BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1932 TAE MILITANT PAGE selves hostile to the group in power from handle all the difficulties at the same of its Communist voters, the Left wing polley which flows from the theory of Browth of the from its central has been established, very enthusiastic, The Break in the Right Center Bloc and the Left Zig zag of Stalinism gle against war, the one for amnesty: the Red Trade Union Center) one against wage cuts.
But all this is very limited, it touches the self same sections of sympathizers In a recent issue of the Workers Age, Therefore we will deal from time to and does not unfold any substantial mass Lovestone prints a correspondence from time with our advances. We will only The legislative elections of May and Paris. Herriot or Chautemps will not of the its influence are at the movement. have resulted in the formation of a have to fear any more disagreeable de present time altogether insignificant with Spain, hailing most probably from his bring a few cases for the present. They new government, composed almost ex monstrations from the side of the Royal. regards to that of the socialist party.
Change In Polley of is Needed National Communist friends in the Maurin are good examples.
clusively of Radicals and secure in its ists and the Patriotic Youth. Secondly, In Badajoz Our group in MaguillaA complete and energetic change in group (Workers and Peasants Bloe. overwhelming majority in parliament.
In the place of Tardiou, the open and Mobile (militia) in the dockers strike rallying forces about itself from the events.
there is the intervention of the Garde thoroughly its electoral successes. It 15 the policy of the party is imposed by the Among other things, the Spanish Left In Maguilla, neither the party nor the After the democratie Illusions, Opposition comes in for a share of sland. Bloc have sufficient members to all avowed representative of the Comlte des at Port de Bouc. The bourgeoise can Right as well as from the Left through a certain repercussion is bound to be er and lies on the part of the correspon taxt they haven even a single mem.
In the month of April, group (the two strongest business combines of allowed much leeway. And then, Jon front of its petty bourgeois, pensant and policy would mean to continue to Isolate Spanish section with 300 members, when had twenty comrades. Progress achieved French Imperialism. we now have an haux still represents France at Geneva. radical voters, it shows itself as a part itself, to exhaust itself. It must bener to 1500 and where its connections and group has now more than fifty inembers outfit that represents above all, the exTort industries and several big commer about the significance of the retreat be. It has proposed a daring governmentall them clear program and Issue con. Influence stretch over a national scope with a big influence in the trade unions.
We repeat: we must not be deceived san of participation in the government. trate into the masses, to develop within In Corunia The organization of a cial banks. The old majority has broken fore the employees: It is and can only program. knowing full well that the crete slogans. That is the prerequisite that neither the official party nor the To call group in Maninios In Maninios the taxi up in the face of this situation. On the be provisional. There has alrendy been bourgeo zle does not as yet need to for an acquisition of new forces, for Bloquistas can hope to reach one hand, the Marin group (the extreme some talk of difference on whether or participation. It has even of the official party and that of Maurin given its leading the masses into struggle. In or the bluff of the Lovestone sheet and we are positively vacant. Ours is almost Republican reactionaries) and part of not the moment is opportune for an votes to the Herriot government to der to take root in the masses, it is nec its Spanish petty bourgeois allies, the bursting.
the Tardieu group have declared them. attack. The present tendency is not to prove its good republicanism. In front essary first of all to abandon the entire reprint the following account of group of twelve comrades organ, El Soviet: very active, with a big following and the inception, chiefly because it includes time to attempt first, to obtain some is allowed to push forward for workers social Fascism.
within its majority the votes of the so thing at Geneva and Lausanne and then, unity, for the struggle against capitalBullejos the leader of the Staliniste considerable intluence in the trade un In view of the threat that is hang cialists. On the other hand, the rest of to have a free hand to go over to the ism.
the Tardieu group, under Flandin the offensive against the working class by ing over the head of the employees and and his camp followers, the Bloqulon.
Another group organized in Hombres In the face of this increased activity of the exploited, the party ought to proistas and their clique are attempting forter Minister of Finance expressing keeping an eye on the developments in of the socialist party. the Teeble politica pose to the reformist organizations the prove that we are all sect. The The ottical party and the Maurinists do are abstaining from independent action The Struggle within the Working Claw is really deplorable. The accounts ren government and the role played by the in the country united front against the offensive of the Stalanists are employing the expression, not even know that there is a town by bosses. It must which they consider especially droll: the the name of Hombres in Spain. Thereand leaving the field free for the HerUnder these circumstances, the question dered in Humanite cannot conceal the prove itself the most zealous champion one taxi. But realities show the con there. The Communist Left Opposition, riot government.
What is the latter going to do? What is posed with particular acuteness. Who insignificance of the Communist speech of trade union unity. Only on this contrary and the most eloquent proof for the other hand, has recently organ.
indication has it given in this respect, will prevail in the working class roles in parliament because they are mere. Lition can we overcome the election de this is the fuct that the Bloquistas sized a group of comrades who are carryformism or Communism? Which, the ly the expressions of a sick movement in the course of the first days of its exc. or the socialist party, will be able and not the expression of the desires Teat, a sacrifice made for an entirely well as the Stalinists do not let moing on an excellent struggle in defense istence? And what can it do?
of our viewpoint. This group already The Lausanne Conference to gain its confidence?
and the actions of the broad working false political course.
ment pass without preoccupying them enjoys a considerable influence among the It must be admitted that the activity masses. The party is conducting a strug LA VERITE. selves with this fantastic taxi.
In foreign policy, it is faced with trade unton organizations in the locality.
great problems. It will have to deal In Puenteduema month ago we had with reparations and debts at the Nine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition in this town two comrades. The Lausanne Conference with armaments work which they have carried on since, at Geneva. Behind all sorts of vague has netted the fruitful results of a dozen formulations, it is becoming apparent comrades at this writing. The party that the orientation of the new governand the Maurinints are conspicuous by ment will not be much different, basietheir complete absence here.
ally, from that of the former one. No The events which followed the Fif, the two class party revision of Marr, Greater persistance and candor, to press, Rykov solemnly reported to the foreign In Tejares (Salamanca) In Salammatter which faction of the bourgeoisie teenth Congress of the Russian party in ism and the delication of the middle upon Stalin to carry it out. But in their delegates, without, mind you, blinking anch, the official party has tried Its utcontrols the levers of the government, it December 1927, at which the whole Oppeasant were born of their political cob. zealous optimism they overlooked an eye lash, that the reports concerning most to divide our comrades. But since will have to hold on to the maintenance position was finally expelled, marked a abitation. Their unity was symbolized point of prime import. differences within the Russian Political they could not allenate our class conof the Versalles Treaty in order to decided turning point in the historical when the fundamental program of the The strength of the Right wing lay Bureau were sheer nonsense and simply scious comrades they aligned themselves sure the general interests of the French struggle we are reviewing Up to that Comintern was presented to the sixth in the classes outside the party, whose Trotskyist counter revolutionary bourgeoisie, and to its present military time, the Opposition had been assalled Congress in the name of Stalin and influence on the inside was not at all umny. This was just as solemnly cal with really corrupt elements. In their and ranks is one who during the dictatorship strength in order to preserve its political under the banner of Stalin classic Bucharin.
commensurate with what they enjoyed unsmilingly repeated throughout the of Primo de Rivera was regally appointslogan: Fire against the Left! applace in Europe in its struggle for hegewanded by the International bourgeoisie Mth embracing the incorruptible olal strength of the Stalin faction lay in the most furious battles were taking place visory capacity, and who was a member But the unity of this granite mono in the country as a whole; whereas the Comintern, at the very moment when the ed to act for the dictatorship in an admony In this struggle it will clash with the and social democracy.
Arrayed against Leninist guard was less real than ap tremendous party apparatus and in the within the monolithic leadership! Final of the reactionary Union Patriotica United States, whose interests in the the Left wing of the party was a solid parent. Those molecular processes of fact that, with the outlawry of the Lenin y, as late as October 1929, when Stalin It is no surprise for us when we know matter are no secret. But what the basicembracing not merely the present the class struggle which had fused it to 1st Opposition, the proletralan mass would made his sensational Moscow speech that the party has admitted into its modification of the form of the foreign Buclarin. Tomsky Rykov who took disand not take long to create a crials and group as against the Thermidorian plat which he described as nothing short of (Editor of the Central party organ policy which will make up for Most time tinct shape as a faction at its Right disrupt the Right Center bloc. form of the Right wing. This alone can the tendency towards a capitalist re a sort of Spanish Wieks Ed. and pull France out of her isolation so tank.
The End of the Ebb Tide explain the easy victory attained over the storation in Russia, e. a counter rev. It is well us to notice with which that she will be able to present a more On all questions of International and At the end of 1927 the protracted Bucharin faction by Stalin, in spite of olution, he took care to insist that there elements the Stalinists are aligning solid front against American Imperiale domestic polley, on all question of prinebb of the revolutionary wave was draw. the cowardice, half heartedness, Incom. was Right dance in the leader. themselves in their fight against The Lausanne Conference ought to cple and tactics, these two sections of ing to a close. The horizon was dotted petence and bureaucratie intrigue which, so that it was not embered in Buch: Opposition. It is natural that with these Krmit us to gauge correctly the present the ruling bloc had presented a common with the first signs of a turn to the as usual, distinguished the campalgnarino Bykow but in the somewhat ob people the party cannot make any procorrelation of forces. In any event, the front for five years. They went hand in left in the international working class, conducted by the latter.
scure official, Frumkin! And Bucharin gress, since the workers do not care to difficult position of French Imperialism hand against Trotskyism. Together still gue but unmistakable. In the soThe Campaign against the Right He was the man who wrote the official have anything to do with such elements, cannot be concenlod.
they decapitated the Chinese revolution viet Union itself, the proletariat lulled The famous Stalinist campaign against the Right danger!
resolution of the Political Bureau against Not only have they not won over any of Herriot Internal Policy and ruined the immediate prospects of by the long reconstruction period was the Right began formally towards the our comrades: but when in Tejares (SalIn domestie polley, the declaration of the British revolutionary movement. beginning to arise and perceive the end of 1928 and beginning of 1929.
However that may be, it was never amanca) the party organized a group of the cabinet mentions with sufficient em The theory of socialism in one country growing menace of the capitalist ele tually Ac theless by this contempeible game of forty workers, these same workers a it dates farther back. In sketch hide and seek that Stalin succeeded in short time later declared their unanimphasis several measures in favor of the ments in the country. The expulsion of ing it briefly, let it always be borne in snatching away all the foreign parties ous adherence to the Left Opposition.
workers amnesty for political prispners, the Left wing from the party could have mind that both sides of this battle had from under Bacharin nose in the corwhich has not yet been voted on the Zurich Conference only one result: the reactionary forces for years past protested to all who would ridor congress of the sixth Congress prolongation of the period of unemplyIn the country felt emboldened. When listen that there was no rift in the lute. In 1928, and all the organizational posts ment ald to 180 day but it keeps un(Continued from page 1)
Chamberlain in England advocated that No conference went by without Stalin in the Russian party in 1929. Tomsky der the cover of equivocal phrases, its millious of workers that it will strain Trotsky and Zinoviev be shot and Macel and Bucharin engaging in mutual eulo lamented bewilderedly to his friends: well defined intentions of attacking the every nerve, in the development of Donald insisted upon stronger measures gles (and in view of their fundament. We thought that after finishing with We are sorry to say that not a single about an equitable distribution of saerl geois rule. But what does the the tion. they were merely saying bluntly should be. But behind this melodious peace: now it turns out that they want we are therefore forced to disclose the wages of the employees, so as to bring events, to keep them prisoners of bour against the apostles of world revolu al accord on principle, that was as it Trotsky we would be able to work in parts member was able to win the prize.
fices. that is to say, to give the signal vanguard of the proletariat, say? What what the Russian Kulak, Nepman and harmony could already be detected the to apply the same methods of struggle tull truth about the quotation we brought for a new, big offensive of the capital. Is it doing? The contradictory needs of hard shell bureaucrat were thinking and discordant creaking of the Stalinist ma to us. Bucharin cried impotently (but last week. The author was none other Ists against wages in general and against bourgeois society and the needs of the feeling. These elements the vanguard chine, grindng away at the foundaton on in private. about Stalin: Who is her than the Best Disciple himself, Joseph the standards of living of the workers. proletariat force the to speak of the capitalist restoration in Russia, which the Right wing stood. While their An intrigant absolutely devoid of prin (So80) Stalin. It will be found in his The employees understand the threat in it remains for the to utilize this looked upon the decapitation of the Left agreement on every polnt was volved and their trade union organiza. deceptive maneuver, made by the wing only as the first step in their pro loudly protested, Stalin was engaged in taining power and he subordinates every. Practice of Leninism (Published in 1924 being ciples. He is concerned only with main monumental work. The Theory and tions autonomous and reformist, both in the service of the bourgeoisie, for the gram. The success they attained with completing the process, begun against thing to it. He changes his theory ab by the Daily Worker Publishing Com have immediately reacted and with interests of the proletariat. The merci. their first demand encouraged them to the Left wing, of cutting down the party ruptly, according to who it is that he pans, Chicago, page 25.
vigor. The government has beaten a re less struggle against the Hitlerite ad. an unprecedented audacity.
leadership until it embraced but one in has to choke off at a given moment.
trent, but in such a fashion as makes Vance, the struggle against the Japanese As against Trotsky, these counter rev. dividual: Stalin himself.
Of course since then much water has it of an entirely provisional character. imperialist war, the struggle for the re olutionists were ardent adherents of But while the heroes of the Right wing flowed under the bridge and Stalin has No one doubts for a moment that it solute defense of the conditions of the Stalin and Co. With Trotsky out of the where the Left Opposition was so brut. down, first, Frumkin, then the Right wing correct revolutionary position on At the very congress (December 1927) wept and wrung their hands, Stalin cut after that, En 1926 dialecticized this will reiterate its proposals at the first workers and the unemployed constitute was, they shitted towards the party ally and disloyally driven from the party head of the Moscow organization, Ugism in one country in the well known social.
favorable opportunity three planks of bold policy and a fer. faction which champloned their cause by both Stalin and Bucharin, could al lanov, then every other second rank lead Djugashvill manner.
Not even the slightest Illusion can ex tile field for a united front in action with greater ardor than was manfested ready be seen ist within the ranks of the Communists Neither the red days of yesterday, nor by the blind, empirlente della the front onslaught upon the coming spokesman of the footing from under Bucharin and Co. party comrades responded in the con first signs of Stalin er of the Right wing until he had torn Nevertheless, the fact that none of the Nevertheless, it is interesting to note two congress of tomorrow can substitute for where the Oppostlon, in its platform, self: no, he preferred to send out his liminaries had been accomplished did level is being threatened. The comtions show that it remains within the class positions of the proletariat and Stalin Right, at the posts occupied by launched a furious polemle against Buch who were by that time defeated in ad complete works of Stalin at the Workrades must fight for a course in the tradition of the Radical governments, prepare its victory in the development Rykov, Tomsky and Bucharin, cowards in the face of the police, vio of the crisis, The latter in turn, now that Inner included) formally endorsed Bucharin, pared statement of capitulation was missers School to meet this grave situation.
lent when it is a matter of fighting the An article on the Rolland Barbusse party resistance to their program was the former was whetting the axe for the ing, and that was not long in coming.
We, for our part, are still ready to do workers. First, there is the retention anti war congress will appear in the diminished by the Opposition expul day when it could be swung openly. Even MAX SHACHTMAN. lour bit in support of the project of the of Chlappe in the prefecture of police at next issue.
sion, began to unfold their standpoint at the Sixth Congress, both Stalin and (To be continued)
vest pocket edition.
the isin Prize Contest Organizational Progress of the German Left Opposition Its the fac lerites protested against the deportations, only be an alien substance in the system have enrolled to organize groups of selfand at the time of the assassination of of his naturally limited ideas. Besides defense in Breslau.
Blumkin, their daily paper condemned. so much anti Bolshevist Trotskyisma What does the leadership think this act. One could ascertain even then could spoil things for them with Stalin. of this tactic? Does it not immediately bear fruit?
GELSENKIRCHEN (Ruhr. We can and is taking very deep roots among the theory of social Fascism, but that it the development of the Brandterites to UNITED FRONT ACHIEVED is Brandler IN BRESLAU say that in Gelsenkirchen the Left Op. numerous sympathetie comrades.
position has the sympathy of 50 percent BERLIN: Excerpts from a letter by Pascism in discussions with the work position towards socialism. in. one coun. BRESLAU. As in all German cities, SPLITTING TRADE UNION TACTIC Thaelmann has spoken on the turn of the best elements in the Party, and a young Communist of Berlin Theers! In the course of the discussion with is evidently a stupidity as is usual since the fall of Bruening. The Nazi in the National Committee of the besides that, it is attracting many com various sub sections called upon the the political leaders of the sub section when Stalin concerns himself with theor. attack against the Reichsbanner local The Rote Fahne of the Juno 7th rades who up till now were indifferent. Youth to form open air camps, during on the subject of the so called turn in etical questions. But for Russia this called forth a united front in 24 hours wrote on this subject. in the course of the last election strug the Pentecost, to hold educational class the party, the former came to us and stupidity is correct, because of the in of all the workers in this city, ready to pan full agreement with the report of gks, we issued Left Opposition placards, es. The subject was the united front said, 16 we thought that the party was contestable successes of socialist con defend themselves against Fascism. The Thaelmann, the session of the National with the inscription Trotsky says: and Fascism, social democracy, com. making a turn we were correct, but we struction. But Brandler is always comrades united with members of Committee emphasized the need of creatthe comrades who agree with our view the difference between Fascism and the not argue these questions with them. speaking possibilities of beginning the Socialist Labor Party (8. ana ing tan trong tahad een pligtende do posterior point still fear the enormous power of social democracy, but due to the false It is interesting to note that an old even thinks of denying. But what we streets of the city presented a complete which by new methods and by a rapid the apparatus, threats, slanders, and well known point of view that the unit organization with whom we had demand to know is this: if this construc ty changed picture. It was no longer strategie orientation toward Isolation, ete.
party develop in this question, the ans. frequent discussions, participated in the tton can be victoriously achieved com tho Naxls that dominated them, but the tories will no longer block the road toAfter having carefully isolated the aid of the Eur. proletariat.
ward the revolutionary cluse front with Monday evening, there was a meeting the socialist workers, the unorganized On the question of tricks and strategems, the bureaucracy following questions concretely: How do tion.
the appropriation of 5000 workers in one of the largest and the Christian workers, but which succeeded in expelling them on the you describe the united front of the work BRANDLER AND STALINISM of the ideas of the Russian Opposition halls of Breslau.
will facilitate on the contrary, its develt. Thereupor the expelled membersing class. 1) Do you consider the so SPANDAUby Stalin, Brandler cynically replied that member of the spoke in the opment; we will consecrate all the forces sent a letter of protest to the District it because of that, you split the trade Brandler Opposition our comrade politics. Now it is true that revolution stein spoke in the name of the Socialist And in another paragraph. It is necAt the meeting called by the to gyp. Klauen. was not a sin in name of the provisional committee. Eck at our disposal for this task.
Leadership which they remitted at the unions (R. o. 2) Do you consi Bauer took the door Brandler replied arles should not be moralistic pedants. Labor Party and Sandner for the essary as rapidly as possible to do away same time to the party members in the der the leaders of the socialist party as with some nonsense about Trotsky, made but still less bureaucratic cynics. Gypforin of an open letter. Several com. well as the rank and fle, social fascists? uneasy by his latest pamphlet (What ping certainly does no harm to those ous on the analysis of the situation, but of attack and programs of struggle.
All the spenkers were almost unanim with the polley of the so called plans rades declared themselves ready to sign this letter and to support our demands. In reply to the first question they sata Next. in which the Brandlerites are from whom one for it is only a discussion on the role of the parties However they do not wish completely especially to oper the iscussione nat is that it was first necessary to destroy the shown to be enriching the arsenal of the involuntary admission of the correct. took place. The representative of the to liquidate the That is why precisely this fact the sub district lead influence of the social democracy among Stalinist falsification.
ness of their policy. But it does harm approved the creation of common they state that The general line of the erdship fears most. Before its intimid the workers, and then to establish the For Brandler, the German party, by the revolutionary party which exists by committees of struggle, without at the o. was and remains correct, ating, Its threats to immediately expel real united front from below. There can the elimination of its old cadres, is de eypping.
same time confusing the respective pro but it is necessary to achieve an accelerall those suspected of Trotskyism. the be no question of splitting the trade stroyed. But if Trotsky and the Left True to his lack of principle, erected grams of each party, which should retain ated course, an audacious turn for its comrades in the ranks withdrew, incap unions, they told us. They declared for Opposition make the same statement into a theory, Brandler adopts the slogan its complete independence for the future application; we must elaborate able of offering any effective resistance work in the Free Trade Unions, disavow about Russia they are counter revolu issued by comrade Trotsky in the begin development of the struggle. That is methods after realizing in practise the All this is, of course, temporary. The ing the o. Red Trade Union tionists and Trotsky is to the right of ning of 1930, which consists of the strug correct! The meeting really expressed correct general line.
Otto Bauer. Brandler approved not Ble against unemployment by systematic the desire of the masses to form a genu Always the same thing. They recog Left Opposition does not consider itself Opposition)
beaten. On the contrary the work of In reply to the second question they only of the deportation of thousands of collaboration with the in Ine united front of all the workers. 1500 nize that the tactle was false but the Oppositionists, but also of the assassina connection with the control of produc workers, non party, Communist, socialist do not wish to draw all the consequenc the Left Opposition is being organized said that it was necessary to retain the tion of Blumkin. In 1928 the Brand tion. But we fear that this slogan can youth, and members of the Relchsbanner that are incumbent on them.
Oppositionists, and following all kinds barrassed and pitiful. We posed the defended the position of the Left Opposlopean revolution.