CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerLeninismProfinternSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE EMILITANT. Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York. Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post othee at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 29 WHOLE NO. 125 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1932 PRICE CENTS ON THE SPOT WARNING OUT OF THE PAST Socialist Edict Paves Road for Hitlerites Communists Must Form United Front Now not Five Expelled from THE BARBUSSE CONGRESS LET SHAKE HANDS There has recently been an increase in Communist and socialist workers to the It is quite ludicrous to read the lamenta.
ON THIS the number of violent physical encounters tremendous satisfaction of the socialist tions of the socialist press about the This is not good hot weather stutt but between members of the Communist leaders. Innumerable cases were re party disruption of meetings, eseven during the glare of an election camparty on the one hand, and members of corded of fights in the streets and halls pecially when it is remembered that the paign and the fury of peace proclama. other labor organizations on the other. between both sides, which only further Hillquits were the first to introduce tlons there are indications that some of On several occasions, organized groups alienated the socialist workers from violence as a means of settling their disour best professors are devoting their of party members have attempted to the party.
putes with the Left wing, not only inside brains to serious thinking. The Freneh break up meetings of the Left Oppost. So harmful had such a development the party in 1919, but in the trade unions none more savantle, approved by a mas Intervale Avenues, Bronk. At the same of the Communist International was com. the socialists in power have not hesitated in Germany becomes increasingly accen train them from committing acts of Academy of Science, than which there is tion only quite recently at Wilkins and become that the Executive Committee under their control and further, that While the danger of a Fascist victory, home for all participants as well as re enie point of view to osculate than to lent battle took place between members of whole working class of Germany, in its der an iron heel. At the same time, the tuated, the social democrats are playing violence after the meeting dispersal.
shake hands. The learned doctors blam. the Communist and Socialist parties at famous Open Letter to the German party falsifications in the official party press their classic role of restraining the ed this hygienic deviation on the unfor an meeting another evening. In the middle of 1925. We quote a sig. about the increasing encounters do Herr Severing Orders rest on the tunate germ who is unable to speak up a similar fight took place at. socialist nificant passage: conceal the well known fact that the to crush the Hitlerite viper before it last presidential emergency decree, which for himself but we dare to state that the meeting at a downtown corner of Second doctors simply prefer to kiss than to Avenue in New York. In still other best section of the German social dem. ruption of opponent meetings, but frequ: ing a concentration of Fascist power, the to the police in advance.
In order really to find a path to the party not only encourages hooligan dis is too late. Under the guise of oppoema de political demonstrations reportable shake hands.
places, meetings of the Lovestone group ocratic workers, a struggle must be ently Initiates and organizes them. Work: social democratic leaders are working Such an edict can apply essentially have been disrupted by organized groups launched against those excesses which orers who are moving towards Communism hand in hand with the reaction to prevent only to the Communists, even though of opponents.
SMITH MAY KEEP iginate in the period when the struggle non party workers as well as rank and vent the workers from uniting militantly Ings as well. The Fascists are now un. violence on both sides that is, to pre ostensibly it is to include Fascist meetHIS SHIRT ON Should such a course be perpetuated. was conducted with arms in hand. The Ale Left wingers in the arere against the Nazis. special cablegram der the direct protection of the federal When Al Smith, lost leader of the Dem. It can bring only the greatest discredit createst harm to the cause of the work. pelled from the party by such conduct to the New York Times of July 14 gives government, which has removed the most ocratic Party, issued his expected state and harm to the Communist cause in ing class is brought, for example, by They are caught once more by the re the following significant report about important bans that existed prior to the ment pledging fealty to the Democracy in General and to the party in particular cases of mutual fights between Commun action, and so far as the Socialist party severing, the social democratie minister formation of the von Papen government.
the election campaign, he avoided men. stern warning throughout the party ists and social democrats (at meetings. ls concerned, Hillquit owes more to the of the Interior for Prussia: The police administrations are shot tion of the presidential candidadte as ir ranks against such an attitude towards among the youth, etc. which still take criminal stupidity of the Stalinists than While Baron Wilhelm von through with Hitlerites and sympathizers.
Franklin Roosevelt were Martin Luth working class opponents, and particularly place to this very day, for which the he thinks Gay. The Fascists are already organized on an er running on the platform of the Probl. towards the socialist workers, must imme social democrats are to blame without the The party which talks today about Relch minister of the Interior, was on efficient military basis, with strong supbition Party. Four year ago when all diately be issued so that everybody may Communists being blameless either. Such overcoming our Isolation. must call his way to conter with President von port from the Reichswehr. They can be got the nomination at the Houston con know that the Communists will not take mutual fights play right into the hand halt immediately, openly and in unmis. Hindenburg at Neudeck in East, Prussia checkmated only by the united manifes vention, William Gibbs McAdoo, his old any responsibility for street fighting of of the counter revolutionary leaders of takable terms. The lessons of 1925 must on what was to be done about the car. tation of working class strength in the rival, announced that he was going to any kind between workers.
In 1926, a severe crisis broke out in leaders naturally Instigate deliberatelying clear traces on the consciousness of paign, Carl Severing, the Prussian In demonstrations, the social democratic country. By a fair opposition to all take off his coat for Al and Democracy.
Instead he put on a new suit and took the German Communist parts. The ultra such the struggles The Communists must the Communist workers. Those who are tertor Minister, issued orders today for priesthood is really playing right into bout to Paris where he stayed until Leftist line of the party leadership, or take the initiative for a final elimination seriously concerned with the movement bidding local police authorities to allow the hands of Fascism, clearing the the weather got cooler in the United Iginally Inspired by the will repeat the warning of the past and demonstrations and meetings unless they streets of proletarian demonstrations so States. If the working class voters who chiefs themselves, produdeed the Inevit supposes the good will of the social dem demand that it be heeded today. were sure that a sufficent police force was that Hitler may have a clearer road to work themselves into a lather over the bly disastrous results for the party. The ocratle workers.
contidence men of the capitalist parties party had become increasingly isolated With little change, this entirely sound fighting between workers of different sign. The edtet stipulated that the police Put an end to hooliganism and street avallable to side violence at its first power.
the non Communist At the same time, the Stalinist leaders took of their coats to work for Com from munism in the election campaign and all huge wall had been erected between the the American party at the present time out of the revolutionary movement!
masses. and necessary advice of 1925 applies to views! Burn such a disgraceful method must be adequate not only to control as semblies but to provide safe conduct are playing a dangerous game of hide and seek with the key to the whole sit.
the year around before long the genus uation the united front of all the work capitalist politician would Issuing with Trotskylst tendencies This is a statements from the 200.
Leon ere against the Nazis. Under the crushdisloyal, rude, underhanded method be.
ing weight of the situation, the fantastic Trotsky Atting only a degenerated bureaucracy.
theory of social Fascism is being slowOLIVE IS WASTING The Communist movement under the ly shattered. But the desire to main.
HER OIL Chicago Communist Youth Fight Campaign against Opposition guidance of Leninism had a system which tain the bureaucratie prestige of the In an effort to lubricate the Du Pont is the opposite of bureaucracy: that of party leaders prevents them from throw Ing the whole business overboard, bag and soul, Mrs. Olive Johnson, editor of the CHICAGOactive sincere fighters since pioneer democratic centrallam. Democratic cenWeekly People, write an open letter to the expulsion of four members of the age. and who have been brought up to trallsmis; baggage, publicly, frankly, so that all the powder barons. course sbe proba Young Communist League, and the exclu. belleve la Leninist democratic centralism (1) All questions iscussed in dethe militants may understand the why and wherefore and be able to act acbly believes that the bourgeoisle of this son of one more, for refusing to de bave been expelled for tail for an adequate length of time so Dear Comrades: country, like the ruling classes of all bounce the left Opposition as counter have before me the Jupe number cordingly. The situation cries out im. 1) fighting the bureaucracy, of the Paris Magazine Monde. Monde is peratively for clear cut policies. The membership times will not surrender their power revolutionary, and for conducting a fight undermining the L, which in that it might be understood by the entire and 18 so de without a violent struggle, but just against the paralyzing bureaucratism 10 trimental to the League growth as a taken and the minority must submit to present time as the central organ for (2) After the discussion a vote is published by Barbusse and serves at the Stalinists are fooling around.
letter from the editor of the Weekly the League follows right after the expul leader of the working class youth.
In some sections, the party has made a People might induce those dynamitic slon some months ago of comrades Satir, the majority.
the convocation of the kreat Anti War shamefaced turn towards the united front gentlemen to step down gracefully. Per Gould and Andras. Unable to refute the revolutionary comrades who have proven members and under the control of the magazine there is an extract from an to address itself to the social democratic (2) Refusing to denounce as counter. 3) All leaders are elected by the Congress. On the third page of this policy. In Berlin, it has gone so far as haps they manufacture dynamite order tolling charges of incompetence and bur themselves sincere Aghters. satir and rank and file.
to provide employment, and promote eaucratiam, in the League, the petty tun: Gould)
appeal by Romain Rolland and Henri party. Why in Berlin and not nationally?
wars with the same worthy aim in view. ctionaries have resorted to their classic Bureaucracy, the contrary to this, 18 Barbusse. The character and spirit of Does social Fascism hold good federIt is too bad people get killed in the reply: expulsions. The ideas of the Left (3) They League. the appeal are suficiently clear from the ally but not locally? Can a real united Stalinists have of the Leared to study the question the prevailing method within process. It is also too bad Mrs. Johnson Opposition, which the Opposition.
No discussion of problems facing the following words. We call upon all peo front be fought for the old theory did not make her appeal to the exploited sought to repress by force, are making (4) These two comrades refused to League: decrees are delivered from above: ple, all groups, regardless of their poll, which prevented it is kept in reserve?
wage slaves of Du Pont. They would thelr way to the Communist workers and condemn the Left Opposition as counter the membership duty is to obey, nevertical aliations and all labor organizaThe half measures being taken now are probably pay at least as much attention particularly the younger, militant com revolutionary since the leader. to question or understand All function. tions cultural, social and trade undon worse than no measures at all, to it as the mahatmas rader. The new addition of forces ac ship had failed to prove the incorrect. aries, even unit organizers, are appoint upon forces and all mass organiza sense, because it makes confusion worse cruing to the Left Opposition in this case. In WHOEVER WINS WE 19. most welcome and significant sign after being convinced by members of the Is an impotent inactive league of low Dave Farefield, a young comrade who ticism the cost is expulsion. The result tional Congress of War against War. mittee of the Communist International ARE FOR THIS FIGHT of the progress we are making.
Then follows a passage from a letter had to declare to the ultra Leftists in We are informed that there was a wila The addressed by Holland to Barbusse. am the German party, in connection with the expulsion of the comrades in Tuley fraction applied for membership idealogical level.
We the undersigned call upon all sin. wholly of the opinion that the Congress Hindenburg monarchist danger, which session at the Fourteenth Annual Con question brought forward the following in the and was refused admit vention of the American Legion of New statement signed by all of them. We urge tance because he dared to question the cere Communists should be open to all parties of slucere Fascist danger today: York County over the bonus question all comrades in the League and Party to policies of the This especially rotten, bureaucratic, opportunist, and determined struggle against war. The Red Front Fighters League must The Legion bosses fought hard to prevent take up this question and demand an illustrates the bureaucratte attitude of careerist, adventurist leadership Further on, Rolland expresses his agree address an open letter to the Relchsbanthe passage of the revolution for pay: icy of suppression of Communist opin was refused the right to study both sides end to the destructive, bureaucratie pol the leadership, since comrade Fareflela which is the cause for the stagnament with Barbusse, that the first place ner with the proposal for a common of the question. Furthermore, in spite, tion of the League.
in this struggle should be occupied by struggle against the monarchists. Our no avail and we must announce with lon within the movement.
of the fact that the leadership was un (2) To demand the reinstatement of the working class. Still further, wel slogan is: Wherever you will fight against great regret that those boys (hic, hic, able to prove wherein the counter rev.
horray) who fought for their country in STATEMENT OF THE EXPULSIONSolutionary tendencies or activities of the all expelled young revolutionists. read the first llat of those who have the monarchists, we shall support you France and even in Paris, insisted on deOF PERN, BARSHEVSKY, SOLD. 3) To demand an open democratic disjoined the Congress. It consists of rad unconditionally.
comrades lay, they insisted that Farefield It is necessary to AND HANKIN AND THE EXcussion of all points raised.
manding now what they were only supical and half radical French and German adopt a new tone towards the social demCLUSION OF FAREFIELD condemn Bern and Barshefsky as counter (4) To study the question of the Left writers, pacitists, members of the League ocratic workers, emphasizing with all posed to get when they were dead or revolutionaries.
damped near it. feel as keenly about TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE YOUNG Opposition before taking any posle of the Rights of Man, and so forth.
Comrade Hankin, a new member of COMMUNIST LEAGUE: strength the readiness of holding back tion.
This is followed by an aphorism from much of what separates the Communist the Legionalres fight for a bonus as (5) To demand the right to study the the Last July at the District convention of the League had several misconceptions do for the troubles of the King of Siam well known Emile Vandervelde. Derty from the social democratic work.
who had his fun and still is having a lot the group of comrades pre error he quickly, sincerely and openly ork. Upon being shown his question of the Left Opposition. Everywhere war gives birth to. exers in the name of the common strugFurthermore we extend a challenge to plusions of revolutionary dissatisfaction gle against the monarchist danger.
of it if my sples correctly report on him, sented a series of criticisms regarding and in a fight between a bunch of pathe intolerable situation in the League recognized his mistake and condemned the leadership to debate our position at on the one hand and the rabid reaction it is necessary to make clear to all the triots who were organized to smash the and condemned the bureaucrats activ his previous stand at an open meeting. an open membership meeting.
of fanatical nationalism on the other. members of the German and all (Signed) PHIL SOLD It is of the utmost necessity that the in workers that the main thing is the aplabor movement and their bosses who itles of the leadership. These criticisms The comrades of his unit, especially the organized them but now refuse to pay were confirmed by the Young Communist Negro comrades, greeted this frank speech with loud applause. Yet, for questioning YETTA BARSHEVSKY ternationals unite their forces closely in proachment to the social democratic thern for their patriotism, am some International in its resolution on the the position of the on the exIRVING BERN order to prevent war.
workers in the factories. Inprecort, Finally, after these words by Vander. June 16, 1925. DAVE FAREFIELD In the late war, am not for England It condemned the Satir group by name, he was expelled as a white chauvinist velde, quoted from the socialist Journal H, HANKIN.
was forced to make the same criticism.
nor against Germany.
While some of the formulations conLo Peuple of May 20, 1982, we read a of the American leadership as was made quotation from the central organ of the tained here are not entirely accurate, the by that group. Comrade Satir, Goula French Communist party, Humanito, of spirit applies a hundredfold stronger to THE RASCALLY POOR and Andras, leading comrades of District May 31, 1862: Reply Present to the the present situation plain, public, SIMPLY WON BE GOOD No. were expelled by the bureaucrata call of Romain Rolland and Henri Bar. candid turn completely away from the The nawaty report is hitched on to a so that their incompetence might not be busse for participation in the Interna recognition in full of the Opposition miserable theory of social Fascism. drive for funds but there is reason to exposed and that they might remain at tional Congress at Geneva.
believe that the moral turpitude of the their sinecurea.
Republican Party Platform Ignores Vital Problem of Jobless In the last issue of La Vie Ouvrlere, proposal for a united front of the Com.
working class knows no bounds. In the The criticisms of these comrades were; years of prosperity write your the central organ of the Unitary General munist and social democratic parties own Rooting ourselves in the factories More than 13, 000, 000 men pound imploring some kindly capitalist to nve Confederation of Labor, there is an art that will mobilize the million masses of editorial about that they went around Against bureaucracy.
the pavements of plentiful America, out them employment.
cle in which complete agreement is ex Germany proletariat not only against riding in automobiles, wearing silks and Raising the ideological level of of work, with no hope of finding em. Jobless in Extreme Need pressed with the initiative taken by Rol Hitler and Co. but also against the sating and indulging in other debauch.
the League ployment. Both the conservative De Two years ago unemployment mennt land and Barbusse.
erles which were supposed to be strictly treacherous policy of the socialist lead4. Insufficient anti militarist work partment of Labor and william Green, the loss of a few luxuries. One could The pletare is now perfectly clear. ership. The party leadership which has within the domain of the ruling classes.
and numerous other points.
president of the corroborate manage to exist without a radio and The French Counmunist Party and the already accumulated a menacing heap But it seems they are bound to sin in Again the bureaucratic and terroristic these high figures of unemployment. All automobile. But as the crisis continued, trade union organization led by it, stand of blunders, must be driven to the wall periods of depression as well as in per leadership bas manifested itself not only data published to date point to u dally the lack of a job forced the worker to behind the initiators of the Congress on the question. The Communist work.
1ods of prosperity. The Salvation Army in wholesale expulsions but also in the increase of the jobless army make payments on his home, and tens of Behind French Communism stands the ers in this country must lend their sup.
is raising a fund and in the press agent exclusion from membership of Dave It is no longer a matter of being Job. thousands have gone under the auction leadership of the Comintern. What port to the policy we advocate.
report that I have on my desk, or what. Farefield.
less for a few weeks. These weeks have eer hammer. Whatever savings the involved is the danger of a new world It is not too late yet but nelther is ever you want to call it, the heart appealſ The latest victims of the bureaucratie turned into months, and the months are worker possessed have either been used war. In the struggle against this danger there too much time Events are mor.
is based on the amazing fact that this and terroristte lash are Phll Sold. Irving rapidly becoming years. The prospects up or bave passed into the bankers hands it is necessary to utilize also the fellow ing with express speed, and the party is the most bastardly year in the history Bern, Yetta Barchevsky, Dave Parefeld for work are as slight as the greatly in the Innumerable bank crashes. For travellers, who appear or may appear polley must be changed accordingly, of this country. We have no objection and Hankin.
to the bar sinister at all. In fact before Phil Sold, organizer of the Lake Street cuced wages. The crowds at the face some time, thousands of jobless have been to be, to a certain extent, the most hon. Fascism must be crushed now!
tory gates are dwindling into mere hand kept afloat by assistance from more forest and determined in the ranks of the our respectability became so shocking we Unit and veyactve among the young fuls. Even the brazen les of Henry tunate friends and relatives. But this petty bourgeols pacifists. However, this used to quote with great gusto the axcom Negro workers was expelled six months Ford, of putting thousands back on the stuation is coming to an end, if it is is in any case a question of tertiary or NEW YORK BRANCH PICNIC was repulsed by the daughter of the Earl whom he considered revolutionaries of unemployed than they did some months friends and rentives have been cast into in this matter, it would seem, should munist League of America will holds used by a Monarch of England when he aro for fraternizing with Satlr and Gould. Job attract far less attention from the not already concluded. The proletarian still lesser importance. The initlative The New York Branch of the Com.
of Warwick. Ing bastard 18 a high standing and for refusing to con ago. The most gullible begin to eye the workless army. Or, if still working. be taken before the eyes of the Interna piente at Tibbetts Brook Park, on Sun house pride. quoth he. there demn without study the Left Opposition. these deceptive statements with suspicion their wages have been cut so low, that tional proletariat, by the Comintern and day, August 7th. It is planned to get were kings in those days. But any. He has applied for readmítance, and upon One Ainds the curlous spomaly in the not only is asalstance impossible, but Profintern. The most important problem all members, friends and sympathizers of how the working class should have more maintaining his stand was refused rein. want ad sections of the newspapers. It they themselves are in dire need of rellet is the successful attraction to our side the Left Opposition in New York to at sympathy for the Salvation Army than statement.
is no more the bosses who ask for help. of some sort. The picture is changing of the working masses of the Second and tend.
they seem to have.
Bern and Barchevsky, both young Today the workers spend their last dol. The unemployed are ceasing to look for the Amsterdam Internationals. As Keep the date open. Watch The Mu. RIDEM. Communists who have proven themselves llars in advertisements, begging, pleading (Continued on page Continued on page 4) tant for further information.
one (1) to further the fight against the partisans on a common basted to. was far from being as acute the Hoover Unemployment