AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxismNazismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Read carefully the resolution presented by the Left Opposition to the New York Conference Against War at the Labor Temple on August It is printed on page of this issue. The resolution contains Lenin revolutionary views on the struggle against war. It is Lenin language, in letter and spirit! It is the language of Bolshevism which every Communist and militant worker must agree with. Why did the Stalinist leaders force the 300 Party members, delegates to the New York Conference, to vote against it? Why were Lenin views rejected by the bureaucrats in favor of a petty bourgeois pacifist resolution? Why was the Christian pacifist Barbusse hailed while Lenin was howled down?
UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist Lectue of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the post ofice at New York, under the act of March, 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 33 (WHOLE NO. 129 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1932 PRICE CENTS Left Opposition Alone Raises the Voice of Lenin at Congress Against War Stalinists Unite with Liberal Pacifists to Reject Resolution of League Delegation on Fight Against the War Danger the HO DO The Hitleritesat the Gates!
Monarchist Putschin Spain Alarm Signal!
form of a quotation from the Anti Was Militarist Coup in Seville and Madrid is Quickly Crushed In the breasts at the readas en cuader te Lessons of the Bonus March conference composed of more than an expelled faction of Communist voice of the revolutionary followers of mitting the use of his name as a screen spoke. For, as we shall see the original, general, to war as something beyond the 200 Communist workers at which a reparty, defends the standpoint of Bolshev. Lenin. conference which not only for the organizationl manipulations of plan to hide the face of the Communist realm of classes and the class struggle.
solution giving Lenins views on how to ism. conference at which the repre turns down a Lenin resolution, but gives the Conference behind the scenes by the party was changed and by a forced But that is the limit of the criticism combat imperialist war, is jeered at and sentatives of official Communism take a thunderous sote of endorsement to a stalinists. But for this, he received in march the party sent its delegates at that may be levelled against him.
voted down. conference to discuss the upon themselves a stubborn defense of resolution presented in the name of a return an infinitely greater concession the last minute.
spoke according to his lights.
war danger at which only a small hand paclists, advertise them, praise them, committee of pacifists and petty bour from his opponents: the uncritical ad Baldwin delivered the speech of a sin But Baldwin not only was allowed to ful of Opposition delegates, representing and at the same time seek to gag the geois liberals.
option by them of his pacifist program. cere liberal opponent to war, to war in (Continued on page 2)
That was the Conference on August With Baldwin speech, from one at the Labor Temple in New York call standpoint at least, there can be ed by the American Committee of the quarrel. He adhered rigidly to the alms World Congress Against War organized of the Congress as expounded by its inby Henri Barbusse, Romain Rolland, itiators and directors, and repeated them Wells, Albert Einstein, Upton Sinclair, faithfully. Need his speech be given Theodore Dreiser, Maxim Gorky and here it is better to present it in the others.
We intend to present here an extensive Congress call sent throughout the world The military cabal headed by general troducing a wave of depression among report on all the important phases of from Paris. Sanjurjo which sought to overthrow the the masses.
this conference, not only in order that On the anniversary of the German republic, Hitler stretches out his hand We make an appeal to all peoples, republican regime in Spain and raise The emergence of the monarchist pesfor power. The bloodthirsty Storm Troops of Fascism are mobilizing outside of the misleading and deliberately inadequ to all parties, to all men and women of again the banner of the degenerate Bour. tilence may have the effect of re invigBerlin. The sdelal democratic hero of the Iron Front. Hindenburg, is nego ate report in the official Communist party good will. It is not a question of the bon dynasty, has been crushed by the orating the proletarian movement and press may be rectified, but to enable the interest of one nation, of one class of governmental forces without great at thus offer increased opportunities for the tiating directly with the Fascist chieftain concerning participation or leadership militant, class conscious in the government. It is now no more a question of months and weeks; it is workers to one party. All are concerned. All are ticulty. In Seville Itselt, where the monCommunist movement. It is notable a question of days and hours. The blindest of the blind must now see the opportunism to which the Stalinist bura plan of action in advance. That would troops, they were swept out of control leased the imprisoned Communists and have a complete picture of the depths of in danger.
We do not have to make archists had concentrated about 6, 000 that in Seville the aroused populace reimmineney of a Faselst coup Etat. Shall Hitler come to power without the most furious resistance of the proletarian masses? From the social In Madrid, where a syndicalists from jail and bore them on democratic eaucracy has sunk in the crucial question inean hampering the liberty of those we within 24 hours.
of working class politics: the question are summoning, and it is they who in putsch was attempted by smaller thelr shoulders. Leninist not leadership, we expect nothing but the playing of the last act of treachery. But of war.
what is the Communist party doing? Dreadfut, menacing. fatal silence! With the Congress will freely present their group, the monarchists received even Stalinist course could make this symHitler on the threshold of power, we say openly to the working class. different plans and finally try to come shorter shrift. Their whole movement bolle gesture a national revolutionary to a decision as to common action. What now appears to be thoroughly dissolved. reality in the not distant future.
If the Communist party allows Fascism to take the holm In Germany with The Petty Bourgeois out organizing the broadest and most violent movement of mass resistance, it will we want is to raise an immense wave Significant in the whole aftale is the have committed an act of betrayal which will brand it eternally in the history Liberals Set the Tone of opinion against war whatever war it of the proletarlat!
may be, wherever it may come from, prompt popular response to the monarch The conference, as the report of the whomever it may menace.
ist accumulated If the Communist party does not fight to the bitter end aganist the Fascist credentials committee showed beyond triumph, its betrayal will stand at the same abysmal depths as the social demThis call was signed not only by such bloody regime of Alfonso, Primo de Rivargument was composed overwhelmingly social patriots as Wells and Upton era and the Jesuits, was given furious ocratle treachery on August 4, 1914!
of Communist workers and the closest Sinclair, who have the right to sign it vent again on this occasion, just as last terrifle, historical responsibility rests upon the shoulders of Stalinism. It sympathizers of Communism. The Com, because it really corresponds to their year when the threat of a monarchist is being tried before the masses of the world. greater responsibility rests upon mittee at the door, the committee on the confused petty bourgeols pacifism, but by plot in Madrid brought the whole city corceful eviction from Johnstown, the With their dispersal following their the party members and Communistic workers in general. Speak out, workers, platform, the chairman of the confer Sen Katayama, member of the Executive to its feet in militant reprisals which worker vets bave rung down the curtala speak out before it is too late! The knife of Fascism descends upon our throata. ence, and Its real managers, were all Committee of the Communist Interna took the form of burning to the ground on the first act of the fight for the bonus Communists, taking painful precautions tional, that is, by the real organiser of several of the ecclesiastle and lay centers It is the close of the first act but it to conceal their political identity. Yet, the whole enterprise!
of the black reaction. Immediately up is not the final scene. The Aght they Fascism Must Not Take Power Without Armed Resistance it was left to the outstanding Hverall Baldwin expressed his support for on learning of Sanjurjo attempt, put up against the iron fist of demAll dispatches confirm the news of the Berlin is of secondary importance, Ger at the Conference to strike the keynote civil liberties and his opposition to war. similar popular storm burst upon Mad ocracy was too dramatic, too fraught.
Fasolsts concentration of forces around many stands before the deluge.
He pledged the support of the Left wins rid, Seville and other centers, with the with forebodings of the treatment the With a repulsively unctuous parade of intellectuals to a movement against war. people emphasizing their hostility to the capitalist class holds in store for its Berlin. Hitler himself is right on the Social Democracy Perennial Betrayer scene, but remains incognito. There are most wretched of all, clinging on as it studied respectability the polite Intro He had no idea to present as to what reaction, which has been watered dowa wage slaves for the working class to well founded rumors of pressure from to a last straw, ls the Social Democratic Auctions of Mister So and so and Miss the program of such a movement should systematically by the republican socialist forget it.
the Brown Shirt ranks for a march on Party of Germany. Driven from Ita So and so. Roger Baldwin, the director be to deal effectively with the problem, governmental coalition, by raging num Under the remorseless pressure of the the capital, for a coup Etat. Hitler is Prussian government posts by a little of the American Civil Liberties Union, nor could he be expected to have. Ho erous monarchist and militarist clubs suid to utilize the threat of this press band of 13 Infantry soldiers, dispersed was called on to open the Conference was in favor of revolutionist being in and centers, destroying their press and steadily deepening crisis. Boaded to ure in his bargaining for a legal selx by Von Papen, who rules by the grace of in the name of the absent Theodore the movement. The Communists must demonstrating in every spontaneous formtion by the cynical indifference of their ure of power with the Junkers in con the Hindenburg dictatorship, it never Drelser, in an introduction by a Combe in this movement. he said, Not as aa relentless opposition to the return of government to thelr misery, and still trol. Constitution Day also brings with theless still stuck to its democratie pop munist secretary whose party press onts party, because no political parties are the dynasty and all the things associations of democracy, the vets spontane it, ironically enough the information guns. It appealed to the Relch Supreme yesterday catalogued the same Baldwin to participate. In this he was only ated with it.
ously marched on Washington from all that President Von Hindenburg is to of Court for a decision against von Papen as a social Fascist. Baldwin purchased partly correct; more accurately, he was That the monarchists should choose parts of the country demand their fer Hitler the portfolio of Chancellor. The Supreme Court knew its class task immunity from a similar attack by per correct up to forty eight hours before he the present daysearcely more than a back wages. The outstanding aspect But most ironical of all is the proclama and told the social democracy in so many year after the proclamation of the of that march was its spontaneity. It tion of the new decree against rioting. words that it does not give a flg about public for an attempted comeback, is it was not prepared for. It was not or This decree provides for nothing more the democratic forms. But the last de self a reflection on the present regime, ganized in advance. In this sense It may nor less than a counter revolutionary tenders of bourgeois legality are not to which, the leaders of the uprising hoped, be said that the vets were throws up tribunal. The chief provision in the be outdone. After dragging the German had created sufficient discontentment by the flux of the class struggle.
establishment of the bloody tribunal working class from debacle to debacle, On June 27, 1982, the Fourth National, bers of the Greek Left Opposition, Bol with itself among the masses to make Waters Leadership which is to mete out capital punishment from Weimar down to Von Schlelcher, Congress of the League of War Invalideshevik Leninists (Archio Marxists) and possible a monarchist victory. The disto Whoever commits homicide on an they now resort to a pure declaration of and Victims of Greece met in Athens. it was unanimously re elected at the end ntment of the mas During the six weeks they were eaassailant from political motives (that is faith: Hitler will perish, democracy is fifty seven delegates from all parts of of the sessions.
only the militarists gauged its tempercamped in Washington they tolerated the in the struggle with the Fascist assar eternal the country participated in the deliberasins) or on a policeman or any person The social democracy is even today tions. The years of existence of this to take part in the international Con mass.
The Congress decided to send delegates incorrectly. The opposition to them bas leadership of the Oregon cannery ez.
not been altered in the minds of the superintendent who watched their right with the police and their herolc resiatsummoned to his aid (read: the Brown holding back the proletariat of Germany militant organization have been filled under ance to the military from the side lines.
Shirt auxiliaries) 18: a special court from establishing the united front of the With heroie struggles against the bour gress Against War organized The government of Anna, supported This individual organized a military which can refuse to take evidence for class, from open and determined action geolste and militarism, and the report the names of Henri Barbusse and Rom by the socialists, has remorselessly rob police which beat up the Reds, and the defense. All of this is proclaimed against the murderer clutching at its rendered the delegates by the National ain Rolland. As an indication of the bed the masses of every achievement worked with the secret service men te in the name of Article 48 of the Weimar throat. The social democratic flunkles Committee was not only accepted but the sentiments of the former soldiers of the that was looked forward to when the terrorize and intimidate the men. HO Constitution the ingenious handlwork of are scared for their own they complete confidence of the membership Greek hourgeoisie, the Congress elected republic was proclaimed. Not one of conferred regularly with chief of police Hilferding, Wels, Kautsky and Co. know that working class action whild was expressed in the leadership it had as its first delegate the leader of inter the problems confronting the country has Glassford and together with him arThe Governmental Manipulations of the sweep them away with one blow and presented. The National Committee of national Bolshevism, comrade Leon since been solved satisfactorily. The ranged for the segregation of the reta Bourgeoisie clear the road for the proletarian rer. the League is composed entirely of mem Trotsky. Hindenburg offer of the Chancellor olution, for the dictatorship of the proder the exploitation of the large landers Ex Servicemen Longue.
owners, the agricultural laborers whose ship to Hitler is accompanied by several letariat. They are ready to sell out the Under Waters leadership the night as conditions. workers of Germany on a last and de Mass Meeting lives are monotonous permanency of sumed narrow character, limiting it The Constitution is to be respected. They would still rather trust the boursperate speculation on saving their hides.
misery, have not received an tota of a self to a demand for relief without any The Fascist mollita must not be George which is kicking them down with THE COMMUNISTS AND THE Sistance from the Madrid en government. class content or class issues. No attempt There must be no equality between both feet than break the inaction of vets to link up their statutes for the workers, the eight hour Aght with the broader fight for class the Fascist militia and the Reichswehr. the working class, WORLD ANTI WAR day, remains a dead letter; for the sufrellet led by the Communists. By this or regular army.
Where is the fering masses of the unemployed It is a polley the vets were condemned to Aght cruel mockery. The expectations of the an isolated struggle without the netiro There must be no party govern Where is the German Communist CONGRESS Catalonians have been traduced, ment relying on storm detachments for Party, the revolutionary party of the pro and support of the masses of the support.
working they are as far away from independence class who watched thelr night with the letariat? After a half turn in the direcThe sham of these conditions is all tion of the Leninist united front on LENINISM VS. PACIFISM as they ever were. The elvil rights createst interest.
too apparent. Hitler is to be asked to June 20, when it proposed to the leaderpromised people have been ruthlessly By all this the vets gave abundant respect a constitution which the spoke ship of the Berlin district of the torn from them by the law for the De evidence of their lack of class conect sman of the present government itself common action against the sup HOW SHOULD THE COMMUNI STS FIGHT AGAINST WAR?
fense of the Republie. which contains ousness Perhaps this was to be pre Draconte measures of suppression and pected. The average age of the vets was declares does not unite but divides the pression of the social democratic Yor nation. These are the words of von Watts, after participating together with WHAT RELATIONS HAS ST STALINISM WITH PACIFISM! despotism directed exclusively at the somewhere between thirty five and forty.
Gayl s, the Minister of the Interior in the socialist workers in demonstrations working people. Strike movements have They had come through the years of HOW SHALL WORKERS DEFEND THE SOVIET UNION?
the Von Papen cabinet, at the Reichstag conducted by the fakers and been suppressed with Bourbon cynicism. prosperity with profound illusions celebration.
in spite of them and their rejection of Hear the Opposition Delegates to the New York Anti War Conference Dellver aantry has groped blindly for a way italism from the old world imperialisms.
In all this, the working class and pea about the differences of American capThe conditions and the proposal of the Communist proposals after reaping the Speeches Suppressed by the Bureaucrats Von Hindenburg are the tarce behind profit therefrom by an appreciable in out, deprived of leadership. The social. They were deeply impregnated with the the scenes of which the Junkers are crease in the vote at Reich JAMES CANNON MAX SHACHTMAN ists have betrayed them into the hands democratie nature of our republic.
handing over the reins of power to the stag elections of July 31, the Stalinist of the bourgeois republicans. The an The tactics of the Workers Ex Service logical help of a capitalism seized by leadership of the German Communist HUGO OEHLER, Chairman archo syndicalists, themselves leaderless men League in denouncing everybody the throes of social agony. The appar Party has slunk back into its old, catagand utopian, have only brought confusion not a faithful follower of the one true atus for the legal extermination of trophic error, content to rest upon its on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1932, at P.
into the ranks. The official Communist Bolshevik, Stalin, altenated them from the workers organizations has been rig. meager parliamentary laurels at a time party has made a terrible debacte since the masses of the vets and made their at STUYVESANT CASINO, 2nd Avenue and 9th Street ged into shape. Only the finishing touch when the class struggle is about to be the beginning of the revolutionary events isolated demonstrations easy for the es are still to be applied to the Nazi decided on the arena of brutal, open Admission 10 Cents in Spain. That is why the recent pro police to break up. They falled in their coup Etat. Whether this will be done combat. The latest reports reaching us letarian rising in Alto Lobregat, instear elementary Communist duty of raising the with the official sanction of Hohenzol from Germany bring the information that Auspices: Branch, Communist League of America (Opposition) of becoming a new point of departure class consciousness of the vets.
lern Field Marshal or by a march on For this (Continued on page 4)
for progress, marked a high point in(Continued on page 4)
Trotsky Elected to Anti War Meet skins