AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932 THE MILITANT PAGE IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Reactionary Theory of Socialism in One Country tion, in which the capitalists of all the building up a socialist society in onei erica intervention? By the apparatus, tion in Russia is doomed! This truth! we do then give up the power in the went to Bogota, the capital of the repudemon concrete shape, it is necessary to pene. The Theory and Practise of Leninism. of Europe was a matter of decades. And matured for socialism on World scale.
The Political Crisis of Nine Years of the Struggle of the Left Opposition From Left Oppositionists Japanese Imperialism in South America (Continued from page 1)
Call, Columbia country. The restless masses demand The fundamental question which div. the Dawes Plan, with its subsequent, state ald of the workers in other counApril 28, 1932 Now, socialism assumes a vastly high action. The assassins of Inukal point to ides the Marxian wing of the movement stabilizing of Germany and temporary trics. If this dispute has a practical er stage of development than capitalism, Dear comrades. rest from the Shanghat scene in the direction is the theory of socialism in one counsonisms, soon revealed that the revolu. then the conclusion is an obvious and standard. It means not only the abolil of the country, the political strugkles of The transportation of whole armies is the the context sociades the lucht wine regulation of Europe imperialist anta significance and it has an enormous one a higher culture, technique and living of the Soviet border, taking place with ry. On one side of this theory stand tionary waste hyad subsided, that the a disastrous one.
tion of classes, but the elimination of the working class are going on accomWhy? Because socialism is not built the differences between worker and pea panied by the same mistakes and setthe alleged intention de ketting down side stand we, the internationalists and weakened, that adjustments hud to be in one day. Only petty bourgeois anarch. sunt between town and country, the tracks brought about by the absurd and the fact of absolutely detrimental against the Soviet Union a rather easy scientific socialists. In its essence, this made to the brief democratic pacifist ists believe that the free society will abolition of agriculture leadership of be established on the morrow of the its industrialization. But this, ih turn, the fanatical Stalinites about two target for the aims of the military clique theory of the official lenders is no lessera.
profoundly important than the issues and the reactionary mass support the which divided the old Second Interna responsible Marxists proposed that the Marxists know. as Lenin wrote, that the velop to a much further point along the bin The means that a socialist society must de years ago there arrived in Colomcomrade Guillermo Hernandez whole Manchurian adventure, the Tokio tional into its right and Left wings.
Although it is not new to the movement ope must once more set about to win the the task of socialist construction demandstural) road than capitalism. The theory in Russia, where, it is said, he studied government has from time to time seen as a whole, the theory of socialism. in masses of the workers in the struggles a long drawn, stubborn work and real of socialism in one country implies (and at the Marxist school at Moscow. He prove of acts perpetrated by the foresponmunist movement for the first time in once more to be assembled in the every lan sulicient degree Also the next gen is to be accomplished by taking the road communist International to start and to sible and hampered militarists. The 1924. Prior to that date, it was not only day struggle so that when the next series cration, which will be further developed, back from capitalist evolution which lead the Communist arty of Colombia the power was absent from the literature of the rev of convulsions gripped bourgeois society, supposed to bring the government more olutionary Communist movement, but our the Communists would be in a bette will probably hardly be able to achieve was, 28 every baby knows, directed to as a section of the On his arrival into harmony with the line of action the complete transition to socialism wards an increasing economie inter de. he was welcomed and hailed by a group teachers specifically rejected and mock position to take the offensive in the dir. Vol. xv, page 240. If you believe, as pendence and inter relation on a world of revolutionary workers who had for.
taken by the militaristina The incidente ed at it time and time again. Marx and ect struggle for power. There was no Stalin does, that this long road is to scale. The Marxists, in contradistinc merls participated in the political strugmilitary are on the rampage again, this Not a line can be found in the writings of the Left opposition. In a series of workers in the other countries have declare that the road to socialism pre we took a firm position, rejecting the acknowledged leaders of the military The program of the Bolshevik party, showed at that time that America in have postponed at least in your thoughts economy, not only in the future had left us with defeats and disasters cliques, like the Minister of War, Araki. the banner under which it directed the tervention in Europe, which involved at the world proletarian revolution for soclalist world economy. but right now, behind us, desiring to obtain a class An attack against the workers republie! October revolution, does not contain the outset a brief stabilization, was only an indefinite period.
is on the order of the day.
in the capitalist world economy which struggle political training in order to mention of this theory. The program accumulating a mountain of powder The Danger of War still exists, the economy to which, ac be able to correctly organize the party of The Essence of the Opopsition and statutes of the Young Communist magazines which would inevitably blow Once the military has succeeded in League of Russia, adopted in 1921, takes up with the resounding crash of war and Struggle: Marxian Internationalism cording to Lenin, we are subordinated, the workers in Colombia.
starting a war against the Soviet Union. special care to refute the idea. Not one proletarian revolution.
The Opposition believed and declared. Which we cannot escape.
with which we are connected and from Under these circumstances and with The proletarian revolution in the West these desires, we hailed delegate HernanThe Stalinist Adjustment be solidly behind them. The bourgeois single sentence can be found in any of is far closer to a realization than is the What Internationalisim Requires dez Rodriguez, accepting his political knows what choice he has. The assault pour congresses of the Communist In age the adjustments that had to be made of a socialist soelety in Russia. If it is letarian revolution in the West is never was organized the committee How did the official apparatus envis abolition of classes and the establishment In the positions and the line he proposed for us precipitated by the Japanese militarists ternational to refer to the possibility of following the German defeat and Am not closer, then the proletarian revolutheless delayed in coming? What shall Valle. Meanwhile, comrade Hernandex But if, in spite of everything, the pro to follow. Under his leadership, there can easily be amplified into a conflagrathe single country, and a backward agriculwe refer above all to its most perfect Lenin repeated a thousand times: We major countries will participate. The rural country like Russia at that. The representative, Stalin, all of whose do not live merely in a state but in a Soviet Union? This is the annihilating blie, to organize the central committee wise hoking Wily over the other bour wresented to its Fourth Congress byment has been characterized, and still the Soviet republic side by side with pitiful defense of an indefensible theory. meeting that is known under the name of geols nations. Only a spark is needed Bucharin and Thalheimer, does not mens, by an opportunist, narrow inInded imperialist states for any length of time Not at all Laminando Trotsky who EL Ampliado. After some work had to bring about an explosion, the effects tion the theory or the idea by even the nationalism. He proposed to solve the is inconceivable. Vol. XVI, page 102. never believed in the utopia of national been accomplished in the capital, Rodof which are hardly calculable. vaguest reference. Whole passages can problem by turning the back of the Rus in this is contained not one grain of head of the proletarian dictatorship and Ines Martell to the Valle district with socialism, stood for seven years at the rignez returned together with comrade Against the War Danger in For us in America, as well as for the proponents of the theory Bucharin and outlon and concentrating all attention to contenus penetrated with the realistie never once proposed to atve up power the obvector implantink a solid political. struggle Stalin (their writings before 1944, of the problems against imperialist war is the most im course) which argue directly against international revolution, according to the home. The banner of Marxian internationalism.
What they did and what the Left Op base in this section of the country which portant task of the day. Mass demon. this reactionary notion position proposes to do today, is to re they considered of the greatest revolustrations, mans rallies, parades led by Stalin school, was to be hauled and reAnd what is this internationalism? Ittain the power in the first fortress to tionary importance. series of meetings In a word, not one solitary theorist placed with the slogan of socialism in is no mere loose sentimental bond of soll be conquered by the proletariat. In this were held that were attended by work.
the Communist party, in which the fight idarity uniting the workers of all counfortress, while looking forward to the ers and sympathizers. As the comrade minent part, have received a great re Stalin, can be found who, up until 1924, Stalinism head to nurture this theory velopment of capitalist world economy. tries to strengthen the position of the as representative of the and want against the war danger has had a pro or authentic spokesman and defender of one country. Marxism, from afarx himself down to What ideas lurked at the back of triesit arises directly out of the de assistance of the workers in other coun delegate took advantage of his position sponse from workers all over the coud. crer had a word to say try. But it is not enough to defense of this the idea that the proletariat revolution The imperialist stage of capitalism, its proletarian and socialist elements in the ed to impose his authority too rigidly, strate, it is not enough to propagandire to be propounded, and finally to be in of the day for an incateulable period ports and imports for the maintenance both levers. at the command of the fact, he was able to persuade a small iden. How and why, then, did it come in Europe had been taken or the order expansion on an international scale, the country as against the capitalist ele he came into conflict with the workers against war. It is necessary to give the corporated into the fundamental program that it had been postponed for decades utilization of asembled. But, notwithstanding this anti war sentiment of the workers adopted at the Sixth Congress?
solid organizational form.
that the most profitable efforts could be the ends of the earth, the mutual de national revolution and the shorter lever pressed with his Russian experiences, to of capitalism, monopolies extending to proletariat: the long lever of the Inter group of comrades who were rather im.
It is in this sense that the struggle How the Theory Arose concentrated in enclosing the Soviet reThe date with which this theory is public within its shell and constructing ments in another these are some of the tions for a socialist economy at home.
pendence of one country upon develop of laying and strengthening the founda submit to his authority.
against the war danger cannot be divorced from the daily activities of the what it really is. The theory was first ovsky, expressing the thoughts that presun has not matured for the socialist the Russian proletariat and inseparably connected stampe it for a national socialist Utopia there. Los phenomena of world economy. Capital. What it certainly does not mean is that ceeded to expel all those who were not Starting out with this group, he proCommunists the fight for the majority of the working class. To really give the promulgated by Stalin in 194lled at that time, wrote that the stabilization or small, backward or advanced. It has lusion that at the end of five more years leadership. But since in the railed in the minds of the bureaucracy revolution in this or that country, large shall be deceived peasantry struggle against Imperialist slaughter second edition of his pampilet the grandiose 11. ready to comply with his dictatorial these expelled trate the factories, the shops, the trado We emphasize the second edition, because it that were the case, why continue this This fact not only creates the basis for for there will be terrifie consequences to socialism will have been established. comrades were sincere revolutionaries union organizations. It is necessary to in the first Stalin still repeated what was Internal babble about International living internationalism, but also for account for when the awakening takes (Continued on page 4)
confront and to influence the workers the common knowledge and beliefs of all revolution which will not take place for the transformation of the old society by place.
at their places of work and wherever Marxists up to then. He said in the first. long time anyway, especially when a victorious world proletariat.
The pernielous theory of national sothey meet. That is the only way of as edition: there is so much to be done at home. BOOKS BY TROTSKY The Theory as a Fruit of Pessimism But if each country can build an en cialism has already had the most serious suring their fighting solidarity in case. Its (the proletariat s) most important closed socialist society by the efforts and effects for the proletarian dictatorship in DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE In other words, the theory of socialism of war. The Communists have to prove task the organizing of socialist producto the worker from day to day that they tionstill remains unsolved. Can these in one country that is, the fantastic resources of its own proletariat, then Russia. On its basis, Stalin and Buch COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL deserve to be followed, that they are socialism be won without the joint et the aid of the victorious workers in cultasks be solved can the final victory of idea that Russia, by itself and without internationalism becomes an empty arin for years fought against the plan Criticism of Fundamentals.
If it proposed by the Opposition for the in Part and 140 pages, really the vanguard of the workers. That forts of the proletariat of several highly turally more advanced countries, can surely it can be done in more advanced collectivization of agriculture. The bur.
alone will give them the opportunity to can be done in backward Russia, then dustrialization of the country and the publishers of this book we can lead the workers against the imperialist developed countries? No, this is im build up classless society was born Germany. and in France, and England, eaucrats were little interested in Fire THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION war mongers. Otherwise, without the possible. Out of Print in paper cover)
In the second edition, with virtually featist state of mind.
out of the womb of pessimism, of a decloth bound It was born and and certainly in the United States. Then Year Plane then they were too busy 00 tested and trusted leadership of the Communists, the strong sentiment of the nothing else of the text changed, we al bred in an atmosphere of reactions. and what need have the Communists for a strangling the Opposition inside the STRATEGY OF THE WORLD masses against war can easily be disslready find that the passage quoted above that brand can no more be removed from highly centralized international of the party and saying to the kulak on the REVOLUTION it than the mark of Cain could be wiped own?
pated and directed into channels harmoutside: Enrich yourself. And when Part of the Draft Program After the victorious proletariat of from his forehead.
Internationalism As Necessary under the pressure of events and less for the enemy class.
86 pages 25c Development 158 pages criticism of the Opposition, they finally Nothing that has ever been said can paper cover 500 That is why the Left Opposition has one country has consolidated its power fought so tenaciously against the isola and has won over the peasantry for itself, refute this characterization of the origin Furthermore: the development of all more on adopted a radical plan, once cloth cover 00 basis of this renes tionist policies of the Stalinist leaderIt can and must build up the socialist PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOP and essence of the theory. The dis existing society up to now, and particu: tionary theory ship of the official Communist party, that society.
that they proceedMENT OF THE From this somewhat cautious, but pute is no academic occupation of closet farly of modern capitalist society based to liquidate the kulak is why we have rejected the disastrous sufficiently clear formulation, the stal48 pages as paper cover 150 philosophers and professional hair split been towards increasing inter relations class by administrative decrees and to THE SPANISH REVOLUTION theory of social Fascism, that is why we inists have since expressed themselves in ters. It is a vitally important theoretical and interdependence. Capitalism reach: establish a classless socialist society by 30 pages paper cover 100 of THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN of the united front from below. that per. Today, for example, we are total significance of tremendous scope. To ops to its most majestie economic certain date on the calendar as if it is why we have fought for a correct by them, on the basis of this theory. gether with comrade Trotsky, the Left heights, not by retiring into its respective were prize context that closed on a DANGER 64 pages paper cover 150 trade union tactie, for a genuine united that the task which will be accomplished Opposition argued that to build a social national shells, but by projecting from riven day in the month. But a detailed COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALfront polley which unites all workers for ISM common action and serves as the best at the end of the second Five Year Plan ist. society in the Soviet Union, the aid each national territory those links which description of these phases of the op of the workers revolution in a more ad bind it inseparably to the rest of world position struggle in the Communist International and in the Russian party spe.
64 pages paper cover 150 battle ground of the Communist against. To liquidate entirely all the vanced country or countries would be economy. The countries of the most cifically, we must leave for other articles THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST the reformists and all the other fakers elements of capitalism, etc. etc. down required. Together with in this series INTERNATIONAL AND THE The serious international sitçation to active builders of a socialist classlese Rucharin, the International apparatus of dards are those that play the smallest GERMAN SITUATION And it is not merely in Russia that the Comintern argued that socialist role in world economy and trade; and this theory had fatal effects for the pro(out of print)
100 today, the danger facing the Soviet Union society. Freiheit, March 7, 1982. The Effects of October 1923 society could be built up without the vice versa.
requires with all the greater urgency, letarian revolution. It should be borne WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND Now let us look into the theory itself.
the return on the part of the Communist in mind that the revisionists always in.
THE FIVE YEAR PLAN cluded a tiny in their theory. SoIt came into existence, as we have 48 pag. paper cover 100 party to the line of Lenin, to the method cialist society could be built up in one (out of. of work preseribed by the first four mentioned, in 1994, and not by accident The year 1924 was one filled with tremcountry it military intervention from GERMANY. THE KEY TO THE congresses of the Communist Interna tional. There is no short cut to leader.
endous consequences for the intervention.
the foreign imperialists could be preINTERNATIONAL SITUATION SHALL FASCISM REALLY ship of the masses. And only under al revolutionary movement. It was the vented. Socialism in one country kept undermining the possibilities of success BE VICTORIOUS?
Communist leadership can the struggle culminating point of the insurrectionary 48 pages against war as well as all other strug high tide of the post war years and the of the great Chinese revolutionary movepaper cover 100 ment of 1925 1927 and of the upheaval HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN gles of the workers be carried on suc beginning of the momentary stabilization REVOLUTION Vol. cessfully the bourgeoisie achieved with the aid of in the British working class in 1926. In 522 pages America gold. The German revolution the latter case particularly, did the Retail at of October 1923 had been cruelly defeat of the theory the prevention of military By Special arrangements with the offer it to certificate holders at ed without having fired a shot. The by LEON TROTSKY Greet the Return intervention play a thoroughly fatal THE REAL SITUATION IN month previously, the insurrection in role. We can trace the disgraceful con.
Bulgaria had ended with a crushing de RUSSIA THE 1925 27 CHINESE REVOLUTION WAS ONE OF THE FIRST duct of the apparatus leaders during the OF OUR CLASS WAR PRISONERS 364 pages cloth cover 00 feat and extermination of the Communist British miners and general strikes dirMORGENSTERN AND GOODMAN SINCE LENIN DIED movement. Three months WORLD IMPORTANT POLITICAL EVENTS IN WHICH TROTSKY OP.
later, ectly to this theory. An account of the at by Max Eastman putsch in Reveal (Eschonia) disastrously POSITION TO THE POLICY OF STALIN MANIFESTED ITSELF IN events in England in 1926 and the part 158 pages THE PICNIC failed to realize the vain hopes put in THE CONCRETE. IN THIS BOOK, QUOTATIONS FROM STALIN OWN played in it by the Stalinists and the paper cover 500 In Preparation to be held at it by the Communists. This rapid sue WRITTEN WORDS AND SPEECHES ARE GIVEN AS WELL AS THOSE Left Opposition an episode of fundaTIBBETTS BROOK PARK Plot PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE cession of defeats gave the harrassed OF TROTSKY AND HIS SUPPORTERS.
mental Imporance in our nine years REVOLUTION Sunday, MAY 29th, 1982 bourgeoisie the breathing space it was of struggle we shall seek to give in the 400 pages cloth cover 50 After languishing in one of the looking for. The second edition of a READ THIS HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. COMPARE THE PROPOSED next issue.
most vermin Infested fails in the paper cover 00 world war situation created by the POLICIES OF THAT DAY WITH SUBSEQUENT EVENTS IN THE CHI MAX SHACHTMAN. WHAT NEXT? VITAL QUES.
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