Anti-imperialismAnti-imperialist LeagueBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxOpportunismRussian RevolutionSandinoSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

The Civil War in Chile What Is Happening in the Soviet Union ila represented as ambassador to Wash. Chile, there is talk, in reference to this tect the existence of wide spread intrate the life of the state. In the course of most acute possible unhealthy character. Georgia but in the Urals, Ukraine and From of SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1932 1AE MILITANT PAGES weak Latin American parties. Its continued propaganda spells disaster for the development of the revolution in South America. There can be no intermediary Motive Forces Behind South American Revolutions revolution. Neither in Chile, nor on the Latin American continent, nor in any Behind the scenes of the Stalinist Letter from Moscow The letter which we publish here (Continued from last issue)
tunism and adventurism have their deep There can be only two forms of rule other part of the world for that matter.
apparatus a deep going process is at may be considered as entirely authoraThe yocialist and anti imperialist roots inside the work undermining the monolithis lectivization of the peasantry has suffered tative, being written by a well inform.
mask of Duvila and his former com Party. And where was the Chilean party the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie or of the leading group which is narrow in the course of two or three years au ed comrade in Moscow who is in a postpanion in arms, Marmaduke Grove, serv to learn otherwise? From the rotten the dictatorship of the proletariat.
ing down ever more threatening to equally grandiose defeat. This fact ened the one purpose of derailing the work maneuvers tion to know what is taking place.
of Stalin Bucharin with The peasantry and the petty bourgeoisle ters in an ever increasing scale into the the personality of Stalin. The otficial The next issue of the Militant will ing masses from their genuine struggle. Chiang Kai Shek in China and with of Latin America is as backward and non party press naturally maintains a consciousness of the entire nation, aud contain the conclusion of the letter This demagogy also found an echo in the Purcell, Hicks and Co. in the Anglo socialist as in the rest of the world, and censor bound silence on what is going dominees isore and are the conscious.
Right wing Lovestone group, which de Russian Committee From the and make it possible for our readers to great therefore cannot participate at the pre on in actuality. The present letter ness of the nation.
be oriented more intimately on such clared at the time, that the Radical Rio wisdom of the third period which rent stage of history as a leading force will give our readers an insight into All our cises and dificulties following questions as the status of the collect ing in Chile Triumphs and that Davila completely overlooked the revolution in in society. It can either turn to reach some of the sigolfcant events taking after October 1917 had one and the same vization movement, the internal party Establishes Anti imperialist Regime. It Spain and instead put the insurrection tion and go with the bourgeoisie or place.
profound source: the absence of the situation, etc.
1s not strange at all that the Lovestone on the order of the day in France? No, follow the proletariat along the road of jainture or the instability of the jointura ite opportunists should fall for all the the teachings and the tactics of Stalin revolution. It is necessary to end the The The chief characteristic of the present between the city and the villege.
recalled at present by many, but, of demagogy of Chile bourgeoisie. They Manuilsky Molotov could not help the illusions and the idealization of the pen situation, particularly in the mood of vacillations in the matter of colectivi.
can be expected to see further than Latin American parties rid themselves of santry. It is necessary to take a Marx.
Stuecht hos They have in their time seen the ulcers of opportunism and adventur tan position on the agrarian problem, the party, is the disqueting indetermin zation (dizziness, and then pulling oneself course only among themselves, within imperialistism. On the contrary, they only helped so as to be able to adopt al correcto en aton. The causes for it are ingrained out of it only to be followed by new diz a narrow circle. At this moment, in the movements in the antics of Chiang Kal to perpetuate them.
olutionary line in the development Shek, Calles, Obregon, Sandino, etc. Kven greater than in the Delds of the class struggle in Latin America. Such cconomic manifestations as well as the village, commotions on a grandiose scae. sive oneself a lucid accounting of the During Here the revolution reached out to the actual situa son than in the beginning 1921. But here blocking the road at But the revolutionary dirtations of daily struggle, is the confusionism on a position requires the recognition of the subjective mood of the party.
Davila and Co. Chanot deceive the con the question of the character of the Dictatorshlp of the Poletariat on the last years, the center of gravity in deepest roots of the national economic schous proletarian. Davila and his so revolution. In the thesis presented by tional, ou continental and on a world the party shifted ever higher and higher. We The bureaucracy perpetuated ev. every step the party regime looms in the The situation in foodstuffs is grave The more the party became distended, erything in order to endow these prothe South American Bureau of the Com scale.
through the smaller became the number of in cesses, difficult as they were Not only in Crimea or novelty for us. For Ibanes (whom Dav munist International on situation in In conclusion. The latest events redividuals that preserved an influence on the force of objective causes, with the to extremes.
Siberia. The deterioration in the funcington. when he came to power, used question of the agrarian The peasantry at the present moment Istioning of the transport system has not anti im quility among all social groups and the few years everybody was tutored to indubitably dissatisfied. They do not a more or less analogous ruse. He also Derialist revolution and the workers sharpening of the class struggle in parti swear by the Leninist but now know what or how to gauge and they been restored by Andreyev. Miracles spoke about anti imperialism and na and peasants government. This vital cular. The bourgeoisie is not tional reformisin. But his anti imperial and central revolutionary problem is solve the crisis, which determines the L) retainers in the apparatus refer feel all too clearly in their everyday ex enucrat, a former Trotskyist. who was able to the young Comsomol (member of were expected from this precocious burism was directed against the British im. treated with the greatest confusion and changes in the government cliques and to the with semi ironical smirks: Istence that those on top do not know peralists alone (whom his predecessor, ambiguity by the as well as by which helped carry Davila into power. the matter, you see, rests not with what direction to take. speak in the put in place of the old Stalinist RukhimAllessandri, pad served, and in tavor of the whole stalinist press of Latin Amer. The misery and the star vation and the but with siven individuals and group oh of the private market. The new ise The root of the matter the in the main of the period preceding the restora ovich, but the miracles did not materialAmerican imperialism. His national since they are part and parcel of the countryside remain as before. The per formism locatne concretized in throwing Stalinist apparatus in the which lonel dictatorships, or even Faseist die plan undoubtedly uplifted the self esteemences may be very great. At the moment the employees. All the arrears in and the whole weight of the crisis on the is responsible for the presentation of the tutorships, no matter what sort of of the upper crust and strengthened theiIt is not easy to appraise it. The the falling in quality, etc. of the transThe first two years of the five year reform came unexpectedly. Its consequ. provisions situation of the workers and rethe failures and unfulfillments of plans, shoulders of the working eluss.
For lack of information, we problem of the revolution in the colonial demagogy they employ, will not be able cannot sponses and presuppositions it has called dovote ourselves sufficiently to the role and semi colonial countries as a problem to revive the carcass of the semi colo personal authority of Stalin Our papers forth from all sides vary considerably port and both the light and heavy InIn the latest events. We shall return to workers and the peasantry. This slogan, fundamental problems stand unsolred and press to the successes of the industriali. and sometimes are directly contradt. dustry have in the main the same source: there istory. The leadership oderunt omning of the workers. Wherever there is leadership. But shall write subsequ scarcity of the most essential objects for the information we can get through the houseum of Bolshevik relics (to which tradiction wil take on even a sharper no doubt that this exerted its influence appraisal does not function as Lenin had relegated it with just those character in the future.
on suflictently wide circles. The highest ently about the markets because up to personal subsistence there you inexitably it appears that the party did not attempt words. at first applied to countries This opens up brond a repetition of its putschist tactics, per whose national economy bears an agrar. the Communist party. Dospectives for crest of this wave can be considered, it now they are in a large measure more set the development of misuse, plunderBut in order to you please, the moment The discord within the villages and the phere that surrounds the cooperatives and sued at the time of the revolt of the lan character, is today being employed be able to take advantage of this entre against the Mensheviks. it would be in of a symptom than an economie factor in speculation, etc. Such is the atmos.
by the Staliuists, not only for such coun ordinary, favorable situation for a pro correct to explain away their confesAt the Congress of the Trade Unions, ally as well as on the whole continent, United States. The Leninist slogan of view of the problems of the revolution, doubtedly under the influence of the sue worker, making his position as regards that the successes of the five year plan navy. If this is so, then the party acted tries, but also for highly developed ingressive development of the Communist sons and repentances by cowardice alone. discord between the city and the village, the government trade units.
quite correctly, for the situation, nation dustrial countries (like Germany or the forces, it is necessary to have a clear The more honest among them were un as always the case, is taken out on the Molotov alone improvised on the theme is not at a ripe for an insurection of an necessities worse. You have no doubt independent character.
the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, which not only of Chile, but of the Latin Amesecs in industrialization and collect noticed in our press what a tremendous found their expression in the consider carried the Russian revolution to victory erican continent in particular and the vization.
In order to understand better the pro and which alone can achieve its victory international situation in general. It is THE ALL EMBRACING place in our inner life hns been oecupled able betterment of the well being of the by the problem of rabbit culture. The age. Molotov, in general, is reckoned working classes and of the laboring vilblems of the Chilean revolution we shall on An international scale, is taboo for all necessary to adopt a correct strategy and COLLECTIVIZATION give a brief account of the social forces the Latin American Stalinists.
entire party was mobilized and set on tactie by coordinating and systematizin Chile. The proletariat of the towns But, comparat vely speaking, from this foot under the slogan of breeding rab as the leader of the Lett fank of the rumored and countryside, about 400, 000 in num. ter of the revolution, the Without a clear view of the characing the Communist activities on a con same time the situation in food stuffs bits. Rabbit nurseries were founded in Stalinist bureaucracy. It is ber, quite considerable in proportion to Communist tinental scale, since the triumph of the and necessities begins to sharpen acute factories. One might suppose that here that he personally is against all retreats collectivization one is dealing with Belgium or England, leetivization and Industrialixntion. But the population movement will not be able to progress revolution in Chile depends upon that in, ly. The all embracing the country about in the methods and tactics of struggle the most important countries of Latin represented in itself an extremely con. Yet even in these thickly populated coun: Rudzutak spoke at that same Congress 4, 000, 00. has not yet assimilated the The equivocal formula of the agrarian America, as an integral part the tradictory process.
tries a ideas of Communism and still remains and anti imperialist revolution can only world revolution. That necessary stra strata of the peasantry went into the Jeet for such a governmental cult. Tens In an altogether different tone, Why are subject to great confusion. This is due in large part to the enormous ideological lead our parties to a repetition of the tegy and tactic can only be elaborated collective farm approximately in the and hundreds of factory directors and we so badly off in matters relating to shortcomings of the official party. The Calles Obregon policy of our Mexican on the basis of the theory of the per same state of mind with which the unexpert economists have taken an absolute supplying the workers? First of all be working class movement of Chile is one party and the Bloques Obreros y Cam. manent revolution.
employed flock into the community soup ly negative attitude to the all embraecause we allotted too little attention to. ALBERTO GONZALEZ kitchens. With only this difference, that ing rabbit culture being deleterious this sphere of activity. We were abof the oldest in Latin America. It is pesinos in other countries. All these in capitalist community kitchens are ex. to the Industry and economy in general old letter about the five year plan, sorbed in gigantic enterprises. In his known for its strong spirit of militancy the anti Leninist leadershp of the FIRST MEETING IN ANTHRACITE pended philanthrople crusts of capitalist It is entirely self evident that the revival Rakovsky long since sounded the alarm, and for its abounding revolutionary en and its scandalous auxilaries like the The first meeting of the Left Opposi profits, whereas within an important of factory truck gardens and the creatorgy. But very often, due to its ideo Anti Imperialist League, which consider tion in that part of Pennsylvania will number of the collective farms the basic tion of factory rabbit nurseries denotes Warning that the industrialization could logical backwardness, its revolutionary ed Mexico under the Calles regime be held on Sunday, July 24th at P. enpital was eaten up. At the present the attempt to found alongside of indie break off and endanger the entire regime, energy is exploited for the Interests of if the leaders would henceforth pay alien class forces, as demonstrated to a country where the process of the liqui in Luzerne, Pa. the heart of the anth moment the bureaucracy of the People try one private. small, but reliablettle attention to the problems of procertain degree by the latest events dation of feudalism is being realized and raclte coat folds. The meeting will be commissariat of Agriculture rockone rural economy. Consequently in this fact visioning the workers. But Rakovsky 19 Hall, in secretly, of course, that only 10 of expressed the acute break in the join even now in Barnaul. While Rudzutak The Communist party is also one of which endeavors to create its own econ. held in the Italian Reunita the oldest parties of Latin America and omy in spite of imperialist designs (ro which comrade Max Shachtman, editor the collective farms have become firmly ture between the city and the village The established, while the remainder cannot But none expresses oneself seriously on mass of consumers, the great mass of in Moscow is forced to admit, The great today the strongest, enjoying a great deal solution on Latin Amerca at the Anti Im of the Militant, will speak on of Influence over the working class. But perialist Congress of Brussels. Movement. be taken into account. It is quite posal this tople out loud. You may recall how workers, and collective farms operatives, We have seen to what extent the Stalin. This will be the first opportunity of the ble that this is an exaggeration to the Lenin opened the period of revision in who are servei by poor cooperatives, it is still very far from being able to ist concept of the anti imperialist and workers in that territory to hear the other side; a disenchanted bureaucracy War Communism. We must put it plain poor trade institutions are becoming give the necessary leadership to the revolutionary proletariat. For it is itself at agrarian revolution in Mexico has dis viewpoint of the Left Opposition evpress is none too bashful in its dealings with ly: the peasantry is not satisfied with imbued with nasty feeling. There is our party ideologically. The ed from the platform. Admission is free statistics. But it is indubitable that the the character of the relations we have of course, no exaggeration whatever in a low ideological evel. The membership armed grandiose utopia of an all embracing col. established. This statement as a whole, as well as the leadership are same danger exists for all the young and to enable the maximum to attend.
often Rudzudak words. This spring In Mos lacking in a theoretical base. The leadcow factories even in Moscow where ership in its ble majority is composed STRATEGY OF THE WORLD DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE the position is privileged there took of confused revolutionists and petty bourREVOLUTION COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL place mass demonstrations of dissatisgeois radicals. In this respect it is worth faction. And the reasons? Criticism of Fundamentals Part of the Draft Program Increased while mentioning that the situation in prices, scarcity of goods, increased dues PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN Part and the other Latin American countries 18 86 pages 250 140 pages, REVOLUTION REVOLUTION Vol.
cloth bound not much better and in some even worse.
and taxes, and particularly the deficiency 00 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION in victuals. It became necessary, to mob450 pages Cloth cover 50 great share of the responsibility for 622 pages Retail at 30 pages paper cover 100 WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND Ilize some 3, 000 agitators to get to work this state of affairs rests upon the Stalpaper cover 00 By Special arrangements with the THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN THE FIVE YEAR PLAN on the workers. Of course all these inist leadership of the Communist InterGERMANY. THE KEY TO THE publishers of this book we DANGER 48 pages paper cover 10e misunderstandings have thus far borne national. This bureaucratie internationINTERNATIONAL SITUATION offer it to certificate holders at 64 pages paper cover 150 (Out of Print)
a family character. In so far as one may SHALL FASCISM REALLY al leadership, with its national socialist PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPTHE REAL SITUATION IN THE TURN IN THE AND judge, the hourgeoisle and its agents, the base resulting in the practical abandon.
BE VICTORIOUS MENT OF THE RUSSIA Mensheviks did not succeed in getting 48 pages ment of the international revolutionary THE GERMAN SITUATION 48 pages INDer cover 10e paper cover 150 (out of print)
THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION 10c COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL 364 pages their hands warm from this; but the cloth cover 00 movement Latin America Included con symptomatic significance of these manitributes predominantly to the retardapaper cover 500 PIONEER PUBLISHERS ISM festations of dissatisfaction is very great.
tion and the disorientation of the Comcloth cover 00 84 pages paper cover 150 84 East 10th Street, New York, This is apparent it only from the fact munist forces in these countries. Opporthat blocks of stone such as Rudzutak have become articulate.
The bureaucracy senses that there is Nine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition May events as well as from the recent this stage of development, social reform cording to this convenient dogma, it was dissatisfaction with it from below and it Polish events that there were a series ism dies out; it is transformed partly the essence of Bolshevism to maintain transfers its growing alarm over to of elements in them that recall our Juls into social demagogic elements and part. a united front with proved strike break: Stalin. While formerly the bureaucracy ist parties had to restrain the most ad. Fascism.
to defend the Soviet Union from British to make Stalin of all sucvanced sections of the working class in From which Manuilsky drew the con imperialism. In the third period. how. cesses, it is now inclined more and more their surge forward, speaks for a raclusion concerning the united front pol. ever, all social democrats from Purcell in seeing in him the author of all fail.
pidly approaching revolutionary situa. icy that we have never considered it down to the socialist worker in the shop ures. There is an evergrowing discord (Continued from last Issue) of Leninism (from the Right wing tion. This extravaganza is Illuminated as a formula for everybody, for all times had become Fascist and the Communist between the official tone in relation to The dissolution of this state of affairs, standpoint. The American Lovestone only if it is remembered that our July and people. Today we are stronger must therefore have nothing to do with Stalin and the actual attitude toward as we have seen from previous articles, Ites, who tried to sell the Sixth Congress days were the direct precursor of the and proceed to more aggressive methods them. Not to prolong the comparisons him. Shvernik, Stalin commissar in was not long delayed. In almost less to the American party, declare that the insurrectionary October days in Russia. In the so What the lesser func said that the third period formulae at the Congress, One of the most impor for the majority of the which are obvious enough it can be the trade unions announced in his report time than it takes to tell it, virtually all revision began only at the 10th Plenum. And it must further be remembered that working the leading spokesmen of the Sixth Con The German Brandterists, as well as all these fantasies were presented to the tionaries had to contribute to the ques. were the philosophy by while Centrism tant conditions for the victory of the gengress were either crushed organization. Roy, declare that it began at the official Communist world as unshakabletion may easily be imagined from these linked together the two mutually supple eral line of our party is the fact that at ally, expelled outright, or saved from Sixth Congress. To the extent that this articles of faith more than three years few quotations.
mentary periods of its blunders, crimes the head of our party, there stands im.
expulsion by humilitating capitulation. dispute is of practical importance, right ago!
The official motivation for the estab and Ideological disorder without prejudice movably the truest and most genial Just as the leaders of the Fifth Congress is undoubtedly to found more in the Third Period and Social. Fascism lishment of the third period and all to itself; at least, that was the intention pupil of Lenin, the leader of the worklasted but a brief moment in the seats erman than in the American sector of ing class, comrade Stain. The majority its commandments was false from begin. of its artificers.
of power, so did the Sixth Congress Bol the Right wing. The 10th Plenum was And from this third period with its ning to end. But this does not mean The third period was, and to the of the delegates sat through the prosheviks meet with a speedy end. Buch the reductio ad absurdum of the sixth incessantly rising radicalization of the that there was not a profound reason for extent that the remnants of it still clut. nouncement of these words with wooden arin, the political leader of the Congress, Congress, with a number of novelties masses in virtually every country in the the 180 degrees turn in the course of ter the road, it still is, a milestone of faces. All tried to avoid looking at one the reporter on the program, the prest. added by Stalin and Molotor on their own world, in which France was solemnly the Comintern. The reasons for the Left Centrism road of bankruptcy and decay. another. No one believes in the genius dent of the Comintern, was denounced account.
announced to be at the head of the rev. ward swing here already been sketched The more than three years since its pro of Stalin. Two years ago, even last year, a few months later as the leader of the olutionary list (in 1929. flowed the here. Centrism, bereft of any anchor in clamation have witnessed new series of many of these same delegates consider capitalist restorationis tendency in the It is sometimes hard to determine theory of social Fascism, a disease of principles, possessing no platform dis defeats added to those accumulated be ed, however, useful and necessary to Soviet Union (no less. Lovestone, whether this Plenum should be examined senile decay from which the Comintern stinctly its own, was driven to the left tween 1923 and 1928. The Comintern sustain the table of the genius. In this Gitlow and Wolfe were unceremoniously from the standpoint of politics or the suffering to this day. With Stalin in by the pressure of events and criticism. isolation from the masses on the political way the bureaucracy hoped to strengexpelled as agents of the American bouratandpoint of farce. It is the plenum cenious formula of 1924 in mind, Manuil. Having no real foundation, it must base field as well as in the trade unions, then its authority before the masses.
geoiste Roy, who had made a livelihood par excellence of the third perlod. the sky now announced that The fusion of itself upon an artificially preserved pres against which the Opposition advanced Now there remains only a thin core of denouncing Trotsky as an agent of Cham same third period which was at first the social democracy with the capitalist tige. In order to maintain the continuits own proposals in time against the the bureaucracy which continues, like berlain, found himselt designated in ex denounced as an opportunisticide by state is not merely fusion at the top. lty of its prestige, that is, in order to ex antics of the third perlod politicians Shvernik, in sustaining a patently fallen actly the same manner. Julek and Co the Thaelmann Neumann delegation to this fuston bas taken place from top plain away the head over heels turn to has proceeded hand in hand with an un Idol. The majority of the bureaucracy.
in Czecho Slovakia, Kilboom in Sweden, the Sixth Congress.
to bottom, all along the line. Improving the Left, or more precisely, in order to precedented ideological and moral do even in the party, is seeking to remove Brandler (and almost Ewert) in GerManuilsky anno Justify the change without in any way generation in the ranks of Com. Itself from the The third period. its proponents ex Noske back in 1918 was already a so leaving room for criticism of its proceed munism, which could not be expected to restricted sense of the word.
faction, in the many, Sellier and Co. in France, and a host of others were expelled or withdrew plained, was characterized by icon. cial Vascist. To be continued)
ing course, the third period was called continue over a long period without endstantly increasing radicalization of the fom the Comintern.
The master strategist of the Hungar. into existence.
ing in a terrific crash, whether inside the NEW YORK BRANCH PICNIC masses, simultaneously in every country. ian revolution, Bela Kun, who destroyed Soviet Union or outside of it.
The New York Branch of the ComThe removal of any Right wing re. There can be no fourth period, announc that revolution by falling to understand Convenient Theory The accumulated effects of this ideo munist League of America will hold a straint made possible the climb to the ed Molotov, for the third period ends the nature of the social democracy in By its proclamation, the Centrists were logical degeneration inside the Soviet piente at Tibbetts Brook Park, on Sunheights of absurdity at the 10th Plenum with revolution. The present height 1918, now tried some ten years later to able to justify the united front from Union, one of the most vital chapters in day, August 7th. It is planned to get In 1920, to the very peaks of the third oned political sensitivity of the broad repair the damage by advancing an even the top with Chiang Kai Shek and Pur the history of the kussian revolution, all members, friends and sympathizers of pertod. In passing, it might be men. masses, added Losovaky, is a charac worse interpretation Social Fascism is cell as well as no united front at all have brought in their train the dangers the Left Opposition in New York to attioned that even among the Right wing terletle sign of the eve of a revolution. the type of Fascist development in those Both were justified by politicians there is a somewhat academic Moireva, a member of the countries in which capitalist development theory the arbitrary establishment of with these that the next article will deal one brilliant of Thermidor and Bonapartism. It is tend.
Keep the date open. Watch The Mill dispute about the origin of the revision declared: It is my opinion from the is more advanced than in Italy. In periods. In the second period. a SHACHTMAN. tant for further information.
18 BOOKS BY TROTSKY con 158 pages and the «Third Period»