AntifascismAntifascist FrontBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyExtremistGermanyImperialismKamenevLeninLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

GE CHE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1932 The Economic Crisis, the Unemployment An Open Letter to the Political Situation and the American Working Class Party District Committee Biography of Stalin.
of speech June 29th, 1982 by LEON TROTSKY District Executive Committee III. ports for the first quarter of 1932 fell New York District The enormous accumulation of capital 37 percent when compared to the same 50 East 13th Street (Continued from last issue) of the revolution, Stalin still talks of Stalin. Therefore the reports of the in the United States, the gigantic growth inonths of 1928. The decline in imports New York City, 10. We give here a story by Shliapnl. Millukov as an ally: the Soviet conquers, March conference are conccaled from the The comparative 15 Comrades: of Industry and of the process of con was 56 percent.
kov. The Seventeenth Year. 1925, the provisional government strengthens. party.
centration of production and of Intenures for exports and imports taking only Last Saturday evening. June 25th, the 2) about the change wrought by Stalin It is difficult to believe that these words 15. Conducting, in relation to the sity of production, has pushed it ever the first quarter of each year were as open air meeting of our organization, the and Kamenev joined together at that could be uttered by a reporter to the provisional government and the war, the more onto the world market. The credit follows in millions of dollars. Bolshevik conference at the end of March policy of the Left Mensheviks, Stalin system, so highly developed bere, vastly Year (Jan. March) Exports Imports Communist League of America (Opposl time by the unity of their positions, 459 1932 898 tion. on the corner of Wilkins and in. The day of the appearance of the 1917! Even Martov would not have put had no ground on which to refuse to un accelerated the material development of 1931 710 tervale, the Bronx, was broken up by a first issue of the changed Pravda the the question this way. This is the ite with the lensheviks. Here is how 898 the forces of production. In the early group of party members and sympathiz Fifteenth of March was a day of re theory of Dan in its most vulgar expreshe expressed himself on this question at 1930 1, 129 893 stages of the capitalist mode of produc1920 1, 420 1, 122 ers. As workers organization, as a jolcing for the defenders. The whole slon: the democratic revolution as an the same March conference of 1017. We thon the expansion of foreign trade be1928 1, 203 1, 089 Communist group we wish to strongly Taurido Palace, from the men of af: abstraction within the confines of which cite the report literally, came a great ald to its development fairs in the committees of the Duma to participate the more moderate and the Now, however, it has become an integral The favorable balance of trade for protest against such action. On the order of the day Tseretelli the very heart of the revolutionary dem. more determined forces; who divide part of this mode of production through this quarter (excess of exports over im The Communist in the United States Ucracy the Executive Committee. was the work among themselves: one con proposal for unity.
its need for an ever expanding market. ports) was 11, 000, 000, compared with who are in the forefront of the struggle Alled with the news: the victory of the quers, who divide the work among them Stalin: We have to go. It is absolute This is particularly uptly allustrated by 111. 000. 000 in the preceding quarter and for the interests of the working class, moderate common sense Bolsheviks over selves: one conquers, the other streng ty necessary to detine our proposal on the the position of American capitalism in 142, 000, 000 in the same period of 1931. are the first to struggle for the element the extremists. In the very Executive thens. And nevertheless, Stalin speech line of wits. Unity is possible on the the world market.
We can easily comprehend the immense ary rights of free speech, press and as Committee we were met with poisonous is not accidental. We have in it the Hine of Zimmerwald Kienthal.
Seriously contracted home sembluse for the workers and their or smites. This was the first and only time schema of the whole stalinist policy in Even Molotov, It is true, expressed The erials broke first here, and its obstacles in doubts, though not very articulately, acuteness was undoubtedly to an extent market which meets the American gov. sanizations. The master class and its that Pravda won the approval even of China in the years 1924 28.
due to the fact that this country gives ernment reconstruction program to state power, particularly during the pre. the stout defenders of liberal sense.
With what passionate indignation, not. Stalin retorts: To run ahead and to the most credit to the world market and these obstacles become so much more denying these rights of the workers. The at the factories it caused complete per succeeded in coming to the last session ary. Without disagreements there no When this issue of Pravda was received withstanding all his reserve, Lenin, who anticipate disagreements is not necess.
payments, which had to be squared, was strongly accentuated on the world mar. Communist Parts, our vanguard cream plexity among the members of our party of that same conference lashed Stalin party life. Inside the party we ll get rid of xation in this country, has correctly put and our sympathizers and malicious position. Even our Bolsheviks, he said, of insignificant disagreements. arch against it, even though the general bal. ket. While the sources of power American imperialism are spread all over forth as one of its demands in the compleasure among our opponents. manifest trust in the government. This party conference. Session of April 1st.
ance of trade favored the world its contradictions accumulate ing elections rig. To the Petersburg committee, to the can be explained only by the Cumes of Page 32. It is estimated that the United States ever more rapidly. Yet as far as the assemblage, etc. for the workers.
bureau of the and to the editorial the revolution. This spells the wreck of These few words say more than wholo. today holds approximately 28. 000. 000. present situation is concerned it has been The tactie of Interfering with workers board of Pravda came inquiries: what socialism. You comrades trust the gov. volumes. They show those thoughts on 000 worth of foreign paper that can able not only to maintain the gold stan meetings by members of the Communist is the matter. why did our paper re! ernment. If so, our ways part. will which Stalin was feeding in the yenrs of not now be paid. These vast credite dard but even to strengthen the post party, not only weakens this flight, but nounce the Bolshevik line of Lenin and rather remain in the minority. One the war und bear witness with judicial granted and the mass of capital loaded tion of the dollar.
plays directly into the hands of the So 80 over to the line of the defenders? Liebknecht is dearer than a hundred and exactress that the Zimmerwaldism of to and invested in foreign countries, of Since 1920 about 2, 250, 000, 000 in short cialist reformists and the reactionary And the Petersburg committee like the ten defenders of the Steklov and Cheidze Stalin was of the same stamp as the Zimcourse, demand thelr continuous returna. term funds lodged in this country by parties. It leads to confusion of the whole organization was caught unawares type. If you sympathize with Liebknecht merwaldism of Tseretellt. Here again But the returns, generally speaking a foreign central banks have been repaid workers who witness it makes them by this turn and therefore was deeply and stretch even one finger to the de there is not a hint of the ideological Ir.
far as American capitalism is concern. by cold withdrawals from this country. lose faith in the wincerity of the Com. Indignant and blamed the bureau of the fenders this will be a betrayal of inter reconciliability, the false mask of which ed, are not desirable in the form of At the early period of these withdraw. munist struggle, and means a loss of The Indignation in the sections national socialism. March party con Stalin, in the Interests of the apparatus commodities that much the adopted as the gold holding here, due to the prestige of Communism, and in the first was collossal, and when the proletarians ference, 1917, Session of April Restruggle, put on a few days later. On tarif regulation alone shows sufficiently. favorable trade balance, nevertheless instance, of the Communist party. Fur. found out that Pravda had been seized port of comrade Lenin. page 44. the contrary, Menshevism and BolshevSo the problem of the returns still re continued to increase to record high, ther, it brings the police and the capital hy the three former editors of Pravda must not be forgotten that Lenin ism represent themselves to Stalin at mains a rather vexing one. We mention on September 16, 1931 of 85, 016, 000. But ist governent to settle the disputes who had arrived from Siberia, they do speech and the reports in their entirety the end of March 1917 n8 shades of this only as a reminder of the fact that these foreign banks continued to convert which exist within the working class and manded their expulsion from the party. have been concealed from the party up thought that can live in harmony in one the very question of American capitalism their dollar holdings into gold, and Communist movement. The third was the former deputy Mur. till now.
parts. Disagreements with Tseretellt, Issuing out of the crisis is quite closely since then up to the present time, the But even more than this. Since our Anov. 13. How did Stalin pose the question Stalin cafls Insignificant disagreements bound up with the world market progold holding here have decreased to organization, the Communist League, was To this must be added the following: for war? Exactly like Kamenev. It is which can be got rid of inside one party, blems.
about 3, 000, 000, 000. The Wall Street founded we have supported the Commun(a) Shliapnikov exposition was worked necessary to awaken the Faropean work expose the coneliiatlonist relations of At this polat, however, there enter bankers kall these withdrawals which ist Party In itu dally activity, Mensheviks In such questions as. reparations, Inter al. they estimate as about having come to a strations and elections campaigns. Sev pressure of Stalin and Kameney in 1925 in relation to the revolution. But how Trotsky with the Left 1913.
Hled debts, retaliating tariffs etc. But close a disturbing element now removed eral weeks ago we sent you a letter in (at that time the three still domin. are the European workers to be awakabove all there are the questions of the from the financial situation. In their which we relterated our support of the atod. b) no dentals of Shllapolkov ened? Stalin gives the answer in an 16. In such a position Stalin naturally political stability of the various capl. view the lack of confidence is being re party in the coming elections and offered story have appeared in the official press article on March 17. we have couldn seriously oppose anything to the tallst nations, the increased antagonisme moved, the dollar is emerging stronger our services (platform, speakers, liter. And how can it be denied? Those issues shown already one of the most serious and Menshevika in the Execu national antagonisms and class anta It has been correctly asserted in these ature, etc. in the work. We stated of Pravda still exist.
methods of doing it. It consists in com. tive Committee where he entered as a gonisms and the growing danger of war. columns before that a new ascendancy that we intend to actively participate in 11. The relation of Stalin to the propelling our own government to express representative of the party after his ar Politics and economics are here quite for the capitalist system as a whole is the campaign this year as before and blem of revolutionary power is expressed itselt not only against any plans of con, rlval. There is not to be found in the inseparably interwoven. Their texture not possible. We have already entered bring the message of communism to the in a speech at a party conference (ses quest, but to formulate openly the will records or in the press one proposition, forms the basis of the crafty diplomate the epoch of capitalist decline and working masses.
maneuvering at the numerous world letarian revolutions. The existence of We received no reply to this letter. al government, in fact, took the role of ately negotiations for a general peace Stalin in some measure clearly counter.
conferences which are being held right the Soviet Union, growing constantly However, we have been carrying on our strengthening the conquest of the revolu on conditions of renunciation by both posed the Bolshevik polnt of view to the along. Each imperialist power struggles stronger despite its diffeultles, testifles work in this direction. The meeting on tionary people. The Soviet power and sides of any conquests, and the right of lackeyism of the revolutionary demto increase or at least to maintain its eloquently to this fact. It is being fur. Wilkins and Intervale, which was broken the social democracy mobilize forces, nations to self determination ocracy before the bourgeoisie. One of share in economy The sum and ther reinforced by the growing revolu up last Saturday by party members and control, but the provisional government In this manner the pacifism of Mill the recorders of events of that period, substance of these conflicts presents altionary movements within the capitalist sympathizers, was called to discuss the persisting blundering takes the role of kov Guchkov was to serve as a means of a non partis half defend Sukhanov the author of the above mentioned mani.
the awakening the European proletariat problem not at all easy to solve, not even countries. But it is just as important to problems of the workers and urge them strengthening those conquests of for American capitalism.
also remember that in the imperialist to support the party in the coming elec people, which In fact already accomOn April 4, on the second day of his festo to the tollers of the whole world, considerable portion, an estimated stage of the unequal development of capt tions as well as in the day to day strug blished by them. Such a situation has arrival, Lenin declared with Indignation says in Notes of the Revolution: For negative, but also positive sides: it is at the party conference: Pravda de the Bolsheviks at this time, beside KamAmerican capital sent abroad represents and the question of the ability of Am. We repeat, comrades, the tactic or not to our advantage now to force events, mands from the government that it should nev, there appeared in the Executive direct Investments in enterprises of pro erican capitalism to issue out of the breaking up workers meetings can only to quicken the process of the split off renounce annexation. To demand from Committee. Stalin during his modest duction. It was exported in order to be er lists and that the south them werk og lead to the discr ditment of the Com of the bourgeois strata which later must capttallst governments that they renounce activity in the Executive Committee (he)
rate of profit. In that sense it was the other capitalist powers in world econ. We intend continuing Stalin is afraid to push away the ery. The March conference of the son of a gray spot, that sometimes glim.
surplus capital although may appear my still remains it is belns confirmed work despite all obstacles. We ask you bourgeotsie the fundamental argument party in 1917. Session of April Re mered dully and traceless. More about him there is nothing to say (Notes of paradoxical to speak of surplus capital brandts recurring conflicts on questions to publicly elther denounce such tactics Searn 1904; of the Mensheviks beginning with the port of comrade Lenin. Page 44. These words were almed entirely at the Revoltion. Book, pages 265 206. in the face of industries operating at all of the war reparations, International or asume responsibility for them. Wel In so far as the provisional govern. Stalin. To be Coninued)
low percentage of production capacity debits and moratorium. Each of the sincerely suggest that you take the forment supports the steps of the revolu 14. March 14, the Menshevik Social and millions of workers unemployed international conferences held on these mer course, issue a statement in the tion, so far is it to be supported; and Revolutionist Soviet issued a manifesto excess population. But it will soon be It is counter revolutionary, about the war to the tollers of all counYouth Notes found that surplus capital and such sur questions increases the importance of pally Worker denouncing such tactics In so far a United States plus population, exist side by side, and participation by the that the existence of one is the conds whether or not the participation takes and informing the Party members and support to the provisional government is tries. The manifesto was a hypocritical pseudo pacifist document in the political (Continued from page 2)
the form of presence or absence of of astrous consequences that may the Left wing sympathizers of the dis unacceptable.
Just go Dan spoke. In other words, spirit of the Mensheviks and who tion for the other.
Time has wholly proven the correctclal delegates. These conferences, how from them.
result is it possible to defend the bourgeois gov. were pe to rise against their own bour and myselt.
the workers of other ness of the stand of the other comrades Exportation of surplus capital becomes ever, also increasingly show the orin. We await an early reply to this letes? The record further proclaims: com geoiste and themselves were going atong The present politically impotent leadernment before the revolutionary mass countries a means of promotion of the exportation ous signs of sharpening imperialist conof goods and of the acquisitin of super Alicts and of imperialist maneuvers rade Stalin publishes the resolution about in the same harness with the imperial ership has failed miserably in all its protits. The effort is made, of course, against the Soviet Union. This reflects Fraternally yours, the provisional government adopted by ists of Russia and the whole entente. plans. In fear of being removed from to thereby monopolize both the sale of the fact that the world economic crisis CAPELIS the bureau of the but says that How did Stalin appraise this mant their positions because of this they tergoods in foreign trade and the supply of is becoming ever more bound up with Secretary he does not fully agree with it, and festo? First of all, undoubtedly the rorixed by expulsion or threats of exraw materials. The foreign trade, by the question of war. In that perspecNew York Branch rather concurs with the resolution of bare slogan down with war is unsuit pulsion all those who raised their voices virtue of the fact that it makes possitive we cannot fail to notice the increasthe Krasnoyarsk Sovlet.
able as a practical road One can help in protest and criticism. Singled out ble an expansion in the scale of producingly agressive role of American im Communist League of America We cite the most important points of welcoming yesterday appeal of the So were those who insisted on fraternizing tion, in general, thereby tends to cheapen perlulist (Opposition)
the Krasnoyarsk resolution. To make viet of workers and soldiers deputies with the expelled courades.
the elements of constant capital. By While we take due notice of the enor VERIORES clear in full that the only source of in Petrograd to the nations of the whole Unable to meet the criticism of these simultaneously raising the rate of surplus mous contradictions developing and of power and authority of the provisional world to compel their own governments expelled comrades, and failing to convalue it then alao tends to raise the rate the future furious conflicts implied in of profit. This is, of course, at the bot the efforts being made to break the CORRECTION government is the will of the people who to stop the slaughter. This appeal, if it vince myself and others of the correctaccomplished this overturn and whom the reaches the broad masses, will undoubt ness of the line of the leadership in spite tom the very intense struggle among Iackbone of the crisis. it would be Mistak Crept Into Our Previous Issue provisional government is obliged to obeyedly return hundreds and thousands of of lies, flinging dirt and slander, such the imperialist puovers for control of correct to consider this crisis as a botthe world market. But the expansion of tomless one. It would be wrong for us Problems of the Chinese Revolution ment in its activity in so far as it We advertised a free copy of the completelyworkers to the forgotten slogan Pro as these comrades being counter revolu To support the provisional govern letarians of all countries, unite!
tionary enemies of the working class same time hastens the process of accum. a distinct national imperialist power, with a one year subscription to the Mili. marches along the road of satisfying the the defenders? In the already cited burocrats resorted to threats of expul.
How did Lenin appraise the appeal of who have sneaked into the the ulation and hastens the growing dispro cannot issue out of it, or even that the tant. This should be: demands of the working class and the speech of April 4th he said: The appeal sion to all who fraternized. Accusations portion of constant capital. mcans of present contraced mass of surplus value One copy of Problems of the Chinrevolutionary peasantry in the develop of the Soviet of workers deputies there aware that these comrades are revoluproduction) increasing more rapidly than realized toy it, by its exploitation of work. ese Revolution. paper cover ing revolution.
variable capital (labor power and there ers at home and abroad, will be the basis fore again promotes its own contradic for normalcy in the future. It would One year subscription to The Militant Such is the position of Stalin on the sciousness. There is nothing in it but thonaries of high rank. have continued question of power.
to fraternize.
tion, the fall in the rate of profit.
lifeless phrases. The party conference still be too carly to point to any such de 00 12. The date, March 29, must be of 1917. Session of April 4th. Report)agree with the Left Opposition on American foreign trade, however, has finite limitations to its future process Obtainable During the Summer specially underlined. In this manner, of comrade Lenin, Page 13. These studied.
the following questions, which have today hit the lowest record in twenty of accumulation. What can be said deMonths for the Sum of 50 more than a month after the beginning words of Lenin are aimed entirely at years. But just about so, or worse, is the Anitely, however, is that in the next (1) Germany: the necessity of a work.
condition of world trade in general. At stage the conflict of the development of ers antiFascist united front.
present 41 percent of the 1920 level con. the forces of production with the exist. 2) The Incorrectness of the idea of stitutes that record of the combined 2sing property relations and the conditions completing Socialism in one country, leading capitalist countries doing a total of wage labor will sharpen manifold.
this theory is the basis of many errors.
of 80 percent of the world trade There For the American working class, on (3) Against burocracy.
is powerful testimony in this to the the other hand, one part of the question. The Leninist united front tactic.
råvages of the world economic crisis of its perspective is already settled. will continne to further study the question.
This, of course, is the picture of the cap That is the part which has relation to Italist countries only, and not at all of its futire standard of living. The capitI believe the Left Opposition is a rev.
the Soviet Union.
ulist efforts to issue out of the crisis olutionary group and therefore should be re admitted into the Communist party, According to the Department of Com are entirely conditioned upon the saddling merce the unit value of American ex class. In other words it will be at the The only political revolutionary organl.
of its burden entirely onto the working zation of the proletariat.
price of a lower level for the working AFTER THREE AND HALF YEARS OF PATIENT WORK, THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA protest violently against the head.
THE MILITANT class. In the final analysis, therefore, NOW PRESENTS TO THE AMERICAN COMMUNIST WORKERS THE WHOLE STORY OF THE DEVELOP chor plus of all comrades who dare think Pablished weekly by the Communist the very question of American capital MENTS OF THE GREAT CHINESE REVOLUTON OF 1925 27.
ism overcoming its crisis depends decisHERE, IN COLD TYPE, ARE THE ANALYSES, THE PROPOSALS AND THE WARNINGS OF THE GREAT urge all comrades to study the poslLAAFDE of America (Opposition)
tion of the Left Opposition. at 84 East 10th St.
Protest against any expulsions of comEDITORIAL BOARD TERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE!
rades for fraternization or Communist Kartin Abern READ WHAT TROTSKY WROTE IN 1925 27 AND CHECK IT AGAINST WHAT REALLY HAPPENcriticism!
Everywhere, within the capitalist na.
Max Bhachtman Maurice Spector tions, the crisis has unleashed tremendEDI IRVING BERN.
Entered a second claw mall matter ous forces. There is an army of perman.
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For the benefit of the Spanish Opposition Now York, Under the act of many millions. The struggle to further Youth Press reduce the working class standard of March 3, 1879.
SUNDAY, JULY 10th, 1932 Vol. 5, No. 27 (Whole No. 123) living will go on. The growth of the TIBBETTS BROOK PARK PLOT SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1982 revolutionary movement is unmistakable.
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Anenie. Snartsens Youth Club ter NOW READY!
Problems of the Chinese Revolution by LEON TROTSKY James Candon case.