BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismLiberalismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist eague of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York. Fute red as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Ollice at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 27 WHOLE NO. 123 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1932 PRICE CENTS not Demagogues and Bankers Clash in Chicago ON THE SPOT Lausanne Conference Closer to the Proletarians of the Colored Races! Arrest Foster Near Collapse in Los Angeles CRIME IS GAINING To the International Secretariat: es, will bave to attract towards the Left Opposition on all the most impor.
ALL THE TIME German Reaction Aggressive Copy to the National Committee of the Lett Opposition the nympathies inter the tanto cuestione di un semn Released Although Charged Mr. McGeoghegnn of Chicago, proAmerican League: minent beer baron, was charged with the The entire Lousanne Conference, looked have received a copy of the letter tional working class more and more. ly as possible even today and to help with Criminal Syndicalism robbery of a bank to the tune of 60. 000 upon with the greatest anxiety by a lot an organization of Negro comrades From this point of view, the letter to them fraternally to come into the orbit dated April 26th. us from the South African comrades ap of our program and our tactics.
isted over their loss, the bankers indenti throcs of impending convulsions, has so This letter, it seems to me, has a tre pears to be at all seeldental, William Foster, Communist candid When ten intellectuals of Paris, Berlin ate for president of the who was ar.
tied him, and the eminent Democrat was for stood under the sign of the Hoover mendous symptomatic significance. The but deeply symptomatie. In their letter. New York who have been in various rested on July osth. in Los Angeles, placed on trial. The identifiers learned proposals on disarmament. The power of Lett Opposition (Bolshevik Leninists) bearing 24 signatures (it further follows: organizations, address themselves to us while attempting to speak in a protest that McGeoghegan was oiling machine gun for their benefit once than ever. The Germans see in the most oppressed sections of the world the questions of the Chinese Revolution them throngh a number of tests on all to charge him with criminal syndicalism.
cleaning and the American colossus is more in evid. can and should become the banner for and others. the South African coin with a request to be taken into our midst demonstration, was released the next rades expressed particular interest in would give the following advice: Put day on the grounds of lack of evidence so they implored the state attorney to the hand of magnanimous benefactor proletariat, consequently, in the. dismiss the charges. Their request war against the adamant French enemy. The place for the Negro workers. Upon what fully grounded. Precisely the working der the rain, dry them in the sun, and restod was called to protest the prohibi.
This interest should be recognized as the questions of program: wet them unThe meeting at which Foster was ar.
complied with. Why not send McGeog. French in so far as they are inclined do base such an assumption?
hegan to restore lawrenorder in Nicar to view with favorably, hold it up as a The Left Opposition represents at pre masses of the oppressed peoples who then after a new careful examination tion of a meeting where he was billed agua. prop for the maintenance of their cher. sent the most consistent and the most have to carry on the struggle for the accept one or two The matter changes baleally when tenslooting of an unemployed worker by o speak and which was to protest the ished Versailles Treaty. As is known, revolutionary current in the world. Its elementary national rights and for huREPS. AND DEMS. SEND the Houver plan proposes the reduc. sharply critical relations to all and every than dignity. stand the greatest risk to workers connected with the masses come Captain Hynes police thugs. John RIVAL TO NUT WARD Former Kleagle Clarke of the Ku Klux for a reduction in the arms output of movement makes it possible for it to av Stalinist burear racy on the subject of the retty bourgeois and to the proletar secutor of the Los Angeles workers, ar tion of armstments by one third pressing form of bureaucratic conceit in the labor suffer from the confused teachings of the to us. The difference in our relation to Hynes, the notorions buiter and perKlan, recently emerged from his kavern the Gallie rival for European domina: particular attention to the enemy of the this false banner, the policy in the style Nanation. But if the proletarian group bluvenats, urmed with sub machine guns, the democratie dictatorship. Under tan groups does not require any ex. rayed and announced that he was going to retion and at the same time restricting most oppressed sections of the working of the Kuo Min Tang that is, the com. works in a distrlet where there are sawe oft shotguns, blackjacks, etc. to store prosperity through the medium of German war preparations to the present class and toilers in general, plete deception and the unpunished crush workers of various races, and in spite sve to it, that the meeting did not a new organization of morons, member huit.
The Left Opposition has to suffer the ing of the toiling masses by their own of this, it consists only of workers of place. When the workers demanded to tako ship in which was contingent on the ability of the sucker to come across with his yidded no results. The only posternments of the world, but also of the greatest harm to the cause of alberating regard them with suspicion: re we not proeveded to shom them what California As was to be expected, the Conference Mows not only of all the bourgeois gov national bourgeoisie, may still do the privileged antionality, am inclined to hear Foster, the police and the thugs a sum ranging from 25 to 500. From each accordin to his Ability to me ac re thing It has achieved, is the indefinStalinist apparatus This fact, which the toilers. The program of the perman dealing with the workers aristocracy? democracy feels like over their skulls.
cording to iny heedstras charke ite prolongation of the Hoover morator. In spite of all the slanderseaterie Stade en revolution bused on the incontestablemu the roupa poisoned by islave hold. When Foster began to speak, he was slokan. Plans for bedsheet and night Prouch are holding out using the ola thrown into jail on suspicion of crimcap factories It is quite a different matter when we inal syndicalism. tries may and should assume the leadwere drawn up and a corps of confidence salesman orkanized. lever of security necessitles and holdment of the Negro proletariat.
But the bourgeoiste would not have st. ing fast to their refusal to consider can viets, the government at home proceeds ing alaticance for the liberation move are approached by a group of Negro workers. Here am ready to consider But this move was too brazen, too These are hard times and the Republicancellation of German reparations. In the with drastic force against all opposition If the Johannesburg comrades did not beforehand that we are achieving agree crude. Hynes, who arrests, imprisons and Democratic parties will have a tough struggle between the Americans and the forces at home.
Job on their hands trying to hold the delegation from the Qual Orsay, the The protests of the local governments as yet have the possibility to acquaint ment with them, even though this is not and holds Communists on far less evid views of the set obvious: because of their whole enor had to let Foster go for the reason masses in their coralls with promises of Von Tapen delegation grasps a good op. Bavaria, Baden against the lifting of themselves closer with full to an strive to degrade anybody, oppress any city. The real reason is of course, that next November. So they grabbed Clarkel eye on the requirements of foreigu aid been of no avail. The Von Papen cabinet body or deprive anybody of his rights. it is not so easy to arrest presidential and Inshed him to a cot in the psycho ist seizure of power in Germany and the the Fascist forces are forging ahead wtih the event of a Fascis sticking to its guns. In the meantime, Alexander Rosanoff They do not seek privileges and cannot candidates even though they may happen rise to the top except on the road of the to be Communists. The wave of resentChicago. The hend of the but clearing prospect of bitter and protracted civil full speed and with the best wishes of international revolution ment that would follow, would certainly the present rulers. Attacks upon work. The sad news of a new victim is comWe can and we should find a way to make It too hot for Capt. Hynes liking.
house declared that any man who claims war that this envisages.
he can liquidate the depression is as While the German reactionaries are ers, organizations continue unabated. municated in the latest correspondence the consciousness of the Negro workers, mad as a bod Dur. If that is so, and negotiating for the best possible condi ite attacks is mounting skyward. The ander Rosanor is dead in exile. Com workers, all these oppressed colored races ist election campaign has been success The first move to block the Commun.
The toll of proletarian victims of Hitler received from Moscow. Comrade Alex. of the Chinese workers, of the Hindoo we are inclined to agree, why not Isolate tions for future domestic and foreign Brown Shirts pressure upon affairerade Rosanoff, a party member the leaders of the Democratie and Rep imperialist aims they talk of revision of domestic as well as foreign goes on in 1917, a heroic fighter in since of the human ocean to whom belongs fully crushed.
the famous the decisive word in the development of ublican parties?
On with the campaign! Vote for IS WILLIAM GREEN the Eastern frontiers steering a course all openness and with remarkable suc. Fifth Army (which crushed Kolchak. a humanity.
militant Oppositionist since 1923, that heads for a generally approved ag cess.
Was Foster and Ford. TROTSKY.
William Green, the pink checked Bapgression against the country of the so(Continued on page arrested Altho seriously 11 Prinkipo, June 13, 1932.
Vote Communist. tist, president of the American Federa.
with tuberculosis, running a fever of 106, tion of Labor, who has waged a consishe was thrown into Butirkl prison totent fight against unemployment by submitted to all kinds of torments. Then down to six millions recently took a deported to Siberia, he was on the thres wild leap to the left and started the New Situation Brings «Left. Turn on Part of Amsterdam hold of death. The stalinist apparatus What Is Behind the Clique Fight at the Democrats Meet country by stating tha the workless army is now over ten millions. Following this If the Republican parts confab gave social distress on their blood brothers, the At a time when the economic crisis The wails, in the folnt resolu climatic conditions. There condemned to announcement from his headquarters continually worsens the conditions of the tion, Against Japanese Imperialism, death, he remained an intransigeant the appearance of a graveyard with a Republicans. It recommends, as a rem.
came another, charing the Hoover admin working class, Jolts the bourgeois reover the detection in the paclost front of Bolshevik revolutionist, combatting Stal couple hired noise makers, the demedy a drastic change in economic and istration with non festsance on the unelmes and raises up perspectives of war, the League of Nations, which it has alinism with all his power. After four ceratie convention looks like verit governmental policies.
employment question. believes that the the Second International. ways eulogized to the workers. It attrl years of exile comrade Rosanor has able madhouse with the Inmates acting The most ignorant person should be the money handed to the banks by the and the The Amsterdam butes this desertion not to the strength perishel, a victim of the Stalinist re their natural selves. casual reading Reconstruction Finance Corporation Trade Union International. have con of the imperialist bandits, but to ita pression of the proceedings of the convention able to observe that the tremendous overshould be loaned by the banks to the vened a common conference in Zurichweakness. It exhorts the masses to The same communication tells of the now in session in Chicago, gives one the production of wealth and the glut of combusiness men who in turn would use it for disarmament. The largest organl prevail upon their governments to to be exploit the momployed, and to para zations in the world, 2, 000, 000 in the more than what they are. But this reposition in the Young Work: asylum. Filst lights, a Jis by the sedate cation and to meet loyment in the other, hrase the Pullman smoking room yarn and 14, 000, 000 in the U solution does not lack its revolutionaryers come to the Opposition from all new William McAdoo, wild and idiotte cheer can be due to nothing else than the sys That the follow Green wants to help. Vandervelde proudly said.
Democrats are heart and soul for the Look out brother Green! Brother Doak may get you and deport you to where conclusions of the socialists that is to appeal to the Trade Union Internation the sign of hundreds of new arrests and repeal, chorus girls applauding Jimmy maintenance of the capitalist system.
The resolutions reflect the unanimous that in desperate eventuality it will sections. The year 1931 unfolded under fue at the least mention of prohibition tem that products these things. The deportations of Bolshevik Leninists. This Walker, and professional entertainers to fill in dull moments, marked the Their economie existence depends upon it ing the government. Only the Reds do revolutionary workers mix with reform and inunitions to Japan. The struggle other things, the arrest and deportation, democracy poiteal convention code the how them, con anyone hope conate changes or a remedy to existent conditions by that kind of thing ist workers, potty bourgeoisie of the city for peace, without revolutionary action during March and April, of so opposi.
the election of the democracy.
ONEAL AND THOMAS IN and the country and bourgeois politic dwells in this hollow and lying phrase tionists in Sverdlovsk (center of the The Republican convention insulted the TIT FOR TAT GAME sop is thrown to the unemployed.
dans; this undifferentiated mass from which plays the game of the enemy.
Ural Industrial region) of whom were intelligence of the people of these United The assistant editor of the New Leader, which the conscious proletarian vanguard It demands in the eventuality of transferred to solitaries. This continu States by putting up Herbert Hoover as Federal relief to the states is a plank, official orgun of the Socialist party, was was separated by the war and the Rus new war that the socialists of all coun, al arrival of new elements has a de. the only nominee and candidate to provided the diminishing resources of removed from his post because of his lan revolution.
the the states make it impossible for them tries, not only defend the interests of cisive importance. It gives courage to squeeze some more profits out of support of the socalled militants in the The lenderhip of the agents of the the various nationalities, but also the the old militants. And above all, it gives hides of the working class. But the to provide for the needy. Just how Leader declared that he wax dismissed movement along all the vicissitudes of humanity. How and why will new position, which has great historle tasks eight posibilities, all of whom have as just when the resources of the states are The board of directors of the New bourgeoisie has dragged the reformist interests of the working class and of all assurance to the future of the Lett Op Democrats are no plkers, they give us much money for reller is not stated. And because of his inability to work in bar urge polities. At a time when cap war transform the leaders of this organl. before it. And it is jus this growth much or less in common with the needs diminishing. makes the whole business mony with Hillquit editor, James Oneal. Italist society and especially European zation, who in the last war put them that explains the blind hatred Stalin of the workers as the great engineer. smell like another campaign promise Norman Thomas, the liberal leader of capitalist society, of which the selves only in the service of the varlous shows to the Left Opposition. The ideas Smith has the support of the Wall that will be violated as soon as the the 1, who took the left militants and the u. are direct products nationalities. of the Left Opposition, in spite of every. Street magnute, John Raskob. Newton Democrats assume office.
into his maw and is digesting them at is undergoing a new process of disin If the leaders of the capitalist worla thing, are penetrating into all the sec1. Baker let go a couple of loose phrases The Republicans have completely igTherehis lestre, protested against the nussistant tegration, the and the IPTU show themselves incapable of finding an tions of the working class and the about capitalist internationalism. but nored unemployment insurance editor dininiwal. Oneal came back with take a new position.
issue for the present crisis to ayert the Party, and in the entire Soviet Union.
his able service in sending American fore, the Democrats, seeing a good votethe dirty crack that Thomas fired him workers to the European slaughter catching issue, declare for unemployOn its positive side, the principal re catastrophe which threatens the world. Oneal) from the editorial staff of the solution Against War and Fascism the proletariat alone must take this Demand the release of the Bolshevik house, to coin profits for the Morgan ment and old age insurance under stateNew York Call after Thomas took it gives expression to its Left policy task on their own aboulders. Thus the Leninists in prison and exile, from the Du Ponts, etc. makes him wholly accept laws. But the very wording of this over, baptized it the Leader and abolish which offers itself to the European bour counsellors keep this sacrament at a diu Stalinist bureaucrats.
15 plank gives the lie to thoir solemb the class strugxic. This is tit for scoistes, now driven to their knees by tance.
Demand their readmission into the wholly innecemous since his only qualif promises. There are Democratic gov.
tat if yuhalt what mean.
the economic crisis and the difficulties The crisis, with its political and coon Communist Party of the Soviet Union. cation and platform is his dampness. ernors in several states, some of whom threatening the continent. Their polley is omle consequences, grows more acute and The Worker Communists must not al. Even Garner won be objectionable to are now aspirants for the nomination DAILY WORKER BARES for the reduction of the armament bud sets millions of workers in motion, who low the phflysical destruction of these the Industrialists he showed his caliber Has unemployment Insurance been in DIABOLICAL PLOT states? No! WIN The Daily Worker viewed with alarm war gets and the carrying out of the anti augment the reformist ranks. The Stalwart revolutionists. Their place is in trimmng the petty bourgeois by a huge troduced in those treaties. The social democrats. is forced to speak. It prattles before in the front ranks of the world pro levy of taxes foisted upon them. And there be much laws (unless it is given the proposal of the Human Bettermenti turning their face towards the masses. Continued on page 3)
Iloosevelt the inost likely noroinee, can to mean, insurance at the expense of the Foundation that 18, 600, 000 mental de offer themselves as instruments of this le counted upon in a pinch to do his bit workers themselves. in the future? Most fectives be sterilized by a harmless pro policy. But they more in each country for his master In spite of his dish. decidedly, no! Unless, again mass press cess which is so popular with the expert. With the necessary caution, which the water liberalism.
ure is brought to bear by the working mentors that they write testimonals re particular interests of their national But Franklin Roosevelt, while he class.
commending the operation to others. It bourgeoisie demand. Their internationhas a majority of delegates behind him.
As was to be expected, the main issue may be a modernization of the table al center which unites them in a loose has no path of roses to trod on to reach for the democrats is the repeal of the surant. Like a real bandit, never once the nomination. The biggest obstacle 15th Amendment. Raskob says that it about the fox who lost his tail, but be federation is very circumspect in ventur BARCELONA, SPAIN that as it may, the Dally Worker sus ing to take a new ster And Vander. Our comrade Luis Curiel has been ar. withdrawins thelr gun points from the that stands in his way is the displeasure Is the only economte issue of any im.
pects that it is a plan to sterilize the velde incorporates this policy in an equt rested in Valladolid. His arrest is just body of our comrade.
After passing the night there, they qver his liberal demagogy. The Mort To a starving populace crying for bread thut the Wall Sree bankers have shown portance in this election campaigu.
unemployed. The capitalists it is true, vocal phrase borrowed from diverse bour another arbitrary act of the democratie are dirty enough for anything but we geols formulae: regime no reason was given to ex. brought him to Madrid where he was sans, Fords and Rockefellers are well these representatives of the people offail to see what they could gain by cunt. This practical bourgeois policy carries main this arrest, outside of the fact later released.
satisfied with the service rendered by ter beer and alcohol. Where the money. CORRESPONSAL Herbert Hoover. But if it is necessary will come from to purchase these bevertend to legalize the harem industry. It simultaneous and controlled equality in militant, the former regional secretary of is well to know however that the Daily disarmament as its political expression the offictal party in Castillo and the ous news of the release of comrade An for the purpose of deception, they want de grand mystery. Prohibition is, in As we go to press we receive the Joy to have another candidate in the field, age, with industry prostrate, seems to Worker is on guard and in the capitale Constant, unrelenting, merciless straggle national secretary of International Labor dres Nin and the other 20 comrades ar: the most harmlesstore they can lay hands reality. nothing more than a soap bub.
these think they can pull off anything like for the reestablishment of democracy, for Defense (Red Aid. It appears that it is the aim of the two issues of El Soviet. of which Nin Roosevelt pretends to be the represoon as the workers get wise to this hind it being exposed, they are due for defense of bourgeois democracy is the police to systematically all all the mem is the editor and in the publication of sentative of the petty bourgeofsie. Be smokescreen used to cover up the burn disillusionment.
aim the sets itself in this crisis ebrs of the Left Opposition in Spain. which many of the arrested comrades hind him stands the powerful chain of ing problems. RIDEM.
which shakes the foundations of the At Perales de Tajuna, on May 30, com. had been engaged, were practically edit. the Hearst papers, that make it a policy This noisy, rambunctious convention bourgeois order. And at that defense rade Henri Lacroix was arrested while ed from the prison cells. Most of the to play on the heart strings of the small Ryan Walker, well known labor car against all its enemies, undoubtedly with. engaged in a conversation with friends articles bear the address of the Carcel business man and the small manufactur can teach the American worker only one of action. The toonist, died a short time ago in Mos out omitting the revolutionary proletar on street corner. The Civil Guards Celular, the prison in which the editor er. But Tammany all stands in his thing and one Ilis cartoons appeared in many lat. But in this moment when bourgeois who perpetrated the arrest threatened tal board of El Soviet was detained. way, because as presidential nomince he capitalist system and all its represenpapers, lle first became known thru the democracy retreats before Hitler, in the our comrade at the point of a gun. They Comrade Luis Rastrollo, after five will of necessity, have to take drastie tatives are rotten and bankrupt. The ab. Oull, and since that time his draw country where the is strongest, marched him through the streets with months of prison in Badajoz, has also measures in his post of Governor of olition and destruction of capitalismo ings have appeared in the Illinois Miner the I. remains silent, does not say his hands up and warned that they had been released. He is a member of the against the Tammany crooks, to keep the their only hope. The piling up of a huge South and West In line.
vote for the Communist candidates is (Ameringer paper. the Graphic, a single word on the paths for the con orders to act drastically upon any move National Committee of the Spanish Op and the Daily Worker. No one can say stant, unrelenting, merelless struggle for on his part. Since there is no jail in position and had been arrested for lead. The Democratie party in its platform their only course in this election.
that he did not have a colorful career. the defense of German democracy.
that town they took him to a small resting the peasant revolts in Llerena. blames the unprecedented economic and CLARKE Persecution of our Spanish Comrades line cow