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Germany against sailles VA a men.
PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932 Republican Platform and Opposition Challange Still Unemployment by LEON TROTSKY Unanswered (Continued from page 1)
June 23, 1932.
for jobs they are seeking relief, food World politics have at present two the Soviet Union stands Pilsudski. Pil querors, as history testifies, are always tradictions of the international situation. Communist Party, and shelter.
focal points unusually remote from each sudski help. or at least his friendly inclined to pacifism. because they dread war against the Soviet Union would New Jersey District 7, The coming winter shows no signs of other one on the Mukden Pekin line, neutrality, will be infinitely more im the revenge of the conquered.
grow out of these circumstances with Chariton Street improvement. More people will be out the other on the Berlin Munich. Either portant to Hitler, absorbed in the Fas Fascist regime a thing which could fatal necessity.
Newark, New Jersey.
of work. Death from starvation To this pessimistic prognosis you might Dear Comrades :On June 11th, a mass meeting was held before the commencement of the winter to destroy the normal course of events tion of the Polish Corridor. How insis convulsions and a new exhaustion of reply by citing the example of Italy.
season, an election campaign will be con. However, the day by day work of the and indeed the whole question of the an invaluable element to reach a those lished a modus vivendl. But that objec meeting a report was made by the dele.
on our planet for years for decades. nificant this question will seem to Hitler Germany would be for that very reason with whom the Soviet Union has estab. under the auspices of the Friends of. ocrat, Socialist and Communist have though nothing unusual were happening. his bitter struggle to get the power and Socialists France and her Versailles systfon is superficial Italy is separated gation which recently returned from a cluded. Four parties, Kepublican, Dem. diplomats and official politicians looks as boundarics of Germany in the midst of mony. From the side of the Nationalfrom the Soviet Union by a series of in. visit to the Soviet Union. One of the drawn up platforms and nominated pre It looked the same along In 1912 during to keep it!
tem have nothing at all to fear.
sidential candidates who stand on these the Balkan War which was the overture Pilsudski would be for Hitler a bridge Italian Fascia speakers, comrnde Leo lotrovsky, who is Would Hitler in power, then, mean tervening countries.
platforms. With more than one fourth of to 1014.
toward friendship with France if indeed peace? No, Hitler in power would mean rose with the yeast of a purely domestic also a leading party member, made a the American working class out of work, For some reason grossly slandering there were no other bridges closer by. a re enforcement of French hegemony. crisis the national claims of Italy having there can be no doubt as to the main an intelligent bird people call this AD Even now there are voices heard in the But exactly for this reason Hitler been satisfied liberally enough at Ver report in which he attacked the International Left Opposition and expecially Italian Fascism came to power comrade Leon Trotsky.
issue of the campaign. is unemploy ostrich polley. The ornamental decision French press as yet only in its secondary power would mean war not ment. The acla test for the parties is adopted by the League of Nations on the organg It is time to steer our course Poland, not against France, but against shortly after the great war, at which The members of the Newark branch time there could be to talk of a new tion. Manchurian question is a document of by Hitler! To be sure the official press, the Soviet Union.
of the Communist Langue of America What have they to offer the jobless in impotence without equal even in the his led by Le Temps, takes a hostile attitude The Moscow press has spoken more war. And finally Fascist Italy remained (Opposition) protested his remarks and their platforms? What have their actory of European diplomacy: no sell to the National Socialists. But this is than once in recent years about an ap Lonely and nobody in Europe knew how promised that an open discussion be artions been in obtaining rellet for the respecting ostrich could possibly sign bis not because the masters of fate in contem proaching military intervention in the stable the Fascist regime would prove ranged on the platform of the Interna ou the one hand, or the Soviet regime on tional Left Opposition. Our proposition unemployed? This article will deal with name to it. This blindness In some porary France take Hitler martial ges. Soviet Union. The author of these lines the record and the stand of the Repubcuses, of course, quite voluntary to tures seriously. No, what frightens them has more than once objected to this kind the other.
was accepted by comrade Rostovsky in lican party on this problem.
what is preparing in the Far East, has is the path by which Hitler can alone of snap prognosis not because he in all these respects, the position of behalf of the party. We therefore reWhat have the Republicans done for at least this mitigating circumstance: come to power the path of civil war, a thought that there was in Europe, or on Hitler Germany would be fatally dif quest that you appoint a committee to the jobless! One word can sum up their that events there will develop at a com thing whose outcome cannot be predict the rest of the planet, any lack of the ferent. An external success would be meet with our committee and make ardeeds nothing. They were elected on paratively slow pace. The East, althoughed by anybody. May not his policy of evil will to war against the Soviet Un necessary to it. The Soviet Union would rangements for organizing this discussion the promise of eternal prosperity. One awakening to a new life, is still far from a state overturn from the Right unleashion. No, there was no lack of that. De an intolerable neighbor. We remem which in our opinion will help materialyear passed and their prosperity buuble the American. and even the European, a revolution on the left? That is what But for such a risky undertaking the ber how long Pilsudski hesitated before ty to clarify the confusion that exists burst.
the ruling circles in France are worry disagreements and resistances were too signing the pact of non aggression within the Communist ranks with regard to Germany is a different tter. The ing about and quite justifiably, too.
For almost a year following the stock great, not only between the different Eur.
Hitler by side with the policies of the Left Oppuisition which slandered, misrepresented crash, with industry shutting down and blind alley into which Europe, Balkanized But one thing is clear: if Hitler dia opean states, but still more within cach ski that alone almost answers our have been lay offs rising to the millions, their main at Versailles, has now run finds a con overcome all obstacles and arrive in of them.
question. On the other hand France and distorted by the Party leadership occupation was pulling the wool over the centrated expression in Germany, where power, he would be compelled, in order There hardly a politician worthy men cannot help understanding that she is and in the Party press eyes of the people. There was no crisis, it has taken the political form of Nal to get a free hand within his own countioning who now imagines that the so not in a position to keep Germany per With Communist Greetings, Hoover said. It was only a temporary tional socialism. In the language of try to begin with an oath of loyalty to Viet Republie could be settled with by manently disarmed. The French policy LOUIS NAGY fluctuation. Then when it became im social psychology this political tendency Versailles. Nobody on the Qual Orsay means of armies improvised along the will be to turn Fascist Germany against Secretary of the Newark Branch, Communist League of America possible to deny what was so obvious, might be described as an epidemic hys has any doubt of that. Moreover, it verder or simple landing operations. Even the East. That will oner an escape (Opposition)
a military Winston Churchill no longer believes valve for the national indignation against be over in eo or 90 days. Or if these pre classes: the ruined small trader, crafts dirtatorship of Hitler, once it was firmly that, notwithstanding the very wide the Versailles regime, and who knows?
dictions proved false then prosperity was man, and peasant; in part, too, the un established in Germany, might become gamut of his political vocal exercises. An maybe we will have the good luck to around the corner. Like Diogenes who employed proletarian; the officer and nona considerably more reliable element in looked in vain for an honest inan, the commissioned officer of the great war, the French hegemony over Europe, than experiment of this kind was more than nud along this road new sources for the well made during years 1918 20 when solution of that most sacred of all worla Pioneer Publishers Notes American workers are searching for still wearing the symbols of distinction the present German governmental sya. Churchill, according to his own proud problems, the prublem of reparations.
this corner.
but without rations; the clerk of the tem, whose mathematical formula con boust, mobilized fourteen nations Hoover Grand Scheme closed up office; the bookkeeper of the sists almost entirely of unknown quan against the Soviet Union. How happy RUSSIA MUST BE PREPARED In a short two weeks What Next by But even if thousands of workers at bankrupt bank; the engineer without oculties the British exchequer would be now to comrade Trotsky will be off the press.
the start, might have been inclined to be. cupation; the Journalist without salary have back those hundreds of millions of The timeliness of the work makes us If you take on faith the assertion of contident that we are going to hang up a Here in the shams of the great en or prospect: the physician whose clients WAR WOULD BE INEVITABLE pounds spent on intervention in Russia ve But we mustn cry over split milk the Fascist prophets that they will come record for quick sales. We are making gineer. he himself placed no stock in are still alck but have forgotten how to To imagine that the ruling circles in Besides a good lesson was paid for with to power during the first half of 1932 every effort to achieve this result. In them the papers were full of it for sister has refused to answer questions France would be embarrassed to act as that money.
If at that time, in the first though we are far from believing these next week issue we expect to be able days. 500, 000, 000 was invested in a about his domestie program on the patrons of a Fascist Germany would be sears of the Soviet Republic when the people on their mere word It is possible to make a significant announcement Ho quite childishly naive. France is now Red army was sill walking in its baby to lay out advance a sort of political about the price which will enake our huge public works scheme. Millions of ground that it is a military secret.
muere were to be returned to work. Result is not obliged, he says, to give away bic relying upon Poland, Roumania, and shoes alas, in those years it often had cedendlare couple of years must be drst expectation almost certainty.
kept growing, Wall Street Hoover admits tical enemies. This is not very patriotic, military dictatorship! Is this accident of Fourteen nations could not win the for erushing the German working class. The book will run to about one huntodeta vain that 300, 000, 000 will only give secrets at all. Howevere we are not hegemony over Europe is a result of the now, when the Red Army is a mights the sadrese of the army: Along about paper and cloth bound. It will be up jobs to the mere one hundred thousand here concerned with comestie, policies fact that France still remains the sole force, with a victorious tradition, with 1983. lehem, the conditions for a mili to our publishing standard in appearance in the matter of international politica Inheritor of the victory of the United young and yet experienced officers, with tary Intervention in the Soviet Union and work. Arrangements are being made to ship them out against orders immediThe next publicity scheme (the only position seems at first glance a little States, Great Britain, Italy, and hersell. Inexhaustible reserves raised up by the would be adequately ripe.
thing the unemployed got out of the Re more definite. In his speeches and arti. do not name Russia here since she did Revolution, and with suficiently opulent cles Hitler declares war on the Versail. not participate in the victory, although military stores!
This calendar of course assumes ately they come off the press.
publican administration) was the stage Treaty, whose creature he himself is. she paid for it with the greatest pumber that the government of the Soviet Union Coming on the heels of the Problems ger system. The Republican platform He specializes in terms of abuse direct of human lives. From the hands of the tions, even if they could be dragged into My relations with the present Moscow tion of What Next marks a high point will be meanwhile patiently waiting of the Chinese Revolution, the publica says that scheme of part time ed against France. But as a matter of most powerful combination of world the adventure, would be small for the government are not such that have in our publishing activities. But we are employment Iimited unemployment. It fact if he came power he would be forces which history has known, France task of intervention in the Soviet Union. any right to speak in its name or refer not stopping with this significant achiere.
yielded nothing of the kind. Every succome one of the chief pillars of Ver has received an inheritance which sho Japan is too far off for an independent to its intentions, about which like ment. We are already preparing for ceeding month showed an increase in the sailles, and would turn out to be a main. will not let go of, but which is too heavy military role against the Soviet Union, every other reader and man of politics, our next publication. From this time it really did was to cut the standard of These assertions may seem paradoxical. tory of France, her population, her pro will have troubles enough nearby in the information consible. But am an of works by the tenchers and leaders, wages in hall. And you may be sure. Yet they flow inexorably from the logic ductive forces, her national income all coming years. To make intervention pos the more free to say how in my opinion both living and dead, of the international the bosses are thankful.
that demanded unemployment insurance analysis starts, that is, from the basic tion of Europe, the stirring up of anta. would be needed one which would demany. Upon receiving the telegraphic tion will be To the Hunger March on Washington tion when correctly analyzed when the port her lordly position. The Balkaniza moreover continental European empire case of a Fascist state revolution in Ger we will announce what our next publicaHoover responded with an emphatie No factors of polities, and not from phrases, contsms, the struggle against disarma wire, and be able to take upon itself the communication of this event would BOUND VOLUMES And to give force to his statement the geatures, and the other trash of the dem went, support to military dictatorships principal weight of a holy pilgrimage in their place, sign an order for the Our small supply of the bound volumes Capital was surrounded by the militia agogue.
these are the methods necessary to pro against the Soviets. To be more accur mobilization of classes. When you have of comrade Trotsky pamphlets is getarmed with all the weapons of modern long the hegemony of France. ate a country would be needed which a mortal enemy before you, and when ting steadily smaller. In these bound Warfare.
HITLER WILL NEED ALLIES The forcible splitting up of the German had nothing to lose. glance at the war flows with necessity from the logic volumes are contained three earlier works But this wasn enough. The Recon struction inance Corporation was organ.
The German Fascista declare that they quite as necessary as the fantastic bound you that such a mission could be under unpardonable lightmindedness to to hand out meubels of over at billion have two enemtes. Marxism and very lines of Poland with its famous Cor taken only by a Pusest Germany. More that enemy time to establish and foreits these bound volumes. These are the They were supposed to start the wheels German parties the Communists and the Corridor is the name given to an op no other road left to go. Having come receive the necessary help. Workoutes Germany which deals with the question of industry turning with this money. So social democrats, and one state the so. eration which other people call removing to power at the price of innumerable vie plan of concentrie military actions not and the Five Year Plan, which deals with France, while supporting Japan in Man. All domestic problems, having capitul and thus grow up to the dimensions of with Soviet Union; and The Draft Prothe question of economic collaboration magnates, however, took the money and France and Poland. In order to underdivided it among themselves, under the stand what will be the actual interna chache wears to God that she seeks ated to France and consequently to such a colossal danger.
gram of the Comintern which deals with Hitler shock troops are already sing the question of socialism in one country.
high soundidng title of overdue liabil many, it is necessary to welgh briefly that is, her right to dismember Europe seek some sort of gambling way out of against the Soviets, composed by a cer it we do it will be some time in the tu.
the inviolability for her own hegemony regime would be inexorably compelled to ing all over Germany a marching song We may reprint one or all of these works.
these elements of the problem.
Reller Un American The relation between Fascism and and reduce it to chaos. Immoderate con its own bankruptes, and out of the con talu Doctor Hans Buchner. It would be ture. In the meantime the only opporThe Republicans way in their platform Marxism is sufficiently clear from the Imprudent to let the Fascists drawl this tunity our comrades and readers have to that federal relief is un American; only experience of Italy. Mussolini program, martial air. If they are destined to sing read and study these important works local relief is permitted. Hardly a month up to the day of the operetta march on it, let them sing It staccato.
is in the bound volumes. And these are had passed since the platform was adopt. Rome, was no less radical and no less Whichever of the two might happen going fast.
ed and a bill is passed giving federal mystical than that of Hitler. The realto take the formal initiative, a war be Publications in Foreign Languages relief to states in need, to the tune ofity turned out to be merely a struggle tween a government of Hitler and the three hundred million dolars. And this against revolutionary and oppositional number of the works which we adSovlet Government would be ineviable, vertise in England are also obtainable Is to be divided among the unemployed forces. Like its Italian protoype, Ger.
and their families who total over forty men National Socialism can come to and that too at a very early date. The from us in Jewish, Russian, Italian and consequences of this war would be in Spanish. Comrades who read English million people. Even if all the red tape power only after breaking up the work calculable. But whatever Illusions they with difficulty or feel more at home in were eliminated it would amount to ers organizations. This, however, is no scarcely ten dollars per person. And, simple task. Civil war lies on the road might cherish in Paris, one thing could their native languages should apply to this for a whole year!
between the National Socialists and the be confidently asserted: In the flames of us for information about theke publica.
a Bolshevik Fascist war, one of the first tions. We may not be able to fill every In a platform of more than twenty power they seek. Even if Hitler should things to burn up would be the Versailles order but we will try.
thousand words hardly a hundred are get a parliamentary majority by peace BY LEON TROTSKY treaty.
devoted to unemployment. To the de ful methods which may safely be exEam Free Copy of Problems mand for social Insurance, the Repub. cluded from things possible he would TROTSKY of the Chinese Revolution licans give lectures on rugged American and it necessary just the same, in order Have you read Problems of the Chiindividualism. 16 the cry for relsetto inaugurate a Fascist regime, to break nese Revolution? How many coples have they answer with platitudes about cour the backbone of the Communist party, you sold? Comrades who are unemploy.
These 450 pages of analysis and record YOUTH NOTES age, fortitude and patence. Starve the social democracy, and the trade unof the revolution and counter revolution ed and cannot afford to buy a copy can but starve quietly! They boast to their tons. And this is a very painful and in China since 1925, offer the first ineasily earn a copy by getting orders for masters that there have been few strikes prolonged surgical operation. Hitler four paper bound copies. Upon receipt tegral Marxian presentation of one of and social disturbances under their re himself, of course, understands this. That JULY ISSUE OF of orders for four copies we will send gime. They will eat these words yet! is why he is not at all disposed to acthe greatest movements in modern times.
The views of the Left Opposition are YOUNG SPARTACUS the remittee free a copy for himself. This Is any more proof necessary? The Recommodate his political plans to the un.
offer holds until further notice. It apgive here fnor the first time in systempublican party remains the most consci certain destinies of German parliamentSend for the July issue of Young plies, of course, only to orders for the atie, elaborated form, side by side with a Spartacus. Order a bunddle and distribook itself. That is, it does not apply ous and willing agents of the exploitera arianism.
stinging criticism of the catastrophic of the working class.
While covering himself with phrases bute the papers to the working and Comto Militant subs with which the book is course pursued by Stalin and Bucharin.
We must organize to destroy both the about legality, Hitler is awaiting the opmunist youth. The issue contains artt. given as a premium.
The suppressed writings of Trotsky are cles of interest to all youth. An article Republicans and the capitalist system portune moment to strike a short and found here for the first time in English, Now comrades, this is your opportunwhich they represent. We must vote sharp blow. Will he succeed in this?
by Gould explains the recent situation ity! We are of the opinion still that no together with appendices by Zinovlev, Communist as a sign that we understand it is no easy task. But it would be un the Chicago Young Communist League worker who has a dollar can refuse to Vuyovitch, Nasgunoy and others.
the first task in our historie mission, pardonably light minded to consider his NEW YORK buy this work when all its qualities are CLARKE success impossible. And by whatever explained to him. Our experience here roads Hitler might come to powerThe Spartacus Youth Club at its last confirms us in our opinion. If you whether through open doors or by break meeting. Friday, July 8, held a discus to it you can do it.
THE MILITANT Cloth Bound ing in the Fascination of Germany Paper Bound sion on the Communists and the PresiPublished weekly by the Communist would mean in any case a severe domestie dential Elections. Comrade Morris Kent League of America (Opposition) conflict. This would inevitably paralyze led the discussion and a number of com.
at 84 East 10th St. the forces of the country for a consider rades participated. On July 15 comrade at Tibbetts Brook Park failed to raise EDITORIAL BOARD able period of time, and compel Hitler Capells will lead a discussion on the any substantial sum of money. numMartin Abern James Cannon to seek in surrounding Europe, not to Special Offer Reasons for the Backwardness of the ber of youth comrades and friends were Max Sbachtman Maurice Spector venge, but allies and protectors. From one year subscription to the Militant is 00. paper American Working Class there but few sympathizers coopArne Swabeck this fundamental consideration our an bound copy of Trotsky book is 00. By spetcal arrangeA number of highly successful open air erated.
Entered as second clase mall matter alysis must begin.
ment, you can get both of them for only 50offer valid meetings were held by the club in the Comrades should send in donations for November 28, 1928, at the Post Office In their struggle against Fascism the only for the summer months.
past few weeks. Last Thursday a meet the Spanish youth comrades so as to Now York, Under the act of German workers will naturally seek suping was held on the corner of Second Ave help them put out their monthly magaMarch 8, 1879.
port in the Soviet Union, and they will and 4th St. at which Young Spartacus Vol. 5, No. 29 (Whole No. 125) find it. Can you imagine for a moment Orders from the The Militant, and Germany, the key to SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932 that in these circumstances Hitler goyPIONEER PUBLISHERS the International Situation were sold. isades, Saturday evening July 23rd, comThe Club will hold a camp fire at PalHubcription rate: 200 per year; for ernment will risk getting into an armed 84 East 10th st. Now York, number of youth contacts were made eiga 50. Flve conta per copy. conflict with France or Poland? Between rades will meet on the New York side The plenie held for the Spanish youth of the 125th St. ferry at 6:30 All Bundle rates, cento per copy the proletariat of a Fascist Germany and and the Mexican comrades last Sunday comrades invited.
of PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION 50 00 dne, Young Spartacus.