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SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Situation in Italy and the The Organizational Progress of the German Left Opposition Letter From a etetlen Desintegration of religion Party center of the I, a mere supplement to its disastrous polley of bureaucratization in the heart of the and the Communist parties. They had already led The Fascist Dictatorship in the Throes of the Economic Crisis our party to grave errors in the strug.
gle against the Trotskyist Opposition in the And they wanted the logic of vueaucratization to be continued GELSENGIRCHENwere the methods of proletarian struggle Against the buckground of the world om into a blind alley. Indeed, thetatorship to control them will become in the ranks of the to the utmost Gelsengirchen: Our comrades, Weber, uyuiust Fuscism. Our conrade, Buecheconomic crisis which shows a marked shurpening of the world economic crista more clearly manifest, the displacement degree of servility towards the present Klayberg and Meyer of Gelsenkirchen mer spoke first in the discussion. He Leudency toward accentuation, there probas reduced and limits contually the of these strata towards the solution of leaders of the Thus the leaders of have received the following letter from spoke tor half an hour before two hun.
sents itself brave appearance, and in possibilities of exportation to the foreign the crises foreseen by the Anti Faselst the have although wit under the district leadership (CP. of the dred workers. He demonstrated to the spite of the foruclous dictatorship of markets for the agrarians and indus Concentratio will manifest itself to a standable hesitations, arrived at the er Ruhr workers in an underestandable manner Fascism, of the explosion of the contra trialists at the same time that the ab. continually larger extent ceptance of the theories of the third dictious deriving therefrom which threat sorptive capacity of the internal mar One of the more expecially character period with all that flows from them, that you are expelled from the Commun Secretariat: We communicate to you that the policy of the United German Trade Union Alliance reformket has been reduced to the lust Ilmit. Istic of the Anti Fuscist Concentration One must recognize that once they cross ist party for disintegrating The Puscist overnment succeeded in Since this problem which is interlinked is exactly that of seeking to exploit the ed the rubicon, our leaders showed an tactional activity. Motive: Despite the of the reaction, that the leaders of the work and ist union) has led to the strengthening rivetiny such shackles for the working with others of the greatest importance mase movements in order to secelerate toimitable agility. In fact, in order to repeated warnings of the secretariat ofron front are the same ones who sup masses that it wus possible for it through has attained an intolerable acuteness and its compromise with the bourgeoisie, a catch the ear of Moscow, they cried very the sub district you openly spread Trot port all the attacks of the bourgeoisle out long years to carry out a policy of ng the Fascist government is in a compromise based on the security of the loudly that until an hour ago, they were skylst pamphlets and you defend Trot kuinst the working class against wages, systematic reduction of the workers position to be able to solve it by the capitalist class. But in the eyes of the deceived into not seeing that Italy also skyism which is the vanguard of the auiust social rights. etc. That the wages and equally systematic spoiliation habitual police methods, the Italian broad masses the reactionary character presented the peculiar characteristics of. the. entero recordation. The leading party moment textes pupicament workers alty dle strata in general. Thanks to such a uneasiness.
and consequently it would be a very ser was in the vanguard of the revolutionary openly counter revolutionary knaves in against Fascism and that the candicacy cannot tolerate such in an extra purifamentary struggle polley, it was possible during the former How is it possible to reluce the costa tous error to underestimate the still large upsurke This, in such a way that all at its ranks. Continue on this counter of Thaelmann for the presidency of the yours to satisfy to a sutticiently large of production it wages have already been possibilities for it to deceive the labour once the passive masses have been pre revolutionary path and one day you win Reich should signify the nobilization of extent its wwe requirements and the ro slashed to the barest limit, beyond which ing masses.
sented us active; the social democracy, and yourself on the other side of the the conscious proletariat for the extra quirements of the large fustrialists it is impossible to go? How is the state The program of action with which the an opposing force to Fascism, has been barricade with uud laudowners.
to meet its payments Inside and outside Anti Fascist Concentration through the preseuted as social Fascist: the large the counter revolu parliamentary strukgle which approachstarvation of the entire working popula. budget have not been realized and into Intluence and to mobilize the working they only a day before said, were bound class. Signed: District Leadership of arguments of our comrade worker But a systematic polley of unlimited of the country of the provisions of the movement of Justice and Liberty seeks section of the tolling population, who contato in the struggle against the pros Vigorous plause demonstrated the tion could not but loud Iulian capital. place of a surplus one finds for the past musees against the Fascist dictatorship to bo tottuenced by the social democracy, the Ruhr. We publish several extracts year a deficit of approximately two bile is able to arouse broad sympathles among was presented as having already passed from the reply of our comrades: lions, the large mass of the taxpayere the Italian working class. The dema under the banner of Communism. They being constantly less able to pay? How cogie demands set forth by this program, affirmed that everything was represented From the accusations made in your Coal Miners Strike Polish Comrade going through a sharp crisis, if the state of the banks, and republican Constituent longer had any role to play in Italy. skylst pamphlets. the only one that is coffers are empty?
Assembly elected by universal suffrage. They further maintained that the pro true is that we spread the pamplilets These questions are ralsed by pretty directly and by secret ballot, cannot but letarian revolution struck so loudly on and the newspapers of comrade Trotsky All the parties, Ineluded also the Com.
We publish below excerpts from a nearly every one in Italy. And over exercise a large influence in the working the door that our leulers did not know and the Left Opposition. Not seeing munist party. were taken by surprise by letter of a Polish party comrade. At these questions there developed heated masses If one takes into consideration what to do in order to arrive in time to any reason to hide what is we will give the outbreak of the North Bohemian the same time we take great pleasure discussions in the various industrial and the fact that in the course of the last be useful in leading it. And we, Oppost you the number of pamphlets and news mass strike. It was a healthy elementto greet the appearance of the first agricultural conferences which incon: five years the exceptional laws have re tionists, who wanted to restore a small papers distributed since the tenth of ary mass movement. Shortly after the number of the Polish prgan of the clusion demand instantly from their duced the workers to a condition of measure of reason to those who over February. They amount to seven bun. outbreak of the strike the communist Left Opposition Proletariat. Polish Fascist government which in controlling atrocious misery and of Intolerable pol Beated themselves In the frost, we have dred coples. party very ably utilized the circumstance speaking workers in this country can and in intervening, largely holds the en itical klavery. Cornered in such a sit been branded as counter revolutionists. The letter speaks of openly counter that the reformist leaders would have obtain more detailed information tire economte life of the country hauation the brond working masses are inrevolutionary knaves. who can no long nothing to do with the strike but excluwith regard to Proletariat by getting already lowered the standard of living clined to follow the political movement About one year after our expulsion the er be tolerated in the ranks of the party. sively in the sense of the demagocy of in touch with the oflice of The Mill tant.
of the whole working population to the weste inte helt oplatou has the largest convoked the Fourth Congress of the proces tots salients that double faced, see parts to the mo The Red Trade Unions Warsaw, May 18, 1932. The last coal strike has provedl or almost nothing more than at present them as soon as possible from the trage precedure. This congress met in the bed and because of that, can still be toler. whatever demands were formulated were purely reformist social Fascist to me our whole helplessness. It showed while its own requirements (armament situation in which they are forced to dinning of the year 1931 when in the cated. In the motive. you counsel us about demands. It was Zapotocky, this prac. another turn was already in opera.
the fruits of an irresponsible rah rab enormous army. pollce, sples, provoca altea etc. are between the tion and that no one spoke.
treal man, tralued in all the dodges and revolutionary tactie important to constantly increasing.
As result of time of the bankruptcy of the Aventing the the period. In the congress, the If this manner of absurd speaking de artistics of Bubnikisha who was sudden ments of serious and highly fatetu. this, not only last unable to stant for and the present the Italian altualton has leadership of the recognized havnotes the political and prove the horizer Smeral stood behind him, made et proevents, we witnessed the inability of the ther large credits, but it is forced to been enormously radicalized: this is also ing committed several errors. The Ital of the district leadership or of the writer grammatic speech before the large con 10 ad of the letter, we have every reason to ference of miners at Rerter. An oldlead them. do not wish to go into de for atd. The last national loan of four proved by the changes that have super fan situation was in reality tail at present on all the crimes and billions floated by the government, which! Pened in the Concentrationist program of vanced as they had judged it to be; the admit that the Secretariat does not know time. Right wing trade union bureaucrat not only not ceased what the word counter revolutionary stupidities we committed in the course was covered in several days, proves how action. This fact is of great importance social democracy of this glattle struggle, which lasted the lascist government hesitated charlly for the Communist Party because there to exist, but still is a political force to means. To encourage comrades who have could not over the question more without exception worked for many years strigle had broken out, that ahove all nighty political those are not original or new methods economic situation is serious and the re. sibilities than in the Matteotti period, in The Congress condemned considering in the party, to follow a path that you made it a duty of the Communist lead.
thirty days. For, in the lust analysis, before embarking on the step But the exists a number of infinitely greater pos be reckoned with injurious one and capabilities but everyday actions quirements of the Faselst government order to win the leadership of the mass this fundamental strategical object se consider dangerous and which we display always under such con are so great, that other, similar, volun: movements complished: the conquest of the masses cannot in all truth Imagine anything is to further it towards a goal whereby the opportunity presented itself to raise But the conquest of the leadership of influenced by the social democracy bas more counter revolutionary. Above all, ditions.
tary ionns appear to become indispensits political character.
But it is tragle and deplorable that able, and within the capitalist class the the mass movements by the Communisting themselves on the disappearance of If you think that up to the present time Czechoslovakia has when the masses enter the strukste re and panic will beat a path for themselven the fact that the Communist party is the the same way, the Congress warned the vain to engage in a serious discuss the greatest significance chty lie be ers of the Ostrau Distriet participate in the struggle. The Ostrau mines and not ally attacks and attempts to nip the rev situation contributes to the growth of of all the toiling population, but it op: there still exists a large passive mask BERLINthose of North Bohemia are of vital imolutionary action in the bud and when the discomfort and the problems existing rates only on the condition that the whom we are as yet far from leading.
Meeting of the Members of the portance for transportation and Industry.
Northwest District However, the first ones who retreated in other reformist organizations are forced to endure the internal situntion created that it is, in actual fact, the only parts. to note that if it is true that the narty The results of the elections was to Ostrau and Klaude were the functionar.
to join in the struggle iresolutely and by Fascism which is beginning to man. The conquest of the leadership of the has resisted the reaction and has con be taken up. But, the report of Peuke les of the red union. This was Irremasses by the party is consequently inued to struggle, it is also true that after all sorts of maneuvers, but never fet itself among the working masses.
theless, torced to fight that in such sit The orientation of the middle strata closely connected with the correctness uations, we do not pursue the events sys together with the persistent and tenace. Its policy. Unfortunately the joy of it hus suffered the consequences of the as well as that of the leader of the orpurable right up to the end of the strug blows inflicted on it by the class enemy ganization reached such a low level that sle to othecial party, particolare conduct at development by a sincere united front creates an entirely new situation where reconciling its policy with the disas class has been forced into a retreat by is to say, left the meeting. The reporter true and to take over the leadership our presents itself as a very probable eventually than with the real situation to the endres, weakness in the industrial Promote the districts that communicate the least desire this extension de protein Helves Instead, our role is limited to shout 1st press to bellow about the solidity of a dedios estados no succeed in caustu: work) And stil more, the Congress of content are naroduced cene the subject on the other hand, Smeral and Zapo.
radical change in the present policy warned the leadership that the dem ehetherfytilen het contradicteronomics of the medicated how the united front in advance about certain treachery and the regime.
once is formed not by the Letts but the Stalinists themselves. In the leadtwo or three days with strikes that are the categories of the working population, democracy and the Justice and Liberty that sections of the middle class can of which they are well aware called by the trade unions with the ex. and the sudden and even violent explor movement it is to be foreseen that the divert the revolutionary movement of the LEIPZIG. erslip of the strike the Communists and ception of two cases, we never succeeded fons arising from this discontent with party will play quite a secondary role, peasant masses and hinder their political Our position on the past of the fin doing this and in this manner to a growing persistence in the restone the crisis as well as in the period when ment, is in fact particularly serious in criticism of the isolationist policy of the conceity of the world did the Fascista In the period of preparation preceding Solidarity with the proletarian more in the trade unions and our positive the titlerists formed a united front and create an abyss between ourselves and of Italy bring about in the bourgeois function so openly as henchmen of the these regions (Midi. and it is an error revolutionary trade union reaction, as formerly within the framethe masses, who unfortunately still lend class those concerns and uncertainties the crists will have burst.
which are characteristic of the moment their trust the few words about the first of My when the ruling class is no longer cerried on at the present time against Bor. merely by objective factors. The revolu. Front have often been expressed in ar Cuechoslovakia. They were and are the In the cont basin this was a day of broad. tain of the possibility of its governing diga In the party, the polley of the lead tionary bloc of the workers and peasants tleles and theses in the Permanente Rev. party of the yellow strike is sufficient to refer to the direct results breakers It strong and storany demonstrations, which by the existing method but lacks the ership basically maintains his (Bordiga s) can only be the result of the political acolution. Experience proves the correct in many piaces, like Sembovagura, Sos courage to change it for fear of Insti. ultra Leftist ideology, of which it is only tion of the party in the country. Thesesness of our position on trade union work of the liquidated struggle. Every local and Resolutions of the Fourth Con to the practical realization of a true election in the German arena ends with novice Tchetndz, etc, brought together as tuting something worse. On the other a caricature)
Leninist policy in the many organizamany as from to thousand particl hand the class which stands opposed to After the death of Lenin followed the gress. tions. Our comrades are registering suc. an unexpected victory of the Fascists, pauts who offered obstinate resistance to the proletariat, is not yet conscious stalinist political leadership in the a (Continued on page 4)
cesses in their interventions in the trade while the can only point to entirely the powerful mobilized police. There of its force to assume the initiative of which was made the leading union bodies. The discontent against re wenk advances or direct losses. In the were many bitter struggles, which took the reovlutionary struggle against the formism is favorable for the conquest of united front of the with the yellow on the forms of actual, bours long bat bourgeois regime. It is in connection with the masses, on the condition that we use forces it was affirmed ly the tles. Results: two somrades dead, dog such a situntion and its duration that P, that the latter a correct criticism.
were the middle classes may suceved in taking yellow workers and police wounded. On The trade union of the maintainance strike breakers but worthy comrades of the other hand, in Warsaw and the rest the initiative of the anti Fascist strug revolutionary fighters.
workers organized a functionary meeting gle which assumes already especially in of the country only negligible forces, of on March 8th, where they dealt with the The whole argument becomes more several hundred workers at the highest, the case of the country, a mass charac.
subject of the iron front and where valld when one regards the numerical pould be mobilized and these were very Thus we can explain the efforts made Burkert, general president of Berlin, was strength of the trade unions. In the easily scattered.
at present by the democratle parties of present as the reporter. In a report German and Czech trade union organis But even in the coal basin, in places the anti Fascist Concentration which which lasted for two hours he tried to xations and in the National Socialist like Dombrova, we did not in spite of through their movement of Justice and make the workers believe that the iron trade unions there is approximately the great masses that siled the streets Liberty attempt to intervene in front and the candicacy of Hindenburg 1, 000, 000 workers. The Czech National (10, 000 workers) organize a demonstra Italian situation with the purpose of or by LEON TROTSKY Socialist trade unions are pure workers tion of our own, but trotted along beganizing successfully in collective mantorganizations; they are basically differhind the One thing is certain, testations the discontentment of the ent from the German National Socialista New Issue of Greek Paper however, that the has in the working masses in order to exert a presANOTHER HISTORICAL DOCUMENT FROM THE PEN OF their composition and tendeneles. In course of the last period, carried through sure on these doubtful and worried strata COMRADE TROTSKY. FACTS AND DOCUMENTS OF THE The fifth issue of Communistes appear the reformist miners organizations there a series of mas actions like the general of the bourgeoisie, in order to win them CHINESE REVOLUTION OF 1925 27.
The trade strike of Mach 16, the agarian strike of over to their cause and thereby provoke ed last Saturday with a variety of local is suid to be 60, 000 workers.
and International material.
untons of the German Fascista number From the Table of Contents: April 18 and due to this, could organize the open political crisis from which they all in all several thousand members. Of strong May Day demonstrations in places hope to emerge victorious. main editorial is devoted to an and there there are at least seventy percent The Chinese Revolution and the Theses of Comrade Stalin alysis of the politico economic conditions where it did not even exist before, sa The hesitation of these bourgeois laywho are confirmed which brought about the fall of the fam. Ono might say that the red trade The Sure Road strike breakers.
Saviertche and vielnity. want to era to resolve upon a change in the form The Canton Insurrection take this occasion to call attention of government derives principally from The Chinese Question after the Sixth Congress ous imperialist lackey Venizelos and an unions no stronger, That is to the fact that have only lately read the fact that ten years of Fascist dic.
explanation of the pseudo radical Papa currect, The Strangled Revolution What Is Happening in China?
But the fact is that the Pacists nastassiou and his militarists that always within the large trade unions have not What Next. The Permanent Revolution, tatorship have so much enlarged, 80 Strangled Revolution and Its Stranglers serve the Greek bourgeoisie in a seml the least influence: nor have they ever And The Internaltonal Revolution and greatly exasperated the class contrast, Stalin and the Chinese Revolution the Communist International. It was like have raised such a high barrier between Fascist role.
had, and on the contrary, the sentiment Zipoviev Theses on the Chinese Revolution.
Also, the conclusion of the thesis and for Communism, for the Soviet Union, a flood of light. The works mentioned the labouring population and the capihad a gollossal, shaking effect on me.
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