BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerLeninLeninismMarxMarxismParis CommuneSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1932 EDITORIAL NOTES REPLY TO COMRADE BOJARSKY which gronps itself more and more worker who apparently agrees in around revolutionary Socialisin, around part with the trade union policy of the Communism. This Socialism. he Communist League has criticized the said, is the declaration of permanent article on the elections in Local of the revolution, the establishment of the Class (Continued from last Issue) the economie transformation of the one Dictatorship of the Proletariat as a neeI. which appeared in the Karl Marx in his early youth became into the other. Truly, with the discovery essary step towards the abolition of BRING THE UNITY NEGOTIAthe party and to advance its viewpoint issue of April 16th. In order that his disciple of Hegel. It is not our pur of the materialist conception of history class distinctions in general, towards TIONS INTO THE OPEN!
a second, a third or a tenth time on letter is printed in full on the correspose here to attempt to take up the Socialism became elevated to a science the abolition of all the conditions of pondence page. The doubts we expressed Hegelian concept more than to say that let, how piticul are those contemptible production on which class distinctions Since the position for the belt oppost the party constitution. This is the way oder eine genuineness of the victory of it represented one of the first serious and charlatans who claim adherence to scien depend, towards the abolition of all the on all other important issues, is founded rected its errors, chose its leaders and the Left wing in the Local elections thorough endeavors to break with the title Socialism but reject the Proletar social relations which depend on these tion on the subject of Party unity, as Lenin party clarified its policies, corare attributed by the writer of the let Philosophy of the past particularly that lan Dictatorship that is, under the guise safeguarded Its unity.
on principle, a consistency in its expres ter, comrade Bojarsky, to misinformation of the middle ages which conceived of the common phrase, it might be conditions of production, towards the rev.
sions on the matter from time to time Nobody has invented any other method. About the conditions in this local and the of all things as fixed, constant and eter right for Russia, but not in America. from these social relations.
that they do Once again we can add, that here we can regard the unity at the Plenum which only succeeded in derailing the Party Group if that were really the case we logie in accordance with the universal not at all accept the essence of Marxism. nave, on the basis of the concrete proconfirmed our expulsion three and one from the Marxist track, crushing the inhalf years ago, through the various oc itiative of the membership and celebrat. would have no hesitancy in acknowledge process of evolution. The essence of the forceful overthrow of the capital letarian experiences, the materialist conthis was the dialectie.
ist system. They do not accept this sumception of history applied and set down ing and correcting the error, since hon casions on which we again raised the ing its monolithic unity with split cet information is the prerequisite for To Marx, the dialectie became the and substance of all Marx teachings with an indelible imprint for the future.
horrible bank The revolutionary events during Marx question in timely communications to after split. It is the the Party until the present day, we have ruptey of this stalinist substitute that intelligent and enlightening discussion method of investigation of social and the Proletarian Dictatorship. There is been guided by the example and teaching compels the Party membership to thinkBut a closer nvestigation of the matter. economic phenomena. Through it he not a shred of the revolutionary in them. life time closed with the Paris Commune.
Engels says of the Communist ManiThe proletariat had then reached a disof our incomparable leaders, the Rus of unity again in terms of Leninism, and including the consultation of a number formulated his materialist conception of Marx. festo, that, the fundamental propositinet Independnt class position, though sian Bolshevik Leninists. Just as thes. Left Opposition.
to seek way for the inclusion of the to whom comrade Bojarsky letter was and Engels. But with that discovery hetion, which forms its nucleus, belongs to not yet. As Marx observed, a position of informed workers in the needle trades, history, which belongs entirely in their platform and in all subsequent shown, has convinced us that our first also separated the dialectic method from Marx. Here is traced, distinctly in the of revolutionary maturity and preparaThere is no doubt that the present declarations, affirmed their desire to re objective circumstances accentuate the article was correct, in fact as well as in the Hegelian mysticism and idealism. It light of the materialist conception, the tion. It had not yet created its revolumain in the Party, and their willingbecame dialectic materialism. It revólu historical development which istabushed tionary party. Its heroic attempt to the inference.
ness to defend their views by the normal harmful results of the splits and the processes of Party democracy and Parts fore its class enemies. The sharpening group in Local comrade Bojarsky says! By the means of the materialist con earliest towns; and next to the first weaknesses. And it was on this expericonsequent weakening of the Party be As a proof of the strength of the left tonized the science of history.
the middle ages to the burghers of the cumvented essentially because of these discipline, Bo we have always protested Against our enforced separation from of the class struggle at home, the in. It was the first to defeat the 75 tax ception Marx was able really to explain elements of the bourgeoisie. Shatteringence that Marx, in his address to the the Party. We never made any special creasingly heavy blows dealt to the mill proposed by the International Administhe course of history, not only in so far the feudal guild monopoly emerged the General Council of the International, demands that were not taken for grant tion, the rumbling of impending revolutie tax, and the rest or progreso en bloecause this conception proceeds from the dustrinl produetton. The place of manu ang class cannot simply lay hold on the tant workers by the entrenched renc tration. If the Left alone had fought as it relates to the past, but also its fue manufacturing system. Thereupon, made his masterful analysis, culminating ture stages. That became possible be steam and machinery revolutionized in in the terse statement: But the worked and enjoyed by every party member tionary struggles abroad all this gives Right as well as the Progressive in Lenin time, and we do not take a powerful impulse to the sentiments for had defended it, then the defeat ocl basis of the economic conditions of each facture was taken by the giant, Modern ready made state machinery and wield them now.
society. It holds that the relations of unity within the Party ranks. The Left the tax would indeed have been an in production, of each given stage are the ment of the bourgeois was accompanied are again forcefully reiterated the conIndustry. Each step in the develop it for its own purpose. In these words Our chief concern, that transcends all Opposition, which has no special inter dication of the strength of the Left: social order, the by a corresponding political advance of clusions from the realisties of the materother considerations, is the return of the cits separate from those of the class But this is not exactly 80. The Profoundation for its Party and the Comintern to the founda and the vanguard, will do all in its power gressive Bloe was also against the tax foundation for its legal and political that class. the bourgeoiste has atial world. Today they serve as the protion principles of Marxism. Since 1928. to strengthen this current and help it to and since this group controls the adminis superstructure, as well as for its division last, since the establishment of Modern letarian revolutionary strategy.
first within the Party and afterward as realize its aims. From this point of tration of the local, which in itself into contending slances Market od Industry and of the world market, con Our task is today, clearer than ever, an expelled group, we have advocated, view the last meeting of the National a demonstration of its strength, it is discover the existence of classes or the quered for itself, in the modern repre to proceed on the foundation of Marxism and to fully comprehend what Marx al Left Opposition against the opportun with an appeal for unity and series of the Left. We sympathize with the tion that its existence is bound up with the postulate that the class struggle Up to the present the philosophers have day, the Marxist line of the Internation cided to approach the Party once again detent of the tax showed the supremacy before him. But he added the contribu The Manifesto could therefore lay down embodied in his thesis to Feuerbach: Ist and adventprist zig zags of official of practical proposals for its realization patriotle loyalty to the left which our and is the result of certain phases of essentially a political struggle and that but interpreted the world; it is, however, Centrism. These views, the correctness The first of these proposals, which will the least help the cause of the Lort by the essential contribution that the op: come the ruling class led to this goal by correspondent shows. But we do not in the material production. He added also the proletariat must elevate itself to be necessary to change it.
of which has been confirmed in every be transmitted to the Party within the closing our eyes to realities and making pressed class today, the modern prole: its revolutionary vanguard.
case by the events of the class strus week, will ask the reinstatement of the exaggerated and easily refuted claims must thereby liberate society as a whole only by quoting the proposition: Io final period of the capitalist epoch. The We witness today the completion of gle, we still maintain. We have nothing Left Opposition without any conditions regarding its accomplishments.
To this we shall here add further society. We have renched the last and the process of a dialectie cycle in human to repent and nothing to retract. except the rights of Party democracy.
Unity for us cannot be the formula and with an undertaking to assume any Comrade Bojarsky also disputes our accomplished through its various stage place of the old wants, satisfied by the blood and tears in which the pages of for a reconciliation with the treacherous duties or responsibilities whatever which statement that the Left wing group in Marx stated in procise formulation in productions of the country, we find new the history of its birth were written is the local came to life only recently and his letter to Weidemeyer, written in wants, requiring for their satisfaction again being shed at this stage of its the products of distant lands and climes. vlolent decay and collapse. It is giving condition for the more advantageous The second proposal, to be applied best played very little part in the lite 1852. in part it reads as follows. the class struggle leads necesIn place of the old local and national birth to a new and higher stage. The the truly enormous errors and crimes, retnstatement remains pending, is that croup has been more latence of Takto sarily to the Dictatorship of the probe intercourse in every direction, universal Kinning was made by the proletarian revseclusion and self sufleney, we have work is being changed. glorious benot the least of which are the ruinous the Party accept the cooperation of the organized Left wing groups in March, tion to the abolition of all classes and forgotten, within leading circles of the theoretical system of Marx applied and splits that have been imposed upon the Left Opposition in the class struggle ac workers vanguard, will take place only tons, in the trade unions and other or criticism is not a refutation. We did not equal.
1881. Here again, in our opinion, the to the creation of society of free and Communist parties today, in the course of the most relentless Bolganization and on every front where the these brought to its first victorious conclusion.
shevik fight against the bureaucrats of pressure of the class enemy is heaviest. but of its coming to life and playing of the materialist conception of history cial, the international character of the tionary friendship of Marx and Engels in speak of the existence of the group There could be no clearer exposition words. Apparently forgotten is also the But in that we found also the closest revoluonly with their downfall. In order that in the front ranks of every struggle with expressions were used deliberately. At sults of the relations of production, and been substituted the theory of Socialism of views, during he decisive revolution the workers who sincerely desire the out exception and will demonstrate its ter the practical elimination of the In the social organization necessarily unification of the Party may have no revolutionary qualities there now as it fol.
Illusions as to its actual meaning. this has in the past. The Oppositionists are dustrial Union from this field the Left lowing from it, traced to its logical con quences to the world Communist more in One Country with disastrous couscary events, of Lenin and Trotsky.
must be said directly, openly and plainly. ready to prove by deeds their right to wing workers in shops under control of clusion. Yet it skips none of its stages, The gigantie vision, the enormous and ment.
They are deceivers of the work with the Party militants. They the Schlesinger anion were obliged to but clearly and decisively specifies the all embracing perspective unfolded in Viewing the developments in the great the closing paragraph of the concise workers who, abusing their good will, will prove by deeds their right to be in into a group within the old anion was ing the transition period, the period be French revolution in historical retro statement of his materialist conception preach anity and capitulate the sen the Party.
eral sentiment for it without speaking In the Party or temporarily outside inevitable. But they could not play atween capitalism and Communism and spect Marx noted its continuous upward of history which Marx embodied in his progress. The rule of the Constitution. Introduction to the Critique of Political of the principle causes of the demorallz or it, cooperating with the Party in uni really effective part in the struggles. alists was followed by that of the Giron. Economy. 19 about to be realized. It worthless intriguants who dicker over te participate in them whatever the left the policy of the Parts and the official pany unfou idiocy, save directives for a dists and then by the Jacobins. Each reads as follows: The bourgeois rela unity in a dark corner without even cumstances of the moment, the Left opLeft wing made it impossible.
more sensible participation of the Left advancing force needing the indispenstions of production are the last antagonInforming the workers what is going on, position will retain its principle posigroup in the Internal affairs of the Local. able support of the next succeeding one. Istic form of the social process of proHke commission merchants with so many tions, and above all its internationalism. Unton declared the of this turn. The participation in the ed the revolution as far as it could or oping in the womb of bourgeois society First the Party and the Industrial The Aght against the tax was one sign When each party, in turn, had conduct duction. the productive forces develhead of livestock at their disposal. No, we are united for life and death with company union and forbade an organ recent elections was another. But theredared, and wanted to cry hait, it was create the material conditions for the the first step toward a genuine unifica the true inheritors of the October revolu Lzed struggle within it. See the resoluis yet a long way to go. The correction pushed aside by the bolder spirits who solution of that antagonism. This so tion of the Communist forces must be tion, the Bolshevik Leninists of Soviet tions of the Industrial Unton Convention of the Lett policy has only begun. had hitherto supported it, and cleared ctal formation constitutes, therefore, the frank statement of the different posi tions and the present attitude towards of the Bolshevik Leninists which now the Trotskyltes, the idea that it could radical change must yet take place, both away by the clullotine. But the prole closing chapter of the prehistorie stage them. All the wishes in the world win embraces the world. We do not seek be transformed into an organore the in theory and practice, before the left tariat, as Marx observed, had not yet of human society. ARNE SWABECK.
not bring unity for struggle in any other solution of the problem of unity on class struggle. This insane polley could wing can even become a serious contend emerged as a separate and distinct force way.
national basis; we do not separate our not stand up under the test of the actual supremacy has already been demonstrated er for supremacy. To contend that this out of the third estate.
In the fateful evevts of 1848 50, and This is not to say, of course, that the cause from theirs. If we are readmitted developments. Then the Stalinista chang comrade Bojarsky had to deceive himself preceeding them, in the July days, 1830, MINNEAPOLIS, ATTENTION!
differences must be gettled beforehand, to the American Party our first demanded it in the The Minneapolis comrades have artypleal Stalinist way, as to the obvious facts.
in France as well as the large scale ranged a JAMBOREE for or that the platform of the Left Opposi in free discussion will be: without saying so, and without changing tion must be accepted as a condition for After the reports of the convention of strikes in England in 1842 and in Sile night, May 21st, P. at the home of Reinstate the expelled oppositionists the theory which motivated it. As a reunity. We have never demanded that in Russia and all other sections of the sult there was a period during which the the International and the Plenum of the sian weavers insurrection in 1844, the the Ulrichson 4627 Colfax Ave. No.
The demand of the Left Opposition is Comintern! Recall Trotsky from Con Left members were organized into a return to this subject again. Meantime class but still remained an appendage of Press and as a send or for the had emerged as a distinct for the benefit of the Left Opposition for Party democracy, as Lenin party stantinople and Rakovsky from Siberia defined and practiced it. free and Release the thousands and tens of thou the purpose of splitting away little sec will be glad to print the opinions of the that these movements, Inspired by Com comrades and sympathizers of The Mih.
group within the company union for both the Militant and the Unser Kamt the middle class parties. Marx noted comrades leaving for the Plenum. All open discussion of the disputes within sands of Bolshevik Leninists from the tions. This muddle headed strategy also needle trades workers as to the the framework of the Party. onven Stalinist prisons and exile camps and suffered a collapse. How can you build and the inferences to be drawn from tism in England could no longer be look Spartacus are urgently invited to attend, facts munism on the continent and by Chartant and Unser Kamt, as well as Young tion whose delegates are fairly and hon restore them to their rightful place in a real fighting force within a union them. How does the Left wing stand ed upon as chance pheomena, but were An unusually interesting program is proestly selected on the basis of the discus the Party. That and only that will give you announce in advance your intention now and how can it regain its lost posl an expression of the aspirations of an mised. Johnson, Ourran and Miles Dunne slon. leadership freely elected by the a revolutionary, international substance of breaking it up?
tions? Letters on this theme, whether oppressed class. And, after the June, have their heads together. Nute said.
membership and subject to its control. to the slogan of Communist Unity.
Thus it was only recently, that the they coincide with our views or not, defeat in France of 1848, Marx coula Bring your friends!
The right of the minority to work in Party, while still mattering the com will be welcomed. draw the conclusion for the proletariat THE COMMITTEE.
mmun Saturday Stalinist Zig zags on the Question of the «United Front»
by LEON TROTSKY more powerful enemy only by straining one forces to as a herring. The only conceivable way out is in the their utmost; and it is imperative that one make use, domain of action. And the character of this action most painstakingly, carefully, cautiously and expert is determined not by juggling abstract categories but ly, of any rift between the enemies, no matter how by the real interrelations between the living historic tiny. But what are Thaelmann and Remmele under forces.
Manuilsky guidance doing? With might and main Oh, no! the functionaries keep drumming, we they are striving to cement with the theory of so shall first liquidate the social democracy. How?
cial Fascism and with the practice of sabotage against Very simply, we shall order our party organizations the United Front, the rift and what a rift between to recruit 100, 000 new members within such and such the social democracy and Fascism. period. Instead of political struggle merely proLenin enjoined that use be made of every opportun paganda. instead of dialectic strategy departmental (Continued from last Issue)
sacks of General Krasnov against Petrograd; the ity to gain a mass ally, no matter how temporary, plans. And what if the real development of the class Everyone should read the INFANTILE DISEASE or mensheviks supported Kerensky and Krasnov; the vacillating, unreliable, and adventitious Whoever struggle, at this very moment, has posed the ques LEFTISM. today it is the timeliest of timely books. It engineered the uprising of the junkers under the hasn been able to get that into his head he said tion of Fascism before the working class, as a life is in reference to just such situations as the present leadership of monarchist officers.
doesn understand an iota of Marxism, and of con and death question? Then the working class must one in Germany that Lenin speaks of we quote verBut this doesn at all mean that Bruening, Severing, temporary scientific socialism, in general. Prick up be wheeled about with its back to the question; it must batim the absolute necessity for the vanguard of Leipart and Hitler always and under all conditions your ears, prophets of the new Stalinist school: it be lulled; it must be convinced that the task of fighting the proletariat, for its class conscious section, for the belong to the same camp. Just now their interests is written here in black and white that you don un against Fascism is a minor task; that it will wait and Communist party to resort to tacking and veering in diverge. At the given moment the question that is derstand an iota of Marxism. It you Lenin spoke solve itself; that Fascism in reality rules already; that its course, to agreements and compromises with dif posed before the social democracy is not so much one of.
Hitler will add nothing new; that there is no cause to ferent proletarian groups, with different parties of of defending the foundations of capitalist society But, the Stalinists refute, without a victory over fear Hitler; that Hitler will only clear the road for workers and of small proprietors. The whole mat against proletarian revolution as of defending the the social democracy, victory over Fascism is impos the Communists.
ter lies in being able to apply this tactic for the sake semi parliamentarian bourgeois system against Fasc sible. Is this true? In a certain sense it is. Yet the Is that exaggerating, perhaps? No, this is the of raising and not lowering the common level of pro ism. The refusal to make use of this antagonism converse theorem is also true: without victory over exact and indubitable idea that motivates the leaders letarian class consciousness, of the revolutionary would be an act of gross stupidity.
Italian Fascism, victory over the Italian social dem of the Communist party. They do not always follow spirit, and of the capacity to fight and to win. To wage war for the purpose of overthrowing the ocracy is impossible. Both Fascism and the social it to its ultimate conclusion. On coming in contact But what steps does the Communist party take? international bourgeoisie, Lenin wrote in THE INFAN democracy are tools in the hands of the bourgeoisie. with the masses they recoil often from the ultimate Day in and day out, it reiterates in its newspapers TILE DISEASE OF LEPTISM, and to refuse beforehand so long as capital rules, Fascism and social democracy conclusions, they make a hodge podge of divers polthat the only United Front it will accept, is the one to tack and veer in one course and to make good use will exist in divers combinations. All the questions, icies, confusing themselves and the workers; but on all directed against Bruening, Severing, Leipart, Hitler of the antagonism (no matter how temporary) therefore, are educe the same denominator: the those occasio they try to make both ends meet, and their ilk. In the face of a proletarian uprising, terests between the enemies; to eschew agreements and proletariat must overthrow the bourgeois régime.
they proceed from the inevitability of the victory of Fascism.
there is no gainsaying it, there will be no difference compromises with possible (no matter how temporary, But just now, when régime is tottering in Gerbetween Bruening, Severing, Leipart, and Hitler. vacillating and adventitious) allies isn that too many, Fascism steps forward in its support. To lay TROTSKY.
Against the October Bolshevik uprising, the funny for words? Again we quote verbatim: the this supporter by the heels, we are told, it is first nec (To be Continued)
and the mensheviks united with the Cadets and Korn word we italicize in parentheses are Lenin essary to finish off the social democracy. Thus (From WHAT NEXT. Vital Questions for the Gerilov; Kerensky led the Black Hundreds and the Cos! We quote further. It is possible to vanquish al we are led into a vicious circle by schematism dead man Proletariat)