AnarchismAndrés NinBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxismNational LiberationRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Half. Turn in the German Party els mortul enemies of Heller tasca The Conference of the Spanish Opposition the Socialist Labor Party (the rect. Only we permit ourselves to point While we are in sharpest struggle bres of the into complete ones national Left Opposi Trotsky and Brandler; or Lovestone and Principles workers movement.
One need not be surprised if the catas reason for this turn. which puzzled so tions the German revolution is condemned 1926 Trotsky sought to make a Lovetion is no longer a nucleus of isolated will do everything with the help of proAlthough the special edition of the taken as reflecting the official views of, is forced (editorial of April 26th) to its way to goverament power, in order to Rote Fahne of Monday, April 25, 1932 decisive Comintern circles.
The political write: The National Conference of the Span. movement in our country.
confined itself merely to publishing Sunday election results, and similarly the election permit clear recognition of the all the class forces of the proletariat and The results of the Prussian Landtas The main thing now is to assemble advance of the working class to give ish Left Opposition was recently held at stupidity of the official party, the irreit a decisive blow Madrid. Comrades from all parts of the sponsibility of its leaders typical proTuesday number of the also repeculiar situation in which Germany now the working masses in the red united These are only the first step on the country were represented, reporting or ducts of Stalinism which has caused so corded in a leading article only the bare finds itself, and how in the face of the front and again go into an offensive way which the Left Opposition advocated canizational and ideological progress in much ruin in the international revoluresults without commenting on meaning, the official Communist press has Social Democrats have succeeded thus extremely sharp, industrial crisis the against the capitalist dictatorship and for a long time. Until now we have come every locality. Theses for future worktionary movement, had discredited even words, only appeals. Real actions must expand the activities of the Spanish of the working masses. The Workers received the task of setting down the come drawing away the attention of the masses We publish today at the head of our collow. The must have a rev section of the Lett Opposition. Among and Peasants Bloc, the birth of which pleasant, the defeats and their scope. from direct open struggle against capital newspaper the appeal of the and olutionary prospective. It was defeated these tho Irenewed publication of Ei is due principally to the profound misThis has been done in the Welteam ism and directing it to the peace of Ver the Committee in which the only because it had none. The problems Soviet, the weekly organ, is being plan takes of the parts and the International. of we the following: cite in sailles, the national yoke weighing down party and the express their of the day must be posed concretely. We ned at Barcelona. detailed report of had transformed itself into an opportunGermany and using this for the streng willingness to join with all lower union must force on the social democracy the the conference is forthcoming. The arist organization, typically petty bourgeois If we compare yesterday Landtasthening of their dictatorship. Herein functionaries and shop committee mem bloc against fascism. This is the les ticle below is a message from comrade whith constitutes a big obstacle, with its elections in Prussia with the last Landtag is the peculiarity of present political bers, with all organizations which wish son from the Prussian election.
Andres Nin, one of the leaders of the lunato confusionism, to the developinent elections in 1928, it appears that the developments in Germany as clearly in to fight honestly against reduction in Communists have won nearly 600, 000 dicated in the last elections. From wages, to carry through common meas Leninist united front policy and urge We greet every step on the road to a Spanish Left Opposition.
of a strong communist movement in Catalonia. Finally, anarcho syndicalism, votes. The Social Democrats have lost Pravda the Editor. ures for the struggle for workers deall party members to turn the half measapproximately 800, 000 votes while When, in June of last year, we came thanks to the impotence and Incapability The portrayal of the situation is cor mands in the shops.
together as the followers of the Inter of the Communist organization, had been in Spain, we able to exercise an enormous influence could scrape painfully together about out that the diverting action of the Ger against the government of Braun sever Party members demand that words and constituted not more than a small group over the broad masses of the proletariat.
80, 000 votes (and not one mandate. The man bourgeoisie was assisted by the na ing, against the policy of emergency appeals be followed by real actions.
bourgeois parties from the State Party tional and social liberation program of measures dietatorship and their clearing!
of militants ready to fight enthusiastical The Opposition had to start an ex PERMANENTE REVOLUTION.
to the German Peoples Party are nearly the for which the 18 ly for the creation of a real Communist tremely difficult fight on these three fronts. For this fight it was not equip wiped out. The German Nationalists also answernble. It would be correct ped with more than a monthly theoretihave suffered the loss of more than halt now, since the consequences are ready cal magazine of a very small circulatheir votes, over 1 millions; yet it to one hand to grasp to finally wind tion and the ardent enthusiasm of the is clear that they have emerged from up this liberation program wide of handful of Spanish Oppositionists. The their retrograde movement. The Centrists the mark! After Pravda records for Under wort around half a million votes. The ther on what the did not at Principle. the current numbers of the session to the central comment le the 1923, he understovd his lack of capacity. fingers of one hand. The material re National to Trotsky, before leaving In tically their entire mass following in the out, it recommends: carry Workers Ager drops another stink bomb September 1923 Plenum, that is, a month He himself told repeatedly that he sources were very limited. The point of period since 1928. as the comparison in.
in its recently revived campaign against before the decisive October days in Ger was unable to find himself again in a view of the Left Opposition was unknown The Communist Party will draw the Trotskyism in general and comrade many. made a speech which greatly revolutionary situation. Yet, after he to the big majority of the workers.
dicates. They have become by far the conclusion from this election that with Trotsky in particular. After a lengthy excited all the Central Committee mem had missed the situation, he became ex. In spite of all this, the results ob. If we compare yesterday Landtag for mass struggle against the capitalist the last half a dozen numbers of the the leadership of the German commun me of pessimism. He looked upon 1994 surpassed all our hopes. The National all its power it must improve its work period of silence about the Opposition, bers. He declared in this speech that codingly haughty. He began to accuse tained in the ten months of struggle have elections with the last parliamentary offensive, against the fascist assaults, Lovestone sheet have devoted not a few ist Party is worthless and the Central with lots of optimism. Then under Conference, recently held in Madrid has peara even more unfavorable for the cial and national liberation of the Ger campaign in which they must be acknow. by permeated with fatalism and sleepy to distinguish the face of the revolution achieved in less than a year. The balThe Communists man people.
ledged specialists, as people trained headedness, etc. Comrade Trotsky de from its rear.
lost more than 300, 000 votos. So also for just that kind of activity. The clared further that under these condi Finally, Lovestone assertion that in couraging. The Communist Left Opposi.
did the Social Democrats. These more trophie policy become even more coarse, thentic00, obe Communist and sociandem. as in the following paragraph which the many people for a while, bas of course to failure. This speech produced an stonean horse trade with Brandler where. Contautists ht werden en Pout he real ocratic votes must have gone principal. actually underscores heavily shows now become quite clear. The campaign astounding impression.
ly to the Nazis. Let this be clearly by the latter support to the Opposition Communist movement, with branches in stated not to discourage but to spur on There is no occasion to believe that coincided with the negotiations they Bloe was to be bought by an unprincipled every part of the country, altre, active, This citation alone would suffice to rea return to the white washing of the Brandlerists we working class and to its struggles. The to sharpest struggle against the visible the present retardation of the growth of bosom of Stalinism, and was manifestly Lovestore shndbikeander thee myth wing can confidently brand as lie which danger of the Opposition becoming trans.
danger. Since the parliamentary elee the revolutionary forces of the German calculated to impreas upon the party Lovestone and Brandter are now tryine Lovestone cannot begin to prove by formed into a circle of critics, into a tions the Contrists have won more than proletariat will last very long. The leaders the fact that, at least when it to create. But there is more. Lovestone authentic material.
800, 000 votes, mainly from bourgeois lID. whole situation shows that a new turn comes to calumniating the Left Opposi is quite well aware of the series of arsterile sect, into a ready refuge for the Lovestone and Brandler eral circles. The so called borgeois part of the broad masses to the Communist tion and pegging mud at it, the Love ticles written by comrade Trotsky in laxy. the cowards and the disillusioned les of the middle as well as those of Party is possible very quickly. The stoneites take second place behind no 1923, before the October days, in which But since Lovestone has made bold to has been victoriously overcome. The the right are in a dying state as devel. Communists must summon forth all their body. With the zeal of a Lodovico be he dealt with the problems of the im. speak Ushtly of poltical trlekers, un best, the most conscious, the most selfopments since Sept. 1930 indicate even power to hasten this turn. From fore the doubting Borgia. Have not pending German revolution. In the principledness and intrigue that is, of sacrificing fighting militants have joined more strikingly than before. The Ger. Pravda. stabbed men from behind? And poisoned were already outlined those critical views qualities which have become so insepar our ranks. Today the Communtst Left man Nationalis have lost a total of So: not the Party but rather the mass water in the fountains? And mixed fatal which the of the Russian and able from his own name to everybody tion is really the guard of the 400. 000 Totes while they had previously es must make a turn. The sole logic drugs in wine horns? Let me but try, German party leaders later justified with who know anything about the past of vanguard of the Spanish proletariat.
The National Conference has given a relations to program, a tactic and a structure to our Finally the National Socialists have ston, since accordingly the e. been engaged in proving their skill at was this true with regard to his article a little into Lovestone doubled their vote since the last parlia should hold fact to its previous ine: the game of anti Trotskyism to their Is It Possible to Fix the Date of the Brandler.
movement. The Communist Left Opposimentary elections.
Insurrection? which encountered the But the height of confusion is reached prospective Comintern bosses.
The Lovestone who defends Brandler tion has clearly showed the way for the If, finally, we compare the results by the Pravda in the following lines: An Expert on Principle charge of Blanquism and general op with such affecting ardor was for years Spanish working class to follow and has of the Prussian Landtag elections with nosition not only from the Rights in the in the vanguard of precisely that fac constructed the basis upon which a big Further the danger becomes stronger those the presidential clection a camThe latest Right wing effusion deals German and Russian parties, but evention in the International which (unlike Communist movement will develop in parison which must be made with caufortify their election success by force in and principle. Lovestone is expert on made virtually the same arguments ad Thalheimer the solitary scapegoats for The Communist Left Opposition has that the German fascists will seek to with comrade Trotsky, the Brandlerites from the ultra Leftists a la Maslov, who Trotsky) did try to make Brandler and our country.
tion since the presidential election 19 order to throw aside the obstacles to all three matters, especially on the last vanced by the Menshevik Martinov be the October 1923 defeat. Was it not Love made a big step forward.
Now more of different character it immediately quick, open dictatorship. In the strugnamed, for few people in the Comintern for the December 1906 uprising in stone (or was it Wolfe? Or Roy? No than ever before, we are firmly convinced becomes clear for the proletarian move gle against the carrying through of have Juggled more successfully with the Moscow when the same question ment that the Communists have partially Fascist dictatorship the Communist Party word than he. In his latest piece, he posed by Lenin.
was matter. who denounced the Trotsky that the road taken by us has been conregained the great losses suffered in the of Germany does not identify indeed the sets about, in the interests of truth, to ists for their alliance with Brand firmed as correct and that only the Opsecond presidential election, although National Socialists with the Social Dem reveal that nothing is more threadbare, lerism? Let us not merely make charges position is the heir to the traditions of Trotsky on Brandler they did not reach the first presidential ocrats, although the latter as well as the nothing is more fraudulent than the manbut quote from documents. In his Pages revolutionary Marxism, the faithful exFurther: Lovestone asserts that in the from Party History. written on the eve ecutor of the work of the International What the heart of the political and former, even if with different methods, tle of stern principle with which D. January 1924 theses of Trotsky, Radek of the 1929 party convention, Lovestone of Lenin and Trotsky, capable of forging the weapon which the Spanish proletarIndustriale of Germany, Greater Ber Communist Party makes use of those dit. What has happened to this unbending of hte Brandler Central Committee were lin, decided in yesterday elections, te feroces that exist between these two pillar of political roetitude? Even Stachel thoroughly justified. Nothing of the policy in the struggle against Brandler the bourgeoisle: a big Communist party. Our party has pursued an energetic lat needs in order to obtain victory over tion it must be set down that in Berlin oranizations of the bourgeatsie, even can learn from him in political trickery, sort is true or possible. Comrade Trot and Thalheimer and other Right wingers The progress achieved in the last ten also the Communists lost 90, 000 votes and do not spring from decisive differ if their differences of opinion are small unprincipledness and intrigue. sky position after the capitulation in and conciliators in the German party. In montis, in spite of our meagre material since the parliamentary elections while ences in nature The basis for this delicate piece of Germany was clearly established in his the fifth Plenum of the Comintern, the resources and with the enormous difthe Social Democrats gained nearly vilification is a number of facts which The Lessons of October. which evoked comrades representing the viewpoint now ficulties under which we have been fight60, 000.
The line of the a diver Lovestone presents in defense of Brandler a rabid campaign against him, not so held by the majority of the party were ing, is the surest guarantee of the sucEven the most malevolent burocrat sence of opinion with that of the Pravda and Co to prove that Trotsky created much because of his criticism of the Ger amongst the most aggressive in the cess which the future has in store for would not suspect the Welt am Abend tional and social liberation program is the only after he had failed to win cause of his criticism of the Russian Bubnik and the Trotskyist deviators But we do not know how much time of Trotskyist slanders. The facts re to stand fast and wait for a turn of them for his faction by offering them party leadership which was mainly re from the Leninist line.
is left to us by history in the excepvented by the Prussian Landtag elections the masses And, as the last citation various bribes promises to whitewash sponsible for the calamity October.
are really staggering. For instance, the informs us, the Theory of social Fase the Brandlerists for their conduct in the The manner in which Trotsky Justified after his expulsion from the party, Love We must redouble our efforts, intensity In his Appeal to the Comintern :today. We have not a moment to lose.
tional circumstances in which we live Social Democrats have won back 60, 000 ism is right, but in the struggle against German October (1923. Since the (and thoroughly. at that. the Brandstone fulminated indignantly against any the time of the sharpest emergency detatorship one cannot consider as idenent part in the struggle to discredit and stonean revelations today, for public So work, consecrate all our energy to the sponsible, while the has lost though both bring about the Fascist die our while to expose this new myth.
90, 000 votes. In Hamburg the Party lost tatorship. Higher than this they cannot years ago, imali letter to Souvarine which dragon of political trickery, this gentle in order to make the proletariat mitha nearly 50, 000 votes as compared with go! That a correct change is Lovestone, who knows better, now pre he made public. Trotsky wrote: St. Francis who abhors intrigue, wrote: 1931, the gained 12, 000 votes made by the need not be these overtures by Brandler. Trotsky German revolution to be tends that only after the rejection of After the frightful collapse of the We do not believe that the Commun ANDRES NIN.
From first place in Berlin the Communist awaited going by the lead of the Pravda. made a right about face and began a ler a qualified protection; declared it fraudulent accusation (as we see fraud.
1923, gave Brandlat International will be fooled by the Party slid down to third. In the most a The complete change that the situa venomous attack upon him and his polo undeserved to put him up as the scape ulent is not a new term with Love about the need of combatting Brandler When did Lovestone change his mind similar backsliding of Communist voters. tion demands will be undertaken only itical associateated the wastest that start cout when the responsibility for the stone s) oft Bedacht against comrades as out Right winger why did Lbrestone Only in the south of Germany and as under the pressure of the masses of ber legend.
that he originated the notorious Octo catastrophe in Germany lay with the Gitlow, Lovestono, Wolfe, that they pro change his mind? Just when and why pecially in agrarian Bavaria, all the party members. Under the pressure of Zinoviev Stalin leadership of the Composed to establish relations with Brand aid he establish connections with BrandParty show gains. The Nazis emerged events and party moods, the of the In other words, Lovestone, who is intern as a whole. reached a negativeller and Thalheimer. The party records ler. What explanation has he ever from the elections as the most powerful has already taken some stepe, simply trying to present Trotsky as he estimation of Brandler only when be will show that it was over the protests given for the change? We do not know party and their vote indicates that the they, however, are only the initial ones, Lovestone, would have acted under the came convinced that he did not for all of both Bedacht and Foster that the and we confess to being little concerned.
Fascist tide is far from being stemmed. others must follow.
circumstances, accuses him of having single moment want to, nor could be first resolution against Brandler and Lovestone, who worships principle and It should be clear now to every party In its appeal of April 26th the invented his criticism of Brandler not learn from the great events. His retro Thalheimer was adopted by the Amer recoils from intrigue and trickery (as is comrade to what a pass the Party has makes the statement: We are ready to on the basis of Brandler actual position spective estimation of the German situa ican Political Committee. Furthermore well known. is the sort of politician who mann Remmele Neumann. Through the organization of the workers that is ac. Trotsky had failed to make a factional icism that the Mensheviks developed on to comrades Gitlow, Lovestone and Wolfe espression of the Right wing one day.
events of the recent weeks and months tually willing to fight against reductiong any of him. Unfortunately for this the 1905 revolution in the years of the to establish connections with Brandler as ultra Leftism the next day, and as the criticism of the Left Opposition has in wages and the dole. Well said: ready legend, incontrovertible evidence exista reaction. April 25, 1929. and to keep a permanent representative anything else you please the day after.
That there, was justification for this in Berlin, This was instantly rejected Yesterday, Brandler was one of his fav.
such as could not possibly have been common struggle, so it goes today. Only actually was before the catastrophic re refusal, as far back as 1924, to make by the comrades and it comes with bad orile targets for the same vile slanders looked for so quickly and so extensively. a few weeks previously Muenzenberg results of Brandler policy (that is, o Brandler a scapegoat and the insistence grace from Bedacht to try to ascribe he now hurls at Trotsky; today, he has The critical, decisive phase of the strug viled this idea glo is reached as we predicted in the the Left Opposition as upon placing the responsibility where it his proposals to others. When he is really given Brandler that white washing comrade Trotsky and were fully clear. In the Material on last issue of the Within the Party revolutionary fascistic. Today the ist Party, January 1924, it says: being counter the Conference of the Russian Commun 1926 when Zinoviey made public a letter well for him to confess his own errors sky was ready to give him; tomorrow, it belonged, was adequately revealed in making his confessionals, it would be which he dishonestly alleges that Trotthe dissatisfaction of its members has sent him and Bucharin by Stalin, in in place of ascribing them to others who he is called upon to do so, he will reassumed such an extent and character which the latter had urged in 1923 that did not share them.
discover that Brandier, after all, always that the leadership is forced to a more the German Communists be restrained Isn this a gem of the purest water was an agent of the bourgeoiste.
or less radical turn. This turn stands and not spurred on and that the Fase Lovestone was then still peddling the Just think of it; for years this man on the order of the day. That this is ists be allowed to come to power first real October legend, that is, the legend was the leader of the American party, clear to the is indicated by the There is no doubt that Trotsky made that Brandler and Thalheimer alone were and one of the leaders of the Comintern!
appeal of the and the to Make use of the combined Sub rate of 00 for a year Sub to THE an effort, in 1924, to persuade Brandler responsible for the October disaster. He SHACHTMAN.
all German workers published on the MILITANT and YOUNG SPARTACUS.
of the falsity of his position not only in was then calling upon all true believers first page of the of April 26th. Make use of the literature premiums: free paper bound copy of the the October days, when the revolution to spurn the Brandlerist, Bedacht, and BOUND VOLUMES OF THE The turn stands on the order of the Permanent Revolution with a one year Sub to THE MILITANT (Does not was there and Brandler falled to see it, to join with the genuine anti Brandlerist, MILITANT FOR SALE day, yes, it is already in process. The apply to combined rates. a free copy of the Strategy of the World Revolu but of his position after the defeat, when Lovestone. And when this paragon of limited number of bound volumes of most important thing is however, what tion with each half year Sub; a free copy of a 10 cents pamphlet with Brandler did see it after it had al virtue had lined up his followers on an The Militant are now ready for sale.
changes is the Party capable of bringing each trial Sub of 13 issues.
ready slipped into the past. But this anti Brandler platform, he proceeded by They include seventy two issues rom about! Never before has a political ac Don forget our special offer of issues for 25 cents good only during was known before Lovestone revela painless degrees to lead them on to the Vol. 1, No. to Vol. 4, No. 12 the last tion of such significance to the Party as the drive.
tions. and known without his base in pro Brandler platform which he defends issue of the olr format.
well as to the Comintern, been taken preparing terpretations. In a letter published by today. It is quite evident now that they are indispensable in without a clear statement by the as to its position. Such a stateState.
Trotsky, dated June 12, 1929, he relates Lovestone is just the man chosen by God, for lectures, debates, discussions, etc.
Sent in by Branch ment has not appeared altho the not for the first time) that he did not nature and history to denounce Trotsky Orders will be filled in the order in which they are received. Checks or of April 27th published a leading editor.
come to this annihilating conclusion at for unprincipledness, political intrigue money order must accompany the orders, lal from the Pravda which must Price: 00 be had rather hoped that and trickery.
In Berlin since 1930, which means since the carrying through of the Fascist dietion of myths has played such a promin. ler group, is not the subject for Love charges of alliance with Brandler. Onl our propaganda and our organizational he crea crees for which they are also fully re tical social democrats and Nazis, al crush the Left Opposition, it is worth documents exist on the matter. Three May 14, 19:29, this Galahad of purity in immense task we have started to solve Get a Sub!
Address Name City one stroke.