BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLiberalismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879 VOLUME V, NO. 28 (WHOLE NO. 124 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1932 PRICE CENTS ON THE SPOT Vote for Foster Ford Dies Bill Threat Smash Hitler Now!
to Foreign Born wesh TROTSKY WRITES ON PROBLEMS OF CHINESE REVOLUTION Support the Communist Candidates Against Bourgeois Parties. The Problems of the Chinese Revolu.
There are millions of foreign born tion by Leon Trotsky is now for sale.
The Fascist Danger: Striking Paralle workers in this country. They constitute It is published by the Pioneer Publishers, With the nomination of Roosevelt and Labourists brought forth from their loins the backbone of American Industry. In CAPITULATION THE UNITED FRONT 84 East 10th Street, New York City. The Messrs. Fascists do not frighten us, If the Fascists try an insurrection, we price is one dollar. Not only is the book Garner as the Democratic party standard the present National government of re the steel mills, in the coal mines in all of tremendous importance as a contribu bearers in the elections, the presidential action. There is not the slightest reason the heavy Industry, particularly in the they will go to smash much faster than communists will fight against them to tion to the study of the Chinese situa campaign is now fully under way. The to believe that the American confreres unskilled sections the immigrant workers any other governmnet. Remmele, Rel the last drop of blood not in order to tion written by the greatest living Marx. machine controlled Republican conven. of MacDonald, Turati, Dan, Wels and make up the large bulk of those who chstag speech on October 14, 1931. defend the Braun Bruening government, THE MAIN ENEMY but to preserve from strangulation and makes the reading of it first class en House clique and its pork barrel appoin. proved edition of socialist politician merce in motion. During the construc.
The fact, for example, that in our rev. destruction the cream of the proletariat, tertainment. No student of the revoluteen, had its replica at the Democratic dom. In fact what has been seen option days of American economy, prosolutionary trade union activity propos the workers organizations, not only the scious worker should be without a copy ridor horse. trading and the nomination in all fields of working class endeavor the worker imported from southeastern reformist trade unions (Rubr district. zatlons, but also yours, the social dem this book. The Chinese question will of the most prominent political trimmer in this country 1s more than the blue wins also shows that our theoretical struggle ocratie. We are ready to defend with loom larger on the political horizon in in the country for president and a hard grounds to conclude that we have in the of the economic cycle foreign born against the social democracy is not pur un workers home, any printsho of a workers paper, against the attacks the future than even during the past shelled reactionary demagogue from the not a proletarian but a petty bour worker, the chief cop in the machine sued with sufficient vigor to make such several convulsive years. Two interest south for vice president.
geois refom party inimical to the in contributes his share in blood and bone errors impossible. Thaelmann, In Die of the Fascists. And we ask of you to Booze for Bread terests of the working class.
ing reviews of this work have already But the crisis has been in full force Internationale, Nov. Dec. 1931, page 489. agree to come to our aid in case our appeared. The New York Times announce Vote Communist!
organizations are threatened. We proWhile the million headed army of the for three years now. There is no sign THE SHAME. FACED TURN pose to you the united front of the work ed its publication and seized the oppor. unemployed continues to increase its One party alone represents the inter of let up. No sight of Jobs or a re.
The party must establish the united Ing class against the Fascists. TrotWorker confined its observations to a crate convention was booze. The solu the Communist party. The Left Opposi doubt that the tolling masses, all refront of the proletariat on the basis of sky, August 25, 1981. brief mud slinging review of AGAINST FASCISM Trotsky. tion of the booxe question in the ap. tion, as is known, does not agree with sources gone, tired of the endless pro the burning questons of the worker life It is necessary without any delay, finNelther paper thot it worth while to com. proved Al Smith style is advanced now the present party leadership or its pol mises of the capitalist politicians, will leading the struggle against wage rement on the contents by the Democratie bosses as the salva. icies, which have only resulted in weak. Se over from patient waiting to mili ductions, against the diminution of al ally to elaborate a practical system of tion of the country from its ills. As forening the Communist movement. But, tant mass action. The march of the warlowances, of social insurance against measures not with the aim of merely THE FAT MAN the unemployed themselves who are sul the fact remains that it is the only pro veterans on Washington, is only the persecutions of workers organiza exposing the social democracy (before tions, the party calls the broad work the Communists) but with the aim of DAY IS COMING fering so acutely not to speak of the letartan party in the election field. The the first falnt beginning.
The ruling class is watching this pro ing masses to participate in the struggle actual struggle against Fascism.
If the working class allow this de working class as a whole the Democrats worker who casta his vote for the Compression to continue much longer our distinguished themselves from the Repub munist ticket will know that he is notcess intently. They are trying with ev. and is ready to march with every er: Trotsky, December 1981. STRIKE UNITEDLY dog eat dog society may give way to a lican platform simply by the clever ver. throwing it away, for he is indicating toery means at their disposal to head of ganization willing to go along with this No common platform with the social man eat man society. That when the bal sop thrown to the hungry and home his class and to ruling the class the the rising discontent. The first blowe fighting front of the party. Smolyansky.
at man lens. Their platform pledges state Insur growing temper of struggle among the they strike are at the most advanced sec. in the Communist International, June democracy or with the leaders of the will be reversed, though some may pre ance, not federal, but nobody has yet masses. The Left opposition in the com hit out directly. Though methods that tion of the movement. But they do not 1982, page 468. German trade unions, no common pubpens the reversanding on the theory that detected a Democratte party controlled in period, and can November wild characterize their hypocrisy, the capital. our organization in the Berlin district arately, but strike unftedly!
The offer of a united front made by lications, banners, placards! March sep desh. This is a good time to see your speed to provide even state insurance the election campaign on the side of ist legislatures, bit out against the for to all the workers and organizations, is on how to strike, whom to strike ang finding an increasingly powerful echo. when to strike. Trotsky, December dentist and get your fangs sharpened. of the most meager sort. Wherever, in Communism.
You should also read the autobiography short, either the Democratle or Repub All workers: vote for Foster and Ford!
The Dies bill is the method. It is (Remmele, in Humanite, June 20, 1932. 1931. of some recognized cannibal. You must lican platforms grudgingly pledge them. Vote Communist!
a vicious piece of legislation whose purpose is to deport all Communists of for.
overcome your prejudice against man selves to carry out some progessive flesh. This prejudice was fostered by measure. it can be confidently put into eign origin. Already, action has been Franco German Anti Soviet Alliance Being Formed at Laussane taken to deport Louis Bebrits, the editor man himself as a method of self pre the category of that cyntcal hypocrisy One Dead in Fascist Riot of the Uj Elore, the Hungarian parts The latest news from Germany shows, turn is taking place in official Commun.
servation. Contrary to general bellel with which American capitalist politic Along with a hundred or more people organ, to the tender mercies of the White that the tenacious struggle of the inter. Ist ranks which we can only welcome savu 18 9do sapp Savuopajo ujians, in particular, have been accustom.
better eating than a proletarian. Hled to feeding the masses in exchange killed on Independence Day by explos terrorists of Hungary. raid was re national Left Opposition to force a rev. as a good beginning Inadequate as yet, more tender. This is merely for the votes which enable them to sink ves, accidents, etc. Fascist, Salvatore cently made in Lackawanna, where outfonary front against the impending but a turn in the right direction. Turn is Being Made suggestion, to be taken seriously only in their snouts into the trough.
Socialist Reformism case of emergency.
The stubborn, fatuous antagonism manithrough his head. Both the Fascists and deportation. The future, with its great correct nor in vain. After having first the Anti Fascists arranged meetings on er struggles, points to wholesale action denied the Fascist danger, after having tested by the Stalinist leaders to our The patent bankruptcy of the two July 4th in Rosebank to commemorate against the foreign born Communists. minimized and mocked at it, after hav: proposal that a united front of Com BRYAN SON IS CHIP bourgeois parties so clear that even the the annivesary of Garibaldi at his shrine. So inclusive is the bill that not only ing defled it with theatrically empty munists and social democrats be estab.
OF OLD BLOCKHEAD liberal press is The Bryans, like the poor are always it is making possible to acknowledge. The inevitable clash occured. The police does it intend to seize those who adhere gestures, after having lulling the work. lished to smash the Fascist advance, is a spurt of energy sided with the Fascists, slugged with us. Old William, the temporance on the part of the American socialists and to communist organizations or believe ers of Germany with the assurance that slowly giving way to an acknowledgment advocate who used to eat pound of in the present campaign. This party of drove off anti Pascism organizations, In the train after the meeting agung those guilty of belleving in public own. German. Communist Party is now being Remmeles, Plecks and Thaelmanns are of himself in Dayton, Tennessee, nighting Norman Thomas, appears now as the true half dozen anti Fascists. In the scurte ate property. It is a step towards the cerent direction. The imminence of the When comrade Trotsky first drew his circulation after he made a monkey out presented by the notorious Right winger, of 40 or more black shirts attacked ership or unlawfully damage of priva cerere direct lofter the course in die being compelled to sing a new song evolution, left us a son worthy of his friend of the people. But despite the that ensued the Mussolini supporter was outlawry of the Communist party. It has made in the face of Stalinist yassiv Germany and the Bolshevik tactics in dre. William Junior is ringing the fact that the American socialists have shot dead. worker is being held on must be fought. It is an issue around ity, the hammer blows of our criticism, 1917 with regard to the danger of the talism is the way out of the depression this country to enable the workers to homicide charges. The chances are which a real united front can be organ. have penetrated now so deeply into the Kornilov counter revolutionary marche consciousness of the vanguard that it was met with that vile abuse which Here is some of old Bill bilge as quoted test them in practise, the whole trend that the bullet came from a Fascist gun. lized and broad masses rallied.
has been the steretotyped reply of the by his son: No tomb was ever mad 80 of socialist progress more properly.
bureaucrats to the ideas of Bolshevism strong that it could imprison a righteous decay throughout the world is sufficient that the Opposition has been advancing cause. Silver will lay aside its grave indication to the conscious worker that for nine years. Now, however, Remclothes and its shroud. It will yet rise, a pennyworth of support to the mele has admitted (Rote Fahne, June 17, and in its rising, will bless mankind. candidates and platform is tantamount 1932. As long as capitalism exists, mankind a to tightening a noose around the neck of In the development of the Comin.
By Leon Trotsky clety. Bourgeois classes have set up a sorrowful howling in premonition of through a similar situation in history. The Russian working class fought lot would not be improved if cute links the working class, or rest buttons became a medium of the Russian social democrats paved position likewise, we are approaching a tern and, consequently, of the Left Opdeath. Yet, nevertheless official CommunWhen the Kornilov uprising threatened, exchange.
the way for the counter revolution in turn on a major scale. Great events re The war danger in the East is the 1sm in all countries suffers defeat after the Bolsheviks had themselves armed by the early years of successful Bolshevism. veal, once again, that false policies which direct and immediate consequence of defeat. Why? For an answer we get, ZAGARIA IS OUT The Italian social democrats paralyzed are foisted by force upon the proletarian Stalin ruinous policy in relation to the The general line is incorrect, but the the Kerensky government and Kornilov BUT WICKS REMAINS the arms and brains of the working class vanguard bring in therr train cruel re Chinese revolution. The militarists of executives are poor. As if executives was smashed. Out of the victory over As if the gist of Kornilov grew the triumphant Red Oct. person answering to the tag of Ar. until Mussolini had marched to Rome and tallation. There is not a single problem Japan threaten the Soviet Union because descend from the sky. thur Zagaria was recently removed from power. The German social democracy. literally not a single one wherein Stalin helped his ally Chiang Kai Shek the general line does not consist precisoober and the Soviet power.
ly in suckling executives in its own sem This elementary truth, the Opposition the district bureau of the Communist after 14 years of consistent treachery, the insufficiency of the general line has to strangle the revolution.
Thereafter the Stalinists propounded blance and Image. As if the leaders are has tried for two years now to beat into Party on the ground that he was a stool Fascism by restraining the proletariat clarity. Whenever a large concern is in that Soviet China could be bullt on the not responsible for those whom they de to ward on our blows with stupid chat Warfare legate! The senseless and dishonest ter about soclal fascism. Even now, pigeon. In a lengthy article in the and canalizing its protest into the reac straits, creditors from all sides swarm, foundation of the partisan Daily Worker of June 24, the Boston tionary channels of Hindenburg, chair and act all the more merellessly the long of the peasantry without Immedi: theory of the infallibility of the leader the steps recommended by us for the District Bureau flagellates itselt in the warmer for Hitler. In England, thel er the settlement has been protracted. ate revolutionary Insurrections in the (Continued on page Continued on page 4)
best self critical manner for harboring cities. Years of adventurism weaka stoolpigeon in their midst for four ened atill further the Chinese proletar.
years. They admit they were guilty of int. The responsibility for the present rotten liberalism and non Bolshevik weakness of revolutionary China tles on tolerance. Surely self criticism coula the shoulders of the politicians of the not go further than that! However our Third Period.
ened by the presence in the Party Chain Formed by Hoover, Socialists, Litvinov, Barbusse Co. Opposition lete weer te bere or rewarning 400 Hear Opposition Speakers in Bronx Despite Stalin Gangs Harry Wicks, author of the famous expenditures in the year directly pre that the prize leaps in the industrializaOn Saturday, June 25, a squad of party tlal election. The last speaker of the speech before the Chamber of Commerce The next Issue of the militant ceding the war, 1913, and those of 1930. tion of carried with them the members and sympathizer disrupted a levening was comrade shachtman. He of Gary, Indiana In 1920, in which he will publish an extensive analysis by se will be found that long land has in threat of a break with the village; that meeting of the New York Branch of stressed the importance of Internationalexposed the activities of the Communists comade Leon Trotsky on the socalled creased hers 42 percent, France 30 per the technically and culturally unprepar the Communist League, on Wilkins and ism. In this connection, he understood among the steel workers and threatened International conference against to go on a lecture tour and write two war which has been called for Aug and the United States almost 200 per. carried with it the threat of a crists wrote a letter to the District Commit tion in Germany, the role of the prehefty tomes exposing the Reds. Thelust 1, 1932 at Geneva by Henri Bar cent. While the statesmen bave been in staples At the present moment the tee of the requesting them to take sent government, the social democratic treachery of this man Wicks was brought busse, Romain Rolland, Wells, dripping with assurances at every con warning has become a fact. The Stalin stand on these anti working class and the Communist parties, and the posto the attention of the Party in 1923 Upton Sinclair, Sen Katayama and but he was let off with a reprimand.
ference that their anxiety for peace is ist bureaucracy, along this line also has tactics, and urging them to condemn the sible consequences of Fascist victory for others. Some remarks on the subject ftrmer than the Gibraltor, the world exjammed itself into inexorable difficulties. misguided actions of their followers. We the world working class and for the thanks to the defense of John Pepper. will be found in the article below. penditues for defense purposes have Under the yoke of pressing necessity, it received no reply to this letter. But in Soviet Union. He concluded with an Wicks is today one of the leading tlgincrease from 3, 497 000, 000 in 1925 to is now performing an economic about spite of the silence of the party leaders able presentation of the position of the ures in the Communist Party of the thoug monstrous swindle is being prac 4, 128, 000, 000 in 1830, without a let down turn of exceptional historical importance, we proceeded to the same corner to in. Left Opposition and an ardent appeal to sad to relate his defender tised at Geneva. With all the solemnity in the progression for any single year.
But partly because it does not itself un sist upon the right of the Left Opposi all Communist workers to bring pressure Pepper now occuples a enge in the head of consummate hypocrisy the capitalist AMERICA SHREWD derstand what it is doing, and partly be tion to hold meetings on this or any on their organizations to force a change offices of the Salt (Heh, Heh. Trust statesmen of all the big powers have PACIFISM cause it is consciously fooling the party. corner, without brooking the interference of polley.
in Moscow.
been gathered there for months to dis. While the war expenditures the In the name of prestige, it is disorienting of any group or organization.
The most interesting part of the meetcuss disarmament. Not one of them powers mount to unscaled heights, ther and disarming the working class of the On Wednesday, July 6th, the Oppositioning was the question period. The old THERE IS STILL SOME is opposed Heaven forbid. to disarm. external debts do not decline. On the Soviet Union.
MONEY AT LARGE came to the corner and staged a meet slanders, accusations and epithets were ament and peace, providing only that it contrary, the external debts of Britain, What further conditions are required ing. Over 400 were present the meet. hurled at Shachtman. That in all these It seems that some of the natives st is the other countries that do the dis Germany, France, Belgium and Italy now in order to assure the revolutionary hege ing and attentively listened to the speech years of education no real arguments have a little money to worry about. Just arming. The Geneva conference is not total some 28 billions of dollars, to most mony of the German proletariat within es of comrades Glotzer, Oehler and have been produced, is indisputable proof when we were definitely coming to the the first one at which this gross fraud of which the United States, as the world the nation; and of the Communist party Shachtman for more than three hours of the bankruptcy of Stalinism. The two conclusion that the paper dollar and its has been perpetrated laying down a great credi or, lays claim. When the within the proletariat? Herein too the Predominant in the crowd were party gems of the question period are note silver and nickel offspring were strictly thick screen of oratory in favor of peace American bourgeoisie, therefore, presents Stalinist bureaucracy has contrived to members and sympathizers. The worthy of mention. Why don you talk confined to the museums, up rises Mel while the world armaments are multi its proposals for reductions in arma doom the Communist party to a fraudul Branch of the Communist League was about Wilkins Ave. instead of the intervin Traylor, potent money magnate otplied.
Chicago and gives as an excuse for bei Since the signing of the Versailles possible a larger repayment of the debts From 1919 on, the German Social Dem workers guard to maintain order at the sou talk about rent instead of talking ing late at a Democratic meeting that treaty, it has been estimated that more due to it from Europe, and secondly, itocracy has worked unceasingly for Fasc. meeting. large quantity of militants about the situation in Germany there was a run on Chicago banks which than afty International conference have is able to buttress the myth of American ism. From 1923, the German Communist and pamphlets were sold at the meet The meeting ended in an orderly fash.
necessitated his being at his post. Fin been held by the leading imperialist pacifism which it has so sedulously cul. Party has worked apmocracy. Ignor. The meeting was opened by comradel Whether this was due to the imposing in the in ing.
ancial genius saved the situation and powers to solve one or another aspect tivated in the minds ion after almost an hour of questioning.
of the masses. terests of the social only ten banks closed their doors, among of the problem of peace and security. Moreover, the United States can easily ing the lessons of the tragic experiences Glotzer who acted as chairman. He was workers guard at the meeting or to inthe number being the institution that while the war to end all wars and the afford to reduce its armaments to the as well as our warnings, the Stalinist followed by comrade Oehler, who gave structions from the party we cannot say.
carried the account of the local branch post war conferences went their dreary lowest scale, proportionally with any bureaucracy is at present driving the a clear and comprehensive exposition of We are inclined to thing that it is for of the When the workers ex course, the bandit powers have been sys other country, for, as the world largest German proletariat in a bee line towards the election campaign from the Commun the former reason. However it was propriate the bankers they will only be tematically increasing their expenditures factory and bank combined in one, it can an abyss.
getting their money back ist viewpoint. He urged support for the tremendous success for the Left Oppoalfor armaments and war materials. It outstrip any other country in speedy The unprecedented economic crisis has Communist party and its candidates, tion and we intend to repeat it on the RIDEM comparison is made between defense (Continued on page 2) turned into the collapse of capitalist so Foster and Ford, in the coming presiden same corner in the near future.
Stalinism in Straits; Opposition on Upsurge Geneva Peace Swindles Successful League Meet of