BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEngelsFascismGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1932 so utrata to seat the delegate of the Left The Bosses Tax Problem and the Workers LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS paper PAGE tionary workers. That is why they were perialists to retrench order to produce cheaper commodities to enable her to Opposition defeat the competitors on the world mar. DELEGATE FROM THE ket. For the last three years an intense WORKMEN CIRCLE retrenchment through discharge and The bosses have tried every imagines and will enter the campaign to respeed up of the remaining workers has NEW YORK, NY ing election campaign, which will, acNow they hope to find a lever to raise piling upon our shoulders. We did not been the result. Now the third year finds the capitalist class endeavoring to cut Have you ever witnessed an election cording to him, be epochmaking for the We their profits by lowering taxes. The say that workers do not pay taxes.
down in other fields. Their office boys conference of a labor political organiza Communist movement in the The BOOKS BY TROTSKY campaign to lower taxes has swept the say the workers have no interest in help are due for a cut too. The campaign tion consisting of 655 delegates represent speaker wound up with the very revDRAFT PROGRAM OF THE bourgeois world like wildfire. Through ing the bosses cheapen their government against the workers will not decrease by ing 300 organizations, that endorses un olutionary slogan of a Workers and COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL every avenue at their command the cap What the workers pay as taxes is only this move. On the contrary, the care animously every proposition and a poll Peasants. pardon. Farmers Govern. Criticism of Fundamentals italists and the landlords are clamoring a small part of the funds collected for paign against the workers takes on new tical platform put before them without ment for the Part and 140 pages.
even a semblance of discussion? This is The resolutions committee followed for economy in government. They want taxes. It is not the task of the workers forms and more intense forms. The (Out of Print in paper cover)
cloth bound 00 cheap government and the support of and our party to fight for cheaper sor cheapening of the government is only Coen in elke beste tione conference held last imperialiste war and did not forget to the working class to force a curtallment ernment. The tax question enters in another way of saying cut the workers THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION of expenses.
our problems, in the class struggle, as an wages. Contracts Sunday at Manhattan Lyecum. Whether warn everybody to be on guard against City, State, and Gov.
158 pages paper cover 50c Chicago and the other leading cities auxiliary problem on which we will ernment jobs ride roughshod orer the the magic personality the great Amter the internal enemies the Trotskyites cloth cover 00 are bankrupt, the national government speak later. For the sake of argument, union wages and The STRATEGY OF THE WOKLD union hours.
and his wonderful oratorial talent held and the Lovestoneltes (a violation in the is running in red at the rate of seven suppose all the taxes were shifted to workers must help cheapen the govern.
them spellbound, or whether the present orthodox Stalinist liturgy was noticeable REVOLUTION million a day. Congress is struggling to the workers, on our cost of living. The ment! Join the campaign and take a leadership of the Stalinist school has the Trotskyites were not dubbed this Part of the Draft Program 86 pages 25c make a two and a halt billion income capitalist economists tell us that taxes wage cut?
found the secret of writing a political time: the vanguard of the counter rev.
The Federal employes just platform with such precision and crystal olutionary bourgeoisie. PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPmeet a four and two thirds billion ex amount to ten per cent of the cost of had a cut.
pense for 1982. The capitalists say the living? What if we would help the bosses clarity that it is enough to hear it read MENT OF THE The Socialists are out for cheap The chairman then opened the floor for to become convinced, do not know. discussion, but none of the delegates government bureaucracy is excessive and reduces this to five per cent of the cost of 48 pages 150 still there are some sceptics in this sin seemed to care to speak. The chairman THE SPANISH REVoron the increase of the cost of government living. The fall of the cost of living by government and in Milwaukee they have has kept far ahead of the increase of five per cent would be a signal for the proven their ability. They have proven ful world who don believe it possible had to appeal to someone to break the 30 pages paper cover 100 and who venture to say that this factice. One of the functionaries of the THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN wealth. However a comparison of value bosses to reduce wages from ten per to the capitalist they can be a cheaper only demonstrates what Stalinism has United Front Committee in the needle DANGER produced in America with other indus cent upwards. Wages always fall faster office boy than those of the undisguised done to the movement. It either para trades took the floor finally and deliver 64 pages paper cover 15e trial countries and the taxes paid will than the cost of living and always rise capitalist parties. The capitalists are lyzed the minds of the delegates and ed a harangue against capitalism and COMMUNISM AND SYNDICAL show that the British, German and other slower that the cost of living and wages cheapening their government and increascapitalists pay far in excess the taxes only rise, no matter how the cost of working class. Are we to help the cap made them incapable of thinking or else the social Fascists. Then the stampede ISM living goes up, providing our class fights Italists make a cheap government to supterroized some of them to such an extent of the parrots began. Not a single dele 64 pages the American capitalists pay.
paper cover 150 that they did not dare to question any gate had any criticism whatsoever to THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST The cost of the American government, for more real wages.
class press the workers? Smash strikes by a thing.
make on the platform while the present INTERNATIONAL AND THE national, amounts to It is futile to point our main city, state and GERMAN SITUATION twelve billion a year and the total in guns at The above occurrence would have been writer remained there.
he point of consumption, at the cheap government? Deport the foreign After left, met some of the deleimpossible under Leninist leadership. (out of print)
100 debtedness of the government is thirty bil, cost of living, etc. Our main struggle born at less cost? Legally lynch the lion with the Federal government hold must be at the point of production. The the workers and Communists, bullets in.
Negro in a more economical way. Give whole day, perhaps, would have been antes, members of party, and they WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND wasted and paper, ink, labor, spont Just boasted that only one delegate, repre THE FIVE YEAR PLAN ing sixteen billion of this debt. All sectax question enters into the struggle as to discuss, write and correct resolu senting the Communist League of Amer. 48 pages paper cover 100 tions of the capitalists are hit by the an auxiliary problem. However, no et stead of bread. It is all cheaper. Such is the campaign for cheap government.
tions and propositions that would have ica (Opposition) was not seated. When GERMANY. THE KEY TO THE deepening crisis and each section is try emy is defeated by concentrating forces wo come from the delegates. But not under asked how they explain the fact that the INTERNATIONAL SITUATION ing to shift the burden to the other see in auxiliary struggles. We participate would a same worker take part in such the efficient and impeccable leadership, same credentials committee seated dele. SHALL FASCISM REALLY tions and all are trying to shift the in elections but do not advocate parlia came?
Each year the government spends over of the Stalin crew.
gates from such manifestly Fascist and BE VICTORIOUS?
burden to the workers. As far as the mentary action like the Second Internabillion dollars to pay interest and reThe conference started with the usual social Fascist organizations as the 48 pages paper cover 100 crisis is concerned, the capitalists are tional. It is only an auxiliary for our steam roller mode of procedure carried of and the Workmen Circle and HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN constantly shifting the burden (unem class struggle. The tax question under tire debts from the last war and each out so that it would have made a III refused to seat a representative of a REVOLUTION Vol. ployment, wage cuts) to the workers special consideration must also be on year they spend about a billion dollars man, a Schlesinger or even a Kaufman Communist organization, some of them 522 pages Retail at but their attempt to shift the tax burden our agenda depending upon conditions. to prepare for the next war. billion blush. And it was made in such a cross admitted that they cannot understand By Special arrangements with the to the workers will not succeed. Each Intation, price rise and taxes are used for the last war and a billion for the manner that even a nitwit could see that afid that if somebody from among publishers of this book we can section of capitalist robbers in attempt by the bosses at certain times to reduce coming war each year. Do they mean through all the machinations. the delegates had objected to the recom offer it to certificate holders at ing to shift the tax burien to the other the standard of living by indirect wage cheaper government in this senso? or course not. The capitalists have no inThe Daily Worker Informs us that the mendation of the credentials committee, THE REAL SITUATION IN sections of their class is endeavoring to cuts.
line up the workers on their side.
tention of reducing military We must be prepared for such moves, RUSSIA expenses.
comrade who opened the mooting was they surely would have supported him.
Stevens, District Election Campaign in reply to the question why he doesn 364 pages cloth cover 00 The recent attempt to put through the but the present campaign to reduce ex They tell us government expenses must come down but know the capitalists Manager. After delivering a brief ora take the floor, one of the delegates said SINCE LENIN DIED sales tax in the form presented to the penses of government is aimed at some system is built upon waste. The capitaltion, he turned the chair over to comrade person has got to be crazy ora by Max Eastman House of Representatives was an at thing far more important for the capitalist mode of production is so organized Steuben, read of the names of a comit martyr. Besides don want to serve as 158 pages paper cover 50c tempt to shift the tax burden to the 1st class. Even when we have inflation, that billions of dollars worth of the nectee and of the presidium. Before he was a target for the bureaucrats. would (out of print)
petty bourgeoisie. The small capitalist rise in prices or tax shifting in sections eesitles lite are destroyed cach year was able to rally suficient forces to we do not aim our class guns at the white millions go without necessities.
even through reading of the names, they also like to see how far this self critic In Preparation already appeared on the platform (Theism will lead.
PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE throw the bill back and now they are point of consumption to remedy this proCapitalism in America has a tremenDaily Worker writes that the presidium The bureaucrats must have heaved a fighting to see who will pay the increased blem. We strike at the more vital points dous surplus means of production and REVOLUTION 400 pages cloth cover 50 was elected well, that is the strange sigh of relief at the end of the conference.
taxes. The different sections of capital in the capitalist defense.
consumable articles and when pressed in way it was elected. The appointed But their worries are not over. Lacking paper cover 00 ism are well represented in the lobby and We workers robbed as producers, war of struggle can turn over in taxes to WHAT NEXT? VITAL QUES. behind the politicians closed doors. The robbed of the surplus labor, of the sur their government ten times the amount chairman announced that the presidium confidence in themselves, already prepar would retired to work out an order of ing to repudiate what they so ardently TIONS FOR THE GERMAN curtallment of production and the fall plus value which the capitalist divide they are turning over now and still make business. And here we realized what preach today in the avalanche of self. PROLETARIAT ing off of the capitaligt incomes has re among themselves as: profits, rent, inter big profits. It is not a question of scare.
wonders the Stalinist bureaucracy is criticism that will surely follow after 200 pages paper cover 50c duced the income tax, forcing the bos eat and to pay their office boys (governity material wealth the capitalists capable of. Houdini had nothing on the election campaign, feeling the ground Bound Volume of all the pam es office boys in Washington to find an. ment) and for the gangster racketeers speak of, it is a question of reorgan.
them. Not more than five minutes ex shaky under their feet, they are ever obphlets indicated by Only 100 other way out.
who rob the robbers.
izing and preparing the minds of the pired after the presidium had retired sessed fith fear of somebody or some coples available. Cloth cover 00 The first year of the crisis showed a. One aim of the present tax campaign workers to the song that they cannot nda when they reappeared on the platform thing. But they dread more than SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE return from Income ax but is to reduce the bureaucracy. The im another penny to taxes. Why do they ORDERS with an order of business and more than the Left Opposition. Despite the dam of sent year tells another story. In 1930 perialists need a more efficient appar. want the workers to think they cannot PIONEER PUBLISHERS that, with full slates for a credentials slander and calumny built up by the the forty five million guinfully employed atus There are too many small office add to taxes? Why do they say taxes and for a resolution corrmittee. One of Stalinites, the stream of the ideas of the 84 East 10th Street. workers and capitalists, etc. listed hoya repeating like parrots the table must be reduced or they will go bankthe delegates, representing the Work. Opposition appears to be leaking through New York, 2, 411, 000 million liable to income tax. that we must keep out of Asia and rupt when some European capitalist are men Circle, objected to this mode of and influencing the minds of the revoluThis small number paid two thirds of the Europe and stay in our own back yard. paying ten times 218 much? Because procedure and moved to proceed with 1930 Federal government expenses. When American imperialism has no choice. It millions are starving and millions are nominations and elections from the floor.
the profits were rolling in the capitalists must move out into deeper waters or 80 moving for struggle for immediate relief paying the tax bill did not object to under.
and unemployment Insurance.
and everything was well again. The loudly, but now we hear a different tale. The crisis has forced the American im o.
chairman explained that all this was done The present situation in the New York it. The Lefts nominated ten of their in this struggle to hold up profits each to expedite matters.
Pocketbook Workers Union is deplorable group. It was decided to call another section of the capitalists wants the other In short talk of about an hour and a administration forced an agreement on the nomination and election of a conter wants to dictate to the political office hair, the recently celebrated Amter ex the workers which up to date has result ence committee.
boys, what to do. The financiers desire to the Greek Party members munist movement of America against the plained the platform for the comed in wage cuts, and the reorganization On Tuesday, May 17, a meeting took to push the burden on the shoulders of and sympathizers: capitalists who always try to frame up www of the workers, despite the fact the place at Stuyvesant High School. At the industrialists and the industrialists Last August the editor and business working class organs, organizations and workers voted against it. As a result the meeting everybody could see that would like to place the taxes es on the land manager of the impros were arrested individual courades. And we believe MILITANT BUILDERS the union remains today, a few days be the administration had changed their lords, who all hope to shift it to the and charged with spreading false rum. the Greek Stalinist bureaucrats agree fore expiration of the agreement, in mind that they were determined not to small capitalist.
Our Militant builders are still hot foot a most desperate condition, due to the allow a new conference committee to All the capitalists would like to shift York City.
ors against the Athens Trust Co. of New with us in this point: If so why the silence about this matter.
after the prizes we offered for the high fact that our administration allowed the be elected. They maneuvered, and all it to the workers but are unsuccessful est standing for the final month of the employers not to live up to the rotten bustured as they always do. When the in this task, at least they desire to rally lasted for whole weeks and the minutes the bureaucrats to announce to the Greek The hearings at the Magistrate Court The comrades ought to demand from drive and for the period of the entire agreement made last year.
vote was taken the administration won the workers behind them in an attempt of the court were printed in the Empros. workers and to the working class of campaign. No one has qualified yet for About two weeks ago our manager an with a small majority of twenty votes. to correct their the prizes offered for the final month of nounced in the press that a conference wnion who is a leading spirit in the fight each other they want us to helping last fall and ordered the transfer or organ the Empros against the Athens Then our democratic chairman of the spending. When the capitalist robbers. The Magistrate court ended the hear. America at large this great victory of our the drive. But several comrades aro was held with the manufacturers in or moving up on these prines and we feel der to review the agreement which ex. Fraternal Club made a violent speech them. We workers would be more than where a few weeks ago the trial began. This victory of ours should be halled the trial to the Special Sessions Court Trust Co.
sure that by next week when the drive pires June 1st. At this conference the against the Left wing of the union. He foolish to help one section of the capitalcloses several will have gone by the manufacturers demanded the following refused to give the floor to others who ist robbers against another section on We learn now that the charges were dis in heavy type and the case should be re.
board. This as it should be.
viewed in every detail in order to edu.
We will of the union. 1) a reduction in the opposed the administration. When our the question of war, taxes or any other be happy to see more of them go, too. wage scale of 30 and 35 per cent. 2) chairman introduced the manager to struggle. The capitalist robbers as a The Empros of April 30th mentioned cate the workers on the role that the Comrade Hedlund has been displaced the introduction of the piece work sys speak on the question of siving a vote whole rob the workers and the robbers in an obscure corner that the trial was banks play in this rotten capitalist sy from his leading position by comrade tem. 3) to do away with the unemploy of confidence to the old conference com division of the spoils is not our problem. ended without any appreciable explanatem. This is a duty that must be per expropriate tions.
formed immediately.
Sacharow of Chicago. Will comrade ment insurance fund. 4) readjustments mittee, the membership did not want to Rather, our problem is to Hedlund fight back? Will the other com a la Hillman on the top of reorganiza hear him. They demanded that others the exproptators.
This case represents a great victory After a hall hearted retreat by the rades permit them to make it a personaltion and what not. The writer of this should speak first, and that the manager Many workers will say, do pay tax for the Empros and for the entire com bureaucrats on the question of the Greek contest or will they have something to article pointed out in the Militant of should be the last speaker. The chairnewspapers, we see in the Empros of say?
March 26 that the employers rejected an man refused to recognize others. At the May 7th that the Atlantis is lending all In the list below we put the figures offer of the union of ten per cent wage same time one of their gang started a for the final month of the drive in parcuts because they knew they could get fight, the mass of people ran to defend role of exploiting the Greek workers, in entheses and they are quoted in dollars from our Fraternal Club administra the workers from being beaten up. The As this issue reaches our readers the on after the drive is over. Newark like This very thing we expressed in the col.
full accord with the National Herald The other figures are subs for the ention a 30 per cent wage cut a few months lights were turned out several times This is due to the fact that we go to wise increased its total.
tire campaign which began in March.
which nearly resulted in a free for all. press in the middle of the week before umns of Communistes and we were ac.
On Thursday, May 12, a membershin. When order was finally restored our all the records are at hand. What in long way from our goal. As we see it because we attacked the one sidedness Sacharow (11 2) 10; Nagy But the point is that we are still a cused of supporting the National Herald (71. 4) 8; Hedlund (6) 11: meeting took place at Stuyvesant High against the Letts.
manager made a provocative speech formation we have shows that the drive the only way to reach it now is to get of the bureaucrats. The correctness of Dunne (6) 9; Weber (5) 2: School. Our manager outlined the deBrother Black, an active member of press drive officially will be over. Our alone will be insufficient. As his final proven to every comrade who has heard picked up last week. The quotas and donations. Sube will help. But that our views in this specific question is Duell (5) Lilly (5. Rosemands of the employers to the union Gleisser (4) M. Koehler (3 4) 5; workers not only rejected the demand of by one of the strong arm gang to leave land (4 1:2. 6; Sifakis. L. The meeting was a very stormy one. The ment to the erect that he was threatenea records, however, will be behind a little. contribution to the press drive let every boeke views realmenom results show that.
comrade and sympathizer send in a Dunne (3) 8; Forsen (2 2) 3: the employers, but it was decided that the meeting hall. He accused the man donation. Let the amount be whatevere united front with the Archio Marxists, In Greece, the party members demand Buehler (2) 2; Rosen (2) the union should demand. 1) a 40 hour, ager and one of his henchmen of responQuotas Results he can afford. 2; Coover (2) 3: Ehrlich Aive day week, which is necessary in order sibility for the threat. Another leading New York 325 80. 25 the Greek Left Oppositionists, in order (2) 1; Frank (1 2. 2; Basky to relieve somewhat the unemployment Fraternal Club member got up and On this last week end, let us give a to fight effectively against the attacks Minneapolis 200 40 concrete expression of our support of of the Greek bourgeois government, but (1 2) 5; Vaszily (1) 1; Ruskin situation in the industry. 2) no reor also made a statement that brother Dick, Chicago.
100 44. 70 our press, which is striving so determin the bureaucrats still obstruct the applica(1) 2; Curran (1) 2: Zalaman anization clause in the new agreement; who threatened Black, is one of the reToronto 70 edly against such heavy odds to fulfill tion of this united front with all the of (1) 1; Carlson (1) 1; Cowl (3) that the bosses contribute to the un gular fellows, you know. therefore, he Cleveland 40 its historie mission. Let us make a colmeans at their disposal. The (1. 5; Schulman (1) 1; Barach employment Insurance fund. The union is not responsible for his actions.
10 (1) Johnson (1) 2; Lessin should also mobilize the workers for The last two meetings of the PocketGreek lective pledge that the press of the Am party members observe the militant rev.
Philadelphia 40 erican section of the International Left olutionary activities of the Archio Marx(1) 2: Houman (1. Gendelman strike if the employers do not grant our book Workers Union have proved first.
Boston 40 Opposition, the voice, In this country, of ists in their every day life and are con. Berman (1. Herman (1. just demands.
Newark that our corrupted administration is 35 25 Ross (1. Milton (1 1: the revolutionary internationalism of vinced that their differences with the At the same meeting the Fraternal preparing to force on the workers a Kangas City 30 00 Drobny (1 2) 1; Carr (1 4) 3; Club administration introduced reso treacherous agreement with more wage Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky will oppositionists are only ideological and St. Louis.
25 continue to appear regularly.
Skoglund 3; Cheloft 2; Ray 2: lution to express full confidence in the cuts, reorganizations and readjustments, Los Angeles.
therefore demand from the bureaucrata 20 Gottlieb 1; Koehler 1; conference committee. When the resolu second, the administration is bulldozing to consider them as ideological Youngstown 10 25 opponents and not as enemies.
Wynne 1; Carter 1; II. Capelis 1: tion was taken to a vote the administra and terrorizing active workers with New Haven.
THE MILITANT 10 Herman 1; Swabeck 1; Glottion received 273 votes, 261 voted against strong arm gangs like in the good all Montreal.
10 Publisbed weekly by the Communist The same procedure, we are sure, will zer 1; Logan 1; Kaldis 1; The administration won by a small mas anys of Wolinsky, Shiplacoft and Co. Springfield, II.
League of America (Opposition)
take place here once you will force the 10 Sterling ority of twelve votes. Our manager Lub. The rank and Ale committee must be Frankfort, Ill. 10 at 84 East 10th St.
Stalinist bureaucrats to give you an acPittsburgh.
liner then made a speech and said that on guard and resist every effort of the 40 EDITORIAL BOARD count of their frresponsible activities, NEW YORK, ATTENTION! with a small majority of twelve votes employers and the misleaders to force a Trenton.
Martin Abern 10 James Cannon and force them to undertake a discusAll Comrades out to the Picnic Sunday he and the conference committee cannot sell out.
Miscellaneous 10. 50 MAX Shachtman Maurice Spectorsion of theoretical questions.
Come and bring your friends to cete negotiate a new agreement with the em It is not too late for all groups to get Arne Swabeck Slanders and calumnies against ideobrate the release of our class war prison ployers. He challenged the rank and file together and unite against their enemies Total 1, 000 211. 96 Entered as second clan mall matter logical opponents serve only our enemies.
ers, comrades Morgenstern and Goodman of the union to elect a new conference the employers and the Fraternal Club November 28, 1928, at the Poat onceEvery sincere worker revolutionist will of Philadelphia. The two comrades will committee. One of the Left wingers, administration who are agents of the This is a considerable increase over New York, Under the act of demand a free discussion of the disputes be on hand and tell of their prison ex made a motion that a committee of 15 bosses. Only through militant leader last week total. Very encouraging is March 8, 1879.
between the Left Opposition and the periences. Refreshments will be served, rank and file workers should be elected ship under the control of the rank and the result of the house party held in SATURDAY, MAY 28, 19c? Stalinists. That is the only way to a good time is assured to all.
as a conference committee. This motion file can the pocketbook workers come out Chicago for the benefit of our press. Vol. 7, No. 22 (Whole No. 118) clear the ground for united Communist Look for directions, how to get to the was passed by the members. Nominations victorious over the employers and their More than thirty dollars were raised in Subscription rate. 48. 00 per year; foraction Picnic grounds at Tibbetts Brook Park, took place for such a committee and misleaders.
donations and subs. Youngstown also alon 50. Biro canta per copy. EDITORIAL BOARD elsewhere in The Militant.
not one of the other groups accepted for. DAVIS. increased its total and promised to carry Bandle rates, cents per copy OF COMMUNISTES The steering committee soon sot bus Situation in Pocketbook Makers Union. Statement of Greek Comrades on «Empros»
Finish the Press Drive with Donations! the other lackeys of capitalism in their Duluth.