BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyJohn DeweyKamenevLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismMussoliniOpportunismRadekRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyWorking ClassZinoviev

Hands off Rosa Luxemburg Fascism German the tind even a trace of criticism in prin. there are hundreds. these few lines found its expression in Lenin articles: If one were to take the disagreements same song of dread. Norman Thomas od very much more than this in order ciple directed against the trend of Bebel alone could not unmistakably clarify the the question would require a particular between Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg in and the other meinber of the American to establish the dictatorship declarations to the effect that Bolshevism necessary at the end of 1914 to informly careful analysis. Neither can take their entirety, then the historical cor socialist priesthood are of course also Black Shirts is not some sort of an independent trend one of the colleagues closest to him at soon Lenin doubts on this question were side. But this does not exclude the fact but is only a translation into the lang, the time, that now. at the present settled in any case they found their that in certain questions, and PAAR CHE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1932 theoretical blography of Lenin. In the by LEON Autumn of 1928, at the time of our collective work over the platform of the TROTSKY Left Opposition, Radek showed Kamenev, Zinovlev and myself probably also to in the History of Bolshevism reached Reply to the Slandering of, long to understood that Kautsky os hele mondes with con letter at hentelt Was Discovered in and ignored Where It Really Was had the highly developed servility of a fence of Kautsky position against the It is not correct to assume that the ately followed by the futile conferences me after much delay. After receiving it!
a Revolutionist ac petty bourgeoisle, which formed the bulk held by Hoover, the big Industrialists theoreticlan. Lenin bastens here criticism of the German Lefts.
the Daily Worker for a long time could not force my.
to recognize that verity which he dia cordance with the regulation passed by of the troops of Fascism in Italy and and labor leaders, sele to read it, for such literature sticks not see formerly, or which, at least, be the Radek, like all others, should Germany at its inception, are automatic suddenly announced that the commun.
in one throat like saw dust or mashed did not recognize fully on Rosa Luxem have delivered this letter to the Lenin ally guaranteed to support such a move ist Party and the most conscious secbristles. But still havng finally read it, sary organizational conclusions. It is burg side.
brothers to the conclusion that one cannot not to be gainsaid that Rosa Luxemburg Such are the chief chronological guide. Ir not destroyed in the stalinist factory very outset. Fascism, attaining power and more recognize the Communist party de peste included in at a vile and bare. against Centrism with the requisite. com same time important guide posts of serving the letter slik some more oppor the desperate hopes placed in it by the sles accept the challenge of Hoover tacea calumng about Rosa Luxemburs. leteness In this advantages were entire Lenin political biography. The fact to tune time. One cannot deny that there petty bourgeoisie as a defense against National Fascist Council (November 23 Stalins into the camp of Centrism! He 1916, when Lenin wrote about Junius represented by a continually rising curve. At present, however, Radek himselt has nothing substantial Mussolini very soon and to make clear the extent to which Staves intot proves, of course, but asserts pamphlet, and 1903, when Bolshevism had But this only means that Lenin wae not though not very responsible still quite an revealed the elementary political truth of the stalinists considered that Fuselism pret Bolshevism from the day of its sts inception, there is a lapse of thirteen born Lenin full fledged, as he is pictured active part in the work of producing the present epoch in particular: the petty luud already established its sway in this the kiutsky Center, while Rosa Luxem. of this period Rosa Luxemburg was to but that he made himself Lenin. Lenin that Radek, who in distinction to Stalin role: it follows either the big bourgeoisie later, under the headline Big Fascist burg during the time sustained Kautsky be found in the opposition to the Kaut ever extended his horizons, he learned acquainted with the history of Marx or the proletariat. In Italy. Fascism is Body Almed at Workers. Act as Govern come before the war, from about 1908 the formal, pedantie, and rotten at the a higher plane than was his own yester letter of Lenin, found it possible to make sword of the industrialists and the large crisis conferences has grown a powerful 1902, when the Bolshevik group had form. core radicalism of Kautsky took on an day. In this perseverance, in this stuba public statement of his solidarity with Landowners. Nor could it be otherwise, Fascist organizationHoover and his ed in Russia and when Lafts first made ever increasingly sharp character.
born resolution themselves heard in the German social Lenin did not participate in this tight growth over his own self did his heroicon Rosa Luxemburg. The circumstance the pretty bourseotste causes many of Inery of the capitalist state inadequate democracy, Lenin took the course to and did not support kosa Luxemburg up spirit find its expression. If Lenin in that Radek acted thereupon under Yaro them, particularly in other countries, to to meet the onrush of the growing crisis ward a break, a split with the opporto 1914. Passionately absorbed in Kus 1903 had understood and formulated ev slavsky rod does not mitigate his guilt, develop a certain hostility towards Fasc and have created this new, more facile tunists both at home, in the Russian so slan affairs, he preserved extreme cauerything that was required for the coming for only despicable slaves can renounce ism, which they envisage, and with machine to take over the most important cial democratic parts, and abroad in the tion in international matters. In Lenin times, then the remainder of his life the principles of Marxism in the name of a certain justification as the betrayer of functions of the capitalist government ti nternational, and the German Social eyes Bebel and Kautsky stood immeasure would have consisted only of reiterations, the principles of the rod.
their hopes for relief from the upper at the present time. The Fascist Democracy in particular. That this, ably higher as revolutionists than in the In reality this was not at all the case.
However the matter we are concerned and nether millstones of the class strugnature of the agrarian imperialist labor however, could not be achieved was due eyes of Itosa Luxemburg, who observed Stalin simply stamps the Stalinist im. with relates pot to the personal charac sle body makes it more useful to the capital.
This hostility we see manifested in ists than their existing state machenery Semperate in the 11 International, and was much more directly subjected to the petty small change of. numbered adages. Lenlu letter. What happened to it? small measure by the erles of fear utter. November 30. 1920. first of all, in the German social dem. atmosphere of German polities.
LUXEMBURG STRUGGLE Is Radek hiding it even now from the ed in this country by typical spokesmen Fascism is the Goveniment in ocracy composed a weak and impotent The capitulation of the German social AGAINST KAUTSKY Lenin Institute? Hardly. Most prob. for the petty bourgeoisie. In the United! If the English language has any meangroup. that was fearful even out: democracy on August was entirely un In Rosa Luxemburg struggle againstably, he entrusted it, where it should states, so thoroughly dominated by Ing at all, the Daily Worker was seeking tering aloud the word, break, split. expected by Lenin. It is well known Kautsky, especially in 1910 1914, an im be entrusted, as a tangible proof of an monopolist capitalism, the crisis has been to convey to its readers the idea that Such is the baste formulation of the earlies stood fore break not only with the patriotie declaration of the social dem tions of war, militarism and pacifism. store for the letter thereafter? Is it pre citizen. The goliath of bureaucratic govinery of the bourgeoisie was no longer ocratic faction was taken by Lenin to be Kautsky defended the reformist program, served in Stalin personal archives ernment, arch representative of big cap serviceable to it and that a Fascist counRight but also forgery by While rea was afraid even to mention to the was absolutely convinced or the court, etc. Rosa Luxemburg toughtoate promise his closest colleagues? Or is it strous nightmare. At every repressive Another few days later, a headline an openly the world split.
awful truth, dld be subject to revision clsively against this program as Illusory. destroyed as many other most precious measure taken by the executive commit wounced that Congress Takes Back STALIN IGNORANCE OF his evaluation of the basic tendencies on this question, Lenin was in some documents of the party past have been tee of the sovereign class, our pretty Seat For Fascist Council. and the arti.
bourgeois burgher utters a shriek of ter cle read: Congress, which meets next PARTY HISTORY of the German social democracy, and doubt, but at a certain period he stood destroyed?
ror: Fascism is growing in the United week, will be merely To put forward such an assertion, one while so doing, he performed that task closer to Kautsky than to Rosa Luxem WHERE IS LENIN LETTER appendage to the States!
in the Leninist manner, e. he finished burg. From conversations at the time TO RADEK?
must be absolutely ignorant of the his The government is turning new Fascist, capitalist grouping, loover story of one own party, and first of all, it off once for all.
with Lenin recall that the following in any case there cannot be even the Fascist! There is a Mussolint la the will act as the executive of the Fascist White House!
of Lenin ideological course. There 18 On October 27, 1914, Lenin wrote to argument of Kautsky made a great im. shadow of a political reason for the coneconomic counell, and attempt very lit.
pot a single word of truth iu Stalin A. Schllapnikov. hate and despise pression upon him: Just as in domestie cealment of a letter written two decades Dewey Theory tle through Congress in the present point of departure. In 1903 1904, Lenin Kautsky now more than all the rest, the questions, reforms are producto of the ago on a question that holds now only The extent to which this mistake in crisis (December 2, 1920. Organizewas, Indeed, an irreconcilable fo of op althy, vile and self satisfied brood of revolutionary class, struggle, o in Inter bistorical interest. But it is precise identity hus unfolded is surprising. Worker on December 5, to meet the tion is rapidly growing, boasted portunism in the German social de bypocrisy. Luxemburg was right, Dational relationships its posible to ly the historical value of the letter that John Dewey, the pathette Aguro who 18 threatened drives of Hoover scist ocracy. But he considered as opportun: she long ago understood that Kautsky Aght for and to gain certain guarantee ts exceptionally great. It shows Lenin seeking to organize third party of ism only the revisionistio trend, which had the highly developed servility of reforms. by means of the Interna do really was, and not as he is being liberalism, rarely mieses an opportunity state apparatus.
was led theoretically by Bernstein.
theoreticlan to put it more plainly, he tonal class struggle. Lento considered recreated in thelr own semblance and to give vent to his theory about the Plainer speech could not be asked for.
Kautsky at the time was to be found was over a flunkey, a flunkes to the ma it entirely possible support this post image by the bureaucratic dunderheads, growing movement of American Fascism. Fascist council had been organized in fighting against Berusteln. Lenin com. Jority of the party, a funkey to oppor. Hon of Kautsky: provided that he after who pretend to infallibility. We ask, The Nation and the New Republic echo America. It was already the state apeldered Kautsky as kus teacher and tunism. Leninist Anthology, Vol. 11, the polemie with Rosa Luxemburg, turn where is Lenin letter to Radek? him along the whole scale of their feeble paratus. The usual democratic Constressed this everywhere he could.
In page 200. my emphass. ed upon the Rights (Noske and Co. Lenin letter must be where it belongs tones. The plagiarist par excellence from gress was merely an appendage to the Lenin work of that period, as well for Were there no other documents (and do not undertake now to say from mem. Pat it on the table of the party and the ideas of liberalism, social democracy new Fascist, capitalist grouplug Tri.
ory to what extent this circle of ideas of the Comintern!
a number of years following, one must and Stalinism, Muste, sings the umphant Italian Fascism has not achiev.
of the series of history of the question. Lenin deemed it Kautsky. Instead one finds upon myself to assert from memory how rectness is unconditionally on Lenin found in this motley chorus.
In England Too!
But this inability to make a distinc But not merely in the United States moment, today, in contradistinction to during tion between the growth of repressive With the boldness of conception and uage of Russian conditions of the trend the past. he hates and despises Kaut also in correspondence. One of these let correct as against Lenin. In any case, lence and brutality used against it. on sanity alike the Dally Worker proceeded expression not only in conversations but detinite periods Rosa Luxemburg was measures against the working class, vio sweep that characterizes genius and in of Bebel Kautsky. Here is what Lenin sky. The sharpness of the phrase is ters is in the possession of Karl Radek. the disagreements despite their import the one hand, and on the other hand to overrun Great Britain as well with wrote in his famous pamphlet, an unmistakable indication of the extent deem it necessary to supply on this ance, and at times their extreme sharp Fascism, that is, the naked rule of the its brand of Fascism. turned out on theTuctuca. in the middle of 1906. When and where did call the revolutionism to which Kautsky betrayed Lenin hopes question evidence as a witness in order ness, developed on the bases of revolu bourgeois dictatorsh in which every December 5, 1929, a news story anounce No less vivid is the to attempt in this manner to save an tionary proletarian policies common to fragment of the democratle raiment of editorial. typewriter while you wait. On of Bebel and Kautsky opportunism and expectations.
Paivergences second phrase Luxemburg was right, exceptionally valuable document for the them both. To be concluded. capitalism has been ripped off comed the swift transformation of Maccome out into the open between me on pletely, including the most elementary Donald government into Fascism thinthe one hand and Bebel and Kautsky?
rights of the working class movement ly disguised as a Council of State to The Socialist Party and Unemployment Only when they get parliamentary does not originate with Dewey, Musto meet the economie emergency. The edit. The complete solidarity of the inter.
majority. The nearest the will get and Thomas. In this country. It is the orial writer on the first page of the national revolutionary social democracy to this revolutionary act is to hold contribution to political science made by same Issue (about three years ago, rein all major questions of program and The Soclallst party has written in tranchise on election day the reins of government for the bosses. The Daily Worker and its party directors, member! What foresight! What protactie is an incontrovertible fact.
labor Today they are already in the saddle Lenin words are so clear, precise, and come forty planks into its election pro. When, in the history of the the way movement in this of any country, has to the city of Milwaukee. The same evic merely a powerful Fascist movement of its world rival, the United States, the The announcement that there is not phetic gifts. Following the example categorical as to entirely exhaust from the abolition of child labor to the capitalist class granted the workertlons and police terror against the un. already in existence in this country, but British capitalist class has begun organ question.
to replace the famous British democracy 7, 1906 Lenin wrote, in the article The The Socialist party is the party of grad been forced into it by mass pressure? city controlled by the democratic and government, is an extravaganza origin. Ramsay MacDonald and the Labor uplness.
Crisis of Menshevism. From tho very first (see One Step Forward. Two they expect to gain all their demands, of consideration. Why, the very right post for the future. If the Republican American workers by Stalinism. In the the way for the open Fasclat dictator.
breyuding the very tast one, and then to vote for the expropriated masser alle soortepoteretico poden ser hele toeken sight of the uninterrupted series of blun: ship in England.
Steps Backwards. we attirmed that we the capitalist system will have been so achteved through the force of working representatives of Wall St. the Social ders made by the German party leaders are not creating shevist tendency; we only take our stand be a mere trivialty.
In this, the Hill, not attained by voting one party and radical tongued servitor. And as such theory of the American party leaders ary doctor, not to speak of an intelligent But enough is enough. Even an ordin.
or the point of view of the revolutionary their program as opposed to the fana secured the cight hour day for them working class in its struggle for eman. a striking revelation of the studied in stand just so much and no more. In democracy, right up to the social revolutely not realistic Germanla noche dem. Dengan inUkes labore historia constitute cipation. vote for the Communist competency of the present day leadership November December 1929, the American tion, there will inevitably be an oppor ocracy, the blood relations of the party the greatest denial of this fake teaching party is an indication that you are (save the mark) of the International Staliniat crystal gazers had hoisted Fasetunistic and a revolutionary wing.
Meaning of Ballot Box of Thomas, Oneal and Lee have pursued aware of the heinous role of the ism Into power in the United States and Almost three years ago, with the out. were swinging it into the same seat in Speaking of Menshevism, as the op their realistic program to the very end. Tho capitalist class well understands CLARKE break of the crisis which was immedl. England. Outstripping the wildest phanportunistic wing of the social democracy. And where has it led them? Into the the significance of the ballot box. Votes Lenin compared the Mensheviks not with camp of the road makers for Hitler are a clue to the strength of a party, tasmagorias of fear which possess the Kantakyism but with revisionism. brown shirted hordes.
but they do not indicate that the voters NAMASTERIET frightened soul of John Dewey, they saw Moreover he looked upon Bolshevism as the monster of Fascism (to say nothing The Program are anything else but a discontented, the Russian form of Kautskyism, which IEON The Socialist party has a bold pro passive mass. It is strikes, demonstraof social Fascism. in the United Sta.
TROTSKY tes, in England, in Abyssinia, in Iceland, in his eyes was in that period identical fram on unemployment. They advocate tions and huge movements that make the everywhere, In short, except where really was: Germany!
just quoted shows, Incidentally, that social Insurance, the six hour day Ave capitalist class sit up and take notice Lenin did not at all stand absolutely for day week, as measures to relleve the The fears to embark upon this And Germany In Germany, where Fascism was on admitted but also considered nevitable further that the curse of unemployment form, it can never gain ang reforms at all.
Vital Questions for the German the march, where it was growing strongthe existence of the revisionists in the due to the capitalist system and er by leaps and bounds, where it was But, if one wants further proof as to Proletariat unfolding into a hideous menace to the 19 done away with. The economic crisis the real meaning of the promise of the revolution.
works wonders on the physiognomy of for unemployment Insurance and working class the Stalinists at first Two weeks later, on December 20, 1906, political parties. It gives the democratic reller, he has only to look to Europe.
denied it altogether, then they ignored Lenin greeted enthusiastically Kautsky t with a wave of the hand, then they party marks of resemblance to the social. There the Socialist parties have already answer to Plekhanov questionaire on ist party, and makes the socialist party had the honor to serve the bourgeoisie, proclaimed that it had reached the the character of the Russian revolution, look somewhat like the Communists. But governmental capacity.
heights of its strength, then they enWhat we have clalmed that our fight this is more apparent than real. An In Great Britain the last het of the tered into vulgar competition in nation.
for the position of revolutionary social these parties have their specific place late labor government is indicative of alism with it to the present day, when LENIN?
democracy against opportunism, is in no and specific function. The Communist this fact. Faced by a growing deficit they are still ignorant aout how to crush it, after having allowed it to as.
manner whatsoever the creation of son party is the party of the working class, in the budget, the McDonald. Henderson original Bolsbevist tendency has been of the proletarian revolution. The so cabinet decided to save the capitalists sume the proportions it has. Fascism was not a danger in Germany: no, only in completely confirmed by Kautsky. callst party is the third capitalist party from bankruptcy. How? By eliminating Within these limits, trust, the ques. which the bosses call upon when their the allowance to the parasitic royal famthe United States and England. Fascism tion is absolutely clear. According to old standbys have proven unequal to the ly? Oh, no! The Labour party leaders was not the danger in Germany: no, only Stalin, Lenin, even from 1908, had de task. This is easily proven, not by the are the umble servants of his Majesty social Fascism. the specifeform manded a break in Germany with the op radical sounding words in thelr platform George No, their method was to DICTATORSHIP?
according to the gifted Bela kun at the portunists, not only of the Right wing the treacherous leaders of the place this burden on the shoulder of the 10th Plenum, which Fascism assumes in (Bernstein) but also of the Left (Kaut are past masters at this trade but by proletariat, by cutting their already the highly developed industrial counsky. Whereas in December, 1906, Lenin their deeds which always hurl the le paltry dole.
we see was proudly pointing out to right back into thelt very gllb mouths. We bave oven more glaring instance Isn this little contrast a dazzling Plekhanov and the Mensheviks that the How are the unemployed to attain so in Germany. There the criminal leaders tribute to the wisdom, the foresight, the trend of Kautsky in Germany and the cal insurance, and the shorter work of the German on pretext that perspicacity, the discrimination, the in trend of Bolshevism in Russia were week, according to the By strug Brueding was preventing the advent of fallibility of the present Stalinist lead.
identical Such is part one of Stalin sle? By mass action to force the capl. Fascisma stashed the unemployment insurership, nationally and internationally?
excursion into the ideological history of tallst class to grant them these burrance several times, in the notorious emer.
With Germany on the edge of the volcano that threatens to erupt at meteorologist who persistently predicted Bolshevism. Our investigator scrupu: ing necessities? No, heavens no! That gency decrees. Thomas is shouting aloud snowstorms in the Sahara Desert and any moment, Leon Trotsky penetrating analysis of what is next on lousness and his knowledge rest on the Bolshevik method, and we Americans about Fascism being prepared for Amer.
hot spells at the North Pole, who ansame plane!
disdain to use imported Russian tactics. ica today. This is laughable. But the order of the day in Germany is the most timely revolutionary nounced squalls for a sunny Tuesday and LENIN AND We stand by the constitution of the u. workers can rest assured that when document of the moment. It is priced so low for a quick sale. Order sunshine for a rain drenched FridayLUXEMBURG vote for us, and you, workers, Fascism actually threatens, he will bow your copy now!
has a place set aside for him as a memDirectly after his assertion regarding will get everything that your heart de his knee before the American Bruening.
ber of the PoliticalBureau of the party.
35 1009 1904, Stalin makes a leap to 1916 stres. Thus the Socialist party through. But the Socialist party says that capl63 He will fit it like a glove.
In Paper and refers to Lenin sharp criticism of out its history in place of action, the tallem is the cause of unemployment Le Cloth the war pamphlet by Junius, e, Rosa holy paper of the ballot box. This, in They propose the abolition of the sysPIONEER PUBLISHERS THE TURN IN THE AND THE Luxemburg. To be sure, in that period itself, constitutes outright treason to tem by the ballot box. No torchblo 84 East 10th Street, New York, SITUATION IN GERMANY is out of Lepin had already declared war to the the working class. It is a trick to tou confiscation of property they promise to print and is available only in the BOUND finish Kautskylam, having the workers into satisfied slumber all the fearful petty bourgeoisie. When will CATAATITANICUTATHATTAVAT ahmen VOLUMES of comrade TROTSKY pam.
drawn from his criticism all the neces year round and to rely solely upon the they abollsh the capitalist system When and where did year and a half later, on December planned production and social control. one single thing except where they have employed reigns in Milwaukee as in any that it has virtually taken over the ling for an open scist dictatorship According to this conception The ballot box did not get even one loto the Republican parties. This is a signally displayed for the instruction of the party function is precisely to prepare it WHATNEXT?