AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismMarxMarxismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 Bast 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 24 WHOLE NO. 120 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1932 PRICE CENTS The Communist Party Election Platform House Passes Fascists Moving to Power Anti. Alien Bill in Germany present alm, and comment bere.
The Veterans March on Washington the It is to be expected that Communism would become a means of focussing at.
will become a much more serious chal tention upon it as an immediate objeclenge in these coming presidential elective which can become helpful in build. The Dies anti alien bill, the most vicious alacrity, the press reports from day to ernment, the government that is clearing The Committees of action against Fasc Events in Germany are moving with order of the day for the von Papen gov. organizations on a centralized basis.
tions than hitherto. That is so mainly ing, strengthening and unifying the move piece of anti working class legislation in day. The direction of this movement is, the road for Fascism.
because of the vital working class issues ment today. Its realization will natur years, has just been passed by the as has been pointed out, one that tends to ism, proposed by the German Left Opof the economic crisis and mass unem. ally mean a step forward to a stronger House of Representatives. The bill is now extreme reaction, to the immediate preAll these steps characterize the stratposition must be organized without delay ployment which is pressing harder every class position.
in the Senate. That the Senate will act paration of the scene for the Fascistegy of the German bourgeoisie at the ainst the Fascists. The Fascists are and coordinated for immediate defense day for a solution, or at least for some One proposition in the platform reads: in harmony with measure of relief. There will, of course, present period, when the only solution their congressional seizure of power. Even to force concessions NOW from brothers is a foregone conclusion.
for its class is that of the open Fascist concentrating thelr troops on the prole be no solution found in the elections under capitalist regime, and it is not the three capitalist parties, there is no it not enough working class pressure to It is being confirmed dally that the dictatorship which requires the stiling tarlas strongholds. They are preparing relation between the Von Papen govern of every shape and form of proletarian to encircle them. The entrclers must for this purpose that communists parti. weapon so powerful as a yote for Com. brought to bear on the case.
cipate. They will foster no such ilu struggled led by the Communist Party. ers must respond immediatelyTo pero Schletcher toward the Hitler party 18 to its attempt at reducing their standard The working class has not yet been de There is no time to be lost. The work. ment and particularly its military back democracy to make sure of the least be encircled!
bone the clique around General von possible resistance of the tolling masses The eleventh hour is at hand in Gersions within the working class.
many. Epoch making struggles are ahead by the medium the the election campaigo, politicians magregrant such concessions of those foreign class conscious worken nast veke was one on harrangue against the various sections of the capitalist diawaited Nevertheless there is an opportunity, the direct inference that the capitalist through would jeopardize the very lives manifesto issued by the Junker cabinet spite the division of Interests between feated. It is still disorganized, it is still ighting unity munist movement and strengthen the Communism to advance the development of the com to keep the masses from turning to in America who are subject to deportas the last vestiges of bourgeois democracy class, that class as a whole realizes that stave off the harbingers of a new barThis approach has noth. tion is Fascist countries. The bill is of barism in Europe. International solidarworking class politically. It is in this ing in common with Marxism. We do fered as an economie blessing in dis in the Leich. Even the Breening for the moment18 declalve for it, that alty is the task of the working class of sense that the more serious challenge is not ask the workers to vote Communist guise. The purpose of the bine de toute lal emergency decrees 18 dubbed to make concessions of a political nature The call for the unity of the German.
In order to force concessions from the port all those workers who have found radical! The whole document is evid. is the only means whereby it will be able workers is the concern of every proletarBut the Communists are not the only capitalist parties.
force appealing in the name of the to participate in the daily struggles for workers to be affected will be those is blasting the way for the Nazi hordes. stage.
We do not ask them their way to communism. The first ence of the fact that the new ministry to escape destruction at the lan in all the countries. What will hapworking class, calling for its support and this purpose. We ask the workers to do belonging to the Communist party. The pen in Germany will be of decisivo endeavoring to rally its rankset Haven the so because of our revolutionary objec. those workers belonging to the commun: Hitler with regard to support of Von class in the face of this desperate deter. Soviet Union. The seizure of power by One of the three conditions posed by That is the position of the working place for our workers fatherland, the of their power pf demagogy. And, it is ward finally reaching this objective. Ist party under duress are not to be Papen has already been fulfiled. The mination of the masters? in spite of Hitler, involving a protracted internal controls all the main avenues of working the class struggle, not our well to remember that capitalism still Concessions gained are by products of intimidated is too transparent a plece of Reichstag has been dissolved and new the indisputable natural barriers creat struggle which will pose most sharply hokum to be deserving of any serious elections are scheduled for July 31. Ared within it through the crisis and un the question of class against class, well class Influence, propaganda and educa.
ter three high strung election campaigns employment, the German working class inevitably gain the support of the foreign tion. The Socialist party hopes to at gained only because of our strengthened No greater opportunity for the party within the last three months, the extreme nevertheless senses the danger confront imperialists in the ultimate.
least raise itself to its former level of position against, over the opposition to apply the United Front correctly has nervous tension that a new election bringsing it and displays a distinct fighting Bourgools Germany, under Hitler as a contending force. It is stepping for of the capitalist parties.
ward with a brand new platform, but as before cleverly designed to appeal to If we fail to educate, to organize and fight for the elementary rights of the Hitler should find such a situation highly year were for greater in attendance and ments, will remain impoverished, bank.
the working class and to the petty bour. to prepare the working class for a clear and Join any party they see it. The is expected. In workers, native and foreign to organize favorable for his machinations is to be far more militant in sentiment than has rupt. It will not be able to carry on the meantime feverish been the case for years. The light. without foreign aid against its own work geolsie. The tone and form of a num. understanding of, and for the attainment sue is too serious to be neglected. And preparations are being made by Hitler minded disregard of the Fascist menaceing class. In return for this ald, it will ber of its demands have a more radical of the revolutionary objectives, tempor any effort to evade the issue by arguing allies in the administration to tighten by the treacherous social democratic have to resort to an attack on Soviet flavor than usual, even here and there ary concessions gained can, instead of for a anited front from below can be every link in the reactionary chain, to leaders and by the confused and disor. Russia to repay its debts. The advent smell of militancy. Yet it is so con becoming partial victories on the way. branded as nothing short of neglect. unite all the dark forces for coordinate tentated Stalinists has been overcome, in of Hitler resime means war against fense not to speak of danger to the be turned into retardation of the strugment of the masses. It is up to the It is definitely known already that of the tocsin by comrade Trotsky and coming into power, the Sovieta will be bourgeoisie. That, of course, is its ob gle. Party to act correctly.
ject. While it will bear more analysis plans are in order to gain full control the Left Opposition. The working class faced with the most direct problem of later, it suffices here to say that it is of the Prussian police force, the only has been made aware of the entire im defending their own frontiers. The Left important armed contingent in the Relch port of the Hitler movement. It stands Opposition, with the Russian Bolshevik.
a reformist platform through and Leninists at their head will be in the through that is not at present under the direct alert, It expects to fight.
supervision of Von Schleicher. The man. But for the present, all there is, is front ranks of this defense.
For the revolutionary workers ner in which this is being done is indl the desire to fight, the determination not The struggle in Germany poses the choico presented in these elections is an The march of the world war veterans There are all sorts of reactionary pro cated by the recent reports concerning to let the enemy win without a strug question of world revolution once more Cusy one. Their choice will be the Com. on Washington has aroused national at. vocat aurs and government agents at the erection of a dictatorship over Prus gle. The struggle itself has not yet been defeat for the reactionary tehory of nain an acute and realistic form. It spells naclts munist party. It is our choice. To many tention. The with which the work attempting to disrupt the ranks of sia by the Reich government. Since the organized. The social democrats, the tonal socialism, it opens up new per workers, however, who may be entirely impoverished ex soldiers sttek it out in the veterans by carrying on sincere in caining relief measures for their encampmen in the capital and against the more class conscious work ment and since the state officials have German masses, though their influence spectives of international action for the their class, the distinction is not so clear.
on their trek serve particularly to ers in their midst. It is their purpose been depending upon the federal author has been tremendously weakened by the proletariat. It brings the day of reckon Many of those will undoubtedly yet dramatize the tragle fate of this section to turn the movement into anti working ities for ald, the von Papen cabinet aims realism with which the Hindenburg Vonk between Stalinist Centrism and Bol.
have to learn by bitter experience. But of the American working class, whose lite class and anti Communist chanels. It to coerce the provincial administration Papen regime has exposed their policy shevik Leninism very close. The Worker even the elections should become a valu lightly mindedly in the recent slaughter this is an attempt to isolate thelr sec. at the disposal of his minister.
about so must be made clear to the veterans that into putting the armed forces directly of the lesser evil. still hold the over Communists must be on the alert. The able lesson.
whelming masses of the workers under It is in view of this that the platform It is indisputable that the march of of mass support they have the organ to establish the Nazi Storm Troop as the Communist Party of Germany, by new test.
also in process their sway. The Stalinist leadership of olutionary working class stands before presented by the Communist Party as these desperate Jobless workers, spontan. Ized support of their class and of their a legal body. The brown shirts, a dis its isolationist theory of social Fascism the workers come more to the fore durous bruts inception, is called forth not party, the Communist party.
Demands for amel. rest of the class, but much rather by the the plan of the bourgeoisie which wants the government service under the guise ship in advance from the workers, has Isolation means defeat. Isolation private army and will be enrolled in tums, demanding guarantee of leader «Socialist. Revolt in Chile ioration of their distress become more intense suffering they are going through to evade every shape and form of re of labor battalions.
Their purpose is not been able to utilize the miserable Led by the wealthy landowner and pressing. The Communists lietot in common with their other unemployed llet to members of the working class to be intensified activity to demoratze position of the social democracy at the former ambassador to the United States, these demands. But they do not expect tellow workers as a result of the anarchic This holds true for the movement of the the workers organization, especially the present moment so as to give it its death Carlos Davila, new military Junta solution to issue out of the elections. crisis brought about by capitalist man ex soldiers as well. Their salvation lies trade unions, the Republican Relchs blow.
That is entirely bound up with the rev agement and by the savagery has come into power in Chile. Utilizing of thel in more intimate contact, in closer col Banner. etc.
Chilean olutionary way out. Immediate or par profit system.
laboration with the rest of their class great opportunity to sweep into the the crying discontent of the masses as an ald to their demagogy.
tial demands contained in their platform The fact that they march as veter and with the party of their class. Another form of aid promised the Hit leadership of the masses disillusioned by Davila and his henchmen shamelessly are there for the purpose of more dir ler torces by Schleicher Papen is abso reality with their social democratie mis. Pooled the workers and peasants into desperate their interests are not apart from the late freedom of action and propaganda leaders, has been missed by the Incap support of their coup Etat.
eetly focusing the working class atten. ans only testifies to their tlon, to become the cental points for condition, in which they are the struggle of today, which must stead resort to any and sundry methods byployed workers as a whole. What they the first time, Hitler has been granted mann regime.
But no more time is to be Taking a lead from their social DemIly develop toward the revolutionary which they will be enabled to get reller want is a form of unemployment rellet. the use of the radio, which testate con lost. It is a question now of defense in ocratie half brothers, Davlla and Co. way out. Hence that latter objective from their motery. This is the reason they that is also the need of the rest of trolled. Every effort is being made to the face of an onslaught. The semi turn first issued proclamations of various must first of all be clear in the Com. report to the slogan of the bonus, which the twelve million.
insure the success of the contemplated toward a half bearted united front with Socialist reforms that the new governgains concreteness now by the fact that munist platform.
reformists, ment was to inaugurate. The Art die is up for action in the legislature of The Communist party is in the fore National Socialist seizure of the state. Local organizations of the Is that the case with regard to the the capitalist government.
front of the struggle for unemployment with the lower functionaries, must imme patches declared the new government and On the other hand, systematic Illegal alately be transformed into a full turn. was going to nationalize Industry platform submitted by the official party relief and insurance o carry out this ization of working class organizations is The Social democratic leaders must be socialize property. Various other social The only organized force that under struggle consistently, the party must on the order of the day. There are pushed into the alternative of joining reforms were to follow. In fact, the disrevolutionary way out as a workers and comes to their sincere support is the the working class around the needs of leadership? Not at all. It presents the stands the plight of the veterans and strive for the utmost possible unity of Tumors that in addition to the already with the Communists in the forthcoming patches declared, they were going to farmers government even toeveral or Communist movemeat, which has the in. the class as a whole. It is in this sense proseribed Proletarian Freethinkers So struggle or of breaking with the masses model their regime after til sovlet stances calling it a revolutionary low terests of all sections of the working that it must act also in regard to the city, the Young Communist League of still under their control.
erament. What does this mean? Does class at heart. It is therefore not at Worker veterans.
Un It mean the Proletarian Dictatorship. all strange that the enemies of the ex soldiers with the rest of the class The paper of the Socialist Labor Party It is more than likely that Wall Street the proletarian Germany is to be driven underground.
An open, sincere, full fledged turns had something to do with those scare If so, it should be stated an entre elsels worker ex soldiers, the capitalist class the fight for unemployment reliet and Rettung, has been confiscated and its pub. for the Comintern. There is no time to ing to the military clique in power not of Germany, the Socialistische Arbeiter the need of the day for the and dispatches which were to act as a warncannot be under that formulation beforemost attacks against the best friends hour dny and for long term credits to lication suspended. Flank attacks of this be lost in establishing the united front to go too far. The latest news emanformist views. The slogan of a workers of the veterans, against the Communista. the Soviet Union.
sort against the working class are on the with the social democratic and reformist ating from Chile and quoting Davila dir.
ectly is prompt in denying the wild and farmers government is not an ad.
rumors about confiscating private proaptation to American peculiarities, for perty and more particularly nationhere the working class constitutes the alizing foreign holdings. The Junta had overwhelming percentage of the populaheard its masters volce. The latest tion. The term workers and farmers government in the accepted American With the passing of its two and hall make possible to resume the cycle of It is one of the laws of capitalist pro. From 1890 to 1920, in American manufac dispatches now tell of modelling the gov.
sense is the reformist sense. When pre year mark, the economic crisis is still reproduction. This latter is to be accom duction, and which its develoment carturing industry, the number of wage ernment after the Socialist fashion of on its downward spiral. Now, however, plished essentially and most directly by ries with it, that compared to the total workers increased by 85. percent. While Spain. very commendable pattern af.
military Junta!
platform it becomes a mockery on Marx much more netively into its orbit. It and depressing wages below the value pared to the constant part of capital 206 per cent, yet their suare lot the paper reforms and oppression is now on We would, of course, not propose that struments, outstanding among which are reduce the whole standard of living of there is a relative decrease of the varla per cent to 36 per cent due to the Cact have the sanction. of the government, the Proletarian Dictatorship become an the Reconstruction Finance Corporation the working class.
ble part of capital (labor power. In that during this period the value added are prohibited. The universities are to objective for these elections. But as to and the Young Committee, the latter esthe revolutionary way out it must be tablished by the New York Federal Reed, or in the process of being realized, mechanization of industry the need for sented a 586 percent increase. Expressdent strikes. About the only revolution.
How well these alms are being realiz other words, compared to the growing by the process of reproduction repre be re organized so as not to permit stustated in that manner so that its definite serve Bank and expected to be followed with the capitalist measures proposed, labor power diminishes relatively. The ed in monetary form, in 1890 the value ary demand, still left on the plank of proletarian and revolutionary basis be by like committees in other federal ro it is necessary for us to examine But same number of workers can in the same thus added amounted to 1, 025 per work has bunch of political hl Jackers is the return arti.
serve districts. By this is provided a we must first of all bear in mind that time produce an ever growing amount of er. In 1920 it had increased to 83, 624 demand for the pawnshops Only in this way can there be continu more harmonious blend of Interests and this crisis, as well as other such crises commodities. And, the number of em. This clearly Illustrates the growth of est. cles pawned without demanding interity in a revolutionary sense with the purposes of monopoly capitalism and ita in capitalism is essentially one of over ployed workers are continually on the the intensity of production due to mech.
Like most of the week end Latin Amer.
Otherwise they stand alone as mere re. But because of its occuring within the of the means of production to the extent means of production and the commodities sense gives a picture of the accumulation loan revolutions, this one too, undoubtform measures.
framework of the strongest of the world that they serve a capital, that is, serve produced. It follows that that portion of capital edly came about as a result of the conAmong the immediate demands, con imperialist powers, this mobilization of for the exploitation of labor. The credit of living labor which is unpaid and reIn the paocess of reproduction the ested imperialist nations in Latin Amer.
flicting desires of the two most interresources assumes special system itself is the main lever of over presents surplus value is likewise on the increasing mass of surplus value, or un ica the United States and England.
tained in the party platform, which gen. capitalist erally correspond with the working class significance.
needs today there appears, however, the The sum and substance of the propos process of reproduction to its extreme capital invested. This results in the peld labor, appropriated by the capital. The fact that the United States England one for self determination for the Black als made by this combination of forces limit. Consequently the efforts for fur fall of the profit rate. But the increase steded yet an ever rowing part to be forcing England out all along the line Belt (for the Negroes. It would have is the expansion of credits and the ther expansion of what already cons of the mass of the absolute surplus value cupiealle mode od production todetermine is too obvious to require too much men.
eeping with Marxism measures which now trom such an ob stltutes a superabundance of credits, al appropriated the to substitute in its place the slogan for economic, social and political First. to restore, within capitalism, the immediate results, will, without fall. Vides for the growth of the total capl. that also the specife capitalist mode of the war, now plays a poor second addio equality for the Negoes. But is it ac confidence in the continuity of the pro resolve itself into more acute contradic talan ever growing secumulation of production develope. Accumulation leads to the richer and mightler was clear alle to an increased concentration of the the sea. The nitrate and copper Inter.
cidental that there is no demand for the cess of production, which is badly tions in the next historical stage. capital.
means of production and a growth of the ests of the United States have practic. Thorter workday? Even the socialist shaken by the prolonged crisis. Second This question we propose to take up in We have not figures available showing domination over labor.
ally eliminated England as a serious parties in the pre war period demanded ly, an endeavor to increase commodity detall, but before that, let us take a look the actual relative growth of constant The credit system which at first served contender to exploitation of the Chllean the eight hour workday, during elections prices in the hope of extending con at the crisis and its present sweep, still capital over variable capital. But the as a modest helper of accumulation has workers and peasants in these fields.
and after. Today the demand should be tracting market. Thirdly, to neutralize, moving downward. To elucidate, there following figures, once before published now become transformed into an im Davila, the ambassador to Wall Street the six bour workday without seduction or at least check the fall in the rate statement of a few fundamentals will be in The Militant, Illustrate the trend of mense social mechanism for the centrall. sle. will see to it that the northern of pay. As a part of the latform It of prost by restoring a rate which will appropriate.
the growing mechanization of Industry. Continued on page 2) uncle property is well protected The Economic Crisis, the Unemployment Situation and the Working Class e in t, on the other hand, pro the accumulation of capital. But with foremost investments in Chile prior to