CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

CE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1932 Letters From the Militants collapse atemont es paliston from the American Foreign Trade and the Question of Credits to the Soviet Union turn the affair into a campaign of vile busis of Leninism. For the first time online helil on the 22 April last, has now the A: can bont of. One thon from 106, 958 in 1920 to 8, 2044 and grain German Left Will Issue Weekly New York Aug.
First Meet 15. 000 most of which were left to party: Vereiniging, Potchefstroon, Pre torla, Paaredskop. Evaton, Blomenton.
tein, Ndabein Location, etc. etc. At present the only branch that still survives is the last mentioned.
Some figures on the decline in the times in excess of its present volume, inA Scandal in the Red Foodture must be made in the polley within out scapo Opposition Progress The Party Slogan foreign trade of the United States since cluding the volume embraced by its preWorkers Union goats, not merely by a lot of talk about Cliques but by admitting openly the in Africa In 1928 the Centrists forced this slogan the crisis set in, published in the New sont trade treaties. The result in the on the Native Republic as York Times of July 31, tell heavily in construction of socialist industry is too mistakes of the past and by steering the NEW YORK, Last week, the course of the union back to the Leninist Dear Comrade: a stage towards the Workers Republle. support of the slogan of the International apparent to need elaboration. As one Left wing workers of New York wit trade unton line.
Your letter of the 30th May last and Almost all the Negro members opposed Left for large scale, long term credits result the volume of exports could be nessed a sorry spectacle. There was a. FOOD WORKER the 50 Militants has provoked some if this slogan as it tended to create a racial to the Soviet Union. According to the increased with a further increase in picket line formed in front of the amongst the Stalinist bureaucrats of the feeling and national hatred. believe Times the decline in volume has been imports. So the whole cycle of imports Foodworkers Industrial Union on 28th Communist Party of So. Africa. Priv. in Workers Republie. not in the native drastic. It arrives at this conclusion and exports could be increased.
strate collective organization templacards, Run in With the Party cuntenute beste methods for helling the ang Porno res come to the same conclusions cline in the wholesale price level of would be thercased in the eyes of the slogans appeared along the line An investigation of the whole matter in Duluth the mils of the opposed twople of Sixth World Congress of the Communin cent; while the decline in value is 678 workers by its ability to work out large shows, as we suspected, that the initiaAfrica, to these meeting only those who International no one tried to propagato per cent. These henvy losses says the import relations with the world market, Times, amounting in several cases to tive for this action came from shady DULUTH, MINN.
elements within the union, men with rousing open air meeting was held are known to be anti. Trotsky have it with the exception of those who 01 more than 80 per cent, are not the re. and its ability to meet its obligations.
An organized fight for credits is a. The were silent on doubtful rorord like kennessey. It is also Sunday night by the Communist League expelled anti Trotskyists are now united this slogan in all public meetings anult merely of a decline in prices, but their clans enemies. It crentes the basis more or less established as a fact that on the Court House Square. Listening on an anti. Trotsky campaign. Some of the history of the is full orl RI of a sharp contraction in volume lever to set the masses in motion against the for united front with socialist these people sought and got the aid of attentively to an excellent speaking pro our members of the group, sent you unders that have been made particular MACHINERY DECLINE Among the commodities which the workers aalust their leaders should the notorious as Augie Claessens. The the light of the Left opposition for the lovited and since then the man that acted There is not a single white or black nited states is exporting in diminish. they, as is most likely. ome the united latter, of course, fd his darndest to unity of the Communist movement on the as chairman and treasurer of our meet trade union at this present time that ing quantities are plows, whicla declined front The opportunities such a struggle af.
slander and calumniation against the the streets of Duluth the truth about Left wing as a whole and against Com. the Chinese revolution and the crisis in completely taken quite different atti und members of the laundry Workers harvesters, which declined from 11. 871 to fords to Communism to appear before of the class as the leader in the fight for Germany was told. Comrades Dunne and tude towarıls the Communist Lengue of Union left the in disgust: 80213. In the first five months Africa (Opposition. They wing to the aid even the Clothing Workers Union. 10:29 the United States exported mil. relict, and the opportunities for class munism.
Skoglund, respectively, clarified these The pleket line of the dissatisfied questions and demonstrated the interna tune of anti. Trotskyism, and the test. These were the only two Trade Unions lion dollars of agricultural machinery, education are enormons. Max them of whereas in the first five months of 1032 by and call the slogan counter revolutionand restless workers within the Food tional basis for the struggle of the Opposely held up, not to be sold, better to Trade Unions (A. this figure fell to four million seven hun. ary, as the Stalinists have clone, is not workers Industrial Union was an 11. position, especially the menace of Fase be returned to your League, but the last we desire to have a complete set of dred thousand.
milar figures obtain the least of their crimes.
starred attempt, an action which only ism in Germany, which now constitutes tot has been disseminated amongst the the literature published by you but you for industrial machinery: Included in The Stalinist idea of diplomatic mandrives water to the mill of the disre the main danger to the Soviet Union.
In the last analysis, can only harm their of the four national convention Fepore African Negro workers with good results should also not lose sight of the fact this decline is a precipitate decline in covering for credits without calling on putable socialist racketeers and which, Comrade Bloomberg analytical that we are a much poorer lot than you Soviet purchases of agricultural and in the masses who are vitally interested in of the Stalinist Threats Are, and do not forget sending also com. dustrial machinery. In a statement is the question rests upon a lack of faith own cause the interests of the working political parties held in Chicago was It is perfectly clear to us tbat those plete volumes of the Militant from No. sued by the Amtorg in October of last in the masses. But the masses. Icarning class. As class conscious workers, who frequently interrupted by stormy ap who oppose the formation of the Com to the latest. From now onward shall year the value of Soviet purchases was from the Left Opposition, will force the know the treacherous role of the plause. In a speech filled with ishting munist League of Africa (Opposition) do we writing you fortnightly.
shown to have declined by 51 per cent. Comintern to place this slogan in the and who realize how eager and anxious exposure of the Republican and Dem so with a specific object that the Stalin. Non Europeans are the most unorgan. But the years 1920 32 are the period forefront of the fight for relief. In the these bosses lackeys are to take advan ocratic platforms, and satire and scorn Ists in So. Africa might value them so ized of the South African Trade Unions of the great growth and expansion of United States the workers under the tage of disagreements between militant for the Socialist party platform, he called as to be reinstated into the Your for a speedy Revolt. Soviet industry: of the growth of its in pressure of the deepening crisis will force mionists for purposes of betrayal, we on the workers to rally behind the Com. Since started this opposition am ter relation with the world market. From the party to translate its paper turn of must categorically condemn the picket. munist party candidates in the coming told of various things that would hap Johannesburg, So. Africa August 1930 to June 1931, to take bat half a year ago into a real class fight ing of the unlon headquarters as an act elections.
pen to me if was in That July 6, 1982.
one example, the Soviet Union doubled for long term, large scale credits to the detrimental to the working class. The It was not until the collection that the have committed an unpardonable crime its exports to Italy and increased its Soviet Union, militant Industrial unionist rejects and party bureaucrats became concerned. by propagating the views of the Interimports Hevenfold. So said Commissar disdains such methods.
Some minor functionary called out to the national Left Opposition. am asked of Foreign Trade, Rosengoltz to a At the same time, we must take into audience that the money collected was why do you write to a group of men who delegation of 32 Italian industrialists, account that there were sincere if mis not going to the Communist party. We oppose the leadership of the Communist who visited the Soviet Union in June a led militants participating in this apti can sympathize with the anxiety of ono Party of Then they give year ago union acton. It is necessary petlently who makes a living from such collections as a kind of reasoning that Trotsky What is the cause for the decline in to explain to them how false, how harm on the street, but, as comrade Bloom has tried to oppose the leadership of the the purchase of what the Soviet needs ful their conduct was. They have to be berg immediately pointed out, the chair party and has completely falled. You to build its growing industry? The Ammade clear, that no matter what their man, Miles Dunne, had openly an too, will fail and you shall be condemned The latest issue of Dle Permanente torg statement of last October says, The and workers grievances against the industrial unton nounced the meeting under the anspices for life never to be reinstated into the Revolution officialsemimonthly organ drastie decline in purchases is due to the answered the call to the Communist leadership may be, no matter how wrong of the Communist League. All funds Again replied to all this of the Left Opposition in Germany and lack of favorable credit facilities in this this leadership may act, a Alght against are to be used for our publication and talk that do not see any mistake innounces that beginning with its next country as contrasted with long term party in a demonstration on Union Sq.
them siust be confined to the limits of organization work. The audience re the views expressed in the Militant. wum berpercorres Germanis brother tertiae credits extended to Soviet organizations with the two previous Red Day de.
against Imperialist war. In comuurison If it is not to play into the hands of the Comrade Cowl then made an appeal mitted. see nothing that might be poverty existing throughout the German monstrations, this year meeting was bosses and their yellow agents.
for the unity of the Communists in the styled a blunder but as to Stalin Credits are what the Soviet Union one of the best but only numerically.
can working class, and particularly among food name of the Communist League. He only come to the conclusion that he is the revolutionary militants, has for needs, long term credits. But the StalAnd we must admit that the inizel Comintern, hamstrung by the fatal The intensification of the economic clerks who took the altogether false road urged all class conscious workers to de an opportunist of the worst type the some time stood in way of imperatively theory of socialism in one country. darleg crisis and the more recent attack ou the of picketing the headquar mand of the party bureaucrats cessa world has ever produced. In support of needed advance. Now, the growth of the not call on the working masses to deveterans in Washington has served to ters did have genuine grievances. Much tion of their splitting tactics concealed this conclusion let me say Stalin is the ideas, influence and strength of awaken thousands of workers from passur. mand credits from their capitalist Rox. alvity. But if the demonstration under pseudo revolutionary slogans of stumbling block of the world revolution. German section has succeeded in and as we have to condemn their hasty social Fascism and their slander against He should not have expelled and exiled mounting even this great obstacle. The ernments for the workers fatherland.
thoughtless behavior, we cannot overlook the fact that the stalinist leadership of the exters to performs He challenged the comrade Trotsky from the appearance of Die Permanente Revolution It would be an open admission of the im. Mariclare number, it was low the union bears a good share of the hecklers to debate the disputed questions and from the He knows quite as a weekly paper will enable our com. possibility of building a socialist society spirit. The meeting followed a sponsibility for this disgraceful incident. then and there or any other time or well that ir Trotsky is given complete rades to intervene more frequently and in the Soviet Union with the efforts of typed plan. The speakers were poor.
place they might designate. Workers freedom in the he (Stalin) powerfully in the struggles of the Ger. the Soviet Union alone. And this admis. The speeches of shoppard, Trumbullatul Amter in no way made the impending We have time and again pointed out in who accept our program for reform of would no longer be at the head of the man proletariat, bringing to them thel slou Stalin cannot make.
The Militant that the bureaucratic and the party should not hesitate to support Soviet Union; some one else would be. Idens and teachings of Marx, Engels, He seeks to attain the same end not world slaughter clear to the assembled The International Left Opposition must Lenin and Trotsky which the Stalinists through the class struggle; but by dip workers. They rambled on Ineoherently. functionaries deal with the memo our press and join our ranks.
the discussing practically everything else.
Soviet bership, in the distribution of jobs, in vosition of the party as self respecting necessary freedom and returned to the preverted or ignored and the Left On Union has made diplomatte approaches to the war danger came in for the usual Instead of rushing to the defense of the see that comrade Trotsky is given the throughout the world have so violently lomatic maneuvers. That the suppression of the elementary rights Communists should, the Stalinista pro positionists have borne aloft.
various capitalist governments for credits cut and dried slogans.
is no secret. The Times of July 15, 1931 of union democracy, in overriding the ceeded to start another meeting in the On the 2nd of July was taken by sur The American Oppositionists send their reported the discussion between the so national situation, scarcely a mention.
Germany the key to the whole Inter.
decisions of the rank and Ale can only center of the crowd, amidst boos lead to such uncontrollable and disastrous angry shouts of the workers, who and prise. The chairman and treasurer re German comrades warmest wishes in the viet delegation to Paris and the French Only in the speech of Amter, did he make outbreaks on the part of the workers.
saw ferred to above threatened to hand ma success they have already attained and negotiators in the following words: The some vainglorious boasts about the large that the issue at stake in this instance over to the police for having sent their are convinced that the immediate future discussions center around a plan in the past. It is a direct result of the break up the meeting after they had crica (Opposition) applying for member our cause.
The picket live incident has its roots was clearly the attempt of the party to names to the Communist League of Am. is rich with even greater progress for which the Itussians would obtain two tions. Only one placard carried by the non Leninist policies of the Stalinist been invited to participate.
to four year credits from France. called for the smashing of Hitleadership in the upton. Mechanical conship, and was dragged at about P.
One Stalinist bureaucrat, In fact trade treatles have been signed. ler Fascist hordes. But this was obwith the of the same day to Doornfontein Police trol, the subordination of the elementary bureaucrat contempt for the wishes of Station but no charge has as yet been The advance of Die Permanente Rev. Duranty reported it from Paris. The which helped to confuse and mark the One was signed with Italy last June. scured by the multitudinous slogans interests of the workers. which caused the working class, sneeringly launched laid against me, so they threatened to olution comes a few weeks after the sim. Chief Soviet senetits from the trade importance of the war danger.
needs of the party and the slander against the character of Trot is just the beginning. expect quite a comrades who have been battling might machinery, aid from Italian specialists, tion against the war danger reflected the If the placards of the 1920 demonstraapparatus (as was the case in the Consky and the record of Bloomberg and lot of trouble from the Centrists, but Ily not only against the stream of Stalin use of the Italian merchant marine for mad adventurism of the third period. Coops, in the Cooperative Camps, etc. Cowl. All of which, as is to be expected, we must not be down hearted. The In. Ist abuse and violence, but the persect shipping exports and a convenient market those carried in this year meeting bore can only stir up dissatisfaction and und left the audience cold. So that it was ternational Left Opposition must penetlons of the Bulgarian reaction. Their for grain, oil and coal. Times, witness to the opportunism of the new rest among the rank and fille.
facts cannot be dismissed by the Stalin. Sara Avrin speech on the Washington and agricultural workers of Africa whe which commenced as a monthly paper, But, the stalinista bave argued, the is responsible for the riot in Washington.
Those not difficult, in the midst of comrade trate into the minds of the mine, town, organ, Osvobozhdenye. Emancipation. June 20, 1931. turn. One of the slogans read: Hoover ists merely by calling those who raise Massacre to bring the entire audience, ther the Stalinists like it or not.
them stool pigeons and counter revolu with the exception of the few faithful, is now appearing every week. Soviet Union gets its credits by treats. We demand his impeachment. The In following the instructions of the tionary Trotskyists. This method of the to the other side of the monument which stalinist bureaucrats there are serious traditions of Internationalism associated dght of it. As comrade Trotsky must have turned green with envy when Stalinists only helps the real stool: served as our platform. Here our meet blunders that have been and are being with their land, have succeeded in a pointed out in his World Unemployment Our Swiss comrades, with the great what need is there of making a mass they saw this placard.
pigeons, the real disrupters in our midsting continued with greatly increased in committed in the Communist Party of Driet span of time in converting their and the Five Year Plan, the interest of Amter, of course, did not fail to attack to cover themselves up and to strike terest and closed with a number of ques So. Africa and have not doubt that it mimeographed organ, Bolschewik, into a the workers all over the world, in the the renegades from Communs. the blow against the unton at the critical tions and discussion. We called on all shall be the duty of the Communist well printed, well edited monthly. Soviet Union and its socialist construc Lovestoneites and the Trotskylsts.
et line. It only confuses the rank antiwar demonstration the following the to follow the correct line Just hissed the spese number of lovenes concretized, in the present situation of melations moments as the consenso a tha the pack the workers present to participate in the League of Africa (Opposition) to induce Finally, our Spanish comrades have tlon remains an abstraction unless it wanted the crowd boondocandelee red any and file workers and makes them unable night.
to distinguish between the actual disand never ignore their mistakes.
As these lines are written for the cur.
partaco (Young Spartacus. a 16 page world unemploy. nent, by mobilizing the socialists, they greeted this attack on the rupters and those sincere militants who rent issue of the Militant, a public chalThe African Opposition Apparently monthly magazine of the Opposition masses to fight for long term credits With an ley silence.
oppose the leadership on matters of lenge to the Communist party to debate munist League of Africa (Opposition) is of the gratifying progress our Spanish that the resulting orders would go somewar danger. If words can do it per In reply to your question. The Com Youth. This step forward is a reflection upon the basis of their understanding they did not see its connection with the policy because they want to help their the proposition: That Trotsky Is AD newly constituted. It is not a section of comrades have been making among the way toward relieving unemployment by hans silence might penetrate Amter union make progress.
thick bureaucratie skull. We have our The plcket line is a dangerous sympissued in the capitalist press by the has not been in touch with the Com. creasing numbers of whom are being that the index of employment in the Enemy of the Working Class has been the Communist Party of So. Africa and young revolutionists of the country, in opening up a number of factories. doobts.
tom. It should be a warning to the Communist League for Tuesday night on munist International. It is organized organized into of The struggle against the war danger look at it objectively, they will see the Duluth will be reported in the next issue (T. Thibedi. Although many of the Opposition devoted to the youth, the It stood in June of this year.
at which which is only a small beginning. The grave dangers it indicates.
of the Milltant It is high time now for the Communist expelled members expressed sympathy first having been Young Spartacus, our rise would take place in every branch of dangers awaiting the Soviet Union ir workers in the to wake up.
with the formation of the Opposition own youth paper in the United States.
industry with which the Soviet would Hitler seizes power. Only in this way place orders. An identical result would, will it fulan its duty to the American and if they have the interests of the union there is quite a lot of hesitation on their To Osvobozhdenye, Bolschewik, Joven be achleved in all capitalist countries in international proletariat. The has at beart, if they want to fulfill their part to come forward like real revolu.
Extracts from Earl Browder tasks as revolutionists. We must pretionists. They are in the main atrala Espartac. 5o our heartiest revolutionary which the Soviet was able to place orders.
vent the recurrence of such The volume of imports the Soviet sounded the alarm. What is your ans picket Autobiography that if they join the Opposition they salutations. The international Left Oplines in the future.
would be condemned and never again bol position is invincible!
would able to command would be many wer, party members?
There is only one way in which to do press will have noticed that Earl Brow Mrrying on open air meetings and Discerning readers of the official party reinstated into the Parts. We have been this: By demanding the restoration of der, the present leader of the party, has nucle have been formed at these places.
rade Hedlund? Or will some other comworkers democracy within the union been presenting us his auto blography Kringersdorp, Vrededorp, Prospect TownBy fighting for an open and frank cor. or his confessions, if you like)
In the ship, and Pretoria and we are also re MILITANT BUILDERS rade take his laurels away from him?
Pioneer Publishers Notes And what branch will come out rection of the party line of mechanical guise control in the union, by making the union Shyness alone has prevented him from workers which in 1928 bad 10, 000 memthis or that political report. organizing the trade unions of top? Will it be the old stand bys, New native York and Minneapolis? Or will our MARXIST CLASSICS genuine class struggle union, devoted naming himself, but even the dullest berühlp but has since 1930 been left by in. They re not exactly rolling in but them?
We re under way. Subs are coming younger branches dispute the title with to the broader interests of the class.
reader ran see whom he means when he the Stalinist bureaucrats of the Comthey are coming in a little bit faster Through an exchange Arrangement talks. One extract from a recent con munist Party of 8o. Africa to collapse than in the past month. And that It is too early to say.
All we can do with a local bookseller we have got fession will show what we mean: THE MILITANT We have behind us the Laundry Work. something. But seriously! real effort which we give below: number of copies of the Communist is point to the record of the staff to date Manifesto: Socialism, Uboplan and Selen.
Itatared as second clase mall matter have noted a widespread opinioners Union. 1, 000 members strong, and must be made on the basis of the great November 28, 1928, at the Poat Omico tifle; Wage Labor and Capital; and Value that if a party or trade union function. the Baking Employees Association 1s Weaver timeliness and importance of our litera1 Price and profit. In the past we have New York, Under the act of any speaks in a loud, sharp tone, this speedily coming up. Amongst the Negro ture to bring in even more subs. GoodIman received requests for this literature. In March 1879. Schwartz Is bureaucratic, but if he speaks gently miners, nuclei have been set up at these All the articles by comrade Trotsky J. Edwards the course of our propaganda work Fabulshed weekly by the Communist and softly then this is a good, non. bur wines: City Deep Mine and Crown and the other leaders of the International Wynne among workers we frequently find it neeLeage of Americk (Opposition)
am all for the soft volce as opposed to in the history of the revolutionary party not sell the paper. We must do that by The record by branches is as follows all the more necessary today because of at 84 East 10th St.
essary to begin at rock bottom. This is EDITORTAL BOARD harsh speaking, but object to this being in So. Africa that Negro miners are serl getting subs and placing it on newsNew York 1 Martin Abern Minneapolis the terribly low ideological level that James Carpen put forward as the essence of the ques. ously being taken up. Again, a nucleus stands. Right now we must place a great 1 Chicago obtains in the party ranks under Stalin.
Maurice Specto tion of bureaucracy. In fact, some of has been set up against the Municipal emphasis on getting subs. You see, com Max shachtman Philadelphia ist leadership Arne Swabeck the worst bureaucrats that have bump Employees at the Doornfontein Cityrades, we need money, desperately. One Unfortunately because of the terms of Vol. V, No. 32 (Whole No. 128) ed into in my life were the softest speak Power Compound.
of the best ways of getting it is by get.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1932 ers. The Communist, July 1932, page our exchange arrangement we are unFor many years Thibedi was the ting subs.
THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE able to offer any discount on this literaSubscription rate: 00 per year: for 505. only Negro member of the Now, who is going to come out on COMINTERN is out of print and is ture. The selling prices in the order eiga 50. Five cents per copy. Always boasting about his gentle and during this time succeeded in or top at the end of the month? Will it available only in the BOUND VOLUMES in which they are listed above are: 10 Bandle rates, cents per copy.
tongue ganizing the following branches of the be that neadliner from Minneapolis, com of corrade TROTSKY pamphlets. cents; 25 cents: 10 cents; 25 cents.
or party. the by 1