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With the Food Workers Spanish Opposition Youth Makes Appeal Letter from China.
scram, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE tant role in the Spanish labor movement. While the other working class or ganizations are becoming demoralized and begin to disintegrate, while the deMADRID, SPAIN stituted at the time of the Conference, and how we work. They have under pression in the labor movement to be In a recent issue of The Militant we Clers and cooks whose wages were from new stage in the life of the Spanish about 1, 000 militants, prepared and dis stood us and have come to us. Elements coming accentuated and the Communist Left Opposition (which has ciplined in the struggle. Our conference who had attacked the Communist going through a sharp crisis and the producted unter that the council ver under the su to 75 a week were reduced to 12 since adopted the name Spanish Com. decided to mobilize this force, to set it Opposition at the party congress with Communist party witnesses defections Co op cumps out of the hands of the 10.
munist Left) has begun with the Third in motion.
The Party Workers Hit Back National Conference. The decisions ad Governmental Repression to us. Police repression grows parallel dretenization continues use now and ate Events have fully confirmed our fore. The general fraction unanimously reopted envisage the going over of the or. The present governmental reprisals do with the adherence of new elements to increase its activities. But we also are cast.
jected this decision and elected another ganization from the stage of organic not, therefore, take us by surprise.
About two months ago a proposal was committee to take up the question with on our banner. And so, the reprisals, in going through a crisis, an economic crisis formation and propaganda, which obtain the contrary, it was to be expected and stead of destroying our organization, which obstructs oor action. The great made to the leading food workers trac the Central Committed. The traction ed up to the date of the Conference, to it is logical that this should happen. The fortify it organically. There are exam. majority of our comrades are unemplos: tion of the Communist party by the condemned Browder attitude, pointing a position of activity and direct interven. Stalinist bureaucrats can now, if they ples to prove this. In Estremadura, at ed. Our groupe. in increasing their u. that the work at the Co op out that he and the Central Committee bles of the Spanish proletariat. For this mnies of counter revolutionary Trotsky a hundred comrades. Now we have more needs, and therefore their support of the campai bilo relate werden blow. were subordinating the interests of the The leading fractionbow. of. ever organ of struggle in the form of El members of the party will believe them. had about fifty. Now we have more than point of view, is more feeble than before ever, emphatically, rejected the proposal Party to the making of profits.
and appointed a committee to interview Joseph Zack, Lenin School graduate, Sovet which has reappeared with re The Communist Left Opposition is in the a hundred in several groups. The same The Spanish Communist Left has be Browder, the secretary of the party and who is in charge of the Con coop activ doubled combativity.
vanguard of the revolution, it functions thing holds true for Galicia and other fore it a great revolutionary future oferplain to him the disastrous consequ ities of the was not present The intervention of the Communist as such and suffers the heaviest blows places.
which it must not fail to take advantage. ences that would result to the Food at the general fraction meeting, due, it Left Opposition in the workers strug of the repression. Arrests follow one af Our organization has learned to stand But it also has enormous responsibilities, Workers Industrial Union from the de is believed, to an unpleasapit experience yles of course drew in its wake, as was ter the other. Our comrades pass inces, the test, because it is composed of real a perspective of titanic struggle with ali cision.
he hud some time ago with the Con Coop to be expected, au accentuation of the santly through the mill of prisons and Bolsheviks, many of them old militants, its consequences. As the proletarian Bureaucratic Reply employer in the Bronx when he locked governmental reprisals against our best police stations in Spain. Our press is tested in the active struggle. Our or vanguard, it will know how to fulfill its Bureaucrat Browder replied to the out the union workers because of their nilitants. The reprisals were not late continually being censored and supganization now is a genuine Communist Madrid, June 20, 1932.
committee arguments with an attack refusal to accept a wage cut. Zack made in coming and have showed that the pressed by the police. The case of our party, destined to play a highly impor duty. HENRI LACROIX. on the food workers. He charged the a united front from above with the bourgeoisle hus a clear idea as to what weekly El Soviet is symptomatie of this union with ruining the camps by insist managers and was bitterly denounced our organization is and represents and fact.
ing on a union wage scale; that the by the workers. So he signed Sam as to how dangerous the working class After the Conference, we succeeded in food workers were as bad as the printers Weltan, former secretary of the Food can become under the leadership of the pubilshing four issues of our weekly who were sucking the life blood out of Workers Union to the task of braving authentie Bolsheviks.
and all four issues were censored and the Daily Worker. Browder was merely the wruth of the general fraction meetThe Police and the Conference suppressed by the police. Thanks to the The National Youth Committee has We urge you to reply to our appeal for repeating the arguments of the camping of the food workers. Weissman was The conference in itself had the great ability of our comrades and their pre considered the letter of our Spanish financial aid as soon as possible so that managers who for years have agitated unable to control the members so the pleasure of mobilizing the police of the paration for illegal work, we have able youth comrades and decided to appeal we shall be able to publish Joven Espar. for the open shop, while the managers meeting was adjourned until the folrepublic against itself. It was only na to save part of the copies, but we can for funds to aid them in the publica tace immediately.
were drawing over 50 a week in sularlowing evenlug when the committee was tural that although our organization did see their determined Intention in all this tion of the contemplated magazine, With fraternal and Communist les along with board and room for their scheduled to report on how it fared with not participate very actively and perto destroy our organization by every Joven Espartaco. We pledge ourselves to greetings.
the Central Committee.
sistently as an organization in the var possible means. Since our economic re raise twenty five dollars for the drive For the National Committee After the tussle with Browder, the The committee reported that the Cenwus political movements (although its sources are very limited (something that and are theefoer appeaing to our com. of the Left Communist Op Central Committee of the party handed tral Committee refused to grant an inmilitants have always been in the front the Spanish police is well aware of thiey rudes and sympathizers to add the Spanposition Youth of Spain.
down another decree to the union in the terview, so they decided to call on Israel ranks of the revolutionary struggle are trying to crush us with this method ish comrades in thel vallant efforts to EUGENIO GRANELL form of a wage eut. And what a slash: Amter, New York district organizer.
our Conference very seriously dis and adding to this the imprisonment of establish a Left Communist youth paper Amter greeted the committee with threats turbed the police of the republic. They the responsible comrades of our organi. in Spain. Now is the time to display a were afraid, no doubt that there would zations. The police knows very well bit of real internationalism. Make your of reprisal for daring to disagree with the decree handed down to them from be a representative of Trotsky and they what is going on. It is not for nothing donations as soon as possible. Every the He also expressed his Inmobilized the whole guard to snoop him that a Spanish policeman has recently little bit will help. Send all contribadignation over their impudence in critout and to arrest him. Fortunately, our written a book about Communism in tions to: icixint Browder, evidently acting on the comrades delegates from the Internation Spain, a book that is recommended for Albert Glotzer, Secretary write you this letter in the hope ment will be able to grow after a re theory that whatever quarrels bureau.
al Secretariat are not Stalinists to pro all the Spanish police to read, to guide The National Youth Committee, that it will be published in Militant. storation of the economies of the coun. cruts may have with one another they occupy themselves more with the uproar them in carrying out their functions, in 84 Fant 10th Street, It will that their arrests may produce than with which it says literally that the most ill at least show the general move try. Incline to oppose the latter view. must present united front against the New York, ment of the Chinese Opposition during Furthermore, we can consider the worker Communists.
the execution of the mission that the capable and most dangerous militants this year.
Chinese Stalinist party. We all know that organization had entrusted to them, Pointing an index finger at the door, Our (keep in mind what the word danger to the National Youth Committee, At the outset, there were three fac the Chinese Stalinists are always glad Anter told the committee to comrades came to our National Confer ous means for the police) belong to the com Communist League of America (0. trons. Of course, each of them bore the to engage in thelr work of division. If you don like the decision. he roarence as representatives of the French Op. Communist Left Opposition of Spain.
banner of comrade Trotsky. They were two years ago, they strove to crushed, get out. There is the door position and the International Secretariat El Soviet is suppressed, arrests are Dear Comrades: and were interested in fulfilling their made for merely selling it in the streets, We have started to organize the youth The Proletarian. The October. and Tsu bekism; one year ago, they worked duties. And they accomplished. Fraction were task, notwithstanding the striet vigil the fortress of Puerto de Santa Maria, present time we have numerous groupe proposals of comrade Trotsky, all these Regardless of anything else, Tsu bekism vigorous in protesting against the bur.
ance of the Direction General de Segurt. to which they were sent only for selling in Madrid, Barcelona, Cadiz, Sevilla. weenatorice united together to form and the leadership of LLA San are what eauerats treatment accorded them bury dad (police. They participated in the our weekly. It is a case without prece. Salonica, Asillero, Sama de Langero: Unfortunately, the terror was immedi. incapable of advancing the general prin criticisans of Browder.
Then George considered it necessary. The vigilancetatorship of Primo de Rivera were pris. etc. In the organ of the latt Opposle xation. At first, we lost our central pro always engaged in correcting the party representative and took the memo of the police was a clear indication of oners transferred from prison to fortress, Ion starting with the next issue, wo the beginning of a chapter of reprisals when arrested only on government or will begin to publish our page, The Young paganda bureau, organizer, and nearly errors after the fact. In a word, Stalin bers for a trimming. He denounced them aga lumas other polterebelde watco, try ders, without a tial and without any Soviet. But the big progress achteved tell the memberite fetter Centre formele smo is good for hunting down historical enemies of the party and to traced house ing to find out the attitude of our organ. Justincation by the police for the ar. In the organization of youth sections of ten to the Whiter terrortsman of the Kusadows and for burying the Chinese the well known formula and the leader out arades of our the Left Opposition obliges us to break The second time, one of our district sec The Shanghai Staliniste later they would find themselves in the not camp of the enemy.
In Spain a small nucleus of comrades organization have gone through the falls with the small and narrow frame of retaries and several who defended the ideas of Bolshevism of the republic since our National Con monthly page and to widen our sphere were imprisoned. The worker. comrades much work to do. If what learn is last time, the right, then they are just loafing in wait The Managers Sit Pretty with great vigor, criticizing the mistakes ference alone, some of them had the of activities with the publication of Here we might as well insert the fact of the party, a matter which was of gooxi fortune to be arrested twice or 16. page magazine. The pubication orl Hong Kong organ of the Opposition was for the Red army. But curiously enou, that while the was engaged in the magazine which will be a monthly Smash by British Imperialism and the in the places where we have comrades the revolutionary task of reducing the little consequence to the police. But three times.
working, they have some, and where we wages of the Co op employees to the since then we have started to transform The Opposition Growth will permit us to come in more close Canton government.
But we are still at work. The flercer haven any, they have none. They al Starvation point, there were twoman.
ourselves into a serions force and the But our organization has been inured contact with the working youth in gener the White Terror, the wider our ranks ways put the names of our comrades in agers in Camp Nitgedaiyet alone drawing Conference was proof of that. We have to hardships in the fight. It grows and al and the young communists in parti extend. In Peking. Tientsin, Wuhan, their papers, sometimes unconscious forty dollars a week each with room and Pormidable organization, we have lala diye here is a hard test and purifies our sacrifices upon us. The situation of the siderable number one comrades at works police of the ruling class to all them. Doard for their familles thrown in, while the basis of the organization, which con ranks of accidental and cowardly ele young workers, due to the deep crists Shanghal 18 our center and everything These are certainly hard times. But the number of guests in the camp did ments, but brings to our side other ele that Spain is going through, is desperate. Is proceeding more rapidly.
dear comrades, ask you not to worry not totul more than twenty five, it bements, more combative, real fighters who For the publication of our magazine welcomrade Is our entral secretary The Chinese revolutionary movement willing early in the season.
formerly were somewhat misled by the need 300 pesetas. We are counting upon and he is working for the movement en gain its triumph in any case. The On June 23. special membership calumnies of the stalinist bureaucracy your help and for this we are sending. ergetically, enjoying the trust of all our suidance of comrade Trotsky will carry ineeting of the cafeteria department of and had belleved that we were really subscription list. In assuring the first comrades.
our banner to its Anal victory.
the Food Workers Union was called to counter revolutionists and insignificant issue, for which we need to collect 300 to be held at However, there have recently developed Most of the revolutionary Chinese in rote on the wage cut decision. The TIBBETS BROOK PARK But in this respect, the congress of the pesetas the magazine be able to two views on the political situation Intellectuals agree with us. They continue party traction was mobilized and forced official Communist party, he shortly live on its own account and its publica. China since the Kuo Min Tang, ruling to discuss our theses, although the rule under threats of discipline to put over NEW YORK. PLOT before our National Conference coulation for the future will also be assured. China, settled the Shanghat war. Our ing class oppresses them cruelly. We a decision that is a disgrace to the ComJULY 10th, 1982 from 10:00 not be excelled by any better advertise. We await material that you will send Central Committee contends that the have organized a literary society to help munist movement and a heavy blow at till Dusk ment for us. Without counter revolu for publication in the magazine which Chinese revolutionary movement is guide them, and comrade and the task of organizing the workers into for the benefit of tionary Trotskyism the congress of the will be called Joven Esparataco (Young bound to grow at an uninterrupted pace bear the responsibility for it. shall industrial unions under the leadership of Spanish Left Communist Youth Stalinized Spanish party would not have Spartacus. not only informatory articles day after day, and at the same time not write more about it here because it the party. As pointed out in a previous had anything to discuss or nothing was about the life of the working youth in warns us not to neglect the influence of is too long to write about.
article in The Militant this decision and Auspices: Spartacus Youth Club discussed there except calumnies against America and of the young communists, the Red Army. But the others oppose My letter must stop now.
of New York But hope others of the same kidney strengthens us. The honest Communist militants but also articles collaboration. We this view. They declare that the Cht you will regularly send me the Militant the anarchist and syndicalist elements Directions: Take Lexington Avenue who did not know anything about Trot will do likewise; for which purpose the nese ruling class will not suffer bank and other literary and social magazines. who hold that the Communists are not Subway Woodlawn Jer skyism who had heard only some fan. National Committee of the youth dele ruptcy so soon. The economic crisis of should also be happy to receive some interested in organizing unions to help ome to last stop, Woodlawn. Take tastic and slanderous remarks about the gated comrade Eugenio Granell We the Chinese nationalist bourgeoisie, arts of comrade Trotsky works, like Lit the workers better their living conditions trolley, bus or walk to park, Trotskyists began to think more ser. await also the names of three or four ing out of the Manchurian and the erature and Revolution. The Perman but use them as milch cow for the party, Plot iously about us Since then, they have comrades to be included in our list of Shanghal wars, will be gradually over ent Revolution. etc.
Fourteen Party members voted against been able to see in practise what we are collaborators.
come. The Chinese revolutionary move Shanghai, June 7, 1932. the wage cut in deflance of the bureau.
Sess stained from voting. Now for an intercracy and a considerable number ab.
any meaning at all and did It was tit. had to be expelled, waited only in general, popularity 18 preservedesting posteript to this wage cutting de Nine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition at the same time a murderous arraign a few brief weeks before the whole So amongst all the strata.
cision. After the wage cut went through, ment of the Centrist faction itself. For viet Union was shaken to its base by what pretense could it make to Bolshev a demonstration of the tremendous power What admit the that its tinguishable solidarity for half a decade while that Bucharin Stalin Molotov.
one week onlythe week of After which date tory could an instance be found of the Trotsky criticisms. In January 1999 slon for what the most advanced sections bungalows would be reuted to the guests with restorationists? Where in all his. Rykor had been covering him up from advanced them, was only a mild expres. Julyut 18 a week.
Senutne revolutionary tendency having right after the congress and emboldened. of the working class, despite having and they would prepare their own meals.
This sounds exhy to the members of (Continued from last Issue reason of their past, their moral author been in an inseparable bloc with another as we have said, by their success in her been lulled with stalinist drugs for With that Marslan penetration and ity, etc. are capable of playing the role tendency which, within virtually twenty ing the Left wing cut off from the party, years, were now thinking. The revola the unfon. They wonder if this is a foresight that marks out the whole under Stalin rule which devolve upon four hours, proved to be the champion the Kulaks rose in what came to be tonary, class spirit which had by no subtle maneuver to get rid of the union course of the Left Opposition, it had Uglanov, Kaganovitel, Petrovsky and con of black rosetores known forecast this very struggle long before sorts. To cut off the present OpposlGiven the fact that both sections of Powerful and confident, they refused to campaign against the Opposition, forced conditions that existed prior to the or its way into the open in spite of the santention of the industrial union. We It broke out. good three years before, tlon would mean, In fact the Inevitably the leadership had a common principle turn over their hoarded stocks of grain obstacles put in its path by the bureau urge the comrades to insist on maintainthe camps with prophetie exactitude in the Oppost. reinants of the old group in the Centhe Right wing Stalin had to borrow power yields to our demands for prices below which are the real impulsion to whether they remain in the hands of the tral Committee. new discussion would coplously from the fdeological arsenal above those fixed by the proletarian tion document On the Unity of rise upon the agenda, during which Kas of the Left Opposition (the Right wing state we shall keep our stores and starve the break up of the hitherto solid Right the party or are turned over to private Center bloe. This still unclear revolt enterprise. The aim of all these discussions and anovitch would expose Rykov, Uglanovald not hesitate to accuse him of Trot the cities the working class centers, Into against the previous line of ylelding to conclusions leading to displacements in would do as much with Tomsky, while skyism just as Trotsky foretold in submission!
The whole time of the union leadership the Slepkova, Stalin and Co. would lash 1926. Stalin campaign against the so effective and alarming was their side the country. Jorked the helm out occupied with the co operatives despite the capitalist elements inside and out and a good part of the party time is the organization, is the annihilation of out at Bucharin. Only a blockhead can Right wing served at the same time resistance that for the first time 10 of the hands of the Right, forced the optimistic statement made by John was called the old Leninist guard, and tell to see how inevitable this forecast deadly self revelation of Centrism, and many long years, the Soviets were com change in the course and marked the Steuben at the close of 1931 when he told the nucleus which, up to very recently, In the meantime, the more openly the substitution for it of the personal 18.
leadership of Stalin, leaning on Pportunist elements in the party would an involuntary tribute to the justice of pelled to requisition the villages gran inauguration of the subsequent zig zag the delegates to the convention that the would the whole Opposition struggle. by armed force. All the official philos. to ultra Leftism undertaken by Stalin. union had made such an advance that begin to fight Stalin as too contaminated The Kulak Uprising ophy of Enrich yourselves. the vielof comrades who always agree with Let us return to the Fifteenth Conous self consolation about the insignifc At the same time it revealed the stiu it was now necessary for the convention Only a blockhead or a hopelessly harden by the Leftist prejudices and for pre the venting too rapid and public downsild.
grена, All its proceedings were conducted ance of the Kulak, the rabid hounding unexhausted revolutionary forces in the to devote only a small part of its time ed bureaucrat can believe that Stalinist struggle for the unity of the Ing.
under the flag of denouncing the Oppost of the Opposition for its timely warnings, party and the country as a whole, forces to discussion of the union problems in as pante mongers party can guarantee this unity, even with the transposition of one or two tlon for warning were now whipped to tatters by the stm at the disposal of the Marxian wing the co operative iustitutions of the party.
of the party in its fight for a radical The Heron situation that exists in it were only at the price of the annihila names, this Trotskyist calumny was against the growing Kulak danger. Just sharpness of the visible realities.
tion of the former leading group and, borne out some three later with almost as Rykov before him had taunted the On February 15, 1928, the leading editreform of the party and its course. An the Food Workers Union demands the in general, of the whole present Opposto mathematical precision. The three lead. Opposition with the question: If the Kuortal of Pravda was compelled to hang unprecedented combination of factors, attention of all militants. The polley of tion. The closer Stalin appears to be ers of the Right wins were presented by lak is do dangerous why hasn he play. its head and acknowledge: The village which made possible the organizational organizing workerx into unions so that to this the farther away, in real Stalin to the Russian party and the ed us some bad tricks. 8o Molotov cried proved to be perverted in a whole, crushing of the Opposition, also prevent they may be exploited to maintain their it from gulding these forces racy, must be thrown in the garity, he will be from it. party leader. whole world as the banner bearers of impatiently in December 1927 that tho has grown and become rich. The kulak ship reduced to a single individual, which the capitalist restoration. The president Kulak was nothing new, that there was above all, has grown and become rich Arm and stable ground. But on the hage can.
basis of this rettward current in the Is what Stalin and his group of intimates of the Communist International, the no need of alarm or of special measures. The line of our party in the vil. FOODWORKER call the unity of the party. requires for head of the Soviet government, and the beyond those already in force. Every series of districts. In organlamasses, the stalinist faction opened up Its establishment not only the destruc leader of the Soviet trade unions, were body agrees argued Molotov, who, totions, certain elements alien to the party new phase of development, the tion, the elimination and the decapita depleted by Stalin as the agents of the gether with the other stalinists, Insist have grown up in recent times, which third period of its blunders on SoYoung Spartacus, official organ of the But ently minimized the magnitude of the see no classes in the village, which do vlet and an International scale, which young comrades of the Communist League tion of the present united Opposition, but Thermidorian counter revolution!
our only draged the revolutionary movement of America (Opposition) is out and ready also the gradual removal from the lead. It is precisely this trio with whom exploiting farmers, it exists, and there not understand the foundations of class policy, which strive to carry out from one rut into another. It is to this for distribution. All those interested in erstdip of the most authoritative and in. Stalin hud for five six years been in the is no need to speak about it.
bureaucratic self contentment, the work in such a manner that nobody stage of the struggle that the next arti the paper should communicate with the fluential representatives of the faction most intimate indissoluble alliance This now in power. It is quite clear that against the Left wing of the party. It turned to fury when the Opposition in the village is allentated, so that they cle will be devoted.
YOUNG SPARTACUS, 84 East 10th St. nelther Tomsky, Bucharin nor Rykov, by stalin indictment of the Right wing had which did find a need to speak about live in peace with the Kulak, so that. SHACHTMAN. New York, PICNIC The Break in the Right Center Bloc and as well It had admittedly a bene che fa sem tohoto from one to to the after having violently denied the truths pembers would be employed at the came the Left Zig zag of Stalinism Party.