BolshevismBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismOpportunismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassZinoviev

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the post once at New York, under the act of March 3, 1870.
VOLUME V, NO. 26 WHOLE NO. 12 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1932 PRICE CENTS ON THE SPOT New History Making Trotsky Book Leninist Turn Imperative in Germany!
ment, 11 NOW READY!
Our Great Propaganda Achievement. Problems of the Chinese Revolution by LEON TROTSKY PIONEER PUBLISHERS eritteisme concealed from the parties. First Hand Account of Events on the «Bonus Battle Front»
United Mass Action. Not Parliamentary Opportunism. Will Defeat Fascism PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REV ter of the great epoch in which we are IT THE WORKER WHO ALWAYS PAYS OLUTION, by Leon Trotsky. With fortunate enough to be living.
The lifting of the ban on the Nazl, Etat are becoming clearer. With the With a view of preventing the final an introduction by Max Shachtman, The Value of Marxism Storm Troops has already led to a big tremendous growth in the number of election of a Fascist president in the The Brooklyn Nanhattan448 pages. Ploncer Publishers, New This bulky volume by comrade Trotspurt in the number of armed and armed conflicts, the danger of the Hitler Prusslan Dlet, the Communist party Transit Corporation to out of town cusYork. Paper, 00; cloth 60. sky is a most striking proof of the unbloody dashes with working men all over coup becomes a matter of days. proposes to refrain from filing its own tomers) decided to save five million dolThe Eighth Plenum of the Communist equalled practical value of Marxism, the German Reich. In Hamburg, in candidates and to vote for candidates lars so dividends could be paid to deInternational How does the stalinist leadership of of the catholies and socialists, providing in May 1927 occupies a For the professors, with and without Altona, in Kiel, in Essen, in Berlin. In serving stockholders, as well as to bolster the price of shares on unique place in the annals of our move. diploma, Marxism is a dry closet phil. Frankfort, the street battles between the the German Communist Party react to these accept the stock market. Displaying an origtit decuples practically no place at all. ists, it is a scarchlight whose batteries in about a dozen deaths and in scores tion? It must be said openly It reage of press and radio with the Com.
only because formally speaking osophy. For the proletarian revolution Hitlerites and the workers have resulted this highly tense and foreboding situa. the restoration of freedom of assembl.
Hality that is nothing short of amazing. Confronted as it was with problems more are the distilled essence of past experi of wounded during the last week alone acts with measures of despair, it dis munist right to speak and agree to replays a feeling of utter helplessness. Atject the Papen emergency decrees for bright idea of taking the five millions acute than those which faced some of the ence, enabling us to throw a piercing preceding International gatherings, there light into tomorrow so that the course Meantime the Minister of the Interior a time when only the broadest and most Prussia.
out of the paltry wages of the corporar has yet to come out of it record of of the revolution may be properly suided. Baron von Gayr, of the reactionary Junker government, centralized mass action on part of the bringing pr enabled sure whole working class can be effective at to the parliamentary field alone, this Unannounced, unexplained. restricted at a time when the Chinese revolution the leader of the Opposition, as is shown upon all the state governments to hasten a time when Hitler hordes are at the form of the united front can only wages ten per cent and called it a day.
was approaching its highest point, with by the contents of this book, to analyze the liſting of the Brown Shirt ban local sates, It resorts petty parliamentary THE ELEPHANT sufficient material at hand to draw the cach stage of the Chinese revolution, ly, where it has met with some oppost politics which only prove its complete bring further confusion into the minds NEVER FORGETS of the Communist workers. As a Arst most instructive conclusions. In it were predict its next stage with accuracy and tion. Every day, the plans of the Von bankruptcy.
step. this sort of united front limitThe national convention of the Republlargued out the fundamental questions of present the policy best calculated to meet Papen governments the government of can Party renominated Erbert Cover, revolutionary strategy and tactics. OpIn the Daily Worker of Wednesday, ed to parliament smells of the worst (Continued on page 3)
the organization of the Fascist coup June 22, we read: the stalwart Briton and Charlie Curtis, posing the official course were the two sort of opportunism, the opportunism of his American expression. Wall Street outstanding leaders of the Executive Comthe Brandler type of 1023. As such it wanted Hoover. Nobody except Mrs. nittee Trotsky and Zinoviev, as well must be decisively rejected by all seri.
ous Communist workers.
want Curtis.
Lolly Gann seemed to the secretary of the Young Commun.
What is needed now is first all, a Hoover bas an excellent record. He ist International, Vuyovitch. What was frank and sincere avowal of the ultraplundered his way to wealth and post decided there deeply affected the whole Leftist mistakes by the leadership of the tion. He was at home in any land future of the world revolutionary move If a turn in policy is to be where profits could be coined out of the ment. But to this day you will look carried out, It can only be done effectively He sweat and blood of the masses.
in vain through all the voluminous ac.
in the Bolshevik manner, in the manner served himself and his masters in Aus counts of the Congresses and Plenums of tralia, China and in Siberia. He was the Communist International for a deof Lenin before the eyes of the whole working class. The entire polley Bolshevikl Anite report of the Eighth Plenum, for of bit late in Siberia, for the took over the country in the name of the the documents presented to it and the bureaucratie ultimatums, of the red working class and directed all exploiters speeches delivered.
United Front. of social Fascism must be to the sign which read: This way out.
Suppressing the Documents honestly and thoroughly brushed aside.
The confidence of the working class in Which partly explains Hoover antiIn a word, Stalin and Bucharin sup Soviet phobia. The Is grateful pressed all but the most meager account the seriousness of the Communist leadto Hoover for his services while an in. of this plenum. The theses and articles ership must be regained.
mate of the White House. It does not of Trotsky and Zinovlev were put on AFTER THREE AND HALF YEARS OF PATIENT WORK, THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA The action of the In the Prus.
the index expurgatorlus as counter revslun Diet is a rotten carricature of the olutionary literature, punishable under MENTS OF THE GREAT CHINESE REVOLUTON OF 1925 27. united front. Only desperate bureauHERE, IN COLD TYPE, ARE THE ANALYSES, THE PROPOSALS AND THE WARNINGS OF THE GREAT BOLTER BORAH CANNOT the Soviet penal code: Stalin even supcrats, only people who are at the end TEACHERS OF THE WORLD PROLETARIAT THE RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIK. LENINISTS.
SWALLOW BOOZE PLANK pressed one of his own speeches a week of their rope can believe that the Fasclat COMMUNIST WORKERS! TEST THE TEACHINGS OF THE LEFT OPPOSITION IN THE LIGHT OF IN.
Senator Borah, the eminent bolter after it was delivered! This little detail menace can be warded off by an agreefrom the almost uninhabited state of in the mechanism of the inner party TERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE!
ment to vote for the candidates of our Idaho again threatens to bolt the Repu struggle did not prevent Stalin from deREAD WHAT TROTSKY WROTE IN 1925 27 AND CHECK IT AGAINST WHAT REALLY HAPPEN. political enemies the Catholies and the ED!
blican Party in the election campaign. manding that the whole membership of social democrats. The whole affair is He does not like the hermaphroditle the International wote to condemn the PAPER BOUND 00 CLOTH COVER a distortion, a travesty on the Leninist 50 plank on the liquor estion which was Opposition standpoint in the Chinese 450 PAGES Special Rates in Bundle Orders of Flve or More.
United Front.
framed with the object of holding the question. And let us remember it with The aim of the Leninist United Front drys in line, and giving encouragement a deep and bitter shame such a vote is to set the masses in motion, to prepare to the beerocrats who want their beer was obtained without much difficulty at a dime a stein instead of two bite. Just as the pre war social democracy them for Communist leadership by provIt two way plank and Borah is a knew that its voyage towards opportuning to them in action that only the Com.
84 East 10th. Street New York munist program is adequate to their natural. We predict that the senatorism would be facilitated by the suppreswill be sitting behind the elephant caresion of Marx biting criticisms of their needs. That is why the Left Opposition before November with Rajah Hoover course, so Stalin kept the revolutionary must discard this step of the Stalinists which is merely a headless zig zag from the howdah.
the united front only from below to that Menshevism in China might the more the united front with the top pure WHAT MAKES THE casily get the stamp of approval from and simple.
are not bums but the lower of 1917. put up a brave show of keeping them. The Communists must approach the JACKASS WILD?
its principal foe, the Communist Interna WASHINGTON, The Democrats are expected to put tional.
Fifteen minutes from Union Station by Alas, the flower is sadly wiited.
selves clean, but it a sorry show. As socjal democrats and the reformist leadon a liveller show in Chicago than the But even when you have at your dis trolley is the suburb of Anacostla, sit The several rows of shacks, put up out one of the soldiers expressed it, It sers with an eye directed to their fol.
one staged by the Republicans. The posal what the social democrats did not uated on the Potomac, and at the edge of sticks, tins, lousy blankets, and rage tough to keep yourselt clean with one lowers. This requires that a concrete lection of antmals than the Democrat does not suffice for all time. Little by is the camp of the Bonus Expeditionary former houses nearby, are no more than you have to wash in the dirty Potomac. Dosed as the basis of the united front.
200. The Is more responsible little, sometimes only in fragments, the Forces. Through a long dusty cully of three feet high. The once proud Br. The unsanitary conditions and the poor such a program in the program of mass proposed by our keeper favorite. But sometimes the stolen out of the underground bureaucomes down to the circle of the large worse than dog kennel holes for sleep spuds, etc. contributed by local restau. brother section, the German Left Oppostcustomers like a change and the Jackass cratie vaults and smuggled beyond the flat feld, about four elty blocks in dia. or for shelter from the scorching sun: rants) are putting the men under a tlo.
replaces the elephant in the White House frontiers. These are the only terms thot meter, clumped with half wilted grass; they re useless in time of rain, when the severe strain.
The German Bolshevik Leninists procage. They both serve the capitalists, can be used to describe the conditions un the least rain turns the ground to a miry, men, as one of them put it, look like Diseases Rampant pose the following as a basis: number though the Democrats are a bit wilder der which the basic documents of Bol mosquito infested swamp. From a dis so many rats huddled together. But It difficult to ascertain the Military Defense Against Fascism, the hills. The class conscious worker cent years under the Stalin dispensation of wood, rusty tins, dirty blankets, rags, these dumps by such means us, for ex. The morning arrived about forty mentories and unemployment registries, in and wooller, many of them hafling from shevism have seen the light of day in re tance, the camp looks like so many sticks the men are patiently trying to improve taken sick, but it must be considerable. The formation of Red Aundreds In the will call down a plague on both parties and vote the Communict ticket. It makes properly a series of documents, in the the very excrescence of the ground. And it for thatching and bedding or by using from exposure, malnutrition and pneu the working class quarters, to beat back no difference to the worker or the work present work. Here is no fragment, but here, as a matter of fact, away from of the all too few shingles for rooting. monia. Almost all of one contingent Fascist attacks and punitive expeditions.
less whether he is plundered and re closely knit study of the problems official, monumented Washington, the gov good number of our heroes have no from Ohio about sixty men, arrived in Against wage and unemployment duced to starvation by the Republican the Chinese revolution in the last seven ernment has dumped in this one camp blankets and are forced to sleep on the Washington sick from exposure. They relief reduction. The formation of car.
confidence man or the Democratic high years which will furnish us to the next alone the bodies of six or seven thousand damp ground. Like the camps, the men took a freight train at Canton, o. where tels locally, in the factories, and finally wayman.
Generation with the fundamental exposl. ex servicemen who, as the slogan on are as bedugged, worn and dirty, a lot railroad officials promised them fast in the whole Reich, consisting of factory tion and critique of the most vivid chap one of their allapidated trucks proclaims, as you see on the Bowery. They try to (Continued on page 4)
councils and commitees of the unem.
ployed, to counter wage and relief reTHE SOCIALIST PARTY duction with strikes, with the seizure ALSO RUNS of closed down factories and by inuer peace Socialist Party enters organs. Execution of a plan of econ.
an election campaign with fight on its hands. The fight is over The American government is proceed. duction capacity of American industry loan capital wanders right back to the of thousands of small home owners who omle collaboration between Germany and the question of Americanization, which ing full blast in developing its recon. now not utilized, and with it the mil banks in settlement of interests and have mortgage obligations which, dur. the Struggle against war. Prevention means that Morris Hlllqult Jib is not struction program to break the back lions strong army of unemployed work. maturitles. The rate of profit, and with ing these hard times, it becomes doubly considered an asset in a vote catching bone of the depression. It solicits the era. In such a situation credit is con it, the demand for Industrial capital have hard to meet. And that is the grand idea of war production and munition trans.
campaign. Anyhow, a fight over the support of bankers and industrialists. tracted for good and sufficient reasons. almost reached the vanishing point. of the committee, to facilitate the ad. The National Congress of these physiognomy of the party chairman The prgram is epitomized by the na Firstly, because this capital remains un It is therefore no wonder that the vancing of loans for such purposes. It proves that the is still alive. tional policy of credit expansion aiming employed. Secondly, because the confid loans advanced by the Reconstruction is not so much to make sure that the cartels to make preparations to meet at releasing hundreds of millions of once in the continuity of the process Finance Corporation, to the tune of more small home owner keeps his home. No Hitler terrorists acts and his seizure THEN THEY LL HAVE dollars in credits to start the wheels of of reproduction is shaken and thirdly, than one halt billion dollars today, with the bankers do not want to have NO BRAINS AT ALL industry turning.
because the demand for this kind of com. but two small exceptions, all went to much real estate on their hands. But elect a national Cartel of factory and Unemployed Councils.
The Human Betterment Foundation of So far two main measures have been mercial credits decreases. Those manu meet obligations of principal or interest. meeting these mortgage obligations en of the Pasadena, California proposed to the taken. 1) the loans advanced by the facturers who curtail, or cease produc The two excoptions were a 27, 600, 000 to ables the banks to keep their dividends Communist Party of Germany. the Soe Of course, this will not cialist Party of Germany and the Free summer session of the American Asso Reconstruction Finance Corporation and tion because they have lots of unsold the Pennsyvania Rallroad, and a 4, 399. in shape.
turning ciation for the Advancement of Science (2) the release of funds by open mar. goods on hand, or at least lack demand 000 loan to New York Central Railroad. start the wheels of industry Trade Unions, demonstrations under the that approximately one sixth of the ket buying of government securities by for their goods, do not need to buy on both of which are claimed to be for either.
population of this country is mentally the Federal Reserve Banks About credit.
purposes of reconstruction. From the How do matters then stand with the following slogans. Against the dictatorship of the Gendefective and should be sterilized to pre 1, 000, 000, 000 in financial resources has vent race degeneration. We learn that been mobilized and set in circulation by need of loan capital. There is such only one instance, that of 32, 600, 000 to scheme? During the period of accelerated Against all wage and unemployment It is not a case of there being no other category of loans we will mention second measure of the credit expansionerals and against Fascism.
the enlightened state of California, home these measures. But, as one financier need. But loan capital performs of Hoover and jailer of Mooney and laconically between April 13 and May 18, a total For Control of Production.
Billings, has had considerable experience credit has not gone into productive chats distinct function during the upward vanced solely for the meeting of out securities by the Federal Reserve Banks. For the National Cartel of Factory curve of the production cycle, and an standing obligations of the company.
in this race preserving experiment. We nels, loans advanced by the member entirely different one during the crisis. Credit and Industry of 480, 000, 000 were released. This op and Unemployed Councils, also learn that slx out of seven operated banks are showing marked declines. During the upward curve, loan capital Surely, the credit expansion policy is the catastrophic decline in bank credits For the Defense of the Soviet Union.
on are quite satisfied and regret they Credit System During Crisis to in demand for the purpose of being developing full blast. The bankers and in progress since last July. But loans There is a crisis in the leadership of the We must say candidly and sharply: can be cut only once like the patriot who wished he had two lives to give to moment to pose the essential question: During the upward curve, loan capital for the latter the maturing bills are beber banks throughout the country con disaster. Only the immediate and deterIt is well to stop at this point for a transformed into productive capitalIndustrialists are being taken care of. and investments made by all the mem.
German Communist Party which breeds his country.
Eighteen million mental How does the credit system defectives out of a population of 120 during a crisis?
operate is in demand for the purpose of being ing met and for the former the bills of tinue to lag nevertheless, transformed into productive capital. exchange are being converted into cash.
mined aid of the Communist workers all 000, 000 may seem an exaggerated Agure Where are the Markets During the crisis bills over the world can prevent the baleful of exchange But the wheels of industry are not When the process of reproduction flows continue to press for conversion into turning.
but when one considers that thirty or With these huge funds made avail consequences of this crisis.
forty or perhaps Atty millions of work normally credits are stable and concash. But the majority of the bills re.
able, the problem still remained one of Worker Communists, members of the ers and their dependents are starving tinually expand. When stoppage in present actual sales and purchases, Will the Ingenious proposal offered finding ways and means for putting them Communist Party of the Raise in the midst of plenty, the estimate is this flow occurs, due to delayed returns which, to make matters worse, have been by the Comm of bankers and to work. The dilemma is, what to do your voices before it is too late. Pass ratber low.
and overstocking of markets, there 18 extended far beyond the demands Industrialists have better prospects of with the credits available with the ex. resolutions in your units and forward superabundance of capital, of produc society.
success? We recall that much ado was panded credits. Where are the markets them to the Communist Party of GerWhile they are at it they might steril tive capital available; but, in form made out of the creation of this com. for profitable Investments? This is the many. Demand an open and sincere ize the mental detectives who looked for in which it cannot perform its function.
mittee and its prospective ald in the question asked by the perturbed Ananet turn to a Leninist United Front polley Operation of Lona Capital It is a mass of commodity capital which the Lindbergh baby. reconstruction program. By its make ers; and the cruel answer is: The mar that will defeat Fascism before it selges is unsaleable because of its very superIn times of crisis the demand for loan up, the committee alone was said to re ket for which capitalism produces han power. Push the into action!
Not to speak of those who believe the abundance. It is a mass of fixed capital capital reaches its maximum. But the present aggregate capital resources of become severely contracted!
For the revolutionary working class of com The National City Bank of New York the world, the key to the situation lles repeal of the 18th Amendment will 119. process or reproduction sa at stand paying in order to settle previously con mittee has labored. and here is what it in its monthly letter of June bewails the in the hands of the Communist Party RIDEM.
still. Witness today the enormous pro. tracted obligations. In this manner, the proposes. There are so many hundreds (Continued on page 4)
of Germany. THE MILITANT.
factional the