CapitalismCominternCommunismFascismGermanyLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS Highlights of Socialist National Convention des concerns Report of the Reformist Meet in Milwaukee of PAGE TE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1932 tions and to see that they are carried real working class party quite difficult out, for the building of the revolutionary movement, for the complete overthrow of that the Left Opposition in do to help capitalism for the establishment of Comthe American working class make the munism in Africa, proper choice. We are. XORMAX XATIR Street Carmen Facing From Negro Comrades (Signatures of the comrades follow)
Socialist. sense of humor was essen eller eller Anyone who wanted final and con tial in such a situation. After spending in South Africa MILITANT BUILDERS Strike in St. Louis BOOKS BY TROTSKY clusive proof of the utter hopelessness all their oratory, the vote was taken and!
of the socialist party as a party of the Huiquit, the International socialist mmmmmmm ST. LOUIS, MO.
JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE working class would have done well to emerged the victor, though his majority The letter which we are printing beWith the close of the drive we are More than six months ago, when the COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL attend the socialist convention in Mal was not big enough to his liking.
able to give the names of the comrades carmen of the St. Louis Public Service low we have received from a group of Criticism of Fundamentals waukee. There, he could get proof in The old stand of the on the who won the prizes we announced in the Company decided to go on strike against Negro comrades in Johannesburg, South Part and 140 pages.
great abundance. It was an assemblage League of Nations was reiterated. The May ith issue of The Militant. No one the proposed ten per cent wago cut they Africa. This is the first contact we (Out of Print in paper cover)
of well dressed, well groonied and well still regards the League of Nations has qualified for the History of the Ruswere persuaded by their leaders to sub have had with them and we are, there cloth bound 00 fed shop keepers, doctors and lawyers, as an instrument of peace and goodwill. sian Revolution offered to the comrades, mit to arbitration. The deciding vote in tore, not able to say anything as yet THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION from which the working class could ex. Similarly the past stand of the on who during the final months of the drive this arbitration rented with the impart about the history and development of 158 pages paper cover 500 preet little least of all Socialsm in our its Trade Union policy was reiterated. raised 15 in subs and donations.
ial captalist politican, President of the this group, but the letter as such speaks cloth cover 00 time.
This means continued betrayals and supBoard of Alderman, Neun. The result for itself. It is but one more evidence Only one comrade qualitied for the STRATEGY OF THE WORLD It is not that radical phrases were ort of betrayals.
copy of What Next? offered to each comwas to be foreseen. After the bluff of of the fact that the ideas of the Left REVOLUTION lacking on the contrary, phrases were Comle Incident on Floor examining the claims of both sides, he Opposition make their way into the ranks rade who fell short of 15 but raised 10 art of the Draft Program thrown around quite profusely. Nor decided in favor of the street car com of the revolutionary proletariat. Ed.
Humorous episodes were not lacking at This is comrade Sacharow of Chiengo, 86 pages 25 Secretary was it that peace and harmony prevail this convention. Indeed one has to stop Just as soon as the book is off the press pany. Capitalist politicians do not rePROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP ed in the discussion and adoption of and choose the best ones to recount. But comrade Sacharow will receive her copy.
celve the campaign funds and the graft Communist League of America MENT OF THE rank opportunist policles; the members perhaps the funniest sight was that of To the comrade who brought in the which always goes with an important Dear Comrade 48 pages paper cover 150 of the various factions were constantly the socialist Sheriff of Milwaukee. Ben Inrgest number of subs during the perpolitical position, for nothing At our last meeting, held on April THE SPANISH REVOLUTION hurling eloquent orations against each sun bewailing the fact that the Communiod of the entire drive we offered a Incidentially, it may be mentioned 22, 1932, all the undersigned Negro com 30 pages paper cover 100 other. But in spite of this and in spite ists are interfering with the execution of bound volume of The Militant. This goes that Stanley Clarke, large stock holder THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN of the presence of the Xilitants who his civic duties in case of evictions, by to comrade Hedlund of Minneapolis. We and spokesman for the street car comrades decided to apply for membership in your league. In regard to your ap DANGER had issued quite a radical program bepany is a beral. He has organized peni for literature agents It was agreed organizing demonstrations in front of Also offered a copy of comrade Trotsky 64 pages paper cover 150 and financed the World Theatre in St. Innt we request you to send us dozen fore the convention, the socialist party the houses where the evictions were to Problems of the Chinese Revolution to COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALLouis which has already in its short life coples of The Militant per week, which emerged from this convention the same take place. His lament seemed to meet the comrade who brought in the second ISM old party as it had been in the past with inuch sympathy from the assem largest number of subs during the drive.
presented two important Russian films we hope to sell and return you the 64 pages paper er 150 a party which has turned its back on bed delegates. Later in the day, Mrs This goes to comrade Sacharow The Road to Life and the Five Year money. We are particularly anxions to THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST Plan. Hence, it appears that Stanley introduce The Militant amongst the revolutionary Marxism and had there. Sherif Benson graciously invited all the Chicago. She will get her coples as soon INTERNATIONAL AND THE fore become a party that does not and ladies present to come and inspect the as it comes from the binder.
Clarke believes that a revolution and African Negro workers, and in order to GERMAN SITUATION cannot represent the interests of the socialist jail. It is in this jail that To all the comrades and to all our planned socialist economy are good things handle it effectively, a committee con. out of print)
10c working class. in Russia. In St. Louis, however, sisting of twelve of our members has many of our comrades have spent weeks renders and sympathizers who worked WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND Policy on Soviet Union and months tor their class struggle ac for the maintenance of our press we want wage cuts and private monopoly as op already been selected. Send us also THE FIVE YEAR PLAN posed to workers state monopoly are on dozen copies of your constitution. Send But this convention did thd it neces tivity. It is in the same jail that the to express our gratification at the way 48 pages paper cover 100 the order of the day.
sary to adopt certain measures that writer of this report spent five days for they came to the support of their press us 12 copies of advertising posters, GERMANY THE KEY TO THE would save its face before the awakening the heinous crime INTERNATIONAL SITUATION distributing a leaflet But we are not yet ont of the woods, Lo, and Behold! No sooner has the you consider such necessary, and send street car company obtained its first deus from time to time propaganda mater SHALL FASCISM REALLY working class on the one hand and the before a shop. And the Indies present the situation is still critical. We must mand for a wage cut than, like a ravenial, leaflets, etc. if you have any.
section of belligerent party members on after displaying mock shivers of horror continue our efforts to get subs and dona the other. Hence the adoption of a went to inspect the triumphs of socialism tions. There must be no let up.
ous wolf in its insatiable greed for pro The first copy of The Militant that paper cover 10e 48 pages As announced elsewhere in this into fits, it returns for another ten percent came to our notice was Vol. 5, whole HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN resolution on the Soviet Union. After in jail.
the existence of the for some 14 REVOLUTION Vol. As to the Militants. they cut a most we have bound nine of the recent pam wage reduction. The men were not to be number 97, dated January 2nd, 1932. It so easily fooled this time. This time the contained an article entitled Stalin and 522 pages Retail at years during which time the had sorry figure at the convention. Having pblets of comrade Trotsky luto volumes.
these found social justice. commission was pro the Chinese Revolution. But we were By Special arrangements with the never lost an opportunity of slandering no consistent revolutionary policy to We have put aside 10 of posed. One of these social justice com disappointed for not having been able to publishers of this book we can it in the most vicious manner, this con fight for, they made a feeble stand here volumes. We offer them premiums to missions composed of supposed liberal obtain the previous copies. Is the issue offer it to certificate holders at vention suddenly adopted a resolution and there but vacillated and temporised the comrades who from June on, raise 10 in subs and donations. Our records ministers and rabbis was created to set in question, which we believe contains THE REAL SITUATION IN calling for the recognition of the most of the way and thus revealed themtle the dispute between the milk wagon the first part of that article, available?
RUSSIA But their demand for recognition selves in all their impotence. The crass begin with every sub and countion redrivers and the bosses. These respect. If so, will you send us in the next mail 364 pages cloth cover 00 Was coupled with other deinands and opportunism that triumphed, proved beceived on June The record so far able and well fed sycophants promptly de two copies of that issue which we desire SINCE LENIN DIED policies that it adds very little credit yond all doubt that the can as follows: The figures quoted are dollars.
cided in favor of the bossos, to the The resolution also calls much be reformed into revolutionary by Max Eastman to keep on our site.
for the release of political prisoners party as the proverbial sow ear can be Koehler If the strike takes place now as per Comrades! Do not worry over see 158 pages paper cover 500 Basky (they mean the counter revolutionary turned into a silk purse. Whether this 1 (out of print)
schedule on May 31, we prophesy that it ing all these applicants being Negroes, Basin mensheviks) and the freedom of press fact is clear to the Militants is very In Preparation will be a bitter struggle. The two wage and think that we are purposely refusP. Vomas and agitation for socialists. Even this doubtful.
PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE cuts, one almost Immediately following ing to unite with the European comrades.
reactionary resolution met with the reREVOLUTION on the other; the one man car system No, we Elche are not. It is only about two The adoption of quite a radical elecT. Halligan 4 sistance of the 11llyult Right wing. But tion platform by the places a great400 pages which has suddenly thrown hundreds months ago that we have been considercloth cover 50 The record by cities is as follows: for the Militants also the understand er obstacle in the way of the Communist paper cover 00 into the ranks of the unemployed right ing joining your league. Although it is Pittsburgh WHAT NEXT? VITAL QUESing remained that the Monroe Doctrine party. Indeed the fact that the adat the height of an ever deepening econ. difficult for a Negro comrade to organize TIONS FOR THE GERMAN was to remain for kussia that is the opted such demands as the hour day Youngstown omic depression; the increasing burden a European worker, we hope that later New York PROLETARIAT revolution may have been all right for and day week whereas the still of unemployment relief in their own on white militants will follow our lead.
200 pages barbaric Russia but in America the tranclings to the hour day slogan as well once more we want to remind our read Philndephia ranks all this has produced no small The color question makes organization paper cover 500 Bound Volume of all the pamxition towards Socialism would be ac as the fact that the failed to con ers and comrades that, while the drive is modicum of radicalization and determin difficult. Negro workers are generally phlets indicated by Only 100 complished by respectable democratic nect its cardinal immediate demands over the need for rounding up subs and men. if being considered Interior even on such ation to struggle among the copies available. Cloth cover 00 means.
with the ultimate aim of the overthrow donations is as great as it ever was at there are any avenues of sell out left to matters as revolutionary organization, SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE One of the highlights of the conven of capitalism and establishment of Sothe labor fakers, whereby the strike may and usually European workers are being be averted, and the men betrayed, they considered superior. We have been funcORDERS tion was the fiery discussion over an clalism, will tend to confuse the Amer any time during the drive. After them, comrades!
amendment made by Busiek of Califican worker, and render his choice of the will be used.
tioning under the name of Communist PIONEER PUBLISHERS 84 East 10th Street, ornia that the word contiscate be subThe workers in general, organized and Party of Africa.
NEW YORK MEETINGS The undersigned unorganized, feel that the outcome of Negro comrades New York, stituted for the word transfer in the clause pertaining to the passing of the The New York branch of the Commun.
the street carmen strike is the key to pledge themselves to accept your instrucThe Party Nominating ist Teague of America (Opposition) has principal industries of the country to the outcome of labor struggles in genere been conducting street meetings for sev.
social ownership. This amendment was al, here. The street transportation comConvention greeted by with stormy applause particueral weeks now as a part of its general pany is one of the largest, if not the larly from the galleries. But the right summer activities. On several corners (Continued from page 1)
largest industry. If the bosses are suewing lost no time in squelching the hotin the Bronx and Manhattan our meet.
in several state and city nominating ing have met with considerable. cessful in increasing their profits by a (Contiued from page 1) socialist party are out in full force, heads. All the big guns of the conventions held by the party, to which the next meetings will be held on 15th wholesale reduction of the standard of statements on the subject. However, raising the hue and cry of driving the including Thomas, inquit and others the left opposition sent its delegates to Street and 5th Ave. on Thursday and living of the workers in the industry, we are led to believe, through knowledge rascals ont and changing the present discharged their best oratorial missiles support the Communist election cam Saturday nights. In the Bronx on 165th other industries, taking this cue, will of his connections, that Ungerlelder was administration for clean, honest and in an attempt to defeat this. The arvu puign, this support was scornfully re Street and Prospect Ave. on the same naturally adopt the same course. While a just a little concerned over the fate efficient government. The workers can ments were quite typical. The insertionjected by the Irureaucrats in control. nights. All workers are urged to attenil.
it is always the case that a systematic of the securities of the Parmelee Taxl have nothing to do with this kind of of the word confiscate would certainly The glibly proclaimed united front has general determination to cut wages is Cab Corporation.
tripe. First, because corruption is in not get the vote of the average citizen become a faree by that fact alone. But initinted first in one large industry, it veritable furor of genuine indigna herent in the capitalist system and win who would be afraid of the contiacation nevertheless it will not succeed in pre is so apparent here now, that even the tion was stirred up over Walker recely not be eliminated until the whole de of his car, his home his savingsventing the Left Opposition from taking Pioneer Publishers Notes most uninitiated are keenly alive to it. ing money he never worked for. Paul cadent mechanism of this system, in all the average citizen! Many other gems its part in the election campaign, modest Hence, not a little support is promised Block, newspaper publisher and sales its ramifications is abolished. In return were presented against the idea of con though, as that will be through force of teresting things about onr literature.
Our annual Inventory reveals some inthe street carmen in advance.
man of tiles the city subway con for their services of keeping the workfiscation. The final remark of the embit circumstances. We will do all in our We are completely out of The Draft ProAt the very outset, before anything tractors, started a joint brokerage ac ing class in check, the political lackies tered Busick did not go far off the mark rower, to utilize the opportunities which gram in the paper cover edition and have car company has arrogantly hinted at received 246, 602, between February 1927 booty than their masters have set aside when he shouted that those who were so an election campaign offers, to advance only nineteen coples left in the cloth corer. word to the wise is sufficient.
plans to furnish service. so that the and August 1929. And the mayor never for them. The politicians are astounded much opposed to confiscation took that the Ideas of Communism.
dear public will not in any way be incon invested a cent in this venture. Why that their shady deals should be probed to lose by confiscation. The vote showed CHICAGO DEBATE No one has to be agitated about the imvenienced. One of these methods of that real exploitation: Just think of in a system where everything is to a a majority against confiscation.
portance of this fundamental document.
On Sunday, June 12, at 8:00 at We expect that these nineteen coples will service are the buses which are owned the poor hard working Mr. Block who greater or lesser degree of the same charFight over National Chairman 3036 Roosevelt Rd. Chicago, the be sold before the week is out.
by the Public Service Company. Two had to clip all the coupons by himself, acter. And Assemblyman Steingut cor years ago, when the bus drivers struck the mayor not contributing a stitch of rectly speaks up that such an inquisiThe really big fight at the convention Left Opposition youth comrades will de Another historie document has run out and won the right to organize, they were his own labor and then receiving overtion is more worthy of Russia than of was over a matter which involved no bate the Young Peoples Socialist League of print. This one is Max Baxman Since signed up on a conract which expires 200, 000.
one year after the street carmen con What a farce these bootblacks of the they deal more directly with grafters later developed. This was the time when and Nonan Satir will take the negative are left. The inventory mexpectedly tract. This, of course, was nertetrated, capitalist class, reformers and corrup and waste much less time!
a split was much talked about by both of the question: Can the Socialist parts showed that we have about ten copies on through the clever manipulation of the tons alike, make of the tragle lot of the lot of the workers, assuming that it is arty chairman which created this situa Does good government improve the factions. It was the election of the play a revolutionary role in America. hand of The Turn in the and the boss owned labor fakers. The present working class under capitalism. Invest Larks and Smerkia will support the situation in Germany. This is a rare o affirmative.
portunity for a few comrades am reuters situation was to be inferred from the ment of money is considered hard honest possible? Does it hinder wage cuts or tion. The delegates of the West alleviate unemployment? Milwaukee, middle West had determined to defent to get a copy of this searching anu. lysis trend of the economie depression at that Jabor, but profits and dividends where no heralded as a shining example of effici Hillquit and elect one who would build BOUND VOLUMES OF THE MILITANT of the Comintern mistakes under Staltime, and was halled a distinct victory investment is made, is branded as ency in government by the liberals and up a real American Soclulist Party asi FOR SALE inist leadership in the German question.
for the bosses.
begotten lucre.
Only six bound volumes of The Mili.
reformers of the tyne is a striking the nominator of Mayor Hoan put it.
Another fact which our inventory esNor is this the only way by which the no and we are not proof to contrary. No. Aside from The fight that followed lasted whole tant are left. Comrades who want this tablished is that our supply of the new indispensable, historical record should deed, if it were, it would prove whollyer. We will leave that to the apologists the workers can have no interest) it is took immediate issue with the backers ing killed in the order in which they are it would be well for all our propaganda on GermanyThe Key to the inadequate. The reactionary Globe of Capitalism, of which he is a typical a camouflage issue, raised to distract the of Honn over the question of the real being received. In each case a check orists to lay in a supply for future distri Democrat which never falls to come to product. The point is, however, that to attention of the workers from the vital American Party. They us it is irrelevant as to how the master burning problems of their everyday excounterposed money order must accompany the order. bution. With the swift pace of the de tal are at stake, has printed a whole class divides, Its profits derived from the stence.
Hinquit to Hoan as the Marxian inter! The bound volumes Include the seventy veloping revolution in Germany interest series of editorials reminding the men blood and bones of the toiling masses. CLARKE national socialist versus one issue from Volume 1, Number to in it and in comrade Trotsky writings that these are hard times and that there Does it make a particle of difference to national the last issue of the old format, Volume on it are continually increasing are thousands out of work and hungry, the working class whether Mr. Block and Number 12, June 16, 1031.
etc. In other words, a direct threat; as his ilk muander their pronts for their Another historic document is rapidly We have on hand a number of incom running out of print. There are only much so, as if it emenated from the purposes or divide it among their political plete files, unbound. We are waiting for forty six coples left of The Real Situation office of the Public Service Company it henchmen and state servants. It does, selt (and who will say it did not. that however, demonstrate the very close concomrades to send in the missing num. in Russia. As almost everyone knows bers to bind them. What we need most The Real Situation in Russia contains the these hungry masses will be utilized as nection the master class has with the Quotas Results Pittsburgh was the only city to reach are the following issues: Volume Num Platform of the Russian Opposition, strikebreakers. This is, of course, to be leading government officials, vindicating New York. 325 140. 75 its quota Youngstown came close. From ber 1, and Volume 2, Number Upon Lenin Testament, and Joffe letter expected. There only remains to be seen over again the contention of Karl Marx, Minneapolis 200 40 the way it is sending in subs and dona receipt of these issues we will be able to comrade Trotsky in which he explains what the reaction will be.
that the state is nothing short of the Chicago 100 44. 70 tions it will pass its quota by this time to make up a number of additional files why and how the Stalinist bureaucracy Treachery and double dealing on the executive committee of the ruling class.
Toronto 70 05 next week. number of branches which and offer them for sale.
drove him to take his life part of their leaders has not weakened With the dent the economic crisis has Cleveland 40 have made no returns yet will have every The book on China is progressing and the morale of the carmen, and particular made in the standard of living of the Philadelphia opportunity to do so. It is true that the THE MILITANT should be ready for shipment within ten ly their most militant section has, on working class, with wage cuts and starBoston 40 drive is over. But the need for finan.
days. Work is also going on on What the contrary, been strengthened by it. vation rampant in the country, with the Newark Published weekly by the Communist 35 25 cial help is still great.
Next? extracts from which are appearthy The street car strike could give rise to experience of the strike against coolie Kansas City 80 00 League of America (Oppoaltion)
The critical situation has not been in The Militant.
a whole series of strnggles in the ranks conditions in Kentucky still fresh in our St. Louis.
at 84 East 10th St.
abated by a hair breadth. Bills continue We would like our readers and symof labor in St. Louis. The pendulum minds, it is quite instructive to read of Los Angeles EDITORIAL BOARD to pour in on us from all directions. Our has already swing too far to the right the doings of the capitalist class and Youngstown.
10 25 creditors are more importunate than ever. Martin Abern James Cannon pathizers to send us the names and ad.
dresses of stores which they think will The commencement of its leftward swing their officers. The working class, which New Haven. 10 Maurice Spector carry and can sell our literature. Upon Our need for money is no less than last Max Bhachtman is imminent. There Montreal work for the van has been told by these same capitalist Arne Swabeck Week or the week before. Every effort receipt of this information we will underguard of the working class, the Commun hirelings to learn to live on less. to Duluth.
Entered as second class mall matter take to sell them through the mail.
must still be made to get subs and donaSpringfield, Ill.
ists. With a correct program, a cor accept wage cuts as a patriotic duty. 10 November 28, 1928, at the Post Once tions.
Our comrades should also make efforts rect analysis of the immediate tasks, a to forget about unemployment Insurance Frankfort, Ill.
10 Returns are still coming in.
Under tha act of to place our literature in the public lib.
This Now York, correct tactie of genuine united front because the budget has to be balanced. Pittsburgh. 10 10 makes our totals above only tentative March 3, 1870.
raries. It has been our experience in and Trenton. Next week we will give the final figures.
SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1932 with all working class organizations in should take note of this outright Cleveland, St. Louis, Youngstown and Miscellaneous 50 This gives every comrade a chance to Vol. 4, No. 23 (Whole No. 119)
elsewhere that the libraries are willing struggle, against unemployment and flagrant hypocrley, that the master clase practices, without the slightest fear of give the result for his city boost. Subscription rate: 00 per year; for to buy our literature. By this arrangewage cuts, much can be done exposure. 1, 000 280. 60 Comrades, let us make one more deter eign 60. Procents per copy. ment we can place our literature at the ROBERTS. The liberals, the preachers, and the mined effort to save our weekly Militant. Bundle rates, genta per copy. disposal of workers unable to buy it.
Mr. Seabury «Exposes» Tammany Walker and the The Results of Our Press Drive 40 255 20 10 10 Total