AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyFascismGermanyLeninLeninismRussian RevolutionSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE TIE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1932 LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS The Drug Clerks and the Class Struggle MILITANT BUILDERS 2 2 Henry Ford Counsels Workers to Return to Feudal Serfdom BOOKS BY TROTSKY Two comrades, thus far have won the PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE bound volumes of the pamphlets offered REVOLUTION The Drug Clerks Union local 581 of strong militant union. Unfortunately, to each comrade who, during the summer 450 pages Cloth cover 50 News from Canada Workers Fight Bureaucracy the of L, is conducting a strike only a few of the members are doing months brings in 00 in subs. The two paper cover 00 GERMANY. THE KEY TO THE at Halper Pharmacy, 180th Street and picket duty. The greatest majority of comrades hail, as might have been exTORONTO ONTARIOMINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
INTERNATIONAL SITUATION St. Nicholas Ave. Halpers refused to the membership, however, have not only pected, from Minneapolis. They are An anti war conference initiated by with the failed to participate in the activities of comrades Hedlund and Coover. Other At the meeting of the International sign a collective agreement SHALL FASCISM REALLY the Friends of the Soviet Union has been workers Order, Branch 21, following BE VICTORIOUS!
union. The store employs two licensed this so called. bave generally comrades who expect to get one of these organized in Toronto the Minneapolis nominating conference pharmacists, one junlon pharmacist, two shown an attitude vi indifference and bound volumes will have to get a move 48 pages paper cover 10 The first meeting saw the usual kath. so ably described by a delegate to that HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN soda fountain clerks and a porter distrust toward the union and its lead on as they are running out fant.
ering of our old stand byes. but the conference in The Militant of May 21, REVOLUTION Vol. This new experience has already beership. The reasons for such a state of Our comrades and readers, it seems, leaders of the conference, in light of the Delegate Singer of Branch 21 622 pages Retall at come a decisive factor in the further apathy among the members are to be are determined to carry on the good new united front polley, made no attempt made his report. It was substantially By Special arrangements with the development of the Drug Clerks Union traced directly to the ideological make work they did during the drive. comto delude themselves on the delegates.
the same as reported in The Militant. publishers of this book we can and a source from which important con up of the executive Board and the man rade writes from Youngstown. Now that The second meeting brought several Delegate Singer was almost immedi. offer it to certificate holders at clusions of organizational strategy should ner in which it has been conducting the have a little more time to devote to new faces and plans to go directly to the stely denounced as an enemy of the DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE be drawn.
affairs of the union, which shall discuss sub getting am going to try my best reformist trade unions.
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Picketing is undoubtedly highly er in the latter part of this article to get enough subs this month to earn Our comrades were elected on the croworkers and a renegade, etc. and Anally Criticism of Fundamentals withdrawn as a delegate of Branch 21.
fective weapon in the hands of the work. This so called strike has made quite that free copy of comrade Trotsky col.
dential, organization and executive com They then proceeded to the election of Part and 140 pages, ers, if ethiciently wielded, to extract con a commotion in the higher spheres of lected pamphlets. And m going to do mittees cloth bound 00 cussions from the bosses. But it is no pharmacy. labor union has no place my bit to get more than enough. The Our motion that the speech of Latvinov another delegate to the conference and STRATEGY OF THE WORLD less effective us a means to arouse tho in as houorable a profession as phar. Minneapolis branch passed motion to In view of its pacifism and incomplete after several had been nominated and REVOLUTION dormant class instinct of the worker and wacy. The strike method is particular continue the sub drive. Everyone fami.
dess be referred first to affiliated organl. bad as quickly declined, the chairman Part of the Draft Program put him on the road toward class conty degrading pharınacy to the low level liar with Miuneapolis performance in zation for discussion and recommendation in desperation, called for volunteers and SC pages 25c sciousenss. There, on the picket line, be or wake labor, sbriek the self uppolnted the sub drive knows what that foretells.
before printing, was rejected. Likewise, we wonder it delegate Shulberg win THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION clearly sees the living alignment of the peers of the various drug store owners Our staff is growing and embracing a 158 pages paper cover 50e police and Judiciary forces and the entire associations and some backward elerka larger number of comrades and readers.
Lento speeches at the Genoa conference have the courage to also raise his voice cloth cover 00 governmental machine with his boss who find consolution for their bitter lot That is what we started out to accombe considered in its stead. One of the protest against the bureaucratic ac PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP against him and his fellow workers, in their false pride or being a profesplish. That is what we need to increase leaders of the who spokotions of the local party leaders and then MENT OF THE drawing the class lines of the contending wional man.
the circulation of the Militant. But it is Against, said if we accepted Lenin and report the truth back to the workers of 48 pages paper cover 150 forces in the most contrasting colors. Yes, gentlemen of the honorable pro not yet large enough. Every comrade Tehleherin speeches we would be in Branch 21, of the o. We sincerely THE SPANISH REVOLUTION However, these che lines of the strug fossion of pharmacy, the bourgeolate should set before himself the necessity Jeeting politics. Another delegate said hope so.
30 pages The above sample of the way the party paper cover 100 are usu blurred under the reachas, Litvinor was more up to dato.
ago) stripped of its balo every of going after and getting a certain deTHE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN tionary leadership of the reformist and couupation hitherto houored and looked finite number of subs each month. And In the discussion on the anti war ro bureaucrats treat workers who honestly DANGER reactionary union. The case of the drug up to with reverent awe. has convert. Of course he should make every effort to solution we pointed out the tremendous strive to make the party a real Com.
64 pages paper cover 150 clerks, as the writer of these lines based the physician the lawyer, the priest realize this self set quota. By this steady significance victorious Fascism in Germunist party accounts for the stationery COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALmany would have both for the war membership roll of the party, despite had the opportunity to observe, the end the poet, the man of science into its paid plussing we can build up the circulation ISM lightening effect of picketing is quite wage laborers. Communist Manifesto. of the Militant clostr to whwat it ought against the and the new im the favorable conditions for recruiting 64 pages paper cover 150 workers into the party. The above is the glaringly manifest.
perlallst blood path.
Yes, bootleggers of the honorable proto be. At the moment this is our rev.
THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST The conference is very timely and can story as related to me by a member of INTERNATIONAL AND THE It is bighly interesting and Instructive cession of pharmacy, you have uot only olutionary duty.
The staff and its record to date folBranch 21 of the do some very good work.
GERMAN SITUATION to observe a drug clerk put on the strike. lowered it to the level of wage labor. COOVER (out of print)
10c placard for the first time. He dons it but you have degraded it to an occupa lows: Beardslee Labor Fakers Have Hot Time WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND timidly, relucantly, casting shy glaniceation of the underworld. You ethical Hedlund greatly con4 WHAT NEXT at the passers by. For even those drug pharmacists, who are The Toronto police are not going to be THE FIVE YEAR PLAN Coover accused of making concessions.
With the publication of Problems of After 48 pages clerks who have joined the union are cerued about the high standards of your paper cover 10e Koehler (Out of Print)
still imbued with the asphyxiating idea profession. will not hesitate, for the Basky allowing a previous anti war gathering the Chinese Revolution out of the way. 1 THE REAL SITUATION IN of professionalism. which blurs their sake of saving a measly penny to deprive Basin the second meeting called by the anti war we are going ahead with WHAT NEXT?
The book should be ready in four weeks RUSSIA real position on the social scale of our the patient or the benefits of a medicine youth conference was smashed up. Vomvas 364 pages cloth cover 00 class soclety. But after a few hours of by substituting inferior, therapeutically The crowd together with those from at the utmost. Very probably by next Elchna the rationalist meeting which had alr week, we will be able to announce the SINCE LENIN DIED picketing a noticeable change in his galt yold drugs, ly dispensing moldy, deterC. Curtis been broken up went up to the Labor exact date of its appearance. Comrades by Max Eastman and facial expression takes place. The lorated tluid extracts, tinctures, syrus Ehrlich who want coples should order them now Party gathering.
158 pages paper cover 50e meek gloomy look disappears and a ray and other medicinal preparations. For a Reint (out of print)
of proud resoluteness lights up his coud measly weekly wage of twenty or twenty.
To listen to the Labor Party brand of an every order we get in advance will Keller fakers requires more than a conscience enable us to get the book out that much Bound Volume of all the pamtenance. He notices with forvent ad. Ave dollars you exploit your licensed or Kitt phlets indicated by. Only 100 miration that the working class element junior clerk seventy to eighty hours and good stomach and before long the sooner. The price is fifty cents in paper Geldman responds favorably to the pickets and week. And to qualify for such a lucra.
Left wing workers began heckling the cover and one dollar in cloth.
coples available. Cloth cover 00 be, besides, speakers. Back to Russia. answered SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE that it manifesta a gratifying solidarity. tive portion one has to fakers. Call the police. mocked the THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE ORDERS And why shouldn they? We are also a licensed pharmacist, an expert soda Republican Confab workers.
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL IS workers he remarks proudly. fow dispenser and sandwich maker; he also In Preparation As matters became hotter, the labor OUT OF PRINT, BUT IS AVAILABLE WHAT NEXT? VITAL QUES.
hours of pleketing an infinitesimally is required to wash tloors, run errands (Continued from page 1)
and other such trifles. No It is not TIONS FOR THE GERMAN short period in a person lite time, but the standard of pharmacy that concern laws are of capitalism tarde fakers began to appeal to the crowd on IN THE BOUND VOLUMES OF COMAnd the the basis of the Alght they had carried RADE TROTSKY PAMPHLETS.
PROLETARIAT on for free speech. What this fight was 200 pages paper cover 500 in one own outlook in so short an in you so greatly but it is the resultant Republicans are the most ardent defend they didn explain.
GET FREE COPY OF PROBLEMS PIONEER PUBLISHERS terval. believe that the writer of these of the unionizaton of the drug clerkoers of the capitalist system. They come in for a thrashing whichever way you Police and detectives by this time bad ON THE CHINESE REVOLUTION 84 East 10th Street, Unes has not exaggerated when here that you fear so much.
marked: If it were only possible to The New York Pharmaceutical Confer look at it. Their three years tenure of arrived and encircled the radical section WITH YEAR SUB TO THE MILI.
New York, bavo every member of the union to dolence is acting as the spearhead in the convince the most benighted and unin.
office (since the crisis) is enough to of the crowd but nevertheless when Con. TANT. a few hours of picketing, we would have present crusade against the union move nors declared the meeting over tho ment. It pours out torrents demagogy formed worker not only does capl.
crowd shouted for questions.
and les against it. Moreover, it has talism plunge them into misery, but it To the surprise of everybody. polles been attempting to behead it by organi stubbornly refuses to do anything to al.
included, the fakers, consented to allow izing an auxiliary association of drug leviate their suffering.
questions. The questions were brief and clerks under the guardianship of the Consider the speech of the Keynoter, likewise their exposure of the half dozen Henry Ford has let the cat out of tho are obliged to feed themselves rather, where will the market be? The back. Conference, e, a company union in its Senator Dickinson. For more than question asked. The fakirs couldn ans bag. Why should an employer of labor than concentrate on staple crops Corward countries? Possibly, yet their procrystalline form. serious challenge to an hour he prated and boasted of the wer one and his foundering around must on an extensive scale worry about work porate farms are increasing. Only thosperity is ruined along with the rest the union movement among the drug achievements of the president. He reMore of these meetings and the Torbead or lettuce? Yet that is what he Yet it remains true that modern in waya boen found in highly developed an anemic organization as the New York American manhood and drove them right and besides, the best markets have al clerks, however, cannot come from such jobless workers because it would degrade onto Labor Party will feel no more usa is thinking about, according to a recent dustrialism and feudalism are two in countries.
Pharmaceutical Conference.
in educating the muses.
interview written up in the New York coruptible systetns Ford, to finish the The whole business, then, Mustrates existence has been an expression of im unbalance the budget. Then the congress on the breadlines. No dole that will Times.
feudal parallel, would have to eat his the suicidal mania of competitive capital potence of the disorganized and pro turns right around and grants a subsidy Party Member Joins Opposition eficiency of Ford plan for each of his produced by the workers. If the workers wages all around but he too is helpless however, we turking from within the of several hundred millions to the Workers raising his own lettuce instead of the world are to be liquidated in before the competitive chaos of which he boundaries of the present leadership tained the high standard of wages. How?
PHILADELPHIA, PA Dear of buying it. Ford replied, There you respect to wages, who will buy the pro is such a characteristic example. When of the Drug Clerk Union.
By the famous agreement of three years bestand not intend to write this letter, so with the same old Idea, the money ducts of their labor? practically ev the depression blows over that the The executive board of the Drug ago. In which the capitalists gave their for believe it is overestimation of one standard of everything: why knowlerybody today. outside of bureaucrat, is when capitalism has depressed the work. Clerk Union is composed of politically promise not to cut wages and the sele toeders. But one of the members plenty of workers who haven got avea low pald employee or unemployed. ers sufficiently and is ready to go to backward and organizationally inexpert of sold out by its promise not to of the Left Opposition thought it would cents for a head of lettuce. Result? In the words of Diek be of interest to others.
So it happens that Ford of all people groupings of land, factory and credit dependent leadership. The membership Inson wages have been maintained at Intellectuals who attempt to reveal is perfectly ready to wrap modern prin Back Numbers of capital which will renew the struggle on daturally, la composed of the same back the high level wherever possible. which the bankruptcy of Communism, instenaciples of eficiency such as mass produca new, gigantic level. In the meantime ward elements; their ideology due to the is an euphemistle way of calling this reveal their own lack of knowledge. Per tion, the division of labor, and specialt Militant Wanted Ford facing a very uncertain market professional vell and business basis of vicious wage cut drive that has included haps was one of these socalled Insation of work and skill and evolve to at home and abroad, is trying to save their occupation, is thoroughly petty all categories of the American working tellectuals.
some time ago Wy fasued an appeal his own neck by a marriage of factory bourgeois. Their attitude toward the class. There have been fewer strikes For In endeavoring to restead a system of compulsory gardening veal the shallowners of the Left Op for each worker. Of course this system for missing back numbers of Tho Mwl and farm which, on the technical level union is extremely vague and indecisive than It is true that the earnestness of cer means the treachery of the labor fakers any preceding depression. which of Stalinism which masquerades in the ing auto by producing on the farm, solarades in different parts of the country level simply means a feudal enslavement tain leading members of the executive has been complete. And now this state When knew nothing eht into rubber and gasoline. What the number of alles which are now on popular mind the world over, the per the questionable.
However, these ele helly to the same explotters who so un ers) thrown at Trotsky, felt sure that work for next to nothing And why? Be have in their possession extra coples of tion and even of distributive techniquoling attitude of the membership toward time ago, to plead for the five day week.
a short could make every Trotskylte ook Cause Ford too is helpless in a system the numbers we need. If they will send Typical, rather of the limitation of unionism in general, the backwardness to allay the rising discontent of the like two cents. But when actually met of competitive chaos In a period of to them in at once we will be able to make modern capitalists.
and Ignorance of the executive in parti. working masses!
those counter revolutionists. or when lative prosperity he could afford to pay up an additional number of Ales. We Of course neither prosperity nor de cular, have not so far been able to ex. And what is the big issue at this con. read the literature of the Lett Op relatively high wages, especially since need not emphasize the financial impor please not better of God and neither baserelae any influence upon the member vention, where everything is decided be porttion. could not see any Mensbevlet the market for autos had not reached the tance of the sale of these eles to us base or bottom unless we put it there ship. Consequently, the conditions for hind closed doors in tendencies. was engulfed not by the saturation point But now the market is. It is obvious.
luxurious hotel but big business can afford to let things the growth of a militant opposition with suites? Prohibition. But we don want shallowness of Trotskyism but was ruined, not because everybody has a The numbers we need are: Vol. 1, No. side toward the bottomless pit until folks in the present loose frame work of the to get rid of this camouflage issue too saturated with its depth, with its logie car but largely because nobody has any November 15, 1928; Vol. No. 4, Feb in general are willing to work for next union are highly favorable hurriedly, so we ll write a program that If it is treason to rebel gainst Stalin, money.
rudary 18, 1929; Vol. 3, No. 31, October to nothing and eke out a purely nominal (To Be Continued)
is neither wet nor dry, call it resubmiswho has diluted Leninism, am proud Since Ford is helpless in this situation, 1060: Vol. 4, No. 2, January 15. 1931: wage with a home grown head of lettro DREYER. slon and let it hang for three more With a cud for every camel of being a traitor. It Trotsky is a coun. the best thing to do is to force the work. Vol. 6, No. 10, May 16, 1931.
This is the first installment of com years. CLARKE ter revolutionist for defending the Lenin. ers to raise some garden stuf This of We need all of these numbers, but at And a boe for every weed rade Dreyer series of two articles on And a pew for every person ist path, then must enter the ranks course will not support a family to the the moment we need the last one a little the situation in the Drug Clerks union of counter revolution. But know that worker will still have to work in the fac more than the others. little more And a chuck for every creed In The next installment will ap Forced Labor in Mpls.
the Left Opposition is not a counter tory for a very low wage. Naturally be than a year ago we made up a number In the momentary lull of world pes. co pear in the forthcoming issue of the revolutionary faction. Instead it is ea doesn need a decent wage if he raise of fles of The Militant from Vol. 1, No. stagnation, breakdown, reaction, fake Militant Ed. Continued from page 1)
organization which will divert the Com. part of his food himself to the last issue of 1930. Comrades pacifism. capitalist rivalry takes the planned system of production and dis.
munist Party from a Stalinist line back. This is a long step backward toward who bought these files have been waiting form of depressing home populations to Pamphlets Wanted to that latd down by Lenin. Therefore feudalism; that is, a subsistence level for bound alles of the subsequent issues. the bitterest limit so as to gain a new It comrades throughout the country sires. You are the only useful class in tribution based on your needs and deI enter the ranks of the Left Opposition for the general population, a sort of feed. The issuance of the weekly Militant low level of production cost and achlere will send us their spare coples of the society. Thru organization, both poll not by discarding the true voice of Com your own face agriculture with no sur. Inst July in a larger format created alon Initial advantage in the next spasm Draft Program, World Unemployment and tical and Industrial, the present system munism, but by striving to have the plus save rent paid to the landlord in new binding problem. We decided to of world wide competition for marketenthe Five Your Plan and The Tum in the can be done away with, and a Workers stiflers of Communism stifled.
Within the party sball fight for free plus for exchange, no market, no buy the old format of the year 1981 for those their own throats by making Germany will be able to make up an additional The elections are at hand. Use the for the unification of all Communists. It is quite conceivable that Ford. them the necessity of buying the new tally destroying the middle class which phlets. To the comrades who send them the capitalist system by voting for the (Not a unification of Centrists and Love tyrant in management but a typical cap Ales and duplicating much of what they the best guarantee of capitalism sur. we will give credit against thelr candidates of the Communist Party. Stay stoneltes. PARTY MEMBER organized life, may lead the way to the missing issues tr 1931. Comrades, with capitalism Communist vietory of the Chinese Revolution, What Next: tions. Sign petitions to put Communist sort of modern feudalism He makes don wait Send in all of these issues or less Fascist sweat shop that will be or any of the other works by comrade candidates on the ballet in November.
virtue of being flexible and alert to cir that you have at once.
the envy of other capitalist countries Trotsky.
THE MILITANT Refuse to work without wages!
cumstances the usual vice of an anarch.
Either event will be ruinous to capitaliste Demand cash wages instead of groeery Pabllobed woekly by the Communat Istic tyrant and at the moment he seem OPEN AIR MEETING League of America (Opposition)
to be working on the theory that he must Feudalism was a rigid system of pre Vital Questions for the German Proletar An open air meeting of the New York Unemployed insurance out of bosses at 84 East 10th St. see that his workers get, not good wages, Branch of the Communist League of duction and consumption on a small pro fat ORDER YOUR COPY NOW.
but food! This is just another way of America (Opposition will take place on talism cannot move in that direction DDITORIAL BOARD profits!
CapiSolidarity of employed with unemploy.
Martin Abern James Caanan saying that capitalism has broken down. Saturday, June 18, at P.
THE TURN IN THE IS OUT od workers!
MAX Shachtman Maurice Spector But how far can industrialism go in Place: 125th Street and Fifth Avenue, without destroying very at OF PRINT, BUT IS AVAILABLE IN Long term credits to Rossia!
Arne Swabeck the direction of feudalism? The world Speakers: Clarke, Capells, George Saul. tempt to go backward while world THE BOUND VOLUMES OF COMRADE Join and help bulld the unemployed Entered 28 second claw mall matter market is disorganized The buying pub All New York comrades and sympath economy is straining to break its national TROTSKY PAMPHLETS.
November 28. 1928, at the Post once. lle 18 Huldated. Farmers are being izers are asked to be on hand.
and class bounds for a new form of 1186 MANY OF THE PAMPHLETS ADNew York, Stay away from the primaries!
Under the act of forced to cut their specialized market on a world scale is eloquent of the death VERTISED ELSEWHERE IN THIS Sign petition for the Communist party March 3, 1879.
products and go in for self subsistence. Note: On account of technical difficult pangs of a corrupt, chaotic, suicidal ISSUE CAN BE HAD IN JEWISH, candidates!
SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1932 Workers are being forced to buy shovels les, the second article in the series on competitive capitalism.
SPANISH, RUSSIAN AND ITALIAN. For Communism and a workers gov.
Vol. V, No. 25 (Whole No. 121) and hoes and raise food, and millions Unemployment and the Crisis by com.
Tako your cholce: Every man his own FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO ernment!
Subscription rate: 12. 00 per year; for have to work at all. One fourth of the rade Arne Swabeck was skipped this head of lettuce (back to feudalism) or PIONEER PUBLISHERS. Communist League of da 50. Mye ceata per copo state of Mlasissippl has been sold at pub week. It will appear in the forthcoming Ou to the proletarian revolution!
84 East 10th Street, America (Opposition)
Bundle rates, canta per cops. le auction in default of taxes. Tenante aro Ed. GUY SOUTHWORTH New York City elsewhere.