AnarchismAndrés NinBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainStalinismSubversiveTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the communist League of America (Oppoaltion) at 84 Bast 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the post once at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 23 (WHOLE NO. 119 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1932 PRICE CENTS For a Communist Campaign in the Elections Scottsboro Boys Bruening Government Falls!
Execution Stayed The Communist Party of the exploitation, redoubled oppression of the has just held ito Nominating Convention working class organization, war.
10 Chicago. As evidence of intense and German Working Class Faced with Immediate Fascist Onslaught For Internationalism in the Struggle Compelled by mass working class preslarge scale preparation for the election During the election struggle, taking sure, the United States Supreme Court Outstanding in the week news for Shirts greets the action of Hindenburg as, bers, with all organizations which wish market ble step forward for the party place at this period of deepest erlate, the has granted the appeal of the the working class is the powerful new a banner day for National Socialism. to fight honestly against reduction 10 in the eld of parliamentary activity. class party of the proletariat has the for review of the case of the seven push to the right in German politics. The new move, which makes the Fase wages, to carry through common measput the Communist party on the political socialist system of production to the an charge of rape and sentence to death by bourgeols uncertainty, whose main sup cut the ground entirely from under the mands in the shops.
It speaks well for a real attempt to very best opportunity of contrasting the Scottsboro boys framed on the fake The Bruening cabinet, the cabinet of Ist overturn an imminent danger, hasures for the struggle for workers de port was the toleration of the reform feet of the reformists. The talk of the mapas official symbol of electrocution.
place to res the core.
country. At the present juncture ofl of the working class to the nationalist lynching set for June 24, to November Unions and the social democratie party. social democratic leaders have arrived at ng against the policy of emergency events, this is doubly significant and Im war alms of the bourgeoisle. This. when the Supreme Court reconvenes. has collapeed.
an impasse just as the full blast of the measures dictatorship and their clearing portant.
the time to concretely pose the interests Never before has the lie been thrown The downfall has come about as a re Fascist attack is about to be fred, still the road for Hitler, we Communists stand of the world revolution which has for so effectively into the faces of the result of the refusal of the industrial the overwhelming majority of the workFor nearly three years, the econo as mortal enemies of Hitler fasclem. We sway. The masses will do everything with the help of pro minim bourgeoiste and the landowners to complyers are under the crisis, initiated by the Wall Street crash its purpose the establishment of socialist formists and legalists, who have of October 1929, has held this country planning on the base of an Internationalized the effect and importance of the with the plans of the Clerical Centristare as yet to be found in the organizaletarian class forces in order to block division of labores the workers solu organized mass protest of the workers chancellor, namely, to balance the bud. tions of the betrayers, whose line of its way to government power, in order to pletely under its sway. The allures of brings with it and the rest of the world with it, comtion of the crisis and the war danger it on behalf of their imprisoned class com set with new taxes and to allay the un. class collaboration, of kowtowing to the break its terror and through a new red rades. prosperity. of the full dinner pall rest of the evergrowing unemployed army masters, has prepared the road for the advance of the working class to give it The capitalists and their political re Workers, not only in America, but in with the scheme of a back to the farm Fasclat reaction.
have been gradually worn off. The a decisive blow main burden of the depression has been presentatives do everything in their every country and on every continent on movement which involves the breaking The bankrupt social democracy must constantly shifted to the back of the power to discredit the living symbol of the globe: in Australia, Europe, Afrien, up of the big estates of the East Prus be pushed against the wall and forced to The party leadership has pledged itworkers, wage cut following upon wage world revolution, of socialist construc Asia and Latin America showed thelr sinn Junkers.
show its full face to all the workers, self to do everything, then, to block the of thousands and millions of proletarian ting war against the workers state. In whom American capitalists slngled out) The bourgeoisie is determined not to the catastrophe is to be averted, way of Fascismo to government power.
families. All the fake solutions pointing the course of the election campaign the to lynoh legally in the boss courts of the cedo a single step more, to go the full the Fascist onslaught is to be repulsed It has declared its willingness to join length of its fight for self preservation by by the German working class. There with all organizations who honestly want to prosperity around the corner, all the Communists have an excellent opportun South.
The partial victory of the workers in the proletariat.
a ruthless life and death struggle against only one way in which this can be to fight for this end. If the turn is in public works ruses of the capitalist clasa ity of holding up the example of the done. That is: by an offer of the party any way to be sincere and fruitful for the Communist the party, it must draw to its logical have come to naught. Awed by the pro Soviet Union in its true light of contrast this case should serve as a lesson to the ing the successes of socialist construc entire working class of America and According to well informed bourgeois of the working class, spect of a discontented mass slowly mortion in the with the miserable particularly the Negro workers, that it press circles, the dismissal of the cabinet arty, to the socialdemocratle and conclusion and pose the question of. trade union organizations for the imme. common struggle before the reformist have even gone so far as to mumble some conditions capitalism furnishes for the is only the Communists who will lead waplotted by military cliques with a diate formation of the proletarile ulted leaders as well as before the organize tions.
thing about federal reller. dole hitherto held taboo by the mas done all the more successfully by link fights. It should also serve as lesson forces. The new cabinet, headed by the front of direct struggle.
The German party has been prevented There can be no doubt that the work.
its example of successful socialist con America that no abstract struggle fotenant Colonel Von Papen, is a typical from taking this step all along by theers in the social democratic organiza The Central Issue: Unemployment The central problem created by the unemployment right here in the country. the south or any other place. The reactionary stripe. It has not the slight ism. by its Isolatlonist, ultimatum pol. the Communists against the Fascists, economic crisis, the problem of unemployof the est basis of parliamentary support and lay of the Red United Front under the against wage reductions, for the work The Demand for Long Term Credits formist and legalist betrayals ment looms up as the main, the only generally termed leadership of the Communist Party ers demands in the shops. If thelr colored gentlemen of the appears to be what By putting forward the demand of re lofter the oppressed Negro masses noth a stop gap government personally select. The diststrous experiences of the recent forceful action, the test must be put to honest desire is to be transformed into real issue of the current election cam cognition and long term credits to the ing but exploitation palgn. The plank writers and the key. Sortet Union, the party can teach the ed by the Prussian Feld Marshall, Prest elections have, however, awakened broad dent Von Hindenburg. It is generally sections of the membership to the isola the leaders whom they have given their noters of the bourgeois parties are all The struggle is not yet over. This par conceded that it is a temporary set uption and self obstruction resulting from mandate. Whether the leaders busybatching plans of how best to cover interests with the workers of Russlatial victory must be the harbinger of destined to a short lived existence. But the Stalintat policies. half turn in the accept or reject sincere united front the greater victories to come. The fight even this temporary existence is condt direction of the policy proposed by appeal from the Communists is immameasures that will not cost their clan The Soviet Union, occupled in the tre not yet over. There must be no lettion by toleration on the part of the comrade Trotsky and the Left Opposlterial. In any case, the workers in their very much. Wagner, Roosevelt, Garner needs credits from the government that are to be carried on until the nine be convoked shortly. The toleration leadership, we reported in the last natural leader, to the Comunist party in mendous task of building up its industry. down in the demonstrations and protesta Nazis in the Relchstag, which body is to tion has been forced upon the Thaelmann following will be drawn closer to thel of batsmen have included clauses dealing with which to buy machinery produced Negro boya are unconditionally released of the Pascists is openly avowed to be issue of The Militant. Rote Fahne, the the course of common action. Therein with this uestion in their speeches and Soviet Russia means work for to join us in the ranks of the workers based upon three conditions. First, that central organ of the wrote edit alone lies the solution for the workers proposals. It is their aim to strew and thousandlas notes une play of American. enough and in the eyes of the American workers. The slogan of long term credite emancipation of the black and white the shortest possible time. Secondly, elections: workers to keep them from finding the The decisive hour is very close. Ne that It raise the ban on the Nazl Storm The main thing now is to assemble time is to be lost. Not only the fate of the way to their class leader, to the Commun. to the Soviets as a measure of rellet workers as a class, for unemployment touches a vital ques. Troops, recently proscribed by ex Minis all the class forces of the proletarlat and German proletariat, the fate of the fort.
1st party.
The efforts of the capitalists to find a allows for excellent opportunities to character. We shall yet have occasion new emergency decrees which might against the capitalist dictatorship and working class is at stake. We warn tion of the American proletariat which shortcomings typical of their centristtor of the Interior, Groener. Thirdly, the working masses in the red unlted ress of the world revolution the Soviet the way out of the crisis have smashed up make the Cotomunlst program vivid bo to point them out and to offer our cor hinder the broad propaganda activities defeat Fascism.
International against the contradictions inherent witirto fore the masses. It is a slogan that must rections of them. Nevertheless, the Left of the Hitlerites. It is indlaputable that their system. Their Reconstruction Fin find a prominent place in the Commun. Opposition will campaign for the ticket We publish today at the head of our coming into power of Hitler will not con ance Corporation, their public Works Ist election campaign, together with the of the Communist party, for Foster and all these conditions will be fololled.
pana ceas have left the depression just demands for workers unemployment in Ford, with all the forces at its disposal.
newspaper the appeal of the and fine itself to the boundaries of Germany.
The call for new elections is inevitable, the o. Committee in which the It is the task of every Communist to as crave as ever. They have not contri surance and rellet, and for the stx hour wou support the workers party against slace, with the elimination of Braening party and the 1. Os express the strive with might and main that this buted one to workers, to ease the situation of the tollshop committee. mem SAM GORDON Ing masses. The profit system, the nyo inashe platform put forward by the Staling for, and by conducting, a genuine government with parlamentary support tünetlonaries and can be found. That the second demand tem of accumulating capital for the benewill be complied with is evident already fit of a restricted few brings with it an.
from the ruling of the Reich Supreme archy in the sphere of production. Goods, Court on the evidence submitted by the commodities are produced without considoration or respect to the needs of soc Prussian Ministry of Interior, gathered in its March raids on the Nazi head The Communist Party nomination con ment reflected itself so much upon the lety. Factories are built up to make New. were quarters. The ruling exonerates the vention, held at Chicago, May 29 30, met delegation that the speeches, from the are not sufficient markets. Products are very regular scandals in which muck elee Taxi Cab Corp. Oh, no! We must subversive activities and in this manner the power of penetration of the ideas of fler sounded one main tenor hunger. manufactured which the underpaid andraking. corruption, righteous Indignation not contradict man word sealed with prepares the lifting of the ban on the more than 120 were Negroes assembled more like just a gathering of unemployCommunism. 1, 200 delegates, of whom hunger, hunger. It thereby appeared unemployed wage slaves are unable to and outright eynichom are all mixed up the solemn oath of the law. Mr. Sisto. Storm Trooper purchase. Still, wages continue to be in a bottle labelled Tammany. After by his own frank admission, handed out The von Papen cabinet will easily at the People Auditorlum and confirmeded than a convention to take up seriouscut, still the backward countries that many months, in which time the lion of this money for no other reason than bisagree to the third conditions the party nomination of Foster and Ford ly the tasks of a Communist party in furnish the markets are hogged by the reform. Sam Seabury, has been decup deep admiration for the mayor! But which is apparent from its composition out any change and without any serious party leaders present, nor the platform well, and adopted the proposed platform with a parlamentary election. Neither the various imperialist nations. Capitalism led in cleaning up the shady places in is stifted by its own laws of production the city government, and unearthing the the mayor has more than one admirer Inted Right wing front before the foreigotion platform should be. Under the man procedure. While the and from the necessity to present a un discussion of what a Communistelee presented, made any exception to this and distribution, by its profit greed.
powers at the Lausanne conference.
tin boxes where the custodians of the elty of New York.
All attempts at national solutions city affairs deposit their somewhat doubtplatform to Samuel Ungerleider, a well known stock ner of procedure pursued nothing else which we shall return later does erThe Junker government is, therefore, could be expected.
buck up against the international trade tul earnings, last week, the dapper night broker testified before the Hofstadter the direct harbinger of Fascist rule in pose the proposed capitalist way out of barriers. The markets, the colonial club mayor of beer parade fame was committee that he purchased 1, 000 sbares Germany. It is the government not mere Yet the outstanding fact advancing to the crisis and gummons the working countries, the fields of imperialist oz. put on the witness stand to answer for of stock from Walker agent, Sherwood. of the preparation, but of the most im the forefront. by virtue of the convenclass to fight against the capitalist of: ploltation have long ago been divided up some pecullar items on his bank account who has mysteriously disappeared, for mediate organization of the National Sotion held, is, that Communism is becom fensive and ita war preparations. It among the robber capitalist nations.
War, war for markets and profits faces Nobody was very much startled by stock at the time was 20, 000. We pre Jubilant everywhere. Forgotten are the sm even within its own stronghold. Ink in the struggle for the immediate the crisis ridden capitallet world. Seabury revelations concerning the sume that this 30, 000 donation was bitter hostilities between their chlet and The sentiment of the delegates therefore demands contained and the inevitable The Communist Tak In the Elections bribes and gila received by Walker in slven out of similar considerations of the old Fleld Marshall in the recent pre runs naturally and unanimously in the revolutionary objective which the com These are the conditions under which the course of his glamorous tenure of esteem to those that prompted Mr. Sisto, sidential elections. Cries of Hall, Hindirection of building this challenge in munist party must set out clearly both with cries of Hall to a real power, during and after election campaigns.
ing the election ight. Although we greet seems to have grown apathette to them. Ungerlelder said, he could make no mitleri in the demonstrations. Dede But otherwise the pressure It is therefore not to be wondered at of the that about the only criticism and conthe serious attempt of the Nominating doings and undoings of Tammany. The (Continued on page 2)
Angriff, the Berlin organ of the Brown economic crisis and its mass unemploy.
Convention to draw the Communist party prevailing sentiment can be summed up Crete proposals made at the convention as a real factor into the political life in the following words: If Jimmy were, one advanced by the spokesman o the war veterans for incorporation into with the general methods with which the power to him. If were in ble place of the country, we cannot but disagree smart enough to get the boodle, more the platform of the questionable demand for the soldiers bonus, and another adparty leadership to proceeding to do this. d do the same. Nevertheless, with all In the first place, the Stalinist leader the recent talk about balancing the budvanced by delegate Alexander of New Prieto.
ship presents the election campaign uret, efficient government, city planning.
tionists, in slandering comrade Trotsky, Yark proposing to incorporate into the struggle for immediate demands, or etc. it is interesting to recount some Andres Nin Arrested Our comrades were arrested while post the and its press are in the platform the demand for expulsion of us the platform puts it, to gain con of the adventures of James Walker.
ing bills announcing the reappearance of first rank, but in alding Oppositionists the Japanese Imperialist agent (the amin Barcelona cessions now from the capitalist parties We all remember the regal style in the weekly newspaper of the Spanish struck down by the bourgeoisie they do bassador) from this country. The latter Opposition El Soviet The Spanish bour not raise a finger. Comrades! Have you proposal brought down the house in ap We reject this conception as thorough which Walker cruised the Atlantic, comBULLETIN geolsle 18 not deceived or misled by the ever read an article in the Labor De plause, but it did not thank the Lordly opportunist. For Bolsheviks, for rev. fortably ensconced in the imperial suite In the wave of arrests that is olutionists, the election struggle is in of the Berengaria. For tripe to odlous calumnies of the Stalinites in fender where they protest against the ind its way into the platform. Neither sweeping Spain to day, comrade Spain and elsewhere. The Spanish Lett terror which is visited upon Opposition did the former proposal, but it neverthethe main a means of educating the work Europe other sources of income than the Andres Nin, leader of the Spanish ers of the country on the Communist pro meagre 40, 000 per annum, which is the Communists are in the first line trenches ists in China, in Indio China, in Greece, less became embodied into special re Left Opposition and well known of the struggle for the unity of the Com in Bulgaria, in Spain, etc. No, you have solution and thus remained an official gram and its final alm. Immediate de Mayor salary, are required. But the Communist has been arrested along munist party against the bourgeoisle; the only read shameful calumnies against act of the convention.
mands are for us by products of the resourceful Jimmy had no trouble in with twenty other Oppositionists in democratic reaction is trying to crush the Trotskyltea.
It is not at all strange elther that struggle, they are important only in so finding these. It appears that the Equitrald the police made on the of its action by arresting its militants in far as they constitute stepping stones able Coach Company wanted a franchise convention speaker fices of El Sovjet, our official or order to prevent the appearance of its deserted our comrades but we appeal tol kould repeat, following the example of The Spanish section of the has practically every to the ultimate ends of our Alght, only to run buses on the streets of New York.
gan in Spain. With strikes spread paper etc. It will not succeed.
In so far as they demonstrate our readi Jimmp wanted a trip to Europe two Defense the keynoter, that the Communist elec ing like wildfre throughout the ness to Alght together with the rest of and two makes four. On August 9, 1927 Although our comrades were seriously and we ask of it: what are you doing tion campaign must have as its basis the length and breadth of Spain the 1, they were detained for three days to arouse the proletariat against the united front of all workers. This, how the working class at each step in ita Walker algned the bill for the franchise government wants to recapitate the political development.
On August 10, he left for Europe with a in a very damp dungeon, held Incom. terror which obtains against all the vicever, is an uside down approach to the movement by terrorizing its most municado without lights, no beds, no tims of the class struggle? Why do you to be serious, can mean only unity of In utilizing the election campaign for 10, 000 letter of credit made out in his conscious speerhead which to the food. Eugenio Fernandez had a fever of hesitate to speak in your organs of the varlous workers organizations, regardless revolutionary ends, it is absolutely ename and backed up with the cash sup surprise and dismay of the Stalinsential to put forward the slogan of the plled by Allen Smith, political con.
ites turns out to be the Left Op mand for a visit by a physician none imprisonment of our comrades, Lacroix of political or ideological influence by Soviet United States of America, position.
came. Not the least protection was given Spanish Communism?
fighters of which they may be dominated, for er slogan of the Proletarian Dictatorship and bustle of New York, as can be seen, them against the bitter cold. Afterwards, tain specific objects, at first of necessity The propaganda of the party, ita main allows no time for procrastination.
our comrades were isolated and separated. Oppositionists, the ranks for the de elemntary in character. Communtat task in the campaign, must revolve The exploits of our good mayor, how Once more we receive the news from In actuality they are held in prison with tense of our around an explanation of this slogan, ever, do not end with his European voy Madrid that our comrade Henri Lacroix, out even being indicted. This is the be unite te prisobed comrades must election campaign, on the other hand, to embrace all Communists! must be conducted specifically under the glving it concrete content as the work age. It appears that a certain Mr. Sisto, an indefatigable Ighter, has been arrested treatment the bourgeisle hands out to the banner of the Communist party asking ers way out of the cries which the a tard cab financier, presented Walker again on May. together with comrades counter revolutionary Trotskyites.
After the temporary lull which has the working class support to advance Communists oppose to the solution of with a small gift of 20, 636 worth of Alberto and Eugenlo Fernandez by the And what is the International Red and followed upon the turbulent events in the objects of Communism.
the capitalist Increased wagel cuts and bonds. Why? Because his interelta Civil Guards of Messrs. Caballero and doing? Nothing! In fosulting Opposi. Continued on page Continued on page 2)
The Nominating Convention at Chicago Mr. Seabury «Exposes. Tammany Walker Government Repression in Spain Hits Left Opposition