BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street. New York, Ente red as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 25 WHOLE NO. 121 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1932 PRICE CENTS ON THE SPOT Slogans in the Elections Meets in Brown Shirts Legalized Must Link Up Communist Goal with Immediate Demands Chicago Confab New Decree Forms Part of Anti Working Class Move was: Fama tulin ka bewers to be publishing Workers in Fight Against Forced Labor in Minneapolis the It seems there is nothing new under the After a four year intermission, the sun. We were of the opinion that the The downward trend of the crisis that diate demands with those of the Com. Republican Party convenes in Chicago to The establishment of the Von Papen attempt to wulist. The wages of the ho Washington et procedente in mess throwing increasing layers of workoue munists talca proven that they are in the put on its srand Jamboree calleddenconsovernment in power has not white or for workere still employed wwerso a further isanahistory until Dance kerice enlight on the surface of the class struggle of more radical on the basis of immewention to nominate the president of called forth a wide spread and vigorous reduction of more than six per cent ened us through the Columbicee the leafers the Communists the most favorable dinte demands, and Incorrect ones at the It meets in the bula holl move toward united working clase de small shop keepers are squeezed still York Times. Indeed, in 1783 recruite opportunity in the present election cam. that we cannot expose reformism unless day atmosphere, that makes it resemble tense action. Temporiving on the part tughter by the turnover tax.
from Lancaster, Pa. joined soldiers paign. The trend of economie instability we clearly define our goal. In spite of a circus or a feld day rather than a of the working class leaders has permit.
There can be no doubt that the new barracked in Philadelphia and marched in America and in world capitalism as a the fact that sharp class turns and events serious political gathering to decide the ted the midwives of the Hitler dictator on the congress of the contederation de whole bas created confusion in the top throw the slogan of Social Insurance to destinies of the nation for the coming ship to raise their heads ever more ar mesure will meet with the greatest inmanding more pay. Congress refused to ranks of the master class and has forced the forefront in the fight against unem period.
rogantly. Every day brings new blasts dignation by the broadest layers of the population. According to the social den.
them into a position never before faced. ployment, the fact remains that the de We are informed that between the classy of reaction against the German proletar ocratie Vorwaerts, one of the first rebe intimidated so It folded its tent and The social reformers of all varieties are termining immediate demand from now hotels where the delegates are lodged and lat, moved to Princeton, New Jersey sults of the decree was a deluge of pro.
situation in the Chicago Stadium where the convenThe latest act of the new cabinet is a tests from workers organizations and congressional utodergoing a sort of verbal transfoma: Ion in the unemployment slogan probably Those who spout and run away on to the Left while their material America will be the slogan for the short. tion is taking place, the speakies are do. decree slashing to tatters what little other bovlies. The shameless action of live to spout another day.
evolution is proceeding to the Right. Thteer work day.
ing a thriving business. But despite all still left of unemployment Insurance and favorable objective situation with its in. Although social Insurance is the main this the spirit of four years ago seems reitet. It must be remembered that one the Junkers, arousing popular resentment creasing dangers from reaction and demand of the parts, the Dally Worker to be missing. Gone are the thunderous of the planks of the von Papen combine bilities and the need or united working The Bonuseers do not seem to be much form places on the shoulders of the has relegated it to the background and plaudits that rend the roof and shiver before it came into power was bo more class counter netton greater than ever.
Impresed with the theory, popular in revolutionists the task of clearly polnt presents the struggle for the Bonus as the windows Into splinters. Gone is the emergency decrees. Yet, the new antiour best circles that it is an honor to ing to the road of action and its direc the first order of business. it is correct wild cheering, the mad parading around working class measure is based directly First Signs of United Action weave through a flock of bullete for tion.
to exclude the Bonus slogan from the the convention hall, the Insane blaring on the draft prepared by Bruening be United front setivities encompassing one country. Those who did not see Left Opposition Exeluded the German bullets until it was too late the national nominating convention of this auxiliary platform, but it is wrong to regulate of brass bands that lasted for hours at fore his downfall.
the Communist and social democratie or.
unemployment struggle a time, that greeted the making of some What the Deeree Calls For ganizations have already begun on a local got a slice of country wherever they the Communist party presented Foster above the struggle of all the workers for obscure point that strikes the delegates fell. Those who blocked them and sur and Ford as standard bearers but has Social Insurance.
The manifesto signed by Hindenburg scale. In places like Oranienburg and vived to some extent are enjoying them sent them into the field with standards Relief For Workers Also calls for a reorganization of the sys Bernau, ete, cartels of proletrian mans Even the mention of the nomination of tem of unemployment relief and cuts the organizations have already been formed selves in hospitals; some in stralt Jack every serious Communist must question.
ets. Those who returned, sound in body The election offers a wide field for unity The platform (point 3) call for emer Herbert Hoover which raised a storm of so called dole by Lully twenty per cent. and put into motion. The emergency If not in mind are listening to the epl of the workers against the capitalist of gency relief for the farmers and com. whermocemble warrahs old few years ago The annual expenditures for the jobless law promulgated this week should give dermis of the stomach singing a hunger fensive bat the stalinist bureaucrats talk pletely ignores the need of such rellet was received with coldness that would are in this manner reduced by more than the necessary impetus toward broadening ditty. They don appreciate the music of unity and shut the door to a Marx for the atteen million unemployed work maken over the reskimos shiver. Now we 119. 000. 000. But adding insult to inout these united fronts into a centralaccount for the large sale of proht. Jury, the Junker cabinet goes further and bed, national movement that will break so they are going to Washington to de Ian United Front policy in the elections ers who are in just as dire straits. The bition liquor to the delegates. The declares its intentions of raising the the apathy of the German working mand their reward for making Wall St. by ejecting delegates from the conven. demand must be one of emergency relielmoonshine is consumed not so much in funds required for what still remains masses and bring them forward a good billions safe and Holland quite safe for tions in New York, Chicago and Minnea for Workers and Farmers.
the Kaiser.
The Communist League of America, the spirit of celebration, but to bolster of unemployed Insurance by levying a way in their fight against threatening polis. The Communist League (Left OpThe war was a great success for the position) sent delegates in order that! Opposition) calls upon the workers to the depressed state of mind of the new tax another plank was: no more reaction and abject enslavement.
new taxes of per cent on the income profiteers if not for the soldiers. It our organization may give full support vote Communist. To unite the working convention delegates.
Three years have passed since the be of all those gainfully employed! More Opposition was the one to take the inOranienburg. in Bernau, the Lett didn turn out so bad for the Kaiser to the Communist candidates in the com class against the capitalist reactionaries either. Most any veteran would rathering elections, to win greater numbers to and reformers. The Communist League Einning of this bitterest and deep going than that the exemption in the turnover saw a bit of wood with the Kaiser every revolution. In denying the Marxist wing will give full support in every way to crisis and it is still getting worse. The tax for incomes below 5, 000 marks is ab zations. The successes achieved will no itiative in uniting the workers organidoubt instigate our German comrades to day to keep his appetite at the proper seats in the different conventions, the the Communist candidates but our pro republicans have full and good cause for olished The new deeree is a well rounded out ward determined and powerful effort degree of sharpness than fight bed bug Centrists closed the door to a Leninist sentation of why workers should vote being gloomy and pessimistic. The peoCommunist will not be on the same basisple, they are fearful, will attribute the attack against the living conditions of all to swing the whole party into line beon the Bowery and drink coffee untul United Front polley.
he is ready to declare war on Brazil, the as that of Centrism. We enter the cam crisis to them, and vote them out of the lower classes Platform Deficient Unemployment com. hind this genuine movement of united home of the bean. The heroes of 1917 18 are the bums of 1932. They want the is not to the credit of the Communlering proper immediate demands with our crisis operates according to immutable respondent remarks, to the level of or The platform the convention adopte paign on the basis of organically connect office. But, protests the the pensation is reduced, as the Times coraction.
Immutable dinary poor relle bare monthly 10 of Adolph Hitler, banned under the Time is pressing. The Brown Shirts bonus which was promised them for kill forces. and will leave the party farther revolutionary goal, for the overthrow of laws. Correct. But these ing German workingmen in the Kaiser to the right at the end of the campaigal (Continued on page 2) on whleh families of four and more must Bruening government, have been legaluniform. But to give it to them would then they are even today. Why do ComIzed. Already, the Fascist deputies have thought! Patriotism is priceless.
donned their uniforms in the Prusslan put a price on patriotism! Perish the munists participate in elections? Centr.
diet. Street processions of Nazis march Lenin article in the Dally Worker on in celebration throughout the Releh.
The Bonuseere properly call attention Communist theory must be translated this question. This 1s necessary, but MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
workers of Minneapolis, organized and what is necessary here is more than Clashes between Hitlerites and workers Attention of all alert workers must be unorganized, employed and unemployed, manifesto or an article in the press. What zation of the Paselst coup The organito the fact that the federal government into action; and a Communist campaign called to the scandalous system of forced to firmly resist this vicious system of is necessary is a concerted drive. This developing apace. Etat is made two billions of dollars available to woven around six immediate demands, as labor which has been introduced by the forced labor. This means uncompensated means nothing less than repudiating the Clear Words Needed mendous profits during the busy war no way connected with our ultimate de Minneapolis City Rellet Administration. enslavement for the jobless waye work. sterile faettoni intrigues which now tle The new dose of misery which daysThey bolleve that they are at least mand, results in reformism. We need Over 7, 000 unemployed on the rellet itsters, but also a constant threat of wage the hands of the Left wing movement.
as much entitled to what the government such a slogan, not an ultimate slogan orl are involved. 800 men each day must cuts for those employed. If you don This means the united front. All power latest decree has brought for the work owes them as the railroads are to what action today, but as a slogan of prope prove that they are willing to work accept this cut. the bosses say We will to this movement!
Ing classeven salt tax has been es.
the government does not owe them. The ganda coordinated with our immediate although no wages are paid. If anyone have the work done by charity labor.
tablished (Remember the abelle. veterans lack sense of reality. They demands.
refuses, he is cut off from further rellet The Minneapolis Branch of the Com.
Open Letter cannot fail to have its wobering effect on don seem to know whose country this The ultra Lefty who speak in terms of and finally evicted from his house. which munist League earnestly calls on the system of forced labor has been in the German people. More than ever 18 or whose government this is. The ends only and the reformists who speak means misery and persecution for his linneapolis Unemployed Council to shake troduced by the Alinneapolis City Rellet will all workers feel the need of unity country belong to the capitalists and 80 in torms of means only are swamps Lenin family. On top of all this, the work is does the government. The proletarian guarded against. Centrism in America done on the property of private real take up the work of reaching and or toll on city and private property on pain aster, the masses are straining their ater soldiers are merely tolerated, if they presents demands to which any reformist estate dealers, railroads, landlords. Al sanizing these slavishly exploited work of losing the niserable charity they retention for a clear word, for a firm starve quietly, Just the same as the rest can subscribe. Centrism presents Imme people who could well afford to pay wagesers. We are profoundly convinced that ceive. None can deny that rellet is given command.
of the working class.
out only to keep the worker, starving in diate demands In no way connected with for the work done if they were really this can be done.
Only the Communist party is capable our goal a slogan for the overthrow or sincere and not hypocrites about their The following open letter addressed to the midst of the plenty he has created, of meeting the needs of the moment.
of this march on Washington. They do distinguish the Communist program from led and also on eity property, work that speaks for itself. We will offer every ditions of the present economic crisis, cast off with one stroke all the fettess of not like the idea of giving those fellow all those the reformists.
can be done by regularly paid city work. assistance in this work. The move to our masters, who still make fat divid bureaucratism and ultimatism that have a bobus. They have just accomplished Centriam tries to and a way out of ers!
organize the workers, initiated by the ends are reducing conditions of labor to been binding its action. It is necessary the patriotic task of balancing the bud the impasse by speaking of the revolu.
Resist Forced Labor Left Opposition, we are glad to see, bas that abject slavery, where men work for that it throw off its Isolationist policies get. It was a heart breaking task but tlonary way out of the crisis. The so The Communist League calls on the been taken up by the official party. But their board and keep, without pay, in the theory of social Fascism. of the they bore up bravely under the strain cal democracy in every revolution or constant fear of punishment by starvareu united front under our leadership tion and evletion from their homes.
Why impose another load of taxes on crisis tells the workers their road is the etc. etc. It must make a clean breast them? Many of them are committing revolutionary way out. The latest rev.
The work is divided into two classes of the mistakes it has committed suicide. capitalist with only three olutlonary way out of the socialists was (1) Cleaning up nuisances on privately open for itself the road of putting the million dollars left in his kick teele ar demonstrated in Spain. What do you Insecure as an unemployed worker hold mean by revolutionary way out. Com.
and the leadership of the Free Trade who can afford to pay wages to have ence and support of the majority of the Minneapolls and Southern Ry. and other masses the road of gatning the contidIng on to his last nickel. Samuel Insoll munlsts cannot throw out this phrase The following is the reply of com.
the Chicago utility baron is left with a link. To speak of the revolutionary way Unlons, from below up to the very top this work done and who pay nothing to class.
quesrade Trotsky to thre In contrast to the decorative and in po the city. Remember, these are the same What is at stake we repeat Is the measly income of 18, 000 a year. The tions posed by the Berlin Weekly.
tent iron front. the united front of Landlords who evlet you for non payment tate not only of the German proletariat, por capitalists have their troubles too, out and present six immediate demands Montag Morgen in a recent question which proves that there are no classe may signify good intentions but it exaire. The questions were: Do you the working class against Fasciam munt of rent. 2) Work on City property, but of the Soviet Union and the working have a fully concrete, practical and nofts which could be done by paid laber in class of the world as a whole. Every in this country presses reformism unless these immedi believe that the selzure of political ate demands are coordinated with a propower by the National Socialists to tant character. Its point of departurestead of Charity labor. Sans city em Communist worker is duty bound to de Imminent? Do you not consider should be: defense of all institutions and ployees are now working on eity property mand first of himself, and then, of the There are twelve trillions of workers capitalism.
peganda slogan for the overthrow of the urgent command of the hour, that conquests of proletarlan democracy cure without pay. This plan is being executed leadership of the party here and of the unemployed in this fair and free land of social democrats and Communista, in a broader sense; defense of culture with the cooperation of the Farmer Labor Communist International, a clear answer Slogan Is Workers Government ours, including the heroes. There leaving all the conflicts in principle before barbariam.
Administration in the Court House.
nothing in sight for them except starva Farmers Government must be replaced The Centrist slogan of Workers and unimpaired, must create common bold and frank Initiative of the Com.
munist Party along these lines would not purpose. 1) It keeps the unemployed in aların.
This vicious system serves a triple The Left Opposition has founded the to the question: What is to be done?
tion, slow or galloping. If the war vet organization of struggle? Would erans can be bamboozled into the belled by the slogan of Workers Government.
only increase its authority extraordinar submission. 2) It displaces and dis. Let every worker Communist realize hla Incalculable danger lies ahead.
The workers of America must be told you be prepared to work for such that they can get relief from the govern ity, but aso change the political situation charges regular wage workers; and (3) task!
an organization in your person and ment by holding themselves apart from that the Communists propose a Soviet with your name?
of Germany from the bottom up. The It is an entering wedge to permanently their fellow workers in distress who did United States, as a not have the privilege of fighting for the ship, which will estableclan dictator. Workers Yes, believe that if the most im monopolistic bourgeoisie would immed smash the wages of those employed by House of Morgan, then all we can say Germas ately begin to feel that to play around Government. The Stalinites are enter portant organizations of the in the campaign to obtain votes. Wo working class continue their present with a Hitler dictatorship means to plez threatening to do their work with char. Youth Meetings in is that they are meat for another shower want votes, we want the support of every poliey, the victory or Fascism will which not the paper values alone aro raised the cry of Forced Labor! In Its regular meeting on Friday, June 18th ity workers.
be around with the fire of civil war, in Only a short time ago, the bossen of bullets. We read that George Wash. Worker as well as that of our allies, but assured almost automatically and the The Spartacus Youth Club will hold threatened to send troops to shoot down we only want votes on the basis of a relatively short Interval of time at that in danger of going up in smoke. Among Soviet Russian excuse to cut off at 8:00 at the Stuyvesant Casino, Ingbon, the Father of His Country, Workers the soldier marchers of 1783. We wop Marilan platform. Voters who under. Whether the Centre party will serve Hit the countless and formless masses whom trade and recognition of the Ninth Street and Second Avenue. This der what will Hoover, the current Fatherstand what relation our immediate deler as a sort of stirrups or bot, can be despair as driven into the camp of Hi Republic, On that account, many factor of His Country, do if the Bonus Expedl mands have to our goal. We want quan seen much better in Berlin than beraler there will of necessity ensue proses producing goods for Russia were shut week meeting will be devoted entirely That is not what is decisive. bloc or cess of differentiation and of decomposedown, and we see where workers The relation of forces would Sonary Force grows much more formidatity but not without quality.
The party platform dismisses the re these two parties could eventually contion.
In. WAR AND ITS ASPECT TODAY, which year and 1932 13 not 1783. not be 100 formers with the epithet of social Fane stitute briet episode on the road to sharply change to the disadvantage of enjoy genuine forced labor right here extremely timely and important subject, It makes no difference who originatod will be followed by a general discussion There would open up before the plan the Citizens Alliance, the Tax from the floor.
years. There was no Soviet Union in Ists. All shades and tendencies of toward the disruption of the Centre party. Pasclem even on the threshold of the formism as well as the right wing and beginning with the Catholie trade unione struggle those days.
Left wing currents of Communism are Hitler promises to remain on the ter. the working class and the German people Payers Association or the armer Label On Saturday evenings the Club holds politicians in the Court House. The bala its weekly open air meetings at Seventh catalogued together. This is the most rain of parliamentarism (by the way: great perspectives.
valuable service one re. Of course, stand not only theor fact is: They who amassed profits from Street and Avenue We have a group shots in the capitalist world. Seout wnionism was in its hey day. Labor conducted by a bitter fight to win the perialism, not to employ poison ga868 in and completely on the ground of the gut of their erisis by smashing labor con All who can, are urged to attend these ranks flourished, and enterprising labor followers from the fakers and this can war. To demand such prominen tacties have devloped in many of my ditions. In this plan. the capitalista meetings.
What have the cooperation and support of the fakers went in for coal mining, real only be done by exposing from Martian ridiculous, to hope for their fulfillment pamphlets, particularly the last Next? Every day only confirms anew thel Farmer Labor Party For the following week, we plana estate and pine apples groves in a big standpoint, the position of each tendency utterly stupid. In reality, discussion on current events. Plans are way. Labor was going to lift itself out and shading and by following this up clans who are discounting Hitler par fact that there is no other path for the Capitalist System Real Cause being made for a camp fire, the definite of a state of dependency by its boot with proper tests in action.
liamentary checks are clearing the road Germain working class. The question of The present unemployment situation lai arrangements for which will be anstraps. The workers were going to be The party platform presents the slogan consciously, for the fascization of Ger the fate of Germany is the question of saved one by one. Alas, it was not to of Social Insurance as the central slogan many. What this foreshadows for the the fate of Europe, to the Soviet Union due to the chaos in capitalist production nounced in next week Militant All young workers and students are inwage slavery was not strewn with roses way raise the slogan of the 911 Hour entire proletariat, we do not need to re of all humanity for a big historical per based on the profit idea, cannot distribute vited to participate with us in our work be. This pleasant road of escape from of the campaign and does not in any German people and above all, for the and in a considerable measure, the fate and distribution. The capitalist system, ied. No revolutionary can help subor what you workers need, regardless how and discussions Information can be but with ground glass. Most of the Day and Five Day Week without reduc peat here again.
labor banks have gone the way of all tion of pay. The Socialist party 18 Yes, belleve that the Communist dinating his forces and his fate to the greatly you need it. The prodt system obtained by writing to the Spartacue must go. In its place must be put a Youth Club, 84 East 10th Street, Nev flesh.
reaping the harvest of this blunder and party must propose an agreement for question. TROTSKY. Continued on page 2)
York City. RIDEM. in many places is contrasting its Imme struggle to the social democratic Party May 12, 1932 and German Paper