BujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninismSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1932 The Massacre in St. Louis Belgian Diggers New York Painters out on Strike MILITANT BUILDERS Resist Wage cut Drastic Woge Cuts Meets Resistance of Building Trades Workers who employers of Communist League of America (Opposi spirit of steel. And the concessions of the Central trade union leaders who on that of the class struggle. The fail file massacre, the united front of the Un the chairman explained, for bail pur of the Borinese, the employers will savation Painters officials failed to carry on the to the class strukkle, Marxian analysis of the class forces at Left Opposition Calls Upon Party to form a Workers United Front Who is a Militant Builder Mili (Continued from page 1) criticism: The police wouldn allow any (Continued from page 1) ity. Before the committee called on the ing on July 8th, scared the city of congregating and if anyone would have and for class unity against the capital District Council, no loatlets of such a tant builder is a comrade or sympathixor class and the result was: 00 grocery started speaking he would have been ar The article below by comrade Lesoil, ist class. The action of the District nature were issued. After the rejection who is seriously interested in building the orders were immediately given out at rested. Besides some of our best speak leader of the Belgian Opposition and Council was against unity. The Altera of the unity proposal a lcatlet was is circulation of the Militant because he ter the hunger march. That was Friday, ors were in jail. BUT ALL OF THIS active militant of the miners in the tion Painters want the unity of the sued presenting the program for unity. realize that our point of view, the ideas On Ätonday, yesterday, the Unemployed WAS KNOWN BEFORE THE MEETING Charleroi coal fields, serves as a back painters. The District Council also div. This is a swing from the united front for which we are fighting our tight must Council sent in their committe of 12 WAS ARRANGED!
ground of information through which ided the trades by refusing to organize from below to the uniteul front from be carried to an ever widening circle Communist and left wing workers and to the Alderman Chambers demanding The City administration, seeing that the more recent strike wave which up the alteration painters.
above, to the workiug class generally, that imuxediate legislation be passed to their edict of no Aloe Plaza protest meet set Belgium and required the interven. rejection of the United Front is the The leaflet issued after the rejection of raise funds so that the unemployed willing was a success changed their ruling tion of the king and the government, desire of the officials. If they the united front explained the rejection build the circulation of the militant a Militant builder understands that to receive a minimum of 00 a week for of no Communist assemblies anywhere may be more clearly understood.
family of two and 00 addditional for in the city for any purpose and statud because they have a change of heart, but rejects our proposal. The rank and group of people in necestry. group of cach yelident, the next morning that indoor meetings Police Bomb Workers could be held, if they were orderly. and Right after the trade union congress, because the pressure from the rank and file of the ABL who are not let in eople who conceive it to be one of their But the committee never came out. That Foster would be allowed to speak at De lehet wrote an article recommending He has forced them into a united front on the secrets ut the program knew muin tasks to ste workers, talk of workto the miners not to allow themselves to We want a united front to expose the nothing about the proposals before the ors, to get sutus. lle understands that After waiting, listening and speaking for the Turner Hall in the evening.
be inaneuvered by he Communists. fakers, to protect the workers committee of 15 called on the District it is not enough to do this every now and The election campaign meeting which three hours, a committee of 50 women We are going to prove that the extra from the sell out and to build and ad Council and have no information to ex. then. He understands that it is necesand 100 ex service men volunteered to had been prominently advertised by all Bod of time. To understands that in other enter the City Hall to learn what was of the capitalist newspapers, was well ordinary congress of the Central was vance the workers industrial labor or pose the fakers for the rejection of the sury to do this steadily ever a long perproposal, or about the plans for detaining the original committee of 12. attended. The hall was jammed with nothing but a maneuver of the leaders ganisations and movement.
Will the Alteration Painters Union proposals suitable for both unions. Such the present period it is his revolutionary The police immediately tossed a tear gas 700 or 800 in attendance. Many of the in order to subject the miners to the succeed in preventing a sellout, succeed an explanation does not educate or bring duty to get subs. It is the task in hand at the moment.
bomb at the crowd, and someone in the party members and sympathizers We will prove this by irrefutable facts. In winning the strike. To find out at the rank and tile over to the side of class crowd caught it and tossed it back in the had failed to show up at the proposed If the official index of May 15 fell so this is possible we must investigate the struggle. Such an explanation helps the It is by this steady plugging in this midst of the police. The detectives and demonstration came down to hear Foster.
their as to justify the bosses demand for a action of the Alteration Painters of fakers rally workers to class collabora period that we are firmly sinking our roots into the minds and thinking of the copis scampered back into the building. Vote Communist undoubtedly is general per cent cut of the miners in cals in their United Front proposal. The Lion.
the Alteration working class. Through the work of emerging a minute later with two mach slogan.
In addition to his talk on the national the country, they would immediately united front of the Alteration Painters The first leaflet ine guns, tear gus guns and several doxen tear gas bombs. couple of situation, Foster, the great Steel Strike have called together the Mixed Commiswas only a half step, just like the hall Painters calling the mass meeting of our start of Militant builders we are step taken by the in the new July 18th, to elect the united front com making the name of the Militant known, pollee began shooting point blank at the Strategist, gave out the general linesion and demanded the percent.
turn. paper proposal for a united mittee said nothing about a strike of, and we are making known what it stands Louis They didn do it. because officially front without proper organizational prethe Alteration Painters in support of the for fights for.
mass of people. Four workers falling for the employment fight in St.
down, one of them a Negro, who is serl. Despite the non materialization of the they had no right to a contractual reliminary steps and follow up steps is strikers. Only after the rejee Right now we recul recruits. We want ously wounded and expected to dle previous nights protest demonstration duction.
as hopeless in results as the former unition by the District Council was a leaflet every comrade to join up It is really The fall in the index was invented afted front from below.
The unemployed, in defense of their and despite the fact that almost every Issued calling their members on strike. a fairly simple matter to get subs. All lives, fought back heroically. With only worker present was commenting on it. ter the fact! Why? Because the boss The proposal of the Alteration Paint. This shows correct class support in spite that is reded is a little energy. Com bricks picked up from the street and Foster did not even mention the word es having posted her cut of frein to the ers Union for equal representation on of the District Council knifing of units rudes, we must get suls. We must build the circulation of the Militant. It some soda bottles and apples and oranges about it. He evidently figured the less percent in the Borinage district, Borinese miners decided unanimously to the strike committee when the District but it also shows poor tactics.
necessarily expropriated from a fruit suid about it the better.
The Alteration Painters Officials are is our chief propaganda instrument. It dealer in their midst, the workers with The General Line quit in a strike against this reduction Council counts its members by the thou stood the police tear gas and bullet fire Foster general line was: The workFaced by the threat of a general strike sands and the Alteration painters count confused on the question of rank and file is the voice in this country of revolucontrol tionary internationalism. Its message for fully a quarter of an hour before ers must answer the bullets and in the Borinage, strike which might by theirs by the hundreds, plays into the leadership and rank and file (The concessions its scope and vigor have unleashed hands of the officials for good within their own union. This is fos lour thessage must be carried to the the streets were cleared and capitalist the concessions. law and order established.
were 200, 000 that the city administration general movement of resistance to the excuses to reject the class struggle unitored by their present leaders. The Communist and left wing workers, to In the event the Communist party does save to the charity associations following wage cuts, the employees, the governed front. Neither union is an indus leaders parade as though they were re the whole working class.
trial union. The unions stands presenting rank and file leadership but in To work! Get subs!
not Immediately act against the police Monday massacre. The workers must ment retreated.
with fighting They accepted and followed the advice on the basis of class collaboration and reality there is need of more rank and repressions, the St. Louis branch of the answer the bullets the Alteration Painters Unions stands file control and less of rank anal leadership. If the memberlon. despite its numerical smallness, by registering and organizing every un. proposed to them to table the percent Pioneer Publishers Notes will Institute the cloiwentary united front employed worker in the Unemployed reluction for all the miners in the counroof the Alteration Painters Union of ship had helped select the program campaign for the workers right to free Council. Lastly, What about the work try. The result is that the bosses who acials to pose the question of uniting for unity and if the leadership moved speech and public assemblage against ers who are in Jall? Defense Coun wanted to cut the wages of 40, 000 min the two unions after proper preparations forward from their half turn, that is, the police terrorism, and for immediate cll must be organized even with dele ers by percent on the average, receive and with organizational safeguards forfollow the paper turn with proper or. JUST ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND!
gates from the of unions, frat a general cut of percent for 150, 000 gives the fakers weapons against the painters would not have missed the fax Whither England by comraule Trotsky.
the Alteration We are in receipt of 30 copies of unemployment relief.
ernal organizations, etc. for the pur miners.
unity proposal.
orable chance to expose the To our readers and comrades this book ST. LOUIS Instead of saving 960, 000 francs (al pose of raising money for their defense!
In calling for a united front, the Alter leaders and to win rank and liters from needs no introduction. It is a brilliant To protest against last Monday police specially property owners are needed. most 40, 000) per month from the wages Part 500. 000 francs out of the totality of the the preliminary preparation work within Left wing within the painters craft unwork in old England. The predictions it employed Council, the International 100. There were more cheers, When the unity commit ion. The organizing of the unorganized makes have been confirmed by time and Labor Defense and the Communist party, some of the workers went home asking the miners.
tee appeared before the District Council into Industrial Unions, the Communists are being confirmed by the onward weep issued circulars calling upon the work themselves the question: Was that Furthermore, with the help of the the rank and file through written word task in America, would be strengthened of the class war.
Foster, the great steel strike Stratex trade union leaders, they avoid the Bor, and verbal. should have been well prepar by the tactical line pointed out here in the book is paper bound and runs to ers to attend publie protest demoninage strike and obtain a decision of ed for the negotiations, should know our the relations between the class colla. 180 pages. It sells for 75 cents.
stration at Aloe Plaza, 18th and Market ist?
Orders About the immediate necessity of or the congress ordering the miners to acthe protest demonstration failed to mn. Sanizing a mass movement to force the cept the contractual reduction manufac proposals, should be pushed into a posiboration craft union and the will be filled strictly in the order in Streets on Wednesday at 5:30 But terialize. In compliance with the blue. administration to permit the workers to Itured at the last minute to deceive the lon to support nityu, to bring pressure class struggle Alteration Painter craft which they are received.
coats orders of no congregating the publicly assemble, to protest against the niners and force them into this decision on their burocratie leadership for un union.
party members kept walking and walking police repressions, and to gain our un to leave work in strike against their On July 31 the elections to the Reich and waiting and waiting for a miracle, employment demands, Foster silence central organization so as to be able to of the workers organizations, capitulat accepting the wage reductions by the star will take place in the midst of suppose. The several hundreds work was golden.
ors and defeatists, sabotagers of the congress without consulting the miners what is virtually civil war. On August At the conference of the Defense Coun What did the speeches of the delegates workers strugglesuch was the role of and without permitting them to express 1, we will issue comrade Trotsky latest against the police terrorism waited an cul (if ahd when called the Communist still working in the mines demonstrate the leaders of the Central at the extra themselves on it.
League of America (Opposition) will The will of the Borinese miners ordinary Congress of May 20!
work dealing with the present situation The congress was a maneuver of the in Germany. Its great timeliness inhour and some two hours trying to figure sight for the adoption of our proposed to fight in defense of their wages; out why the party members were wait. The great dissatisfaction existing ocracy prevails in the Central, that the the miners to the conditions of the embe quick. What we want now is in adAnd after that, Delattre writes, dem. reformist leaders to subject the mass of clines us to believe that its sale will ing, and then left, some in disgust, while Home of action the immediate necessity leaders do not dominate and that the ployers.
vance wale. Comrades, renders and symsky. and ticing and receieing their shoe class organizations to fight for the work. And this assertion, undisputed by decisions are made by the workers.
party members continued looking at time of a broad united front of all working among the miners in all the fields; It is not with impunity that this pol pathizers! Order your coples now went up to one of the typical ers right to free speech and to public the leaders of the union, that nowhere.
But how explain that in spite of the ley of complicity and direct aid by the Make the sale of the book a success! Get Stalinists (Schwartz) and offered in assemblage, against the police terrorism, in Tofield, is the contract respected by numerous speeches demandêng the or scaders of the trade unon Central to the orders for it!
line with our letter offering our support)
for the freeing of the arrested unemploy the bosses.
ganization of a national strike referen coal bosses is to be practised, for the Comrades who are unemployed and canto help start the meeting but was meted and for political, religious or eco that the wages are below schedule, that bureau of the congres tables the pro beginning to rise among the miners and earn a copy by getting orders for four At the same time the delegates declare dum against the wage reductions, the dissatisfaction is growing and anger is not afford to buy their own copies can nomle affiliations.
with the parrot retort of counter reyolutionists we wouldn do the employers do not respect them, that posal and would not put it to a vote?
anything MARTIN PAYKR.
the trade union leaders impose the ac when it explodes their blows will be copies and reinitting them. Upon rewith you Because he knows that to organize a directed not only against their starvation ceipt of the order we will send free to Self. Criticism ceptance of the new reduction upon the referendum would be to permit the min bosses but also against their accom the comrade at copy of the book.
miners because the workers must respect ers Now in explaining the reasons for the contract.
to express their combativity and plices, the reformist leaders.
the failure of the mass protest the party PROBLEMS OF THE READ AND SUBSCRIBE TO that the reply of all the mine fields wouta Charleroi, Belgium Defenders of the employers interests, be: We want to fight unitedly and de CHINESE REVOLUTION members give the following Leninist selfTHE MILITANT spokesmen of the employers at the head fend our wages together. LESOIL. Problems of the Chinese Revolution The holding of the extraordinary con CAMPFIRE POSTPONED is moving but not fast enough. Once gross, the efforts of the leaders substt. Due to other arrangements that inter more we ask: How many copies have you the dominating positon after the attacks tuted for the will to struggle revealed vened, the campfire announced for Sut sold? To unemployed comrades we make The question confronting American cap against the reduction, the illusory de urday, July 23, by the Spartacus Youth the same offer we made in the paraitalism now is can the American imper: mand for the nationalization of the Club, has been postponed until further graph above in connection with What Wall St. and Lombard St. Fight for World Financial Supremacy ialists follow this up and transform the mines, have but one aim: to put the notice. Watch the militant for further Next? What we want is to place this events into their favor? The American miners before an accomplished fact of information.
book in the hands of as many workers For years the American imperialists dustrialists are being cared for satis capitalists are not yet sufficiently reoras we can. To workers already infected have been fighting their British com factorily. The class nature of the drastie ganized to give a positive answer to this with Stalinism this book will be a sort petitors, struggling to obtain Dollar su measures taken by the government with question. They are busy with measures of ideological antidote. To workers impremacy over the Pound, and now the in the country stand out with to strengthen their position to enable distinct mune from the ideological degeneration of Stalinism this book will be a sort of capitalists of the United States can boast prominence but the increasing interna them to carry through the next step. It that they have accomplished this task. tional problems have required even more will not be the other imperialists who immunization. That is our Job to comStep by step. since the world war, the drastic will prevent the fulfllment; it can only butt and destroy the poison of Stalinism.
Dollar has fought the Pound in every In Germany the class struggle is at ist leadership be the world imperialist under CommunThis book by Lomrade Trotsky is a corner of the globe, taking advantage a higher level and threatening revolution potent weapon in our hands provided of the decay of the British Empire in or imperialist war needs measures equal an imperialist war does not alter the If the developing German civil war or we apply it. If every comrade were to order to gain world domination. The to the task of Insuring the position of sell three copies a good part of our task Pound ruled when capitalism was ex the American capitalist.
would be necomplished.
panding, and was able to draw the best ercan workers will begin to press hard have forced the other exploiters to folWhen the Am course, the American capitalists have a favorabe chande. At home the financiers of the capitalist profits and plunder toer upon the exploiting classes, when the low their lead. The measures prior to ward London, but America has this dol revolutionary movement here will surge the Two Billion Credit Pool were prePublieations in Foreign Languages BY LEON TROTSKY lar supremacy in the decay of capital upward, the more drastic measures, as nuniber of the works which we ad Ism, and with the post war reparation well as demagogic steps, will be taken liminary steps. The Credit Pool had its vertise in England are also obtainable tangle, the present deepening crisis, the internally. In this case it is up to the positive side for the bankers as well as from us in Jewish, Russian, Italian and American capitalists have only been able Communists to be equal the task.
its negative side for the other classes.
Spanish. Comrades who read English to reap a whirlwind of entangling worla Several months ago when England The Glass 1, 000, 000, 000 inflation bill is These 450 pages of analysis and record with difficulty or feel more at home in political problems that their Washington was forced off the sold standard, the another step to pop up the Dollar in an of the revolution and counter revolution their native languages should apply to office boys are not capable of untangling American Dollar won a signal victory in attempt to cnable it to hold its dominatin China since 1920, offer the first inus for information about these publicatThe tremendous productive forces, replacing the Pound. New York suping position. The inflation will will tegral Marxian presentation of one of tions. We may not be able to fill every the over abundance of enpital and of planted London as the gold center. But force through another indirect wage cut the greatest movements in modern times.
order but we will try.
means of production laid the base for the present reparations settlement upon the American workers and enable The views of the Left Opposition are the present Dollar domination. This enthrows light upon the manner in which the bosses to garner a huge profit even give here for the first time in systemBOUND VOLUMES OF ables the American imperialists to stand New York replaced London in the per though the rate of profit has fallen.
atic, elaborated form, side by side with a TROTSKY PAMPHLETS on the top of the heap of the exploit iod of decay of capitalism. England bas it is only a temporary measure but stinging criticism of the catastrophic ing capitalist nations. But it is not an no choice in retreating from the gold such measures are necessary in these course pursued by Stalin and Bucharin.
Do you want a copy of these bound expandng and growing world economic standard. This was a move to reorgan trying days. Any measure the capitalThe suppressed writings of Trotsky are volumes. There are still a few left. Do structure, that is pouring tribute into ize the British economic structure. Now ists take today will only intensify found here for the first time in English, you know a worker who wents to make the Wall Street. The tribute paid is England is trying to make a come back. contradictions tomorrow. But they cantogether with appendices by Zinoviev, u serious study of the principle ques the tribute of dying victims to a mas America is trying somewhat different not wait. The life of dying capitalism Vuyovitch, Nassunoy and others.
tions in dispute between Stalinism and ter who will give them a little longer steps. But the purpose of each is the is at stake and measures must be taken the International Left? Do you know a lease on life. This forces the American same to reorganize in order to be in today.
worker unclear on the basic question of capitalists to face problems unparalleled a position to defeat the other imperial Socialism in One Country? Do you The capitalist remedy for deflation is hitherto in the world of capitalism. Pro ist in the struggle for the redivision of Cloth Bound Paper Bound know a worker who believes in the blems that will cut short the fruits of the world. By economic war as long as inflation, yet neither can touch the core idiotie theory of social Fascism? Do you the victory of Dollar domination know a worker who thinks we are counIn an attempt to extract itself from necessary. The lowering of wages, ana ing hard for the Branch Banking Law.
ter revolutionists?
the crisis, American imperialism has the reduction of the standard of living and since they started the public camIf you know such a worker persuade been forced to give more immediate at in America are necessary capitalist steps patgn many months ago for Branch Bankhim to buy a bound volume of these tention to problems in South America, in this direction. Our class tasks lle in ing they have gained considerable headSpecial Offer way. This measure will be a worthwhilo pamphlets comrade Trotsky and study Asia and Europe than to internal devel. the opposite direction, one year subscription to the Militant is 00. paper these questions for himself. Explain to opments. The capitalists, however, have After America obtained Dollar dom breathing spell for them if they are able bound copy of Trotsky book is 00. By speical agrangehim that while he can buy them singly, not neglected the problems within the ination, other capitalist nations led by to push it through.
ment, you can get both of them for only 50 offer valid if he does this he will be unable to get country. On the contrary, they have France made drastic attacks on the dol The dollar stands, but the crisis deeponly for the summer months.
three of the pamphlets which are out of handled them remarkably well in the in lar, hoping to dislodge it from the key ens. The financiers have been able to print and unobtainable except in these terest of the financiers. Every measure position. They were successful for deal some blows through their imperialbound volumes. These pamphlets are the of importance taken has been by and time in badly shaking the American ast agents but the main test is still Orders from the all important and basic document. The for and of the financiers at the expense financial structure. It can now be said ahead. The moratorium, the reparaPIONEER PUBLISHERS Draft Program of the Comintern: The of the workers, the farmers, the middle that the first victory over the Pound tions and the German situation holds 84 East 10th st. New York, Turn in the and the situation in class, and the small industrialist. The has been followed up by a second victory much in store for the fate of Dollar suGermany: and World Unemployment and financiers the monopolist and the big in over the other imperialists in retaining premacy.
the Five Year Plan.
The Dollar Versus the Pound PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION the 50 00