AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEngelsImperialismInvasionLeninLeninismMarxSocialismSovietStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Published weekly by the Communist League of America. Opposition) at 84 East 10th Street, New York, Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
VOLUME V, NO. 21 (WHOLE NO. 117 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932 PRICE CENTS Congress Talks Unemployment Relief For the Workers. Only the Jingle of the Government Coin Help Save Our Weekly Militant. The Political Crisis of Japanese Imperialism tax The Philadelphia Convention of the Events are moving swifter than usual On the other hand, the exempt in the United States Congress. There bonds advocated in Hoover proposal for hangs over it the threatening cloud of investment for further exploitation, is the huge unemployed army, growing to be handled through the Finance Re Save the Weekly MILTANT! Since sympathizer must realize the extreme more hungry, more sullen, and showing construction Corporation. What that last week appeal our financial position urgency of the situation, the categorical signs of restlessness, and for the relief will mean, is indicated in the very first has become worse. Bills continue to nature of the issue which the situation of which the government has done abso relief loan granted by this institution weigh on us with Alpine pressure. The presents. And he must realize, too, that the Far Eastern developments has once terprises of the Japanese master class During the past few weeks the lull iners. The colonizing and stabilizing en lutely nothing. The swifter moves are to the Missouri Pacific railroad, half of situation is crippling all our efforts. We only prompt assistance will pull us more been broken. The Manchurian ad have consumed tremendous sums, the undoubtedly inspired by the fear that which went to pay maturing loans to must have money. We must have it at through.
venture and its effects are making them. yield for which, they know, at best lles is foreshadowed in the dastardly police Wall Street bankers. It will mean in once.
In Cleveland last summer we saw un selves felt with particular intensity. In the very distant future. The expenses shootings in Dearborn and in Melrose vestments to fatten dividends and streng The problem of getting paper and ink employed workers pay their last nickels For months, the Japanese invasion of for their adventure abroad have not as Park. The agents of privilege in the then the capitalists to administer fur for each week run of THE MILITANT for copies of THE MILITANT. From China and the occupation of Manchuria yet been met and are continuing to ac Senate and in the House are as deliber. ther wage cuts.
ately arrogant, as were the savage up. Some of the more sceptical of Wall make sure that each issue will appear the esteem in which THE MILITANT is evolution. The contradictions in the in relations with foreign finance capital holders of the law when they faced the street uncrowned kings predict that regularly our comrades, readers and sym held, of its importance, of its necessity terests of the various Imperialist powers have not been lubricated by these condistarving workers in these two places. this new bond floatation will cause in pathizers should respond NOW with for workers. It is known and eagerly have to a large extent held back the tions either.
The latter instances indicate the more flation. Not that they are opposed to donations.
looked for from coast to coast. Tokio brigands from going the full Effects of the Crisis concrete alde of how the capitalist gov inflation. These real magnates support the struggle of the working clase WM THE MILITANT continue to length of their intentions. It was for ernment really intends to deal with the the Goldsborough bill, which went over against the rayages of the erisis, the on speak our point of view to these workers this reason that they were forced to con. which began as part of the general crisis As a consequence, the economic crisis, unemployment problem. This is where with a whoop in the House of Represenslaughts of the bosses will go on.
But regularly every week? Will our most clude the truce of Shanghai.
capitalism revealed itself in its true tatives and provides for authorization to will the voice of the Left Opposition con powerful weapon in the struggle for the In Manchuria, the constitution of the of October 1920, has been considerably of capitalism after the Wall Street crash nature.
the Federal Reserve to elevate the price tinue to be heard regularly every week ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trot. new Manchu Kuo state and the efforts of aggravated. The economic Yet this fear the outstanding motive level to the bourgeois prosperity period through its press? Will the Left Op.
distress of sky, for the ideas of revolutionary inter the Nipponese to solidify it as a base the masses is greater than ever. Indusforce behind the events in Congress. With of 1921 29.
position be able to influence these strugnationalism will this clarion of the in.
that follows the scurrying for special Truly the United States Congress is les as effectively? That is the question ternational proletarian revolution consistent guerilla warfare throughout the that a standstill more than ever beconsideration and for special gains for making headway toward its capitalist that faces us.
tinue to appear weekly! THAT DE country, scattered groupe putting up the various privileged interests from relief. Nothing could please this whole Every comrade, every reader, every PENDS ON YOU.
stubborn resistance against the invadThat discontent and unrest should any measure contemplated to restore entry more than to actually accomplish.
develop on a large scale, with this sit prosperity. In addition, it is an elec by strengthened monopoly, a higher com.
uation for a background, is only to be tion year, and the lawmakers have modity price level. What with workers expected. It is still too hard to guage enough at stake to maneuver for the wages already drastically reduced and the extent and to recognize the direction most favorable position.
the coupon elippers strengthened to ad.
which this discontent and unrest is takThe Convention just workers in the industry for real unity, and the privileges of the entrenched bur There is a national treasury deficit minister more cuts, higher price level concluded at Philadelphia marked, as it Schlesinger did not deem it important to eaucracy. Among the resolutions of this political super structure of the Mikado ing. But it is certain that the present now of over 2, 500, 000, 000 giving Incon should seem doubly enticing.
were, the official close of a period in raise these trovertible testimony to the crisis in One of the tasks of the heavier artil the historic struggle between the left safe in the surrounding atmosphere of a The resolution demanding proportional and social convulsions of a high order issues. He felt perfectly nature were: empire is extremely shaky. Political capitalism. The Congress is still strug lery, now moving forward in Congress, wing and the Socialist Forwards bureau convention packed with his own hench representation to the Joint Board and are forthcoming, the first signs of which gling with the balancing of its budget. is to harmonize the conflicting capitalist cracy. It was a temporary triumph for men, in which the rank and file of the Conventions; the resolution for the re are beginning Bipartisan alliances are made feverishly group interests. An illustration of one the Schlesinger clique. The correlation membership and the genuine Left wing call of officers; a resolution for the come into view.
and broken up again. Clashes of spe of such problems is afforded in the proof forces of the various factions and were feebly represented.
The Assassination of Premier cial group Interests bring forth epithets posed billion dollar tax bill in the Sen groups, as reflected at the convention, 18 great deal of time and attention was, a resolution for the limitation of the amalgamation of local and Joint Boards; For some time now, reports have been such as dastardly lies and damnable ate. It contains tarife clauses which indicative of the process of entrenchment however, given by the convention to listerm of service for officers; a resolution flowing in from Tokio of a growing Fasco lies. Senators and Representatives voci immediately became controversial. Re of the Right wing after its erstwhile de tening to demagogic speeches of labor establishing a maximum for salaries of Ist movement. It is supposed to base ferously proclaim their honesty in the presentatives of one set of capitalists feats in the protracted struggle with the leaders and bourgeois politicians who officials, etc.
itselt upon a split off from the reformist face of the heavy lobby bribes.
The insurgents the socalled progres for their investment protection while on in the face of objective conditions at the invitation of the Schlesinger clique adopted by a majority of 107 against ond International, and upon a section of On the other hand, the Convention party, the Japanese section of the See sives. In lette, Costigan, etc. sponsoring the 10 are opposed. This is nothing new. It of growing discontent on part of the the time and energy of the delegates and constitution providing for a referendum discernible from the reports. But the terests of the embattled petty bourge has just become more glaringly expressed membership and the recently developed preventing the discussion of important vote on national officers anı also a reolsle, were the first to become vocifer in their present political dilemma. opposition in the three largest locals in problems.
ous. The proposed manufacturers sales Yet, through all the clashing conflicts New York, led by the Anarchist Love. Among the celebrities who addressed ship standing from candidates for office in so far as it depicts a new trend in tax went down to defcat. It caused the reflected in these higher governmental sotnelte bloc.
majority leader in the House, Rainey. bracketts emerges one common and untthe couvention was the mayor of Phila. The progressive resolution adopted the political life of the country.
The whole character of the convention delphia. Moore, whose bloody suppression were mostly of such a nature that they great deal of talk about a Fascist to declare gravely, with words to this ted alm: namely, to advance the counter was reminiscent of traditional of the May Day demonstration only a place no obligations on the bureaucracy coup Etat has been heard of late. The effect: you gentlemen have gone further telt relief measures, shielding the real Conventions prior to the historie en short time before the convention did not and sorve at the same time, as a dig recent assassination of Kl Inokat, the toward socialization of property than any ones for the investors, to ward of the counter between the Right and the Left. stand in the way of his invitation as a tear for their reactionary acts of be Prime Minister of Japan, has been atnation outside of Soviet Russia. The ad working class drift toward the Left. Un. The schlesinger clique ruled the conven. Priend of labor. He was even heartily trayal against the membership Such tributed to Fascist henchmen. Whether ministration omnibus bill was shaved questionably Congress has so far suction, while behind the scenes, deals for applauded after his vituperative speech resolutions were adopted as the resoluthis is true or not, it seems quite cerdown to leave almost nothing. And the ceeded in attracting the favorable atten offices and other spolls were being con about Communists and all other sorts of tion of the 30 hours week, which is mean tain that this act of terror was inspired deficit remains. Meanwhile the leaders tion of the more credulous among the cluded under the close supervision of radicals. The only rebuke came from ingless without established wage guar. by the growing despair on part of a of Industry and finance, suffering un masses. Will the capitalist politicians Abe Caban and Morris Hilquit. the president of the Philadelphia Cen antee; the resolution for unemployment large section of the intermediate classes der the crisis, and clamoring ever more attain their aim of changing the work loudly for their pound of flesh. So, now Schlesinger opening speech at the tral Labor Trades, Adolph Hirschberg and old age Insurance; resolution with the involved and complicated and ing class leftward trend so as to more convention was remarkable for its lack It was one discordant note a general against the deportation of foreign born rather helpless position to which the the heavy hitting artillery is moving for easlly defeat its demands and crush its of content and for its demagogs. They harmonious performance. This seem workers for union activities, etc.
country has been brought by the exploits ward in Congress. But mobilized also the pitiable efforts of the reaction tant question.
are growing aspirations? That is the impor vital problems concerning the memberingly insignificant eplode can serve as ship of the union and the satisfaction the best Illustration of the reactionary the Soviet Union contains a clause de The resolution for the recognition of of the government.
What Is Behind the Terror ary trade union leaders.
Much valuable time has already been of their pressing needs were not at all character and composition of the gath manding the release of political prison This wide spread sentiment of despair Representatives of seven leading rall ers (including counter revolutionary men and distress, coupled with the enormous road unions have declared to the Prestlost by the failure of the official Com. touched upon in his speech, except for ering.
the financial difficulties caused by the de The accomplishments of the convention sheviks and Anarchists. This resolu conquering appetite of the military clldent that unless immediate steps are mentary steps to build a serious move crease in the amount of dues to the or can be summarized in the following acts ton also received the support of the ques appears to be pushing the ruling taken to increase employment and relievement which would begin to unite emganization and the debts incurred during against the interests of the membership Loerstonelte delegates at the Convention classes to a precipice. Aims of a forel.
distress, they, will be obliged to deployed and unemployed workers. But the fight with the Left wing. He spoke of the union. mand a dole. What a terrifying threat All in all, the Philadelphia Convention ble issue from the situation, war alms, there is yet a rich opportunity available. of the economic crisis and the cures for The convention defeated, with its pack of the accomplished the are no doubt behind the terror that has And so, to apply Immediately the neces. There is now a better opportunity for it, repeating the banalities and the road majority, all the progressive resola aims the bureaucracy set itself with taken the toll of the foremost statesman sary soothings, they come forward with the Smith Debt Plan. They propose the the workers to learn, by actual experiformist twaddle of solving the crisis by tions purporting to curtall the power out much difficulty. In the absence of of imperialist Japan.
ence, what can be expected from the high wages and full employment. He a formidable, determined, genuine Left To realize how tense these feelings are, President to appoint a commission combourgeois parliamentary talking shop. indulged in talk about unity and harposed of five representatives, one for They will learn more concretely that mony. the solidification of the ranks wing opposition, the task of the bureau and how intent the alms that accompany labor, one for the farmers, two outstand the United States Congress, the same as and the common cause. As to policies Beet Workers Go on cracy at this Convention was an unusu them, It must be observed that Inuaki ing business leaders and one financial ally easy one.
was among the most conservative of the expert. This commission is to restlmu all other capitalist parliaments, are in and tasks for real struggle to resist the The Anarchist Lovestone Bloe and die hards in the empire. He belonged to late trade and export from the the acknowledged war party, the Sely.
the Left Opposition States. Their plan at once won the ap ist interests and for the keeping of the conditions of the workers in the indus ukai. Even he appeared too pacific to proval of democratic politicians. And workers in subjection. try, as to how to satisfy the need of the The Progressive opposition of the AnTen thousand workers, mostly Mexis the truculent young militarists of the (Continued from page 2)
why not? It is as cast (Continued from page 3)
their ow: ians, are out on strike in the northern mold. Now these trade union flunkeys part of Colorado. The strike breaks want to appear in the lion role. When simultaneously with the opening of the facing the wage eut demands of the rail picking season which runs a short road magnates they were, however, meek course. This imposes on the strikers the as rabbits. But they have now again We have received the folowing letter which the possible return of Lovestone necessity of quick and effective spreading On May 17, two class war prisoners erywhere to give the lead to the Comonly the idea in mind of greater colla trom a Party member: is talked about among them is a sufficient of the strike and the determined use of boration with the outright capitalist Dear Comrades: indication that they expect positive means to prevent scabbing. On the other of the Left Opposition, comrades Bermunist militants on all fronts.
representatives in making the counterLeon Goodman The two class war fighters are reenteroutcome of the negotlations. You can hand it means that the growers will in nard Morgenstern and didn know you were going to print get them to make positive statements of all probability move with speed to break were released felt relief measures seem palatable to the capitalist ing the ranks of the Left Opposition with the workers and help pull the wool over my first letter. Otherwise would have their attitude one way or the other. And the strike. The history of strike strugjall in Pennsylvania. The two staunch undiminished enthusiasm, rendy to contheir eyes. Never for once would they left out that part about Gannes and the when that is conrasted to their previous gles in this area seem to indicate that communist fighters have just finished tinue thelr work in the same ardent entertain the idea of even calling upon Soviet American Alliance. or asked you campaign it indicates to me that they ex. the strike will assume a violent form serving a sentence of ninety days for spirit as before. The Left Opposition their union phalanx to exert the press to delete it. This clue started a buzz. pect something to happen. At any rate The Daily Worker reports that the sherime distributing leaflets issued by the Com welcomes its two forefront fighters back, ure of their numbers or to utilize their ing and a search for the whole they do not want to be caught off guard of Weld County is proceeding to swear, munist League of Amerlen (Opposition. It rejoices to have them return, to lend strategie position, of moving the wheels out Information about the private at: by ang instructions they recelve after in a number of deputy sheriff The calling for participation of all workers their tested strength once more to its of transport, to fight for their right to Calrs of our leaders. However, there the man makes his report in state militia has been ordered to stand in the party unemployed demonstration. activities. The return of comrades Moscow.
live, and to resist the onslaughts upon was no harm done.
Morgenstern and Goodman were ar Morgenstern and Goodman will mean an The upper circles are buzzing with dis The final decision will be made over U. dispatch to the Rocky Mounrested in Philadelphia in February ot impetus to Increased efforts in the fight The reller measures proposed in cussion of the unity proposition, and the there, but the general line of it is altain News, published in Denver, sky last year and convicted on the charge ocor vvv Congress are practically all of the same negotiations with Lovestone are stiready clear. Lovestone will be required that the growers offered the workers one of sedition. The charge was based on Opposition Youth Debats character. There is no real difference going on subrosa. The article of Gitlow to make a political capitulation and to atth of the gross crop at the end of the the fact that the leaflet they were disbetween the proposals of Senator Rob in the Workers Age is false in one redissociate himself from Brandler. Thus season. The workers answered with tributing pointed out that the only conAnarchist Group inson and President Hoover. Both em spect at least, in so far as it gives the the prestige of the infallible leadership demand of a minimum 23 an acre clusive way of solving the unemployment body 2, 500, 000, 000 plan for relief. Impression that negotiations have been will be maintained. After the capitula and a cash advance to carry them over. crisis is by an international proletarian The second debate scheduled by the That is only about 200, 000, 000 of this suspended on the contrary this tion which in my judgment is agreed United Front Committee is lending the revolution. Morgenstern and Good a Spartacus Youth Club of New York will is to go to the various states and munt aboslutely straight from a member of the upon already the organizational adjust strike. It is known that the LA cipalities to be doled out in miserable Polcom the man personally hela ments will worked out and we will organized and is actually leading the letarian Internationalists and as such be held on Sunday, May 22nd at 8:00 The first debate with the Young charity rations. The fat morsel, the conferences with Lovestone since the celebrate our Ideological victory over strike. This is as it should be. On the served their term in the bosses prison Peoples Socialist League proved success 2, 000, 000, 000, is to become tax exempt publication of the last letter. short the Right wing by readmitting them to other hand there is no reason why the as representatives of the International tul, over three hundred turning out to should not appear before the working class.
bonds to be used for private profit makwhile ago he left the country and Love the Party All the large hall in the Labor Temple.
Ing enterprises. Politely, they are callstone took him to the boat. My personal By the way, some of the comrades who whole working class as the leader of The courageous example of MorgenThe subject of the coming debate: Is ed self liquidating enterprises.
opinion remains as before that an actook the campaign against Lovestonelem the strike.
stern and Goodman, both young Communa Proletarian Dictatorship Necessary is At the time of going to press details Ista, will serve as an example and as in Here we have the outrageous arrogatice tual agreement is pending and will be seriously have been looking rather hard an extremely important one, particularly of a capitalist government. The existing concluded. will go further and at Stachel lately, since the stories about of the strike situation are very meager. Inspiration to the whole Communist youth say in view of the fact that the negative unemployment situation bas long 180 that, in my opinion, the political side out. If told you what one of the old his part in the unity conferences came But even at with this paucity of in and particularly to the youth of the Left rmation and at this distance one fact Opp The called for unemployment insurance for of the question is more or less settled hard boiled Fosterites said to me, you stands out: ten thousand workers under come to the Left Opposition will learn represented by their youth sectiou, the Communists who position will be upheld by the anarchists the millions of jobless and penniless and that the final agreement hinges now couldn print it. At the Forum week Communist leadership have thrown down by the example of these two vallant Vanguard Group The affirmative point crumbs to them is all so far. And there on forms and organizational position before last someone in the audience the use of battle to their masters and Aghters not only to uphold and to prope of view will be defended by our comis no indication that actual relief, that said that they will fight for the right gate the Leninist ideas of the Opposi rades, Herbert Capells and Albert Glot.
actual unemployment Insurance will be there is enough to warrant the deduc negotiations with Lovestone. and then to live.
tion, but also to struggle in the very granted until the workers sufficiently lon.
skipped on with his learned exposition The debate will be held at the Free front ranks of the class battles of the For one thing, the tension over arouse their latent mass power to com the of some point or other which can GREET MORGENSTERN AND GOOD proletariat. The exemplary conduct of Workers Center, 219 Second Avenue.
Admission is 15 cents. Don forget the del consideration over the opposition of question in the top circles and the ex. remember. guess it wasn very im. MAN at the New York Branch Pienie, Morgenstern and Goodman will serve as tremely serious and concrete manner in portant.
the capitalist politicians.
Sunday, May 29, Tippetts Brook Park. an instigation to the Oppositionists ey. date and place.
United stitutions for the protection of capital. srowing attacks of the bosses on the Strike in Colorado More Abont the Unity Negotiations Morganstern and Goodman Released from