BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyGuerrillaImperialismMarxOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

The Crisis in the The Civil War in Chile gins. First Chicago and Rochester wanted substantially. It feels it financially and ment because the firm is still in posses masses of tailors and the labor movement What are the reasons for these con coup etat of Ibanez in 1927 was an The Stalinists and the Waterfront Work the SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932 AE MILITANT PAGE dent, been conceived out of the impot. sult of this incident, was reduced. Hinency of the Hillman bureaucracy to save man agents ran the show in Montreal its hold on the Canadian organizations by vicious terror. The subterranean and are naturally expressive of that opposition in the Amalgamated has only new been organized a year ago. Why had Independent Clothing Workers Union Formed in Canada mood That is why It accuses the union of granting bigger and better wage the opposition to be secret. Motive Forces Behind South American «Revolutions»
In the July issue of the Advance, offi. directly through Hillman offices.
cuts to the manufacturers. They only Autocracy in the Union We have witnessed recently a series of demagogy which makes up the political cial organ of the Amalgumated Clothing So what has become of all these great regret that they could not succeed with More than four years ago the Am.
Workers Union we read a report of a achievements and the class collabora such methods. Obviousls. writes the algamated leadership had made a pogrom revolutions in Chile, expressing theru baggage of the various fuctions fighting ten percent wage cut put over on the tion methods which are responsible for Advance, our organization cannot com on all the left and progressive tatlore. selves in the overthrow of several gov. for power? The answer to these quesPhiladelphia membership through the de them? Have they falled? Has Hillman pete in this policy of unlimited reduc They were thrown out of the union and ernments. First of all, the militars, ultions, we find in the semi colonial charac When the Letts tra reactionary dictatorship of Ibanez ter of the national economy of Chile, cision of the Impartial Chairman. decided to discard the civilized meth tions. We are not interested in being deprived of thelr jobs.
Judge Stern. This wage cut is one of ods and turn to anore union power. to a preferred company union. They pre had been chased out of the trade, the was supplanted by Montero. The latter which has been going through a veritably the seasonal wage cuts that are foisted the court of last resort. Does he fer to have the monopoly. It is the problems in the union still remained. regime was overthrown, in tarn by Davila catastrophic downward development in upon the membership of the by really intend to square accounts. even business of the union to play a protective The Left baiters became the persecuted in conjunction with part of the military recent years as a consequence of the deep oficial agreement with the Clothing though only in the future. If anyone part in the bargain between the union of tomorrow for their open criticism of camarilla of which Col. Marmaduke Grove world crisis in the capitalist system Manufacturers Association, in addition thinks so on the basis of the hypocritical and the employer and not merely to be the self rulership of the Amalgamatea is one of the outstanding represeitatives This cconomic crisis has been transformto the unceasing wage reductions in the pronunciamentos of his lickspittle editor sanctioning every demand of the em bureaucrats. Democracy was abolish Constituting itself a revolutionary ed into a sharp political crisis which has junts and declaring itself to be social penetrated the entire life of the nation.
shopes that are not recorded.
ed! Elections for local officials were a on the Advance, he is simply a fool or a ployer. Does it really do it. It has been the accepted theory and novice.
Has the editor forgotten what he has farce. Workers had to vote for candid. ist government, the Davila clique later Discontent is extending to all parts of practice of the that all disputes Collapse of Higher Strategy written in the previous column about the ates of the cliques. This was only for renounced their original views us too ra. the population. In order to be able to No dical.
give a better grasp of the real import between it and the clothing manufacturers are settled by arbitration. Hillman all the things mentioned above are al in, due to these policies? But this is for the last five years.
The Hitman bureaucracy feels that the vlclous circle the Amalgamated selections for pald officials had been held Marmaduke Grove, who has been em of the present situation in Chile, we shall has made this system renowned, as the ready too well known and properly evalu Impossible. One might think that in pointed by a Hillman agent and They were apploying even more demagogical phrases review in brief the state of its national last word of the higher labor strategy ated, especially by the members Montreal, at least, the , pursued forth.
so of an anti imperialist character, for a economy and the effect of the world crisis short time succeeded to power in place on It.
in contradistinction to the uncivilised. themseves. The higher labor strategy different tactics. But here we read in The lies and slanders of Hillman and or Davila. Whereupon the latter broke! Chile is one of the most industrialized jungle method of the strike To our great amazement however, we closely tied it to the clothing manufac tbat conducted the struggle against the stop the revolt of the tailors in Canada and prepared another coup Etat which structure of its economy bears seralof the Hillman bureaucracy, which so the declaration of the Committee of 50 his sycophants of the Advance will not with the revolutionary junta altogether countries in Latin America, but the read further in connection with the turers and gained a high reputation, pres. C. bureaucracy in Montreal, was crowned with success. As we are colonial and mono productive character.
above wave cut in Philadelphia the fol tige and medals for Hillman in the bour following: the and elsewhere. Their deeds are already writing these lines, Grove and his fol The basic industry of the country to the lowing ponderous editorial remarks: geois world, have brought starvation. If you are not familiar with ion in Canada we may hope that the too well known. As regards the new un lowers have been exiled and Davila in nitrate industry, copper is next in Hillman New Militaney slavery, demoralization and repair or to the methods of the Hillman agents, sive tailors there have learned enough from one hand, he plays around with ideas cent of its total exports and hope 84 master of the Chiean household. On the importance. Nitrates represent 46 per It is all turning in a vicious circle. the tens of thousands of clothing work your attention to this example: experience.
The Philadelphia manufacturers, of ers. There is hardly a clothing center. is Some and its union methcourse, want the wage cut for whatever here or in Canada, where cash rate it has. But they also want workers have not had the opportunity to for making tality insume before the boss was paying 13. 25 ods of class collaboratione dice collet eheth character. On the other, he has initiat. the national economy is dependent upon it as an advertising device. They can set a taste of Filllman civilized union agent of the came along and leaders of the All Canadian a garment. The business selves be led into a new swamp by the ed a most brutal persecution against the these two products, The nitrate industry has been badly tell the trade press and the buyers that methods labor now being cheaper, they can turn ready beginning to react to these methods The condition was that the employed Aliated. They must remain on guard for coraing to information furnished by the check on the nitrate market through the And many of them are offered the boss to cut the price to 26. with which the new union has been asuntons have been declared illegal and ac. agrarian crisis has exercised bromstrong Congress The Communist party and the red trade shaken for years. The international out better quality goods for the same in a direct and efficacious manner.
money or the same quality for Icss The Amalgamated bureaucracy feels force the workers to join the Amalgam their interests and build a foundation bourgeois press, hundreds of Communists decreased demand for fertilizers.
ated and collect dues from them.
money. So they get the advantage and the bankruptcy of its other cause is the high development in use it. And there the vicious circle be strategy It feels It considerably and ment. The union did not sign the agree historical task higher Labor boss lawyer demanded a written agree then will they have achieved great have been arrested and deported.
in the interests of the We must pose before us the question: the production of synthette nitrates. The reductions to enable with New York and Philadelphia. They precipitately: both with the manufactur: the Amalgamated some time before. The against the be fully Justified.
compete organizationally. Its prestige is fallingsion of an injunction procured against in general. Only then will their revolttinual revolutions resulting in changes attempt on the part of the national bour.
of regime of such an instable character the leadership of American imperialism geoisie to overcome this crisis funder got what they wanted. Now Philadel ers and the workers. Its banks are crash price of the garment, however, as a reALBERT ORLAND phin must have a further wage reduction ing. Local unions and centers are reAnd what are the causes for the radical by introducing methods of rationalization to be enabled to compete with Chicago belling. They openly break away from in production, leading to the shifting of Rochester and New York. The next in the decrying body. The Hin.
the burden of the crisis to the shoulders line is New York! It must compete with man bureaucracy is experioncing a sinkof the working class. To this end, Ibanez hiladelphia. Then presumably Chicago ing of the foundation under its feet. It applied a fierce persecution against even und Rochester will folow.
must seek a way of rescuing itself the most elementary organizations of the The game will have to be stopped soon. Hence this talk of a change of tactics.
er or later. Perhap later will be late and Hence the hypocritical references to NEW YORKthe Clyde line a few weeks ago, their what their political beliefs may be. These The brutal rationalization which cul.
the industry will have gone to the doga struggles. in the future. This 18 For the last five years the Communist shameful desertion of Soderberg, Bunker facts cannot be side stepped. And the ninated in the rearganization of the The game will not be stopped by holy In essentially the purport of the ponderous party and the Trade Union Unity Lengue and Trajer, who were seamen after all, workers in the must ask nitrate industry took place under the Focations or righteous indignation. It remarks of the mandaclous, hypocritical have been functioning on the waterfront good militant marine workers no matter themselves: What are we heading for leadership of the Cosach trust, dominated up to the union and the union only. It sheet, paradoxically called Advance. It The writer has come to the under the present leadership? What has in turn by American capital. The gore may not be in a position today, so it is perdendo mollallody boa crass Insolence. conclusion that after five years of work Why not the Marx Bros. International Seamen Club, the Marine Helds owned by the state, at the same become of the militants who built up the ernment ceded to this trust all the nitrate row, every day. Not impartial arbitra.
tion but more untom power is the court on the same page of the same issue of necessary seriously to take an account the time has come when it is absolutels (Not to Speak of Greta Garbo) trial Unlon? Why is Harvey, for in. These privileges granted to the Cosach of last resort. Accounts will be squar the Advance, a slanderous attack is made of what has been accomplished during The event for which the American Stance, in the coal fields? Harvey is a outfit by the government made possible red even though it may take time and on the new Clothing Workers Union re this period. What have been our gains? working class has searched the horizon front Why is McGrath in the Soviet side of the trust. In this manner the effort.
cently formed in Montreal, Canada, out what our losses? What influence have like a stranded mariner, bas finally been Union? The weamen are organized one British Jugoslav and Chilean, etc. com.
What has become of that higher labor of the former Amalgamated locals. This we got over the seamen, harbor workers announced in the public prints. The strategy to which are attributed all the new union was born in the open revolt of and longshoremen. What has actually Times of July 15, anonunces the forma don need any organizers from the Production which had increased considerachievements of the and on the membership against the bur been achieved tion of the American section of We need all the organizers we can ably in the first years of the Ibanez dicwhich IIlllman prides himself on every eaucracy for their granting of wage cuts, Have we a strong, fighting, Industrial World Congress against War organized get. We are suffering at present from tatorship, has suffered of late, an enoroccasion? Has not Hillman by the grace their terroristic methods, expulsions, and a pacifist too much talk about revolution and mous decrease, in which overproduction of this higher labor strategy gained reso forth. The patience of the member union? Have we engaged in important by Barbusse and Rolland as and lone masquerade for the Comintern. The too little action about organizing. is the determining factor, although the cognition and prestige among manufac ship reached the breaking point. First struggles? Do the seamen For a fighting Opposition intentions of the trust to maintain the turers, politicians, judges senators, the the pressers threw into the face of the shoremen come to us for leadership in American Committee is characteristic clergy et al? The monumental achieve. C. officialdom their union protee their struggle? Are they ready to fight Here are the names of some of the people who are to constitute the organizers of The seamen and harbor workers ought price level also have their effect.
This can be seen from the following ments of the in the sphere of tion and the benefits of the under our banner?
civilization are recalled with pride by and quit the union. They were followed tions, everyone involved will have to adthe revolutionary movement against im. to ask these questions at the next meetA truthful answer to the above quesperialist war: Harry Elmer Barnes, ub ing of the The bureaucratic figures. In December 1922, production Hillman and his lieutenants not only on by the operators and tailors who jointthe pages of trade union journals but ly organized themsleves into the Aul. mit, can be given only in the negative eral historian for the petty bourgeois machine cannot be allowed to continue stood at 285, 000 tons. In September 1980.
This We must then ask ourselves, The Amalgamated Labor banks (which new unton has practically succeeded In we any substantial influence? What is and or war during part times, Robert fighting opposition has got to be organ with the sharpening of the crisis, proknown supporter of peace in peace times militants with their sweat and blood. on hand, but there can be no doubt that serve loans to the clothing Arms and wresting control from the Amalgamated thereby assume responsibility for their in the clothing centers of Canada and is Has our policy toward the Moras Lovett, another petty bourgeois pro izod, a machine that will counter the duction has decreased much more yet.
stability at the expense of the workers. proceeding with further plans of organt and harbor workers been correct? Again of the noted family whom the Daily Work is the one way of making our union shalt the workers in the industry are out seamen fessor; and Corliss Lamont, the only one machine of the Stalinist wreckers. That As a consequence of all this, more than the cooperative houses (where dwelling zation.
the correct answer is, no The plecards er treats with respect. As if this were not real militant, Industrial union.
of jobs.
are provided for the union officials and Hillman Sank in Montreal and bureaucrats will say: We have got enough to form an anti war center to Beware of the Andersons and the other up among the capitalists of the various While the nitrate industry is divided. of influence, but times are bad. Take no which the Stalinists give, at the very Lovestonelte hangers on who try to buy countries, the copper industry is almost surance schemes which serve as a means cracy did not avall. The manufacturers notice of these social. Fascists and counleast, their tacit support, there are also you with a bowl of greasy stew. Act entirely in the hands of Yankee capital.
to insure the high salaries of the offici have not long enjoyed the benefit of the ter revolutionary Trotskyists, etc.
Alla Nazimova, who is undoubtedly are like union men, the union rightly belongs As a result of the crisis, this industry als. and above all the famous impar. wage cuts, releived from Hillman as the Fiasco of Bureaucrats markable tragedian on the stage: Leopola to you. Organization is the need of the is working at about two thirds of its tial machinery to settle disputes in the prire of union recognition. Of no avail industry and avoid strikes, are held up were also the terror and the shrewd, explain away the fact that after five baton; Lillian Wald, who also pities the But we must organize correctly.
Answers like these will not, however, stokowski who wields a nifty orchestral hour, among the seamen as everywhere capacity. Prices have fallen in alarming by Hillman and the bosses alike as a tricky maneuvers of the Hillman agents years on the waterfront there are not poor; and not the least, Thornton Wilder, know how to get what we want, not been thrown out of work and those who We proportions. Thousands of workers have model to be copied by the rest of the who sought to save their dominance over five functioning ship committees in the who now treads the Bridge of San Henri the swivel chair leaders, the Minks, the are still working have had their wages labor unions.
the workers. When the Hillman agents, whole Mercantile Marine. No dock Barbusse.
Andersons, etc.
reduced 40 per cent. recall an editorial that appeared in in order to save the sinking Amalgam committee whatever. No fraction in re We ask: Why not the four Marx Bro The class conscious sea men and hara New York liberal paper some time ago ated ship, at the eleventh hour made formist or any of the other thers? Why not Eddie Cantor, Albertina bor workers must get busy. There is a converted into a national crisis.
The nitrate and copper crisis has been The in which the Amalgamated system of promises of union democracy and better existing unions in New York City and Rasch and unemployment insurance was cited as an protection only to keep the tailors from elsewhere.
Dorsha? Why not Greta lot of organizing to do, if we are to es situation in the other industries follows Garbo and the Hall Johnson choir? Why cape the threat of starvation that stares closely along the same lines. The crisis example of a successful solution of the leaving the Amalgamated, it was already tunemployed problem. According to that too late. The tailors had already cross will point to their success The Minks and the other bureaucrats not George Gershwin and Minnie the us in the eye. The way to do it is by has gripped with just as disastrous con with the Moocher? And what about Amos and establishing rank and file control.
editorial the membership were ed the threshold. To make them come River Boat Men of Stockton, California. Andy, Felix the Cat, Israel Amter Get nequences the coal and the transport in.
receiving as mch as eighty percent, four back was impossible.
and into the union and let us all get The Amalgamated But they cannot cover up thereby their Betty to dustries. Commerce and agriculture are Boop Boop a Doop? We don gether to run out the pie cards and bur likewise caught in its grip.
fifths of their average wages and their ship in Montreal had sunk.
fiasco in the criminal handling of the know it they re all against war or not, eaucrats. We have got to choose leaders The unstable economic structure of wages, as you know are very high. Thel. The attacks on the All Canadian Cloth. Philadelphia longshoremen strike, in and it doesn matter. But we bet they ll with backbones, not fish bones.
editor, of course, obtained his information ing Workers Union have, as it is evt. the New Orleans strike; in the strike on put on a much better show at Geneva.
Chile, which must depend upon its ex B, ternal market so lavishly, is manifest in DOWS the present economic crisis and its pollNine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition tical implications. The struggle between 1928, virtually the same atrocious error mal unification of the ruling bloc was was naked! From his exile in Almathe imperialists, the weakness of the nawas made with regard to the Chinese preserved and used to cover up the bit. Ata, Trotsky summed up this aspect of tional bourgeoisie, the parasitic role it revolution. In the period of the Fifth ter internal dispute. It is instructive to the Congress in a letter to a comrade: plays as the prostitute servant of whatery that the social democracy was the was busily engaged in sapping the ground and internal consolidation of the parties calls forth the instability of the govern most moderate wing of Fascism. In under Bucharin and Co. going so far of the Comintern and the suppression of mental camarillas, the revolutions. the for the unique philosophy of social his own, simultaneously with Bucharin however. even as seen through the bars tatives of the various imperialist powers the The ultra Left zig zag in the Russian of Thaelmann and the other spokesmen Fascism. The Fifth Congress celebrated Congress. he nevertheless took the lead set up by the editorial censors) presents participate. The heterogenechus charac of Bolshevization andership in condemning any rumors about a picture of an entirely different charter of the ruling class further aggravates that followed the Fifteenth Congress of throughout the world were becoming monolithism. at a time when the very disagreements in the Russian party lead acter. violent and muffled struggle is the vacillations of the political power very soon projected in a direct line to ings against this light minded conception ershipg imposed upon the national sec. special report on the subject made by groupings, large and small, revealed them torships and reactionary regimes known the whole of the Communist Internation of an automatic, horizontal progress of tions was being undermined.
al. This flight of the frightened bureau. the revolutionary movement were of the most violent internal struggles were at the Congress, he repudiated all rumors from Germany, England, Poland, the the working class but also of their poll.
In 1928, stalin himself to the Council of Elders seves at the Congress in the delegations for their fierce persecution not only of crats from yesterday rank opportunism no avail, for they were uttered by the being fought behind the scenes of the regarding diferences in the Russian United States, Rumania, Juglo Slavia, tical adversaries in the contending bourto adventurism is embraced in what has opposition. And comrado Trotsky clear. unified Communist Internatonal. The Political Bureau. He empathically den etc. The delegation of the geois cliques.
become known as the third period sighted analysis of the real status of the Fifth Congress, with all its ultra Leftist led that there were any right wingers naturally was no exception. On the This accounts for the continual rerThe Turn at The Tarbitrarily defined period does not silence at the Sixth Congress to which of a briet spurt to the Lett but also a Bureau or even the Central Committee, schisms into the other parties. In a Latin America. In Chile it nierely came commence in the Comintern history was presented, but it was not even protracted swing to the Right to the per. and. to confirm his assertions, introduced multitude of speeches, complaints were to a sharper point than elsewhere. The with its proclamation at the Sixth Consiven to the assembled delegates. iod of the Anglo Russian Committeo, of a resolution, signed by himself and every heard about sharp tactlonal battles crisis is more acute there and results in gress, but even more definitely at the His study on this subject, never the Chiang Kai Shek alliance, the Anti other member of the Political Bureau which are not justified by any serious a sharpening of the class struggle, er9th Plenum of the carly in 1928. theless, realuse the firework. waltea Imperialist League and the Peasants which declared. political differences. No one took the pressed in strikes and working class deAt that time the first signs of a working against the superficial exagerations and International. The Sixth Congress, for The underslgned members of the Pol trouble to ask himself how these action monstrations. This state of development class tesurgence in Europe could be de ultra Leftism of the post Right wing per all its endorsement of adventurist con. itical Bureau of the Central Commalttee al struggles devour the internally conso of the class struggle also explains the. revisionist of the Communist Party of the Soviet Idated Communist International. The proletarian demagogy and the anti.
caste for the communist parties, particu The Sixth Congress in the middle of theory of socialism in one country and Union declare before the Council of answer is nevertheless clear. At pre imperialist phrases employed by the dif.
Carly in Germany, was increasing, but 1928 carried the Ninth Plenum a few established the slogan of the democratie Elders of the Congress that they most sent, the Comintern is basing itself on terent bourgeois camarillas to shunt off cial democracy. in a number of other marked the culminating point of the col. antry (that is, the Kerenskiad or the tion of rumors that there are dissensions Center, or to speak more precisely, of working class along harmless channels, countries, however, the working class was laboration between Centrism and the Kuo Min Tang tragedy) as an iron law among the members of the Political Bur. the opportunist faction. The situation Unfortunately, these sentiments have not either writhing in the pain of a stin Right wing (Stalin and Bucharin. Ac governing the doctrines of the revolution eau of the Central Committee of the in the and the regime in the reached the point of clear class consci unsurmounted defeat, as in China, or else tually. It incorporated into the founda on three quarters of the earth. Needless to say, the assem. have retarded the development of ousness. ALBERTO GONZALEZ Stalin and the Right Wing passive under the soporific effects of ation of the next period a mixture of bled marionettes listened solemnly and the differences of opinion between these (To be continued)
temporary high conjuncture, as in France opportunist premises and ultra Left deCORRECTION and the United States.
ductions which have been at the root or certo launched at best the right dan. approvingly to this criminally ludicrous groups, whereas the class struerete mobiles Congress, deception of the Communist internation their conlition, shot at from all sides, In the sixth paragraph of comrade The Ninth Plenum, instead of establish all the confusion and defeats suffered by which Bucharin had resisted only as re al, concocted jointly by Stalin and Buch insupportable. That is where the bitter Trotsky article Stalinism in Straits. the international labor movement, pro The Sixth Congress had many points Russian party, was platonie and anony the truth: everybody knew that Stalin sence of important political differences. our last issue, an unfortunate typographclaimed the rise of a new and higher of similarity with the Fifth, which was mous. Its value may be estimated from was simply lying with a straight face (Continued in next issue) ical error was made. It reads: The stage of the Chinese revolution (not held in 1924 after the defeat in Ger the fact that such a struggle was pro but unlike the boy in the crowd of obedi SHACHTMAN. general line is incorrect, but the execucounter revolution, but revolution. gave many. In 1924, no defeat was acknow claimed by the International leader of ent and respectful subjects through whom tives are poor. It should read, of its blanket endorsement to guerrilla adledged; on the contrary, the revolution the Right wing, Bucharin, from the con. the king was passing, nobody could be READ AND SUBSCRIBE TO course: The general line is correct, but venturism, and announced from the mouth was proclaimed to be right ahead. Ingress tribune. In this manner, the for. found to rise and shout that the king THE MILITANT the executors are poor. The Ultra Left Zig zag in the Comintern and the «Third Period»