanguard for in the history of our movement as the this in the pst and in the future the principle of free speech in a movement ally planned the whole affair as an ela: lawyer, a business man, and a second failure. The Stalin palicy has already miracle issue under your leadership?
borate masquerade, repetition of the hand journalist.
Mpeed up will be increased, even though The conference must failed in this field.
MOVING UP am inclined to the first assumption. Catastrophic experiments with the Ad not be too Red.
the workers don get any reduction in respect The Capitalist Alm And, from a political point of view, your glo Russian Committee and the Anti Im able. It must satisfy the liberal auof course, one of the best and soundhours. Seven hours, under capitalist indirect support of the suppression of perintist League. Instead of a revoluthors painters, poets and actors.
In this period of capitalism, the fall est ways of obvlating such miracles and speed up, is too much. The workers can the left Opposition at the conference 18tionary presentation of the Communist must confirm to the idea of a masquer ists to make up the loss by the most sary is to get subs. We are doing this reduced to six 1f ordinary health is to It in the rate of profit forces the capital. the situation which makes them neces not stand the pace. The hours must be quite comprehensible. You, and the tendposition, as an absolute pre requisite for de drastic steps. They must change the but the tempo is too slow. Some time be hand. The struggle for the six hour ency you represent pacifism were in a united front with the non Communist dubitably the victors at the conference masses, the party planned a respect. big debacle is being warmed up for ratio of necessary labor (wages) and ago we warned that the number of suba cay does not mean the 30 hour week av.
must be more erage. The elght hour movement of the In the united front between the Stalinable movement for which the liberals us in the Stalinist kitchens. It in no surplus wages (surplus value) to their which expire each wee ists and the pacifists in the anti war would furnish the window dressing. other question, then at least in the ques interest. The lengthening of the work than balanced by new subs. Comrades. eightles did not mean a 48 hour average movement the Stalinists have yielded the thereby presumably enabling the party tion of the struggle against war the Stal day has given way to the speed up and we are barely holding our own. We are The six hour day struggle is the driving principle positions all along the line to win the masses without the masses ini have had a consistent policy. drastie reduction of wages in order to moving up but too slowly. The record force to reduce all hours in industries from Parls to New York. The program, knowing a thing about it! Listen to how Daily, deafening, endless cries about the reduce the necessary labor and increase for this week. Which we give below that run all the way from to 16 hours.
the character of the preparatory pro the parts controlled New Masses of this war danger. and opportunistic. com. the surplus labor to keep up the falling compared with last week will show If we win the six hour day it will only paganda and the leadership are pacifist. August, with the distinguished Olgin on binations with all the shady and dubl. rate of profit. In crises, and in sections that.
mean about a 40 hour AVERAGE for danger. the American industries In return for these concessions you all its editorial board, speaks thus of the ous elements inside and outside the labor of the industrial structure the capital Comrades, the Militant is in Part of the low the stalinists to work. We ourselves must save it.
manipulate the movement: there must be built a real movement to lead the struggle against ists are still able to lengthen Hours and Wages movement organizationally and to supistic, uncompromising. American, peace, war and for the defense of the Soviet day, but the general trend is in the op work must take the form of raising subs. reduction of hours for the class, on press the voice of the left Opposition morement, cooperating actively with the Union as a substitute for the leadership posite direction, due to the developed Subs, get subs, get renewals. We must the basis of class struggle, regardless which they fear more than anything else. sane and determined forces of peace in of the Commulst party. This was the productive forces which forces them to get subs.
That is what your united front looks other countries to the end that the war meaning of the combination with Pur resort to speed up and general wage. good sign in the staff record 1s the of the bosses ability here and there to like to us.
makers may be exposed and checkmated cell and Co. with Chiang Kal Shek, cuts. The developed productive forces fact that the oldtimers are being crowd lower wages has the directly opposite It must be admitted, again from a on every front. Sane and determined Wang Chin Wel and Peng Yu hslang, as since the war have forced into the struc ed for their places. New comrades are effect on wages. History proves the reduction of the hours of work per day political point of view, that you and your forces of peace how smoothly these well as with all the other adventurers and ture for the first time an absolute de stepping out ahead of them. Weber causes wages to rise. Marxism also fellow thinkers have made an excellent stalinized dilettantes slip back into the traltors who used Stalin Anti Imper crease of the number of workers em. Weaver proves this in case some Staliniste care bargain. We cannot condemn it on those language of sane liberalism, of the lalist League elther as a refuge from played in production, which opened the Cow!
to consult their Marxian economies.
grounds, for we have never put the ques. Nation and the New Republie!
at home or as a door for a permanent army of millions tion of free speech and democracy as working class storms Schulman We have warned the party many In harmony with this dazzling plan to Communistle Monte Carlo where their of unemployed workers.
This new condition called the fundamental question. We have present pacifism as revolutionary, while fortunes might be replenished. In no Nashua months ago in the columns of the MIIL.
stated more than once that we could re revolutionaries are dressed up into pact case was this hollow substitute for a action on the part of the capitalists to Goodman tant about the danger of playing around Schwartz with the six hour day slogan. We said concile ourselves even to bureaucracy it fits, the party had decided not to send revolutionary struggle successful in ad ward the commodity, labor power, if they Edwards if the party alld not take the lead, the it could be demonstrated that it serves official delegates to the anti war confervancing the genuine anti war movement intend to continue to exploit the work Wynne reformers and the capitalists would take a revolutionary end. It is precisely be ence, apparently under the impression by an inch or in adding to the defense ors. Likewise, it calls for bold steps by cause the Staliniat bureaucracy works that this would somehow prove that of the Soviet Union.
the workers vanguard; to utilize the con The record by branches is as follows the lead and turn it into a campaign in an opposite direction, because it the conference was nothing if not tradiction in the capitalist system to en New York 10 2 against us to reduce the standard of liv.
The present course being followed by able the class to take one or more steps serves as a blind instrument of reac respectable. We are able to state Minneapolis 1 ing further the capitalists and reformtion, that we oppose it so intransigeant here confidently and on incontrovert the Comintern in the Barbusse Congress forward. This can be done in many Chicago ers, through the neglect of Stalinism now ly, ble authority have their hands on a weapon and will enterprise can lead to only one conclu ways, but in this field it can only be done that this was the or Philadelphia or less one way and that is by presenting al Other branches get busy!
use it on our heads But some clarification is needed as to iginal plan of the party strategists. sion: catastrophe. One more In the eight hour They Marxian analysis of the higher relation GERMANY THE KEY TO THE day struggle in the Eighties the workers your position. therto you have de They decided only at the very last min will not matter, say the cynics.
And the weapon and used it over the fended free speech as a principle, even ute to change this plan only after the are wrong. The capital accumulated by of labor power to production and pre INTERNATIONAL SITUATION to the extent of demanding it for the appearance of last week Mulltant, others and usurped by Stalin is far from sent a Marxian program of action for As might have been expected with the heads of the capitalists. Every immediMensheviks in Russia and the Ku Klux where we exposed this cowardly plece or nexhaustible. Each debacle has served the class. The party under this taskſ demand for this pamphlet has shot up for the lever and the tactics and strat Stalinist present developments in Germany the ate demand is a race between the classes Klan in America. That was your right, opportunism and announced that wel to dimintah it. Stalin continues to leadership not only failed in of course. But if you have modified your would go to the Conference to present squander it and brings the world. rex. but now comes out with action that like a sky rocket. Our supply is almost egy, based on Marxian analysis will de.
standpoint: if you have decided to our point of view. Not even Baldwin, outlonary movement and the Soviet Un closes the door to the whole problem. exhausted. All that we have left are termine if we can obtain the lever, in sacrifice the principle of free speech apparently, was tipped off to the change con increasingly closer to a horrible end. The Editorful of the Dally Worker of some hundred copies. And at the rate stead of the capitalists, in the class where we are concerned in a movement in the party plans, because he referred It is high time for the Communist work August (clty edition)
derling with they are going they won last another struggle under the direction of your national com in his speech to the fact that of course ers to awaken and act. The Opposition Hoover Green shorter week proposal ten days. This is last call for this pam The slogan, advanced by us many mittee in return for the truly enormous the Communist party would not part will be at their side.
plays into the hands of the capitalists phlet. In next week issue we will have months ago for Long Term Credits to concessions in principle made by the cipate officially. MAX SHACHTMAN. and presents another heap of confusion to announce it as out of print. the Soviet Union. has also met the same fate in the hands of these Stalinist muddleheads. The Communist League of America must intensify its activity within and outside of the party in the class struggle to win a greater organized Left Opposition to give us more pressu viet movements on Russia western upon Beginning with the next issue, the Stalinist revisionism, to enable our class that on August 8th at the Labor Temple, Te Lenin Fundamental Views Which Were Voted Down frontiers, the conference declares Militant will print briet sketches and vanguard more effectively to fight the present situation in Germany con presenting numerous labor and fraternal capitalists.
the individuals chosen to head organizations of New York, declares By the Stalinists in Alliance with the Pacifists stitutes not only the gravest danger to The slogan for the six hour day, the that the problem of imperialist war and the Soviet Union but to the existence Barbusne Rolland Wells Gorky Sinclair Congress Against War From these five day week, with no reduction in pay.
aggression against the Soviet Union has is the central propaganda slogan for the now become a most acute question re arily becanse it is the fatherland of the clal democracy, today also, are the petty movement throughout the world. Upon sketches our readers will be able to the victory or defeat of German Fascism gain an idea of the records of those struggle against unemployment. To unite quiring the immediate consideration of workers everywhere, the beacon light, bourgeois agencies of Imperialism to whom the leadership of a strug the employed and unemployed upon a the working class of this country and which inspires the proletariat throughout ranks of the working class. The conter will depend the fate of the world workgle against imperialist war has been solid organizational basis. It is not a the rest of the world.
the world to intensity its fight for em ence condemns and rejects the views of ing class and the Soviet Union for the these tendencies as dangerous to the next cpoch. Hitler can preserve himselt entrusted. Watch the next issue. question of social insurance, or immediate The present world wide crisis of cap lancipation from capitalism. Resist in power only as a counter revolutionary relief, or the shorter work day, or long italism is accentuating the confilets. The strength of the International pro genuine struggle against war.
among the imperialist powers to the high letariat is the best defense of the Soviet ance to war. general strike to stop agent of France and the other great Soviet Union. To leave such a move term credits to the Soviet Union or the est degree and by the very nature of Union. The attack upon the latter, war and similar slogans of pacifism powers, only as the butcher of the Germent in the hands and under the leader United Front which is first and which capitalist society is driving them head therefore, is commenced by the capitalist are deceptive phrases and gestures, man proletarian vanguard, only as the ship of confusionists and pacifists like is second. Immediate relief is the most long towards another bloody conflict for offensive and the assaults of Fascism without the revolutionary unification of primary instrument in a milltary attack Henri Barbusse, Romain Rolland, Dressing problem for the class at the the re division of sources of power in the world, in which viet Union. War against Russia is a leadership which can put an end to war therefore the immediate problem of the only prevent the unfolding of a revolua movement around the slogan of immediate relief as the first or central slogan.
each of the great powers, expecting a military continuation and prolongation only by working systematically to con whole working class, and requires the tionary anti war struggle.
Depending upon ebbs and flows, upon victorious outcome, hopes to emerge of the attack upon the proletariat in vert the imperialist war into a civil war utmost concentration forces. Thel As against a movement led and domin sharp turns or victories, other slogans from the crisis raging in its midst. The every country. The defense of the so of the proletariat against the bourge conference therefore urges upon the ated by such elements and ideas, the will be shifted to the spotlight and then numerous disarmament conferences viet Union cannot be conceived of with posie.
which have been held in Genova are an out a revolutionary struggle of the work In the event of an outbreak of imper application of the polley of the united national and the Red International or replaced by one of the other slogans. The enormous swindle, comparable to the ing class in all lands, led by the Com talist war, the working class decisively front towards the social democratic mass Labor Unions to convene an Interna structure must be built on a solid or.
varlons peace conferences and maneu munist parties, against their own bour rejects the reactionary idea of defense es to annihilate Fascism in the form otional Congress to which shall be public of the capitalist system that spans the 1914 18, which were realculateur batthetive participation in this revolutionary except the Soviet Union. In a war of party for a united front on the basis of International Federation of Trade Un the same time enables the other slogans imperialist powers merely for the pur struggle is merely a liberal gesture.
upon this structure. This War is not an arbitrary act of evil defeatist position While participating united death blow to the Hitlerites. The Workingmen Association (Anarcho Syn slogan is the slogan for the reduction of field of armaments and for lulling the doing individuals. It is the inevitable in the armies of the capitalists for the policy of the united front developed undicalists. In order to prepare a world hours, The six hour day, the five day working class of the world into a feel product of captalist Imperialism which aims of its own class, the proletariat der the leadership of Lenin and Trot wide struggle against the danger of im week, with no reduction in pay.
Ing of false security during which all cannot be abolished without the over works for the defeat of its own boursky at the Third and Fourth Congressos perialist war, against the threat of Fasc. o.
the preparations were actually being throw of the ruling class and its system. seolste as the first step in the overthrow of the Communist International, theism in Germany and for the defense of made for war itself. The preaching of Only to the extent that the working class of its capitalism. The struggle against unity of the working class will make it the Soviet Union. Convocation of a dharmaments is pernicious, hypocrisy united under the leadership of the war therefore as primarily the struga mestibles to smatra interiomandon thus similar Kathering in Berlin in April 1922. PORTRAIT OF YOUTH working class at the same time that the duet an effective struggle against the does not begin only when war has broken, ected at the Soviet Union. The problem and including the Second and Two andBy good fortune we have pleked up a capitalist class is arming itself to the danger of Imperialist war and military out. It must be carried on in the same of the struggle against war is now posed Half International served admirably copy of Max Eastman blography of teeth.
Intervention against the Soviet father class spirit: before, during and after the most acutely by the Fascist mennce into broaden the movement for a revolucomrade Trotsky which is out of print.
War and the Soviet Union land of the proletariat outbreak of war.
Germany and it is there that the battletionary struggle against capitalism. The title of it is Leon Trotsky, the Poris concentrated at the moment.
The Key Danger Hitlerism The preparations for a new Imperialist The War of 1914 1918 not only reveal In the meanwhile, the Conference urges trait of a Youth. We have only one copy preparations for an aggressive Assault but above all the bankruptcy and treach workers to the acute threat to the Soviet The acuteness of the situation requires on a national scale in the United States. turn it over to the Militant start to be world war so on simultaneously with the ed the bankruptcy of capitalist society. While calling the attention of the For Revolutionary Struggle Against War that such a plan be executed Immediately and we refuse to sell it. But we will upon the Soviet Union. The imperialista ery of the social democracy of all lands, Union contained in the Japanese at that the Communist International shall The Conference lustructs its delegates included in its premiums to be offered have a permanent hatred for the so including the paeltists, who served as an teks on Manchurla, supported by French take the initiative and leadership in the to the World Congress galust War to to the highest standing member of the viet Union not only because of the eco obstacle in the path of working class imperialism, which is the most active development of an international strug adopt a position there in harmony with staff of Militant Builders at the end of nomic advances it has made, but prim struggle against war. Pacifism and so supporter and organizer of the anti 8ogle against war and for the defense of the the views expressed in this resolution. August 2 1 for new The Left Opposition Resolution at the New York Anti War Conference of the