BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the post once at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUMEV, NO. 22 WHOLE NO. 118 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1932 PRICE CENTS The «Socialists» and their Line of Action Rush Funds to For the Communist Unity of Our Party!
Save Weekly!
Jack Macdonald Joins the Left Opposition To the of the larity which the latter policy of pence Within its shell of moribund reform formal conferences to consider practical To the Members of the Communist muat arouse among the world workers, ist ideology considerable divergences have steps to be taken on matters of concern Party. it remains a fact that the broad masses been for some time developing in the to all.
OUR CRITICAL SITUATION STILL UNTIL WE HAVE WEATHERED Comradest of the workers have not yet been made Socialist party. At its just concluded the recent years of experience have PREVAILS. NOT ONLY DO BILLS THIS STORM EVERY COMRADE AND The developments in the international to realize the acuteness of the danger convention these difference came to amply proved that the social reformists. CONTINUE TO PRESS ON US UNRE SYMPATHIZER MUST MAKE THE situation and the tasks they place be and, what is more, the communist more matter of revolutionary views strus do not at all intend to unite the work. CUMULATING JUST LITTLE FAST MONEY. FIRST OF ALL HE MUST ist International and more specifically them for action to counter the plans of gling against reformist encumbrances. ing class, not even for reformist objec ER THAN WE CAN MEET THEM. WE TAX HIMSELF TO THE LIMIT. WE before its American section once more imperialism.
No, it it had been, their proponents lives. But pursuing their cunning de HAVE MADE ALL POSSIBLE RE. CALL UPON OUR SUPPORTERS TO bring sharply to the fore the acute pro3. Although thousands of workers would be obliged to find new fields of sign they do intend to utilize the popular TRENCHMENTS AND NOW EXPECT MAKE THIS SACRIFICE TO SAVE blem of the Communist unity in our have joined our party in the recent per expresslon In some form of common unity slogan to deceive the workers into OUR SUPPORTERS TO DO THEIR THE WEEKLY MILITANT. AND party and the class struggle. These tod, particularly since the unfolding of action with the Communist movement, support of their instrument deliberately PART.
EVERYONE, WHO HAS EVER PRO developments may be summed up briefly the crisis, they have not only representnot within the polluted waters of the destined to serve and preserve capitalism. EVERY ONE WHO SEES THIS AP FESSED ANY SYMPATHY FOR THE as follows: ed a small percentage of the gains made Socialist party. Yet these divergences This cannot be defeated by mere denun PEAL FOR HELP SHOULD UNDER LEFT OPPOSITION MUST BE AP. The growth of the Fascist menace possible by the whole situation, but in reflect the pressure of a working class ciation. It must be exposed in the open. STAND IT TO READ THIS MEANS PROACHED FOR HELP.
in Germany which, if it ends in the seiz. addition, the inner life of the party has moving toward the Left.
This can be done effectively only by YOU! NO ONE SHOULD DELAY, THE WE ARE NOT ALARMISTS, WE DO ure of power by Hitlerism, would mean been of such a nature it has caused, Essentially the differences were expres counterposing the policy of genuine SITUATION IS TOO PRESSING FOR NOT EXAGGERATE. WE PUT THE not only the bloody crushing of the Com according to the official reports of the sed in the groupings which have quite united front to attain the immediate THAT. WE MUST HAVE MONEY AT SITUATION EXACTLY AS IT IS. WE munist movement in Germany and else. Central Committee, a 100 percent turnclearly crystallized. There are, on the working class alms as steps to the nec ONCE. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE; HAVE STRAINED EVERY NERVE TO where and a setback for the proletarian over in the membership, that is, an anone hand, the militants who appear to essarily revolutionary objective. This NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL. RAISE MONEY. THIS IS OUR LAST revolution for a long time to come, but nulment of the organizational gains made have hopes that the can be made is one of the particular tasks of the ComHOPE. EVERY COMRADE AND SYM would also render imminent a direct as throughout this period. This situation to play a progressive role as a social munist party.
PATHIZER MUST RESPOND NOW. sault upon the fortress of the world rev. becomes ever more serious when it is democratic party. They speak of achiev The future working class perspectives revolutionary objectives first of all de PUR WEEKLY MILITANT BE ollon hoberents in the Far East, where socialist party has been able to register contrasted with the growth which the ing a social and economic system for demand imperatively that the Communist mand that social reformist ideology be PENDS DIRECTLY ON the benefit of the workers. which would party take up this task in earnest. The defeated. SPONSE.
the already established Japanese inter in the same period.
justifiably put down counter revolution vention in Shanghai, the establishment The Left Opposition an inseparable within a Socialist state through the use of a Japanese puppet government in part of the Communist movement, can of violence, but strictly dissociated from Manchuria right on the borderline of not permit itself to pass over these facts class rule through the Proletarian Die the Soviet Union and the danger of an without candidly expressing its views to tatorship. Hillquit characterized them as ultra reactionary military coup Etat the party. We consider this all the more young, sincere and impatient that is Statement of the Former National Secretary of the Communist Party of Canada in Japan Itsell, all serve to indicate how necessary in face of the fact that negosincere to Hiliqult Ideals people the lines of imperialist policy are ap tiations have just been undertaken bewho will soon settle down to more sane We are publishing herewith a state. and decisively expressed, should count, consisted of the scant distribution among proaching the breaking point. The tween party representatives and repreviews. That evidently, is not far from ment by comrade Jack MacDonald of seriously with thinking revolutionists the membership of occasional official danger of a direct intervention against sentatives of the Lovestone Right wing the truth. Secondly there is the group Toronto, Canada. The statement speaks Ed.
bulletins from the containing al the Soviet Union is running a mad race looking towards the reintegration of the of futile petty bourgeois liberals whose for itself. It is an unequivocal declaraleged excerpts from the writings and with the danger of the workers being latter into the party. The antagonism outstanding representative is Norman tion for the political views represented After a careful and extensive study speeches Trotsky, counter posed with flung into a new imperialist war for the which these negotiations have aroused Thomas. It sees ever greater opportun by the Left Opposition. Comrade Mac not only in retrospect of the pre October the oflicial true Leninist rebuttal from repartition of subjugated China. among the party members is an addiitles for its particular brand of salva Donald has arrived at this poaltion as polemics andactivities of Bolshevism and the leading scribes of the International. The deepening of the crisis in the tional indication that the burning pro.
tion and conceives of the as a good a result of his experiences over a period the literature and general ideological Honest comrades, with their faith in United States, out of which the bourge blem of the unity of the Communist party Instrument to further petty bourgeois lib of years in the labor and revolutionary activity of the Communist International, the revolutionary Integrity of the central otste has not yet succeeded in emerging. cannot be solved in this manner. It is eration on a grand scale expecting it to movement as well as the serious study particularly up to the death of its found leadership unimpaired and who therefor but which continues to offer to the Com in the Interest of a genuine solution of be reinforced by the workes. Thirdly which he has made o the views pre er and leader. Lenin and the opening resent and reject any suggestion of buro munista hitherto non existing opportun this problem, rendered more urgent by there are the socalled practical socialists, sented by the various factions of the of the struggle against Trotskylem. but cratic intrigu, Orlsdfication of degen ities for crystallizing the extensive sym the events to which we refer, that we whom Hillquit also quite truthfully char Communist movement.
also of the more immediate and pressing eration, accept these official communica pathy prevailing among broad sections address ourselves once more to the cen.
acterized as to their noble goal of Comrade MacDonald has a long and situations and struggles of today, viz. tions at their face value and act accord of the workers for the most resolute tral Committee and the membership of building new sewers. Lastly, there is favorable record of struggle and achieve Germany, China, Spain, etc. and the of ingly: search with the official microscope section of the proletariat.
our party.
the old guard led by Hinquit and Neal menits within the labor movement and ficialC. programs, strategy and tac taying and uprooting in the name of In considering these developments, our The unity of the party can be achieved This is the most conscious group with a within the Communist movement. Be ties therein, have become convinced Communist discipline and democratie party can ill afford to ignore certain only in the open. Any attempt to realize consistent program, deeply saturated with ginning with his poining the Social Dem that the position program and general centralism any tendencies deviations, or of their aspects which directly concern it by secret negotiations behind the hostilit revolution. group which ocratic Party in Scot at the age of criticism of the Lett Opposition under suspects that would weaken or dilute the immedate future of the movement. scenes not only brings confusion and uncleverly manipulates reformist demands, 17, his activities and efforts have shown the brilliant, untiring and courageous the revolutionary movement in the face The Communist Party of Germany easiness into the ranks of the party, but clothed, when necessary, in Marxian consistent continuity in many leading leadership comrade Trotsky are funda. of its class enemies. In this socalled has not yet succeeded in mobilizing the creates the danger of dealings of an phraseology, but as treacherously reac positions. He became one of the found mentally correct; and that the Left op: Ideological campaign (if self criticism masses of the German workers for et unprincipled nature which wipe out the tionary as its European brethren and asters of the Communist Party of Canada, position is the historical bearer and is still in vogue) accept my full share fective resistance to the advances of lines of demarcation and make harder conscious in preparing the social reform its national secretary, and one of its custodian of true Marxist Leninism. of responsibility and error and admit its Fascism. The latter has not only leaped the achievement of that clarification ist instrument to serve capitalism. With outstanding leaders, participating in In this necessarily brief statement travesty. What organizational and ideo ahead at a far greater speed than has which must be a part of any movement its deep seated hostility to the proletar several Congresses of the Communist In have no intention of reviewing at length logical crimes have been committed in German Communism, but the stauncheat must be made plain and visible from for unity. The object of any negotiations Lan revolution it can pursue no other ternational up until the point of the exthe attitude of the Canadian Party dur the name of discipline!
bulwark of capitalist democracs. the the very outset. They must be conducted course. This group prevalled at the con palston ravage, when he was arbitrarily ing my assoclation with its leadership For some time have had occasion to party of vention.
put outside the party organization or my personal attitude during the dis compare those excerpts as published Grzezhinsky, continues to exercize an un before the eyes of the whole party. This The claims a gain in member charged with conciliation and other cussion and subsequent fight against in odcial bulletins, with the actual shaken influence over decisive sections method is the main guarantee against painful surprises, demoralization and ship of 8, 000 in four years to a total technical charges. We are citing these Trotskylam.
writings of Trotsky. Many are complete of the proletariat.
of 25, 000. In that is reflected in a sense brief points of comrade MacDonald re Suffice It to say, that the ideologically false; others torn from their context. In spite of the increasingly mani unprincipled solutions.
It is this method we support in our the fact that some sections of the work cord of activities because of our convle campaign against Trotskyism charged are deliberately misinterpreted; while test threat of imperialist war upon the ers have taken the step away from the tion that his position, herewith clearly) with the attempt to revise Loninism others correct in text are presumably Soviet Union, and the undoubted popu present proposal that the party immediately take up the question of re admittraditional bourgeols parties to social demolished with the dud bombs of antiting into its ranks the members of the democracy. It shows also that what is Leninist theory.
Left Opposition.
at the basis of such growth reflects a recall the first appeal which came to We, of the Left Opposition have pressure from which even the is the of the Canadian Party to no desire to conceal the fact that not immune. This found its expression record itself against the Russian Party we do not share the views upon which in the two extreme wings. In the miliThe Socialist party, at the time of Soviet Huissia against capitalist inter Opposition. This was during a session The spontaneous strike of the Colorado the present line of the party is based.
formist dressing for a decrepit body this writing, Is assembled at Milwaukee vention. But this dishwasher radicalism of the Enlarged Executive of the boet workers against a 40 per cent wage we could declare that we abandon our all in an unblushing alliance with the to nominate thelr presidential standard had already shocked the convention, and Canadian delegate being in attend cut has grown to such proportions under standpoint only by deceiving the party and the practical new sewer socialista olutionary profundities raised by the for the forcible confiscation of property, saint. Why not? There are few ex. It is now one of the largest strikes of fundamental questions of Communist Next it found its expression in the old on the train the mainly be seen mail: horror. Amidst the empty thunders of Canada requesting the to solidar. the American labor movement. It ap tactics, and we stand now as before on guard sitting tighter on the lid but mant, tant en les nod to be a decisive convention Norman Thomas who threatened to de ize itself with the majority. Little it pears that more than 12, 000 workers are the basis of the teachings of Marx and concessions in phraseology. But above. turning point in the history of the cline the presidential nomination about anything was known by the all, a large share of this growth must Soclalist party. That remains to be the applicability of this tactic in Moscow Party of the theoretical substance of the swelled by the strike of the onion work. opinion existing between us and the be lald at the doors of the Centrist zigseen.
and Leningrad and the havoc and star questions at issue. No liaison was iners, who are also striking against a wage present course of the party, we are conzag blunder polley of the official ComThis much however is certain.
Thevation it would wreak in New York and existence in these days where one could cut and in sympathy with their brothers vinced that the best, most profitable way of settling these differences and re esmunist party leadership and its failure pressure of the economic crisis bas Chicago, the convention voted down this Imbibe the latest on tap through Lenin in the beet fields.
unschooled smoked out a rankling protest against revolutionary pretension to the tune of students, etc. This honest to give proper direction to workers morThe growers are replying to the strike tablishing Bolshevik discipline on ing away from bourgeois ideology and Co. The convention was opened by H11proletarian center dispatched a return with the usual repertoire of capitalist basis of the prevailing opinion, is not the reactionism of Hlllquit, Oneal and 166 to 14.
In spite of the new Left wingism of cable withholding decision untii adequ. persecution. The merchants have re outside the ranks of the party, but inallegiance.
qutt. True to type, and reflecting the the militants. they swallowed Thomas ate information pro and con was received fused credit to the strikers who, like the side of them, as loyal members of our The adopted declaration of prin conditions and moods in the country like whole and nominated him for president by them. The Canadian center fell into miners, buy on crodit against their fu communist International.
ciples, for example, again contains lp a good weathercock, he made a bolamidst a rising vote.
very bad grace over this incident. They ture pay. The store owners extend this In all the attempts we have made since service to a recognition of the class keynote address. Capitalism has been At the same time, to show that their might at least have adopted the course credit on the say so of the employing our expulsion to work by the side and struggle. It declares: Freedom, equal shown as a miserably fallure. It has col militancy on organizational questions of one C. member, who, being un farmer. In the case of a striker no such in support of the party, in all our public ity and plenty for the workers can there lapsed and a new social order must be prevalls over clarity of principles they able to be present wired the E. The usual regime of terror has been agitation and activity, we have never fore be obtained only by socializing the ushered in to save capitalism from con Aligned themselves with Thomas to oust to record bis vote against Trotsky, but Inaugurated. Workers are being picked attached any conditions to our collaboraownership and control of the produc sequent doom.
Hillquit from the national chairmanship. protested lack of information.
up and held for deportation. In one tion and support. In the struggle, in the tive wealth which is now held as capital. Brave words. But how Is this to be the convention went into a furor. Ac In brlef the so called question of case a worker is being sent to Spain trade unions, in strikes, in the united What 18 meant by such a declaration done? Not a word about the vain en cusations of anti Semitism stirred the Trotskyism was approached in a purely and his wife to Mexico. Arrests of the front conferences of the party, in the became clear when credulous Call deavors of his European brother parties peaceful demeanor of the pacifist pro superficial and burocratic manner. This leading militants are daily occurence. International Labor Defense, etc. etc. fornia delegate, who took it at face to save dying capitalism from the in ponents. Amid all this froth and rage was in the days prior to deportations Approximately 100 workers have been are we have merely asked for the opportun confiscation of property. Hts proposal should the socialist party be called upon, wingers. Mayor Hoan of Milwaukee. developed burocratically since these days held in Jall for a time without charges with the other communist workers, went down to defeat under the com they will valiantly perform their par From the frying pan into the fire. Here must be obvious to all sincere comrades and then released.
posing no conditions and asking for no bined thunderclap of horror stricken triotic duties to help stem the tide of Hill quit again rises to the occasion and in It will take more than this petty per special consideration or privileges. In respectability and the weight of the proletartan resentment, where the repub castigates Hoan and Co. for the modern revolutionary sense to close one mind secution to break the strike. The mil putting before the party now our request reactionary bureaucracy.
htcan and democratic twins are unable sewer socialism which he himself has against the Lett Opposition trenchant tandem survey of the convention, how to shine. In the signal achievement of advocated for years.
ever cannot leave out of account the deception and perndy. But this time has Te is said that the deep seated dir criticism and charges of the growth of evidence. At the trial of eight workers the members of the Left Opposition, we new use to which the old guard of His not yet arrived. Hullult can still afford terence between Thomas and Hiligult 18 autocratie and mechanical removal and overflowed the court room and by their stand for tho unconditional defense of quit and Neal put their ability of to be the Marxist and deliver a with determined by their attitude toward So crafty maneuvering. Their new planering blast against the advocates of a viet Russia. After reading the Blas of the Comintern; the bounding of old and meeting. The trial was resumed only land, the test for every revolutionist, of organization contains two united third party, those who want to fritter Shard resolution on this question we can tested bolsheviks on the pretext of some when they were through. So strong was especially now when the danger of interfront proposals. There is one for in away the important services the come to no other conclusion than that discovered heresy in writing or speech, their protest that the obviously blased vention and counter revolution is becomtecne sopra unity Professing to attempt mas in time render Amerkcan capitalism, it is merely a difference of terminologs but in reality to make way for a sub sudge postkontod hunteocer a large area. Editional support of our party, which to bring together the Socialist and by flirting with the non descript liberals. six of one and a half a dozen of the stantial prop for the present regime. Communist Internationals (1) on the This is an underhanded attack at Nor other. The real issue, as we see it, beA comprehensive picture of it is difficult we built and defended in the past and basis of democracy and civil liberties man Thomas who is known to have a tween these treacherous leaders of the the stilling of initiative and discussion; in Russia. 2) In Fascist coun warm place in his heart for Dewey. American social democracy is another the parody of workers universities to get. The official capitalist press plays are ready to build and defend in the tries. a union of both parties to overthrow Holmes and Co.
one that has been indiented above. Shall where leaders are molded and manuit down. The of Lpress has thus tuture. These paramount questions take us determine our Fascism by any means possible. 3) In But Thomas not to be outdone as the socialist party remain the reformist factured to standard current pattern, far preserved silence. The leadership precedence with (Continued on page 4)
countries where there stills democracy a revolutionary. The resolution of the traducer of the American working class etc. are evidences, it only in an organ of the In the strike is a bitter (sic. a union of both parties in an at militants counter signed and amended (Hillquit) or shall it become an out izational and limited sense, of the truth pll for them to swallow. In future is.
sues of The Militant we will attempt to HONT FORGET THE PENIS tempt to change the present system by by Thomas, on the Soviet Union, which right third liberal party of capitalism of this criticism.
give an alysis of the background of the Brook Park Take One had only to attend the Sixth Con strike and a more comprehensive plepeaceful means and by other means, 1f the New York Times characterizes 18 (Thomae. In this sense the pleadings Lexington Ave. Subway necessary. The unity proposals for friendly neutrality is the supposed te. of Maurer to avoid a split are beside the gress of the and that was several ture of it.
Woodlawn Jerome to last stop, the home sector reads: In cities where tort to Hullquit. It tells us that while point at present there is not yet a strong years ago, to have proof of the opposi What is needed now is rellet to enable Woodlawn. From there one can Socialists, Communists, the the they don endorse all the policies of third party movement afoot. Hillquit Is tion contention in its broad internation the strikers to hold out against the retake a trolley to the Park. Comrades will meet at the Woodlawn Friends of the Soviets, the Civil Lib the Soviet Union, and the proetarian station at 10:00 Plot erties Union and other similar organizatatorship pecullar to Russia, and whille of course we need a humorous touch. burocratic srowth since in virtually evated by the gowers in conjunction with the state appaatus. All relief should be Time: Sunday, May 29th from 10:00 tlons exist, a permanent committee bo and civil liberties restored nevertheless Broun, who insists on a wet plank in nal party situation in the Soviet Union. rushed to the United Relief Committee till dusk. CLARKE organized to bring them together in in they are emphatic for the defense of the party program. Continued on page 4)
at 2738 Lawrence Street, Denver, Colo. eeeelieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee The National Convention of the Aid Beet Strike!