BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Lenin and the War Danger per The Stalinists and Barbusse ed AOR NIE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1932 FORGOTTEN WORDS portant languages who will devote their by LEON time to conversations with the delegates clearing up just how far they have un. TROTSKY derstood the basic arguments and, in so far as there is any necessity, in bringThe German liberal newspaper Berlin the honored readers of Berlinger Tage socialism, but it would have been of use ing up other arguments or in pointing out er Tageblatt, dedicated a special number, blatt. about it. Unfortunately, however, to nobody. It would subtice, it the still the necessary examples.
in May, to the economie construction in the proletarian overturn and the expro isolated economy of the Soviet Union beIt may be that in certain questions only Instructions to the Hague Anti War Conference Delegation The political article was priation of the possessing classes took came one of the preparatory clements of actual examples drawn from the last war written by Radek. To the question as place as early as 1917 1918. And in the the future international socialist society.
On the question of combating the dan nature of war. It must be proved that will have any serious effect. It may be to which direction the development of the meantime the entry into socialism was He who talks aobut the fundament of ger of war in connection with the Hague without an analysis of these opinions that in certain other questions only the Unton is taking, Radek answers as fol made publie in 1980 1931. We were ad. socialism in 1982 has no right to redecisivetween the governments and their connec. arate us from the October revolution, in expropriation of the expropriators difficulty is to overcome the preconceived ability of their arising and of (we making an attempt to hold to the line idea that this question is quite simple, important in any consideration of the tion with a possible armed conflict win Russia have been created the foundaknew about this fact even formerly) but of 1921. e. without giving an answer clear and comparatively easy to solve question of the struggle against war. carry any welcht.
tions of socialism. In monstrous strug on the basis of the 100 percent collecti. to the question: Did we succeed, during Our reply to war will be a strike or a there can be no discussion of preparation Errors of Communists gles, in unceasing labor, a new society vization, and the elimination of the kulak the 12 years that clapsed since the in revolution, say the reformist leaders for war or even of any intelligent attiis being born. In such a general form as a class. Why then, does Radek sur troduction of the to realize the when addressing the working class. And tude towards it.
On the question of the struggle against these words, of course, can evoke no ob render without a blow the first line of jointure, in the Leninist sense of the very often the apparent radicalism of in the second place we must take ex war, am reminded that there are a Jections, particularly since they are pub trenches, the Stalin line. Why, while word? Did the 100 percent collectivizathis statement satisfies and appeases the amples from conflicts now going on even whole series of declarations by our Com lished in the columns of a bourgeois pa so bravely assuming military activities ton assure such reciprocal relations le workers and peasants.
though they may be of the most insigni munist deputies, both in Parliament and But Radek does not contine him against Trotsky, does he immediately re tween the city and the village its would Perhaps the most correct approach to ficant nature, and point out from these in spreecles outside of Parliament, which sele to this. Spurred on by an insati. treat far, far to the rear, and intrench reduce the extra conomic forec, if not this problem would be to begin with a examples how war may break out any day contain the most amazingly mistaken and able need to prove the sincerity of bis himself in the line of 1918 that is threat to zero then clearly approximately to it?
sharp refutation of all such opinions; to from the sport still declare that especially now, after the re over some details of the treaty with that we must take a decisive and relent. situation is denied not only by outright There is no gainsaying it in the first this fundamental question one is cent war, only the most hopelessly stupta Turkey, or between America and Japan less stand against all declarations of enemies of the Soviet Union, but it is rears after the October overturn, all of compelled to give a negative answer. The or confirmed hypkrites can believe that over some nonsensical disagreement on this nature, especially if they have been also impugned by Leon Trotsky: as he us vaid tens and hundreds of times, the 100 per cent collectivization has come such an answer to the question of the some question about the Pacific Ocean, or made after the war, mentioning the name puts it, at such a time when in Russia. foundation of socialist construction is abont not as the crowning and the struggle aginst war would have the between any of the great powers over of every such orator. You may soften therel a scarcity of milk, he who talks laid with us. And that was correct. fruition of an achieved jointure, but as slightest effect anywhere; to declare that some colonial quarrel or from some dis all you like, when it is necessary, your aobut the creation of the fundament of But this meant only that the political, an administrative screening of its als a revolution, in the simplest und most poltes, etc. etc. It seems to me, that it impossible to pass by a single such in. remark shows only. continues Radek, the socialist transformation were created. circumvent it, to beat around the bush literal meaning of the term.
there is the slightest doubt as regards stance in silence, because a light minded that the author has lost those scales And that is all!
with words, is to call the greatest dan It is necessary to explain the circum. the possibility of completing an entire attitude toward this question is so mis. which formerly he was capable of apply. SOCIALIST FOUNDATION ger upon the dictatorship of the prole.
stances and the secrecy in which war 18 speech the Hague, then chievous that it permeates everything ing to evaluate historical events. Ratariat. But of course, it is not from Radek that one should except an analy.
hatched and the helplessness of the or it is necessary to invent a whole werles else, and must on no account be treated dek, who renounced his own platform, IN 1921 dinary workers organizations, even of clever devices order to include at with indulgence.
Is accusing others of losing their histor. If it were possible to speak in ans sis of the problem of the jointure.
though they may call themselves revolu. least the most important things in the There have been succession of un ical scales! However, of what should manner seriously with Radek on serious LENIN ON tionary. In the face of the actual ap. speech and then to print in brochure form pardonably stupid and hard brained de these consist? We quote the answer ver subjects, we would have made an attempt RADEK proach of war what has not been included in the speech. cisions of workers congresses. We must batim, Milk is the produce of cows, and to explain to him that it is impossible, From Radek one can only extreet JourIt is necessary to explain concretely we must be prepared for being cut short gather at once all the material on this not of socialism and in truth, one in 1932, in answer to the question wh nalistic pirouettes. One cannot without over and over again just what happen by the president.
question and consider in the greatest de must really confuse socialism with the ther does the development of Some squeamishness observe those capers, ed during the last war, and why it could think that for this purpose there tall erery part and particle of this mater picture of that land where flow rivers lead to refer to the political fundament let me say in conclusion, that not have happened otherwise than it dia. must be invited to join the delegational, and prepare our strategy for the ot milk in order not to comprehend that of the socialist construction. The in. cuts on the question of the substance ve Defense of Fatherland not only capable orators pledged to make congress.
Not only will no mistakes be permissl developments without temporarily there exposed for the first time on a major socialism is not the land of rivers of Particularly Is it necessary to explain speeches, setting forth the entire case the circumstance that the defense of agatnst war, that is, developing all the be, but we shall refuse to tolerate any raising materially the condition of the scale in 1921 when the question of the milk. Do not demand made from school reciprocal relations with the the fatherland becomes the inevitable important arguments and all the neces substantial defects in the handling of national masses. 2111k is the produce of cows. If peasantry ism.
WHAT IS THE MEANING was posed point blank. The ereation of one takes into consideration that prequestion which the great majority of the sary conditions for the struggle against this question.
OF FOUNDATIONS the economic jointure between the city cisely around cows in the Soviet Untou workers will inevitably answer to the ad war but in addition there must be peo. December 4, 1922. LENIN ple speaking all three of the most imand the village was then proclaimed to at present a battle is ocenrring.
vantage of the bourgeoiste.
For the moment let us put aside the be the creation of the genuine foundation takes on at times tragic forms, then Nawhich Therefore, the clucidation of the ques.
clownish tone of the discussion. And let of socialist construction of such nature dek grimaces become utterly unbear.
tion of the defense of the fatherland us try to extract from it the serious ker. was the basic task of the The able. One cannot but recall the merci.
in the first place, in the second place nel. There is, first of all, in Radek theoretical formula of the jointure is very ess, reserved as it is, evaluation which the explanation in this connection of the auswer the theoretical subterfuge, to simple: the nationalized industry must Lenin placed on Radek at the vil party question of defeatisty. and finally, the which, in truth, Stalin resorted more than provide the peasantry with products in Congress, at the time of the controversy explanation of the only possible means of onde when he was pressed to the wall dispensable to it. In such quantity, of over the Brest Litovsk peace. In refer.
The invaluable document from the pen League against Imperialism. which bostruggle against war, namely, the forma.
tion and conservation of an illegal or of Lenin which we publish above is the came stamping ground for every dry. The matter concerns the tiny word, the such quality and at such prices as would ence to a remark of Radek that Lenin fundament of Socialism.
Kanization of all revolutionists particl. most timely contribution of the day to credited and discreditable political ad leaders of the Soviet Union have offlelally imum, in the reciprocal relations between Lenin remarked, take notice of corThe present entirely eliminate or reduce to a min. conceded space in order to gain time.
pating in war for a prolonged work, the movement for the struggle against venturer who need a momentary protec procaimed that the country has entered the state and the basic mass of the pea rade Radek, and want to make note against war, all these things must be war. When it was first made public tive coat of revolutionary coloration into socialism. This assertion we call santry, the factor of extra economte here that he has succeeded accidentally brought to the front. the adratutstrative seizure to say a serious thing. This time, it has phrase. The Communists must be ready historiel document which constituted one preparing another debacle this time per on the entry into socialism. Instead ho cerns of course not the kulaks, in rela. come out with an entirely serious state.
The boycott of wartes Radek bas of Lenin last and most mature words has more disastrous in vew of the to enter any reactionary war.
It is desirable, through, let us say to the party. Its timeliness ts emplas growing whed for clarity and action to advises us that in the Soviet Union there tton to whom a special task is poeed to ment.
have been created the foundations or limit their exploiting activities and not examples of German literature before the ixed particularly by the confusion which the struggle against war and reaction.
the fundament of Socialism. One can to allow them to turn into the dominant clear that serious statements could em Lenin meant unequlvocally to make war, and in particular, through the ex prevails at the present moment in the amples of the Basle Congress of 1912 ranks of the revolutionary movement ha subject of the struggle against the danger upon what one understands by funda of a reciprocat relationshi, Lenin brilliant contribution to the agree with this or disagree, depending power in the village. The establishment anate from Radek only accidentally, and of voluntary in the guise of the rarest exceptions. barter between industry and rural With the years, matters on this score theoretical recognition of the fact that grossest example of this confusion is the conferences of pacifists and their allies.
Radek does not leave us without an economy, between the city and village have no whit Improved. There is less War is a crime, that war is not per Nocalled Congress Against War which demands the widest popularization at the answer on this point. If we are con would impart an immutable Armness to hair outside, and more lightmindedness missible for socialists, etc. means noth has been called by an international com present moment. The Left Opposition, vinced way he that ing, that these prove to be empty phrasegmittee of petty. bourgeois pacifists and true to its duty, will carry on a fight of Socialism has already been laid in letariat and the peasantry. To socialism, made entry into Socialism. Dont boast the fundament the political interrelation beween the pro. within. Stalin proclaimed, We have because there is nothing concrete in such Uberals, together with unofficial repre for the victory of these revolutionary Russia, it is because our judgment rests, of course, in such a case, there would prematurely. objected the opposition, for presentation of the question. We givesentatives of the Communist Internation views even inside of the Barbusse Con. In the first place. upon the fact that still remain a long and a difficult road, the babes still lack milk.
to the masses no really vital presentation al, to be held in Geneva on August 28.
gress movement, both in Europe and the the possessing classes have disappeared But on this fundament on the funda the spotlight, and jingling his bells anA Jester takes of the question as to how war may break The collusion of the Stalinists in the take as a foregone conclusion, for the centrated in the hands of the proletarian the village acceptable to the mousik, the and not of socialism. In Radek tone, the press of the dominating class obventureludierous at best and pernicious past of the Left Opposition is an Inder state. In this sense the fundament has economie work could be confidently push one might answer with the Russian pro.
out and does break out. On the contrary, seures the issues by spreading les about at worst besond dispute to anyone of its stand in the present case.
The question is: WHAT POSITION formulation the subject of the displng back, by maneuvering on the world you can get milk from a buck goat.
been indubitably laid. But in such a ed abead, without rushing apace or drop yerb Bide a day, bide till you re gray, it in vast numbers of coples against which with the slightest knowledge of the apthe weak socialist press is entirely pow. partaus mechanism employed in similarWILL THE OFFICIAL PARTY TAKET pute disappears altogether. Radek market and in accordance with the tempo Even a buck goat grown bald is capable. The mere of attitude toward this very question. The Stalinist leader of Japanese Commun BARBUSSE OR THE VIEWS OF has passed through the proletarian over the Occident and the Orient. Not only why we prefer to return to serious ques.
peace they maintain a radically wrong LENINY turn. There is no harm in reminding would the road not have lead to national tions on more serious occasions.
Communist press in the majority of counthe Executive Committee of the Com.
ism and at least formerly a member of tries also disgraces itself. think that our delegates at the Inter. indication that the initiative and behindunist International, Is already sufficient national conference of co operators and the scenes backing for the whole affair STIAHNUTIARASHTRA SHARMS.
trade unionists should divide these ques. comes from the laboratories of Stalinism.
tions among themselves and examine all (Continued from page 1)
In the United States, this admixture their theoretical confusion. social drained. Its powers have not been those sophisms with which it has at. of Communism and petty bourgoola paci ascism their disastrous slogans brought into play. The logic of facts of the German proletariat has not been IEON TROTSKY tempted to justify war at time, In the most careful detall.
It may be that the most effective means ism represented by the ful subordination of Communism to pact For National and Social Emancipation will make itselt heard more imperiously SoCalled of the German People. People Revolu with every passing day.
of attracting the masses to warfare are Dreiser Committee. just these sophists with which the American tion. Down With Versailles. their The propositions are put forward. The the section of the Barbusse venture.
It self discrediting actions the support of manner of correcting the mistakes of bourgeois press operates on them, and has called a conference in the Labor the Fascist referendum in Prussia dur the Communist party leadership. The Vital Quetions for the German the most important circumstance explain Temple for August which is to elect ing July of last year, their hapless policy methods of establishing the united front Proletariat ing our own powerlessness against war delegates to the world congress at Gen of the Red United Front under the of the entire German working class. The leadership of the Communist party. role of the Communists to leadereva.
not examined these sophisms beforehand, In the New York Herald Tribune of all of which have kept the German Com ship and control of the class. The or that we ourselves have spent on July 15, we read the announcement that munists from measuring up to the taska ways of international revolutionary cothe proletarian solution of empty phrases to the effect that we wa Cowley (the secretary of the Dreiser of the hour, from uniting the working the epoch shaping social crisis in Geriae criminality of war, etc. in the spirit merely to arouse articulate opinion but Fascismall these are traced through the Communist action as precise, as concrete, LENINY of the Basle manifesto of 1912.
to try to get some definite, practical, zigzag course of the post Leninist com as complete as a military campaign plan Task at Congress realistic methods of stopping the war political character of the Stalin faction No other work on the German events the principle What Next? is the book of the hour.
It seems to me that if we will have a which seems imminent in the next year and its baste tenet: socialism in ons exists, as informative as instructive, as the Hague Conference, then our most im derstanding of what is understood boy blood expression stands out as clear everywhere it is an indispensable source es against war in various languages at mittee is already sufficient for an uncountry. The why and the Wherefore thought provoking as this masterpiece DICTATORSHIP?
that those participating in the conference stopping the war. On the Committee daylight after a reading of What Next? or education and training a guide te are real opponents of war, that they are to be found not merely confused historical research and theoretical anal. Leninist action. For the world at large, understand how war may and can burst Communist sympathizers like Dreiser it is a clarion call to rally against the upon them at the most unexpected mo and Lamont, but ex war patriots and re ysis are all focussed on the present Gerinevitable relapse into barbarism that a SOVIET UNION ment, that they have the least compre turmists like Upton Sinclair, out and out The contradictions man scene. prolongation of the capitalist system en.
within German or that they are in any way capable of of the Henry Street Settlement; petty capitalism have at present reached such tails. It is the volce of historical truth undertaking an intelligent and effective bourgeois liberals like Harry Elmer Bar. inevitable. The adaptability of the soa state of tension that an explosion la speaking.
course in combating war.
In connection with the recent experl. a number of sars from the world of art cial democracy has reached that limit, With Germany on the edge of the volcano that threatens to erupt at. of Luzerne Hears Opposition any moment, Leon Trotsky penetrating analysis of what is next on questions which arome the day after the struggle against Imperialist war. Cicer lies catastrophe. Such is the threefold held in Luzerne. Penn. on Sunday July great mass of theoretical and practical these people have in common with a mistakes of the Stalinist bureaucracy have reached that limit beyond which the order of the day in Germany is the most timely revolutionary meeting of the Left Opposition was document of the moment. It is priced so low for a quick sale. Order Impossible for the great majority of those and confusion, is an enigma that must formula that characterize the situation 24, with over 40 miners present. The your copy now!
summoned to apply themselves to these remain unsolved to all but those who con frecuenter er stehen now polaed party and the Lovestoneites were well 350 65c represented. The majority of the work The Leninist Program Unfolded faction.
In Paper without prejudice.
In Cloth ers present were sympathizers and formIn this poignant, epigrammatic rhythm, er members of the Communist party. think that the elucidation of this For the latter, the struggle against war PIONEER PUBLISHERS question demands exceptionally detalled is some special task disconnected from the leader of the International Opposi: Prior to the meeting the Stalinists in the general struggle of the proletariat the German crisis in full. His criticism break up the meeting.
tion unfolds the Communist program for formed the comrades that they would 84 East 10th Street, New York, co In the first place, relating and analyzn gainst the bourgeoiste. With th:10 poltive as well as negative. There miners who attended wanted However, all the STRAUSSICHTS Sahintaan Ing what happened during the recent treacherous approach to the problem, 1s not a trace of pessimism in his words.
hear war and declaring to all those present Stalin and Bucharin conceived the notor Every ne breathes an Inspiring, optim. what the Left Opposition had to say and that they do not know or that, they pre ions Anglo Russian Committee as the tend to know it, and at the same time organizing center of the struggle Ism. And if his negative criteisms have prevented the carrying out of the threat.
NEXT ISSUE the effect of stinging needle points, his shut their eyes to the very core of the usenst war and imperialisme mobiletto positive proposals react like hammer of the Lett Opposition. The miners Hugo Oehler presented the position Leon question without the knowledge of which have it fall with a crash that indicted blows We read: against war. On this point think we Union and the Communist International. Involuntarily the question arises: the Left Opposition and the present sitmust examine all the points of view, all the hope that the petty bourgeois labor Won It be altogether too late? And uation in Germany. The question and the shades of opinion which arose at leaders like Purcell and Cook would each time one answers oneself: No! The dicussion period was sharp but very that time among the Russian socialists to conduct a definite, practical, realistle armles that are drawn up for battle are orderly. The Marxian teachings of the regard to the war. It must be poloted struggle against war, was shattered up too colossal that one need fear a simul Left Opposition and comrade Trotsky Smashing Reply to Stalin. out that these viewpoints arose not by on the rocks of the class struggle. The taneous settlement of the issues at the are being planted in this mine region chance, but were generated in the very similar hope entertained for the world speed of greased lightning. The strength and return meetings are assured. WHAT NEXT. the Book of the Hour WHATNEXT?