Anti-imperialist LeagueBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismLiberalismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1932 Two «Peace» Swindles at Geneva Questions on China New Turn in the We The Stalinist press continues to re The resolution of the eighth session of working in reacionary unions regardless The Social Democrats Support Hoover; Hoover is Endorsed by Litvinov; Litvinov is Backed port that a Soviet republie has been the Central Council of the of any momentary domination of one or by Barbusse; Barbusse is Supported by the New Republic; the New Republic is Attacked established in the southern part of China. dealing with the June, the other phase of the work. Such is It prints maps showing the extensive Labor Unity. informs us that we have our line of march. Does the resolution by the Daily Worker; and the Daily Worker Flounders in the Swamp.
areas under the control of the Soviets. not yet learned to work among the of the Sixth Session dealing with Amerto 90, 000, 000 for the people living under And it adds: However, the lagging be. Instead, we have as the main task the It gives figures varying from 70, 000, 000 masses. We have Isolated ourselves. ica point out this line of march? No. Continued from page 1) discussion is opened. Ho added: For will take place on August 1, 1932, in Soviet control. It has reported the first bind in organization and leadership of reorganization on the factory basis arms production on the eve of any actual my part would welcome a speedy be Geneva, in order to make the congress Congress of the Chinese Soviets at which mass unemployment is still too great. Presented as it is, at this stage of isowar hostilities.
ginning of discussion with a view of a powerful international demonstration a constitution was adopted and a govern. The reason the American Centriats lation. of lagging behind. etc. a reIt is precisely this combination of adopting attitude towards American against the war criminals: Let us not ment and officials elected. have not yet learned to work among organization which is not properly linkYankee shrewdness and imperialist hypo proposals and thus getting the confer run the risk of falling to understand, or If this is so, may we be permitted the masses. are isolated. are lagginged with the agitation for the building crisy that characterizes the latest Hooverence to begn work at last. Our em. of understanding too late! Let us awaken some questions which would seem to be behind. is because they have attempted of new industrial unions, results in scatthe conscience of the world in order to to the point?
to carry out the third period polley. tering our forces rather than in uniting proposal made to the Geneva conference. phasis. Were It accepted, it would not merely In this manner, we have the edifying steel its will aguinst war! Let us or.
Why hasn the Union of Socialist So. The resolution dismisses its own mis them.
takes with the above and then reafirme The tactics of Centrism since the third reduce the standing armles of England spectacle of the Daily Worker, through ganize an iron resistance to war! Let and France to the German scale, but it the mouth of so authoritative a Com us form a mighty wave of all those viet Republics granted diplomatie recoge the tactie of the united front from bel period have played into the hands of the low and the theory of social Fascism. reformists and syndicalists and now would increase the American army trommunist spokesman as Litvinov, welcom men and women who are unwilling to be nition to the Chinese Soviets?
If not diplomatic recognition, then With touching gen. ing the essentials of the proposals on the victims of the second world war!
Another New Turn instead of facing the issue of new inerosity, it proposes the abolition of Friday which it denounces violently on Who has concocted this melange of why have no other official relations been The resolution presents a new turn dustrial unions as Communists, the stal French and British tanks which are a Saturday, as a move in the imperialist pacifist confusion? We have no hesita established between the two Soviet re on working in the of L, and in Inlsts try to sidestep it.
formidable factor with them as well as struggle for world domination. One ton in saying that its real initiators live publics?
The organization of the unorganized the abolition of the American army any, it prints an enthusiastically, approin the Comintern building and the Krem The Nanking government of Chiang the reorganization of the on. 25 tanks! It would put a crimp batory eight column headline over Litlin in Moscow! The central organs of Kal Shek and Co. which claims jurisdic the factory basis. It is essential for us into Industrial unions can be accom.
in the naval strength of its rivals, but vinov announcement that Hoover pro the French Communist Party and of the tion over the territory that the Stalin to investigate this new turn to see uplished only by Communist leadership in would permit America to construct new posals contained several important prin: Red trade unions in France have already ist called the Chinese Soviets, is talk. It is a step forward or a mere side step this stage of capitalisin. American imcruisers and alreaft carriers up to the ciples put forward by the Soviet delega given the conference a blanket endorse. ing about opening negolations with the ping and an attempt to veil the third perialism cannot be defeated mules the treaty tonnage of navles.
tion. the next day it brands the same ment, an inconceivable action unless it for the resumption of dip period wreckage without drawing and Communist party and the class have suit.
able organizations as weapons to destroy The Nation ruefully reveals that the proposals as Intended to weaken wall is taken for granted that official Stalin. lomatic relations. Will the consequences.
will At the beginning of the crisis, Centr. capitalism. The American Soviets proposals placed before the Geneva Dis: Street rivals, while maneuvering Against ist sanction has been given to Barbusso recognize Nanking as the Chinese gov armament Conference June 22 by the Soriet Union. On Friday, there and Co. On June 20, the Daily Workerernment without granting any recogni. Ism informed us that reformism was de be the determining organs for the Conclining and that the of was on muni The building of industrial unPresident Hoover amount to little more sponsible voice of the Soviet Union, with announced that the International Com. tion to Soviet China. its last Inp. This new situation called ious will pave the way for the American than a political tr! ck. To the headline all the prestige among the listening work mittee of the Friends of Soviet Russia for the building of a new trade union dictatorship of the proletariat through the Soviets.
reader, Mr. Hoover has generously aders that goes with that prerogative, hopes has informed the Preparatory Committee MILITANT BUILDERS center, using as a basis tho Left wing of the of and what other out. In organizing industrial unions, the third and a similar scaling down of nas postales will get the conference to begin this step most warmly and intends partiles. Studied in detall, however. side contacts we had. At that time, the mine, mill or factory makes up the basic the work at last. on Saturday, the Daily cipating in the Congress. And on the revolutionary upsurge unit and the chain throughout the inHoover proposals amount to the brazen Worker warns its readers that those who same day that it prints Litvinov scan.
dalous remarks on page ope, the Dally We re back after a week absence, hot party said, growing dustry constitutes the industrial union suggestion that the United States actual mislend them to expect anything from Worker observes in its editorial condem. foot after subs. That the way to keep in America is evident by the ly increase its armles and navy, leaving such conferences are not imply fools the paper going as a weekly and to build unemployment demonstrations, etc. The logical development of the Indus reduction to other nations. The but treacherous knaves seeking to be nation of the Hoover proposals that Hoover disarmament plan would in. tray the toiling masses. And there is Against this international conference it up. Right now Militant Builders have revolutionary upsurge grips the working trial union has this structure. The Stalin.
crease the military strength of the Un no doubt that the Daily Worker charac ot disarmament swindlers, the working a great offer to make to prospective sub masses, opens the road to the Communists now emphasize the factory unit ex ited States at the expense of other na terization is correct; only, u both the class must set up their own internation scribers: copy of Problems of the CW. leden en de there organization and for clusively without regarding the problem al united front and participate in the nese Revolution with a year sub for leading these masses to struggle. Thess of the industrial union as whole come tions: it is a scheme for securing naval Forward and Litvinov say about Hoover International Conference Against Imper only fifty cents, that is only half price of the 7th Convention of the page we do not organize the decisive section of the industrial union as a whole.
parity at a cheaper figure than that proposals, it doesn go far enough.
lalist War called at Geneva on And for Militant Builders themselves August made necessary by the London treaty. But those who think that the Worker a the incentive we offered some time ago After three years of a deepening crisis, will not defeat the bones.
and for nearly doubling the size of our vehemence of Saturday wipes out the still stands, of course: a free Bound Vol. the party discards its formula of rev In Preparation for the Offensive army.
disgraceful conduct of Litvinov on FriIsn there something sinister about ume of comrade Trotsky pamphlete olutionary upeurge and moves to the In the present downward curve of the SOCIALISTS RALLY tion warrants. For the Stalinists have perialist war does hover darkly over the own. number of comrades have al union activity. The resolution says, herole factory or will fights, here and day, show a greater faith than the situe this whole business? The threat of im with four dollars in subs other than their right in the election campaign and trade standard of living and wages, separate, TO HOOVER When even the liberal Nation, which barely dragked the second leg out of one work now. In Manchuria, state ofready won these premiums and an Recent experience has already shows there are able to prevent wage cuts and les contre rent of the. usually makes a habit of being taken in swamp before the first Germany brings with it, almost automa ning them. Our supply is small and in those industries where there are no isolated activity will not be able to by the most superficial shams, is able to into another.
tically, a black crusade against the so dwindling. Comrades who expect to win parallel revolutionary unions but also to transform the downward curve into see through the Hoover hoax, it may be If there is anything on the scene to vlets. But the Communist International a copy had better step on it.
those of unions which are par workers offensive. Only powerful Indusconcluded that it is pretty transparent. day more pernicious in face of the grow and the Red International of Labor Unallel to the La unions.
Can we get subs? You bet we can. But however cruel a capitalist deception ing danger of war than Litvinov diptons have not uttered a single word on trial unions under Communist leadership According to the Centrist, Recent ex. will be able to smash into the capitalist may be the social democracy is sure to somatic antics at Geneva, it is the new the matter, not a single manifesto, not a little effort and the tricked done. perlence has already shown the need for ranks.
hasten to its support and render it more plan which supplements these poisonous single appeal in their own names. In have an inexhaustible reservoir from carrying on work. in reactionary un palatable to the masses. In England, the Illusions, rounds them out the plan for this crucial hour, the working class us. which to draw the entire working class. Jons. Only recent experience? Lenin animatron of the unorganized into IndusThe agitation and activity for the orHole Against War. initiated by two petty the center of the organized world OY. Working class as subscribers, all at one with it and followed it are of no value the mine, mill or factory unit. To talk agitation for vand, the Federation of Trade Untons bourgeois pacifists, Henri Barbusse and olutionary movement. But behind the blow, nor in one week. But slowly at Only recent experiences.
Here is the appeal scenes, the Comintern does organize arst and at an ever accelerated tempoi tion should be: The mistakes flowing forget the elementary agitation for in The formula of reorganizing on the factory basis and appealed to the disarmament conference Romain Rolland, to accept the American plan. The French went out by the Barbusse Rolland In. masquerade under the names of con. we expect to get a large from the third period tactics as recent dustrial unions is to put the cart before percentage of called it ternational Committee Against War for fused and consequently dangerous pack it in our subscription list.
socialist lender, Leon Blum, is our experiences already have proved, polnt the horse. The organization of the in simple and direct in its outline and the conference, printed in the Daily fists and proclaims through its national perspective. That must be the perspecto the need of carrying on work in redustrial unions will be renlived by build Dlainly warded and fearless in its con. Worker of June 7, without a word of sections as the working class united front tive of every Militant Builder. How well actionary unions.
ing upward with the factory as a basis.
clusions. In the United States, the comment; the emphasis throughout 18 against imperialism. record of the staff will show.
Centrism now speaks of working in Jewish Daily Forward eulogized the ours: Regardless of what blunders Centrism MASQUERADE reactionary unions but its organizational has comunitted, its hope to find a way the observation Figures quoted below are in dollars. Great Engineer with We appeal to all men and women, Ir. OF STALINSM Coover tacties continue to block the door to out by the mechanical desire of reorganthat Hoover plan for a significant re5 duction not only of the land army but respective of their political parties, trade Beardslee that. Sooner or later they will again ixing on the factory basis will not solve The Communist International does not social Hedlund ask why they don have any success with the problem it It leaves untouched the also of the navy, shows that the presganizations, to unite with us in a great take the initiative in mobilizing the Koehler this Leninist tactie of working in reac colossal errors of the past. The Com.
dent is wholly sincere in the question international congress against war. workers against the war danger. No, it Basky 1 tionary unions? And again they will inmunists can only win by organizing the of disarmament, although he does not so We appeal to all men and women of good leaves that to Barbusse, the advocate of Scott form us: the line was correct but it was unorganized the basis of industrial Basin ment, this despicable, statesman ser will to participate in our congress which as great a writer as he is a poor pollnot carried out. If Centrism had car. unions (which includes the Factory Vomas ried out the Leninist concept of work in basis. Not the organization of Indusvility before what even an intelligent ticlan, or none at all; to Heinrich Mann, Elchna reactionary unions and the United Front trial unions by syndicalists or socialists liberal is not fooled by, is not confined about whom the same may be said. to Curtis three years ago we would now be carry but by Communists.
BOOKS BY TROTSKY entirely to the social democracy.
Albert Einstein, who is undoubtedly a thrch ing on the class struggle at a much The official Communst organ, great scientist; to Hl. Wells, the social The Communist must agitate primarily higher level. Reinl PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE Daly Worker does not appear to have REVOLUTION chauvinist of 1914; and more of the for the organization of the unorganizod Keller The Factory Basis any Illusions aobut the significance of same type. Is there any reason to doubt into Indudstrial unions. The Commun.
450 pages June 25, 10 Cloth cover 50 W. Kitt Hoover proposals. On that such a conference will attract to The new turn calls for the reorganl. lsts must explain the difference between Brown paper cover 00 polemizes violently against the Forward: itself all the politicians, adventurers, zation of the unions on the the craft unions, and the Industrial unGERMANY. THE KEY TO THE Sterling facts shows that Hoover disarmament factory basis. Let us consider the ions. The socialists and the syndicalists petty bourgeois socialists and semi socialINTERNATIONAL SITUATION Craine The slightest acquaintance with the ists who figured in the various congresses factory basis in the light of the trade are not capable of explaining industrial SHALL FASCISM REALLY Gomberg proposal is a move in the Imperialist of the Anti Imperialist League and the union program. The Communist League unionism from a Marxian standpoint.
BE VICTORIOUST Rross struggle for world domination and is 1 Anglo Russian Committee, who thereby of America says the organization of the Only the Communists can give a Marxian 48 paper cover 100 Geldman pages intended to weaken Wall Street rivals, unorganized into new industrial unions explanation for Industrial HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN refreshed their reputations at the springs unions and while maneuvering against the Soviet is the central Industrial task The record by branches. of Stalinism, gained a new hold on the of the thelr role in reaction, in revolution and REVOLUTION Vol. Union. But these Forward socialists premasses slipping out of their hands, and New York 20 2 Communists in America.
In order to under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
522 pages Retail at tend to know nothing of shch things. Are this mounted to the top again?
Minneapolis 11 carry out this task we must coordinate This is the task of the Communists today.
By Special arrangements with the these socialists merely mistaken fools 10 Cleveland Is it any wonder that the organ of it with the supplementary activity of publishers of this book we can HO hailing all of this quackery of the presl.
offer it to certificate holders at bewildered petty bourgeois liberalism, Philadelphia dent? Or are they simply ignorant pro.
DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE the New Republic, should hail such a Pittsburgh phets that do not understand the ways of COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL conference? It is heartening to learn Youngstown the capitalist world? No! The social Criticism of Fundamentals that a peace movement is being started Chicago ist party policy is consciously directed Part and along new lines. An international com St. Louis toward supporting the covering up of the cloth bound Kansas City 00 mittee headed by Henri Barbusse. war moves of the imperialists. It 18 THE WORLD STRATEGY will try to initiate nothing less than a Miscellaneous 1. their role to bind the toiling masses to REVOLUTION general war against war, a campaign to the war charlots of the Imperialist war.
Part of the Draft Program be waged on all fronts by every appeal mongers, and represent all the pateifist swindles of the disarmament conferences 86 pages 25c to public opinion. This is a time, more Pioneer Publishers Notes THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION over, when such an appeal might be de as genuine. The people who are mis.
158 pages cisive. June 29, 1932. paper cover 500 leading the workers to expect pesce from cloth cover 00 The Daily Worker attacks the New Re.
the reactionary governments and their WHAT NEXT PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPpublie as pacifist muddleheads. danconferences are not simply fools. They What next in our campaign to publish MENT OF THE gerous enemies of the struggle against the works of the outstanding teachers and BY LEON TROTSKY are treeherous knavos seeking to betray 48 pages the tolling masses Into new imperialist war. but it takes care not leaders of the international revolutionary world paper cover 150 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION to mention by a word the liberal endorse movement will be WHAT NEXT by slaughter. Our emphasis. 30 pages paper cover 100 ment of the Barbusse conference! Why Leon Trotsky. As our readers know, Not bad, what? Stoutly spoken! Only, THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN should the New Republle be attacked this latest work by comrade Trotsky virtually every word of condemnation DANGER It belongs with Barbwse, properly deals with the present situation in GerThese 450 pages of analysis and record uttered against the Forward applies to 64 pages paper cover 150 speaking. But what business have the many.
of the revolution and counter revolution the statement made by Litvinov, the so COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL Commuplats in Geneva, unless they go in China since 1925, offer the first inviet spokesman at Geneva, and printed ISM there to blow up the Barbusse confer.
Because of its timeliness, its importtegral Marxian presentation of one of in the Dally Worker exactly 24 hours it 64 pages paper cover 150 ence, as Lenin advised the Comintern to ance for an understanding of the situathe greatest movements in modern times.
THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST published the quoted philliple Against do with the Hague pacifist congress in ton there, and its great propaganda The views of the Left Opposition are the Ferward! Carefully compare what INTERNATIONAL AND THE 19227 value as an instrument to change the give here fnor the first time in system.
the Forward said abont the Hoover pro. GERMAN SITUATION posals with the following quotation from atie, elaborated form, side by side with a (out of print)
With the launching and endorsement incorrect line of the and the 10c stinging criticism of special officially cabled report in the WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND of the Barusse swindle, the Cominterno. In Germany we are rushing it as is foundering in a treacherous swamp of the catastrophie fast as you can. We can say now de course pursued by Stalin and Bucharin.
Dally Worker of June 24: THE FIVE YEAR PLAN its own creation. It is inserting iselt as Anitely that it will be OFF THE PRESS The suppressed writings of Trotsky are LITVINOV WELCOMES 48 pages paper cover 100 a link in a strangulating pacifist chain! will sell for afty cents in paper found here for the first time in English. Out of Print)
THE PLAN which includes the liberal phrase montogether with appendices by Zinovies, THE REAL SITUATION IN Referring to the American proposals RUSSIA Vuyovitch, Nassunov and others.
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SINCE LENIN DIED The American delegation because in part they experience of the Kuo Min Tang policy decisive moment is approaching Events same direction as the Soviet by Max Eastman of the Anglo Russian Committee debacle are moving swiftly to their elimax. Intend in Cloth Bound Paper Bound 158 pages paper cover 60e proposals which were previously presentof an enlarged, and all the more perniciterest in the situation is intense. out of print)
ed here without securing support. Ho The ous, edition of the Anti imperialist Lea entire edition should go in no time. We Bound Volume of all the pamwelcomed the proposals, he said, because gue of Muenzenberg, Chiang Kai Shek should be busy now working up interest phlets indicated by. Only 100 they contained several important prinelCalles, Ledebour, Maxton and co. For in this book.
copies available. Cloth cover 00 ples put forward by the Soviet delega.
yesterday August of putschist adventur.
SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE tion in the preparatory disarmament com.
ism, it is turning to an August at BOUND VOLUMES Special Offer ORDERS mission and at the conference. These Geneva, a masquerade of opportunism one year subscription to the Militant is 00. paper In Preparation We still have a number of the bound include the method of proportional reduc.
and to use the exact term of the Dally volumes of comrade Trotsky pamphlets bound copy of Trotsky book is 00. By speical arrange WHAT NEXT. VITAL QUES.
tion of armaments, while maintaining ro.
Worker betrayal.
TIONS FOR THE GERMAN containing those that are out of print ment, you can get both of them for only 50 offer valld only for the summer months.
lative strength. The American proposals, PROLETARIAT This new turn to the Right in and unobtainable otherwise. In a few however, contain points deviating from Stalinist polley. half concealed though short weeks we will have to announce the Soviet proposals (even the Forward paper cover 60c It is, reveals that the world crisis is that these are all gone, for there were says Hoover does not go far enough! PIONEER PUBLISHERS bringing with it a new crisis in Centriam, only a few dozen bound in the first place.
Orders from the and must be made the object of public 84 East 10th Street, far reachng In Its consequences. The So we meant when we advise that com.
PIONEER PUBLISHERS discussion. He said he would deal with New York, Communist workers must prepare to deal rades who want these bound 84 East 10th st. New York, volumes these points later in detail when the with it in the Leniniat way. should order them at once. 2 2 the 140 pages, PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION 50 00 200 pages