AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist Leeue of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York. Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Pust ofice at New York. under the act of March, 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 31 WHOLE NO. 127 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1932 PRICE CENTS Bullets Gas for the Vets! What Next. on Hoover and Co. Make a Repayment for Soldiers Services Book of Hour to Eleventh Hourin Germany By order of the arch reactionary, force of the class struggle!
WHAT NEXT? by Leon Trotsky Trans.
Hoover, amid clouds of tear gas, gently prodded by bayonets. struck by The Veterans Progress the Vangler. 200 pages. Ploneer PublishHow far they have come on the road ers, New York, Paper, 356: Cloth, 650.
in Washington have been driven from to class consciousness can be seen from their billets by Infantry, cavalry, tanks the fact that these are the men whom Events are moving with dazzling ra As entirely new generation has grown during the days before 1914, the prepara sent Stalinist policy, which results in and machine gun detachments. Tear gas the capitalist class had organized into the pidly in Germany. Within a brief two to maturity since August 1914, eighteentions for war are proceeding at a frenz effect into transforming the August First bombs were hurled into the midst of American Legion and the Veterans of years span, government control has pass years ago, when the most murderousted pace under the smoke screen of dis demonstrations into a ritualistie parade, women and children standing on the Foreign Wars as instruments to smash Coalition under llermann Mueller and burst in Europe and dragged the most which the pacifist idiots or scoundrels tions of the day. When the August First It was a mopping up sortier reminiscent tions. Now, having learned by their own of each conference disconnected from the most vital ques. Idewalks, boolng the misguided soldier strikes and working class demonstrainto the hands of the Junker dictatorship important nations of the whole world seek to palm off on the working class as demonstrations were first proclaimed by of world war days, say the capitalist re experience what capitalism is, they will under von Papen. Only a few months into its vortex. Yet so deep a gash did a guarantee against war, the imperialist the Comintern 1929, they were deeply porters.
no longer allow themselves to be used ago, Dular prop of the gov the world war leave on the body of the tinged with the spirit of mad adventur. This incident, foreshadowing what for this kind of capitalist dirty work.
ernment then led by Bruening was world that the workers and peasants ism. Three years later, Stalinism has capitalism holds in store for the future But they still have a long way constituted by the reformist trade union everywhere are still suffering from the OPPOSITIONISTS! ATTENTION!
gone through another of its periodical revolts of its wage slaves, followed reach the ranks of the class conscious under the control of the social dem. effects of it. The anarchy of capitalist All members and sympathizers of the lungs, and now August First is associskirmish earlier in the day in which the vanguard. They must learn that the ocracy. Today, the government of Ger competition, the struggle for world pow. Communist League of America (Opposlated with the opportunistic game they enraged veterans drove of the police and tight for the bonus must be made a part many leans for its mass support upon er of each Imperialist nation, which gave tion) are urged to gather at our head are playing with the Barbusse Congress Treasury agents who attempted to evict of the class right for relief from the the motley following of Hitler and the birth to the war to end all wars. has quarters on 84 East 10th Street, New against war. The working class could them from their makeshaft homes. In crisis at the expense of the capitalist Fascist party.
not only produced again one of its per York, at 4:30 August First, so not play into the hands of its enemy this affray a veteran lost his life, a num. class and its government; that their ilgbt From Harzburg to Von Papen lodic crises, more terrible in its consequ that the Left Opposition may be able to more surely than by thus hiding its face ber of others were injured, and several must be made a part of a united work.
As late us ocember of last year, the ences than any which preceded it, but go to the party demonstration as a behind the mask of confused and perni. Policemen received as well as they gave. ing class the embracing with employed French jingoes were still howling blue it has also brought closer to reality the unit. Be there on time!
cious pacifism. Here too, the line of For hundreds of thousands of work and unemployed workers.
murder because the Harzburg meet of danger of a new world war.
official Communism, turned and twisted ers all over the country the true nature It is the task of the Communists to the Hitler Flugenburg Opposition had At the extremities of the capitalist into a hopeless knot, must be unraveled of American democracy has been re teach them. They must advance the cor.
been permitted by the authorities. In world the preliminary shots of war al powers emerce with increased and bet Instantly so that during and after August vealed. Before their very eyes the rect slogans, and work in the ranks of these days, when nationalism runs ram ready ring in the ears of those who fight ter equipped military and naval forces. First a revolutionary position may be views of the Communists have been the veterans to raise them to class con.
pant in Germany, when Minister of the them in the interests of their imperialist The disarmament conferences have be presented to the workers.
proved. Capitalism rules by force. It sciousness. The Communists must supleichswehr Von Schleicher announces overlords. Manchuria is occupled by the come an absolute pre requisite to the im August First, finally, will be a mere spares noboly.
port the fight for the bonus. As a special disregard in the future for the armament armed forces of Japanese despotism who perialists in their preparations for war. anniversary commemoration if it is not The veterans have reaped the only re measure of relief for a special section provisions of the Versailles Treaty, the have encountered an unlooked for resist The August First demonstrations this associated with a strengthening of the ward their capitalist masters will give of the working class. In this connection arts press appears to forget all its ance from the Chinese people. In Latin year, therefore, we bave to become the class movement in this country. To ae them. This is what they set for theirlit must be noted that the Daily Worker fears for Freuch security von Papen America, one country after another la on posing, clear made protegits plast the complish this without change in the defense of Innocent, bleeding Belglum. has made a profound mistake in telesateven suggests occasional conversations the verge of military combat, impelled monstrous swindle which militarists and course of the party, has been proved im. This is their reward for making the ing the fight for unemployment insurbetween the general staffs of Germany by the rivalries of the Imperialist na pacifists are Jointly practising against posible. It is here that the criticisms world safe for democracy The cas ance and relief to a position second to and France to Premier Herrlot (Inter tions of America and Great Britain who the people. They will have to be aimed of the Loft Opposition gain point and bombs they once hurled at equally mis the bonus fight. If the fight for the view of Von Papen, World. Tele. seek to hold thelr own and gain an adet clearing away the fog in the workers Amellness.
led German workers have now been hurl. bonus is to yield results in relief and grim, July 27, 1932. vantage by displacing each other from minds, caused by the polsonous gases of On August First, the working classed at them by thelr own countrymen class consciousness the correct relation year ago, Bruening appealed for at the sources of profit in thelr respective pacifism. They must not only be a de must all the streets. Join with the The bayonets which they once used to between it and the broader fight for unfrom American financlers against the colonial and semi colonial empires. In monstration of protest against war in Communist party and the revolutionary rp and slash the beltes of enemy sol employment Insurance must be observed.
threat of Right wing radicalism. To the sorely torn metropollses, the insid general, but a mobilization of the work militants in a demonstration of oppoaldiers have been applied to their own Communist Opportunities day, the Junkers call for help to Aght ious idea is eagerly cultivated that are for the prosecution of the class Wartion to taperialist war, loyalty to the skins by men wearing the same uniforma The Communists now have a splendid Baburk congsu aibe going on behind the the millons whonow tramp the streets all war and the commencement of a new ance to the capitalist offensive! Every Thierry. What a bitter education these opportunity to take over the leadership scenes of international politics. Dense, without work.
epoch for humanity.
worker out!
workers are getting under the driving of the bonus fight. In the crucial moblack clouds hang over the heads of the Imperialism on a Volcano The Treat of Hitlerism ment when the veterans needed leaderpeoples of all nations.
The drive towards new imperialist war ship and direction their commander, What Next. by Leon Trotsky illumin.
With the world crisis having drawn is inextricably Inter twined with the Waters, turned out to be, as the Comates this sombre situation with the bril. all lines taut, with world capitalism growing against the Soviet munists foretold, a coward and faker.
liancy of an acetylene lamp. It bene sitting on a volcano, each important Union. Japan continues to lle in wait on The tide of battle swept him aside. The trates into the deepest background of political event reveals over more clearly Russla Eastern borders, attending the men are now leaderless. The prestige recent happenings. It supplies the thread the truth which the Marxists have for most appropriate moment to disco Socialists Restrain Workers: Stalinists still Reject United Front will rise it it step into the breach of the Workers Ex Servloemen League that links them with the social develop decades sought to bring home to the pro legions against the workers republic in ments of the past shut browse the stagger: a vast powder de malt which may be ed to crush in the wars of intervention ly towards a climax. Sunday elections fatai te it became the general view of ton into which its incorrect tactics led out with ut. letariat; capitalism today is sitting on an attempt to exterminate what it failEvents in Germany are rushing swift many several months ago would be and leads. It has in this situation an Ing implications of the facts we have blown into consuming flames by the tin a decade ago. On the Western frontier, to the now dissolved Reichstag will serve the German workers.
seen with our own eyes.
lest, most unexpected spark!
an even greater threat is growing akainst as another milestone on the road which it. It can demonstrate that it is capThis latest pamphlet by the great in. That is why August 1st of this year the Soviets. The swelling of the forces leads Germany to the final decision: the Thaelmann New Theory able under Communist guidance, of leadternational revolutionist. Elves an ap. becomes an appropriate occasion for the fascism in Germany. which are the triumph of Fascism or proletarian em ing not only isolated demonstrations of praisal of German political life in the assembling of the proletarian millions in ing nourished on an inplacable hatred ancipation.
It is only after he attains power that the vanguard, but the masses of the vets.
incomparably lucid terms of Marxist the streets of the capitalist world for for Bolshevism, whose marching songs For those to whom it was clear at Hitler will be able to fortify himself in The Communists must rally the vets, thought. What are the causes for the an enormous demonstration of opposition reveal their fiendish desire to anothilate rise of Fascism, what is the social com to Imperialist war. One of the principal the Red Army and its Soviet republic, the outset, it should now be plain: the such a manner that every vestige of draw for them the lessons of their fight position of the movement, what is its forces that has thus far restrained the constitutes the most serious menace to yon Papen regime of Junkers and mili labor organization on an independent for the bonus and the most recent actarists is a stop gap of no permanencs. scale would be exterminated with a fury tions of the Hoover starvation governspecitie role in the capitalist Nystem, imperialist war mongers from an open Russla in recent years.
what does Fascism mean in so far as struggle on the battlefields has been the No more timely defense of the Soviet length of time except that required by et Mussolini and his backshirts. item to the higher plane of the general class the workers are concerned, what are its fear of the answer which an aroused union can be made than the concentce: the Hitlerites to demoralize the work. Now that Hitler must be annihilated, fight for relict. If they will do this tions are treated with Trotsky charac gettable lesson taught by the Russian to smash the Fascist monster before it ing class forces and strengthen their own before he comes to power, and not after they will advauce the vets toward class teristic ficlsiveness. The problems, the revolution, which brought the imperialist comes to power. No more urgent task to the point where Fascism may setze wards. The German workers are begin consciousness and raise the prestige of reactions, the reflections evoked by the war to an end by the overthrow of the races the Communist movement than that power in its own neme. To expect, furning to realize this elementary truth. Communism in the eyes of the whole German situation are painted on the ruling capitalist class has penetrated ot redressing the line of German Core, thermore, that the Fascists will take Elsewhere in this issue wen Indicate the working class broad canvass of historical continuity, the minds of the advanced ranks of the munism so that it may be able to tread power only after they have gained fifty growing, spontaneous urge of the German Each event, every factor is seen as part working class. The imperialists know the right rond: the establishment of one percent of the votes is to suffer from proletariat towards a united front. Un of an all embraciog whole.
that a new world war would bring with genuine united front with the socialdem down, which the social democrats the to which should be added the stinging 200 at German Meeting Lessons of the Past It the revolutionary reply of German political developments of the proletariat. But their fears of this against Hitlerism. To shout about war world over have fostered in the minds criticisms of the Left Opposition half ne Stalinists.
shower shortly before of past experiences. No lesson of the their greed for power and expansion, and the center of agitation is to convert they will come to power after they have Bat it is far from enough. In the latest the meeting, and the intensemidurotoer past, whether it be connected with the driven by the inexorable laws of empero August First into a meaningless meet. cannot and will not wait until he has organ, Thelmann a ivances the theory hall of the Stuyvesant Casino last Wed attained that far off objective.
The failure to do this up to now reThe that a united front from above is now nesday to hear the viewpoint of the Left or the crushing of the reactionary Korn war in spite of everything.
At the present time even more than veals one of the sore spots in the pre time for such a peaceful advent to have already been convinced of the need Hugo Oehler introduced the acuteness of the struggle does not allow permissible provided that the masses Opposition on the crisis in Germany.
ilov in pre revolutionary Russla of Sept.
subject ember 1917 is left out of secount. The the seat of power for Fascism. More for a united front. This stupidly whole post war period of world political op with an analysis of the events leading up over, Nitler realizes as well as anyone portunistie idea is still advanced under to the present situation and the signific.
development, is deftly utilized to set of else that his social reservoirs are beingla Leftist cloak! The indisputable facts ance of the struggle between Fascism the struggle of the classes in Hinden.
rapidly exhausted; that the discontent show that the masses have long since and Communism. He was followed by burg Germany, in bold relief.
ed and despairing petty bourgeoisle from gained this conviction. what has been Max Shachtman, who sketched the false scathing analysis of social democratic activity in the last 18 years, beginning Millions of Unemployed Workers Swindled by New Congress Bill which he has hitherto drawn the bulk lacking is the determination and con. course pursued by the official party leadof his electorate, have been tapped to vietion of the Stalinist leaders! ers for the past few years in connection with the vote of socialist Refchstag frac. The press reports that Hoover has a whole rotten bunk graft for the dispens the utmost; that he is rapidly nearing with the social democracy on the one tion for the war credits in 1914 and last signed a relier bill which releases ers of relief, lovely talk and no casb the height of any possible parliamentary We repeat a hundred times over: In hand, and Fascism on the other. The coming down to their policy of the lesser 8, 800, 000, 000 to help the country out for those wbo really need it.
triumphs; that unless power is seized valuable time has been lost, but it is seriousness of the situation in Germany evil, serves to lay bare the putrid and of its present fix. Just how is this money violently and that is the only way In not yet too late! mass united front of was emphasized and the standpoint of decadent character of the reformist to be used and whom will it relieve? At the same time something happened which the proletariat will allow it to be Communists and social democrats can the Lett Opposition revealed to have morement of our times. Trotsky ex With the growing army of unemployed that the unemployed workers of these seized It will not be seixed at all. still crush Hitlerism. To arouse the been vindicated by life itself. The poses the inexorable logic of the collapse clamoring for aid from the government, United States should open their eyes to The Eeventh Hour Nears militants to this idea and to the acute speakers were followed with the strict of the social democracy by voluminus it would seem logical that this money and learn from. Hoover actually signed ners of the German situation, is the est attention, and the audience included quotations from their press, by citing an should immediately go to them. But alas, an act which will permit 215, 000 veterans That is why the crucial moment, the task of the moment. The criminal sit not only a large number of party and abundance of incidents and actions which the father of his country seems to have to receive, after July 25, half the value eleventh hour, is approaching. That toence of the party press here, the fall Lovestone group members, but dozens of strike at the very core of this discased his own ideas aobut how to aid his of thelr bonus certificates! Why does why the workers must be vigilantly on ure to take up the situation eſther in workers who had never before attended and outlived political organism. But people. Out of this whole enormous sum Hoover do this now after Congress and guard not only in Germany but through side the party or in mass meeting out a meeting of the Left Opposition. The even more convincing than the bare of close to four billions of dollars, exactly Herbie himself have time and again re out the rest of the world for on the side, must be countered by the conscienti. Casino meeting was the first in a series facts which are enlightening enough three hundred millions will go to the fused to help the ex soldiers out of their triumph or defeat of Fascism in Ger ous party members demanding discussion of meetings being organized throughout is the Marxian explanation given to them states for direct unemployment relief. misery?
many hangs the fate of the world revolu and action by the party. The Left Op the country by us in an endeavor as they are woven into the texture of Three billion, five hundred millions are There can be only one answer to that. tion and the Soviet Union for the en position is doing its duty. The worker arouse the American militants to the declining German and European capital to be used in the same way as have all the demonstrations and growing milltire coming period.
Communists must join their voices with vital importance of the situation now ism as a whole. The puny soul of this the so called relief schemes that have tancy of the vets at the very doors of But the vigilance of the working class ours!
withering reformist pillar of backsliding been adopted up to now. How?
developing in Germany, the old man in Washington are beginning of Germany is being broken from two capitalist Germany the social democra The Reconstruction Finance Corpora. to have their effect. The increasing directions. The first is from the social tle functionary shrivels and shrinks in tlon gets the biggest chunk 1, 800, 000. threat of the marchers, the picketing on democracy, which is drugging the prociological and psychological scrutiny of and financing of agriculture through half way more of Hoover.
Hitler advances. Its polley of restrain.
Trotsky eye: The question The unemployed and employed working the workers, soothing them with We re moving again with our activity comrade to get subs. We are therefore struggle against the social democracy tion of 1, 500, 000, 000. The rest of the ers are seeing before their very eyes empty, treacherous promises of salva centering around our latest publication, throwing out all our old records and posted on the following premises. a) Kitty goes for various Improvements in a picture of the only way they ever will tion, is demoralizing the ranks of the What Next? The New York branch has starting from scratch. Every comrade the political responsibility of the social roads, highways, parks, et democracy for the strength of Fascism; What, then, do the starving milions of ing for it. Hoover is just about as much and capitulation. Their attitude is sum. Literature and Finance Campaign whose Beginning with the next issue we will set roul rellet by organizing and fight workers and sowing the spirit of despair started out with a bank by launching a now has the same opportunity. b) absolute irreconcilability between workers cast on the scrap heap of in concerned about the plight of the unem med up by the pessimistte analysis of the pivot is What Next? The details are re record the progress of the staff and our Fascism and those workers organizations dustry, actually get? The pluiful sum otployed and actual relief, as he is over Now Leader of July 30, the organ of the ported elsewhere in this issue. branches. We want to see this record on which the social democracy itself de three hundred millions and before state the scene of misery enacted by the bonus American socialists: If Hitler ascends As our ad announces, until further grow by leaps and bounds. There is no pends.
agencies of distributing this money get army on the disease infected banks of to power, he will be deflated within a notice, we are offering a free paper copy reason why it shouldn Critique of Stalinism through dishing it out, the bigger part Anacostia flats. Hoover and the boss tew months, as he is Ignoramus and of What Next? with each half year sub To the two comrades who stand highOn the basis of these premises, the of it will have found its way into thelr class for which he stands, will continuo conditions will certainly not improve of twenty six fees; and a free cloth est in the list at the end of August we Bolshevik leader proceeds to a thorough own pockets in the form of salarles! How to turn deat ears to the pleas of this because a child mind has been hcaved copy with each year sub fifty two will open our literature closet. they may going criticism of the Stalinist leadership many times have the workers already starving mass of wage slaves until those Into eminende. This curious combina issues. Militant Builders, this is your make thelr choice of any one of our of the German Communist Party and the seen these relief sums loudly announced pleas become mighty, roaring commands tion of surrender in advance, ignorance opportunity! You have in this offer a publications, Communist International. The hopelesa in headlines of all newspapers and ev of an organized force of employed and of recent history and the elements of great inducement to workers to subscribe. Now then to work! We have here an blunders of the Stalinist bureaucracy, ery time, the same hypocritical praise of unemployed Invincibly united.
politics, knavery, and an imitation of the We think that this is so great an op opportunity we may not again SO (Continued on page 4) these ideas. Always the same end of the HERBERT CAPELIS. vain boastings of the Stalinists in Ger portunity that it is possible for every soon. Action is needed to realize it.
Hoover and the «Relief» Bill to toron est partager sure that went New York Branch Starts Important Drive