BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismLeninSocialismStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1932 LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS The Drug Clerks and the Class Struggle now papers 158 pages 2 al and in the union in particular rather BOOKS BY TROTSKY questionable. c) Mr. George Sherman, brother of PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE Mr. Louis Sherman, is a leading member REVOLUTION of the Executive Board and parades un.
450 pages Cloth cover 50 Its manner of subordinating the mem der the name of Gerson. He is not a paper cover 00 It is obvlous, that the principal task bership to its despotle rule by alienating Pharmacist, but a petty swindler, pure Oppositionist Seated Party N. State GERMANY of the leadership of the Drug Clerks Un them from the activities of the union and simple. These facts, MUST AND THE KEY TO THE ion consists primarily in dispelling the and cowing them into submissiveness.
WILL BE EXPOSED before the memINTERNATIONAL SITUATION at Philly Conference Nominating Convention SHALL FASCISM REALLY Illusion of professionalism, which is so in a period of Industrial rebirth, the bership at the coming meeting, which greatly hampering the development and conditions for a successful application will undoubtedly lead to the downfall of PHILADELPHIA, PA.
BUFFALO, NY 48 pages paper cover 100 orientation of the drug clerk toward of this reactionary, purely of the Sherman dynasty. However, the con The Philadelphia United Front AntiWe have just returned from the party HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN unionism, anal raise him to the level of make em join strategy are often favor sequences of the upheaval cannot yet terror Conference called by the Inter.
REVOLUTION. Vol. a class conscious worker. But, to per able. The history of many local or be foreseen.
national Labor Defense met on June 16 state nominating convention at Schenec 522 pages Retail at for this colossal task, the present lead the of has been written under DREYER at Friends Meeting House. The meeting tady It must be sad that we left the By Special arrangements with the ership is particularly incapable. its pressure. But in a period of an ever opened at nine o clock with thirty peo convenion with very little inspiration.
publishers of this book we can The executive board, in order to cover deepening crisis, the margin for its ple, delegates and visitors, present. After One can continue to get enthusiastic offer it to certificate holders at up the tremendous gap between its posl. success is rather a precarious one.
the chairman, the secretary and a joint over omnipresent monolithism. And that DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE tion as a leader and its inability to lead. However, the eminent failure of this MILITANT BUILDERS credentials committee were elected, the was just how dead this gathering was.
things achieved COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL garis itself in a cloak of secrecy. When make em join method of organization, organizer reported. He told the there, the convention might just as well Criticism of Fundamentals a rank and filer asked the secretary, at as it is being applied by the budding burWith Problems of the Chinese Revolu.
purpose of the meeting and depicted the have been held in Astrakhan or for that Part and 140 pages, the last membership meeting to state eaucracy of the Drug Clerks Union, 18 tion as a premium with a year sub to current police terror against the workcloth bound 00 the reasons for not reading the minutes not only due to the crisis and the ever the Militant it should be fairly simple ers and the curbing of the well known matter, in Oshkosh.
There were about 400 delegates, herSTRATEGY OF THE WORLD constitutional guarantees. prepared of the executive meetings, she answered increasing unemployment but largely to to get sules. Every Militant Builder on REVOLUTION that, certain methods of organization the anti working class contents of the histoes! It touch and go from organizational report was presented. metically sealed Stalinites representing art of the Draft Program were discussed, which cannot be divulg strategy itself. For it is utterly devoid ou! We expect to clean out the whole Mimeographed copies were given to the the International Workers Order, the 80 pages 210 ed at present. of course an organiza of any elements of appeal, which may edition in eight weeks, the bulk of it in delegates.
It called for the ordinary and other kosher mass organizaTHE PERMANENT REVOLUTION tion at times must recognize the right arouse the personal interest and class six weeks, or just about the time What methods of organization and propagandations. Prominent among the big shots 58 pages paper cover 500 of a leading body to deal with matters lidarity of the drug clerks and thus Next? comes off the press. After that work, dealt with a demonstration on were the old goose master, Amter, cloth cover 00 contidentially At present, the truth is, result in their ever expanding union, the book will be available.
July and a petition campaign against Wobbling William Weinstone, etc, who are filling the higher places in the party PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP the same manner as a cover serves an the state Sedition Act.
MENT OF THE empty container in a window display: to strategy is apt to precipitate confusion wing worker can fail to consider it? It On the contrary, this make em join What sympathizer of ours can resist The floor was opened for discussion of market.
48 pages paper cover 15e convey an impression of genuine mer. within the ranks, arouse the antagonism is entirely up to us to produce results.
the report. Leon Goodman was the de Things dragked along in the usual man.
THE SPANISH REVOLUTION chandise. The minds of the executive of the unorganized and in this manner legate of the local bran of the Com ner with the same soap box speeches 30 pages paper cover 100 munist League of America (Opposition) and the same nectarian narrowness. No members are not only bare of any see result in an ever warrowing union of the And for that all that is needed now is THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN and began the discussion. The capitalist local issues were raised, in spite of all ret methods but are perfect vacuums, drug clerks.
a little energy. We speak from experiDANGER as far as methods of building a union terror is not unexpected to Communists. the theses and resolutions about link.
64 pages cover 150 What can we gain by this struggle, ne it is really astonishingly easy.
The vanguard bears the brunt of attacking up. No concrete tasks were out.
are concerned. When a secret is kept COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL 52 issues of the Militant and 450 pages too long it becomes no secret. say the At the utmost a few new members of This is a prelude to a broadened lined. The leaders seemed to be inof comrade Trotsky at his best on the now ISM old folks. The executive has been sec. a rather doubtful quality and the union Chinese question! good percentage of attack on the whole class. It is impell. tent to restrict themselves to implanting 64 pages paper cover 150 od by sheer necessity to defend itself. Illusions in the delegates concerning the retive too long and has, naturally. ization of a store where unton conditions the population of Minneapolis should THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST aroused the suspicion of the membership will never be enforced, says one clerk fall under the sustained attack that they By defending every single case, the workpossible election successes. The burning INTERNATIONAL AND THE as to the real motive behind the secrecy to another disenchantedly.
interests Thus international situation, the crystal clear are planning up there. And in New ers protect their own GERMAN SITUATION Disillusionment followed; and their con You cannot force me into the union York we will let the result speak for the case of Mooney symbolizes labor Haselst danger in Germany, did not re(out of print)
10c fidence in the leadership has been badly there are no jobs any way. cries de themselves. From Youngstown, from enslavement.
ceive even moment of attention.
WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND shaken. Hence the present state of fiantly the unorganized clerk. Cleveland, from all over come signs that To reach and organize the workers Instead, all the picayune and petty!
THE FIVE YEAR PLAN apathy among the members.
we must take advantage of every avenue Yes, fellow drug clerks! The success with the book as a lever we will increase 48 pages paper cover 100 The elementary method to disperse the of such an attempt can only gain prestige the circulation of the Militant of democracy open to us under this gestures were employed to Illustrate the (Out of Print)
de general line. Thus, for instance, the capitalist system. The plan for THE REAL SITUATION IN suffocating Illusion of professionalism for the bureaucracy and temporarily Some time ago we became committed monstration of July is most atting rigid insistence on the nomination of among the drug clerks consists, quite strengthen its position but not one to the idea that we were going forward RUSSLA movement hus negro candidates by white comrades and Whatever legality the holding membership and minim of benefit for you! Ils fallure, with building the circulation of the 864 pages obviously, cloth cover 00 must be defended. We should learn the vice versa. This seems to be the best SINCE LENIN DIED educational meetings as often as possible, however, might cause the disintegration Militant. That is we set ourselves the lessons of the recent Canadian experi way the Stalinists know of applying a in order to present an opportunity to an of the union movement among the drug necessary task going forward steadily by Max Eastman ever greater number of members and clerks and set it back for a long period without downward curves in the graph ences. After a false start, the correct tactie toward the Negro question.
disgusted paper cover BOC (out of print)
non members to express their views on to come.
there adopted the united front policy as Many comrades are frankly of our progress. Thus far we can record matters pertaining to the existence and The executive board of the Bound Volume of all the pamDrug steady, it slow, rise. The growing the only means to defend the movement. with this comedy. They realize that it phlets indicated by Only 100 growth of the union. And in this manner Clerks Union, as have already point staff and its record prove that: The conference there changed its name to ls first of all necessary to have a serious conference for the repeal of section 98 attitude to approach the problem of the coples available. Cloth cover 00 attract their interest, arouse their en. ed out, is incapable of giving independ Coover SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE thusiasm, and direct this nascent enthu ent leadership and is, therefore, obliged Beardslee and other organizations with some suc. Some remarked about the sterile, schem.
siasm into chambers of organizational to take advice and direction from forORDERS activities, which will serve as motive eigu scurces. Its most brilliant ideas cess. But a full and whole hearted, con atle way in which the party treats this In Preparation Hedlund problem and mumbled something in power for the further WHAT NEXT? VITAL QUESprogress and usually emanate from Louis Sherman, Koebler sistent approach is needed.
jest about the dialectic capacities of TIONS FOR THE GERMAN growth of the organization. The execu head of the HOUSE OF SHERMAN that Goodman proposed that since the meets the leadership. Barky 1 PROLETARIAT tive, however, bas done the exact re practically controls the activities of the Ing was not really a conference at all, SCOTT But the spice of the program was It constitute Itself a preliminary confer200 pages verse. It has called meetings in an ar union.
paper cover 500 bitrary manner; it is only at the last The members of this notorious house Basin ence to call real united front confer. Amter proposal to put forward the PIONEER PUBLISHERS membership meeting that a motion was are as follows. a) Louis Sherman, orP. Vomvas ence of all working class organizations slogan to postpone the war so as to 84 East 10th Street, passed to hold membership meetings re canizer of the Drug Clerks Union. This Fichna to meet shortly before July which give the Russian comrades an opportunNew York, gularly, once a month. Until then, meet individual has never had any connections should moblline further for the demon ity to entrench socialism. We have beings were held whenever the executive with the drug Industry and has never Curtis stration and the other work outlined. come so accustomed to Amter phantas.
needed the official sanction of the mem organized any kind of a union. IIe sucA. Ehrlich Further that the name Anti Terror Con teries that even this gem got by with. Relat ference is not the best, it did not fout a ripple. comrade told us that in some surprises and mot at all unplea bership on some matter. For instance, ceeded, however, in impressing a group sant ones at that.
the last membership meeting was called of drug clerks as being an old hand Keller in with the elementary duty of the con Amter brings this slogan out into the PARTY MEMBER to ratify a certain collective agree in organizing unions; his services were ference, and should be changed since it is open, he would fight it to the last ditch. Kitt meut. about which shall write at an accepted and paid for. Now, since the misleading. He proposed to take the This is just about the limit of absurdity.
THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE other opportunity. Geldman name United Front Conference to De No serious party comrade is going to COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL union has become a local of the of IS It must be quite obvious that the first outfit, he severed his relations with The record by branches in as follows: will be clear to all that we will be de slogan. And it would not at all be sur OUT OF PRINT, BUT IS AVAILABLE stage of organizational activities of the the union and became organizer of the fend Workers Free Speech. Then it swallow such a ridiculously pacifist New York 13 4 fending the rights of workers to meet. prising If a fight around this slogan will IN THE BOUND VOLUMES OF COM union, e. the transition from its amor so called Federation of Retail DrugMinneapolis to speak and to organize. The defense evoke a sort of a geenral denouement RADE TROTSKY PAMPHLETS.
phous state into an organized, unified gists. using the union as tool to and compact body, is far from being com further his own interests.
Cleveland of these rights will necessarily be a del of the theory of socialism in one counGET FREE COPY OF PROBLEMS pleted. As a matter of fact, it has not Pittsburgh fense against capitalist terror. Goodman try. b) Mrs. Frances Gargle, Sherman OF THE CHINESE Chfeago Another Stalinist convention another REVOLUTION yet begun. To skip this stage and pass sister, is secretary treasurer of the untold the meeting that in all the work Youngstown outlined by the conference, his organiza peg in the coffin of Stalinism. The im. WITH YEAR SUB TO THE MILL. Over to its second stage, e. to estab jon. Mrs. Gargle is a pharmacist but TANT.
lish the union as a bona fide workers has long ago abandoned the profession St. Louis tion, the Communist League (Opposition passe of the bureaucratie leadership is body and demand recognition from their of pharmacy in favor of matrimony. Her Kansas City would give its whole hearted support.
becoming more and more apparent. Rest IN PREPARATION. WHAT NEXT? bosses, is an adventurous move that to awakened interest in pharmacy in generPhiladelphia When he had finished and anpther de assured, the ranks will not remain quiet. Vital Questions for the German Proletar. sure to meet disaster on its way.
Miscellaneous legate had spoken, the chairman an Tho Left Opposition even is due fortat ORDER YOUR COPY NOW. The present so called strike is an atnounced that there was an original pro.
posal of the committee to call another tempt by the executive board to skip the conference June 30. He then left the first stage of organizational activities and plunge into the second stage which may room to meet with the committee. No one knew what for? There was little prove fatal to the feeble structure of The salaries of the Federal civil ser nates do not intend to pay for this out of the union.
vice employees have come under the their own profits. After squeezing the discussion. Comrade Holmes denied the The strike of 18, 000 beet workers in The workers involved are primarily knife. As part of the general wage cut petty bourgeoisle dry in the stock crash advisability of changing the name of the Colorado is something new in that branch Mexicans against whom there is againly of organized activities of a developing government, 12, 000, 000 hus been slashed rapidly vanishing wealth by the impostThe ushering in of the second stage ting drive and the campaign for cheaper they miked what remained of their conference. He said in substance that of agriculture! We have seen before, as much prejudice as there is the struggle for free speech, etc. was not the united efforts of beet farmers, seeking the Negro agricultaral workers of the union on yet unorganized industrial from the wages of the federal workers tlo of a heavy load of new taxes. But as broad and inclusive as the term anti better contracts with the Great Western south. Throughout the irrigated disfield is usually signalized by the clarion terror; and that the main work of the Sugar Co. whiwch were hailed by ticts of Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming call of a general strike. However, a senat one tell stroke by the Congress. this is not enough. Consequently the contence would in any case be for the of bureaucrats as efforts in unionism. and Utah they not only work the sugae eral strike of drug clerks, in times of after weeks of anxious deliberation the white collar slaves came in for a well defense of workers free speech. He We have seen before politicians and beets but plek the persone supply Pethe ditions of a declining drug industry, trick name of the furlough bl.
Like government employees is an interesting an ever sharpening crisis and under conto put through the wage cut, under the The bill reducing the wages of the legislators summoned up enough courage rounded trimming.
called attention to the fact that two of child welfare societies agitating against beans, tomatoes etc. that supply the three slogans dealt directly with. the enslavement and exploitation of many canning factories for which these presupposes not only the rallying of a the bonus veterans the civil decisive majority of licensed and juntor workers crowded every space in service commentary on the hypocrisy the capi workers rights. No more was said by five and six year old children in the parts are famous. For months beet Hields of Colorado. We have seen camp in the pickle fields eking out but also the unqualified, organized supthey clerks under the banner of the union Chambers and galleries of the senate to democratie parties alike, peddle off in the the talist Ickspittles, of the republiean and The credentials and resolution commit the fruit of their demagogy, the federal mere existence for themselves while pll port of the soda fountain and luncheon my che age to their payroll. watch their trusted representatives ap name of philanthropy. The very name tee reported that there were represented law against child labor, unconstitution. ing up wealth for Keuner and Heinz of the bill is indisputable proof of this.
54 delegates of 35 organizations with a alized by the Supreme Court of the They pick the potatoes and the fruits.
ette workers, who operate an important They were watching a little show which it is called the Furlough Plan. This total membership of 7, 500 workers. We have presented before us for the branch of the drug store business today is the first act of unscating the govern means that instead of an outright and locals, three u. unions, three of agriculture what we have dreamed Mexican section of the working class can altional prerequisite for its possible sucaristocracy are being broken down with year without pay. Of course. It is Twelve branches, two first time in the history If it is true that America list that it goes without saying that capable ment employees from their throne of braxen wage cut, the federal employees this branch of tin cans then it is true that the revolutionary leadership is an anton privilege. The strongholds of the labor are given a month vacation during the political organizations and Afteen frat and yearned for and advocated the ris give direct blows to the stomach of the cess.
ernal bodies.
ing of the slaves themselves!
American economie system, can close the unrelenting consistency.
the reasoned, we suppose that since all the Goodman rose at once to ask what well organized minority of drug skilled workers who managed to escape workers, nowadays are on a more or were the names of the political organlone, it is true. Shortcomings in defense pickle factories for the same reson, the clerks, however, can and should develop the ruthless advance of the new machine less permanent holkulay there is no ground The strike was not a well organized canning factories for want of supplies, zations. The information was stubborn.
real struggle AGAINST WAGE CUTS Inventions, were caught in the wage cut to discriminate against the Washington AND LONG HOURS in one or two drive that was the reward ly refused. The committee in charge old and relief work were numerous. Cer many sugar factories, can leave the for their office workers. The bill is so calculated Lovestonelte burocrats, adepts at hiding not to have been planned at all. Butician agricultural workers have anywhere stores Suche struggle will necessarily docility, class collaborationism, and busi as to put all those earning slightly more (0. in order later to say no delegate farmer nor a self seeking politician pro still have and the best workers strike ete, which will teach them a valuable for their patient service to the capital their salaries down to the one thousand to hide the name of Communist League was that it was not and petty bourgeois coal miners in Colorado had in 1927 and of the striker neketing, distributing cir. prosperity. And now civil service week with a corresponding reduction of was present. Goodman asked that the position in this instance it was a strike unorganized as it was militant Couch lesson in the class struggle and free their ist government in the form of slashes in mark. The will even reaches out to the names of the organizations be roud. of the proletarians themselves, the unto indicate that they have then the minds from the fetters of professionalism their envelope. The road vote was taken, 22 for, against.
being clear country side to hit the rural mail car.
Tbe votes surprised the burocrats. uar beet workers wighly exploited letarian qualities of these hot blooded the greatest obstacle on their road to ed for a unified and homogeneous work riers for an 1 cut and a one eighth skilled, backward.
Latins argues in favor of further bat.
and after some delegates had taken the tles and new unionism.
ward conciousness.
ing class movement that will cut across cut on their allowance for vehicles. This thisthe. Bill There can be no doubt that had the ofL Moreover, such a strike will touch a all the traditional prejudices and strata measure will no doubt, do its bit to reLawrence, made a turn about face save strike been well planned and prepared base with the Mexican workers, even sore spot in the hearts of the unorgan of the proletariat.
his stamp to it and took a vote again and quickly enough and sufficiently sup with those in the coal mines. Their Ized clerks, arouse their sympathy and while the current economic crisis rural life. It will help to make this move these people from the Idiocy of This time 28 voted to read the names. ported by other working class organiza. methods and tacties At neither the needs cause them to gravitate toward union means no good for the workers in a backward section of the working class The names surprised no one. The usual tlons it would have constituted a far nor the temperaments of this people. ism. In this manner, the union will material way it is a veritable boon for more class conscious.
list Lithuanian Chorus, Jewish Workers greater impetus to further class action should the of even at this late augment its forces and give greater as the capitalist masters. The ruling class Another hypocritical gesture of the bill Clubs, etc. Unions 2, locals, not only in this, but also in other T. UU. The Communist party. branches of agriculture in the Irrigated date, attempt to organize the agriculi surance to the success of the strike and not only takes advantage of the hugels the 15 percent reduction made in the tural workers it is not likely they would its spreading to other establishments. unemployed army to scale down the huge salary of the vice president evithe and, relucantly, the name districts of the southwest. but the work include Mexicians as there 18 too Even in case of failure, which might standard of living but to put the screws dently the value of Curtis sleeping ner.
drawn ing class organizations by and large much prejudices against them. For the result from the crushing pressure of the to their henchmen who run the govern. formances have declined in the crisis from the list. No delegate took the hint neither understood its importance nor, to same reason the of jim crows brutal law of the club and the injune ment for them. They want cheaper and deflation. and the 10 per cent cut in the of the chairman, for any objections to this day, realize its place in the building the Negro, refuses to stir up the race tion, it will disillusion them only with more efficient government. The time is 10. 000 salaries of the congressmen.
any organization, and all delegates were of the new unions.
question. etc It will continue its pol the democracies of capitalism rather over, they say, when they can afford to Who can say our legislators are not selfdeclared seated.
The Trade Union Unity League, which icy of accusing, excluding, and working than with the feasibility of organized re squander money on their lackeys. The sacrificing?
Resolutions Dies BILI led the strike, puzzled confused from against the Mexican workers sistance. It will only give rise to new leading imperialist government of the The unmistakable identity of the repuagainst the Flynn Sedition Act and for zig zagging on the industrial field, neither The Mexican world, with a battle on its hands for blicans and democrats is shown by their tbe release of Adams, etc, were unanimously passed: analyses of the whole situation or from ership is the only leadreship he follows at the door. in order to compel the working class which must be held in ers. Only the republicans were more LÆwrence, Roth and grasped nor conveyed this meaning from for industrinker lines up and fights methods of struggle.
However, to attempt to throw a picket markets and colonies and a discontented attitude towards the civil service workus were various other telegrams of pro the living logic that brought onion work. Communist leadership is the leadership bosses to recognize the union and the check, needs a bureaucracy which will radical in this instance. The democrats test to the mayor and the governor. Aers in the same district into strike ac that will trample down the prejudice clerks, to join it up. is a method of do its work efficiently on rations. Dur wanted an outright cut in wages while resolution and motion Goodman intro tivity at the same time.
against him and against the Negro work organization entirely inimical to working in the last few years preceding the the OP. preferred to camouflage the duced based on his proposals was de All of which makes it necessary that ers who will be in the same organizaclass organization strategy. This make crisis the expenditures and corruption cut with the furlough plan. The re feated. The chairman warned him not the reasons why this strike is the rst tional movement and in vast numbers em join strategy was originated and of the federal gov ran the treasury into publicans were the stronger. so the dem.
to bulldoze the meeting when he in page in a whole chapter of new unionism in the states of Texas and Oklahoma has been used by the of bureau a deficit of several hundreds of millions ocrats compromised and helped the form.
sisted on a vote on bis resolution. and strike struggle, especially in the when the new awakening spreads that cracy: it is the incarnation of its utter of dollars. This must be made up some er trim the office workers. southwest, be made known.
far. SAUL. contempt for the working masses, and how. Certainly, the Wall Street mag CLARKE 5 Wage Cut for Federal Gov Workers The Recent Beet Strike in Colorado First