BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionLeninLeninismNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition 15, 000 Workers Strike and Kruegers make money on wars eren Klan Committee, on its English side from all nearby cities have been rushedelreles of the bureaucrats already lays Published weekly by the Communist Leege of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the rost office at New York. under the act of March, 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 30 (WHOLE NO. 126 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1932 PRICE CENTS ON THE SPOT Communism BATA QUITS or Pacifism?
BATTY SYSTEM As these lines are written Thomas Bata of Czechoslovakia, the big boot and shoo The Party and the Barbusse man, is putting all the otber suicides in the capitalist world next to pure reading Congress THE PARTY ANSWERS OUR WARNING The Fate of the World Revolution Hangs matter. Not since Krueger of Stockbolm addol an additional hole to the The American metion of the World in the Balance!
orificial equipment of his head in a Parts Congress Against War. led by Theodore hotel did the death of any capitalist Drelser, and heavily watered down with sue of the militant against the hoodlum reason for the party to adopt the same The warning we issued in the last is against the revolutionists. That is no magnate cause as much consternation as pacists like Upton Sinclair, Harty tendencies manifested in the Communist course. An even more disastrous result military dictatorship has been im hobnails of the reactonary soldnteska on that of Thomas Bata. While am will. Elmer Barnes and Robert Morus Lovett, party against the meetings of other work than the one we have already mentioned posed upon the state of Prussia. Mar their very skins, their ministers forcibly ing to go a long way in believing that has called a conference in New York to ing class organizations, has called forth is this: in these disgraceful street fight, tial law reigns In Red Berlin, the city ousted, their officials placed under ar.
the capitalist papers will print almost select fifty delegates to be sent to Geneva a characteristic reply. In the Daily it is the police who eventually settle which in 1930 gave the Communsts the rest, the reformist traitors are, in spite any story that is not fit to print they to attend the world congress.
are liable to put their penthouse and Worker of Tuesday, July 19, the editor the dispute, regardles of responsibility largest vote. The soldateska of the of all this, calling upon their followers The Daily Worker, which has given al writer barks out a hysterical column for them. Such tactics make the police Junker General Von Schlecher rules the to maintain order not to yield to airpane cuses on the inside pages with its endorsement to the Comintern inspir of renom in which the customary am the arbitrator between contending streets. The socialist ministers of Prus provocation and to the refuse to pay for the bed and ed Barbusse venture, bas maintained algam is made of Hoover, Dies, Love workers organizations. The Dally Work sia have been ousted from office on forces on the Reichstag elections cam.
concentrate all board stufe if suicides in high places complete silence on the New York con stone. Hiquit and the Trotskyists aller, without a blush of shame coming to threat of arrest. The socialist police paign. Not a word about any kind of continue at the present rate. In times Perence The confused, pacifistically engaged in the service of the bourgeoisie. its cheek, accuses us of helping the in president of Berlin has submitted his united working class action, not even a of crisis the capitalist papers get thelr tainted call of the American action of this reply to a revolutionary criticism itiators of the Dies BIII. Quite the con resignation from the military detention simulation of militaney. Even orders to cut out all the movie stuff about the congress, its petty bourgeois compost is too houry and does not improve with trary: it is the tactics of the Stalinist prison at Moabit, to which he has been when it is clear to all that the heads today.
printing the story and be damned.
tion, has not met with a single word of age. Wo warned that the attacks made that play into the hands of our enemies hailed by Von Schleicher men. of the workers are at stake, the betray.
criticism from the official party or its on meetings not organized by the official The revolutionists will better be able to On the direct demand of Hans Kerrl, ers of 1918 1919 play their old abomin.
KRUEGER ROSE FROM AND The proclaimed object of this movement name and the cause of Communism as a militant workers by seeking to preserve slan Diet and after a rabid campaign bourgeois masters, prepared for the most party were bringing discredit upon its resist the growing terror against the National Socialist president of the Prus able role, cringing before the will of the WENT TO THE BOTTOM is to mobilize the masses throughout the whole. We brought an example out of the traditions that the labor movement on the part of Adolf Hitler and Alfred disastrous sell out of all, few years back magazines flourished world in the struggle against the war the past of the German Communist Party has won for itselt, and not by contribut Fugenber s, President Paul Von Hinden The Workers Strive for Unity by giving the stories of men high in the danger. But the danger of imperialist which lost its hold on the masses by stming to their violation. halt must be burg for the decree by which Prussia Already their attempts to spread the capitalist system who rose from the bot. war is not something separated from the llar policies. It is true that the social called! It is high time. The thinking passed over into the hands of the mill. illusions of a legalistic and parliamentom. But so many of those men of class struggle in general, separated in Ists first introduced these methods party members will demand it. tary. The decree establishes the Chan tary resistance have been largely disKenlus have gone to the bottom since the such a manner that some mystically cellor of the Relch as Federal Commissipated by semi official announcements panic of 1929 that only an official organ special form of fight against it is per sioner for usula with powers to remove that the Reichstag elections are to be of a mortuary association could now missible or required. The revolutionary meinbers of the Prussian ministry and postponed. In the meantime the work.
make capital out of their lives. Krueger Communists codduct themselves on the to name commissioners for the conducters are becoming constantly more restoperated in almost all capitalist coun economie Held upon the foundation of of the other Prussen cabinet posts. It less, their desire for united working class tries. Even the old financiers paid horu the class struggle against the bourge proclaims the assumption of executive action is universal.
age to him. He dietated the policies of oisto. Polities to concentrated economice power by the Minister of the Reich.
governments by loans. His financial in. War is the continuation of politics by Textile and Furniture Plants Shut Down in North Carolina The establishment of a dictatorial swehr and declares admissible restric power in the hands of Chancellor von dustrial pyramid was based on the toll other means. The leadership of the The spontaneous strike of hostery government. The stalinist control of the tons of freedom of speech, presa Papen says a Berlin dispatch of the of hundreds of thousands of wage slaves masses in the ceonomic struggle which It was the same system by which belongs to the Communists, cannot be workers against a 25 percent wage cut Communist party and the unlons under and assembly. Invasion of the mails. New York Evening Post, has increased serien etc. It announces the death penalty for the tendency of the social the many are compelled to pay toll to the surrendered by the latter in the struggle bas spread throughout the city of High our Influence have committed a democratic and the Communist workers to draw tofew ever since the birth of capitalism against the war danger to any petty Polat, North Carolina, closing every toe of major blunders which has isolated strikers.
the vanguard frm the class in North The New Decree in Practice bourgols pacifists without creating the tory, uniting 15, 000 workers in strike in Ralds have already been carried out gether in a united proletarian tront.
atmost confusion in the ranks of the over 150 mills. Hosfery workers, furot. Carolina in spite of our favorable on the offices of the Rote Fahne, the fold.
This tendency will yet increase mani.
KRUEGER, INSULL, CAPONE workers and producing the most perniture factory workers, laundry workers portunities in the Gastonia struggle.
The worker of Germany realize ALL SELF MADE MAN cious effects.
and the unemployed have joined in the These mistakes have been dealt With Communist central organ and the paper that they are facing a lite death This is not the first time this surren strike which is spreading to nearby from time to time in the columns of wwwwwww struggle with their mortal enemy. They Thomas Bata literally started on a shoestring. Like a good many of the big men der, in the form of a masquerade, has towns and has already spread to Thomas the Mhitant.
Mas, Meeting recognize distinctly in the setting up of The Stalinist Course the Prussian dictatorship the hand of of business he got his real start during occurred in the Communist Internationville, Kernersville, Lexington, Jamestown Fascism. Their will to fight is not imthe war. He got government contracta. al. In 1926, the Comintern actually and Forsyte where strikers have bela The party is frantically trying to make Military Dictatorship paired. The showing they have made Perhaps he did not put good leather in yfelded the leadership of the struggle demonstrations of solidarity Domens of isolated mill strikes in the up for lost time, and past mistakes, but in the recent clashes with the Hitlerito the shoes he made for the Austro Hun against world Imperialism and intervenin Germany bands prove that they are far rom givgarian soldiers who tramped to death for tion against the Sovet Union, to the last few months against the starvation thelr present line of march, even at the culminated in this strike, and inception of the turn to High Point has ing up the struggle.
cause that meant nothing buta con proclaimed by Stalin and Bucharin to boj Das frightened the bosses and their stato serms of future blunders. The paper WILL HITLER TAKE POWER?
Yet, while the natural class bonde WILL THE SOCIALISTS FIGHT?
armies were victorious. Not so with the the organizatory center of the struggle into action to head off the spread of the half turn of the In united constantly tend to draw the workers, rullug classes. The Batas and Insullakainst imperialism. The Anglo Rus strike and unity of employed and unem tront activity, which has caused the presocial democrats and Communiste closer ployed starving workers. The police sent rumbles of factional strife in the WHAT SHOULD THE COMMUNISTS and closer, the proletarian camp still DO?
remains divided on the eve of battle if the countries which they owe nom least, proved to be a prop of imperialism The Dally Worker of Thursday July inal allegiance one. The workers always and a monstrous deception of the work to High Point as the first measure traps for the Communists and their Jose except when they fight for them ers whom the Comintern told to follow the National Guards, who led the troops of Juy 21 of the Daily Worker (City OEHLER Speakers against the workers. General Metz, of class struggle followers. In the editorial tells us that the workers have been SHACHTMANestablishing the Red United Front.
selves. Soviet Russia pointed the way. Stalin Bucharin regime told the workers against the Gastonia and Marion strik. Buition) they continue to say. Only Chairman: GLOTZER over the heads of the social democratie that Chiang Kai Shek kuo Min Tangers was sent to High Point leaders. There can be nothing more BATA BELIEVED IN was ordained to lead the struggle against Governor Oardner to plan the next step strike. The editorial confuses rank and Wednesday, July 27th, at P.
FORD METIIODS dangerous than this deceptive and illufile control with rank and fille leadership foreign imperialism, with the Commun. against the striking workers.
STUYVESANTS CASINO Strlke After Wage Cut Nowhere does the editorial, or the Daily sory piece of information. There can 2nd Avenue and 9th Street 1ste playing a subordinate role. The Kuo Bata was as admirer of teclancy Mo Tang proved to be a prop of Imper be nothing more criminal than the main The strike began July 19, eight Worker in this or previous issues speak tenance of the thoroughly false and methods practised by our own Henry Jalism and an agent in the struggle plants involving 3, 000 workers.
It of steps toward united front action that All Welcome Admission Free splitting tactle of the Red United Ford who will be repurded as one against the Soviet Union and the revolu. spread to all mills and factories in and will Insure the minority those Industrial Messiahs upMl be istionary Chinese masse.
Auspices: Branch, Communist Front which poses the question of esaround IIigh Point until complete shut. rights at this stage of the struggle to League of America (Opposition)
tablishing united front action on the caught in th cash. Like Huy, Bula For the Comintern to invest the pre down was had. Mass marching and enable it through the class struggle and basis of an ultimatum handed to the did not permut his employees to join sent Barbusse Rolland Sinclair Mann Sun mass picketing brought thousands of ideological influence to win the majority workers to accept in advance the leader Inspectors smell their breaths when they of organizing the struggle against the strikers. The Wake cut of the hostery ton and the social reformers from gainbeste Berlin by gunfire. The promulg patch further informs us that masa unions. We don know whether he had Yat Sen. Dreiser movement with the role more workers into the ranks of tho of the workers to our program, and at has been suspended.
the same time prevent the un persed Communist meeting in South the same breath, the Dally Worker disPolice have dis ship of the Communist party. And in punched the time clocks in the morning war danger and for the defense of the workers was from 25 to 50 per hun but he asisted that they branche ton Soviet Union. is to lead the world dred.
ing domination. Unless Marxian lead. tion of the dictatorship by the von Papen political strike of the German working minutes before open windows. Well, class conscious masses into a new do As the strike spread the mass plcket ership, a Communist leadership Is able regime came about as a challenge to the class was called for by the Communist that so bacle of the Anglo Russian Committee ing increased.
All night long they went to win the decisive section of the strik, growing resistance on the part of the party fraction in the Relchstag. not by and Kuo Min Tang variety.
from factory to mill, calling out the ers, the hammer blows of the bosses and workers in concerted local actions or any united front body!
The struggle against the imperialist workers, shutting off the power, and ther government and the class collabora communist and socialista against the If the information of the Daily Worker BROTHER DOAK SOUNDS war danger cannot be organized and led smashing down locked gates hindering tlon policies of the reformers will bring Fascist terror. The dictatorship decree AN OPTIMISTIC MOTE (Continued on page 1)
by Barbusses and Sinclairs, but only by their progress.
defeat. If is a direct step in the initiation of civil It is a pleasure to turn from a contem the Communists. The Initiative for such Already the bosses fear the mass pres. Marxian leadership the workers will not war against the working class.
PRESS PICNIC IN NEW YORK plation of death and disaster to movement cannot be given into the sure. Already they are regotiating with learn the proper class lessons if defeated.
The newspapers report the jubilant pier for the benefit of our press thing that night give event few tools hands of confused pacifists behind whom the workers. It is reported that severall The trade union policy of the reception given the issuance of the act will be held at Tibbetts Brook Park, Leninist line prtsented by the Left Op natural that Iitler should be jubilant sympathizers of The Milltant, Unser stop at teet and gentlemen the bonprible Brother Lenin turning such a task over into the the 25 percent wage cut Doak, secretary of Laber in the Hoover hands of Gorky and then announcing The union, and the Musteitea position must be adopted.
For the sexure of Prussia cannot be in Kamf, Communistes, and Young Spor cabinet. The depression has brought the that the Bolsheviks will affiliate with it have rushed organizers to High Point.
terpreted otherwise than as an organt. tacus should cooperate to make this.
workers and the employers closer to The Communists should participato They hope to gain the confidence of the zational preparative for the Fascist big success.
gether, he says. Well, there is some even in this, Congress of pacifists, career strikers and prevent them from moving seizure of power. The Von Papen gov The last joint press plenie held in New Workers Shot in Illinois truth in that. There are approximately 1sts, and politicians. But only in the Into the channels of the and ernment has been carrying out the de York was very successful, socially and twelve millions unemployed, so since the manner in which Lenin advised the Coro Communist leadership. The whole hisOne worker dead, three dying and mands of the Naxis consistently. They financially. good time was had by have already openly and officially como al. The financial income substantially have nothing to do and the few who Intern to participate in the Irague pacifisttory of the In the south 18 a to the aid of the Fascist bands in their aided our papers.
did anything but loat and make the other ary role of pacifism and to advance the The recent experiences of the the answers were the three hundred on: armed attacks upon the working class dominate the industrial machinery never congress of 1972: to expose the reaction history of the worst kind of betrayals. thirty, more or less seriously wounded, fellow work, there is a certain bond be Communist position on the class nature under Muste leadership carries out the union wages at the Illinois Waterway Yation of the Ilindenburg document. The played. Food, refreshments, games and social program is being arranged.
employed workers demanding work at organization, as is evident from the moti. One or more baseball games will be tween them. Of course, the uneryloyed of war and its solution. The party in same line, only in sugar coated form.
are pretty near the starvation line; inany particular, which bears so much respon.
The Communists and the u. Dam, In Marseilles, III.
Integration of the Nazi Storm The Illinois Waterway Dam is a Fed within the framework of the state La Troopa amusements will be supplied.
of them are actually starving and we sibility for this venture, must speak out struggling upon the basis of the class Remember date, Sunday, August have yet to hear of the big fellows golux clearly and stop playing at hide and seek struggle is the only force capable of guid. eral State Construction project. Work next on the order of the day.
Keep it open. Notify your friends and More shameful and more Despleable fellow workers. Watch the Militant and ishowt be shalt turn to our old friend its part in the accomplishment of this southern workers into the united class leren en heter the engsteriebene ratpenad: than ever is the policy of the German so the other Opposition press tor turther Ized character. The government expends cal Aimee Semple McPherson Hutton. Wotask.
the greatest amount of energy bunch people together in this column tracting the maximum of labor power rather indiscriminately.
from those whom it employs. The miserable condidtions of the workers emDOG AND CANARY GREET ROOSEVELT NOMINATION Mississippl Levee, etc. are parallel exTen thousand painters of New York the workers. The Alteration amples. Work on these Federal dams is ST. LOUIS. Louis has recently grown acute Roosevelt campalgn headquarters as were called out on strike July 13 Painters call for a united front to make carried on under the glaring rays of Following the forcible dispersion of reller associations erasing 15, 000 fam nounce quite seriously that Doodle by the strike committee of District the strike genuine and effective, and have the hot summer sun. Cames of sun approximately Are thousand unemployed Illes names from their books within barked and a canary that was dumb for Council No. Ten thousand painters sent a committee of 15 to District Counstroke and heat exhaustion are a daily workers and thelr children who had gath the past week due to a shortage of a whole year sang when Roosevelt non must register twice a days that the cll No. 8, calling for the following pro occurrence. For this miserable work ered at the City Hall in St. Louls under funds and the City operated Bureau ination was announced on the radio. We officials are sure they are not scabbing. gram of action in the joint strike: the present rate of pay at this particu the leadership of the local Unemployed For Homeless Men turning nearly 2, 000 are not surprised at the dog action. The strike committee calls this a young committee of equal numbers of lar Dam is 35 cents an hour for labor Council, the local branch to the com men out into the streets because all dog usually howls and acts foolish in man strike. They make a special ap both unlons be elected to lead the strike. ers, 40 cents for truck drivers and 90 munist League of America (Opposition) available finances are already spent. The the presence of lunatics. But we doubt peal to the young painters. Already The men in the ships should have cents for crane operators. The unem sent an open letter to the Communist Board of Alderman has held a special the story about the capary. We are many bosses have signed up and thou the right to decide what union they ployed union men demanded 50 cents, party in hope of Immediate action in re meeting with 2, 000 business men bat anxiously waiting a report on the sands of painters supporting the admin wish to belong to.
70 cents and 62 per hour respectively. ply to our offer of ald and united action there was no general agreement on how Missouri mule and that strange bird istration are back on the jobs. These re That in each shop a committee bel The answer to these demands was in the fight against unemployment and to raise the necessary funds to avert native to Mexico who is obliged by employed workers pay a five dollar formed to have full control over the con the spatter of machine gun bullets fired police terror by organizing a united front the crisis. Everything from a million physical misconstruction to turn on he strike assessent; the main thing the ditions in the shop.
by Hoover company guards at the de conference.
dollar bond issue to a cent tax on news back whenever he has to answer a call officials want, since the is finan The District Council has rejected this monstrating workers. The workers As yet the Party has remained quiet papers has been discussed and debatedof nature. It looks like Roosevelt for cially embarrassed.
proposal. In spite of the rejection the fought back valiantly. Using every im although Foster is scheduled to speak in while the unemployed starved or lived next president. It is reported that the The Alteration Painters, Decorators Alteration Painters called a strike and provized weapon at command, the work. St. Louis on his election tour in two on garbage.
Bronx Zoo is for him to the last Jack And Paperhangers Union of New York are starting mass picketing. The action ers showed a real miutancy and courage days.
The Unemployed Council of St. Louis, calls this a fake strike, but being true of the Alteration Painters was, correct in fighting back the government black Jobless Position Acutenes As the result of about 3, 000 demonstrat RIDEM to their class, stand solid on strike with (Continued on page 2)
The unemployment situation in St. Continued on page 2)
omoNew York Painters, Out on Strike een on the nu The Massacre of St. Louis Workers tha ass.