BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyInvasionLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1932 LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS Organization Notes 48 roges BOOKS BY TROTSKY YOUTH ACTIVITIES PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION 400 pages For every member that is beaten up, we Cloth cover 50 ORGANIZATION NOTES The Pocketbook Makers iug to its members, and, with that, the NEW YORK will repay them eye for eye and tooth paper cover 00 During the days of June 10 13, both in strengthening of the center und of its The activities of the Spartacus Youch for tooth. This must be the answer to GERMANY. THE KEY TO THE clusive, our National Committee held atunctioning wat This action together club have been preking up. Successful Fight the Racketeers our Fraternal Club administration, INTERNATIONAL SITUATION plenary meeting at the New York head with the general conclusions of the com open air meeting were held a week ago SHALL FASCISM REALLY Let our slogan be: a union for the quarters. Members and alternates were mittee meeting being submitted to the Saturday at 7th Street and Ave. and NEW YORK, BE VICTORIOUS!
In attendance, coming from Chicago. weinbership for their discussion and last Saturday at Second Avenue, and One year ago, the Pakers and the workers, not for grafters and gangsters.
48 pages paper cover 100 Minneapolis, Philadelphia aud Canada. their vote.
4th Street. Young Spartacus, Militants Nusteltes forced an agreement upon the Abe Fine, one of the leading Fraternal HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN The meeting became a fruitful one in Pocket Book Workers in and con club sluggers, who participated in the REVOLUTION Vol. The problems of development in Canada and Germany pamphlets were sold. Sey ceded all the conditbons of the em beating up of the left wingers and many respects. The main issues dissecue a subject for spectul considera eral youth contacts were establishmit.
522 pages Retail at cussed and acted upon were concerning Lion. The Left opposition there has been June 24th) wood discussion on the ployers without a fight. The employers By Special arrangements with the differences of views in regurd to develop hit by the General persecution of the War Danger and its Axpectx, led by did not live up to this rotten agreement. who made the motion to accept the agree.
Bienen shop publishers of this book we can which they signed. They reduced wages which has been on strike for the last offer it to certificate holders at constantly, sped up the workers, and few weeks!
DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE national Left Opposition and our own became surther hampered by local dittiCarter was conducted in which it number internal developments. It is but natural cuitics of the Toronto membership but of comrades participated.
violated the agreement every day during. DAVIS.
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL that such issues should assume the im the basis has been laid to overcome these. be held July 1th at bets Brook The Club has arranged for a plenic the year.
Criticinin of Fundamentals portance of serious discussion particuidiculties. The Nutul art and 140 pages, Comittee How is it possible that the employers The «Labor» Governor larly when we bear in mind that ourvuld also take up the persistive of Mulark for the best of the Spanish Oncloth bound could get away with not living up to 00 main problem is still the one of selection position Youth.
the agreement when there is an impartSTRATEGY OF THE WORLD and of consolidation a nucleus of the moon section in Canada in more Watch the Militant for further an.
REVOLUTION practical forn than heretofure by lal arbitration board. First the reor. of Minnesota greefuture Communist movement.
nouncements on the activities of the Part of the Draft Program ing that the first concrete steps in ganization clause we ve had since the last Club, These questions did not involve our direction, the establishment of a Canud.
S6 25 agreement was forced upon the workers MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION prinetple position in the class struggle an organ, should be taken alsscom YOUNG SPARTACUS by the betrayers. Under this reorgant. June 25, 1982 True to the role of capitalist and re158 pages xatlon clause, the employers have the paper cover. 10e nor our attitude toward the Communist le meubership in Toronto lus reached The July issue of the Young Spartacus cloth cover 00 right to discharge ten percent of the formist politicians, Floyd Olson, the party as there are settled questions with a point of grwater stability. With the will be on the prin a few days. It will contain articles on the current ques us; nevertheless they did involve the augerence of Juck MacDonald to PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP the workers during the year, meaning fire Minnesota Farmer Labor Governor is tions of the day, on the developments problems of organizational growth here Left Opposition we have a good begint in the Chicago CL. the Luft oppos.
MENT OF THE percent every six months. The borses very busy nowadays in the usual camand abroad. The plenum ironed out in ning toward strengthening the Left Option youth in the Propean countries.
used this clause as a blackjack over the raign before election time to make him.
paper cover 150 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION the main the differences of views that position in Canada.
heads of the workers it was possible self popular, especially with the ruling existed and arrived at unanimous con Comrades should premiere for wide dis.
to 30 ptges for the manufa up the class. This time is mostly taken up now paper cover 100 There were other questions before the tributions of the Inne elusions in regard to the problems of THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN workers, because each worker, feared in filling speaking engagements with DANGER our own developinent and in regard to Nutini Coinmittee meeting, tactical CHICAGO, ILLthat he would be the one to be discharged various organizntions and fraternal soc.
64 pages The youth of the Chi. ge wranch den onr views of the European Mections, questions and organizational problems.
paper cover 150 when the reorganization came around at ieties and in each case he naturally, from a politician standpoint, wants to say the end of the season.
COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALThese conclusions were ein hodied in re. The time of the meeting allowed only for bated the representatives of the Young something which is in harmony with the solutions which are being sulmitted general basis to be arrived at but Peoples Mulalixt League on June 19th.
ISM Second, the present Fraternal Club ideas of his listeners.
to our branches. This fact alone showed it was sutticiently concrete to allow For full rojort ne the coming July 1administration gang gave the employers Speaking at a banquet of the Northern 64 pages paper cover 150 that the sessions were fruitful. It means the peelte resolutions for guidance of sue of the Young Spartacus.
THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST free hand, collaborated with them to thecitle Iy. veterans at the Nicollet INTERNATIONAL AND THE that the decks cleared for action, our activities to be worked out subsequ The statement printed below was writ.
bring down wages and undermine the al. Ilotel on June 23rd, Olson Joined in with GERMAN SITUATION that a step has been taken forward to ently. Amongst these questions the one ten hy an active young Communist of crisis was, ready poor conditions of the workers. the railroad officials and such notorious of Chicago. number of other Communist (out of print)
Kroater consolidation to better face the of the unemployment 10 Otherwise they would never permit the open shoppers as Rahn, plead WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND tasks of the future. Indications every course, the one of greatest importance. youth in the hive supported employers to violate the agreement.
ing for square deal for the railronds. THE FIVE YEAR PLAN where of Jerelopments in the revolution Nutiotal gatherings usually cau be similar view. Six comrades have already Furthermore the officials not only help. Quoting from the Minneapolis Joumal 48 pages ed to reduce wages but with the ald of of June 24th Charles Donnelly, president paper cover 100 ary movement point to these tasks of turned into account in more ways than suffered the consegnences: 1xpulsion or exclusion The July issue of the Young (Out of Print)
The Left Opposition assuming greater one. That was the case in this instance the employers and soine of thelr hench of the told those assembled at THE REAL SITUATION IN proportion and particularly making on addation to the problems being taken Spartacus carries an article by comrada men (the so called shop chairman. they the banquet that, The railroads of Gould explaining the latest develop RUSSIA sible that our organization will count u directly controuting the meeting the ments in the Chiengo Young wmunist instituted a reign of terror in the union. the United States ask only for equality 384 pagos cloth cover 00 more as a factor in direct intervention comrades who came from other cities to League.
At meetings workers were forced to of treatment from the taxing and reguin the class struggle. One of the prac the Center served to strengthen the con ERS DECLARES FOR SINCE LENIN DIED yote according to the wishes of the adlating Authorities in the transportation by Max Eastman tical steps issuing out of the conclusions tact with the membership These com LEFT OPPOSITION ministration if a worker voted against feld arrived at is the proposal to further races come more directly familiar with To all members of the Young 159 pages paper cover 60c the administration he had to face the Our Farmer Labor Governor, in(out of print)
broaden the National Committee, by add the practical problems of the National Communist League: threat of losing his job. This 19 called stead of telling Donnelly and the rest Bound Volume of all the pamOttice, and when coming here they re To the District Buro, District 8: democracy in the union.
of the outfit present, that the railroads phlets indicated by Only 100 ported the manner and method of activIn answer to the demand of the dis.
Why did the administration resort to together with all the other industries copies available. Cloth cover 00 ities as well as the difficulties facing the trict secretariat for statement of my Lausanne and Germany such methods? The writer pointed out should be taken from the parasite own SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE brancies in their cities. Their return in The Militant of March 26 and May 28 ers without pay and be made public proORDERS (Continued from page 1) has already shown indications of a views on the questions of (1) Fraternix ion with expelled League members now that the Fraterval Club administration perts and operated for use instend of In Preparation will force a new agreement on the Poc for private proft, according to the same The Communist press is already hall stimulus to the work of the organisa hering to the Taft Opposition. 2)
WHAT NEXT. VITAL QUES suppressed. The Naxts are demanding tlon. One of the best proofs is the fol Characterization of Trotskylxmı wish ket Book Workers by hook or crook, with Journal stated as follows: TIONS FOR THE GERMAN the suppresion of the Communist parts owing fact: since the National Commitato submit the following statement more wage cuts, reorganizations, read We must have railroad transportaPROLETARIAT The latest resolution of the Young Justments, etc.
tion, especially for long haul and car 200 pages paper cover 50c is wedging in on even the more moderate a special message to all branches asking Communist International, properly Inter.
About two weeks ago, our manager, lond business. Much of the competition PIONEER PUBLISHERS opposition. lute dispatch reports that for their assistance to secure the exist preteil, agrees with the position held by Lubliner, announced in the press that now forced upon the railways is unfair 84 East 10th Street, the Federal authorities have demandedence of our press. It brought immediatel comrades satir, Gould, Andrex. Sold, myhe had reached an agreement with the competition. It is necessary for the New York, of the Prussian government the proscrip response. Not only were funds sent over elf and others, on kuch important point bossex industrial council. The manager government to so regulate the transport.
tion of the Berlin Vorwaerts, the ceuright away, but with It came reports of as: did not state the terms of the agreement. ation business as to provide fair and tral orxan of the German social dem. measures taken to extend and streng. 1) Rooting ourselves in the factories.
Let me enumerate the concessions the equitable business for all forms. ership of industry, were entirely forgot ocracy and of the Ithineland organ of the press. Similarly responses (2) On the raising of the ideological employers gained this time from our Neither Donnelly the Railroad Prest ten by the Inbor Governor and the cap the Catholle Centre party, the Koelinische slowed some signs that our aim of level of the langu practical Officials. 1) twenty perdent nor Andy Kahn, spoke for the Italist agents alike.
making the Militant reflect much more (3) Against bureaucracy.
centroduction in wages for week work. Mineapolis Civic and Commerce Asso lly the purely fictitious role which These further indtentions of the dark directly the work of the organization (4) Insufficient work among the chil.
ers. 2) Ten per cent for all plece work ciation, could plead more eloquently for Farmer Tabor and all reformist politie intentions of the von Papen regime make and to become more of a direct partiet aren and sports movements, and numer ers. What have the workers won by the the cause of big business than did our fans are playing, not only in Minnesota evident the need of haste in countering vant in the class struggle, is being taken the resolution and in joint statenew agreement? The administration labor Governor. The half million rail. but everywhere else, it will be caster the action of the Fascist scoats. Once much more seriously by the whole orments of the expelled comrades claims that the roorganization clause was road veterans who have been robbed for the Communists to gain members and more. It must be emplasized that wantxation.
modified from ten per cent twice a year of their right to make a living by los supporters for our party and pron successful repulsion of the (Continued from ge 4)
to five per cent once a year. Unofficially, ing their jobs as victims of private ownwhich is spreading its fangs towards the employers will have the chance to the borders of the Russian Workers State readjust their business which is just as depends only upon correct and timely rotten as reorganization, if not worse.
united front action on the art of the The Fraternal Club administration German Communist Party and the Com.
munist International.
The ex servicemen invasion of Wash paper, neither better nor worse than any did not reckon with the wishes of the members and especiully with those who communistis No. we demanded from creat ongerness. see that you don In the Militant of June 4th and in the Have received the. Empros and with ington was great news to the bourgeois of the others, let us examine It a little The Communist International is main press for the first several days. They more closely. It is all the more necesany attempt to gain the forty hour week the Greek Stalinist bureaucrats to an write anything on the murch of the table on ominous silence me, headlined them on their front pages, and sary as the still camouflages itself to relieve the unemployment situation. nounce in heavy type the victory of the veterans for the borus. The capitalist working class and the whole proletariantaneous march of ex soldiers aroused the Mr. Charles Erwin, eastern editor, when black dangers face the European circulation was increasing. This spon as the workers party.
How they will be able to maintain con. Empros over the Athens Trust Co. of press does this very thing which at.
ditious at a time when there are over New York City. The Fanpros kept an tempt to diminish this question and revolutionary movement of the world, itense interest of the whole country has a long article on The Army of Oe.
two thousand workers unemployed, in an le llence, concerning this question, for this is to their interest, but the attitude the Communist International, the general In fact, the capitalist editors were just cupation. ile describes the horrible Industry which employs only fonr thon. obvious reasons. Both parties agreed to of the Empres, really do not know how wille to do without a word of advice, shown in these men thrown up by the pest hole of a dump the soldiers ocstaff of the revolutiouary forces, finds it a little alarmed at the too great inter conditions under which the soldiers live, sand is a mystery to me. There are 175 reject the trial at the Special Sessions to explain it.
With comradely greetings withont a word of direction to the inter the class struggle. The repeated detall cup, the rottennces of the food, the filth, non union shops in New York. Nothlug Court and accepted the motion of the national ranks that JOH. TSIKONIS behind it. Worked descriptions of the filthy conditions the stench, and let us add to spice his was done to organize these shoes where District Attorney. What we are interAnswer of Empros: ers, Communists, demand in your organimder which the soldiers live, faced with description the homosexuality rampant some of the unemployed workers could be ested to know is what the terms were placed. The administration claims there under which this mutual agreement took The Bitorial Board accepts the above rations that the stalinist leadership Marvation and disease might lead the in the camp. We have no quarrel with his descripis no money to do organisation work. But place.
criticism of Tirones, as proper and makes Demand that they tell you workers of these states to a little thinkThe burenucrats up to this day refused constructive. The Editorial Board and what they intend to do in this all too any of their own. They might begin to tion. It is all domnably true.
what about the money for strong arm to print this agreement becase it is cer the Bureau take notice of this neglect. fateful witration. ask questions thut would make these But when we come to his reflections gangs. Now let us analyze and see how the tain that it contains terms that are very and also others, and we are sure that SAN GORDON editors just a little more uncomfortable and conclusions Isten. than they already are. Had the workers whown less patience betrayers put over the agreement. When favorable for the bank and very com with a sincere constructive criticism the manager reported the settlement to promislug for the Empres. By shouting will all the gaps that the Empros until THE TURN IN THE IS OUT The country might learn that this they would not have been compelled to the joint council, the 14 Rank and and boasting of exposures against banks now presents.
OF PRINT, BUT IS AVAILABLE IN march of the soldiers, like the idleneas come to Wnxhington, he writes Flie delegates voted against it. The and newspapers and then compromising EDITORIAL BOARD. THE BOUND VOLUMES OF COMRADE and starvation of the millions of unem. What would they have done if they Club behind the backs of the workers we Fraternal 16 members of the ployeel, is no accident; that, in fact had hnd less patience? Organize with achieve nothing more than a tremendous In spite of all the abovo self criticism TROTSKI PAMPHLETS.
voted for it.
AD. they are part of the proletariat who in the other workers and proceed by a loss of prestige.
MANY OF THE PAMPHLETS we notice a continuation of their former Industrial series of demands and actions to the called at Stuyvesant High School to of withdrawal took place, the Empros tinuous preoccupation mainly with ques. SPANISH, RUSSIAN AND ITALIAN the workers, were put to the machinery into that last war and is now throwing On June 20, a membership meeting was Three whole weeks before the motion petty bourgeois attitude and their con VERTISED ELSEWHERE IN THIS addition to being put to the rest of overthrow of the power that threw them IS8U CAN BE HAD IN JEWISH. machine and exploited like ratify the agreement. On the same day, enrried a two column campaign against tious of such unworthy character for a FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO of war and after being crippled and them into Althy disease Infested lotsthe Rank and File Committee distributed the rival of the Athens Bank, the Na. Communist newspaper as for example: PIONEER PUBLISHERS, butchered for the profit of the ruling No! heaven forbid. leaflets in the union ottie, in which the tional Bank of and not a word Attacks against the Greek Consul for 84 East 10th Street, class, were cynically cast aside. They would have used their ballots urged the workers to come to the most about the Athens Trust Co. This speake his favorition towards certain sharks So the bourgeois editors acted in con Here we have our old ballot salesman New York City ing and vote down the treacherous agree for itself.
of the Ticket Agencies and neglect for cert out of their class instinct and 18 offering solution for every evil or what ment. When one of the organisers, Wise, others, etc. In the Communistes we mmmm sud orders to their lackeys, Retreat ails you.
who has been charged with kraft and Trial of the National Herald warned the comrades to be always MINNEAPOLIS WORKERS to the Inside covers. They would have used their ballots corruption more than a dozen times, saw Taking into consideration the dealinga vigilant because know well that any ATTENT ON!
And they all weit under cover. The to throw ont of office and therefore (te)
the girls handing out the leaflets, he be of the Groek Stalinists with the Athens honest Individual that will not follow PICNIC Times, the Tribune, the Post gave and put of power, those who have lisely came an wild as a bull. He ordered s Trust Company we venture to state that the criminl Stalinist line of blunders are tin giving miserable half columns betrayed the interests of the toiling gang to start a fight in the union office the same kind of dealings will take place is, if not expelled immediately, at least 105 puede usaq sey tucked away somewhere on the inside of masses of this country.
This night was not enough for the Frat. with the National Herald next November removed from his post.
Sunday, July 10th, 1932 at Glenwood Park Grounds, Plot the papers; or if it is more than that, By the way, what happened to the six ernal Club. So they sent their sluggers when the workers will have forgotten Spartacus Club Labor Defense it is about this financiers scheme for socialist Assemblymen duly elected by out to start a fight on the street. of all their fass and unsincere eagerness to The Spartacus Club under stalinis poches Refreshments. Entertainment the soldiers tn Bold digging in the the citizens of New York in 1918? The course, the workers pald them in their present themselves before the capitalist control became an organization Trutky bust by Claire Sheridan win Rockles, or something written by the assemblymen were not seated.
where own coin and they are hardly likely to courts. Our prediction is substantiated only those workers that accept before.
be raffled off for the benefit of the Left Opposition Press.
president of a hobo society about the The bourgeoise put the socialists in need of reviving the men patriotism; or their place even when they did happen 21st Street and Fifth Avenue, five Left Board of Directors of the Athens Trust lowed to becone members, any other Auspices. alinneapolis Branch, providing a rate of one cent for the men toiset elected. We need so no further in wingers were held in jail for a few days. Co. happens to be also a member of the not allowed even to sit in the social hall. this place to show the The gang was released immediately. Opposition)
School Collection Fund that the National Comrade Alexandronakis, a former party This was to be expected. Our open When the meeting took place at night, Herald carries.
member and at present a close Communeuleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee enemies are not going to help the ex.
But as the soldiers didn use the ballot the Fraternal gang prepared them selves for it with the nld of the Gara Our Healthy Critielsm privilege of the social hall of the club refused to supply our deceased comrade, their Windness, thelr stupidity, which chery and now Into filth, Mr. into but or Curly gange, numbering over fifty. Is It any wonder that the Fraternal Club. healthy and constructive is proven by the attitude of the Empros towards the inedicines That our criticism of the Empros is because he expressed his indignation at Pabacoupoulos eren with the necessary will lead to the revolutionary awakening Erwin now turns to to whom. no less of the masses.
a personage than that of Ierbert Clark administration put over the agreement? the quick response it received among the imprisoned Oppositionists in Greece. The Our comrade Alexopoulos led the strugI would like to ask our misleaders how honest elements in the ranks of Stalin. Empros endorses the criminal and anti sles of the Greek war invalids and sue o open in thelr opposition to the work writes courageous Charlie, the courage But what of the journals that are not IIoover. Had the president had the courage.
much they paid thele gang? Is the gang ism. The workers Imignation at the Communist attitude of the stalinists ia ceeded in foreing the Government to pay ers? Take for example the Tele that one has a right to demand of one Who pass the gang that comes to our brought about a considerable pressure of assistance through the Labor Defense capitalist government, to get rid of his political baboon, is a high light. The courage brevidenes. He would have office to terrorise workers your money and it resulted in a certain changeat to the imprisoned Oppositionists. Com militan activities, arrested him and or that of the workers?
least temporarily. Comrade Tsironis, a rade Alexandronakis succeeded in organ tenced hit to serve a long term in prison scene of the Several paper suddenly closed curtains the come out to the White House gate and Rank and File must close their ranks the capltalist dungeons, protested from ary fraternal organization of Cretians by forming him out of the prison collec. line about the soldiers Which goes to that the pittance which they were asking In conclusion, want to say that the parts a menubere sengebom, plotest er mer om ing an branch out of a reaction. The stalinists hope to exterminate him June 22 to the 26) hardly had a single decently taken care of what there. wema more firmly and roat the gangsters and within the prison walls and demanded and very correctly maintains that every tive.
sluggers from our union. One corrupt that the Empros occupy itself with the imprisoned Communist should be supshow that when any movement of the for would be given them in the near fuclass struggle actually begins, the Wb. tare.
administration was forced out of office vital questions of the class struggle. His poted and assisted by the Irrea few years ago due to the fact that they letters to other party members forced spective of his factional aflations.
Comrade Alexandronakis two weeks ago erals become panicky and flee What a victory It would have been to could not give an accounting of more the bureaucrats to print in the Empros Hundreds of Greek Oppositionists are of the to bail out a comrade placed his entire savings at the disposal cover.
have had the president come to the White Now the Socialist press. have be. House gate! And what a triumph it than 250, 000. We must make them un of June 4th a fragment of a letter which deported and imprisoned in Greece and detained at Ellis Island.
derstand that the time of dynasties is we translate below: fore me a copy of the June 17 issue of would have been to have had him pledge whole branches of the Greek Are. EDITORIAL BOARD OF the American Guardian of Oklahoma himself!
over. We will not pay bills for gunmen. Dear Comrades of the Editorial Board: expelled because they demand that the COMMUNISTES City, and as it is a typical socialist party. EX SOLDIEP The Bonus Miarchers and the Press Among the Greek Workers in ballot.