AnarchismAntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Germany on the Eve of Civil War Problems of the Unemployed Democratic Party Unemployment CACE CHE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1932 working class action of the Communist and social democratic organizations must be posed in an international manner: a fight against Fascism on the basis of the most intimate and concrete collaboration The unemployment crisis has become true in almost every other respect.
of the German working class and the an enormous factor in beginning to de is a localized movement, loosely organized York Central lowered its operating ratio It 2, 750, 000 reduction in gross. The, New Let the social democrats ansvelop a change of ideology and what with few regulations and, while remem to 74. 5, the lowest for any month since wer in action. Let the workers who fol. Continued from page 1)
the movement of the world eceive a clear give in action within the United Front allegiance within the American working new movement. its existence has so far smaller kross. Altogether some 20 rail its silence? Or will the revolutionary low them judge them on the answers they will flow from it change of political bering that it is still a comparatively 1927. and also increased is met with in this instance is correct, then class. These trends of a change are marked an upward curve.
roads were able to report higher incomes.
Stalinist leadership is guilty of a hein and loud word from its eneral staff? That is the only way to avoid defeat in appearing first among the unemployed The Reformist Dilema ous crime against the German and in.
Mr. Colpitts, of Coverdale Col.
The worker of Germany are facing a this fateful hour.
section. Its course will naturally lead Novertheless this movement is about to pitts, railroad enginers, has estimated ternational working class 10 Issue away from the prevailing bourgeois income to its crossroads. That is above that if railway carloadings return to but when the enemy is at the gates, before Ferialists are arming for war, through TROTSKY PAMPHLETS duenice. But its direction, whether re all determined by its distinctly reformist halfway between their present level and separate call to call for action today. Lateful, epoch making struggle, the im.
The Draft Program of the Comintern formist or revolutionary, as far as the direction and the alternatives it will face the 1920 Agures, the net operating income constructing a solid and unified prole robber Japan in the East. The silence The Strategy of the World Revolution immediate future is concerned, is not yet at the crossroads are already cleary in for the roads in the United States as of the Stalinist leadership of the ComWorld Unemployment and the Five Plan decided.
tarian front is an empty gesture Communist Clarity Imperative munist movement must be broken. WorkProblems of the Development of the dicated. It has already begun to take a whole would be greater than in 1020.
ers, revolutionists, bomband your Com Within the unemployment movement on the political parliamentary features The hour of decisive struggle is close munist party organizations with demands The Tum in the and the Situation sented. They are represented on the one dates for elections. It is speaking of it represents an enormous increase in Here we have a practical illustration both of these two opposites are reproof Indorsing so called favorable candi. or what the restoration of profits means.
like the present toys with disaster. It Soviet leadership speak out and act deis necessary for the leadership of the cisively!
Germany the Key tothe International hand in the Unemployment Councils incestablishing factories to produce for the Intensity of exploitation; inore pro Situation course, thons realized with less men employed. The Communist party to take a bold step in order not to crash into an abyss. It Official Communist party. On the other, means of production are not expropriated violent depression of the wage level is Demand the adoption of the Leninist The Spanish Revolution The Spanish Revolution in Danger we have such as the Unemployed Cit that way nor will such must tell the working class in all frank United Front, demand that the Commun.
izens League of Seattle and other Paci politics establish a workers government. experience to all employed workers. But parliamentary already well konwn, and known by actual ness that its policies of the recent pastist Party of Germany put the reformist Communism and Syndicalism with its theory social Fascism leaders to the test in action! United Attractively bound in cloth Price 001 dc Coast cities, the Superior Labor Un. So in both CSS these alternatives by these very facts, the problems of the employment Committee, the unemploy lead at best only to reducing the move crisis, the problems of unemployment and its tactie of the Red United Front ment movement of the West Virginia ment to either a purely reformist parlias becomes even more distinctly problems. have been false. The party must prove Miners Union and the unemployment or mentary party or a mutual self help so of the working class as a whole, not at to the workers that it is earnest and sin.
ganizations of the Socialist Party. ciety, neither of which will afford it the all confined cere that it is capable of correcting its the unemployed alone, It is not the purpose here to describe possibility of playing a very serious or And the conclusion which we must of mistake, that it is their only genuine these latter organizations in their history positive working class role party. That requires an appeal to the followers of the social democrats and The Republicans and the Democrats The Democrats, with their candidate and development, or to try to make a There is, of course, still another alter necesity draw therefrom will be that an sides of one medal. The only Roosevelt, will stand by capitalism to thorough analysis, that will be found in native at baud, namely, for this move employed alone is doomed to impotence the reformist trade unions to put are. ment to its cou: and progress and extinction. The unity of action of selling their demagogic only the purpose to develop a few points toward revolutionary direction.
that they join in a united front of all ublicans are in and the Democrats are er them from the proletarian organization in the fight out. If one understands this, then it wares in open market. They pose as sav. by way of comparison.
that, however, there will be little likeli the employed with the unemployed must be assured is not difficult to grasp the meaning and fors of the worker and petty bourgeois The Party Councils hood uness the revolutionary, the Com The possibilities for this are available against Fascism.
purpose of the two old parties. who are called the forgotten man.
The Class Line Up International The Unemployment Councils, organized munist elements consciously penetrate In the final analysis, they are both They will restore employment, improve by the party, took on features from its the movement with this as the distinct particularly in the stage we are now en nnenon the side, its the preparations for the Fascist seizure Street. But these parties do not say or relief to the people. There is as much been to their advantage. But they alsojective it would be necessary first of all loitation and its depression of the wage features, and a good many more, for the official party polley to change level also bring the immediate and most of power in Germany. France, so loud even do the identical thing. There is truth in this statement as there is in took mere parades of German Nationalities in fact that they have special and different fables. There is nothing in this program ment. In both respects it was a matter front tactic in the unemployment move whole down to a more general, a more in its official and unofficial protests to a division of labor between them. The one of Baron Munchhausen notorious which seriously hindered their develop by an earnest adoption of the united pressing needs of the working class as a duties to perform towards their com that could accomplish such a miracle of party poney. First of all they were ment. Both of these measures would go common level for all sections concerned.
the past, is keeping strangely silent atas mon master, is particularly noticeable Only the communists, with their program founded on the idea that nothing can be found in hand and would be entirely This will serve to harmonize its demands.
out in full force. Why? Because the for the proletarian revolution can solve obtained by the working class except in accord with the needs of the working It is from such considerations as these French Imperialists, like all the others of government. Consequently all its The Republican party holds the reins this knotted problem.
through struggle and naturally they be class movement as well as the require that the party leadership must draw its realize what their class stakes are 10 statements and actions must not only have nothing but fake For the unemployed the Democrats come militant in character not so much ments of a revolutionary policy.
promises and concerned with the purely practical, and But these two comparisons bring to has so far recklessly frittered away, burconclusions. Its great opportunities at the impending civil strfe. Hitler and his be directed towards maintaining herald, von Papen, know very well that status quo (the capitalist system) but week is promised only as a measure to (In this connection we are leaving out stage of development of the broad work driven away again from the party ranks The shorter working usually shortlived. methods of self help the fore also the serious question of the caucratically stifted all criticism and employed include government employees. In al of consideration tbe Browderian idea of ing class movement today. Have we the many workers who came sincerely to ing class, they will receive the full sup during their tenure of office, to perpetu previous issue we pointed out the posla soup kitchens which was, fortunately for reached a point at which the commud Communism but could not agree with port.
have to act with their French supporters, the Democrats, in this election campaign. ting the hours of the civil service en ells had a semblance of a national scope, controlling center of the whole, broad with a serious contest for influence with is a horse of a different color.
An against the class brothers of the German But they also gave them being initiated in the main cities through mass movement? Hardly!
unem social reformism within the unemployProblem of Democrats working class corresponding reduction in wages. And out the country under a centralized dir ployment mass movement in the United ment movement. The direction this Soviet Itussia. The The pernicious duty of the Democrats the Democrats want to make this action. This was all to their advantago. States is yet in its infancy and its po movement will take, toward revolutionary volves the struggle of the class on an the economie crisis.
struggle for the classes in Germany in springs entirely from present conditions national program. Morgan is with them. But one particular feature of disadvan. tential political level is so far only a objectives of merely toward reformism is Discontent is rife But what about the forgotten man. tage alone was pretty well sufficient to very elementary one In such a situa still to be decided. If the party is to International scale. The seizure of power Unemployment Insurance offset all this. The councils were not tlon the party must still coneelve its cast its welght in the scale for the deby the Fascists in Germany will give throughout the land. But it is still slipped at all, in the real sense of the word. role and function as the Left wing within cision and seriously bring its nfluence the signal for a general mobilization of Set clear to the American masses into the platfom on the 19 but only as organized as united frorit bodies. As a general movement.
among the world powers against However, if this to bear, it must change its course. Not a how to turn or against which enemy a state measure Roosevelt has been matter of fact the restrictions and limit the correct analysis, and it could change toward emulating the practicalU. Ragainst the world working their blows should be levelled. The trick governor of New York State for four atlons put upon them, with the bureau. hardly be contested, then that fact alone ness of the reformists but a change toclass.
It is plain that the semure of power disgruntlement and to guide It of the Democrats is to setze hold of this years. Where is the unemployment in cratic methods of control entirely pre so much more reinforces the imperativo ward uniting the workers in struggle and intol surance?
by the Fascists can be answered only harmless channels.
vented them from becoming representa necessity of the party utilizing its pre bringing forward, more clearly the rov.
a mobilizatio of the working class Unemployment relief is held out as ative of a mass movement. To this it is sent strategic position of being in con olutionary objectives.
of the and of the world. It make no bones about their little Jobmayors of New York, Chicago and Detroit polleles pursued by the party and swing endeavor weriously to build the unemploy. thoroughly integrated with the general The thing to do and the Democrats big snare for voter. But the Democratie necessary to add the adventurist tactical trol of the Unemployment Councils, to The unemployment movement must be is under such circumstances, in a situa is to prevent the masses from seeing have all cut off immediate relief to the ing from the extreme of capturing the ment movement on a national scale into working class movemen neticularly tion pregnant with creat events of in things as they actually are. It is not unemployed, even though the demand for streets to the opportunist meth a genuine united front movement, not the trade unions. It is rative ternational and historical significance, the Capitalist system this responsible it becomes more urgent propagating only unemployme only embracing the unemployment organl necessity that all worke that the Comintern and the Stalinist for the unprecedented Cols and the unations The real program of the Democratfe which constantly reduced the movement zations mentioned, but all existing work. be drawn into a united front movement leadership of the Soviet Union maintain paralelled misery. The profit system is lickspittles has already been shown with to smaller proportions. For these rea ing class organizations, political trade for the struggle growing out of the unemployment situation. Only the Comthe Communist Party of the Soviet Un theory of the Democrats. But the Repu lead. In Democratie Detroit, when the marked a fairly constant downward But even these questions touch fon, is the Executive Commttee of the blican party has misused and abused the starring demanded relief, Mayor Mur curve despite the exceptional opportunne side of the problem. There are now such a united front. But for that the only munists are really capable of organizing Communist International to persist in precious system. And this is the main phy police poured a hail of bullets intoties available.
plank in the Democratie platform. The their demonstrating ranks, killing four By way of comparison we have on the can capitalist conomy, accelerated by in the general movement. It must peneTHE MILITANT Published weekly by the Communist ton, wage cuts and evictions, and unem. Park, Chiengo, Cermak crisis is due to the Republcans, starva and wounding many others. In Melrose other hand the unemployment organiza this crisis. On the one hand there is trate the broad workers organizations, Democratic tions mentioned of which perhaps the the phenomenon of a permanent unem particularly the trade unions.
Langue of America (Opposition) ployment all are due to Republican mal cop trained machine guns on the job Unemployed Citizens League of Seattle, ployed army. Its permanency is quite at 84 East 10th St. ARNE SWARECK.
administration. Drive the outless, murdered one and wounded five Wash. is one of the best examples. Ita well recognized, and need not be further EDITORIAL BOARD put us in, and everything will be hunky The program of the Communist League objectives were distinctly those of prac substantiated by arguments.
On the Martin Abern James Cannondory. This sort of tripes is being peddle is one of action: tical reform measures. It attained other hand there are the specific measures WHAT NEXT?
Max Bhachtman Maurice Spector around by the ton, and no doubt it will The six hour day, five day week no considerable success in the methods of being applied by American capitalism in by Arne Swabeck have its effect.
reduction in pay.
mutual self help such as collections of an effort to get out of the crisis. The Entered as second class mall matter The economie catastrophe of today is Immediate federal and local relief.
LEON TROSKY food and other necessities. It also used first one noticeable is the beginning to November 23, 1928, at the Post Omice not the first in American history. They Unemployment Insurance its influence in a political way to obtain ward restoring profits on existing capl OFF THE PRESS AUGUST Now York. Under the act of have recurred every few years, as long as Recognition of and credits to Sovlet certain relief measures from the city tal, e, increasing the mass of profit.
192 ages March 8, 1879.
the parasitic few, known as capital. Russia.
government Its practical advances in this respect Broadstreet tells us Paper Cover 50 Cloth Cover 00 Vol. No. 5, No. 30 (Whole No. 126) have held sway over the large majority Vote for Foster and Ford!
turned it rapidly into becoming a mass some interesting examples: Order NOW from SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1932 of exploited wage slaves. And crises This is the program for the workers movement. But it was not only in the Capitalist Income Subscription rate: 00 per year; for have recurred irrespective of which party the Democrat is for the bosses. There features already cited that it represented The Baltimore and Ohio. in FebPioneer Publishers eign 50. Fre, conta per copy. was in office. We have known Dem can be no mistake in the choice of the an opposite tendency to the party con ruary 1932, nearly doubled its February 81 Fast 10th Street, Bandle rates, cents per copy. ocratic crises as well as Republican. proletariat. CLARKE trolled Unemployed Councils, that hela 1931, net operating income despite al New York (Sity the The Fascist Firing Squads in Action against the democratic anti Fascist partdemocratic anti Fascist groupings.
les who compose the Concentration is also The shake up of the Fascist cabinet, cabinet posts, now takes over the min.
Task of the Party a manifest sign of the deep economic which has just been anounced, with istry of foreign affairs as well. The Mussolini dropping one of his most international complications of Fase The Communist party will gain the and social crisis which is undermining prominent ministers, Dino Grandi, plus ism a foreign policy are being added leadership of the anti Fascist masses not four other ministers and eleven unto the internal difficulties of Fascism because it says so in the resolutions of The first time the firing squads Insti one fact is certain: the impotence of the the population into the camp of the opthe going over of ever larger layers of der secretaries of state, indicates the at home, which are dealt with in the the Central Committee, but when and to the degree in which it is capable of really tuted by Mussolini following the excep defense organizations of the Fascist stato position to Fascisin is accelerated by the increasing difficulties which the Fase following article by comrade Feroci, placing itself at the head of the masses tional laws (November 1926) was order (o. Special Tribunal, etc. in constant aggravation of the economic ist regime is encountering in Italy. one of the prominent spokesmen of which are entering into struggle aud of ed to function, it was against Michel their efforts to uproot anti Fascism. crisis. All the governmental promises Mussolini, who has already concen Italian Communism and of the Left Della Maggiora, a Communist worker. We must put an end to this rabid are belled by the facts. No recovery in guiding them toward the overthrow of trated in his hands several of the Opposition Fascism and capitalism. To the degree Since then (November 14, 1928) the Spe growth. the public prosecutor exclaimed the field of produdction, but stagnation in which it is capable of proving that cial Tribunal has several times had re at the trial of Bovone, in demanding and further decline. Unemployment had chants, among the artisans and the pea real counter revolutionary function course to the black shirt ritles for the death verdict against him. But this ra: more than doubled (from 4000, 000 to Rants. Out of the struggle for democracy cannot be fear of belng isolated, the its reactionary substance conceived as separate and opposed to the defense of the Fascist state. After the bid growth of anti Fascism does not more than 1, 000, 000. the deficit in the from its allies the middle layers the execution of the Communist worker Della cease its bloom. It is growing and ita state budget has risen to nearly bil bourgeoiste itself has become hesitant. But it is stupid to present the democratic struckle for sell wohnt is to say, the the a. a nationalist Gortan (October 17, 1920) and are bursting with prisoners and the enormously (92 billion lira. Taxes are manifest from the attitude of the Romo competition with Fascism, as Stato Opstate. The necessity for the Communist of the anarchist Schirru on May 29, 1931. ditches filled in with the corpses of the so intolerable that the tax payers can government in International politics. One craio (theoretical orxan of the Party of Italy of re examining its policy At dawn on June 17, the engineer Dom assassinated, new fighters are produced, onger pay them and the state cannot expression of it is to be found in the does. That only makes everything con once more is demonstrated not only by enico Borone and the mason Angelo prepared to dare anything, to sacrifice enforce payment. Consumption has been telegram of Mussolint to the Lausanne fused, does not teach the masses anything the ItaHan events but by the whole in Sbardellotto fell under a rain of Fascist everything.
reduced in the extreme. There hes been conference. It is necessary to insist of the real nature of the Concentration ternational situation. The Fourth Con lead, shot in the black. Both had been The Weapon of Terror general decline in stocks; the industries and to make a decision, if we are to have Ist type of anti Fascism. Curious comgress of the Italian Communist Party condemned to death by the Special Tri The weapon of the terror is being trans can get no credit; failures are increas world recovery. petitors, these social Fascists who was described by the leadership as the bunal under the Indictment of being ter. formed into a weapon against the regime. Ing (from 894 in 1917 to 1968 in Februthrow bombs against the blnck shirt re last before we reach the threshold of the rorist agents of the Anti Fascist Concen Yesterday, still with a hesitant hand, a ary 1982. cime and who get themselves shot in the Italian revolution.
tration which has its center in Paris.
From this descripworker was shot, a fighter of CommunOne task of the Communist party in back by this same regime. By grouping tion alone, the bureaucratie character problem which strikes at the very Italy consists in understanding bow to together in this single reactionary mass of this congress is evident enough. It is cused have been condemned to from 10 needs of the butchers have increased and Ceart of the regime is the crisis of the profit from the vacillations of the mid the butchers and their victims, by wip time that comrades now pose the demand Under the same indictment, other acism, Michele Della Maggiora; today the to 30 years of confinement. In the suc it is necessary for them at the dawn or young generations of the petty bourge ale class forces who are turning awaying out all distinction between Fascista for a genuine congress of the party with cession of denth verdicts executed by the the same day to assassinate the engineer olsle the crisis of the youth that leave from Fascism, in order to win them over and democratie anti ascism, one only broad and thorough preparation among and the secondary from the bourgeoisle as alles of the aids the latter in its role of deceiving the membership and with the black shirt aquads from Della Maggiora Bovone, terrorist of the Irish school and the universities the state working class. But the leadership of the the working class and of preventing it participation of our direct to Bovone and Sbardellotto there is a the worker Sbardellotto, both accused of schools and presses upor sort of demonstration by blood and are having acted for the Anti Fascist Con sobs, for work. In 1918 1920, the unem: Italian Communist Party is also follow. from accomplishing its opposition. The to the Italian situation.
ployment of the intellectual petty bouring the theory of social Fascism.
talms The Communist party can succeed orgency of this congress is felt bs every The particular and immediate signi. Geoisie gave birth to ascism. After also combines all the anti Fascist, non in showing the real counter revolutionare comrade who follows the Italian and the international situation. The convoca From the whole sist experience, it ficance of the two new victims of the ten years of Fascist rule, a swing in the Communist parties into one reactionary function of democratie anti Fascism onls tion of a congress of our party is also becomes clear that Mussolini is forced to black shirt executions rests precisely in opposite direction is becoming manifest 10 mass. In this manner it only succeeds in by the way of action, in the process of necessary for a discussion of the intor.
have recourse to a redoubling of the the fact that the trial of Bovone and the various strata of the petty bourge, making the policy of the Communist the struggle, that is to say, by pushing national policy and that in the terror every time Fascism comes to a Sbardellotto were trials against the Anti olsle to such point that friction can be party incomprehensible and in preventing the anti Fascist struggle to its ultimato It should serve as a preparation for the critical turn. In order to facilitate its Fascist Concentraion against democral observed even inside of Fascism between the revolutionary proletariat from exconsequences up to the expropriation of Congress of the Communist Internationtask, It makes use of provocations, tending its influence to certain sec the bourgeoisie and the establish tle anti Fascism. The public prosecutor the young and the old.
of al, the necessity of which can well be have ebcome a system in Mussolini art through whom the Fascist state has Fascism Losing Support tions of the middle classes.
the proletarian power. For such a pol realized, if one takes into account all of governing. From numerous evidence spoken, demanded a regular punitive ex Contrary to what is taking place in Democratie anti Fascism (the Anti icy it is necessary to return to a Bol the events that have unfolded during In our possession, the provocations organ pedition against the democratic anti Germany. Fascism in Italy is losing Fascist Concentration. Ized by the a sort of Fasc. Fascist exiles. The Italian press has more and more its social supports, which against the Fascist dictatorship, nights at front with all the proletarian anti Fascist the four years that separate us from tho Ist Okhrana) never or almost never fall even gone so far as to demand the extra explains its evolution in the directioa of the same time against the proletarian organizations (reformists, maximalists, unfortunate Sixth Congress.
Our demand must become the demand to play their part in the various unsuc dition of the leaders of the In ever more brutal forms of terror and op direction of the anti Fascist movement, syndicalists, anarchists, republicans, etc. cessful attempts on the life of the Duce Paris or at least the carrying out of presson. From the factories, anti Fase that is to say, it fights to prevent the and to alliances with the peasant masses of all the comrades who are conscientious and in the many arrests of anti Fascist the expulsion decrees issued by the Tarism is penetrating into the universities, proletarian, the Communist solution of and the petty bourgeois masses of the about the present situation.
militants working secretly in Italy. But dieu government. The Fascist offensive among the petty industrialists and mer the Italian crisis. Therein consists the towns who are under the influence of the FEROCI.