AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismGermanyImperialismKamenevLeninMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE CHE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1932 The Slogan of the Defense of the Political Biography of Stalin.
as the Unemployment The sharpening world economic crisis makes necessary the industrialization of (Continued from page 1)
has already passed over to a semi open the Soviet Union as rapidly as possible present situation in the following terms: contlict between the imperialist powers. Chinese revolution, a Manchurian in Never has there been a clearer demon.
by LEON TROTSKY first in South America and then in Asia, vaslon, a Spanish revolution and a strug stration of the past that the accumulaand has now drawn into this orbit the gle for power with the Fascists in Gertion of capital. plays in normal busifate of the Soviet Union, through the many calls for different methods, formed improvement in the industries making Editor Note biographies. These documents German situation, the Manchurian devel and slogans in order to defend the So.
We do conciliationalism, for conciliationism was opments and the internal economic e. viet Union.
goods for personal consumption has The Daily Worker last week published not have. The extreme Inadequacy of an ideological current which strove to fects tlowing from the contradictions. In Civil War In Germany failed of realization because supporting Stalin interview with Emil Ludwig, in our information must be kept in view, create a principled platform, we have improvements in the capital goods in which the infallible, the best disciple of in appraising the following material. a blind empiricism which entirely dissuch a trying period the defense of the Soviet Union must be of first consideraWhen Civil War threatens Germany. dustries has not occurred.
Lenin spouts freely the wisdom of latter dains the principle problems of the revolution.
Yes, the capital goods production day Bolshevism. Among other things, tion for every Communist. The Com. when the policies in Germany need munist party has rightly considered it a complete overhauling when Fascist production of means of production fall he hurls another of his notorious stink On December 23, 1925 the follow. It isn difficult to imagine what a its duty to lead the struggle for the devictory in Germany will meana directed to improve. And quite naturally no. bombs against comrade Trotsky. It suting police information was published in castigation the editorship of the Zaria tense of the Soviet Union. But the lead threat of death hanging over the Soviet Just remember the enormous production lices to charneterize the Best Disciple the party organ, Zaria Vostoka, by Vostoka got for publishing this letter, less that he di una uswered the question Union the world wide use of the slogan, capacity now unused. This is the con by reporting the following lines from Stalin closest friends: From the in and what measures were taken on a gen: of how to defend the Soviet Union.
Sinem Stalinism has gained control of word or analysis, without pointing out cess of accumulation Increases much Stalin. written some time ago by our the agency, Djugavshvili was known in letters from appearing in the future.
the organization by the nicknames, Soso the and the Soviet Union the slogan not to defend the Soviet Union, how to power. In other words there is already In his report at the seventh plenum and Koba: worked from 1902 in the so of the Defense of the Soviet Union has make a joke out of the slogan.
of the. 1936) Stalin character such a huge overproduction of capitalfurious.
cial democratic party organization first fzed the party past in the following been thrown around fast and The Communist League of America, of means of production to the extent Eight years of struggle since Leutn as a menshevik and then as a bolshevik, manner. the history of our party Day in and day out, in America, the and leader of the first taken from the moment of its birth slogan, Defend the Soviet Union rings the Left Opposition stands in the fore. that they serve is capital.
One can get a glance from another eight years of the regimen of encronachis police Intormation about Stalin pub. 1943, and traced through its subsequent eight years of struggle against Trotsky: its a presin reference to in the form of a Bolshevik kroup in district in our ears. One would think, as if by front in the struggle for the defense of magie, this slogan will throw a spell over the Soviet Union by standing in the fore angle of the capital investment problein tirut the three. then the seven. a the world and create an iron ring around front of the International class battles by merely taking a look at the tigures finally the one this entire significantlished by his adherents no refutation has stages up to our time can be said withthe Soviet Union. But one only needs to analyzing pointing out and leading the new capital emissions. According to period of the decline of the revolution of appeared anywhwere, as fur as we know out exaggeration, to be a history of the one country ir We can prevent inter lan line, within the Soviet Union and National Statistical Service Inc the, the lowering of its theoretical level: Stalin began his work as a nienshevik party there is not and cannot be a remember: We can build socialism in Way in the struggle for a correct Marsotto Schwarzchild, president of the its ebbing on an international scale, orl From this information it transpires that struggle of contradictions inside the In 1905 Stalin belonged to throughout the world.
the middle line in questions of a principle vention, and then we can understand total new financing in the United States brought us to a, in the highest degree. o.
In the bureaucratic bolsheviks and was taking an active character. These imposing words are why this slogan is used in such large (stocks and bonds, but not including critical point What were his aimed against ideological conciliation doses. the false basis of the theory municipal bond issues) for the first five triumph of Stulin a great historical per part in the struggle same time views on the character and perspectives ism: In relation to those against whom of socialism in one country sprouted the misuse of the slogan, Defend the Soviet Bonus Battle 078, 00. This compares with a total for the inevitability of its defeat in the dear of the revolution? As far as we know Stalin led a struggle. But these absolute the first five months of last year of future is indicated. The culmination of there are no documents in circulation on furmulas of ideological irreconciliability Union.
Propose of Slogans (Continued from page 1) 600, 607, 000; and for the same period burocracy foretells its erists. It may be this account. No articles, speeches, or are entirely contradictory to the political Cumberland on of 1080, of a total of 2, 869, 060, 000. From very much swifter than its growth and resolutions by Stalin have been reprinted physiognomy and political past of Stalin Slogans are not abstractions above the passenger train from ebus and lows of the class struggle. To Instead, the felght cars were stranded this first crisis year till today there is thee The regime of national socialism Why? Obviously because the republica himself. He was, as an empiricist an hottion of Stalin articles or letters for organic conclllator, but particularly issue slogans for the establishing of so somewhere in one of the damp cold Al. a drop of 92 percent in capital emissions and its hero come under the blows that period could only damage his poll an empiricist he did not give his concilia only of inner contradictions, but also of viets after the revolution has turned its legheny valleys. All night long These figures Illustrate but once again the International revolutionary aboretical blography. There is no other ex tionism a principled expression.
back or to Ingue slogans for the Soviet hungry men shivered with cold. The the fact that during times of crisis the ment. The world crisis will give the lat. planation of the stubborn forgetfulness In 1912 Stalin contributed to the to seize power before the vanguard and next morning, the cars were taken demand for Industrial capital seriously ter a series of new impulsions. The van of the chlet past.
the class are prepared, is to make a through Cumberland where the men pro diminishes. And yet the Wise capital cuard of the proletariat will not be able In 1907 Stalo took part in the The Star. The Petersburg editorial legal paper of the Bolsheviks, Zresda mockery of revolutionary slogans. Cen tested the double crossing of railroad 1st rulers speak of the expansion of and willing to suffocate in the clutches expropriation of the bank of Tials. The board in direct struggle with Lenin, is.
trism and the right wing have used this officials. Other contingents had similar credits to start the wheels of Industry of a Molotovist leadership. The person mensbevis following the bourgeois phil. sued this paper at first as a conciliaout because experiences. They demanded they be turning! For them, however, the ques. al responsibility of Stalin is fully in. listines expressed indignation against the tionist organ. Here is what Stalin wrote slogan year in and year there is danger of intervention. In this put on a passenger train, as promised. tion still remains: how are they going volved. Doubts and anxlety have enter conspiratorial methods of bolshevism in the programmatte editorial. we same period the Soviet officials, including The petty officials passed the buck, one to break the backbone of the crisis. ed the souls of even the most trained and its anarcho Blanquism. We can will be satisfied If the paper, not falling Stalin, have informed us that world to the others. Finally the men wero The Government Part ones. And Stalin cannot give more than have only one attitude toward this indig Into the political infatuations of the dir.
Capitalism and the Soviet Union can again put on a freighter for Washington he has. He is threatened with a de nation. contempt. The fact of taking ferent fractions, will succeessfully deexist peacefully side by side. The con and for the hospital. The government must first bring its scent which may prove to be swifter in part in a resolute, tho only partial blow fend the spiritual treasures of the dem tradictory position of the and the Under those conditions, the govern house in order. Insists the Wall Street proportion to the artificial character of at the enemy can add only honor to the ocracy, on whch at present obvious enSoviet officials flows logically from the ment officials fear an epidemte will break bankers. The budget must be balanced. his ascent.
Stalin. It emtes and false friends are boldly enwrong theory of socialism in one country. out, which of course is likely But the was their demand. Now it is balanced is astonishing, however, that this fact has croaching (Revolution and In any case Stalin is the central figure Capitalism will never coase its strug. prescription of doctors at least, it is a sort of a balance. Progoverment ble against the Soviet Union. The form is not that the government should provisions are made for supporting the policy in the present unstable period. The been removed in cowardly manner from (B) in Materials and Documents. vol all the official blographies of Stalin? Is. page 161 102. of the struggle changes from time to vide sanitary camps, cots and decent of credit expansion. But this credit ex characteristics of Stalin have a pansion, instead of turning the wheels political interest in connection with the ity? After all we think not. It is more great it in the name of burocratic respectabil The phrase about political Infatuations time. In periods of economie war be food, but that the men should disband.
tween the two systems, the constant use what these experts really fear is a previously contracted obligations. So, present issue of the Bulletin is devoted ticipation in expropriation in itselt can ly at Lenin, at his tempests in teapots, of industry, goes into loan capital to pay course of the sixteenth congress. The likely for political reasons. For, it par of different. tractions is almed whol a hollow words, transforming sections of tant action. These chinovnicks, theso a more active guarantor for these loans ization of the chief of the apparatus, the from fighting units for the bureaucratie Canutes are trying to stem advanced to pay interests and principals as a political worker and as a theoretic eyes of revolutionists, the false political wall. out of some political infatuaappraisal of that situation compromises tions.
overthrow of their own capitalists, to the gathering revolutionary tide. They to the marauding brigands of Wall lan.
auxiliaries to prevent intervention against are working day and night to intimidato The budget balancing has extended taxa Stalin as a politician. Separate blows Stalin article, in this manner, entirely the Soviet Union. In times when econ. the soldiers, to break them up and keep tion to make up for the expense; and, tribute some material to the political ing treasuries. are compatible In the following lines we want to con at the Institutions of the enemy, includ coincides with the vulgar conciliationist omte war is being transformed into open them isolated from the twelve million of course, the excursion into the field Mography of Stalin. Our material is ex with the revolutionery offensive of the 1911, and wholly, contradicts his later only tendency of the above quoted letter of the slogan, Defend the Soviet Union class, with whom, and only with whom cess. The sales tax schemes were final essential from what we have in our olution. When the masses are retreating a middle line in questions of a principle has meaning. Even then it will have to they can solve the question of bread, s, in the main, put over, leaving the archives. But in our archives, as yet, partial, separate, partisan blows unavold character.
this slogan into a meaningless phrase. only by the overthrow of the capitalist Collections for payment of the bills a many essential. maybe the most impor ably degenerate into adventures and lead broader fleld, embracing all who One of the official blographies of To defend the Soviet Union one must system that threw them into the still in a position to buy.
are tant material and documents are tempor. to demoralization of the party. In 1907 Stalin proclaims: In 1913 he was again arlly missing. From the archives of the the revolution was receding and the ex extled to Turuchansk, where he remained know HOW to defend our fatherland. butchery of the last war, and is now We all agree it cannot be accomplished cynically throwing them on the scrapApparently the so called rellef bills police department which intercepted and propriations degenerated into adventures until 1917. The Stalin Jubilee number the socialist way. The socialists heap, Ilke so much useless machinery. pending before Congress are also mak copied in the course of decades the let. Stalin, at any rate, showed in that per. of Pravda expresses itself in the same issue the slogan, Hands of the Soviet ing progress. The idea of those senters of revolutionaries, documents, etc. od that he was unable to distinguish way: The years of 1913 14 16 18 Stalin Vets In Militant Mood Unlen and then the Second Internationators and representatives, who cham Stalin in the course of the last years between high and low tides. He will dis spent in exile in Turuchansk (Pravda, al representatives in the capitalist gov. Did the United States ever have rag pon the interests of the petty bourge has meticulously collected material with close in the future more than once (December 21, 1920. And not a word ernments render full aid to the imperial sed soldiers. Not until today, reads otsle, to secure large appropriations for the help of which he was able on the thonia, Bulgaria, Canton, the third per more These were the years of the ists in thelr struggles against the so one slogan. Millions for war not a cont public works, are rather violently frown one hand to maintain a hold on insuf od incapability of political orientation world war, the collapse of the Second viets.
for the hungry. We need cash not ed upon. That would be too much like ficlently reliable friends, throw a shadow on a broad scale.
International, of Zimmerwald, Kienthal, Right Centre Misuse Slogan a tombstone these are typical slogans a dole. The Wagner bill now before the on opponents, and, primarily, protect Stalin, from the time of the Art of the deepest Ideological struggle in Some the mother across the rusty dilapidated autos about Senate meets the favor of those repre. bimself and his adherents against the revolution leads the life of a professional socialism. What part did Stalin take We must also realize, hand, the Right and Centre wing of Uncle Sam. asks another.
society. It provides for 300, 000, 000 in episodes which would damage the false But during the entire period of the re should have been years of intensive menCommunism in using the slogan, Defend the Soviet Union. and then turning During the day was there, there Ioans to the states a drop in the bucket monolithism artifically created by their action (1907 11) we do not find a single tal work. The exiles in such circum.
around and advocating, opportunist or were several rallies. The men were ad even as charity for the millions of un document article, letter, resolution in stances keep diaries, write tracts, work adventurist policies in China, in Spain, dressed by some plous congressmen, who employed. It provides for 600, 000, 000 which Stalin formulated his own ap out theses, platforms, exchange polemical Back Numbers of in Germany and the rest of the world are promised to work for the passing of the for public works to be spread over praisal of the situation and its perspec. letters, etc. It is impossible that Stalin tives. It is impossible that such docu. In four years of exile did not write anyin words, but not in action, defending Bonus BAIL. They cheered him loud and long period of time. It provides for strong every time he assured them they 1, 000, 000, 000 in debenture for loans to Militant Wanted ments do not exist. It is impossible that thing on the fundamental problems of the Soviet Union, Marxism is not distinguished from op win their demand. The sergeant who what is called self liquidating enter: they are not preserved, if only in the the war, the International, and revoluportunism merely by abstract slogans was beside the congressman conducted priser, this to be administered by the Some time ago issued an appeal archives of the police department. Why tion. But it would be futile for us to for missing back numbers of The Mill. don they appear in the press? It is look for some traces of Stalin mental tent and be issued to fit the concrete sit, the proceedings, this sergeant was handed Slogans must have revolutionary con. the cheering, as though the men were at Reconstruction Finance Corporation a schoolboys rally. Toward the end of The Problems Still Remains tant. As a result of this appeal com perfectly obvious why they are unable work during these astounding four years.
uation. How could the Chinese workers rades in different parts of the country to strengthen the absurd characterization In what manner could this occur? It The government is surely putting its sent in what they had and we made up of the theoretical and political infall is perfectly obvious that if only one sinand peasants defend the Soviet Union in a telegram from Father Coughlin pro house in order and following closely thel a number of files which are now on biliy that the apparatus, which means gle line could be found where Stalin 1926 27? How could the of the castion that it would not be used for the most hopeful designs of the Wall Street sale. We are sure that comrades si Stalin himself creates for itselt.
mising a formulated the idea of defeatism or an defend the Soviet Union in the Chi.
pirates. Further enormous sums nese Revolution? How could the world benefit of the reds and other radicis. credit expansion are to be made avail the numbers we need. If they will send to oversight, got into the press and it shed long ago photographed and transin have in their possession extra copies of Only one letter of that period, due nounced the necessity of a new International, this line would have been pubproletariat defend the Soviet Union in (These Chrisian fathers. the Chinese Revolution? Not by repeat. Just imagine who it is from, spoke business expansion will result. But there up an additional number of files. We On the 24 of January, 1911 Stalin wrote with learned commentaries by all the able with the hope that the wished for them in at once we will be able to make entirely confirms our hypothesis.
lated into all languages, and enriched ing in prayer like fashion the slogan, the sergeant who grins with every one is still a long way to go and that de need not emphasize the financial importo his friends from exile. This letter academies and Institutions. No such elena the Soviet Union. The only gressman and secret serviceman Just sends entirely on different factors. To tance of the sale of these files to us was intercepted by the police departilne was found. Does this mean that way the Communists could defend the imagine, from Father Coughlin. IIIp. recapitulate some of these factors are: It is obvious.
Soviet Union and all that goes with it hip, boys, now three cheers!
was by pounding out and executing a After the cheering he continues, It capitalism, in the continuity of the pro November 16, 1928; Vol. No. Feb: wise editorship of the Zaria Vostoka not mean this. This would be entirely (1) Restoration of confidence, within the numbers we nood are: Vol. 1, No. 1926 still by the same more servile than stalin did not write at all? No, it does Marxian policy in the Chinese revolution. you ll fight clean, if you ll fight upright cess of reproduction. This is not a mere runary 18, 1920: Vol. 3, No. 31, October (Dawn of the East. This is what Stalin all the material written during these The Right Centre bloc falled in this and stay away from these communists, abstract problem; it involves such ques. 1, 1930. Vol. 4, No. 2, January 15. 1931: Wrote: You have certainly heard about task and persecuted and expelled the we ll get more contributions and nobody tions as markets, profit rate, etc. 2) Vol. No. 10, May 15, 1931.
Left Opposition for advocating the only will go hungry.
Raising of the present level of commothe tempest in a teapot abroad: blocs four years there was nothing, absolutely policy that could materially defend the While he was speaking, a regimental dity prices. This in other We need all of these numbers, but at. Lenin and Plechanov on one side, and nothing, which can be used to day for words withe moment we need the last one a little Trotsky Martov Bogdanov on the other. the strengthening of his reputation. In Soviet Union and the World Revolution commander. afat pug, flanked by two mean, at least, degree of inflation more than the others. little more. The relation of the workers to the Art Weas and slogans of the Russian rev.
this manner the years of war, when the Scare Headlines on Manchuria bulls. was going through the crowd, which is practically on the way. 3)
than a year ago we made up a number bloe, as far as know, is favorable. But olution and Third International were has presented scare headlines on the here boys, if any of the Communists by further increase of capital and thus to the last issue of 1980. Comrades look with contempt For over a half year the Daily Worker stopping to speak to small groups. Look Checking the fall in the rate of protot Oles of The Militant from Vol. 1, No, in general the workers are beginning to forged, proved an empty space in the the work abroad: Manchurian situation with countless col open their mouth, go bir right in the increasing the mass of profit. This is who bought these files have been waiting let them climb on the wall to their ideological biography of Stalm. It umns of news but not one Marxian an mouth! He thrust bis fist out to show the crux of the problem. It spells au for bound Ales of the subsequent issues. hearts content: in our estimation those wery probable that at that time he spoke alysis of its relation to the world situa them how. The sergeant on the speak. Increase in the intensity of exploitation tion. In the last two months the Jap. ers stand was shouting. Fight clean, and further depression of the wage level. Issues for 1931. Comrades, don wait We need about thirty of the missing movement are dear, and the rest will there and arrange storms in a glass of anese army has been advancing toward fight upright, stay away from these com In this we consider only the home Send in all of these issues that you have happen. This, in my estimation, is for water.
the borders of the Soviet Union. The munistic people. All here who are front; there still remains for considera at once.
the best. Stalin arrives in Petrograd with danger from the side of Japanese imper against the Communists say: Aye! Hiption such questions as prospects in the This is not the place to consider how Kamenev about the middle of March, lalism has grown in the last two months. hip!
world market. But these indications But the way the Daily Worker has ban Now, the first cheer was loud, but alone bear witness to the coming higher What Next?
correctly Stalin defines the composition 1917. Pravda, directed by Molotoy and dled this problem, the Communist fol only at the outer portions of the crowd. composition of capital and with it the On August What Next? will be of Lenin led a flerce struggle against legal of the blocs. The question is not in the Shllapotkov, had a vague, primitive, but nevertheless left character directed lowers consciousness has been dulled The second was distinctly muffled. The crester fintensity of compettion and of the presenWorkeldig going forwardized to iners, liquidators, and opportunists, for sealint andh Kameneis purl asteeseen menta rather than sharpened.
An analysis of the process of Japanese refused to raise their volces and although mous contradictions in preparation for get it off sooner because of the swift This struggle determined fundamentallyedttorship as too left and took up a consolidation in Manchuria, a necessary you did not hear it, you felt the mutter the next stage.
pace of the developments in the German all the groupings abroad. But how does spirit of the left mensheviks. a) sup in the base for an attack on the Soviet Union: ing and rumbling of the men. ARNE SWABECK.
Whether we can do it de the Bolshevik Stalin appraise these bat port of the provisional government as the relations of the East to the European The secret servicemen and the regi. Another article in this series pends to a large extent on the response tles? As the most helpless empiricist far as. b) military defense of the rev.
Guillere and the events in Germany would mental commanders. as ve said, are follow next week, dealing especially with of paid advance orders that our com. in teapot: let them, o to say, climb olution de the bourgeois republe. win keep the world proletariat informed at doing everything to prevent the issues each step, enabling us to take the pro from being brought before the soldiers the world markets and some prospects rades can get NOW. Every advance on the wall: work, and all will be well. Tseretelli type. The position of Pravda (c) union with the mensheviks of the per steps to defend the Soviet Union. Openly and secretly they are intimidating Ed. paid order moves the date up a little. Stalin welcomes the frame of mind of in those days presents indeed a scandal.
The defense of the Soviet Union can the men. Of course they can liquidate The book will be approximately 150 theoretical indifference and the imaginous page in the history of the party and not be satisfied by the slogan of: De the one demand for cash in the palm of pages. It will fend the Soviet Union, To defend the their hand which is their one strength air, and lest they shrivel and die, it is at 50 cents each, and in cloth at The ticalists over the revolutionary theore articles which were the revolutionary up in paper covers ary superiority of the near sighted prac. In the biography of Stalin. His March extremely necessary to carry them over uwual reduced rates for bundle orders ticians. In my estimation, this is for result of his meditations in exile explain Soviet Union one must oncretize slogans and it may be this demand, now that to the soll of the revolutionary prole will apply.
for each situation. For this purpose, the bill is defeated, that will be the tariat.
the best. he writes, addressing those one must approach the problem, not from piercing point that will cut a path to Now comrades it is up to you! If you moods that were characteristic of the perfectly why not a line from Stalin the position of building socialism in one the other sections of the organized The soldiers are ready to listen to us. want to see WHAT NEXT? out sooner country, but from the position of the working class. Meanwhile they are so we must win them over. Concentrate than August help us by pushing the period of reaction and downfall. We works from the war epoch have appear world revolution, from the standpoint of lated. soldiers of fortune. They are your work on Washington, china book and by getting paid advance have in this manner in the person of ed up till now.
the Permanent Revolution, which also like a mass of dangling roots in mid EX SOLDIER. orders for WHAT NEXTYNOW. the Bolshevik Stalin not even a political (To Be Continued)