AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE THE ARESTS Nine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition REVIEW OF CHINA BOOK Industrialization and the Collectivization of Agriculture in the IN SPAIN At the present time, when even the scattered, individualistle agriculture. The paratus gave birth to the highly Inger, in the villages against the Left wing. Continued from the situation ehat Tene Chinese revolu bourgeois world, harassed by its deep critics of the Opposition, be it said in lous idea that it the worst comes to And in the cities, in the meantime, the BARCELONA, SPAIN tion of 1926 1927 proved to be tragedy tuges of plau in economy and the entire contradiction (created by themselves to the position of the Old Bolshevik Stalin and Bucharin that there was no most sandalous cases ever registered the The arrests of May 30 are one of the can in no sense be ascribed to the Opposition. There was no excuse for the with enthusiasm as an incontrovertible posed to building socialista in Russia, the proletariat and peasantry. In 1928, there were some, It is true, but not enough spanish democracy Communist world has come to accept it in their claim, first, that Trotsky was op slogan of the democratic dictatorship of danger whatsoever from the Kulaks, that the history of arbitrary action under the proletariat has not yet emerged, for the sea, it is difficult to realize the stubborn and secondly, that he was too extreme in the Kulak course of Stalinism was push. worry about. The professional statis. The publication of El Soviet is legalOpposition sounded the tocsin at every for planned industrialization and the col country and particularly its agriculture. pealed under Opposition industrializing the ed so far that although it was later reticians were put to the job of presenting ty authorized and according to the law.
pressure the tables to prove the insignificant percent. our weekly has, like all other papers, impressed by the fact that at no time lectivization of Russian agriculture when people who are not over scrupulous in Central Executive Committee of the so uge of the Kulaks. The need for colun officiul headquarters for the editorial did the Opposition make its criticism they were first put forward. The Com crushing an opponent apparently do not viets granted the vote to exploiting pealectivization was minimized to the vanish staff and the administration. Comrades post factum, when it is not so difficult totematically pumped full of lies and who munist worker whose head has been sys concern themselves with such trites! sants, again, to the Kulak. In all this ing point, and as late as 1928, the prinsenerally come to the editorial office to be wise and see clearly.
From 1923 on, the Opposition pointed period, the belated present day uphold. cipal agrarian specialist of the appar. take up questions related to the work has been taught a history of the past out, as Lenin said, that the only material ers of the Five Year Plan as against atus, Yakovlev, the commissar for agri on the paper, to speak with one of the The book deals with the revolution in ten years which never took place, fre toundation for socialism is large machine Trotsky. not only had industrialization culture, declared against the Opposition editors, to get coples of the paper, to a semi coloniul country, in which young bourgeoiste and the proletariat and Oppositionist with a general reference to ture as well.
the quently answers the criticisms of the industry capable of reorganizing agricul and collectivization furthest from their that collective farming would for years submit subs, etc. But unexpectedly, the nasantry cought for a time on the same the undoubted successes of the Five Year made the speedy development of such an ponents, but actually steered a directly or private peasant farms. As late as rarily arrests all present there on one Russia backwardness minds, were not only its staunchest op to come remain little islets in the sea police raids the headquarters and arbit.
side of the barricudes. There is nothing Plan. In nine cases out of ten, however, industry especially imperative in view opposite course.
fundamentally new in this relationship he is not aware of the fact that it took or the retardation of the international the 15th party congress, where the Op matter or another.
of forces. Virtually every bourgeois rev.
The Inspector who directs this raid, In 1925, that is, even before the 1927 position leaders were all expelled, kykov five year struggle (1923 1928) of the revolution. In addition, the Left wing platform of the Opposition bloe, comrade heetored the Opposition with the quesis somewhat embarrassed to find that olution in which the proletariat had the Left Opposition merely to have a Five showed the vist mass of the peasantry Trotsky once more wrote in detail about tlon: If the Kulak is so strong why the biggest group in the offices does not posibility of marching a big step far Year plan adopted by the party leader was undergoing a process of differenti the tremendous possibilities which the hasn be played us some trick or other constitute more than 11 persons, so that has offered a somewhat similar spectacle. position were disinissed with ridicule anal Kulak) was growing stronger and making power in the hands of a proletarian die two months passed after the expulsionaceusation of a secret meeting (ACWe find it in the bourgeois revolutions abuse, that the first Plan proposed by dangerous advances which only the or tatorship offered for the progress of so or Trotsky, Zimovies and the rest of the cording to the law, 18 or more people capitalist class fought together with the ing criticism from the Left was finally systematic introduction to collective workers state. In Wither Russia. heselt rid of the Bolsheviks in the Russianence does the law make in this most of the last century, where the rising the leadership and submitted to a wither animation of the poor peasants and their cialism, even on the basis of an isolated Left wing, before the Kulak, feeling him constitute a meeting. But what differ.
feudalism and toolutism. The policy of ship itself; and, finally, that every im. oppition demanded an Industrial pro dependent reproduction based on socialist uprislug of February 1978 to The in the number of 21 are the bourgeoisie Wat we make use of portant step in changing the Plan has gress that would be able to dominate and accumulation, the Soviet republie could significant Kulak proved to have grown are brought to the police prefecture and the people in truojas, keep them subor had to be made under the criticism of reorganize agriculture, satisfy the needs show a speed of industrial progress unto tremendous proportions, to have gain. then they are Jalled in Modelo Prison dinated to us in the name of the united the Opposition and in its general direc of the peasantry on a cheap basis, and known and impossible under capitalism. ex in boldness to the point of resisting in Madrid, indicted for holding a elan.
front against the dying order or the tion.
provide the economie basis for abolish His prediction of a possible 20 percent foreign enemy; and as soon as our vicSoviet power by withholding grain, destine gathering.
ing the petty bourgeois strata of the annual growth and six years later this that is, by seeking to starve the prole been made into a custom and that they It 18 true that secret meetings have tory is assured, we crush the counter The Origins of the Struggle revolution at the Left. that is, smash village population.
The introduction of plan into Soviet was proved to be an entirely moderate tarian cities. Seven years after the inthe allies of yesterday. As Marx said, First Reactions of the Bureaucracy figure, entirely attainable. was the sub troduction of the the Soviets do not even observe formalities to give the proletariat which has followed the economy can be traced as far back as and How did the bureaucracy reply? Thereject for great merriment among the tune were for the first time compelled to rea legal appearance to the arrests. Ev.
ernity, Equality is rapidly confronted transportation system was a wreck. An practical people who would not allowtionarles assembled at one of the party introduce armed requisitions of grain Inery day, the press brings notices that attempts at progress the Ironical the villages in order to break the re sceret meetings of 9, and even in were shattered themselves to be taken in by fantastie congresses, caused by with new slogans of now triumphants ainst this obstacle. The party penyance. launched a furious assault upon the prediction. The official position was peasant friends of Stalin and Bucharin law considera a secret gathering ideas about planning for years in md. ridicule which Stalin showered upon sistance of the economically powerful dividuals have been raided, while the a bourgeoisie: Artillery, Cavalry, Infan comrade Trotsky in charge of rehabill.
tating the transportation system and on Trotsky. The brochure in which he de Instead, expressed by Bucharin who put Even further, only a few months were meeting of at least 18 individuals It was with this mind that Marx, the date mentioned the famous Order veloped his ideas, The New Course. was forward the perspective that Russia required in the application of the orig The illegality of these arrests drawing the lessons of the uprisings of NO. 1042 was lasued as the first of virtually suppressed in the party: ostalde would build socialism with the speed Inal Vive Year Plan of Rykov Stalin in manifest. In our case, the most evident remains to this day a rare of a tortoise. at a snail pace!
order to demonstrate how thoroughly proof that the Indictment lacks absolutely 1848, wrote to the Communist League in series of systematic measures which of Russia 180 his brilliant strategical outline of finally brought order and regularity where lyseen and never translated (except into The Platform of 1927 founded had been the Opposition critic any base whatsoever is seen by the fact ism of its indequacy. The apparatus that none of the prisoners was inter.
the permanent revolution, the theory chaos and collapse had prevalled before French) document. The fragments which The 1927 platform of the Opposition was compelled to revise at virtually from rogated by the Judge. They were put at that the proletariat, even in embryonic The attempts made subsequently to dis made their way out were inundated be form, does not come to a halt with the credit this tremendously successful Job neath a flood of misrepresentation and was the most elaborate and definite prostem to stern, to imbue it with a greater Police Minister) and are to remain in the disposal of Cesares Quiroga (the Victory of its ally, the Bourgeoisie, but and Its principal author cannot hide the calumny. Rykov hastened to report to posal it had presented to the party, and scope, greater boldness, greater speed. all as long as he will keep them there strides forward from the bourgeois rev fact that in its time was enthusiastic the Fifth Congress of the Comintern this was undoubtedly one of the reasons Opposition Pilots Advance Naturally, to us the arbitrary actions olution against feudalism to the proleally saluted by Duherzhinsky. Zinovlev, that Trotsky proposals were petty why it was so rabidly attacked. It was It is not within the purview of this of the bourgeois republie are not surpris.
tarian revolution against the bourgeoise and others, and particularly by comrade bourgeois deviation from Leuloism, that officially suppressed by the bureaucracy, The whole polley of the Left Opposition Lenin, who spoke of it as an example the Russian party leadership was doing which refused to print it. Its circula article to deal with what has happened ing. We predicted and announced it in the Chinese revolution was animated of what had to be done in the other all it could do and all that could be tion la mimeographed form was made to the plan for industrialization and col when all the anarchists were misled by by the same idea which, while it was no branches of industry.
The report made expected coft lite in the field of Industry exite, and numerous are those in Siberiu to ultra leftism and back to opportun. be told clearly whether we have the right nevertheless the only possible road to Soviets, based on this experience, and the pled to the Opposition arguments with which Stalin was himset compelled to end of 1928. That falls properly into an our paper and if we are answered in the victory China and Russia shanoy were warmly defended by Lenin the peasant needed, but a good rain for adopt large measure two years later. other period of the development of the attirmative, it we are to enjoy the private With this in mind, it is a happy coln good Is it to make forecasts for many Kulak strengh was derided (just as sda categorical condemnation of the alone enough has been referred to make the authorities are determined to stamp a few years later derided the idea Rykov and Krzhizhanovsky, and adopted of struggle of the Left Opposition, it is Here is the list of the arrested com.
China appears at the same time as his to be found people argue against the that there was any danger to the rev. by the party leaders. This timid, worth entirely doubtful that even those mea rades: Andres Nin, Paulino Roig. Jose the two side by side and you have a at working from hand to mouth, from sky saluted the treacherous British labor less plan proposed an annual growth of sures of progress which have been made Metge, Enrique Fernandez, Andres Sale stuckering contrast between the policies day to day; but in Lenin time they were leaders with a fraternal embrace of Bolshevism and Menshevism in the not the leaders of the party!
But the Kulak was growing in strength it would reach percent growth at demands of the Opposition, there is every Diego Pastor, Juan Rubio, Narcise Mol creasing percentage subsequently until Left to themselves, unhampered by the Ranion Gallotre Maximo Caruitcera acutest moments of the two outstanding The question of long term planned and beginning to dominate not only the the end of the plan. The bolder pro reason to believe that the Stalin Buch. lins, Carlotta Duran.
post war revolutionary movements. economy was raised more sharply in 1928 country side but was also beginning to posals submitted by the Opposition, which arin bloc would have continued to gº By our CORRESPONDENT.
After the February revolution in Rus by comrade Trotsky sia, the workers were urged by Chernovy a Lenin who had already been com. It. with his ideology. The first two realistic and applicable, met with just ist swamp where the Kulak and the other and Tseretelli (and, let us add, by Stalin) pelled to withdraw from the party counyears of struggle of the Opposition finally as strong u condemnation from the stal classes hostile to the October revolution to support the national bourgeoiste. cis, Trotsky laid before the party his bore frult in the revolt of the revolution. Inists.
On all sides the Opposition spokes were steadily pulling it.
Prize Contest!
The essential, positive features of enemy. in China, stalin and Bucharin economy in order to carry out success compelled its leaders, men like Zinovier with the question: Where will you get the Five Year Plan, the phenomenal sue cvemanded the Communists to bear in fully an industialization of the country Trotskyism. to combine in a bloc with for industrial development proposed at been able to show in the realm of in We offer a full set of the collected works of Stalinvest pocket edl.
mind that the outstanding feature of and a collectivization of its backward, the 1923 Opposition. The alarm felt by first by the Opposition were greatly ex. dustrial progress, these are a debt which tion to any party comrade who will the revolution was its anti imperialist identify the author of the following allegedly lines. As a special prize to Lenin the bourgeois Kuo Min Taug be sup for the publication and distribution of being made by the Kulak and his urban under way. And when the Opposition struggle of the Opposition, and that is School students we offer. the full In Russia, the Mensbeviks comrade Trotsky book. It does not associate, the Nepman, was not, how presented its proposals for raising the how the records of history will register Stalin interview as given to Emil Hought to liquidate the class struggle by deal with the past alone but with the ever, shared by the crust hardened bur means by a forced loan from the Kulaks. it. The present ruling apparatus will Ludwig their contact commission. In China, present as well. Starting with the prin eaucracy. Instead of adopting the pro by a lowering of prices based on cut be pictured there as the stubborn ob But to overthrow the power of the the stalinists sought to do the same with cipal thesis submitted by Trotsky to the posals for plan in economy, for a systing overhead and the bureaucratic ap stacle in the road, the adversaries of bourgeoise and establish that of the protheir support to the arbitration commis. Eighth Plenum, with some articles writ tematic industrialization of the country. paratus, by a skillful utilization of the planned economy, the people who for letariat in a single country is still not stois. Sin russia, the Mensheviks and ten at the same time on current Chinese the Stalin Bucharin leadership steered a foreign trade monopols, etc. the bureaus five years delayed adopting an elabor to assure the complete victory of socialiun revolutiow, sought to emasculate the the stages of the movement to the pre later on, when they had taken fright at the counter revolutionary Trotskyists. at the banner bearers of Bolshevism of socialist production, is still to be acSoviets in the villages, told the peasants sent time. The Canton insurrection of his growth, they sought to liquidate In the days of the French revolution, armory of the class enemy. They will the definitive victory of socialism in one to wait for land until the provisional December 1927 is dealt with extensively. at one fell swoop. by ukase.
it will be remembered, government was firmly established and so is the whole question of the Comin as it was posed The Slogan: Enrich Yourselves sought to overthrow the rule of the elty ed by those alien to the revolution to the proletarians the reaction be recorded as the instruments employ country without the combined efforts of the threat of war had subsided. In after the Sixth To the already well to do pousant artisans and revolutionary found Trotsky Bucharin cried out the advice: Enrich colsle by inciting the peasants against tectors and spokesmen of the counter. forts of a single country are enough to China, Stalin telegraphed Instructions tern. There will be petty bour Aght against the Opposition, as the pro countries? Most certainly not. The ef.
that the agrarian movement be stopped, later polemics against Zinovlev, Manull. yourselves! Kalinin made speeches de them, by arousing every one he argued that Soviets must not be form. sky and Malraux, the French apologist nouncing the poor peasants as lazy goodward, reactionary prejudices of the revolutionary economists and special overthrow the bourgeoisie: this is what ed, that the bourgeoiste must not be for Stalinism. The period ultra. for nothing because they did not seed. French peasants against the predatory ists who, it was later revealed, drew the history of our revolution (the Octoalienated prematurely. In Russia, the Leftist adventurism in China is brought late and praising the diligence and of the state was replaced by the ser ly documented study called Stalin, and peasant. that is, of the Kulak. Pravda true to themselves, the bureaucracy which its platform. If history is written ob efforts of one country alone are not Marxiun conception of the class nature up to date, and capped with a thorough Industry of the economically nowerful feature of anti revolutionism. And nogawe watchers were used as the main the definite triumph of socialism, the or etellis with the mystical idea government of the revolutionary dem of the blunders and worse of the pre possibilities of the well to do pensant. the post 1928 renetton, made use of the same Opposition has not today and never will rural country like Russia: the efforts of which is what the socialists are doing in the appendix will be found Zinov must be unfettered. The Commissariat methods. Stalin, Rykov and Kuybischey have cause to be anything but proud the proletarians of severat countries are in Spain at the present moment. In iev thesis in May 1927 which, while for Agriculture of the Georgian Soviets, signed a manifesto to the whole Russian of the verdict the future will pronounce needed. So the victorious revolution in shattered this not identical with Trotsky position, is in harmony with the prevailing atmos people announcing to the peasants that SHACHTMAN. one country has for its essential task to Cornerstone of Marxism by champloning lilled with important facts. The sup phere in the ruling strata of the party. the Opposition proposed to rob the pea develop and support the revolution in the government and the bloc of the four prosed speech of others.
The next article will deal with the classes.
Eighth Plenum is also among the ap tion the land. In the Ukraine, the santry. The lesser bureaucrats carried breaking up of the Right Center (Buch week Militant.
Watch for the right answer in next But while in Russia this miserable pendices, showing how the Opposition supporters of the Stalin Bucharin ap on an even more reactionary propaganda arin Stalin) bloc and the ultra Left z16Menshevist burlesque of Marxism was gave its warnings in time and all the zaga of Stalinism.
Pamphlets Wanted swept off the stage of events by the wis time. The last appendix is the famous If comrades throughout the country dom and authority of Lenin, the Russian Letter of Three Comrades. Stalinist FREE COPY THE TURN IN THE IS OUT will send us their spare coples of The revolution and the Comintern, authority supporters in China who, independently, OF PRINT, BUT IS AVAILABLE IN Draft Program, World Unemployment and usurped and violated by the present rul corroborated all the contentions put for.
THE BOUND VOLUMES OF COMRADE the Five Year Plan and The Turn In the ing clique. The essential difference beward against the party line in Moscow of convenient TROTSKY PAMPHLETS.
tween the two revolutions is that in by the Opposition leaders. and the Situation in Germany we MANY OF THE PAMPHLETS AD will be able to make up an additional Russia, the brief farce of Menshova slossary of names and terms completes PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION VERTISED ELSEWHERE IN THIS number of Bound Volumes of the pam.
ism was played by the Menshevik the book.
ISSUE CAN BE HAD IN JEWISH, phlets. To the comrades who send them party leaders, whereas China This work of some 450 pages, well with SPANISH, RUSSIAN AND ITALIAN. An, we will give credit against their their role was assumed with cal printed and bound, sells at the exceedFOR INFORMATION WRITE TO copies of the Bound Volumes. Problems amitous consequences by Stalin and ingly low price of 00 in paper and YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE MILITANT PIONEER PUBLISHERS, of the Chinese Revolution, What Next!
Bucharin, the official spokesmen for Bol. 50 in cloth, prices not only more than 84 Fast 10th Street, or any of the other works by comrade shevism! What sardonle satisfaction it in accord with times but also with For the period of the summer months only we are offering to the New York City Trotsky.
must have given the host of Martov to the need of distributing it as widely and subscriber a free paper bound copy of the Problems of the Chinese Rev.
see himself so well impersonated, with speedily as possible. With all respects PICNIC!
olution with a year sub to The Militant. As the edition is limited to PICNIC!
his worst features and to the bitter end, to pamphleteering and it we are not to THE MILITANT in the events of the Chinese revolution. be misunderstood, this is not simply a 1200 coples we may be forced to withdraw this offer before the summer For the Benefit of the Published weekly by the Communist Spanish Youth Opposition Paper Not even the most elaborate review transient pamphlet. It is the most fun.
is over. Comrades who want to take advantage of this offer must act League of America (Opposition) The Spanish Opposition Youth, growand much less a brief one can do jusdamental study of the Chinese revolution quickly.
at 84 East 10th St. ing daily, have reached the point where tice to the present volume. For that, to appear in the camp of the Marxians.
Enclosed please find check. money order. for EDITORIAL BOARD they are ready to publish their own youth you must read and study the book itself. We may well be proud of having proMartin Abern James Cannon organ, Joven Espartioo.
In the literature of Stalinism, there is duced it in English when most of it for which send me The Militant for one year beginning with the next MAI Shachtman issue, and a free paper bound copy of the Problems of the Chinese Rev.
Maurice Spector They depend nancial aid very little to be read about the Chinese has yet to appear in other modern lan.
Arne Swabeck olution Let us show our solidarity with them!
revolution. That is comprehensible, for guages. It is a tremendous weapon in Entered as second clang mall matter Let us make this piente a grand success!
the bureaucrats must feel that the less our hands, an instrument for opening up Name Address.
November 28, 1928, at the Post Office a Proceeds to be forwarded to Joven said about this question the better for who are educated. It is a permanent closed minds, for educating even those City State.
Now York. Under the act of Espartico.
March 8, 1879.
Under the auspices of Spartacus Youth them. The opportunists hate to be con contribution, in the same sense as were THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1932 Club.
fronted with their own recent past; they Marx and Lenin studies of the deVol. V, No. 27 (Whole No. 122) Remember the date: thrive on the forgetfulness or ignorance feats suffered by the proletariat in 84 EAST 10th STREET Subscription rate: 00 per year; for SUNDAY, JULY 10th, at 10:00 M.
of the masses.
other epocha. Like them, it will clear NEW YORK, elga 50. Five cents per copy. Place: But that is only an additional reason the road to the victory.
Bundin rates, cents per copy. TIBBETTS BROOK PARK of in