BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceLeninMarxSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1932 Trotsky Greets Unser Kamf :Book Review: the. 89. LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS ence whatsoever from the government of To the Editorial Committee of the Jewish pressed and disfranchized part of the RUSSIA: MARKET OR MENACE?
Paper UNSER KAMF (Organ of the proletariat: in Poland, in the Baltle By Thomas Campbell cther countries.
That this is an authentic statement Food Worker Writes approach as many bosses as possible regions, in France, evidently also in Pale Longmanns, Green and Co.
and to ask them to allow their workers Communist League of America. tine. The working class cannot march New York, Toronto and London 1932.
can be shown by the following fact: to join the union without having any Dear Comrades: towards its liberation by command. Rev148 pages. Upon leaving, he told me that the inter.
About His Union conditions in mind. As it was reported olutionary courage and political will can The appearance of this book urging preter would prepare a typewritten copy by one of the organizers when they sign The appearance of your paper was of be strengthened only with the aid of American business men to develop trade of our conversation, which received NEW YORK, The situation in the Foodworkers In up plenty of shops, they ll declare aiteelt a very important step forward. creative ideas which the workers must with the Soviet Union by the extension two weeks later in London, signed strike for conditions. fine poliey! The first successes of the paper show dustrial Union is very bad. 10 put worse. This is the result of the ruin son from the fakers in the of L, have been doubted even for a minute deliberation and examination by expers: recognition, makes it Instructive to draw record, it may be a very historical docus more correctly, it is going from bad to it seems they have learned a good les that it was a necessity. Yes, and could deurer independently rough eriticism, pe long term crodits, and eventual legal Stalin. and with this note skeep this ous policy the party bureaucrats have who with just such a polley and with The Jewish workers in the United the Without thus, the very sources of balance of the present state of this ment some day. What dateregane docu the aid of the Bosses Association organ. States are a large and important part of the movement inevitably dry up. And we question in the ranks of the working celt. see in actuality how the largest national class and its vanguard Are the bourgeoisie really fooled by Imposed upon the organization wave of will try to present in this article asized local 302 of the countermen, used the whole proletariat of the country. sections of the Comintern, in spite of Mr. Campbell is a large scale agriculthese utterandes? Note the Historical conditions have made the clearly as possible the real situation in as a scab agency and as injunction serv Jewish workers susceptible to the seas the exceptionally favorable circum tural capitalist, owner of a 5, 000 aere editorial irony in the capitalist news giant farm at Hardin, Montana, a Mech. papers about Stalin back to capitalism the union, without touching the theorers against the EWIU.
Our revolutionary tactics within the of scientific Communism. The very fact stances, suffer defeat after defeat.
etical question as to whether the FWIU The workers are capable of withstand expert and adviser to the Soviet Govern new decree on individual sale of cattle anical and Agricultural Engineer, specialj (sic) movement in the questions of the splitting away from the Amalgamated local. For instance, the same methodsers in a number of countries should in ing the harshest political blows if they went in 1920 1830 in the development of and grain and the piece work system in is really revolutionary and whether the union have helped to strengthen this of the dispersement of the Jewish work.
the factories. They place a correct evaFood Workers was a correct policy for of expulsion used by the fakers of the still in them and does instill in them the have the possibility of thinking through large scale Soviet farm organization of against the Communists are weas of Internationalism. In view of the reasons for failure and independently He marshals arguments convincing fluation on Stalin interviews and twoCommunists to pursue.
being applied against militant union men just this alone the Communist Left Opto extract from it all the necessary con only from the purely business point of fold propaganda.
To present fully what happened in the who dare criticize the burocrats. In position has every reason to count upon clusions for the future. But the curse view; for extension of credits. 1) It union ever since the split with the Arw many cases, workers were fired by the big influence among the Jewish pro: le comthe fact that the bureaucracy of has, during the past fourteen years paid of the author himself, who so earnestly What the Comintern is not only incapable of all its obligations promptly and in full. extolls the virtues of Stalinist leadership.
would be too hard for me. Ipr two read bosses for upholding the union conditions letarians in the United States.
sons. First, took no leading part then without being protected by the organizacharacterizes the Left Opposition pri leading the workers to victory, but can. 2) For many years to come Russia Communism he says, Thrives only in that thanks to The Militant policy on strong enough to resist. This attitude character. Precisely because of this it the reasons for defeat. After each new market for all kinds of manufactured. despite the depression) the probegun to follow recently with much care, bosses a chance to hire help from employ The existence of an independent Jewish cracy on its part hits the workers over pression. 4) American banking and were loth to deal with Russia. They held have been able to see more clearly how ment agencies. Finally many. Workers publication serves not in order to separ. the skill probibiting them from think financial institutions. have sold to loof during those first years after the false the party policy in the union from the industrial unton and many ate the Jewish workers, but on the con ing criticizing and learning. This cri: the American public since the war, two revolution WHEN RUSSIA WAS DOMINSecondly, must admit that thanks to shops as a whole fell into the hands of trary in order to make those ideals which minal regime becomes the chief sources and a half billion dollars of German ATED BY RADICALS OF THE MOST combine all the workers in one interna of disappointment and apathy. The first securities, a portion of which have been PERNICIOUS BREED, who threatened question, which have begun to follow the of recently with much caro have been belven Pembers of the shop delegates. tional revolutionary family avallable to victims of the blows from the class on used by the Germans to extend credit to overthrow our government and those party policy in the union has been ship, were expelled from the council and cisively and intransigeantly the old Bund. cracy fall, as already said, are the weak a tond of orders from Russia including the financiar erash of 1929, the militant am convinced that the only way out branded as destructive elements for the lat principle of federation of the national est links of the working class. 75, 000, 000 worth of Industrial equipment advocates of world revolution have been of the present crisis in the union is with some reasons mentioned above. The reorganization. We stand entirely on the Your paper is the organ of the Com since April 15, 1931. 6) Stable Gov. banished from Russia and expelled from the policy of the Left Opposition. sult of the bureaucratism is that grounds of democratic centralism. The munist League. Its Immediate task is comment. It is my opinion that Russia the Communist party which rules Rus.
According to official reports, when the the last four or five months not a single Jewish workers won over by your paper to gather the Jewish workers in Amer. would not now be the important nation sia 160 million people split took place and the union was or meeting of the shop delogates council must strukcie the general ranks of the ica under the banner of Marx and Lenin. she is, it Joseph Stalin and his support Oh! What a tangled web we weave.
ganized, the membership was more than executive or membership meeting has Communist League and the mass organi. The more successfully this work is carers had not succeeded in displacing the When first we practice deceive!
2000. Today, it hardly reaches 700 and been held that was not broken up wito zations of the American proletariat. In ried out the sooner it will rise to a more violent revolutionists of the Trotsky CARL COWL.
no more than about 150 in good stand est lights. Party and fraction decisions so far as your paper will develop and international height, the more the ideas type. Stalin is a strategist of an ing. Conditions in union shops, especi are considered by the workers as apme strengthen, it may also assume signific. of the Left Opposition will penetrate into other sort, a man who can advance or ally in the cafeterias, are no diferent thing ngainst their interests. The party ance beyond the boundaries of the Unt. the midst of the Jewish workers to the retreat. thrust or parry, denounce or from those in the open shope. In some member realize this. But decisions from ted States and Canada: in South Amer. ow World, the included. defend, and still advancing towads his FILM REVIEW the bureaucratized Comintern reflects itultimate goal. The American bourgeWith my whole heart greet your oisie will agree with him.
in the chester and Royal cafeterias, the On the united front, the most impor link of the proletariat. The policy of paper and shall try to be useful in your NOT ALONE COMRADE!
buk girls work 10 hours per day at 12 tant problem that the labor movement rights, the Jewish workers are a weak work with everything can.
These arguments and others are ad The film, Alone. produced by Sovkino per week, while in the Willow and other faces soday, nothing is being done of ac economic sense and in the sense of civil Yours.
vance by Campbell to assure timid busid of the and shown at present chain stores, women work hours a day tual value. united front conference ca, in Europe and Palestine. In ness men that trade with Russia is a at the Cameo Theatre, is a significent at 14 per week.
from below was held six months ago TROTSKY. good business proposition, repeating portrayal of life in Soviet Russia, not This is not an accident. It corresponds in which the delegates were members of self most dastrously on the most op. Prinkipo, May 9, 1932.
again and again that he is firmly op in the heroic days of the Revolution, but fully to the policy recently adopted by our own union and or 4, self appointed.
posed to communism in any form.
at the present time, in the days of strug.
the leadership of the union and ap Even for us party members, including That Campbell represents a live view gle against the kulaks and nepmen.
proved by the The policy is from the of and the The Crisis, Unemployment and the Workers among certain strata of American manu. Briefly told the story depicts the bleak the leaders, the united front question facturers is attested to by the recent re but enlightening experience of an inmastill remains as an unsolved puzzle (Continued from page 1) end of 1930 and on fifty four for the earl Chambers of solutions of the Toledo and Cleveland ture girl just out of Normal School who MILITANT BUILDERS On the Financial Question zation of capital. It caused an enor fer dates given sent most unwillingly to teach the They compare as fol. on a three million dollar loss of orders children of a backward tribe away or at Commerce, basing themselves Our reiterated appeals for subs and extremely high, not due to its activities tion and of overproduction produc lows for April this year with April of from the Soviet Union due to the short. the edge of civilization in the Altai re. The financial expenses of the union are mous extension pof the scale of of capital. previous years, with the average for the sighted diplomatic policy of the governsion of Siberia.
for a staff of Militant builders continue (because for more than a year, outside the general process of capitalist pro full year 1926 reckoned as 100: ment, they want an immediate cessation Here a village Soviet exists but we are to bear fruit. Comrades and sympath of the famous mass strike of fish work duction brings forward ever more its April, 1932. 62. of playing with this question, and demand made quickly and convincingly aware Izers are responding with subs and excrs, no other activities have been con antagonisms of monopoly, developed pro.
April, 1931.
75. recognition of the Soviet Union as basis that although forms have changed, the pressions of their esteem for our Mill ducted. but because of the heavy stare ductive forces and the poverty and reApril, 1930 for revival of certain American indus. underlying reality has not. The rich tant. comrade from Kansas sends us of organizers. It is almot unbelievable stricted consumption of the masses. In April, 1920. 99. tries. dollar with the encouraging words that full and part time organizers this process, the credit system accelerates April, 1928 kulak who has divided his large flock of. 101. The cry has been taken up by the sheep forming the wealth of this region, and must say the militant is abso with office girls should have to make the violent eruptions of these antagonApril, 1923. 110. Democrats in their anti administration among his poor relatives (the usual lutely right. comrade from Pennsy up the staff of a union that has no isms, the crisis.
In this connection it will be well to propaganda and proposals have come behetion. still wields the power. He uses Ivanla asks for a copy of several of more than 450 to 500 members in good The stupendous productive power do also note the fall in the total payroll fore congress. It may become a substan the very Soviet to exploit the workeryour latest papers. Also price of same standing. Of course, in a period of or veloping under the capitalist mode of from the same index, covering the same tlal secondary campaign issue in the com shepherds, helped along by the lazy and as we wish to subscribe. From Calit ganization drives, even a bigger staff is production relatively to population, and industries and the same months. It will ornia came the following: do not necessary, but in this case, it is a matter the increase, though not in the same pro be useful for our further analysis. The trade with the Soviet Union has a powing elections.
The slogan of long term credits and the Soviet.
inefficient bureaucrat assigned as head of feel able to afford a cash donation with of a permanent staff.
portion, of capital values (not their ma payrolls for April compare as follows out something in return, so enclosed find terial substance. which grow In order to balance even the wage ex much April, 1932. for which please send me copies pense of the union regularly, heavy as diet the basis, which, compared to the The young Moscow girl, at Arst bewit. 44. erful political apepal to workers sufferdered through lack of experience, comes more rapidly than the population, contra April, 1931. 68. ing unemployment in the present crists. soon to a realization of actualities, partiApril, 1930. 89. There is no question of the responsecularly when the nepran kulak invades to pass out. This is an excellent idea. time and again under the pretext that expanding wealth, is ever narrowing and April 1929. 101. that the Communist party and its auxil the class room to withdraw Comrades who can do the same are in. ganization drive. This drive never took for which this immense productive power April, 1926 the older. 101. iaries got, after they reluctantly adopted children to make them tend the flock.
vited to begin at once. Order a second this money was to be used for the or works, and the conditions, under which April, 1923.
this counter revolutionary slogan. Be She comes into conflict with the crafty Brooklyn writes: m only a step the money went and when the initiation the cause of crises. Marx, Capital, parity in the much greater drop in total no real effort to build on this key slogan. for the village, for his own private profit, copy for someone else. comrade in place Nor was a report made where capital augments its value.
There is shown here an ominous dis cheek policy, however, there has been the sheer, the main source of food supply cause of thelr hesitant, tongue in the kulak and when he attempts to slaughter ahead of starvation but m enclosing a fee was finally increased and the amount Vol. III, page 313. quarter and hope you can continue my of dues payment doubled, the whole bur.
In the light of the above it should employment. This is indicative for the the Soviet Union type have been sub ing unavailing, since payroll when compared to the drop in Abstract and pacifist slogans of Defend her appeal to the head of the Soviet be sub for a while. You bet we will! den fell on the backs of the workers in now prove Interesting to examine the future working class prospects. per stituted.
Best of all is the announcement from the shops whose conditions have al present level of percentages of capacity manent, huge unemployed army has no instruc and a few days ago, production reached after two and a halt reduced standard of living. But our Minneapolis comrades. Says com ready mentioned above.
In spite of the obvious effectiveness of er ups at the provincial center. Here she tions. she decides to apeal to the highrado Coover: Send me 50 or more, a reorganization took place. But this years duration of the crisis. The New the working elas8 will do in this situs against capitalist misery directly with of the class enemy who offers to drive what this slogan in connecting up the fight makes the mistake of accepting the help Militant sub blanks. We are going to means nothing.
Such reorganizations York Times Index for the first quarter of thon still remains the decisive question. the cause of the Workers Republic, litter in his sleigh and she finds herself attempt to build the Milltant circulation have already taken place several times 1932 gives the following results. some more. Good idea! With this kind in the past. There are, besides, The return to the natural level, as tle progress has been made in the ranks deserted, alone in the trackless waste Industry February March April the New York Times so cynically puts of the American workers. It still re of snow.
of spirit and the results which are sure many other reasons why the union goes Pig Iron production 31. 27. 24. to follow we should build the Militant from bad to worse.
it, embodies these prospects for the Am mains for certain business men group against the opposition of the bureaucrat However she is found and It would be ridicul. Steel Ingot 81. 26. 20. circulation closer to what we want it ous to expect any change from above to erican working class. The return aims to take the lead in this question, motiv. the village poor sent an appeal for help Electric Power 78. 72. to be. Financially it should belp us to remedy this. This task belongs to the to restore confidence, within capitalism, ated by real loss of orders, shut down of to save her life. An aeroplane does the Bituminous Coal 62. 74. 71. weather the storm which still rages un sincere party members. Now is the time in the continuity of the process of re their plants, and pante at the extent of rest. Meantime the village poor aro Automobile 33. 27. 80. abated.
to act. We must not wait until the Boot and shoe production, to extend the market and to the crisis. How silly the burocratie aroused and force the regeneration of 90. 96. 91. restore rate of profit on existing capital arguments about this slogan lending the Soviet by holding elections and cast.
In last week issue we made a mistake union is entirely destroyed.
Zinc 41. 41. 40. which we want to correct. We offered on this natual basis. But capitalism aid to the capitalists in stabilizing their ing out the bureaucrat. FOODWORKER. Cotton qonsumption 71. 73. 56. car loadings 61. 60. 68. peoduces for an unknown market. And, industry.
a free copy the bound volume of cor programmatic statement on the the contradictions between the expan. Plan program would eliminate the gig11 credits for the Five Year We are informed that this picture of rade Trotsky pamphlets to each com situation in Foodworkers Industrial Un.
For the combined business index, of conditions as they now exist kindled a rade who raised 10 in subs and dona ion will appear in The Militant shortly. which the estimated normal is 100, we Non of capital and the market limita antic contradictions of chaos and gluthented discussion in Moscow. Criticism get the following figures. tions leads to ever deeper crises.
tions. It should have read: a free copy. Ed.
in the capitalist market.
Combined business 62. 61. 57. Capitalist production, as a continuous of the bound volume to each comrade most astounding revelation in this was levelled at the playing up of a star connected process, first of all produces bepk is the lengths who raises in subs.
as against the picturing of the masses.
But these must Tauly, the stupendous productive power and reproduces the capitalist relations sone in his false strategy of deceiving fore selected workers to decide whether Which Stalin has Nevertheless, after the usual preview beother than himself. What we want is! Pioneer Publishers Notes developed under the capitalist mode of Henceforth these will be the relations of the bourgeoisie. While secret negotia the film should be released to the Russian be subs which he gets from workers poduction contradicts the basis, and the set greater concentration of capital tions take place with capitalist magnates masses, these workers voted favorably staff of active pluggers. We are seri With the publication of Problems of conditions under which capital augments means of production which serve as and diplomats for recognition and ex. on it as giving a true picture. In spite our Influence among the left wing and Weapon to the arsenal of revolutionary ments cyntcally in an editorial, of Suntion and with an ever growing section London and Bogdanor of the Amtore probably never be seen publicly in Ruscirculation of the Militant and increasing where in this role, we and another natural that the New York Times com capital, server sorter the entry telepono estension of credits as, for example, be or which the cameo Dietboards repete party members particularly and among internationalism The Chinese Revolu day, June 5th, entitled This Crisis of the workers in enforced idleness.
the workers as a whole. For this wetion of 1925 1927 will be as decisive for and Others The break down need permanent state of comrades one us today as the revolution of 1905 was ent. The sharply curtailed consumption duction is capital itself. It is the fact ciples of the movement are bartered for as tostar technique is just a wee bit in New York, in these manipulations be sia.
perman. The real barrier of capitalist prohind the backs of the workers, the prin May we not conclude that the criticism of whose chief duties will be to get subs. for the movement of the last decade today is not primarily refer of a dis. that capital and its self expansion ap la possible recognition or a possible extendisingenuous. That actually the bureauIn line with this idea for the period This new work by comrade Trotsky 1stress cut in income but a return to the pear as the starting and closing point, son of credits. That explains Litvinor crats felt more than uncomfortable under free copy of the new book by comrade shaking events of five years ago. It is ment figures of today are not emergency that production is merely production for Not the bourgeoisie but the workers are they are not counter revolutionaries, they Trotsky, Problems of the Chinese Rev. indispensable to an understanding of the figures. They register Militant. This is everyone chance to a fundamental contribution to the colo ficiency, in methods and machines (hear, panding system of the life process for Workers Republie in the international enemies?
olution, with each one year sub to the present situation in the bar East. It is effect of our triumphs in industrial er. capital, and not vice versa, the means of thus deceived at to the aims of the play directly into the hands of the class production mere means for an ever exkiu two birds with one stone. In send nial question.
hear. Taking care of perhaps 8, 000, 000 the benefit of the society of producers.
class war.
ing in subs comrades should remember Yes, aimed at bureaucracy in Siberia, We have been inexcusably late in get persons out of work But aside from disastrous consequences it struck home in Moscow as the workis a big problem. Marx, Capital, Vol. III, page 283. to ask for their free coples. The state ting it out. Now that it is on sale let us but one that can be solved if it is a of the false theory of national socialismers could not fail to understand. No. ARNE SWABECK. in world politica, you have the petty de the Alm must not be allowed to give aid and its record follow Hedlund make every effort to give it the widest temporary problem. But what the coun(Note: Another article on the Crists, ception of the world bourgeoiste thru and comfort to the Left Opposition. It Coover distribution possible. Get orders for it try must now look forward to Is this now, at once. Place it in book stores huge mags of Idle workers as a perman Unemployment and the Working Class, the medium of Stalin interviews the is too symbolie of our own struggle for Beardslee famous twofold policy, talking with one the regeneration of the Soviets. We Koehler and in libraries. The cloth cover copies ont feature of our evonomic life. Such particularly dealing with the present er should make this fairly easy. And re is the fatal difference in kind boday forts for expansion of credits, will ap face to the workers and another to the heartily recommend the film to party Basky 1 M. Basin Yes, this is the salient point of the Dear in the next issue of The Militant bosses, and occasionally getting the comrades. member that a free copy goes with each Ed. faces mixed.
crisis today and for the future prospects. WEBER Vomvas one year sub to The Militant Campbell reports: He (Stalin) unhesi. Elchna With each day our stock of literature The New York Times wants to warn its is getting tower. Some of the pamphlets bourgeois readers. We must similarly BOUND VOLUMES of the MILITANTness, that under Trotsky there had been tatingly admitted, with disarming frank. c. Curtis CHICAGO PICNIO Ehrlich are already out of print. Others are warn the working class to draw its own 71 Issues of the Old Format conclusions an attempt to spread Communism through From Vol. 1, No. to Vol. 4, No. 12, out the world. He said that was the for the Reinl running out of print.
We would not accept the above anemBenefit of The Militant October 18, 1928 to June 15, 1931, Booth Those that are out of print can still 2 primary cause of the break between him.
on There ployment figure as accurate. In reality be had in the bound volumes.
Bound in One Volume.
self and Trotsky. That Trotsky believed SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1932 The record by branches is as follows: are only about ninety of tbese When it is surely a good deal larger than that. The Number on Hand is Limited. in universal Communism while he wanted at Minneapolis these are gone they will be unavailable Exact figures are not available. The Orders will be Filled in the Order to confine his efforts to his own coun. FOREST GLENN PRESERVE New York 34 except for chance copios picked up here bourgeois government fears to have such in which they are Roeived.
try. He explained that they had neither Refreshments and Games Pittsburgh and there. And they are going. Orders a computation made. But the Index Bg Checks or Money Orders Must Acthe time nor the money to try to commun. Directions: Take Elston car to end of Youngstown are coming in for them. We are Alling ures published by the Department of company the Orders.
ize the world, ovon should they wish to station. Use Transfer and take bus to Chicago 1 these as they come in. None are put Labor give us somewhat of an iden. Its Make Sure of Your Copy.
do so, and that his own chief interest Forest Glenn St. Walk four blocks north.
Philadelphia aside for future sale. Comrades who index figures are based upon returns Order at Once!
was to improve the conditions of the Auspices: Chicago Branch of Miscellaneous want them should order them at once. from eighty nine industries since the PRICE FIVE DOLLARS people in Russia, without any interte (Opposition)
This 18. 105. 71. 4 a Halligan