Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

Great Britain and the at Ottawa on Dominions SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1033 THE MILITANT PAGE erable debacles in recent Comintern history is we have seen.
Opposition Delegates for United Front at The dollar displaces the pound. AmParty Anti Injunction Conference held in Ottawa, Canada, for the past The Struggle Between the trade between Canada and Great Brot the world struggle. And therein lles tain, which would necessarily result in the importance of the Imporal Econome The Anti Injunction Conference called workers of the party and its auxiliary few weeks 1s of the deepest significance.
Two Imperialisms a fall of American steel trade, the Conference at Ottawa.
Gathered here are the representatives of by the Provisional Committee of which organizations.
Steel Corporation declared its intention. ALBERT GLOTZER.
John Stouben is secretary (appointed. HERBERT CAPELTS.
the domains comprising the British em.
of expanding its Canadian mills at held its first meeting at the Manhattan pire. The ostensible purpose of the Ojibwa. Similarly this would take place Lyceum, July 28. The new turn in the gathering is to unite in closer bond the challenged the seniority rights Eng with the automoblle Industry, electrical The Vets in Washington party method of approaching the masses League Manifesto on the King minions. But as the conference land. To avoid open rifts, the Imperial supplies and machinery was much in evidence. Neither the Comprogresses its object becomes clearer and Conference in 1926 establised and reEffects of Crisis (Continued from page 1)
munist party nor the Young Communist German Crisis all the more decisive. It is necessary cognized full equality of the dominions.
to seek the driving force of the confer That conference diminished their subor. erfcan trade in the Thus Britain minions will be army on ennsylvania Ave. they started ference! This was indeed to be a broad to offset Am noon, of the fighting with the Hoover League sent a single delegate to the conence and for this we will divert for a dination to Great Britain. But it hardly met with a powerful opposition. Continued from page 1)
The in a body to the scene of trouble. But conference including particularly Epsition have brought positive results moment from the actual proceedings solved anything. While politically had crisis has had terrifle effects on both na they were cut off when the bridge over of locals and general working class in the province of Berlin Brandenburg, organizations. Yea, the chalrman (ap the Committee of the found changes in the world economic and did not solve the hard economic problems. self for a big drive, Great Britain has after meet pointed) introduced the main reporter months of pressure from the ranks, made political situation. Upon the debris of They exist today. Represented by stan. already girded itself for battle. She is their enemy, the enemy was still more as BROTHER Steuben. All through the offers of united front demonstrations and But if they were impatient to the war arose unforeseen a new power, ley Baldwin, Britain demands that the driving her first blow through the Em. impatient to meet them.
fresh and vigorous, unexhausted by the dominions establish greater trade with pire. In the midst of the present crisis conflict. The United States of America in the Empire.
It demands that the dom. Canadian Imports declined 27. In this thousand strong, hove into sight. Sev you, friends, and follow At 11 cavalry and Infantry, a friends. brother so and so and tell ocratic Party there. The yellow social.
into a creditor nation to whom the en. soods for which in turn preference will to 61. while that can create more on eral army planes zoomed above the camp most disgusting and nauseating spectacle result was a trenteradous increase of the In the course of a few years she dom. duties on dominion goods if the domin. while expressing the general terects or had already retired. the vets them that this was actually a mass conference. At the expense of the social democracy inated the European scene and opened ons will likewise remove all tariffs on the crisis show the efforts of Britain to selves were turning in. when Federat. The comrades of the Branch of in the Rebelstag elections of July 31, Now is not the time to gloat over elecToday British goods. They plan to solve the pull itself up by its bootstraps while the peace. It took them by surprise. It was and Ruth Cannon and Herbert Capelis toits The struggle is proceeding America is the dominant world power. crisis in that manner. But more than United States is acutely involved in the America Rise to Power that the Imperial Economic conference is worst crisis of her history.
a day of surprises.
of the Spartacus Youth Club attended the In the streets. The lessons of Berlin American capitalism, through her own direct challenge to the United States Whistles were blown as an alarm. Conference is delegates. They were un Brandenburg show the absolute correct.
enormous resources, without experiencTo establish a balance of trade within ket compromising 40 of American ex asiation from Government property. The proposals of work such as (1) Immediate The Communists must repeatedly and ing the long winding road feudalism the Empire means to strike a blow ports would indeed be a severe blow to the social democratie lead.
to capitalism but building fresh upon a against American capitalism. At present the United States. While heretofore Torvets didn move fast enough. They were printing of 50, 000 Leatlets to be distribut consta capitalist structure, her Industries the Canada is principally involved. The same elgn markets absorbed only 10 of the baptized with a shower of gas bombs. ed by the organizations represented. 2) Iers on the carpet. They must push them most modern in the world, her technique condition however exists in the other surplus production in the United States. The sweet smelling. smarking, blinding immediate sending of speakers to trade to the wall on every available occasion.
of the highest, drove ahead to the top docainions and in discussing Canada we the present crisis has established this gas put the vets on the move. Women unlon, political and fraternal organiza: Their masks must be torn from their most polnudle of capitalist development. speak for the general trends elsewhere. all important fact: Imperialist America ing: the men followed cursing.
weep tions in a roul attempt to broaden the faces at every new step! The Com.
conference through the united front tac munist Party of Gerinany must concenShe displaced England as the financial of Coretan capital in Canada, the share will open a planned and concerted drive Victorious General MacArthur was tie. 3) cach organization to send deletrate all its attention upon this task, at tarism she has also surpassed the Em. While that of the United States rose character reinforced by the greatest milt weeping from the gas. The whole sates to assist the strikers on the picket must speak out loudly in correction of by the United States. And most impor. outlet market here for 40 of her ex. is no other way out for her. Her huge diers lit torches and were applying them least one open air meeting per week and confidence of the workers by a frank and tant of all, in the field of foreign trade ports. On the reverse side of the plcture Industrial apparatus which during the to the shacks.
popularize the fight against the injunc open change in policy from the top to tion.
the bottom. That is the way to estab she has also displaced Great Britain. It 88 of Canadian imports come from the prosperity days functioned at only The next morning you could see The meeting and discussion turned out class for revolutionary action.
lish the fighting, united front of the is only necessary to cite the relative United States, as against 15. from 60 of capacity, needs far greater charred and ashy flek, filled with twisted beforehand.
changes in the world market to under. Great Britain. of 100 principle import outlet than the shrinking home market. and crushed in sheets of tin, burnt down to be, as usual, organized The silence of the Stalinist leadership stand fully what this displacement has Items in 1930, Canada was supplied in The absorption of surplus production autos, broken, soot black bottles of glass. The chairman seemed to know every of the Communist International, of the meant. Prior to the World War the the following ratio: The United States must be sought elsewhere. It can find no broken, burned beds, sooty pots, pans, speaker, even motioning to them indiviUnited States had 12 of the world 70. Great Britain 14. and the rest place except in the field of foreign trade. black heaps of tin cans, unburried hean dually to come to the fore as he called American party must be broken. Work.
export trade and Great Britain 18 of the world The following table The world markets continuing in a state of stinking garbage, several half. burnea Credentials Comm. appointed) came in, munist party and revolutionary organisa.
their names. When the report of the ers, revolutionists, bombard your Com.
Toward the close of the past decade the of Canadian imports supplied by the of contraction are already divided. dolls and even a plaster bust of Geo.
England place and England where Am berause of the key shararter of the inate the division of the earth had al. lying in the ashes with his nose, lip locals, numerous trade unlons and frat torbenen on this hour of need to the figure was reversed with America in Hercede Statene ser extremner importance Ente United States arrived on the scene Washington, Father of his country: delegates representing 12 of speak out, that the Soviet leadership give erica once stood.
dustries ready taken place. She must now win and chin knocked off.
Great Britain has not kept pace with Ratlo of imports supplied by the United these from the other imperialist powers.
And foremost of these is England.
The work was done against defenseless organizations were read ott, a long list Communist arty of Germany act de this development of America. Her in. States to Canada in 1930: hall starved workers in the name of law of them; but when it came to reading cialvely!
dustrial technique for years remained 91 Electrical products In Europe she has already replaced and order, in the name of private pro the list of thirty masa organizational Demand the complete and open adop unchanged. 19th century England could 90 Steel and Iron.
not keep abreast of the industrial appar.
her to a vast extent. She is dominant perty, so that Hoover and the bosses the reporter said it was too long and un tion of the Leninist United Front! De.
90 Machinery in Britain own dominions. In South could continue thelr work of receiving necessary. In this way they spared them. mand that the Communist Party of Ger.
atus of Uncle Sam. Her markets were 99 Autombile parts.
America the trend is toward the United fair and legitimate return thelr selves the embarrassment of announcing many put the reformist leaders to the grasped from her. Even her own domin 98 Automobiles States. During the years 1913 27, the money.
that the Communist League (Left Op test in action! The day of big battles ions east loving eyes to the United States. 00 Coal. share of South American Imports America invaded her South American 98 Farm implements Some Strange Facts position) and the Spartacus Youth Club is right at hand.
showed an increase from 24 to 38.
United working class action of the 76 markets seizing them one by one. Eur The work was done. But there were had their delegates and were ready to Crude petroleum while that of Great Britain declined strange facts which cannot be overlook pupport the conference with all the means Communist and social democratic organi.
ope was already under the heel of Wall 99 Gasoline.
from 25 to 16. In the rest of the ed.
at their disposal.
zations must be posed in an international Street. In Asia the dollar penetrated 98 Raw cotton.
world the same trend. At the expense Why could not the police, of whom Then came the election of a Permanent manner: a most intimate and concrete deeply, ripping big holes in the British trade structure. And as has already In money values the relative import trade sained hegemony. To maintain this it the situation? Was there a shortage of facilitate matters, the Provisional ing class and the Great Britain exceeded only in textiles of Great Britain the United States has there are 1400 in Washington, cope with committee to build the Conference. To collaboration between the German work.
been cited, in her dominions this same, in 1930 was as follows: will be necessary for her to expand even tear gas bombs for them?
Upon such a basis the working class process took place Total Imports: 1, 248, 273, 582 Comm. already had its list of thirty more. But further expansion can come It is a fact that of the 1400 polloemen, recommendations to compose the Perman of the world will be rallied against roIt must be borne in mind, that the United States 817, 442, 037 only in continued struggle with Great 1200 are ex servicemen. They did not ent Comm. The chairman asked for addi action. Unity in action will make the tremendous rise of American capitalism Great Britain 189, 179, 738 Britain. That involves a deep conflict care for the dirty work. They passed tloual nominees from the floor, and com. workers front invincible. There is tbe comes at a time when world capitalism 63, 523, 066 It has been raging for almost a decade the buck.
13 in decline. The hegemony of the Un Foreign 148, 127, 841 It will become more tense now. The Imrade Weber and Capells were nominated. way to defeat Fascism. There lies the ited States exists at the expense of the rest of the world. Only by crushing Canadian exports, 45 went to the Uni ple of this fierce antagonism. Here Is They replied that they were son fighters. Steuben, somewhat nonplussed at this Marity!
Not only the police. About 600 sat. vote was taken and many hands went road to proletarian victory.
In addition it must be stated that of perial Economie Conference is an exam. ors were ordered to be ready for duty up for their being added to the committee.
Workers, show your international sol Europe and putting her on rations has ted States. The aims of the conferenco its significance.
if the authorities would get a warship showing, took the floor and said this Long live the World Revolution. she been able to dominate there. By become clear now. The conference alms To transform this into the language of alongside of the camp. which was out would invalidate the committee of thirty, carrying on an intense assault upon the at a general diminution of American politics is the task of the Communists of the question. they would carry out which was already proposed and electCommunist League of America (Section of the world market was she able to replace trade within the Empire so as to allow Even today the Stalinized International Left Opposition)
England. And there the conflict rages for a general increase of Great Britain International, warped by its nationalist the orders. In this way they passed ed. Comrades from the floor objected The United States, seeks to perpetuate trade as one of the steps leading out orientation, fails to grasp and fully unand pointed that this merely meant NATIONAL COMMITTEE.
itself in power on the basis of domina. of her severe crisis. The steps already derstand the changes in post war capiThe sentiment of the marines at Quan. adding two.
tion of the world markets, made all the taken to curb American products such talism. In 1923 D. Trotsky, already tico was similar.
Although we are not on the official more necessary through her huge produc as steel, machinery, electric will fall established this fundamental change.
One more thing. Why were the troops committee, the opposition and the Spar After the German Elections tive apparatus and by the contraction of however from reaching their mark. There In his brochure Europe and America, a ordered to the main camp at night? tacus Youth Club intend to support fully (Continued from page 1)
the home market. England stands ready are 1400 branch factories of American few years later, he explained these new Here it is a question of pychology. It the activities of the Conference. The to defend her fortresses of world trade. concerns in Canada. Any encroachments factors, tracing the decline of Great Bri was feared that if the vets and soldiers proposals enumerated above will be car. sem lies ahead of us.
Jarred and groggy she cannot stand many upon American trade will result in in tain power and its replacement by the met in the daytime face to face, eye to Pled out and plans are already under The Fascist bands are murdering work.
more steady blows.
creased production of the Canadian United States. He pointed out that this eye, there might result a serious breach way. The club will send as many mem ers, revolutionists in the streets of Ger.
Britian Demands plants to offset such restrictions as re significant change demanded the applicaof discipline.
bers as possible down to the picket line many. kalds are taking place on the The stage is set; the play goes on. sult from the conference. Almost the tion of a policy on the part of the ComHere we see indications of the coming and there demonstrate our solidarity with Communist headquarters in town and tants are massacred by the dominions. The Industrialization of dominated or influenced by the United orientating around this new situation geoisie. Hoover and the bosses have future will witness a real unity of our Brown the domnions brought them in constant States. As soon as the announcement Had this been understood, it would per something to be uneasy about. forces with the fighting Left wing only bers. The white terror is in full swing.
assassins (remember Koenigsconflict with the mother country. They was made of an increase in the steel haps in part have prevented such a mis JERDICK ers and the From his Munich citadel, the German wwwwwwwwwwwwww Mussolini is planning the march on Nine Years of Struggle of the Left Opposition It was accomplished to all external ap oned and banished, as counter revolution of Robespierre with, let us say, the Berlin pearances virtually under the same old tionists. Could an analogy be more exlling of Trotsky, who hunts for iden. The economie crisis tears on unabated.
flag, with the old watch words scarcely startling? In a report he made on the leal occurrences and individuals in the The ranks of the unemployed are still altered. No claim was laid by the re. Convention which condemned the left two revolutions, will not only hunt in swelling. The productive apparatus of negude Jacobins to any fundamental wing Jacobins, Brival, one of the Right vain but will have missed the point en German capitalism is choking in in its ts own change; they pretended only and many wingers, said: tirely. At the head of the Russian rev Vise. Utter subjugaton of the and Thermidor of them, no doubt, in all sincerity that The intriguors, the counter revolution olution stands a proletariat, not a petty slaves that is the slogan of the German they were purging the revolution of a Ists who covered themselves with the bourgeoiste mixed with artisans and a bourgeoisie, why capital History is rich in analogy and analogy, there is no mystic, automatic guarantee few isolated individuals. of a few toga of patriotism, sought to destroy II annorphous working class. In the ism in Germany depends for its life on is rich in instruction. The events of that the Itussian revolution cannot meet aristocrats who were undermining the erty, the Convention has decided to put leadership stands a revolutionary Marx the largers of Fascism, directed against the day have their roots in the events of with the same tragic defeat that was united fatherland. In fact, the wretched them under arrest; these representatives in party, steeped in proletarian revolu. the German proletariat yesterday and the one can best be under suffered by the Jacobins in France. To Jacobins who had moved far away to the are Robespierre, Couthon, Saint Just, tionary traditions, not an immature motFascist Demands stood by understanding the other and proclaim such a religious doctrine, which Right, ever closer to the Gironde, to Lebas, Robespierre the Younger. ley of Jacobin clubs. After the French The Fascists are demanding the supmaking comparisons. And while event is foreign to the objective Marxian the Marsh. continued to write on the Do not all these one hundred and fifty revolution, a counter revolutionary class party al.
do not repeat themselves in the same spirit, is in reality to drug the revolu) morning after the execution of Robes year old words and acts have an astound took power which was able to rise and pression of the Communist Von Schleicher, the de facto manner, but under new conditions and tion into a spirit of false security and plerre that we have exterminated a ingly modern ring? The counter revolu even to play a progressive role. The Rus dictator of Reich, the man who con with new social forces and people work to facilitate the operation of the forces handful of individuals who disturbed the tionists the few individuals. the sian revolution takes place in an epoch trols its military, is reaching out a ing to produce them. It is nevertheless inimical to its preservation.
tranquility of the party; now that they malevolent aristocrats. the royalist of the decay of world capitalism, when hand to his Fascist friends, to help them true that only by knowing how to utilize The Ninth of Thermidor (July 27, are dead, the revolution will finally agents (in those days they were the the leadership of the proletarian alone into power. Civil war, war against the the method qualogy can the processos 1794) was the day on which the revolu triumph.
of historical development be best under tionary Jacobins, Robespierre, triumphs manifesto to the people of the che erasents of Chamberlain. 4o these forward. Factors like these form the worklower claws and will only legalizo it, Saintstood.
Just, Couthon, Lebas the Bolsheviks revolutionary fatherland, issued after the designations require much change to be limits of the analogy. But they do not unfurt it in full and extend it to the In utilizlug this method, one must of of the French revolution were over execution of Robespierre, the Convention come identical with the slanders direct eliminate it.
borders of the Soviet Union with the course know not only its great scope thrown by a combination of the Right declared. Citizens, in the midst of the ed against the Left Opposition today? The Bolshevik party today is not the aid of the world imperialists.
but also its limits. That it is sometimes wing Jacobins, the vacillators and the brilliant victories gained over the for Reasons for Thermidor party which took power in October 1917.
The Hitlerite coup Etat the form, abused is an argument only against the royalist reaction. The gulllotine which eign toe, a new peril threatens the Re. The Thermidorian reaction in France it has experienced a period of social and whether legal or open, is of secondary abuse of it. If it is rejected out of sent the 21 Jacobin Intransigeants to their publie. The work of the Convention was made possible by a degeneration and political reaction since the revolutionary importance Is the threat of the hour.
hand, then history has only the most death the next morning amid the in. will remain fruitless, the valor of the gorruption of the revolutionary party wave broke on the defeat of the German The establishment of the fighting unity narrowly academic significance. Every sulting ories of the counter revolutionary army will lose all its meaning, if the of that time the Jacobin clubs. It was October in 1923. Its doctrine has been of the German proletariat is a question event must then be approached as if it mob, thenceforth bit no longer into the citizens hesitate to choose between the facilitated by the yearning for peace sapped at the foundation, distorted and of do or die. United working class ac.
were entirely unique, entirely dissimilar reaction. On the contrary, the epoch of fatherland and a few isolated individu and tranquility of certain sections of corroded. It has been swollen into a tion against Fascism can and must be from anything that ever went before it, the Thermidorian Reaction was openedals. Hearken to the voice of the father. the people and above all the politicians, vast, shapeless mass by having hundreds achieved. The task of achieving it resta entirely disconnected from our yester. up, climaxed five and a half years later land, do not take your place in the ranks wearied of revolutionary struggle who of thousands of Indiscriminately com upon the shoulders of the German Com days, approached as if we were blloa by the triumphant ascension to power of the malevolent ristocrats and tho were moving away to the Right. It manded workers and peasants poured into munist Party alone.
men Eroping for something without the of Bonapartism, the Eighteenth Brunairo enemies of the people, and you shall sained impulsion from the pressure of its ranks until it lost that distinctness The lesson of Berlin Brandenburg foro benefit of the Night thrown upon out of of the ex sansculotte, Napoleon.
more royalists and reactionaries who had and independence essential to a revolu bodes success for the Communists in the the past. Not only does such an ap The whole Thermidorian opoch is one The isolated individuals to whom adapted themselves revolutionary cus tionary party. It has been deprived of application of the Leninist united front proach make today unnecessarily difficult of such sterility, such degeneration, such they referred were those who sought to toms and speech to just the extent re its principal functions by a usurpatory, tactic. The Leninist tactle must be carto understand, but it renders impossible shame, that it is generally skipped over preserve the real essence of the revolu quired by the times to save their hides bureaucratic apparatus, which raised it ried out in full. Not partially, not in an analysis of what tomorrow will bring by historians, both revolutionary and tion, who responded the interests of the from the wrath of the rising classes. selt above it and replaced it. Its revolu isolated cases, but all over and everyTwo Great Revolutions conservative. Michelet as well as Krop An analogy, invaluable for an under otkin being their histories of the revolu onslaught of the bourgeoisle, the royal yielded to the social pressure of the lently by the Thermidorian expulsions of Dut on a national scale. Not once, but ounning among the reactionaries. The the Left Opposition. For the free inter at every step and stage. The social standing of the powerful forces at work tion to an end with the Ninth of Ther Cheir enemies, writes the historian, latter staked their cards upon the right play of forces which can be controlled democratic betrayers only last week urred ists, the counter? revolution.
in the Soviet Union, is offered us when midor. Yet this epoch of degradation is the Russian revolution is compared to replete with illuminating lessons Aulard, were not content with having wing of the Jacobins to destroy the Left and checked by a trained party mass, order and discipline upon their folthe great French revolution of the elght Thermidor is not the counter revolu. Killed Robespierre and his friends; they wing, and in the period of reaction which has been substituted the manipulations lowers, urged them to concentrate upon eenth century. It is true that we live tion as it is ordinarily referred to the calumniated them by depleting them to followed, all that remained of Jacobinism of the apparatus which is itself manipul. the elections. The elections have solved in a different epoch, that the Russian naked, open counter revolution of Nap the eyes of France as royalists as people was destroyed and the Directory gave atod, helplessly at times, by allen social nothing for the workers and they know way to the naked and frank dictatorship forces pursuing their reactionary class it. The influence of social democracy in revolution is proletarian, that it has atoleon, of Chiang Kai Shek, of Kornilov. who had sold out to the foreigners.
The unwitting Thermidorians, the of Napoleon.
aims through the channels its disposal far more vigbrous and sub The Thermidorian transference of power this ap the German working class has been Such a process has been work in paratus, stantial forces to maintain its victory to another class was accomplished by Right wing Jacobins who were blaxing Thermidorian corrosion has shaken as never before. For the work.
to the end than did the revolution of Jacolins, in the name of true Jacob the trall for the genuinely counter rev the Soviet Union for many years now. been eating away the vital organs of the ers realize that determined class action.
1793 1791. But history, observed Lenin, Inism, of the true revolution, presum. olutionary Bonapartist dictatorship, de. The pedant who seeks an analogy of party, and paralyzed it. To be con militant and forceful, is the demand of MAX SILACHTMAN. the hour. ws degenerations of all sorts, and ably to save the revolution from its foes. nounced the men they execated, impris personalities, who identifies the execu tinued)
the buck.
The Burning Questions of Bonapartism That is