Andrés NinBolshevismBujarinCapitalismCommunismEnglandGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismReform PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

Organizing the Jobless would SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE PREPSON interviews held. Muraloy departed back to Siberia.
In the beginning of March a search was made in the house of Kasparova and her son; it seems that something Behind the scenes of the Stalinist Letter from Moscow The letter which we publish here or other that was compromising was The Need for Change of Course in the Official Party Policy apparatus a deep going process is at may be considered as entirely authora000000000 work undermining the monolithism tative being written by a well Inform Lenin testament perhaps? Or perhaps the interests of their class cannot avold the idea of a separate unemployment Workers who have serious concern for First of all, the party must give up of the leading group which is narrow. thereto fatal one. In the party, this ed comrade In Moscow who is in a copy of that letter written on ing down ever more threatening to conference was awaited Dot without agl position to know what is taking place. deathbed in which Lenin severed all posing the timely question of what is to movement narrowed by artificial limitathe personality of Stalin. The official tatlon. None, of course, presupposed that The present issue of the Militant con comradely relations?
Not a few com. woome of the unemployment movement. tions which demand that the party leadparty prens naturally maintains a the assembly of functionaries could tains the conclusion of the letter promising documents were left bebind With our advance toward the fourth ership and control be accepted in ad.
censor bound silence on what is going change or revive anything. But all were and makes it possible for our readers by Lenin. But whom do they compro crisis winter it naturally enters with so vance.
on in actuality. The present letter convinced, that at the conference, the to be oriented more intimately on such mise Gruenstein and his wifo much more presistency, pressing for a Secondly, it should utilize its present solution. No actual relief measures have will give our readers an insight into long silent leader of the party, questions as the status of the collecti were also searched. They are in Sara. as yet been obtained. The numbers of position of leadership in the Unemploy.
some of the significant events taking speak out his thoughts on the contem vization movement, the Internal party place.
porary situation. the course of the situation, etc.
proachable revolutionist Bolsheviks like the unemployed army are mounting high ment Councils to bulld winter, happened more than once to Kasparova and the Gruenstein couple, er but the emergence of a serious move unemployment movement. It should offl.
cially and genuinely propose to the trade (Continued from last Issue) listen in Moscow, as well as in a proTo all sorts of erltical remarks and de vincial industrial town, where chanced tually have prosed the question in the ete, to draw a carefree breath precisely ment is still lagging.
Will anybody question the fact that unions, to the workers unemployment because he knows how great their auth.
monstrations of Stalin ideological into pass a few weeks, to discussions on Despite the unremitting organization ority is, and what respect their names such a movement, to have real meanlug, organizations of the various groupings should bring into its sphere of activity and to the Socialist party to join the uns sufletency, the average Stalinist replied, the theme as to what Stalin thinks of Op bear. Yes, all that may be true, but he sure the situation in Germany, of the world. al raids, the Left Opposition lives.
It is good that such old timers re the trade unions, the various existiug unted front for unemployment reliet. It is a sly bouts; you won break your wsde crisis, and of the international positionst units and groups are dissemneck following him. Moreover the sue position of the Soviet Union. Why does inated everywhere, and in many places man who were not rendered impotent employment organizations and the work should particularly appeal to the workers considerable Oppositionist nests are un und drained by three revolutions, decades ing class political parties. Or, to put it of all these organizations that they put cesses of industrialization and collectivi he keep mum? many asked each other. covered. There was hardly ever in this of struggle, years in prison and hardi more bluntly, the problem is to secure their leaders to the test by demanding zation covered up all sins. The sharpl Now ls time that he should speak our world at any time or anywhere such labor, and who did not succumb to the the necessary unity of action of all of that their organizations join the united about face came with the aggravation in Ilyitch manner. To this the difficulty for a genuine Marxist trend to bureaucratie milieu. But still the most these working class sections to tight for front fighting for the needs of the unem.
of the situation in necessities. Hunger more solid interlocuter would ordinarily 18an aunt to none. In deliberations reply. Just bide your time, he ll come carry on its work, in the technical sense, consoling fact is the new recruitment of actual relief measures and to advance the ployed.
as there is for us at present in the Southe Oppositionist youth. In Sverdlovsk movement to a higher plane. This does Thirdly, the party must maintain its general formulas do not suffice. The Vuzence takes place in a few weeks. Thug viet Union. This is one of those vicious recently was discovered an organization not at all leave out of account the sharp independent position, patiently explainconcerning the situation in necessities out with it yet; why, the party confernuclel, which as you are aware, are, or within the party and around it a firm Jokes of history, on which the most ex of 75 members, of them eight are already diterences of aims and objectives. On its objectives to the workers, making conviction became established that Stalin pert dialectician can break his teeth. The in isolation. Sverdlovsk is not an excep course, these fundamentally opposing its tactics of the united front clear and be are reputed to be, the most reliable, e.
no more respectable part of the captulators tion. The are almost unceasing differences romain. There can the those every other phrase. But here is quite a to speak out all at once at the party this manner, It is anyway impossible new forces to us. In the places of exile objectives of revolution and those in the united front. The party has which they swear by Stalin in Wils keeping a tight upper lip, in order, motivates its capitulation precisely in and serve as a gauge of the influx oc common ground between the aims and constantly criticizing the reformist forces of novel fact, very symptomatie in the pre conference. The greater was the dis.
reform. Nor can there be any commun. duty of clarifying its revolutionary obsont atmosphere. In the nucleus of the enchantment that awaited the party. Ar to carry on any illegal activities; at any are growing up ever newer and newer ity of interests whatever between the Jectives by pushing the actual struggle for relief measures and demonstrating revolutionary party and the reactionary in practical experience that they can be Electro Technical Institute, during dis ter each session, the delegates and visit rate, it is better to serve as an honest colonies of Bolshevik Leninists.
capitalist lieutenants now in control of only temporary measures, that the unem.
cussion orer the foodstuffs situation, one ors were pestered by the query: And functionary of the workers state. But RUMORS ABOUT iden RAKOVSKY the trade union official positions. Never. ployment situation can find its final soluan attempt at an exposition to the effect. How come? Don know, perhaps heads its channels. As regards this! few days, rumor suddenly spread them the united action of the workers tion only through the proletarian revoluof the petty apparatus retainers mado how about Stalin. Nothing 80 far. it appears that the Oppositionist that the situation was improving. Then speak out yet. the delegates replied sphere, I, of course, am compelled to be in Moscow about Rakovsky death and from all of these organizations remation.
und there one of the students threw in more and more wearily. Toward the therefore only such facts as have already ally. oppressive. Is Rakovsky really employment relief is to be seriously con exceedingly careful shal enumerate it produced a tearful impression, actu; the imperative need when obtaining un.
In the Leninist party these elementary reply. You, like Stalin, can see noth close of the conference, the delegato received a cortain publicity, or to put it dead? People asked one another with a templated.
requirements used to be accepted as the ing. This Insolent reply was taken up! themselves began to become upset and more exactly, which have reached the kind of horror. It impossible! In these The Various Relief Programs ABC of the movement. The fact that by the assembly with open sympathy. began respectfully insisting that the words was expressed the thought that it they have been forgotten, emasculated despite the presence of the members of big chief make himself heard. But ears of the rulers.
cannot be that the crime committed by In surveying these various organiza. and pushed aside to give way to false the nucleus bureau, who pretended to be Stalin refused point blank This really THE OPPOSITION IN stalin in relation to Rakovsky has be working chapparent ever to the ceremos uvery policies makes necessary that they be absent. The winged phrase You like was quite a shock to many. few be THE FACTORIES Stalin, can see nothing. at once began san to speak out in their circles of in the factory AMO. during the com. come irreparable. Happily, the where.
was shortly proven unfounded. It is reHence there is a good deal of ro stated again and again untul accepted in to circulate about the town.
course, Why doesn he say anything? plications mentioned above, placards apmarkable that three months ago the same identity in the programs of immediateledelice. Mere lip service will not it is the actual practise which The forms of declination from Stalin Because he has nothing to say. It is peared inscribed, Hands of the Working kind of rumor was spread about demands. While the objectives differ take on passive and temporizing char in such an atmosphere that the woris Wage and a portrait of comrade Trot Sosnovsky and produced approximately sharply the immediate needs stand out counts and it is the future life of the movement which is at stake.
acter. The average functionary adapts of the student, You like Stalin, can see sky was hung up. The portrait was re the same impression. The memory of Sos clearly. The various organizations de We could well conceive ot structure himself to the party mass in the sense nothing grew their wings with greatest moved by the administration. The im novsky amidst the workers of Leningrad, mand immediate governmental relict for the movement in which the workers, that he denies Stalin the manifestations facility.
port of this fact does not require com Moscow and the Urals is very fresh and they demand unemployment insurance employed and unemployed alike, are orof enthusiasm. Many episodes on this mentaries. It is to the point to add strong. It was a puzzle to me whence and the shorter workday. Reformistsganized in the city block councils and subject are circulating. Each one in it bureaucratie circles spoke a great deall long ago renamed after Stalin, but here oplnion that they are born of the pro. within capitalism and to cater to the basis into delegated bodies where the together they all in the pleture. WAS Stalin kept quiet because there is a dl the official name and the actual content. the wide circles of the party for the fate support is obtained, they will withoutations will send their representatives.
well is not very important, but taken with significance after the conference too there is no crorespondence between found disquetude, the acute alarm of working class support, though when tbe trade unions and other workers organipersonally a witness to one of these in ergence of oplolon on top both as in anotber factory, the name of which of their honored and loved comrades. scruples betray their own reforms. The cidenta. On February 23, stalin attend gards the spheres of domestic and for den prefer not ed the Bolshoy Theater, to mentino, a portrait of incidentally, the last bulletin we have re revolutionists advance the demands for On the Program of Demande ve course, always Such visits are, policies. The Japanese provocations Lenin was hung up, but drawn so that cerved from Barnaul is to the effect that the working class needs to obtain them Naturally the program of immediato from the point of view of socurity (which some decisive steps on the part of the ed into a portrait of Trotsky.
demands for a genuine united front is self evident) but also as regards the Soviet government were awaited, but at proper reception. In recent years the the same time there was doubt abroadThe authority of those Oppositionists from heart fatigue, a great deal but dedra Georgievna (Rakovsky wife) suffer revolutionary conclusion.
movement will first of all reflect the Even the American Federation of La pressing needs of the present situation.
plaudits of the clacque invariably called lost a provocation be instigated. All Acally great with the party who neither bent nor broke forth the support of a considerabe num awaited and sought for courses to take among the number there are apparatus mood is cheerful and optimistic.
misteri: spite the onerousness of their daily lives bor, under pressure of these needs 18 But it is of the utmost importance that change its it be so construed as to take into account ber of the theater bureaucrats. On Feb. But no instructions were forthcoming retainers also. Now, there are ment front. The Executive Council at its re the identity of interests of the working ruary 23 Stalin appearance was met. personally heard in the course of a befon my own eyes, with an fey silence. single day in several places the Jocular press themselves even more directly, all his friends greatly, and they are not tist, Wm. Green, to draw up a programa monize the needs and the objects of both The report of Ryazanov death, this cent meeting, in the swell resort of class as a whole and not only its separsay even the antagonists. Others ex time, unfortunately, was true. It shocked Atlantic City, instructed the meek Bapate sections. It must particularly harEvidently the clacque itself, tearful of phrase, We must ask to rushin Real Bolsheviks! Individuals like a few throughout the land. He was one cor unemployment insurance. This rein employed and unemployed workers and for the plaudits. However, what is more formulas circulate very rapidly around within the bureaucracy. Recently, men, despite his grave ness. As significant, is what takes place in this Moscow, sometimes from above down at Muralov arrived in Moscow, on personal Marxian ard an agrotout, he very tions, including the leaderships, to the the unemployment problem in such sphere at all kinds of subordinato most other lines upward from below to business, with the special permlagon of attentively followed all the processes in actual test. It increases the opportun way that it will strengthen the interna: revolutionists must put these organiza must recognize the International aspect of ingr, at festivals, conferences, etc. At certain sense the course was outlined and the authorities. It is possible that this rural economy and the collective farms ity for the revolutionary party to forge tional class solidarity and help to break elections of honorary presidiums, or in received. The 26 28 number of the Bul trip was permitted in order to test ble in particular. we shall als very much ahead, Initiating a mass movement. down the artifically erected national bar.
name appears obviously first. But while Key to the International Situation un respectable capitulators were sicked and so well grounded both in theory and be on the penalty of the reformist forces to the community of interests of the If the party fails to do this it will rlers. It must give articulate expression two years ago the pronouncement of this doubtedly produced a restraining effect onto Nikola Ivanovitch. He replied, experience so it is that life flows ou, assuming uncontested leadership of the workers of the Soviet Republic and for name was met with applause (the more upon violent, it is true, the more select, e, this article penetrated into the party the more official the character of the from different sides. It above, on the ho point to our meeting. This phrase main and some comrades are lost to us, develop without it and in spite of it. the Left Opposition has long since adassembly) now on the contrary the roll question of the Far East policies there Immediately made the rounds of Moscow and others, new and young, step forward it is therefore necessary that the party vanced the slogan of long term credits call headed by Stalin name calls forth were really disagreements, then they Atta boy. Muralich! There were no Moscow.
without delay change its course in this to the Soviet Union. This has been reDo enthusiasm.
were solved obviously to the effect not. respect.
Jeeted by the Stalinist leadership. But The reason for this is to be found in to fall into Far Eastern provocation. the continued failure to adopt this time the entire situation and in the bitter ex consider this to be entirely correct.
ly and correct slogan may easily play perience. At present wide circles in the Another disagreement among the heads Revolution in Danger; The Last Peppery Unlty. What Are Shop Committees. by into the hands of reformist demagogues party and in the Soviets are becoming touched evidently the question of restor Pioneer Publishers Notes Dish of the Cook, Stalin; he Five Year Fersen What Is Trotskyism. by Es who may grasp it as an opportunity more and more convinced that what ob ing the domestic market. Molotov, it tains is a great master on little things. would seem, was against it. However, Plan; The Spadish Revolution; by Anteban Bilbao Communist Unity; by Luis purely and simply to extend the capitaldres Nin The Proletariat and the Spanist market and endeavor to take it out Of course, even three years ago those one must add that the upper crust of WHAT NEXT OFF THE PRESS!
ish Ryvolution; What Are Soviets. The Garcia Palacios Communism and the lof the realms of a working class issue.
Communists who at least could put two the party now ls such a closed corpora. Well, we ve done it. What Next? is on January General Strike and Its Lessons: Agrarian Revolution. All of these pam.
and two together took stock quite clearly tion as to almost prevent any penetra the press. And at reduced prices. When by Henri Lacroix What Is Trade Union phlets sell at two for five cents.
In all of this, it is necesary to emof the fact that after he had consumtion of Information regarding its inner the news of the military dictatorship in phasize again the importance of the de.
mated the organizational struggle against life into the layers beneath. And thereto Prussia reached us we sat down and mand for the Six Hour Workday With the Left Opposition, Stalin then grabbed the innor fights take place not in official went over our figures carefully to see out Reduction of Pay. There could be its platform as life saving anchor. But institutions such as the Politbureau, the whether we could not reduce the price no objections to its timeliness. More even this was not debited against him. etc, but within the four walls and thereby make possible a quicker and over, with the advance of the crisis and Sly boots that was the honorary opt of the general secretariat, in the inner wider sale. The result is the price anthe permanency of unemployment, a serl.
thet bestowed upon Stalin by the fune most recesses of the inner circle.
ous movement for its attainment could nounced in our ad.
tionary, and it was often repeated after above all draw into its orbit and unite the functionary by the worker.
THE NEED FOR THE What is required now is the collective in action the employed and the unemefforts of all our comrades, sympathizers Among the academic youth, the auth BULLETIN ployed workers. This demand would ority of Stalin as a theoretician has and friends to sell the book. It should be become a potent weapon of the united Could we receive at front.
present in the easy to sell this book: It is extremely fallen greatly. Everyone knows how long Union a few hundred coples of each num timely, it is priced low; it is the only It does not in the least, however, and with what persistence he strove to er of the Bulletin, the situation in the Communist publication in this country obviate nor conllet with the other de.
assure his theoretical reputation. Vari party would take on another aspect. The on the present situation in Germany, it mands. For example, unemployment in.
ous funkeys, like Milonov, the former need of the critical elucidation of the is written by comrade Trotsky surance still remains as necessary and theoretician of the Workers Opposition, situation and of perspectives which was word is eagerly and attentively read by whose BY LEON TROTSKY as pressing as ever. And suffice to add have inscribed, it is true, Stalin among submerged in the period of dlaziness the workers who have not been con.
only the fact of the growing misery and the Marxian Classics just as Schver successes, has now reasserted itself and vinced and never will be convinced that destitution bringing to the fore more nik enrolled him among the geniuses. has taken on the character of a thirst. he is sharply the need for immediate governcounter revolutionist. And on mental relief.
But amidst our students and our Red But the Bulletin arrives in isolated and top of all this the book is offered free professors, notwithstanding how this accidental copies. The bureaucratic as a premium with a sub to the Militant.
These 450 pages of analysis and record The Party Duty Is Clear of the revolution and counter revolution inist regime, there are still to be found uge party member gets a chance at a Germany. The Key to the International Judging from the increase in sales of in China since 1925, offer the first inIllusions held of help coming from not a few honest and clear young minds, Bulletin only abroad. Seldom does any. Situation since the latest developments tegral Marxian presentation of one of other sources outside of what the move.
and, in the last analysis, it is they who one decide to venture bringing in a new in Germany the new book could go very the greatest movements in modern times.
ment itself, by its pressure, can obtain, The views of the Left Opposition are should soon be completely dispelled. The the proletarian students, and the cream number in his pocket, for on this topic, fast. The thing to do is to hustle around give here tnor the first time in systemforce of necessity will more positively as it is relayed to us, there have been and sell it.
of the working class in general. Stalin considerable unpleasuntries even in the WHITHER ENGLAND?
atic, elaborated form, side by side with a propel the American working class into stinging criticism of the catastrophic motion. The logic of coming developnomists has cost him dearly. Trotsky ing, of course, can interfere with those the arrival from England of Whither Since our announcement last week or course pursued by Stalin and Bucharin.
ments will emphasize its community of criticism has reached few directly, but returning from abroad of transporting England? by comrade Trotsky we have The suppressed writings of Trotsky are interests and give it expression in the indirectly, through intermediaries, it has the Bulletin in their heads. From them received orders for a few. We want to found here for the first time in English, unemployment movement. From this penetrated into rather wide circles. But, the ideas of the Bulletin circulate into remind our readers that our supply is together with appendices by Zinovlev, point view the position of the party indeed, we ourselves, have grown beards much wider circles. In addition there limited (we received only thirty) and Vuyovitch, Nassunov and others.
assumes ever more importance which its too. There is no lack of people among to, the official press deems it necessary comrades who want a copy should order leadership must not dare to fritter away.
us who are well acquainted with the on all important problems to produce the it at once.
Its duty should be clear. It is from Marxian system. No matter how the slogan against the counter revolutionary GERMANY THE KEY TO THE the elementary needs and objectives that scandalous Stalinist report was adver. Trotskyism. In Pravda and in the Bol. INTERNATIONAL SITAUTION, Cloth Bound Paper Bound it must take its starting point. The tised in the press. Pravda even celeshevik, in the Leningrad Pravda, in the IN GREEK AND SPANISH genuine united front offers such a real brated in its time the anniversary of the provincial papers, in the Literary Gas. We have been reminded by our Greek starting point. It is a necessary preworld historical report) the results oblette, etc. one can always run across and Spanish comrades that in our an requisite for the working class today tained were the opposite: the more solla citation from the Buletin or a rehash of nouncement of comrade Trotsky writ.
witbout which it cannot hope to unity academicians in the apparatus refer to one or another article. The Oppositionings in foreign languages we the report with restrained but significant ists from this point of view, open a new mention of the fact that The Key can be its forces for the greater revolutionary omitted Special Offer one year subscription to the Militant is 00. paper tasks. It is a necessary prerequisite for smiles: within the circles of the most number of the paper or cut the pages of had in these languages.
putting the misleaders of labor to the advanced youth, it has become the source new issue of a magazine with the thought In Russlan we still have a number of bound copy of Trotsky book is 00. By speical arrangetest and of finally separating them from of mumerous jokes and anecdotes.
ment, you can get both of them for only 50 offer valid uppermost, perhaps there is something copies of What Next? In Jewish we have their control and influence over large STALIN DISCREET only for the summer months.
about us there? The extracts, it is true, a supply of comrade Trotsky open letsections of the working class. It is the SILENCE are almost always twisted around, starting point to prevent their designs the ter to the of the on But even Stalin purely political re ideas are led about, but after all these the subject of the deprivation of his of sell out and betrayals and to advance Orders from the the class struggle to a higher level. The putation has suffered exceedingly during years we have learned a great deal, and citizenship. In Italian we have a numPIONEER PUBLISHERS the last year. At the XVII party conter among other things, how to real be ber of copies of the Spanish Revolution 84 East 10th st. New York, Left Opposition will fight with the party ence Stalin did not utter a word, Histween the lines. In nine cases out of in Danger. In Spanish we have the fol.
tor these objectives.
silence produced a tremendous effect, and ten we unmistabably guess how you ae lowing titles by Trotsky: The Spanish. ARNE SWABECK.