BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932 Aftermath of Lausanne thought in the minds of the German reaction to release their stranglehold on Germany workers. The lease of life which German capitalism has received European Powers Seek United Front Against United States Stigate an even harder drive than before (Continued from page 1) of complete bureaucratic Idiocy to refuse History is at a breaking point. The means to this end the policy of the un to utilize correctly and systematically the whole world is at a breaking point toContrary to expectations, the European of European governments in opposition to to push Fascism Into power.
ited front can be of great service. The great, sharp contradictions between day. And so is Centrism. In the powers did manage to come to at least the hypocrytically pacitist (for the other The struggle of the German working last session of the Executive Committee Fascism and the social democracy in the the Stalinists still continue to a temporary agreement on reparations at powers) plans of the Hoover administra class against the Fascist menace is of the Second International pronounced Interests of the proletarian revolution. prattle about the abolition of classes in Lausanne. Faced with the perspective of tion. Finally, the official statement an struggle of international significance. itself against Japan and for the defense In the question of war, however, it five years and at the same time they a bankrupt and politically tottering cap nouncing the entente expresses the The victory of the German working class of the We know the weight is an entirely different matter. War are restoring the free market. The ultraitalist Germany, the Allied vultures have hope that other governments will join alone will open the road for a solution and the value of this defense inasmuch does not at all constitute a direct threat Left tail does not yet know that the agreed for the time being to release their them in adopting their procedure. an of the impasse on the continent by as the decision of the leaders is con. to the reformist organizations, particu wise opportunist head has decided. In claw grasp from the throat of their obvious feeler extended to the Germanis, paving the way for a Soviet United Sta cerned. But the very fact of the adop larly to their leaders. On the contrary, the domain of cultural policy in the Teuton competitor.
considering that this organized cooperates of Europe. Only a Soviet United Station of this decision is an indication of experience has shown that war opens a sharp turn has been made to The German Junker delegation at Laution will also preoccupy itself with the tes of Europe can help the old world to the force of the mass pressure (the crisis up dizzying careers for the reformist the Right. The mute turn, to be sure, sanne spoke hard words and came of practical preparation of the world eco ward of the shackles of Wall Street dom. and the danger of war. The Comin. leaders. Patriotism is just that ideology without any commentary, but a so much with a sigh of relief. The governments nomic conference.
ination and save it from degeneration tern was duty bound in these circum. which most closely ties the social dem. the more threatening one. The of Great Britain, France, Italy and Belinto barbarism.
The Significance of the New Entente stances to develop the policy of the un ocracy to its national bourgeoisie. If it has taken place in the policies of the glum have decided give German cap.
Just bow serious this newest step of. SAM GORDON.
ited front on an international scale, is possible, even inevitable, that the so Comintern. While the lnckless Platnit.
Italism a breathing spell on the exter the diplomats actually is, can be gathe, to propose to the second and the Am cial democracy will be forced in some xky are still showing the remnants of nal front so as better to be able to coered from the manner in which they pro sterdam Internationals openly before the form or other, within certain bounds, to the ultra Leftist cud. the Manuilskys world proletariat a definite, carefully defend itself against Fascism, when the have already been ordered to turn their to prepare the crushing of the Internal ceeded. Immediately after the adjourn.
BOOKS BY TROTSKY weighed program of practical measures latter will setze it by the throat. and it heads to the Right without regard for enemy the awakening German proletar ment of the Lausanue gathering, rumors against the danger of war.
will seize it. the possibility that the their spinal vertebrae. Never ay yet in lat.
accord began to of a Franco British PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE pread. At first, there were vigorous But the Cominten is silent. The Pro social democracy of any country should the nine years of its practise has the REVOLUTION What the Agreement Consists of denials by both parties concerned. Things Aintern is silent. The initiative is sur conduct a struggle against its bourgeoisie epigone school revealed its imprincipled470 pages Cloth cover 50 rendered to two pacidst writers, one of in the case of a war declaration, be itness, its ideological shallowness and its The agreement arrived at by the dip went so far that even the parliamentary paper cover 00 whom. Romain Rolland Is undoubtedly even against the Soviet Union, is entirely practical knavery in so naked and shame lomats in the conference reduces the ori boilies of the two powers were not in.
GERMANY. THE KEY TO THE The revolutionary campagnless a manner as this.
ginal reparations sum demanded of the formed of the affair. Only one hour beINTERNATIONAL SITUATION a great writer and a prominent person, excluded.
but a man who is not engaged in poll against war has as its particular and Bolshevik Leninists!
The Nymptoms Reich 33, 000, 000, 00 to a mere 750. fore Parliament was dissolved for the SHALL FASCISM REALLY tics, and the other. Barbusse Is a paci specific aim the exposure of the decelt of great historical turn are accumul.
000, 000 8, 000, 000, 000 of the original summer period did Sir John Simon, the BE VICTORIOUS!
sum had already been paid under the British Foreign Minister inform the tist and a mystic, a Communist or one and the putrefaction of social democratie ating in the world atmosphere This Commons.
the 48 pages ction takes paper cover 100 expelled from the Communist party, but Dawes and the Young plans. The pay. Ho turn is bound to have its effects on the HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN at any rate an advocate of the complete But what does the Comintern do? It destiny of our faction. Already we are ment of the remaining 750, 000. 00 is 10 so that no debate would be possible.
REVOLUTION Vol. take the form of bond issues which are immediately after Sir John announce fusion of the Communist parties with the prohibits the utilization of the absolutely charged with tasks of truly great his522 pages Retail at social democracy. Join us. say Rolland, real and deep antagonism between the torical significance. The struggle against not to be redeemed for more than three inent, all sorts of interpretations came By Special arrangements with the years. The Germans are thereby granted pouring in from Downing Street. In and Barbusse. Answer Present. Hu national social democracy and national war means above all a struggle against publishers of this book we can manite Joins in the refrain. Is it possi. Fascism, while it attempts to grab hold pacifist masquerading and Centrist bura greater concession than ever before. aris, a similar atmosphere was created.
offer it to certificate holders at A new alignment of the imperialist forces All these indications point to the conble to imagine anything more monstrous, of the illusory. hypocritical antagonism eucratie quackers. It is necessary to DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE clusion that the European front is bemore capitulatory and more criminal between international social 19 in the offing, dem launch a pitlless campaign to expose the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL than this crawling of official Commun ocracy and its imperialistic master.
contradictions of the Stalinist apparatus, It is well known that American pressing organized against the American ra Criticism of Fundamentals ism before petty bourgeois pacifism?
If in Germany the united front is all whose bankruptey in the impending ure had a great deal to do with the action master. As a contirmation of this art and 140 pages, cord finally achieved. Herriot, the lead. conclusion can be considered the fact cloth bound 00 In Germany, It is declared impermisal together prohibited, on the international creat events is inevitableke The defense of the is not er of the French delegation has admit that the official announcement of the new STRATEGY OF THE WORLD ted as auch in his report before the Franco British entente followed only afREVOLUTION front to the mass organizations of the beginning given a decorative, masquerada parlor phrase with which the not alChamber of Deputies. American private ter the American Secretary of State had ing, deliberately deceptive and rotten ways disinterested friends of the Stalin.
Part of the Draft Program workers, with the aim of exposing the character. Exploiting the idealistie naiv. Ist bureaucracy parade The internationcapital has some 4, 000, 000, 000 dollars denied any and every sort of participa 86 pages 25 reformist leaders. At the same time, a at stake in Germany not counting various tion of the Washington adininistration ete of the absolutely sincere Romain Rol al defense of the is becoming THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION united front on an international scale is trade advantages, concessions, etc. The in the agreement accomplished at Lau.
158 pages being applied, of which the first step land, all fakers and dirty carecrists, reincreasingly more dependent upon the in Stimson state paper cover 50 cloth cover 00 action of the European powers was, in sane. It was really are turned into a boosting campaign for tired social democratic ministers and canternational revolutionary struggle of the PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP. the worst of the gallers of reformist aidates for the ministry will declare: proletariat. Where the blood and fate of this sense, a gesture to draw out of the ments that called forth the publication Wall St. government a compromise with of the treaty.
MENT OF THE traltors. Vandervelde is surely for will serve as a sanatarium where they ity is needed. Nobody today is rendering regard to their own war debts, amounting It is altogether unlikely that the Eur. 48 pages paper cover 150 peace. He reckons that it is more ads will improve their somewhat besmirched better service to the class enemy thun to some 10, 000, 000, 000 at this date, opean united front against Yankee cap THE SPANISH REVOLUTION vantageous and convenient to serve in But the continental imperialists do not ital will reach the point of realization.
reputations in order to sell themselves at the Stalinist apparatus which in the 30 pages paper cover 100 the ministry of his king in time of peace a higher price. This was the manner in struggle for the remnants of its prestige restrict themselves to gesturos, nor do The conflicts on the continent are too THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN than in time of war. And thus, the im. which the participants in the Anti Im. 1s sowing confusion and chaos DANGER they store great hopes in the good faith deep rooted and much too dependent upevery pudent aphorisms of this social patriot, of their American creditor. Perhape on national consideration for a solid in perialist League acted. We are faced where.
64 pages paper cover 150 whose signature, if am not mistaken.
with a repetition of a Kuo Min Tang! Bolshevik Leninists! You will be chargeven more sensational and more importernational front to be established. The COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL appears on the Versailles Peace Treaty are made into a program of the huge world scale.
and an Anglo Russian Committee on ed with an enormous task, ISM tant than the settlement made at Lau American colossus still holds the fate of Weeks sanne is the new entente that has been many of the lesser countries in the bal64 pages paper cover 150 anti War Congress. And months are approaching when every rev. Humanite formed or rather, reformed by Great ance. An agreement like the present eau THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST gives its support to this treacherous and There are pedants who doubt if we olutionist will have to show what he is Britain and France in the spirit which be prompted merely by temporary neces INTERNATIONAL AND THE pernſcious masquerade.
are correct in defining the International worth. Carry the ideas of Marxism and bas inspired the Lausanne Agreement. sities. The Lausanne accord still re GERMAN SITUATION In Germany, it is a question of ward. Stalinist fuction as Centrism. Those who Leninism into the ranks of the advanced The entente provides for coordination in mains tenative to decision by the various (out of print)
10c ing off the Fascist counter revolutionary have been poisoned by 11 digested texts, workers. Help the international prolethe efforts of each country to obtain a national legislative organs. It is only WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND pogrom, which immediately and directly are incapable of learning from living strait jacket of the Stalinist bureaucraes favorable deal on war debts from Wash the threat of proletarian uprising, with THE FIVE YEAR PLAN threatens not only the working class but facts. Here you have ideal, classic, unitarian vanguard extricate itself froin the ington. It further proposes to find a com Germany as the power house, that forces 48 pages paper cover 100 its reformist organizations and even its versalist Centrism in full bloom: its nose which has lost its head. What is in mon solution for the disarmament ques the imperialist robbers to bring their (Out of Print) reformist leaders. To the social dem turned to the Right, Its tail still strongly fute of the and the world tion which will be beneficial and equit heads together in purley.
THE REAL SITUATION IN ocratie gentlemen, it is a question of Inclined towards the Left. Draw a line RUSSIA able for all the powers concerned. That. The German working class has gained proletarian revolution salaries, of state privileges and even of unlting its nose with its tall and you June 13, 1932 is, it advances the idea of a united front nothing by Lausanne. There is not a 364 pages cloth cover 00 their own hides. One must be in a state will find the orbit of Centrism. LEON TROTSKY.
SINCE LENIN DIED by Max Eastman 158 pages paper cover 500 (out of print)
Bound Volume of all the pam.
phlets indicated by Only 100 By withholding or misrepresenting homes. Those of us who have homes are copies available. Cloth cover 00 The government has just released the The Afteen million non workers gain this class on the basis of Marxism: Stalthe facts, by refusing to advertise the going to lose them because we can pay SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE 1930 census Agures of the gainfully em fully employed make up the exploiting nism is incorporating petty cause of the soldiers, the bourgeois pathe taxes. If we turned back there be ORDERS bourgeois ployed. These figures list workers own. class and their office boys. Over four policies which cause this class to lock pers thought the bonus movement would nothing to do out bum around and beg. In Preparation ers, bankers and managers. Like all teen million of these make up the great to the banner of revolution. The Milidie a natural death. The notices in the We ve got some pride. We ll stick to WHAT NEXTY VITAL QUESstatistics of the capitalist, they must be American middle class The Ideology as tant from week to week elaborates on press would give you the impression that gether. There hope in that.
TIONS FOR THE GERMAN Analyzed before they are of value for well as the line of march of this class these non Marxism policies of Centrism.
the ex soldiers are acting as their own Bonusoers Still Deluded PROLETARIAT the working class These figures preis as varied as ther rainbow and is con. Under Stalinism the workers are not pallbearers.
200 pages But still pumped up with some of the paper cover 50 sent a decline in the number of foreign stantly changing colors.
brought to the movement on the basis What are the facts? There are now PIONEER PUBLISHERS born workers. The native white and (and this is a conservative estimates bourgeois prejudices, the ex soldiers are For example, the retail merchants in of Marxism; they are won on the basis 84 East 10th Street, Negro workers show an increase, but this struggle against the chain stores react of opportunism, adventurism, and petty 30, 000 ex soldiers in the camps. In one passive. They still believe that tolera.
can be accounted for by the natural popu than the managers of the chain stores bourgeois ideas.
New York, camp alone there are 15, 000 men, an in tion of the Waters leadership is best lation increase and not the influx of who carry on the business for the own. these workers do not and cannot shutke nder such a regime crease of a 100 per cent over last month, for getting them what they want. But workers into industry. There are 7, 411, ers. The personnel of the industrialist of completely their bourgeois ideology.
and more are coming in. For every one under this passivity is deep resentinent 127 foreign born employed. 5, 503, 635 see things somewhat different than the Under a Marxian leadership the green going out at least ten are coming in and they are watching to see what the Negro and about a half a million Spanish personnel of the financier. The tenant worker is assimilated in the Bolshevik In all, about 200 have returned home leaders will actually do for them.
The government, the press, the cinema, Americans. The census lists all who are farmers So there they are in this squalld camp. the church (which has set up tent in able to work as gainfully employed to farm owners. The poor farmer, middle cruits.
do not view matters like the current.
of. Stalinism warps the new reThoso known to be well are given the Government oficials urge them to be the right. mute turn, to be suret, gardless of the six million workers un farmer and rich farmer have their dir grand razzberry and marked yellow clean: to be clean in sarbage heap solution. together with the liberal mis employed at the time the census was ferences. Some of the petty Our task is to win the working class bellies.
beside Althy river! The food supply leaders, are allied and linked together in taken.
want to turn the wheels of Industry back. layers of the petty bourgeoisie to sup bourgeols and with this class pressure to force Veterans Stick is running out. The men are compelled this task of winning them over to the Labor Shifts ward. Others trail behind the industrial to send out committees to chisel meat reaction.
The ex soldiers have thumbs down on from this butcher, lard from that grocer, These figures show a shift of labor ist, others behind the financier, and some port our position. Only in this sense the 100. 000 appropriation which would etc. You will know the quality of the What Is Our Task?
power from the division of production behind the workers, but all of them think do we want the middle class as a class provide for each one of them a ratlroad food from the fact that hundreds of the to the division of distribution. Farming. they are capable as a class of leading the increased class pressure, under Commun ally. With increased class struggles and The marchers are approaching the bor. lumbering, fishing and mining show a workers.
ticket to go home and 750 for food for men, and children too, are suffering ders of class consciousness. We must decline of labor ist leadersblp, having a Marxian polley, each day traveling. This amount ox.
rom diarrhea. The hildren there are help them over the border.
power employed at The more one considers the middl pended would be deducted from the bonus 200 of them are especially hard hit belayers of the middle class are forced to those production while occupations class, pressed between the capitalist and support our position. As the struggle when it is due, in 1940. This insult is cause of the difficulty of getting sufficient soldiers and the rest of the American increase Manufacturing and transporta the vacillations and different layers at into action will force up new layers of The task is most difficult. The ex listed under distribution show in the workers, the more one can realize increases, new layers of workers brought being burled by the curses of the soldiers. fresh milk for them.
Out of the bars of the Veterans Adinin We must have relief. said soldier working class has no deep rooted revolution show a total gain due to population juxtaposition to each other. The van allies. Only on this bass can allies be istration ticket window in Union Sta to me. They better come across. They sustained revolutionary activity, due to of this total show a marked decline. utilize this division within the enemy.
tionary traditions. It has had no long increase but baste occupation divisions Kuard of the workers must be able to of value to us.
tion, the idle clerks stare blankly While the press is playing a sort of come across When women and children nomle expansion. But now under the ing, tailors, millinery, upholstery, leather, gives the middle class great advantages think us bums. Yes, but they better the country comparatively steady eco The light Industries such as: dressmak! In America the parliamentary structure Regain Proletarian Base First hide and seek with these men who bum. roll in the mud and it beginning blows of a terrific crisis, the masses be tobacco, food, etc. show a decline in in the general administration of city, of our class will cause sections of our An ebb or defeat in the line of march med their way to Washington, the gove to be time to do something about it gin to awaken to class consciousness. The labor power. In heavy Industry: iron, counts, and state politics but the whole allies to withdraw and often turn on ernment officials are trying to palm them Afraid, eh?
off as pleasantly as possible for benent In one minute we ve got more experience change. But when he does change, he making, lumber, and railroad transpor determining forces of the government in compromise, as stalinism does in all Let them call the militia. American worker is extremely slow to steel, metal, molding machine, boller structure is well organized to leave the us. We cannot regain these allies by of tourists. About a hundred feet away than they have with all their training! moves in quick tempo. And he changes tation show a decline. These figures pre the hands of the dominating imperialist parts of the world.
from the camp. they have put up about It is now almost seven weeks since the We can only regain thirty army tents. Though condemned marchers entrenched themselves in Washstrong.
sent the effects of the contradictions group.
these allies by regaining our own class by the army commission, they are comington. Of all the sections of the work soldiers, awaken then, in so far as we production and a permanent army of un In so far as we enlighten these ex. capitalism is moving in, with increased Middle Class In position first. Necessary steps must be are set up in the form of a right angle They have been compelled by the class the initiative of millions of workers.
paratively neat and clean looking. They ins classes, they have been hardest hit arouse their class Initiative we arouse employed, with a lower standard of structure is able to press heavily uponsolidating our own claxs Porces at a The middle class within the American token, reorganization or retreat, to con ing, and increased capital and wealth IR and at the same time hides from the ing relief for themselves. True, they are tory work is necessary. The class con For this a patient, persistent prepare the hands of fewer capitalist.
the developing working class. It takes level suitable for the task, enabling us vehicular approach, the squalor of the nut yet class conscious. But they are be scious soldier must mingle with the ures when we divide them into classes Leagues; from craft job control to anti thoms.
More light will be thrown on these fig. farmer labor parties to Anti Imperialist out in new class battles for new post organizational forms in many ways, from, to maintain our position and to striko personally took a hand in putting up these as witness in the camp the mock graves others in their camp, fraternize with the following love cast of the non worker political action; trom a struggle to me The Communist Lengue of America be devoted employed Not only this. The newsreel photo (the seulptured images of these gentle able to fight more effectively for free Dawes, to class consciousness. Thus he will be census: the duce the cost of living to the light to cannot guore the large middle class in Non Workers Gainfully Employed obtain a glass of beer under the leader America as a valuable alls or bitter enship of Green and Walker.
emny. The best way not to ignore this anything of the soldiers which would for war; starvation for the soldiers. speech in the camp, for direct rank and Finance, bankers, The Communist can only arouse other veterans to join them, or reads one of their slogans.
file control of the officers, etc.
utilize the class is to learn from the blunders of brokers, etc.
221, 604 create for the marchers favorable public petty bourgeoisie against the bourgeoisie, Stalinism, replace it with a Murxian line The bourgeoisle will find this situation But he will not be able to fight for Industry, owners 245, 008 opinion If this class is considered in its manfold and give our full energy to our own (However, the photographers a hard nut to crack. They will resort influence among the men by wanting an a Transportation 138, 707 divisions and sections and not as a homo class, the working class. The Communare to ready to take riot scenes or to all sort of tricks and maneuvers to priori leadership, by a display of verbal Wholesale, owners 83, 525 other disturbances. Domestie, owners geneous mass. In the class struggle the ist must point out the rond for the work buy the soldiers out at the lowest possi Areworks, by wanting officially success258, 340 middle class must always be considered ing class. The greater the numbers of Olsserve how they re arranging the ble price. When the government is contul isolated demonstrations frrespective Retail, owners 1, 703, 522 as fellow travelers. Individuals of this workers we move into action against cap show window for display. It pays to vinced of their determination to stick of time and circumstance. Such vulgar Farmers Owners class, who leave their class, who throw Italism the broader is our class base and advertise. But the advertisers reckon it may institute some plan to pay them theatrical Leftism will not do.
6, 012, 012 and tenants overboard their ideoogy, who learn Marx the greater will be the layers of allies without their product. the soldiers a pittanee, getting the money back for Patient, persistent explanation. ConProfessional, credit themselves. officials will re example thru a special bonus tax; or centrate your strength to enlighten thom.
agents, etc.
3, 541, 562 Ism, are an entirely different problem forced to move in our line of march. With sort to a couple of other tricks, for us. The petty bourgeoisie as a class out this class base, the class guarantee and they may have a plan to give them or Fraternize with each contingent. Root Government employees 600, 513 cannot lead and can only be of value is lacking, and the allies will lead the there no doubt they ve got them up their days work a week, provided by each yourself amongst them. Win them over.
Managers, officials, in if they follow the proletariat in the workers to defeat. Such is the logic of sleeve. But it will be a tough thing to state. These Jobs to be open to them by Consolidate the employed and unemployed spectors, real estate struggle against capitalism. The main Stalinism in Germany in 1923, in China put it over on the men.
firing those now working on relief jobs. around them. And tight: For cash relief, agents, 1, 179, 760 The 30, 000 soldiers are there to stick So they may try to substitute this job. For unemployment Insurance, For the six danger of the working class is to trall in 1927; and such is the road their line Foreman, overseers, etc. 595, 029 behind the middle class. Our key to of march is leadng to in America. The until decent relief is provided. What less army for another. It safer. hour day. For extension of long term 14, 750. 504 would be the use of our going home. said this problem is the program, policies and Communist worker must fight against the one of the soldiers. There not a day to do is to win them over to the reac Russia, For the defense of the Soviet Non. workers Whatever the plans, what they want credits and resumption of trade with Gainfully employed Total 48, 820, 929 tacties of the Communist party. Centr. Stalin stranglehold for Marxism, for the 14, 750, 407 work to be gotten. Many of us have no tion ism has failed in this task. Today, Stal Marxian policies of the Left Opposition.
34, 079, 522 inism is not winning individuals from o.
The «Bonuseers» at Washington The Census Report and the Middle Class