AntifascismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerItalyNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Spontaneous United Front Developing more a The German Communist Party and the United Front death sna the muspital astus mes ac o abundant testimony of the development Is it Really Possible to Establish a Unified Proletarian Front, have defended unswervingly the best duy thirty Fascists came out more form an and Krach were wounded in the arm and and to have on hand data necessary in a means of attracting social democratic worker.
Hitler bands are increasing their aggressions since July 1, taken from bloody deeds. Just as in Italy, they the Rote Fahne. May our comrades are laying a crushing burden of realize by these few examples that July 1, at the University of Berlin postel in different corners of the street terror on city and countryside. Al today it is the fate of the whole Eur. Nazi bandits opened fire on a working was arrested. The two others sucevelFascist student bandits attacked anti. Il red from every direction, with the reready acts of aggression and assas. opean proletariat which is being de class street. worker, coming out of, ed in escaping Fascist students with clubs and knives. suit that 40 or 50 bullets struck the local xinations take place every day. We cided in Germany! Let us line up a saloon just at that moment, was 80 Tuesday afternoon, a motorbont bear.
Three Communist students, three social building. At that same moment another draw up here a record of Fascist to help them!
gravely wounded that he died a shorting the Fascist flag went along the democrats and one other, from the Fascist band arrived coming from the time later in the hospital Spandau canal (Berlin. The occupants were seriously wounded other side of the street. The Nazis who Kottbusertor (Berlin)
In the evening there were new encounof the boat hurled insults at the men.
At Dresden had just fred took them too for Com the heat many of the inhabitants had left Last night an bandit fired on a ployed men who were bathing between June 21, in the suburb of Leubau, amunists and turned on them. Wounded their window open. The patrol demand ters between the workers, who were go.
Hinkeldey bridges, Nazl group attacked two social dem in the neck, the Nazi, Steinberg, fell. ed that the windows be shut immodiately. ing home, and the police and Nazis. Al group of workers wounding two slightly, the Muherity and As several of the inhabitants expressed legedly, stones were thrown at the pol and killing one Reichsbanner worker. The shouting out at them Long live Hitler!
ocratic workers who were seriously in. Three others were wounded.
The home group for self defense sec their indignation over this demand, one ce trucks; the police fired in every dir workers punished the cowardly assassin. One man shouted back, Down with IlitJured. When numbers of workers ran up to protect them the band of Nazi cow tion assembled and the Nazis fled. of the policemen drew his ride from his cation. worker was killed by a bullet who had to be taken to the hospital. The ler! whereupon the Naxls drew revolta ards run away.
policeman ran to meet him, revolver in shoulders and fired three shots. Another in the head, another seriously wounded workers, forget tng all party considera ere and tired on the themployed men.
hand, but allowed the Nazis to pass, al patrol arrived and also fired. An assault in the audiomen. The Nazis waylaid the tions, next hastened to the air of the Two youths were wounded, ile by At Halle On June 23, a uniformed assault band though they were obviously armed. The rock and an armorel car came up. The youth comrade Werman and stabbed him Nazi assussins in Skalitzerstrasse, and bullet in the arm, the other in the knee demolished it. The workers decided to the bathers, bitterly arousel, threw rocks provoked some revolutionary workers in policemen asked some missersby organize a joint demonstration in the at the boat, wounding one of the assusKassel laboring district. When the police arhad done the firing. Ile was told that was aroused from his bed and forced to banquet hall at Ewala, in order to wela sins.
rived they took the side of the Nazis It was the Nazis who had just passed turn over the keys of the collar and ransacked the On the occasion of the filing off of the anti ascist united front still more July 8, Gollnov against the Cominunits. Alleging that him in spite of this the policeman con storteroom. The police In the course of the wood workers they had been attacked with rocks, the tinued in the opposite direction. In their house from top to bottom. In the middle Fascists at Eschwege, near Kassel, yes solidly.
July 6, Essen (Ruhr)
strike, which has grown serious police use their arms. Two policemen flight the Nazi bandits in the Nene Hoch of the night the inhabitants were rudely terday, there occurred some serious conThe worker Heinrich Steinweg. from during the last few day, some chiconwere wounded, and we cannot ascertain strasse knocked down a porter named aroused from their leds. The bourgeois Alets between the entire workers popula.
press clains that there had been firing tion and the provocateurs.
By Dortmund Bracke, whom the police ters between the strikers and sets ocwhether there were any losses on the next and slashed him with knives.
their shouting the masses kept the FaseAt a quarter of one Goebbels bands from the windows.
Wounded in the neck on Sunday with a curred. The manager summoned the side of the workers.
ist orator from speaking in the market returned. At Lenzenerplatz they tried to July police, who fred on the strikers, one of revolver shot, died this morning.
place. In league with the the polJuly enter Neue Hochstrasse. Seeing that the whom was seriously wounded by SeverJuly the At the entrance of the Stadium where tee used brutal measures At Janowit Bridge (Berlin) worker street was filled with workers they as the trials of the Spartacus took place in workers. From a against was beaten up by six Fascista. Some sembled; in the commotion they fired on Essen (Ruhr. the Fascists distance several Yesterday four young unemployed Ing police.
July marble workers in the vielnity immedi.
and the meters Severing police fired on the workers took some food in Diana House, police provoked the workers.
ately ran to his ald. section of the each other once more.
Wednesday evening, at quarter of serious workers. Two workers, Communist and were pursued and attacked on the The Police Assassins League for Struggle and several young conflict resulted, the police trying to and a social democrat, were killed by the Erckener Neu Zittar road by a car full eleven, a Nazi land tired on the Becck.
of policemen. One of the unemployed man workers local, nt laukow, Borites socialist comrades interfered, and the Berlin During the night at o clock, prevent the worker from singing certain shots of the Severing forces.
threw youths, seriously wounded by a bullet in strasse, The bandits some Naxis ran away. On this occasion Minden (Westphalia)
a the police took unheard of measures in songs. Twenty four workers were woundhis back, fell fom his bicycle while hand grenades and rocks and beer bot.
permanent committee of defense was of Rostockerstrasse (Moabit. because of ed and one policeman killed.
Last night, with no excuse whatsoever, riding. He, as well as one other boy, tles through the windows One worker ganized. was seriously injured and had to be At two thirty, the Naxl bandit Trumtaken to the hospital. The Hitlerites pelmann, in Scheneberg, fired ten revolver Aired three revolver shots at the cafc.
shots on two revolutionary workers out propreitor wife who fortunately escaped on the street. One was seriously in their bullet When the police arrived.
the mob had long since disappeared. The three. These two victims of the Fascist The German workers press gives daily vermin are at present struggling against a united. their to the aggression took place after a discussion of the class struggle in Germany. Pub.
Against the Growing Danger of Fascism?
witz bas pronounced Rather ten times tion. The workers and passers hy de Nine Workers Killed In One Day lishing extracts from Thaelmann with Thaelmann than once with Groemanded that the police search them. At Hattingon (Ruhr) comrade Lubber wpeech, Humanite, central organ of the er became a favorable ground for the revolver was found on one of them, who WAS recognised as a participant in the ich was assassinated, and comrade Schole French Communist Party, is finally forced At Cologne, Fascist motorcyclist killed who follow with ever deepening interest They openly declare that they will notted front? This is the question which idea of unity has not yet been capable previous evening, and he was arrested felled by a revolver bullet in the lungs. to write (7 32) The French workers ing but an anti social democratic action. Germany refuse to bring about the unl work of the of giving great exterior results to the July 10, Frankfort on. the. Malin a worker, head of a family. Two other the vicissitudes of the class struggle ot have a united front with the leaders of every worker asks.
workers were injured. At Berlin a pol the CIVIL WAR already begun in Ger the soclul democracy. All the invitations ARISE NOW, RED BERLIN!
At the same time the heads of the serves at the present moment as an ob passed through the workers borough of Even though the idea itself Last night the bandits of the Schoneck At Frankfort on the oder, two mann. etc. What! evil war already against the common enemy were disdain. prohibit the Vorwaerts, that means their zatlon nevertheless we can already today though the march had been forbidden, the kember beat up our comrades Gericke and many must read the answers Tready struggle and to concentrate the forces socialdemocracy are themselves forced to stacle to the rapid growth of our organ sted, proceeding towards llochat. Als scal democratie workers tell under the unleashed in Germany in the metrope fully repulsed. The circular of the newspaper. They are wedged between see how just is the demand for a clasa police brutally cleared the street for the fire of Hitler bandits.
veloped capitalist country of Europe of the of Germany of June con the Right wing of the bourgeoiste which front of a bloc of workers, and how this page of the brown plague, knocking July 3, Hamburg After their meeting, in Dittmar. itself with giving the workers minutest firms clearly that even in the present makes them capitulate in every Instance idea, thanks to our indefatigable prop down men and and yet the official party press contents women. The alarmed chen, our comrades from Landen, return doses of information. Is it in this fash. Aghts the main attakk should be directed and the mass of workers who want to anda. has taken root in all working workers assembled in front of the town.
carry them into the struggle. On the class organizations. Moreover ing to their homes, were suddenly attack ion that the party can appeal to the work against the social democracy.
This proves that the of Germany eve of the suppression of the Vorwaerts bloc in the extra parliamentary struggle oughly thrashed. Intimidated by the un.
from a hall, where about Afty Nants were thorComrade Frahm was killed by a bullet struggle? We will try to give here some does not really want united front of (for five days) it appeared with the the workers will demand more and more confinable anger of the workers, the pol.
ed by a hall of bullets from 300 Nagts, ers to aid the German proletariat in the foreily a conmou list of all working classice put away their clubs.
tu the abdomen, and comrades Bleach extracts from the German workers press the workers, which it recognizes in Following heading in enormous letters: to help our renders inion, words. This slogan is to serve only as NOW, ARISE YOU, RED BERLIN And on the morrow a tremendous de Reichstag. This fact should not only bear drove up: it too was greeted with stones parties in the coming elections to the Shortly before midnight a pollee car hend.
the daily polemics: unfortunately, even workers and votery. Everyone to whom monstration assembled tens of thousands evidence of the common lot of all groups thrown by the workers. The In Berlin tanden work the idea of a true unt of proletartans is e reformist workers. That the ceny but should besides prevent the loss of started firing and wounded a police so we cannot replace comrade in Berlin was assassinated, seated on motorcycles, a group of Nazis which could have been carried on day a water with and ignored thing will turn reason why we must pursue our action hour thould besides Near Niddabrucke the workers throw up Workers are still falling daily under barricades to block the road for the loyal maneuver.
road which will turn the direction of the bullets and knives of the Assault Fascists. Had the of Germany desired it, the social democracy and rather the Battalion bandits. Dozens of Not until carly morning dia Escher workers local (Vogtstrasse. Six THE TURN OF THE GERMAN or eight.
It could have had enough opportunity to creat masses of workers under the ban are shot or stabbed every day. But the der a strong police escort workers they dare to return to their homes, un another comrade was seriously wounded. We bave already spoken of the begin concentrate in the electoral struggles on ner of Communism At eleven o clock a group of Nazis inning of a turn on the question of the winning the masses of voters who left THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY working class is already uniting for se tive resistance. will for struggle such Hirschberg (Silesia)
an automobile sped by the Karl Richter united front which the of Germany it to join the National Socialists. By AND THE UNITED FRONT as has never before existe rules in the Last night Nazi bandits from the entire local (Berlin Gottschodrasse. and was forced to make under the pressure such an orientation in the struggle. It If the bred a Shots, which struck two women of the workers and due to the penetra. could have reduced to a minimum the In this matter, there are other inter working class today, it is eating a baltosion tried to attack camp of young both wounded in the thigh. Twenty min tlon of the ideas of the Opposition. This friction with the social democracy. But mediary parties like the. Sonergetically and successfully to carry on Somba band its surrounded the camp and ist was arrested. short time before a speech at Tetlow: After the elections direct their main attack against us, so make use of it. But the leadership (Kamf. signal of 3 32. workers, who were instantly awakened.
this attack the same Fascist automobile in Prussia a mighty will of common that the front of brass as well as the of this party does not call for a united on July. Kamtsignal again carried a ran towards them, they tried to run drove through Oudenarde Street and struggle usalust Fascisma manifested it. front of defense must also remain firmly front to sather the masses with a view story on the huge mass meetings of the workers were seriously Ninjurca. md passed before the Koch local. Several self in the hearts of the working class against them.
The people were wounded.
In his speech at the Sport Palace, our Therefore, comrades, open your eyes masses from the leadership of the social provious week. The and demonstrations police searching the Nazi bandits later, At Mariendorf comrade Thaelmann declared to all the The one who is educated politically democracy. They want a UNIFICATION brass.
in front of the local which is situated on united front in the strubee the worker on negotiations which can meet with party that allows thean to write the fol Ito assemble during the past ten years (Berlin. once more attacked and tired pelvate automobile drove very slowly workers: We, Communists, we want knows that only the central leadership OF THE PROGRAM the working lot last Sunday and Monday showed that Cound several dozen revolvers, clubs, and against Fase of the parties are in a pisition to carry parties. It is the bankruptcy of their Masses such as we have been unable Assault battalion 33 of Charlottenburg Kurfurstenstrasse. Witteen to twenty re ism and for the demands volver shots were fired, wounding a few with ALL ORGANIZATIONS ready to success Local negotiations, Instead of lowing: diners. At Steglitz some Fascist bandits fight. We do not pose the question of creating unity and clarity, lead only to That which seemed unimaginable only the midst of the city. But not only the tion the Nazis had distributed leaflets gathered from the laboring districts to upon the workers. Under police protecon a Fascist motorcycle fired on thel a united front in a formal manner. We dissension and confusion.
Therefore, a few weeks ago, is now being realized masses themselves but their spirit too in Havelstrasse during the morning, but workers local in Albrechtstrasse. For set only one single condition, it is true, they must absolutely avoided. Vor. in number of ways: through all the was significant. For the first time there they finally had to withdraw to their retunately nobody was wounded. In the a condition of decisive importance: we waerts, 20 32. differences, the working class of all was no friction between the social dem treat in Hebbelstrasse. Along the way Angriff, Goebbels officially boasts of these demand a real struggle against Fasc.
murderous assaults.
By perserving along this line, the parties and of all organizations finds a crats and the Communists. On the con they attacked a workers local in Grunism and for the worker of Germany wil drive the leadership road to a common struggle against Fasc. trary, numerous social democratie par strasse, At Wedding History had a similar situation in the of the social democracy to its last roism and social reaction. We can say ticipants were to be seen at the Commun. The Nazis threw a worker of lots In the night of Friday Saturday, tho struggle of the Russian working class. trenchment. Without making any con with pride that these are the fruits of Ist demonstrations, and conversely, there bicycle, crying out, There a lesson for Assault Battallions fired revolver shots WHEN THREATENED WITH THE IN. cessions on its political program, it will the minutest work, full of sacrifices, of were many Communists at the social the Commure! The police arrested the and used knives in various localities. The SURRECTION of Kornilov, the Bolshe gain the masses of reformist workers. the Already in the heart of democratic demonstrations.
worker but had to release him soon.
black dogs stabbed the worker Zabbel inviks made the Kerensky government give Messrs socialists, why do your friends of the Socialist party, the cadres of the Although the two bureaucracies have While the Fascist mob, with the back with daggers and sent him to them arms and Kornilov was defeated.
strength not been able to agree on a joint demon of about thirty men, was beating the earth with a pistol shot. Comrade o. From the victory over Kornilov emerged stration, the a scals published by their workers with clubs and stones, while Zabbel is in the hospital, gravely wound the victorious October revolution and the press have been completely distinguished Scheffler leading his Nazis, was hitting ed.
power of the Soviets.
from those of the past. The Vorwaerts the workers with shovels and the work In Neue Hochests and in Leuzener The Von Papen government legalized stated specifically that the demonstra ers were running away, police car mum.
platz the bands provoked some serianew the Fascist tands and let loose the comrade in the party answers my dous peasant force, many army regiments tion is directed exclusively against our her 1445, passed up and down Grunou encounters. Seized with bestial assassins and a wave of murders against criticism with the reply know the ready to support us but false strategy enemies on the Right, and we must ab strasse, where the workers local is sit.
Sadium a group from the mistook the workers. We demanded of Severing party is wrong in important points, but working hand in hand with Chiang Kal stain from all polemic against other wated.
a crowd of Naxls, who were coming in and Grzeshinsky the abrogation of the do good work here, teaching Communism Shek smashed the revolution.
workers parties, particularly the their direction, for the Commune. and decree which chained the working class to the workers. Chat work is my in Child Killers The capitalists live in Grunewald (Berfired among them. One Nazi was killed ask the social democratic worker s, spiration.
To sum up, it is evident that the turn, In. the proletariat lives in Pincher by a bullet wound in the neck.
In Germany we have five million voters outlined by German party is beginning keitx.
would the Van Papen government come On Friday Fascist provocations started if there had been and demonstration of Why cannot you do this fine work, com and the socialists nine million yet this to bear fruit. But in order that it may to undertake punitive expeditions, whero When the assault battalions want again at about eight thirty in the eve 700 800, 00 Sexialist and Communist rade, and at the same time express your inot preventing the Fascist. drJunker not be the social democracy or the sdo they go Not to Grunewasa, but to ning, in Neue Hochstrasse. In front of workers? ask which Social dem opinion on party mistakes? Because you dictatorship, which will mean attack upon which ultimately reaps the re Pischerkeitz. There lives Helmut Selten, Lassam workers local the Naxis in. ocratie workers would be opposed to would be expelled. Fear of this makes Soviet Russia. Why?
Jured some workers; but when members Severing lifting the ban against the you choose the work you love even at strategy in alienating the socialist work. make its program of action much clear the youngest of relight brother and his of the home groups for self defense Red Front figh er etc. Rote Fahne, the sacrifice of two tremendously impor ers.
er, and above all must show that behind ters.
arrived immediately, they fled. Sudden of 17 32. tant issues: First, the working out of a the united front struggle against Fascism general must have an army but he will inevitably arise the problem of and his friends were playing in the Thus, the of Germany has been correct strategy in the party, and second, Thursday evening, June 23, ly, at eleven o clock, a motorcycle with Helmut an unlighted side ear arrived in front forced to follow the road of a united the right of a party member to particle army is worse than useless without a power of the Lassum local, four or five revolver front. But is a half turn, without ex. pate in the clearing up of Important pro correct strategy. builder must haveFor the last several weeks, the party cried out. Look out for the Nazis!
streets. Suddenly one of the little ones shots were fired from the cycle. The planations, sufficient: Is it sufficient to blems.
bricks, but his house will topple, it his has been seriously altering its organi. Before they had a chance to run away, workers withdrew to the local and closed address only once the reformist organi which is the more important, the edu. plans are incorrect. The Communist zation methods.
It has built up a strong the Nazi riles swept the street. We the shutters; by doing so they saved their zatlons. No! It is necessary to per. cation of the masses to communism or parte today has to leadership no correct movement of anti Fascist action. In wounded were bathed in blood among lives for at that very Instant, Nazis severe, to push the leaders of the social. a correct strategy? Both are essentials. strategy, In every important historical numerous places it has conferred with them Helmut. The Naxis cried out, Get demcracy against the wall.
Either one is useless without the other. event where correct action was necessary trade union and political reformist or out of here, you red curs! This is the SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC LEADERS However, the masses are bound to come it has failed In England, in China, lu gantzations. Now problems arise. The Third Empire! bullet wounded ItelTHE MILITANT AGAINST THE UNITED FRONT to us economic forces are driving them Germany and in Russia itself with the anti Fascist struggle is not Entered a second class mall matter It was sufficient that the of Ger to Communism but if we are not prepeasants.
an end in mut in the thigh, severing an artery, It is at present the most urgent The hole where the bullet entered is the November 28, 1828, at the post once many took the road of the united front, pared to offer wise leadership their When the world to me ane uproare: need to fulfill all our forces must be size of a five marke piece Now York, The old mother ran to her son ald.
March 8, 1879 Aclently sincere maner, for the social mistakes and deceit, and the triumph of at the XVII party conference to the that this struggle may be advantageous She was weeping: Helmut tried to con Published weekly by the Communist democratie leaders to become uneasy and Communism is delayed.
streets of Moscow it is murmured He is for the revolutionary wing. we mustsole her. Don cry, mamma, It not so Langue of America (Opposition) to unmask themselves. Here is a circu The Opposition offers any comrade the expecting directions, from Trotsky.
trace out a broad perspective of the serious. His blood was flowing fast.
at East 10th St.
published by the Vorwaerts in which opportunity to keep up his ABC educa stru for rer. We must advance Some firemen carried him to the hos.
EDITORIAL BOARD the leaders of the social democrats try tional work. We have our street meeta program of proletarian government, pital. In order Harun burn James Canned to put stop brakes on the pressure of ings (often broken up by party members.
save his life it was for today the question is no longer that necessary to give him a MAI Sbachtman Maurice Spector the workers towards a united front in the it is true) but we combine with this ele BOUND VOLUMES blood trans.
of a return, according to the wishes of fusion. One of the firemen put himself Ame Swabeck struggle mentary work the equally important task Like the tide they re still going out the social democracy, to a second repu at the surgeon disposal for this operaVol. V, No. 31 (Whole No. 137. The arowals of the ot of learning to apply correct strategy. We re almost down to the point where blie. a bourgeois democracy. Intion.
SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1932 the of Germany, as well as of the We can announce: Last Call. Let this stead, side by side with our anti Fascist Helmut is still Bubecription rate: 32. 00 per year; for leaders and the Communist press, show Communism had the masses in China: be a reminder or a warning that com struggle, we must march towards the leg is shattered to fragments. The aus.
the hospital. His digo 50. Five conto per copy. very clearly that the so called anti Fasc. a strong trade union movement (3 ml rades who want a copy should lose no proletarian revolution, towards the dicassins gleefully make ready Bundle rates, cents per copy. ist action on their part is in reality noth. lions according to Losovsky. a tremen time.
tatorship of the proletariat.
next cowardly blow.
for their Letter to a Party Member Itsele.