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SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1932 AE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements Letter From England Trotsky on the Labor Party Question negotiating for them, but the polburo believes with Stalin that diplomatic negotiation can secure more than mass at Surphy wala sepetu de los hotel propietats The Anglo Russian Committee and the British General Strikel the Soviet diplomats keep the workers LONDON, ENGLAND to Manchuria and scream about war, to out of this.
It is here that our group of the Left bavo reread the theses of the Second, However, such an eventuality has noth the great new school which searches No doubt you have already heard of say that such a slogan was not needed the expulsion of Murphy from the at this stage and to condemn Murphy for Opposition takes up the matter. Making Conference of the American League coming to do with precise tactical ques: everywhere for some method that goed Trotsky pamphlet cerning the question of the Labor Party. tion. We can admit hypothetically that over its feeble head.
Communist Party of Great Britain. Since moving nearer to the position of the use of comrade Unemployment and the Five Year Plan find it excellent in every part and the American trade union bureaucracy To consider a Labor Party as an the struggle between Murphy and the counter revolutionary Trotskyists.
political bureau of the party began over the question of credits to the Soviet Un in the socialist press, admitting that he immediate struggle. Those who argue ment with those theses all the more at union bureaucracy in creating a kind of both of the united front and of the party.
Murphy has since published articles we are urging in the party that such subscribe to it with both hands. find it will be forced, under certain historical integrated series of united fronts signa slogan can be an effective part of our necessary to emphasize my full agree conditions, to imitate the British trade Illes a misunderstanding of the notions to Murphy resignation and sub. cover up the danger of war. His articles that the is Independent of my interview to the New York Times of our ve based upon the trade unions. But The united front is determined by. com sequent expulsion may be of interest to fail to explain why the discussion con difficult to explain why the Soviet Union and mainterpretation, especially on the be very problematical, does not constitute The party is permanent. In united American comrades.
ducted between himself and the polburo is negotiating credits and why we can part of the Lovestone group.
an aim for which the Communists must front we leave our hands free to break It must be remembered that Murphy was kept secret and why, when attacked, not advance it as a main slogan in the What was my iden on the Labor strive and on which one must concentrate with our temporary atlies. In a coma been for years on the central committee. Narch if not earlier. The article 10 of political issues is not the strong polnt in the sense that the inevitable and im. Comintern led many people to forget a, the party itself. The experience of the is an old member of the party and lion commenced, according to Murphy, in clear explanations and the honest facing American politics will be Europeanizedl long period of confusion in the by discipline and even by the fact of He was for two years the British party which he openly advocated credits ap of the party leadership. Molotov, Stalinminent development of a party of the very simple but absolutely irrevocable Kuo Min Tang and of the Anglo Russian Comintern repesentative, one of the ablest men maintaining all due proportions peared in April. All those members have spoken means must be found to working class will totally change the principle: that a Marxist, a proletarian Committee must be well understood. The produced by the British party, an effec who are now rushing into print to do agree.
political face of the This is a revolutionist, cannot present himself bestrategic line dictated by the lack of a ANG) CUS.
commonplace for a Marxist. The questore the working class with two banners. spirit of independence of the Communist politician. Murphy was, moreover, foreby their silence accepted it until told by wtion was not of a Labor Party in the He cannot say at a workers meeting: party and by the desire to enter into the most in the fight against Trotskyism. the secretariat Rust and Pollit to do wwwwwwwwww He wrote the preface to the English edt otherwise. For over two months the polTang. Labor TROTSKY PAMPHLETS specific British sense of that word but have a ticket for a first class party and big party (Kuo llon of the Errors of Trotskyism and buro and Murphy concealed their differ.
Draft Program of the Communist in designating what form such a in the general European sense without another, cheaper ticket for the back Party. produced inevitably all the conat the party convention of 1927 moved Murphy resignation forced the matter ences from the membership and only ternational party ward workers.
If am a Communist, sequences of the opportunist adaptation would take or what phases it would go must fight for the Communist party. to the will of the allles, and through Strategy World Revolution pulsion from the parts. It will be seen education of the membership by open pol Year Plan through. There was not the slightest World Unemployment and the One can say that under the Amer. them, to that of the enemy. We must that Murphy has an excellent retical discussion, but diplomatic corres.
Five necessity in that interview to enter into ican conditions a Labor Party in the educate our cadres to believe in the in.
the Internal tactical differences within British sense would be a progressive step the future of the Communist party. The vincibility of the Communist idea and in cord in the service of Stalin.
Problems of the Development of the the Communist ranks. The translation and by recogulxing this and stating sa parallel struggle for another party inIn the April number of the Communist ponence and the covering up of differ.
of my interview from the Russian text, we ourselves, even though indirectly, help evitably produces in their minds, a dualThe Turn in the and the Situa which employs the words rabochaya to establish such a party. But that is ity and turns them on the road of op Review, Murphy advanced the slogan of ences within the leadership this is the Credits to the Soviet Union. He pre line of the political bureau and Murphy. tion in Germany Germany The Key to the Interna partia. into the English was defective precisely the reason will never assume faced this with a vicious attack on the portunism.
Murphy started by accepting the theory tional Situation in that it permitted one to make a con. the responsibility to attirm abstractly and Left Opposition and having cleared himdogmatically that the creation of a The polley of the united front bus crete and specific interpretation of what Labor Party would be a progressive limits and its dangers as well. The unThe Spanish Revolution in Danger self of any suspicion in this direction of socialism in one country and built not only its great advantages but its Communism and Syndicalism proceeded to argue that the slogan of up his arguments for the Credits should have been general. Credits would be an effective weapon slogan on it.
Eound in One Volume, Attractive Cloth step even in the United States because As a result, his tree bore Cover One can declare that even tho do not know under what circumstances, ited front, even in the form of temporary to aid the Soviet Union. The article of the working under what guidance, and for what pur: blocs, often impels one to opportunist appeared. Nothing was said. The May, reformist fruits. The polburo, in reply.
Pamphlets marked. out of print, general term party issue of the Communist Review contained ing, avolded the question. The available only in Bound Volumes.
class does not exclude a Labor Party poses that party would be created. It deviations which are frequently fatal, as seems to me more probable that especial for example, with Brandler in 1923.
no suggestion that there was any dis R. needs credits, is this moment! PRICE TWO DOLLARS. in the British sense. Be that as it may. Ly In America, which does not possess That danger becomes absolutely predomagreement save that Murphy was no any important traditions of independent inaint in a situation in which the go.
longer editor.
Nine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition political action by the working class (as called Communist party becomes a part Then, on May 11, there appeared a Chartism in England, for example) and of a Labor Party created by the grace statement in the Daily Worker that where the trade union bureaucracy is of the propaganda and action of the more reactionary and corrupted than it Communist Party itself.
tion of anti working class views and was at the height of the British Empire, 10. That the Labor Party can be the desertion of the working class fight (Continued from last issue) the prestige enjoyed among the British corporated in the Anglo Russlan Committhe creation of a Labor Party could become an arena of successful struggle for against war, starvation and repression The Test of Events workers by the and by its Rus tee, cannot and must not violate or reprovoked only by mighty revolutionary us and that the Labor Party. created at a decisively critical stage in the class The first really serious test of the sian halt in particular should be util. strict their rights and autonomy as the pressure from the working masses and by as a barrier to communism can, under struggle Murphy arguments were Anglo Russian Committee was the Britized to expose the treason of the British directing organs of the trade unton move the growing threat of Communism. It certain circumstances, strengthen the It demanded a demonstrativo ment the more trade there would be between out in the midst of the great miners break with Purcell and Co. because of interfere in any manner whatsoever in ditions the Labour Party would signity, the sondition that we consider the Britain and Russla, the less inclined the strike. Just as metals are best tested their open betrayal, so that the latter their internal afairs.
not a progressive step but a bindrance to Labor Party not as our party but would be to declare war on in heat, so all the assurances of friend could no longer hide behind the Russian This document, which could not but the progressive evolution of the working as an arena in which we are acting as an absolutely independent Communist the Soviet Union. The political bureau ship for Russia, of loyalty to British trade unions. Stalin and Bucharin vio have a stunning effect upon the British class.
correctly drew attention to certain state labor and enmity to British imperialism. Stalin and his apparatus (It seems in mark of the stalin Bucharinist capitula working class will become a genuine mass In what form the party of the party.
11. All the resolutions about the Britments in the article which would weaken freely given by Purcell and Co. were credible. who today consider it a crimetion to Purcell and Co. who in turn party in the United States in the imme. ish Labor Party must be evaluated not the agitation against the war menace of the general strike. And just as the propose a united front not only to capitulated to Baldwin and the Brit. diate future we cannot prophesy because as they were written before the expert.
But on the central point of the quarrel Opposition had warned, the British Gen the Purcells but even to the ordinary, ish bourgeoisie at every decisive moment) the socialist and Labor parties differences of the Comintern and the British the political bureau was silent. They eral Council, its Left wing as well as misguided social fascist worker who and all in the name of the theory of greatly in the various countries, even in Communist Party in that regard, but in socialism in one country.
avoided any definite statements on Its Right wing, revealed its disgracethi still follows the Purcells.
Europe. In Belgium, for example, we the light of that experience. The atwhether or no the slogan of Credits cowardice and treachery, Its fundamental The Committee was now beginning to The Anglo Russian Committee was once an intermediary sort of party arise. tempt to apply them mechanically now, Certainly the phases of development of in 1932, to the American conditions, La was correct. All they did was to point loyalty to British imperialism, its hatredbe justified by Bucharin and Co. on the disappointment after another to those the proletarian party in America will be characteristic of the epigones mind and and fear of the revolutionary proletariat sounds of political. of Soviet. of who sowed Illusions about it and those sui generis (unique. We can only at has nothing to do with Marxism and diplomatie requirements. And it is al who accepted these Illusions as Bolshorm with the greatest assurance: EspecIn is a treach BOOKS BY TROTSKY 12. It is not necessary to say that the engendered, in which the strength of the united front was maintained with Pur. degeneration of the ruling regime in the 1921 to 1924 has already had an impor erous mockery of Marxism.
ruling class rested not so much upon its cell and Co. for more than a year after Russlan party and the International thetant rehearsal in the creation of a Prinkipo, May 19, 1932.
PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION immediate ranks as 450 pages The Anglo Russian Committee, theory of national socialism. It was the resurrection of a similar movement can Cloth cover 150 strength which the labor leaders, Left strike. TROTSKY.
and Right enjoyed in the working class, it was argued, would prevent British in. best example of how the united front not be a simple repetition of that experipaper cover 00 GERMANY THE KEY TO THE the General Council deliberately deliv tervention against Russia and thereby should never be made. Its only positive INTERNATIONAL SITUATION ered the death blow to the general strike enable the Soviet republic. to build aspects were its negative aspects, that ence but a far more pregnant and more!
crystallized movement, e. either June «Young Spartacus» Out SHALL FASCISM REALLY workers had struck to defend. In face tragedy was played until the Berlin Com. whole experiment was in learning of Communist party or under the guidance of the press. Among its contents are: BE VICTORIOUS?
The June issue of the Young Spartacus of the extremely militant mood of the mittee conference in April 1927. What its fundamental defects and avoiding of reformist elements against the grow 48 pages paper cover 10c HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN workers, in face of the pitiful helpless was accomplished then? Did the Com. them in the future.
ing Communist party. And if even in Japan War Threat to Soviet Union.
REVOLUTION Vol. ness of the bourgeoisie, in face of such mittee protest the bombardment of Nan.
Growth of the Fascist Danger in GerBut to learn is forbidden. To learn 1921 1924 the Communist party did not many.
Retail at phenomena as the refusal of numerous king by British Imperialism? No! Did it from this tragic experience which set and great possibilities for independent unity appeal of the National Com.
By Special arrangements with the armed regiments to proceed against the protest the British raid on Arcos in Lonstrikers, all the trade union lackeys of don? No! Did it say a word about the back the British revolutionary movement action inside the organization of an in mittee of the Communist League of Ampublishers of this book we can offer it to certificate holders at ment buildings to confer with the king general strike and the miners strikes means to reveal the deep abyss of re possibility in the new phase of an ana Imunist League.
the ruling class rushed to the govern treachery of its British halt during the for years and hurt the Soviet republic, choate Labor Party it would have lesserica (Opposition) to the Young Com.
DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL ministers on how to crush the move No! Then what did it do? It adopted visionism into which Stalin and Bucharin Logous movement.
On Memorial Day and National Youth Criticism of Fundamentals. ment. The red veneer with which the a resolution in which the Russians de had dragged the International. And in One can imagine that the trade un Day Part and forbidding it, its lessons remain unavail.
140 pages, Left labor leaders had coated them clare together with the Englishmen: ion bureaucracy and its socialist and On International coordination of Left cloth bound 00 selves was wiped off in a patriotic The only representatives and able to the Communist masses. Yesterleft democratic advisers may show them. Opposition Youth STRATEGY THE DRLD the strik spokemen of the trade union movement day mistakes lle at the bottom of the selves to be more perspicacious and be frenzy. The financial aid Reports of activities of American OpREVOLUTION ing miners from Russia was time in position Youth Part of the Draft Program returned with the epithet of the damn Unions and its General Council: opposite direction) which are being made before the revolutionary movement be Students struggle against increased 86 pages 25 ed Russian gold. The red flag was THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION hastily dropped for the Union Jack. Pur the fraternal union between the trade the great hope for the coming day. Esteems, at the same time, that with history at its side and therein lles comes too threatening. In view of the rees.
groping empiricism and provincial par Child Labor Legislation 158 pages paper cover 500 cell and Co. proved to be not the or union movements of the two countries, in MAX SHACHTMAN.
rowness of the American labor bureau. Review of Foster Towards Soviet Amcloth cover 00 ganizatory center that embraces the incracy and the aristocracy of labor, such erica.
PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP ternational forces of the proletariat for perspicacity seems very improbable. The Comrade Trotsky Appeal to the MENT OF THE the struggle. but a most reliable prop failure of such an attempt in the past of the Soviet Union 48 pages paper cover 150 of a desperate ruling class. Had the shows us that the bureaucracy, so ten The comrades should order bundles of THE SPANISH REVOLUTION whole atrair been played out according acious in its immediate aims, is absolute this issue and distribute them to young 30 pages paper cover 100 to the plot of a stage drama, it could ly incapable of systematie political action workers and students. It is particularly THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN not have presented a more annihilating on a great scale even in the interests of necessary to reach the members of the DANGER indictment of the Stalinist vlow and concapitalist society. The bureaucracy must Young Communist League with our unity 64 pages paper cover 150 firmation of the Opposition receive a blow on the skull before taking appeal.
COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL And where was the Committee as a such a radical initiative. However, 18 FOR AN PAGE PAPER ISM whole during these stirring days of magthe creation of a Labor Party would The National Youth Committee at a 64 pages paper cover 150 nificent struggle and base treachery? As prevent, in a certain perlod great suc. recent meeting decided to launch a cam.
THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST Kautsky said plaintively about his Seccesses of Communism, our elementary paign for the issuance of an eight pago INTERNATIONAL AND THE ond International: it was only an inby LEON TROTSKY duty must be, not to proclaim the pro Young Spartacus by September.
GERMAN SITUATION This (out of print)
strument of peace: in times of acute gressiveness of the Labor Party but its can be done if the youth and adult com.
10e conflict, it was worthless.
insufficiency, ambiguity, and limitednessrades will cooperate.
WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND ANOTHER HISTORICAL DOCUMENT FROM THE PEN OF and its historical role as a hindrance to THE FIVE YEAR PLAN More correctly, it was worthless to the Get busy on the job. Send in subs and COMRADE TROTSKY. FACTS AND DOCUMENTS OF THE the proletarian revolution.
48 pages orders for bundles. Form Sparetacus paper cover 10C revolutionists, to Soviet Russia. But to CHINESE REVOLUTION OF 1925 27. Out of Print)
the British labor fakers it had a disMust we join that Labor Party or Yuuth Club wherever a branch of the THE REAL SITUATION IN tinct value. Purcell, Hicks, Swales and From the Table of Contents: remain outside? This is not a question Communist League exists.
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WHAT NEXTY VITAL QUES. tacks of his own Communists by say150 PAGES CI OTH COVER PAPER 50 00 we must participate in it at that time Young workers and students are inTIONS FOR THE GERMAN ing: The Russian Communists are dirFree Paper Copy with a Year Sub to THE MILITANT and with the greatest energy is without vited to attend and participate in these PROLETARIAT ferent, as you see, they do not attack question, but not to help form a Labor discussions. If more information is NOW ON SALE 200 pages paper cover 60e me as you do. Quite the contrary, they Party which will exclude us and fight desired it can be obtained from the Club PIONEER PUBLISHERS sit together with us in friendly conferPIONEER PUBLISHERS against us but to push the progressive president, Herbert Capells, 84 10th 84 East 10th Street, ence.
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