AnarchismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyIndividualismMarxMarxismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS for an met seated he did not mention one single tradentes seated lined up and instructed the forces for his own destruction and ans We would do well to pause for a mo tomorrow, they may expel a member or League sent two delegates and none of and the Union.
The Meets in Philadelphia The Depression Hits South Carolina (munists, the THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932 PAGE The executive board has no authority nominations were closed each delegate to expel any member without the con The Minnesota Convention of the to Chicago, including the ten, was to be sent of the membership, and only after voted on separately by the state delegathe members of the Union are given an tion. One of the ten picked delegates This withdrew and nominated another.
opportunity to investigate the charges The party steering committee appar action left nive picked delegates. Six anade, and upon which the decision to MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
Some time ago the official Party head. ently consisted of Wm. Schelderman, expel was determined. If that is done more delegates were nominated. Four Among the Italian Left Winger Expelled and it was not and should the members quarters at Minneapolis sent out a call, Norman Bernick, Tom Foley, Bertha withdrew, no doubt by previous instruc approve the action taken by the 12. addressed to trade unions and otherwise and the chairman, whose name tions, and the other two were voted Workers in Chicago from then the complaintant has the right to working class organizations in the state did not learn. This machine ran into own automatically appen to the Joint Board.
of Minnesota to send delegates to a Con more difficulty when the question of During the fight on the floor for a In Chicago the leading Italian com NEW YORK, vention to be held in Minneapolis on selecting delegates The expulsion of Deitches from the May 15th, to ratify the Communist Party tional Nominating Convention at Chicago erman practically hurled the same dethe party Narank and file picked delegation, Schneidrades were expelled from Max Deltches, a member of Local 66 time ago parely as a punishment for of the International Garment Workers an extremely dangerous Sten Ticket for the coming state election. The came up. The party machine had pick: nunciations and epithets at its proponthele dent against its bureaucratic meth nion was expelled from the Executive and the membership should fight it tooth Minneapolis Branch of the Communisted ten delegates with the provision that ents as he used against the Trotskyites ods. Several of them came to discuss Board by the right wingers on it and and mail. The e Builhos no authority League of America Oprisition)
first this same party machine could add more with me and agreed to become active with the support of the union officials.
amongst them. They were themselves He was charged with the responsibil of the membership. Certainly if they learned of the holding of the Conven. if deemed necessary. This state of dele and one person after being thus treated er, after being similarly attacked, asked olutionary group here and of the Italian and distributed to the members of the who was elected by the members the local trade unions where the writer simply tossed out to the organized hand for the floor for a brief moment to ansalready then leaders of the Italian revity for a leaflet written by the left wing have the right to expel a member of the tion when the call was read at one of water was like the rest of the program, left the hall in disgust. Delegate Sing was in attendance. The secretary of rainers amongst the delegates in order wer the attack. request Workers Club. Now these comrades Union. The contents of the leaflet ex. they have the right to do anything. And the local union merely mentioned the fact to leave the impression with honest and herekekete pod the analysis of the Lere pressed the sentiments of many members of wo disagrocomel, mert be told, come to the members present that there was unsuspecting workers present that the with a motion denying him the right to opportunity to defend himself was Opposition on all important questions or of the Union who on numerous occasions plain to the Joint Board.
the movement, such as the united front, have taken the floor and expressed sim It was interesting to note that not a delegates to their State Ratification Conspeak, which was carried automatically the situation in Germany and the ques. iliar criticism.
single rank and file member of the Union vention and the apparent intention was this method of choosing the Several delegates present objected to as all the other party proposals.
tion of internal party democracy.
Iteisel, Pishman and Joffe, officials of defended the action taken by the to lay the communication on the table delegation and proposed that the dele Chicago So, after all was said and done, after The Italian Workers Club which was the Union, lefended and endorsed the only Reisel, Fishman, and Joffe all of without any further action immediantes to Chicago be nominated from the the broad and pretentious call sent out formerly controlled by the party has now expulsion stating that the contents oficials spoke in favor of the expulsion.
ately raised the question that this com floor and that each delegate nominated to the trade union, after the small but Convention by collective agreement, been reorgan the leaflet were false.
The conduct of the chairman was inmunication was possibly one of the most should be voted on separately by the sincere stresle in the ized and its name changed to the Star The members were given no opportun excusable. lle out the discussion short important on the table and should not delegation present. This idea was seragainst the bureaucratie machine, the tacus Workers League. This organizacity to approve or reject the action of the when it got to hot for him. The chair be laid aside but acted upon.
crely criticized by the administration Linneapolis State Convention called by tion is now contemplating and planning Sxecutive Board or to discuss the leaflet man has no right to terminate the discus After some explanation on my part on wheel horses and Norman Bernick con the Communist jurty was not able to is, of in order to determine for themselves the sion without the consent of the member the necessity and importance of every tended this idea was a wrong approach add or detract me single tota from the course, taken up considerably with the charges made against Deltehes and for ship, and this he never got he never trade union to familiarize itselt with, to the entire question.
work and collaboration leader which he was expelled.
asked for it.
and support the building of a Communist The League delegates purty machine.
Delegate Singer of the Reisel who acted as chairman ruled The expulsion of Deitches should be organization and to muster the largest WorkersOrder led the fight for ConInternational with their proposals of cooperation in the election campaign We have already defeated the party that the membership had no power to fought against by every member who has possible vote for its candidates the hole ention election of the Chiengo delega gnored and instead vile names and abuse were bureaucrats here on the Italian field. To reject the decision of the and that the interest of the Union at heart. we voted to send two delegates to the tion. Schneidermann, after condemning were heuped tipon us to confuse the overwhelming majority of Italian the Joint Board only had the power to must volce our protest. The responsibil. Convention. However, the two dele this idea moved its adoption with the workers present.
the It is the only way a do so.
ity for this new expulsion campaign les gates selected did not show up at the class conscious workers here we repreHent Communism. There are only Itall the constitution as understand it. It and the officials who instigated and of the names of the delegates that were machine had the majority of the dele But as it functions it also builds up This ruling is contrary to Section 17 of at the feet of those members of the Convention and when the chairman read knowledge, of course, that the parts labor bureaucracy enn maintain itself.
lan members left in the party and they states very clearly that are the most degenerate types having in the Any member of the G. u. supported the expulsion.
Those responsible will have to union local that had a delegate seated. This plan was akain modifled to the ex: these forces were augumented hardly any fulluence and are the object feeling a rieved at the decision of the wer and hear the consequences. They No name of any delegate was called off tent that the ten delegates picked up by Minneapolis Convention.
of laughter by everyone.
Local Union shall have the right to aphave taken a dangerous and harmful after On May Day we held a well attended real to the Joint Board.
except those who were seated by the the machine stood and others could be BY LEAGUE DELEGATE.
mass meeting in Italian in our center step. Today they expel an member, Party machine. The local Branch of the nominated from the floor. Then on Roosevelt Rd. After this we formed ment and make clear the power them were seated and their names were in marching order and marched through authority of our The officials of never even mentioned.
the Italian quarters to the Party Demon our Union and its. are elected by Members of Local 66 on guard! Fight When we entered the hall we were stration in Union Park. Our whole ex. the membership and responsible to the expellers. Criticism must not be requested by the door committee to sign (Continued from page 1) Convention was therefore, a negative ecutive composed entirely of expelled The is responsible to the member stifled, we must refuse to be terrorized. our name and the organization we rearchist Lovestoneite Bloc played a mis one. It contributed nothing.
party members marched at the head un ship and acts for it between meetings. Deitches was expelled because he was presented, after which we were permitted erable role. It confined itself to the de The Left delegation came to the conder our own banners. We had behind Any action taken by the between a thorn in the side of those who have to take a seat. Wm. Schneiderman, the fense of the resolutions dealing with leg vention with the slogan of Rank and as 300 Italian workers. When we enter membership meetings is brought before was speaking on the Party Plat alistie forms of administration. As ro File Leaership as its program.
ed in Union Park singing and shouting the membership subject for its approval Rally to his task of the left wing was defense. Demand his form and the State and National Party surds union policies and tactics, critic principle our slogans, the workers assembled or rejection.
reinstatement. HAIERY MILTON. ticket and wound up his talk in the ism of the class collaboration policy of to be subordinated to this slogan. And greeted us with thunderous applause.
usual fashion of launching a bitter at the leadership and representation of the when it came to the test on the floor of The Kubickis and Geberts gaped in sur tack on the small and insignificantlemand of the broad masses of the mem the convention, this slogan proved its prise and wore sickly grins. The party group of renegades and stool pigeons hership for a militant program and for fallacy and was the cause of confusion controlled Italians also marched the who try to classify themselves as Com militant action, this pseudo progressive and undeserved discreditment for the whole Ave of them and were sore in Smiling Providence deed, as they realized the ridiculous were farmers, though the drought Trotskyltes. urged out it did not show anything by which it Left wing.
From the coast to the figure they were cutting.
Trot could be distinguished from the Right The slogan of Rank and Fie LaderAppalachian and boll weevil. left nothing to show the workers present to hold We now already have a functioning Rockics, sout en politie bites sed the core it and the price of cotton. Butelkite samline the grossest kind of con wins clique. The reason for this is not ship was raised by the Loft delegation youth sports. dopt. We are organizing a a pleasing climate in which in many ever in a barren field and ten pairs of which was sitting for workers in deal The Anarchists who, in their support the Convention calling for a cloakmakwomen dept. and an unemployed counplaces vegetables grow ten months in the questioning, illiterate eyes were left ing with counter revolutionary renegades of Sigman against the left wing proveder strike this coming Junc. The Left ell under our direction. We are truly year and roses often bloom the year facing the world without even a prospeed and tool pigeons. After this outburst, to be no less reactionary than the Schles insisted on the consideration of their the Communist party among the Italians around. The coast district or Low of food for the ten hungry bodies already which was the climax of the District or inger clique found themselves to a pecu recommendation of Rank and file for the rike, and failing Country is famous for its cypress fallen prey to pellagra, hook worm and sanizer talk, the usual organized ap liar position. All their attempts at pos. Lead ing as progressives were of no avail. In this four of them voted against the swamp and lagoons, dense with water epilepsy. Sixty dollars would take Mag Plause took place.
strike They were condemned by the growths and all pines wreathed and place in helping make a next Thereafter, everything went smooth They were not taken seriously Militant Buildersbannered with Spanish moss. and veil. crop.
year and nothing interfered with the operaThe Lovestoneites felt their obligations entire Convention. This condemnation Thirteen new subs come in Inst week. ed with dawn mists. Its herons, hawks, Drought, boll weevil, loss of mule iltion of the party machine until the toward both cliques. They had to atone would not count so much against them This brings the total of new subs since vultures, eagles; its swamp fish, deer, literacy, pellagra, hunger, hook worm, writer obtained the floor for the purpose for their former sins against both. Their as the confusion and the misrepresenthe opening of the drive 216. Most and alligators; its gardens of azaleas, epilepsy! Pass the hat for the price of of asking the party leadership how we position was rather comical. It was mani tation It caused in the minds of the of these subs were sent in by our staff wintarias, and magnolias; its sen Island mule, very poor mule it would be as delegates from the Communist League fested in their support of the resolution workers with regard to the program of of Mitant Builders. The staff is ap. cotton; and its rice planattons and aris at sixty dollars and let ten people could cooperate with the party in getting regarding the Soviet Union. They swal, the left wing.
parently hot after the prizes offered for tocracy of a former day. Of the gardens starve til next year crop!
the most political benefit out of the lowed the resolution hook, line and sink It is totally false to put the condithe highest standing comrades. The of the Ashley River John Galsworthy Case An expectant mother hitched election campaign for the Communister. Obviously, with the intention of tion of a Kank and We Leadership to staff and its record folow. Agures in wrote, Nothing so free and gracious, so to a plow guided by a seventy year old, movement, Its program and candidates pleasing their brothers in arms, the An the support of a strike. It is but one of parentheses are for the last month and lovely and wistful, nothing so richly col paralyzed father slowly plods rough told them of my expulsion from the archists. On the question of the recog the absurd contradictions flowing from are quoted in dollars. Hedlund ored yet so ghostlike, exists, planted by garder so that the other six children party after giving it my wholehearted wition of Zimmerman rights to office such false slogans. Communists cannot (6. 11; Sacharow (6) 10: the sons of men.
will at least have someting to eat. Re: support for years in money and party on the Executive Board of his local, his withhold support of a strike even if it Danne (G. 9; Duell (5. Lilly In constant, the mountains of the induced by a series of bad luck from com work and wanted to know how we could sole support came from Dubinsky, who is under a reformist leadership. Their (5) Sifakis (1. 2: Glesser (4) land border of the state rise over a mile parative prosperity to such straits, the cooperate on the things we can agree on jointly with the Anarchists administer auty is to continue the fight for a mili. 2: Roneland (3 2) 5; Dunne high. Here is the last resort of a rem s, with no source of income left, have and that we stood for the unification of ed him whipping for his sins of the lant, Left wing leadership in strikes and (3) 8; Naky (2 2) 3; Forsen nant of the Cherokees, driven out of thelr had to humble their pride and ask char the Communist movement around a cor past and a warning for the future. out of strikes. This is the only way to (2 2 3; Buehler (2) 2; Rosen hunting grounds by the Anglo Saxon inity. The oldest child has the highest rect program. My proposition evidently ritual entirely becoming for a capitulator. expose the reformists and to gain pres There remained at the Convention the tige for themselves. The Lefts at the (2. 2: Coover (2) 3: Ehrlich vaders who built their log cabins and grades ever made at her school but win battled the Chairman momentarily and (2) 1; Frank (1 2. 2; Basky set up schools for the study of Greek and have to stop unless some maintenance is he simply glanced in the direction of delegation of the Left Groups guided Convention committed an unpardonable (1 2)5; Vaxxlly (1. 1; Ruskin Latin and theology while busy subduing provided for the family. Sixty dollars Schneiderman who responded promptly by the Industrial Union. This group blunder for which the Stalinist leader. 2: Curran (1) 2: Zalaman the wilderness. Last resort, too, of is needed.
and bravels by stating something to the was represented only by seven delegates ship is responsible.
The Tasks of the Left Wing off (1) 1: Carison (1) 1; Cowl spruce and Ar, rattlesnake and wild tur Case 10. It is getting to be a regular effect that no smooth or suave talk and consequently, played no great role (1. 5; Schulman (1) 1; Barach key, fox, deer, and bear. Then too, last thing in the widow s home for the five could cover up our character as coun at the Convention. It could not be We wish to reiterate our proposals (114: Johnson (1) S. Lessin resort of the pure Anglo saxon descend little s to go to bed without any supper cooperate with the police to break up in hostility to fully develop its pro vention for the raising of the slogan of ter revolutionaries and stool pigeons who sides, be expected, due to the prevail made to the Left wing before the con(1. Berman (1. Herman (1. plantation system of a former generation night with no results in her hunt for Communist meetings and demonstra: sram, to give adequate representation to unity of the and the Inthat there the Left wing. But even in such a sit dustrial Union at the Convention. We Ross (1. Milton (1 2) 1; and deliberately kept illiterate by the work. Anxiety and the lack of food fortions. He further ruled Drobny (1 Carr (1 4) aristocracy of the low lands, thus pro herself will ruin her health before times would be no more discussion on my pro atlon, the Loft delegation could have proposed to demand the rendmission Skoglund8: Chelor 2: Rasducing the poor whites of the present come if she is not given help. Sixty do position and ordered the Chairman to made itself felt, provided it had a plat of the Industrial Union as a body into Gottlieb 1; Koehler 1; day.
proceed with the regular order of bust form for the convention. But unfortun and without discrimination. We pro Wynne 1; Carter. 1; II. Capelis 1: ately, it has none, and its part at the posed this on the basis of the pressing Between these two extremes of low. Case 11. An unbearably empty Herman 1; Swabeck 1; Glotland and high land lies the major part stomach forced Mr. to yield to temptaneed for unity and the demand for it.
zer 1; Logan 1; KaldisJ1; of the state, devoted to cotton mills and tion while away from home searching for Such a slogan would immensely strengSterling cotton raising. Originally covered with work to support his wife, little boy and Put the Press Drive Over gthen the Left wing and its prespines forming a beautiful and extensive the new baby on the way, and he is now tige with the International. We also forest area, it is now well cut over and serving a term for theft. Further suf The final month of the drive is not sary is the determination to reach it. proposed a united front with the proMinneapolis Branch dotted with Jight built houses raised for fering for his family could be avoided what it should be. It is necessary to and a sustained effort to do so. Now sressive elements, led by the Anarchthe most part on brick or wood posts and with thirty dollars.
say so right out to make every member for the final week of the drive let every ist. Lovestone bloc, for common struggle Challenges Wobblies having no cellars. Few houses in the Yield not to temptation, of the League and every one of its sym. one pitch in with all he has. Let every proposed this as a tactic we said that poorer country sections are painted. The Case 12. When de lights in both pathizers realize that our statement that the life of the weekly MILITIANT de comrade, reader, sympathizer and friend we have no confidence in the leaders of James Thompson, the outstanding soil is rich in iodine but erodes very Uncle Tom eyes were put out by orator of the spoke in Minnen easily a sol peculiarly adapted to the cataracts and Aunt Sally becamo spends on the success of the press drive cudgel his memory to think of every one the Progressive Bloc. but we look upon polis at the Labor Lyceum, Sunday, May pine which has been ruthlessly cut down crippled with rheumatism that she could is not an exaggeration. This drive masthe ever heard say a word of agreement its existence and its influence as a proof 15th to an audience, the size of which in the past and burned on the spot. hardly move out of her chair, the debe made a success.
with the ideas of the Left Opposition and of the radical sentiments of the workers.
strikingly attested to the precipitous deSuch is Carolina still the land of the voted old couple sat side by side eringing glance at the quotas and results to a word of sympathy for our struggle Bloch would bring the left wing closer cline in influence of that organization of cable and the cotton field and blessed in deadly fear of having to go to the date tells the story: let him take our front page appeal and to the workers and prove to them which once held aloft in undisputed with a fertile soil and a wonderful clim almshouse. Food would be assured by fifty dollars and this fear removed.
go to him for help.
leadership the banner of revolutionary ate under a smiling providence.
the insincerity of the Progressives and internationalism. About 150 persons came Results Quotas Case 13. The gigantie task of sup Providence Still Smiles If we are to reach our quota and we the militancy of the left wing. The to hear the flower of syndicalist thought porting a family of Alve, the mother disNew York. 69. 50 Carolina during the depression has abled and the father ill with pellagra, must we need immediate help. We need Left wing could only gain by such a in this country delineate the nature of suffered no great or sudden catastrophe rests on the thin little shoulders of Minneapolis.
donations. At the affairs move.
which our The Lefts at the Convention did not qapitalist exploitation and the class at the hands of Nature either of flood, Jessie Mae, 16, whose jobs consists of Chicago.
branches have aranged for this week col adopt our proposals. They failed with struggle Thompson has forceful unin. carthquake, plague or drought. Provid a few day work a week in the mill.
terrupted flow of convincing argumentence still smiles. What then of the Forty dollars is essential.
lections must be made. Pledges must be the Stalinist tacties. It is not yet too Cleveland on Marxian economies, punctuated by human element. taken. Plans for raising money must late to test our correct tactics of a united apt quotations from Marx himself, but Case 18. Working under a high pow.
Let us examine some of the Needy red light while making a living for his Philadelphia.
40 be worked out.
front and of the slogan of unity. The fails miserably to explain the polities of Cases.
Remember that the life of the weekly it was before.
time for it is no less opportune now than Marxism which his syndicalist prejudices Case Hope died with the mule. Mrs. and the two children with no family cost Mr. his eyesight and left Newark 50 MILITANT is in danger, SAVE IT. ALBERT ORLAND.
do not permit him to understand.
As long as the Jasksons had Mag they support. More trouble came when her Kansas City. 00 In answer to questions on the subject.
he sententiously asserted the argument brother, who lived with her, lost his job.
advanced by the anarchists before thej not sit well even with the sympathizers find enough to do to make ends meet.
She is a hard worker but can always Tas Angeles.
flood: that polities is nothing but parlin of the some of whom are for she could manage with twenty five dolYoungstown. 50 mentarism, and that the when the Soviets.
New Haven.
the working class selves power, will do The Minneapolis Branch considers it Montreal.
everything necessary, to maintain power, a question of grent educational value for the parentheses inserted, from a leadMake use of the combined Sub rate of 00 for a year Sub to THE These cases are copled exactly, except MILITANT and YOUNG SPARTACUS.
Duluth even with a Ited Army. The writer to the workers of Minneapolis to arrange ing newspaper of the state and refer to Make use of the literature premiums: free paper bound copy of the questioned whether the Army, the debate with a representative of the the neediest cases in the state capital Springfield, III.
Permanent Revolutio with a one year Sub to THE MILITANT (Does not fails, the courts, pollee, etc. could be w. in which both sides of the ques. You can see Hoover point that a little Frankfort, Ill.
apply to combined rates. a free copy of the Strategy of the World Revoluconsidered economie weapons.
son answered that this was merely tion of the American revolution can be more individualism would help these tion with each halt year Sub; a free copy of a 10 cents pamphlet with each trial Sub of 13 issues Miscellaneous 14. 50 quibble, and then proceeded to launch discussed. We hereby issue the chal cases along.
Don forget our special offer of Issues for 25 cents good only during into a violent personal attack on all Such was the situation last year during the drive. politicians. specifically the Communists, December.
Total TO Russian school boy 000 152. 00 Rend Communism and Syndicalism by these stories would sound incredible, but triumphantly convicting them of wishAddress ing to overthrow capitalism at the ballot Leon Trotsky for a clarification of the when he learns about it, that is, what City State It can be seen from the above how far box. It was necessary to attack the 80 differences between W. and Com he will think of when he hears America we are from even one half of our quota.
Sent in by.
Branch viet Union is a capitalist nation in order munists.
called God Country.
Now this quota is by no means beyond to prove his point, which believe dia Price per copy 10 GUY SOUTHWORTH. our ability to reach. All that is necesness.
the Top. 200 38 1060 70 40 St. Louis. 40 35 30 25 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Get a Sub! ThompName