BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of Amerien (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York. Entered as second class mall matter, Novem ber 28, 1928 at the lost Office at New York, under the act of March. 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 32 (WHOLE NO. 128 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1932 PRICE CENTS MILITANT IN DANGER Martial Law for Communists Gain in Reichstag Elections Strike is the governor driving out the sans Leninist United Front Tactics Vindicated Sham Turn OnBarbusse All Eyes on Germany. a Mooney Case Now 16 Years Old Immediate Aid Must Be Sent if We Are not to Suspend July 26 was the date of the close of The issue of th Militant was printedly and strongly for the fate of our The Governor of Indiana has declared the sixteenth year of Mooney imprison only as a result of the most desperate Militant, into which so much sacrifice martial law in the vicinity ment. It closed another chapter of the measures undertaken by the office. We and energy have gone, is immediately in Bee Mine, In Vigo County. He has sent the Dixie foulest frame up in the long and black were able to get it out by over exhausting volved.
1, 000 National Guardsmen to enforce this record of American capitalism. It our credit in every field and by a lastThe suspension of the Weekly Militant order. For what purpose is all this is marked another milestone on the longest minute scraping together of every spare at the present time would bring with it play of martial strength?
years of agony Mooney still stands forta a situation to exist for even the brleet The sharpening of the struggle in the sters or the bootleggers? No! The Na as the dauntless symbol of working class length of time makes the danger of sus. United States and elsewhere in the world, tional Guard is seldom used in that capacHis spirit is unconquerable. pending the Weekly Militant a matter to denund the systematic, frequent appear. ity. As was to be expected the In spirse he stands in the ranks of the be dealt with immediately. Without wanice of the organ of the Left opposite is used against the workers of the dis a reflection of the unstable and extremeThe immediate and foreble setzure of The Reichstag elections of July 31 were, and social life has but one way out: revolutionary vanguard. He has never akkerating the situation in the least, we thon. Above all, the developments of the trict. 4, 000 union miners have tsen en ty precarious position of the present Ger power.
Kad in so many words that he is a com. must tell our readers that unless prorept civil war in Germany, where the left suged in an attempt to keep scabs from man state. They resulted in a politicul munist but his spirit matches ours and and generous aid is sent us from every wing alone has made a Marxlan analysts working in the of late he has begun to talk our langu. part of the country, we shall not be und advanced the correct revolutionary the union miners have driven the seabsis concerned and definitely proved that movement is in a very specife sense in.
arms in hand stalemate in so far as government power On the Eve of a Coup Etat able to bring out the next issue of the program, make it imperative that every from the colliery. In one of the encoun. no durable solution can be found for the dispensable to the further existence of When we remember that the Hitler age, and think as we do. He is ours.
places on us all the more directly Militant and in general, the Weekly pull week the Militant shall appear with. ters between the union miners and the political crisis of the country on the German capitalism we can draw the the real task of forcing his release leaton of our paper will be seriously formation and its viewpoint on what is deputy thugs, one of the union men was parliamentary plane, No Blable party necessary conclusion Germany is stand.
from the prison in which capitalism is crippled.
determined he shall end his days. This The cumulative effects of the crisis But for this, a prodigious effort is resquarely on the stitution.
The standard of living of the miners ing along the lines of the Weimar con Etat.
places where to stk of removing from the the general let down that occurs in the every sympathizer, every friend of the level. Throughout the country, even in banner of the working class the stain of summer period, have struck the Militant militant must immediately raise as much the midst of this crisis no section of thel The social democracy fared badly, as its failure to free Mooney. For our suc heavy blows.
The Fascists, of course, rose to the was to be expected, in last Sunday We have deliberately re money as possible, from his own re American workers are more poverty. Crest of their wave, but showed no ap poll. The of all parties lost COSS or failure in this task we shall have fruined from making alarmist appeals sources and those of his fellow workers, stricken than the miners. Every class preciable Increase in their vote over the largest number of votes. This fact to answer to the working class.
based upon momentary difficulties. But Again we say that as we have said no now we are compelled to appeal urgent and send it by aly mail to the Militant conscious action on their part is noth the amount Hitler received in the run. is fully consistent with the general de many times in the past, that the workers no Welstange nur crucial position make ing short of revolt against hunger. or cloctions in April. Both votes stand cline of this parts. Based on a platno mistake about it. Our financial pro The capitalist class counters with bul: around the 13, 000, 000 mark. The reform of reforms which have been shorn the world over no longer have to be They sress has not kept pace with our pol lets, martial law and armed troops. In sources of popular support for Fascism to shreds from day to day in the past convinced of Mooney Innocence.
tical advances. We need aid right away. these small skirmishes of today can be have thereby been Not drained.
are profoundly convinced of that.
National few years, and of kowtowing to bourgeols out of doubt did they fight in demonstra.
We need a great deal of it. We are seen the fierce battles of the not far of Socialism, the party of Hitler, if it is democracy which the bourgeoisie itself on after demonstration to demand that countiug upon YOU to send the urgently future. All support to the fighting minnot to disintegrate piece meal, if it is considers outlived, the social deinecratle required assistance. Act now!
capitalism open its ravenous maw and ers of Vigo County, Indlana. Down with to utilize the following it has amassed betrayers of the working class cannot let Mooney go.
10th Street, New York, Send all funds to the Milltant, 84 East martial law! Withdraw the National by vociferaus promises, by tall talk about be expected to continue very long to Guards!
If today they are not to be found 10 a radical transformation of the economic hold on to the huge mass which is growing constantly more dis.
the streets battling for Mooney free.
dom, it is not because doubt of his in. The hammerings of the Opposition on satisfied with it, ever more suspicious nocence has entered their minds. Their the character of the World Congress of the reformist leaders. Manifesto of the Communist Communist Gains conviction is as firm as ever.
Against War organized under the direction of Henrt Barbusse, Romain Rol Lull In Fight Is Temporary League of America (Opposition) Anlte sains in the elections, receiving The Communist party alone made de The full in the fight is temporary. To land, Wells, Upton Sinclair and other muddled pacifists, have tually com: The Hitler Danger is the highest vote yet cast for Communmorrow the agitation and the fight win pelled the Stalinists behind the scenes Danger to the Working Class of the Whole World ism in Germany 6278, 004. The small rise to new heights. Great battles are to break their silence. For months since but very significant and heartening parThe working class of Germany is to. tariat has come since 1018, when the, the Red United Front which posed liamentary victory of the is full fean working class. Not the least or would be then, the international Stalin. say facing the most serious menace to leaders of the yellow social democracy the leadersh. of the Communists as an of lessons, full of indications.
Accord these will be the fight to free Mooneynist press has either been silent, or has ahead with Hightning rapidity to bring of the Kaiser. Step by step they have cor united action and thus has kept them dence dispatch to the New York Daily Will the tight to free Mooney bo con given an unreserved endorsement to the the Fascist heel down upon our German allowed capitalism to regain its foothold. divided. By Its opportunist slogau of the Worker, the largest inurense in the com ducted as an isolated struksle and there: Congress without uttering solitary class brothers.
by insure its own as the work They have ruled for capitalism. They eople Revolution (Volksrevolution) munist vote took place in Berlin and follow Mooney and our advice and being class readers of the official party Junker The acts performed by the reactionary have permitted the rats nests of bour win. ch mimicked the nationalists, it sow the area around it. It must be remem made an integral part of the class fight papers are concerned, the Communist In. Papen, the establishment of the military spread out, to take root, to infest the ives were necessary. The continua province of Berlin Brandenburg that government of Colonel Von geois reaction the Hitlerist pest to eu contusion where clarity and decis bered that it was specifically in the for retter, and the light to free all class ternational has given a blanket support dictatorship over Prussia and its rulo nation and to endanger the very life tom of such a policy today becomes a the Communist party leadership recently war prisoners with which it laseparto the perntelous confusion ou the quee by martial law are the grand rehearsal of the crganized working class. They cous crime against the German and made offers of united front action to ably bound? That depends on us.
must touch the workers that only such ton of fighting Imperialst war wheh stor the bloodcurdling regime of Hitler have paved the road for Fascigin by re the international proletariat.
inevitably associated with such typically and his Naxl hordes.
a tight as we project can free Mooney, pacifist, Detty bourgeois movements as formist treachery, by their betrayal of This is why we are sounding the alarm. The leaders rejected the united Anel we must convince the workers by that of Barbusse.
The powerful black forces arrayed for the revolution.
It must resound throughout the ranks of front proposals of the Communists and our deeds that they should follow our The criticisms made since the incep this nefurlous objective can be defeated Even today these despicable social re the Communist Party of the United it was in Berlin Brandenburg that the Leadership.
Communists in this manner began to This requires of us that we brenktion of this movement, and the Commun. In but one way by a solid, Bghting work formers are surrendering without states and the parties everywhere.
ing class united front.
struggle the mandates, which despite all, charae.
through our isolation and in doing so ist position presented by us, the Left It is time for thinking workers, for they have held in the name of the work crush the German ascium is at the gates! It aims to expose the treacherous, splitting ter of the social democracy before the working class, to unite the working class on this issue. Opposltion, has finally driven the Stalin.
The big Increase of the Com.
For this we need the tactic of the united ints out of their retreat. In the latest the Communist militants to awaken to alers, before whom their true character suash its organizations, to destroy its workers.
realization of the enormous, catastrophic had not yet been revealed. Severing.
Institutions to become the spearhead of munist vote in Berlin Brandenburg is a cannot look to the labor takers who be spondence. Maurice Thores, couco te from the Communist party that it sound ocratic worthles, are dispersed from their higher Soviet Union the father and of the ist mited front policy, hitherto disregard. os. world trayed Mooney, the Socialists who hate leading French Stallnlsts, ventures (for ed and trampled under foot by the StalIs more than they do capitalism, the the first time to our knowledge) into the alarm. The threat of Fascism in posts like so many flies by the militars international proletariat.
liberals, the numerous secte that dot the a mild criticism of one of the lesser Germany a threat to the existence of agents of Von Hindenburg tbelt erat.
Fascism will seek alles and find them inist leadership of the pacifist lights of the Barbusse Congress, fist of world imperialism in the face of Not one word of working class unity Wall Street imperialists, the WashingtonWhen the Daily Worker (August 1, among all the capitalist powers, the The Defeat of the Trotskylsts take the initiative in organizing the unt Victor Marguerite As far as it goes the international working class. against Fascism comes from the mouths government.
1992. greeting editorially the election ted front of the working class. While the criticism is, of course, entirely valid.
The events in Germany are a serious of the yellow traitors. They still do all they speak of unity they live on the For the proletarian millions to follow warning to the workers everywhere in their power to sabotage the proletarThe Imperialist vultures are already advance of our German brother party.
division of the working class.
Unity the course advocated by such pacifists will never come from them. They was Marguerite, who know nothing about they are of grave concern to the Amer lan united front. They are like otras now nodding their approval. The seizurecalls it defeat. for the follow de all they can to oppose and sabotage the revolutionary struggle against im. ican workers as well. The alarm must ped mouse standing between the men of power by Fascism. If it comes to pass, ers of Trotsky. it is lying miss perialist war, or who oppose it to the resound throughout the ranks of the ace of Fascism and the increasing pres: will be the sigual for a world wide mob: erably, it is consciously deceiving the It.
The Initiative must come from us. In extent that they do know about projecting this united front we appear would mean to render themselves impo proletariat.
It must resound with tre mean destruction for this decayed and International working class movement. vance was, on the contrary, nothing more before the workers as the spokesmen for tent in the face of a new world slaugh. mendous force. It is our task to reach degenerated, for this outlived social de This course will proceed unhampered clearly than a confirmation of the correct out our hands in solidarity to the Gerformist organism.
the German workers are crushed. Anessof the line of the International Left the unity of the whole class. And by our deeds we must prove that we not how the Stalinists are playing an opBut this very article by Thorez shows man workers in their hour of trial.
Where is the German Communist Party victory for Fascism in Germany would Opposition headed by comrade Trotsky.
only advance the idea of unity but fightportunistic game of hide and seek with bobnails upon the backs of the German ing its duty to its class? Has it leaderAlready the military is tramping with in this fateful moment? Is it discharts Inaugurate period of the darkest reae) Por it was the Left opposition, which by tion throughout the entire world!
Shall it come to this? We of the In united front tactle against Fascism, by for it.
That is in the best case. Unfortun. the whole question. Marguerite is sub tollers. Their elementary political rights ship taken the necessary step to unite ternational Left Opposition say: NO! Aits unremitting criticism of the harmful ately a caneer is eating at the vitals or mitted to gentle critidsm, but Bar are being faunted, their meetings pro the workers for the decisive struggles thousand times: NO! We have demandedly confusing and stupid theory of social prominent hibited, their papers suppressed, the It must be said in all frankness: It chlet obstacle the Communists have to spokesmen for the movement, get away Communist party headquarters rafded. has not. And it must be added. It has time and again that the Communist In. Fascism. by its timely evaluaton of the Communism Stalinism. Today it is the busse and the other, more overcome to take the first step toward unscathed, with the implication left that The threat of illegality is already bang no time to lose.
Weighed down by the blundering poll change its futal course, so that it will scene It was the left Opposition, we repent, which more than anything else unity of the working class. Stalinism aside from this or that individual in the ing over the head of the revolutionary his divided the ranks of the Communa Congress. the movement as a whole to party ley of the Stalin regime in the whole be able to meet it effectively.
Workers are attacked, benten and kill Communist International, committing The Stalin regime, however, continues contributed to the happy change in the ists. It stands in the way of their un impeccable from the revolutionary stand.
to remain silent. The Communist in course of the Communist Party of Gerpoint.
ity, the essential prerequisite to unity An article by Barbusse of recented in the streets by armed Fascist bands, mistakes after mistake, its erroneouternational, in the hands of the Stalintst nanyreflected in the united front ac such vlew. unemployment is constantly on the in course has served only to isolate the of the working class. Its record in the date shows how baseless Mooney case is all too clear. We have In Message to England (reprinted create and misery and poverty are mount Communist workers and to weaken thee faction, leaves the working class of the tous lt BerlinThis, at a time when it coun.
position by the thoroughly false and con world without a message in this most ter revolutonary. when the Stalinists critical hour in Germany.
issues. Stal by the socialist Industrial Democrat ofing to appalling proportions.
recorded it in previous It is to this that the German prole. Pusing theories of social Fascism and Inism has done much to discredit Com. Louisiana, under date of July 2, 1982. We enll upon all militant workers to ocracy were social Fascists and that taught everywhere that the social demjoin with us in our demand that the united fronts cannot be offered to 80munism in the eyes of the workers and he writes: thank you and gladly avail is primarily responsible for the failure myself of the opportunity of confirming to leadership of the Communist Internal clal Fascists. when the Stalinists of the Communists to win the leadership nation my belief in pacifism and antithe representatives of great and noble tional speak up. The Stalinist faction (Remmele Thaelmann) proclaimed everyof the fight to free Mooney, must not be allowed to maintain its cow where that Faselsm was not really a militarism.
Opposition Tsk ardly silence. The fate of the world menace, that the Hitler movement would The other leaders of this movement revolution is hanging in the balance! rapidly fall apart and collapse But the The light to free Mooney must be are generally worthy of thel Barbusse. Eye Witness Account of the Wash. Massacre of the Bonuseers fought against the labor fakers, against They would not constitute such a dan.
The hour of decisive struggle is close Left Opposition does not content itself at band. To play with a situation like with pointing out the correctness of its On the morning of Thursday, July 281 The crowds along the walks heckled the present is to play with disaster. Ley of our parts. That is the special task not for the initiative taken by the Com. about a hundred policemen gathered in and Jeered the military who proceeded bold step is required of the Communist polfcles In Cothen mest on our chler of the left Opposition in this fight it munist International in promoting them, Pennsylvania Ave. and 3rd St. Wash to order the ex soldiers out of their Party of Germany in order not to crash must open the eyes of the parts Tank in supporting them, and in presenting ington proper) to evict the bonuseers dwellinge. They were greeted by the into an abyss.
and file to the crime being committed their pacifist movement as an organiza from Federal property comprising four bonuseers with a barrage of bricks. Cav.
by the Stalinist londership. This it has tonal center for the struggle against old, moldy, half torn down, buildings and alry and Infantry quickly adjusted their must tell the working class in all frank.
The Communist Party of Germany The New York Picnic done and will continue to do with its Imperialist war.
several adjacent wreckage lots. gas masks, and with little or no warn ness that its policies of the recent past success are bound up the hopes and When a similar congress was held un About noon time there were 800 blue ing, cut across the lot, throwing gas were wrong. The party must show the York branch of the Communist League This Sunday, August 7th, the New future of the whole class and its fight der the auspices of the Amsterdam and coats still trying to evict the squatters bomba in and about the buildings and workers that it is sincere and earnest of America (Opposition) will hold to free Mooney.
Second Internationals at the Hague on now numbering over 5000, over 2000 of shacks. The vets were taken by sur in the attempt to correct, in the race to picnic at Tibbetts Brook Park.
So now in the seventeenth year of December 10, 1922, the Communist repre whom came over from Anacostla to help prise. They scurried to a nearby lot make up for lost time. Only in that the last plente a large group of comrades As at Mooney imprisonment we pledge the sentatives of the Russian trade unions resist the eviction.
another bonus encampment. where they way can the prove to the masses and sympathizers are expected to attend.
Left Opposition to renewed struggle, to the only revolutionary organization in The tension between veterans and stood their ground.
that it is their genuine leader, their Readers of the Militant who have at greater efforts and sacrifices in the fight vited made plain from the tribune of police reached the breaking point about Gas bombs were thrown into their trusted revolutionary vanguard.
against capitalism. for the release of the congress the Communist standpoint 1:30 when several lights broke out. indst, but the men caught them and The Communist party must hammer ganization do not have to be agitated to tended the previous picnics of the or Mooney and all class war prisoners. in clear contrast to that of the pacifists one officer, panicky before the rage of threw them back at the approaching away persistently at an appeal to the come to this one.
cavalry so that many of the horses, followers of the social democracy and at opportunist politics, as is being done! The brawl was on. Pists were pound without gas masks, reared and bolted. the reformist trade unions to put their. Bring your friends and tellow.
Attend the plenle this Sunday (August now. The Left Opposition will seek to ing flesh, bricks came flying at the heads number of the horses came prancing leaders to the test, by demanding of them workers. Food, refreshments, and games fulfill a similar task with the Barbusse of police. In the turmoll six or seven right up on the men. The vets grabbed that they join in a united front of all will be on hand. Here is a chance to Congress. The Communist League has shots were fired by the police. Police the reins and Jerked the horses around the proletarian organizations in the fight meet the members and sympathizers of BY LEON TROTSKY already notified the American Committee Cavalry, Intantry and Tanks Several men were pulled off their horses against Fascism. This alone will reveal the Left Opposition.
that it is sending three delegates to the At P. about 200 cavalry and 600 The cavalry swung their sabres at the the truly treacherous face of the socialWe have on hand a limited number of August conference in the Labor Tem. Infantry, under orders of President vets. Scores were cut about the face, ist misleaders before their adherenta. Take the Woodlawn Jerome The place is Tibbetts Brook Park, Plot this striking analysis of the social forces ple, New York. The revolutionary forces Hoover, came up Pennsylvania Avenue, neck, arms and back.
The masses can only learn through the Ave. train to the last stop. Woodlawn.
at work in old England. If you want a there must unite to present the Commun sabres and bayonets flashing in the sun. When the soldiers at Camp Marka tests of struggle.
copy order it at once.
At 10:30 AL. comrades will meet there ist standpoint against the muddle head Five black tanks equipped with machine (Anacestia reerivind word in the after Already the demands of the Left Op and walk to Plot You can take a Paper Cover. 75 edness of pacifism!
guns came rumbling behind them. Continued on page Continued on page 3) street car or bus to the park.
It, ter.
Police, Troops and Vets task Whither England?